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1995 Minutes    January - February - March- April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December    Minutes 1995


Meeting Minutes of January 16, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman Charles Carter, Vice Chairman (joined the meeting at 8.30 p.m.)
Chris Costantino, John Bierschenk, Robert Walsh, full members
David Parker and Martha Phinney, Alternates acting as full members.
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: In discussion for the approval of the Minutes of the December 8, 1994 meeting, Hub Seward offered an amendment to Item #13 - Hartman Site Plan stating that it appeared from those Minutes that what he meant to say was not fully conveyed. On motion made by Chris Costantino, seconded by John Bierschenk, it was voted in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the December 8 1994 meeting with Item #13 amended as follows:

    "Hartman Site Plan: Lorraine advised that she had found this site plan in the MCC mail slot with a note attached stating that comments were needed by December 5 1994. She had sent a note to Bill Parker advising that the Commission would not be meeting until December 8. She had left the plan in the office for member review, but found it missing when preparing for the meeting.Hub advised that this was the first staff review case for which he is the Commission's representative, and that there was some confusion as to how to identify such paperwork. He hopes to have this straightened out in the future. The "staff review" process is not a committee and it does not "meet". Each individual provides written comments on any concerns that the Department which he represents might have or on the need for further information to evaluate. These collected comments are presented to the Planning Board. The Hartman Site Plan is for Map 19 Lot 23 and shows the addition of a 5000 sq.ft. warehouse to an existing commercial/industrial building. Hub saw this plan on the evening of December 4 and submitted comments with two concerns:

    1. Are the drainage ditches on the south and east sides as shown on site plan considered wetlands?
    2. Since the warehouse is in the Aquifer District, it should be noted that there are restrictions on the storage of toxic substances and hazardous materials. Hub also attended the Planning Board meeting on December 6 to see how these staff review comments were handled. At the meeting, the applicant was asked if any wetlands were involved and he or his engineer/representative stated "no". The Board accepted this statement. The Planning Board agreed that there is a restriction on storage of substances or materials within the Aquifer District and requested that a note be added to the plan which stated the restrictions. During the discussion it was revealed that this addition was to be built on speculation to be rented to any tenant who might want it. The Board had been under the assumption that it was to expand an existing business. There was also some confusion between hazardous substances and hazardous wastes which was straightened out. As a result of this Planning Board meeting, Hub noted to the Conservation Commission that the way the Aquifer ordinance is written, there are two separate sections which restrict what can be stored within the District. One section lists things that can be stored only with certain precautions and handling procedures. The other states things which are prohibited. Some future modification of this ordinance might clarify this and make the restrictions easier to locate. Also Hub noted that the Planning Board accepted the applicant's statement that there were no wetlands on the site and therefore the plan as submitted was correct. On Tuesday night after the Planning Board meeting, he visited the site which is just west of the Ames parking lot off Elm Street. The drainage on the Hartman site and also on the Ames site adjacent both appear to have wetland plant types. In fact half of the proposed addition and all of the relocated propane tanks might be in areas covered with wetland plant types. The Planning Board had mentioned that they are in the process of defining some rules on how to deal with man-made wetlands and whether they should be considered differently from natural wetlands. There is no distinction in the current ordinances. Hub suggested that the Commission should work with the Planning Board on this subject."

  2. CARL OLSEN, ALTERNATE: With Carl not being present at this meeting it was still not know whether or not he had taken the Oath of Office as should have been done in April 1994.

  3. MARTHA PHINNEY: Martha had called Lorraine ahead of the meeting to advise she would not be able to be present until 8p.m. On her behalf, Lorraine advised the members that Martha had already taken the Oath of Office and was therefore an Alternate Member of the Commission.

  4. OSGOOD POND DREDGING: Several issues on this subject were discussed:
    1. Meeting with the Selectmen: Lorraine advised the members that a meeting with the Selectmen, Carl Chappell and the abutters to Osgood Pond has been scheduled for Monday, January 30 1995 at 7 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. She has sent notification letters to the abutters. The object of this meeting is to advise the abutters of the project, provide information, answer questions, and develop a plan and timing for the dredging of the pond. All members of the Commission were requested to be present.

    2. At the time the UNH students presented their Management Plan for the Pond, the issue of the large amount of waterfowl present on the pond was discussed as well as the artificial feeding of these birds by the general public. The students had suggested developing an ordinance to prohibit such feeding. With this in mind, Lorraine had obtained a copy of such an ordinance from the Town of Meredith, had re-written it with Milford in mind, and had given it to the Selectmen for their consideration. With the package was the draft of a proposed sign prohibiting the feeding, and also an information sheet as to why this feeding should not take place. At their meeting on January 4 1995, the Selectmen had decided against an ordinance at this point in time, but were in favor of a notice being erected at the Hazel Burns Memorial Park at the dam. site, explaining why artificial feeding of the waterfowl should not take place. After review of the materials presented, the members were in favor of the information sign being erected, and Lorraine will work with Charles Carter on this as he had offered to prepare the sign board itself.

    Lorraine also offered to prepare a Letter to the Editor of the Milford Cabinet (on behalf of the Commission) further publicizing the reasons why artificial feeding should not take place. Hub expressed the view that the large numbers of snails in the pond should be added to the list of reasons, and Lorraine will look into this further.

    In preparation for the meeting of January 30, Lorraine was preparing a brief summary of the information in the students' report. She will provide Hub with a copy of this as he will be presenting the "case" at the meeting and will also have spare copies available for interested parties at that meeting.

    Lorraine updated the members on events that had taken place on this matter since the December meeting. A member of the Wetlands Board's staff had made an on site inspection of the area and had then called Lorraine to advise that the inspector's opinion was that the situation "can easily be rectified if new silt fences were installed properly and immediately". This opinion was put in writing to the Commission, together with the request that the Wetlands Board be provided with a letter and photographs within 20 days after these fences have been installed.

    Lorraine had talked to Bill Parker and Bob Courage about the fences, and it was felt that Public Works could indeed erect them. No time for this work to be done has yet been set. On January 1 1995, Hub had reviewed the area and had taken photographs of the situation so that a record would be available of "before and after". The members reviewed the photographs. In Hub's written report he had indicated that that the small area of land from the swinging bridge to the dam site was not owned by the Town. Lorraine provided a plan of this entire 10 acre town owned site that clarified that the town does indeed own land from the swinging bridge.

    In discussions, the members asked Lorraine to make arrangements with Bob Courage regarding erection of the silt fence. Further remedial Actions were also discussed which included rip rap, seeding, and generally better stabilizing of the river bank in this area. It was felt that a meeting with Bob Courage and Bill Parker should be arranged to discuss these matters and develop a plan of action. Once the silt fence has been re-erected Lorraine will pursue the plan of meeting with Bob Courage etc. Hub requested that all members unfamiliar with the details of this site, make an on site inspection of the area.

    Gerry Gagne of Meridian Land Services and a representative of Dunkin Donuts met with the Commission to discuss the proposed location of a third such business in Milford, this one on Elm Street on Map 12 Lot 13. The site involves wetlands, the aquifer protection district, and whether or not there is sufficient open space on the lot with the amount of wetlands on site.

    Gerry Gagne advised the Commission that the proposal is for a 25 seat shop and that the two existing mobile homes on the site will be removed. The soils and vegetation to the rear of the site indicate wetlands.There will be 3,630 sq.ft. of wetland disturbance and 6,288 sq.ft. ofBuffer Zone disturbance. The total area of the lot is 41,700 sq.ft.,with the wetlands covering 44% of the lot. Surface drainage from the proposed paved parking area will be directed towards the wetlands at the rear of the site. The site is out of the Flood Plain District. The case will have to go before the Board of Adjustment because of It being in the Aquifer Protection District and also because of the wetland disturbance needed to develop the site as proposed. Mr. Gagne indicated that the Dredge and Fill application will be coming in about mid February. He also indicated that the proposed disturbance falls into the Expedited Minimum Impact Application.

    Mr. Gagne explained that the site is on the sanitary sewer line, but that town water ends at the old McLeod farm stand site. Therefore a well will be built on the site to the rear of the building and on the edge of the wetlands, but not part of it. The well however, will disturb the 25 foot buffer zone. With the parking lot draining into the wetlands, it means that it will drain directly towards the proposed well site. The building will be on a slab foundation with no basement. It was stated that there will be one tractor trailer truck delivery per week, with other products being delivered in smaller trucks.

    Mr. Gagne indicated that the dredge and fill application will be an Expedited Minimum Impact application. At this point in time, the Commission had not settled on a policy of action for this new type of application which puts all responsibility onto the Commission, and Lorraine urged the members to do an on site inspection before processing any paperwork. This is scheduled for Saturday morning at 8a.m. Note: In later discussion of this project, Lorraine stated that she Did not feel, from what she knows about the new applications, that this case would fall into the expedited category. If it does not then there is no imperative need for an on site inspection. If it does, then the application should be in hand for the on site as various measurements, statements etc. made on the application have to be verified by the Commission. It was decided she would call Gerry tomorrow and then advise those members who plan to do the on site on Saturday, accordingly.

    This case will be discussed further at the January 26 meeting of the Commission. A recommendation will be needed to the Board of Adjustment and perhaps the Wetlands Board, depending on the type of application involved.

  7. EXPEDITED MINIMUM IMPACT PROJECT APPLICATIONS: Prior to this meeting, Lorraine had presented each member with a draft she had prepared of a policy to be followed for each and every minimum impact application to come before the Commission, explaining that it was recommended by the Wetlands Board that a policy be developed and followed in each case to avoid variations in actions taken or not taken. In discussion of the draft, it was decided that Hub would reword the first paragraph, and would get that to Lorraine in time to be mailed out to the members with these Minutes so that the policy could be finalized at the January 26 meeting. While on the subject of this policy, Lorraine reminded the members that a long tape measure would be needed to check out measurements on the application. Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted in the affirmative to authorize Lorraine to purchase a 100 foot measure.

  8. NHACC HANDBOOK UPDATES: Lorraine advised the members that updating pages for 1994 are available for these handbooks. The cost per set is $3.00 and 13 sets are needed. Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted in the affirmative to authorize the expenditure of $42.00 for the purchase of 13 sets of 1994 updating pages for the Handbooks.

    With time being short, Lorraine gave each member a copy of the above two items without them being reviewed, and asked members to call her with any questions they may have. It was noted that the unexpended balance for 1994 was in the amount of $1,121.14, and this has been deposited into the Accumulative Fund.

  10. WETLANDS CONSERVATION DISTRICT PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Lorraine advised the members that in the process of obtaining enough of the documents referenced in the ordinance so that copies can be available as required in the Planning Office and the Town Clerk's Office, she found the Commission did not have a copy at all of the "United States Soil Conservation Service Survey Maps Completed in 1972 for the Town of Milford, NH". She called the SCS office and talked to Gerry Rosenburg, Soils Scientist, and learned from him that this set of maps was only a preliminary study and should never have been referenced in the ordinance in the first place. She therefore proposed that reference to these maps be eliminated from the Ordinance at the March 1995 Town Meeting, and with this in mind had provided Bill Parker, Planning Director with the proposed change. Bill confirmed that this issue will be brought before the public hearing on proposed zoning changes to be held on Tuesday, January 17 1995 in the Town Hall at 7p.m. Members were provided with copies of the same paperwork.

  11. AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT: The members were also advised that at the same above public hearing, minor changes would be proposed by the Planning Board to this ordinance. They are: Section 6.014 Prohibited Uses - "J" to read "Filling Stations", and "L" to read "Motor Vehicle Repair Facility"

    Lorraine advised the members that the EPA would be holding a public hearing on this matter in the Town Hall on Tuesday, January 17 1995 at 7p.m. Members were urged to attend. It was noted that potential impacts of cleaning up this site which also includes a former storage shed on Mill Street and the drainage ditch which runs from a small pond south of Mill Street north towards the Souhegan River and under the paint works building, include temporary closure or rerouting of traffic on Elm Street and Mill Street, the closure of Keyes Field for several years to provide space to manage and store the contaminated and clean soils, to construct and operate a treatment system and to provide space for necessary facilities, the temporary relocation of residents on the south side of Mill Street during excavation of residential soils ' and the temporary shut down of the railroad system which may be required during excavation activities on Mill Street.

    Selectman Marilyn Kenison and Planning Director Bill Parker met with the Commission to discuss the desire to purchase this 20 acre site for recreation and conservation purposes. Bill explained that it was hoped the Commission would be willing to Put forward funding for the purchase of the land, from the Conservation Land Fund.

    He explained that this site is mainly flat and very suitable for Recreation field space. The owners are asking $150,000 for the land which has considerable frontage on the Souhegan River. This means that part of the land is included in the 50 foot buffer zone in from the River, and part of it is also in the Flood Plain. The current owners are interested in developing this land in low-income housing project, should the Town not purchase it as proposed. Bill stated that the State Land and Water Conservation Committee had awarded $25,000 matching funds for the project. However, when Hub read the letter from DRED to this effect, he was of the opinion that this amount of funding was by no means secured. It was added that the Milford Rotary Club would be donating $3,000 and the Club had also indicated a willingness to provide manpower. Ms. Kenison stated that both the Arthur Keyes Memorial Trust and the Kaley Foundation would be approached for funds as well. Bill stated that Roger Chappell who owns property of about 6 acres abutting the site on the right and which includes an island in the River, had verbally indicated a desire to donate his land should the Town raise sufficient funds to purchase the property from Stellos & Whalen. The site also abuts Riverside Cemetery and it was stated that part of the Stellos/Whalen site could be used as expansion of the cemetery.

    Bob Walsh expressed the opinion that to use funds from the Conservation Land Fund for this property would not be in order because this property was mainly for recreation and the funds in the Land Fund had been appropriated by the towns people for "conservation purposes". He felt there should be a warrant article requesting an affirmative vote of the people to transfer funds from the Land Fund to the purchase of this property.

    In answer to questions regarding the use of funds in the Land Fund, Lorraine advised the members she had checked into the RSA's and found that there is no distinction made between funding in the Land Fund and funds appropriated to the Commission in general. Funds appropriated to a commission may be expended at the discretion of that commission. However, she pointed out that when the Conservation Land Fund was originally set up, the towns people voted to appropriate funds "for conservation land".

    Charles Carter expressed the concern that if land funds were used for this property which he felt was more recreation than conservation, there was little chance of the funds being replaced in the foreseeable future. He noted that no appropriation has been made to this fund in several years, the Commission's requests having been turned down. Bob Walsh reiterated his opinion that the Town gave money for Conservation land and not recreation land, he being of the opinion that ball fields did not fall into an acceptable use of conservation land. Chris Costantino, a member of the Recreation Committee, expressed disagreement stating that she saw no difference and felt money in the land fund could be used for this purpose.

    Hub pointed out that with no support from the Town for the Land Fund For several years, should the Commission now decide to help out, there should be assurances that it will have the support of the Town when it requests funding for the Land Fund in the future.

    Charles Carter put forward the suggestion that something in writing be obtained from Mr. Chappell regarding his interest in donating his land to be part of this project. His land is mainly wooded and well populated with wildlife; it also would increase the river frontage and has the added attraction of the island, which is reachable on foot during the dry season.

    Lorraine put forward the suggestion to the members that should they be in favor of supporting the purchase of this property for recreation/conservation. that they do so but with a very specifically defined area as being that for which they are using the funds in the Land Fund. She added that the dimensions of the area in question should be spelled out in a deed that would give the Commission jurisdiction over that area. In discussions of this idea, Charles put forward the suggestion that this conservation area should also include the land hopefully to be donated by the Chappells. Possible uses of this conservation land included a boat ramp for canoes. It was felt this would be an acceptable use of part of the conservation land.

    It was decided to give the members time to think about this entire idea and to discuss it further at the January 26 1995 meeting. In the meantime Hub asked that all members not familiar with the property take time to review it before the January 26 meeting. Arrangements were tentatively made to review this property following the Saturday 8a.m. on site at the Dunkin Donut property.
Because of the lateness of the hour and the untouched items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 10.15p.m., to be continued on Thursday, January 26 1995.

The meeting schedule is as follows:
  1. Saturday, January 21 1995 8a.m.: on site inspection of Dunkin Donut site followed by a review of the Stellos/ Whalen site.
  2. Thursday, January 26, 1995, 7.30p.m.: next meeting of the Commission.

Reminders of Meetings: Tuesday, January 17 1995 7p.m.:
  1. EPA/Fletcher Paint Works Public Hearing
  2. Planning Board Public Hearing on Zoning changes.


Meeting Minutes of January 26, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman,
Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
Chris Costantino, Carol Whitson, Robert Walsh, John Bierschenk, Full Members,
Dave Parker Alternate Acting full member,
Martha Phinney, Alternate
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Bob Walsh and seconded by John Bierschenk, the Minutes of the January 16, 1995 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. EXPEDITED MINIMUM IMPACT PERMIT APPLICATIONS: The members reviewed a draft of a policy governing review of this type of Dredge and Fill application as prepared by Hub Seward. He offered to options - one in which the decision would be made at the site, and one in which the decision would be made at put a motion on the floor, seconded by Dave Parker and voted in the affirma tive to, adopt the option with decision making to be at a regular public meeting. Hub will make the necessary changes to his draft to abide by this decision. It was noted that this policy may well have to be amended as time goes by and experience accumulates regarding the handling of the expedited permit process.

  3. DOUG BIANCHI/EXPEDITED MINIMUM IMPACT PERMIT/PSSIF #6: Tim Ferwooder of Meridian Land Services met with the Commission to discuss this application which involves replacement of a culvert for a driveway on Map 6 Lot 22 off North River Road. It was stated that the original culvert which is now broken) was placed prior to 1969, the year in which the Wetlands Board was formed, which means the original culvert placement did not require any kind of Dredge and Fill Permit. Tim explained that the new crossing will be in the same place as the existing one and three 36inch culverts will be used for the driveway. The current culvert consists of 2 cement pipes of 30 inch diameter which does not appear to be sufficient for the water flow. The driveway will be 12 feet wide with 3:1 side slopes. The pipes will be about 30 feet long to accommodate the year-round stream. After discussion, the decision was made to make an on site inspection at 9.30a.m. on Friday, February 3 1995, meeting at Chris Costantino's house on North River Road. The decision will be made at the next regular public meeting of the Commission which will be February 9 1995.

  4. DUNKIN DONUTS/DREDGE AND FILL: Members had made an on site inspection of this site on Saturday, January 21 1995, and because Tim Ferwooden was involved in development of the plans for the site, the members discussed their find ings with him present. Concerns were expressed that the 25 foot Buffer Zone around the wetlands at the back of the site will be completely eliminated by the proposed development, as well as encroachment into the wetlands it self. Currently the paved parking area will drain right into the wetlands. Members expressed concerns that with the current plans, any and all runoff from the paved parking lot would go directly into the wetland. It was also established that the plans for this site before the Commission were conceptual plans only. After further discussions Chris Costantino stated she would return to the site to try to find just where the stream from the property enters the Souhegan River across Elm Street. After discussions, Chris Costantino put a motion,on the floor, seconded by Carol Whitson and voted in the affirmative to make the following recommendations to the Board of Adjustment:

    • No salt to be used on the paved parking area.

    • All snow to be removed from the site; no snow is to be pushed into the wetlands.

    • The parking lot should be pulled back 24 feet from the current proposed southern end.

    • A vegetative buffer and/or curbing should be placed along the southern end.

    • It must be noted that only conceptual plans have been reviewed and therefore final recommendations can only be made when final plans are available.

    It was noted that the Dredge and Fill application for this project will not be filed until mid February. It was further noted that should the parking lot be reduced as recommended, this project may fall into the expedited permit process because less than 3,000 sq.ft. of wetland disturbance will exist.

  5. SOUTHERN NH FLYING EAGLES RC CLUB/HITCHINER TOWN FOREST: Lorraine advised the members that Joseph Marrone of the above organization met with the Selectmen on December 19 1994 with the objective of finding a suitable field in Milford for flying model aircraft. The Club currently has the use of two fields, one in Merrimack which is too small, and one in New Boston which is not available year round. The area needed is about 2 football fields long and 3 football fields wide. At that meeting, the use of the Hitchiner Town Forest was discussed and arrangements were made for Selectman Ricciardi to review the location with Mr. Marrone. Lorraine then received a phone call from Michael Wisniewski who lives on the corner of Osgood and Mullen Roads who advised her he had talked to a group from the Club who were reviewing the site over a .recent weekend. His report was that the Club wished to remove the trees growing between the two smaller fields, put down a runway, and build a new parking lot which would mean crossing part of one of the two fields. It would also include bulldozer work. With this information, Lorraine talked to the selectmen's secretary and indicated to her that because this property falls under the jurisdiction of the Commission, she felt sure the Commission would appreciate discussing the proposal with Mr. Marrone. As a result of this, Mr. Marrone will be meeting with the Selectmen on Monday, January 30 1995 to discuss the matter further. He is scheduled for 7.30p.m., with the Osgood Pond dredging issue scheduled for 7p.m. at which time members of the Commission are to be present anyway.

  6. OSGOOD POND DREDGING: Lorraine reminded the members that there is to be a meeting with the Commission, the Selectmen, the abutters to the Pond and Carl Chappell at 7p.m. on Monday January 30 1995 at 7p.m. to finalize the plans for dredging the pond, and to address any concerns the abutters may have. All members of the Commission were requested to attend. She presented members present with a summary she had prepared of the UNH students' Management Plan and had spare copies for interested parties at the meeting on Monday. She had also , prepared the notice to be erected in spring at the Pond requesting the general public not to feed the waterfowl, as well as a draft of a Letter to the Editor of the Milford Cabinet. Time did not permit a review of these two items, and they will be discussed at the next meeting.

  7. STELLOS/WHALEN LAND: Further to the on site performed by members of the Commission on January 21 1995 and an additional on site by Lorraine and Bill Parker on January 24 1995, Bill Parker had prepared a plan of the property showing what would be set aside as conservation land should the Commission agree to contribute monies from the Conservation Land Fund for this purpose. The conservation buffer is that area located between the Souhegan River and a line offset 30 feet parallel to the southerly line of the 25 foot wide sewer easement. In order to have a monetary amount of some kind on the floor for discussion, Hub Seward put forward the amount of $25,000.00. Chris Costantino made a motion which was seconded by Carol Whitson to contribute the amount of $25,000 towards the purchase of the property. No vote was taken. During discussion, various opinions were put on the floor including the fact that this area of land as defined above, is already protected by a 50 foot wide wetland buffer zone and a 25 foot wide sewer easement. The flood plain also effects any future development of the land. Charles Carter felt that if conservation lands funds are expended, it should be for conservation land, to which-Bob Walsh agreed. Bob Walsh expressed the opinion that the whole project is for recreational land and that funds should be sought at Town Meeting for that purpose. He felt it is not conservation land as such; that-the Towns' people had entrusted monies for the purpose of protecting conservation land and this project did not fall into that category. There is a gravel road already within the conservation area proposed, which roadway is needed for access to the Curtis Well pump house, also within the conservation area proposed, and this detracts from the conservation value. The opinion was expressed that should recreation fields be developed, with recreational events taking place, it would also detract from the passive recreational use of the conservation area. Carol Whitson was of the opinion that the Commission could support both the conservation and recreation uses proposed. After considerable discussion, the Chairman asked for a yes/no decision from each member. At this point, Charles Carter stated that he felt. Chris Costantino should not take part in the vote because she serves on the Recreation Committee involved in securing the land for recreational purposes. The members and Chris agreed with this, and she therefore refrained from partaking in the vote. Before the voting took place, Dave Parker had had to leave the meeting, and it was therefore established that with less than 7 full members present, Martha Phinney, Alternate, would be an Acting Full Member. The voting was as follows: Bob Walsh voted against contributing funding; John Bierschenk voted against; Carol Whitson voted for contributing funds; Martha Phinney voted for funding; Charles Carter voted against funding. The contributing of funds from the Conservation Land Fund towards this project failed by three to two.

    For the members' benefit, Lorraine advised them as follows concerning the current fund in the Conservation Land Fund: Since the inception of this Fund,, the Town has appropriated a total of $200,000 all of which was unassigned except for $65,000 assigned to the Burns parcel in the Tucker Brook Town Forest. Expenses which include cost of land and associated costs, amounts to $212, 456.49. The total interest the account has earned since 1985 amounts to $38,791.93 as of December 31 1994. The current balance in the account is $38,448.47 which is made up of interest earned totally. (Other sources of income totalled $12,113.03. As by pre-arrangement, Lorraine left a note on the Selectmen's secretary's desk regarding the decision of the Commission on the funding because this has an effect on the amount of the warrant article.

  8. McLANE DAM SILTATION: Lorraine advised the members that she had talked to Bob Courage, Director of Public Works, regarding the erection of the silt fence, and was advised he would be doing the work as soon as the ice leaves the River.

  9. S.C.S./NEW NAME: As an information item, Lorraine advised the members she had received notification that the USDA Soil Conservation Service now has a new name, namely Natural Resources Conservation Service.

  10. LORDEN GRAVEL OPERATION, PHASE III: Plans for Phase III of this operation off Mason Road came before the Commission. It had already been approved by the Planning Board. Lorraine briefed the members on what she knew about the operation from previous on site visits she had made over the several years of its operation, and reported that she had always found the operation in good order with restoration work being well done.

  11. WETLAND CONSERVATION DISTRICT: Lorraine advised the members-that though the Planning Board had discussed the proposed change to this ordinance during its public hearing on January 17 1995, no action was taken. This means that the proposed change to eliminate one referenced document namely United States Soil Conservation Service Survey Maps Completed in 1972 for the Town of Milford, NH, will not take place at the upcoming Town Meeting. From Bill Parker she later learned that it would be best for the Commission to officially meet with the Planning Board regarding this change sometime in early October. She will make arrangements for this when the time comes.

  12. DADOLY/PISANO CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Lorraine stated that in today's mail, she had received the signed document from Mr. and Mrs. Pisano. The document was duly signed by the Commission members and was left in the Town Hall for the Selectmen's signatures at their meeting on January 30 1995. After that Lorraine will ensure the document is recorded in the Registry of Deeds and that Mr. and Mrs. Pisano receive a copy of the recorded document. She also advised that today she had received a phone call from Mr. Dadoly who now resides in Texas, advising her that he was signing his

(Meeting Minutes are incomplete)
(The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Conservation Commission will be February 9, 1995.)


Meeting Minutes of February 9, 1995

Hub,Seward, Chairman, Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
Chris Costantino, full member
Dave Parker and Carl Olsen, Alternates, Acting full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: The Minutes of the January 26, 1995 meeting were not acted upon due to the fact insufficient members were present at the February 9, 1995 meeting, who were present at the January 26, 1995 meeting. The Minutes will be approved at the March 9, 1995 meeting.

  2. CROWN HILL/STEVE DESMARAIS/MONADNOCK SURVEY INC.: Phil Tuomala of Monadnock Survey met with the Commission regarding Crown Hill development on Stable Road, Map 49 Lot 3, which involved wetlands. This proposed subdivision came before the Commission a while ago and was approved by the Planning Board in October 1993. A legal suit against Steve Desmarais ensued, which was resolved in Steve's favor. Phil explained that as a result of the legal expenses incurred, Steve now wished to create an additional lot in the subdivision to help defray those expenses. In order to do this, Lots 49-3-1 and 49-3-2 will be decreased in area, as will lot 49-3-7. Parcel A on the original subdivision will to added to the new lot, 49-3-18. In order to reach the new lot, there will be a driveway crossing a wetland. The proposed culvert will be 40 feet long and 15 inches in diameter. Approximately 18000 sq.ft. of wetland and 2400 sq.ft. of Buffer Zone will be disturbed. The area is poorly drained wetland soils. Because of the current snow cover, Phil met with the members to advise them of what is proposed and obtain their input. Discussion took place as to whether or not this would fall into the new expedited permit applications, one concern was that there was already a regular Dredge and Fill Permit in effect for the rest of the development. Phil stated he would discuss the matter with Steve and would also be in contact with the Wetlands Board, and the matter would then be referred back to the Commission for final action.

  3. DOUG BIANCHI/PSSIF #6/MAP 6 LOT 22: Together with Tim Ferwerder, two members made an on site inspection of this area on February 3 1995. It was reported that no paperwork was available at the time of the inspection, and with the Policy for Expedited Review not yet in place, things were confusing. This was also the first such permit application under review. After discussions, it was decided to sign the application form, upon motion made by Charles Carter, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted in the affirmative. However, when Hub Seward came to signing the application forms, it was found that they were not in order. Lorraine will be in touch with Tim to have this straightened out (a clerical issue), and Hub will then sign the forms.

  4. STELLOS/WHALEN LAND: Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, seconded by Dave Parker and voted in the affirmative to reconsider the vote of the January 26 1995 meeting, that vote being against contributing funds towards the purchase of this land. Hub Seward offered an alternative in that the Commission go before Town Meeting and advise that it was divided in opinion as to whether or not the town's people would be in favor of an expenditure from the Land Fund for this purpose, and obtain their decision before making a final commitment. After considerable discussion, Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, and it was seconded by Dave Parker that the Commission appropriate $25,000.00 contingent upon the Town supporting the purchase of the Stellos/Whalen property. The vote was three in favor of the motion, with Charles Carter voting against the motion.

  5. PISANO/DADOLY CONSERVATION EASEMENT AGREEMENT: The members signed the agreement received recently from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dadoly. Lorraine will make arrangements to have both deeds recorded. This brings to a close the project of obtaining these deeds to the conservation easements over the two lots on Kasey Drive.

  6. SULLIVAN CONSERVATION LAND: The members reviewed a report prepared by John Ferguson, County Forester, on this 26 acre parcel, which Town meeting will be. requested to make part of the Tucker Brook Town Forest. It was John's opinion that the land has value because it connects the Town Forest to the Meadow brook Conservation Easement and provides protection to Tucker Brook. It was his opinion that the land did not have a lot of valuable trees on it, but was more valuable for recreation and wildlife than timber. John recommended the first thing the Commission do is mark the boundaries and he offered to assist with this. He provided a sketch of existing trails also showing recommendations for additional trails including one through the Meadowbrook Conservation Easement which would lead to Route 101. Regarding scheduling of an on site inspection, the members requested that this be put on the March meeting agenda.

  7. SOUTHERN NH FLYING EAGLES: Hub reported that representatives of this Club met with the Selectmen on January 30 1995, and withdrew their request to use the Hitchiner Town Forest for flying model airplanes, stating it was not the most suitable area.

  8. NHACC ANNUAL DUES: On motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Charles Carter it was voted unanimously to pay the amount of $340.00 as the dues for 1995.

  9. WARRANT ARTICLES: The Commission has the following Warrant Articles going before Town Meeting: Article 9 - transferring the jurisdiction of the Wentzell land on Armory Road to the Commission; Article 10 - to transfer the jurisdiction of the Trombly land on Mason Road to the Commission and to make it part of the Tucker Brook Town Forest; and Article 11 - to make the Sullivan Conservation Land off Whitten Road part of the Tucker Brook Town Forest. Hub agreed to speak on all three at Town Meeting and he and Lorraine will get together to compile the necessary information.

  10. RICCIARDI HARTSHORN MEMORIAL PARK: Lorraine advised the members that the Commander of the American Legion had requested that she arrange to have a couple of small evergreens planted on either side of the granite stone on this park, and she asked if the Commission would be willing to purchase the shrubs. Chris Costantino stated that there were too many Globe Arborvitae shrubs in Emerson Park, and if it was in order, she would arrange to have them transplanted from there to the Memorial Park. It was agreed this would be quite in order.

  11. SOUTHERN N.H. CONSERVATION COMMISSIONS: Lorraine advised she had finally obtained a list of the Commissions involved in this organization, and was ready to organize a meeting of the group and have a representative of the Office of State Planning give a talk on LCIP and its on-going involvement in lands protected with its funds. It was agreed that this would be arranged for either the first or second Monday in April, depending on the availability of the speaker. Lorraine will attend to all the arrangements.

  12. MEDLYN BROOK/LAUREL BROOK: Lorraine updated the members on the events surrounding the naming of this brook which begins at Emerson Road, runs past Richard Medlyn's property on Nashua Street, and finds its way to the Souhegan River. Naming the brook Medlyn Brook had about been finalized, when Dick Medlyn called Lorraine to say that some of his relatives who live along the brook were not happy with naming it, and also not happy with the name Medlyn Brook. About the same time, Lorraine learned from Guy Fitch who had lived in that area of town for many years, that he recollected the name of the brook as being Laurel Brook. Dick Medlyn had no problem with this name but apparently one of his relatives was under the impression that this brook did not have a name at all, let alone Laurel Brook! The Selectmen asked her to try to find a name for this brook on an old map of Milford. She has looked on some old maps she owns, but no name was indicated. She will try to find something on maps that may be in the Library. However, in the meantime, the Selectmen have also requested that the Commission meet with the abutters to the brook to discuss the matter and perhaps come up with a name that will suit the majority. The Commission agreed to hold this meeting of abutters on April 13 1995, the regular April meeting of the Commission.

  13. OSGOOD POND DREDGING: A number of issues were discussed regarding this matter.
    1. Letter to the Editor: Lorraine presented a draft of this letter she had prepared to be put in the Milford Cabinet at the time the proposed sign will be erected at the dam regarding not feeding the waterfowl. She added that the Cabinet was interested in publishing a photograph of the sign being erected in the same issue of the paper as the letter. After reading the draft, Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, seconded by Charles Carter and voted in the affirmative to accept the draft as presented. Lorraine will ensure it is published and will make arrangements for the photograph.
    2. Sign for the Park: Lorraine had prepared a typed sign to be erected in spring requesting no feeding of the waterfowl. She and Charles will work together on the sign itself.
    3. Public Hearing with Abutters: Hub reported he and Lorraine had attended this meeting on January 30, 1995 with the Board of Selectmen. The end product of this meeting was that plans were made to draw down the pond as soon as possible, so that when the waterfowl return in spring, there will be no pond for them to nest on. Lorraine stated this would prevent flightless ducklings and goslings from being on the pond were it to be drawn down in mid June. The Selectmen requested the Commission to proceed with application for the Dredge and Fill Permit immediately.
    4. Dredge and Fill Permit: Lorraine advised the members that the proposed work in Osgood Pond is considered maintenance dredging, and therefore falls into the new expedited permit process, it being PSSIF #11. She advised she was in the process of getting all the documentation ready to go with the application to Concord; that the permit will be in the name of the Town of Milford, but that the Commission would have to sign the application, it being an expedited application. Bob Courage would also sign as the Town's agent. Lorraine asked Hub Seward to take a few pictures of the area to be dredged as required by the application. He agreed. Charles said he thought he had a couple of pictures taken in summertime and would give them to Lorraine if he could find them. Lorraine had also heard that there was an individual at the Extension Service who could give information regarding how deep the pond should be to attract certain kinds of fish suitable for recreational fishing and she will pursue this as time permits.

    Regarding the application and the $50.00 fee, the following votes were made: On motion made by Charles Carter and seconded by Chris Costantino it was voted unanimously to sign the expedited permit application form. On motion made by Dave Parker and seconded by Charles Carter, it was voted in the affirmative to authorize expenditure of the $50.00 fee.


Meeting Minutes of March 9, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman, Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
Chris Costantino, John Bierschenk, full members,
Martha Phinney, Acting Full Member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Charles Carter, seconded by John Bierschenk and voted in the affirmative, the Minutes of the January 26, 1995 meeting were accepted as presented. On motion made by Chris Costantino, seconded by Charles Carter and voted in the affirmative, the Minutes of the February 9, 1995 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. SULLIVAN CONSERVATION LAND: Plans were discussed to arrange a walk of this land with John Ferguson. Lorraine advised that John would be retiring from the County Forester position as of March 31 1995 and the on site should be done before then if he is to accompany the members. It was decided to find out if John could make it on a Saturday morning, either Saturday March 18 or 25 1995. Lorraine will find out and call the members.

  3. SOUTHERN NH CONSERVATION COMMISSIONS: Lorraine advised the members that the talk on LCIP has been scheduled for Monday, April 10 1995 from 7.30p.m. to about 9p.m. in the Banquet Hall in the Town Hall. Hub was asked to make arrangements at the beginning of this meeting regarding the next meeting and which Commission will host it. It was also decided to serve coffee and donuts, and Lorraine will take care of this.

  4. MEDLYN/LAUREL BROOK: Lorraine advised that the meeting with the abutters to this brook has been scheduled at 8p.m. at the Thursday, April 13 1995 regular Commission meeting. Notices will be sent to the abutters on March 21 1995. Regarding the name of the Brook, Lorraine advised that Mr. Guy Fitch recalled the brook as being named "Laurel Brook", and she had also talked to Mr. Robert Seavey who recalled the same name. In talking to the Selectmen about the name, they favored it being called Laurel Brook if that was in order with the abutters. Lorraine had not been able to find the brook named on any old maps of Milford.

  5. DREDGING OF OSGOOD POND: Lorraine updated the members on several issues concerning this project.
    1. Dredge and Fill Permit Application: On February 21 1995, she and Bob Courage had taken the application to the Wetlands Bureau. On arrival, they were advised that because of the amount of area to be dredged, it did not fall under the expedited permit system in spite of the fact Lorraine had been so advised earlier. It was decided by the Wetlands Bureau that because of this misinformation and the fact that the expedited forms did not indicate the size of the maintenance dredging falling into this category, that the Commission would have to submit the application on the regular form, but it would be considered as expedited by the Bureau. Lorraine therefore completed the regular forms and mailed them to Concord that afternoon. Today she had been advised that the permit had been issued.
    2. Meeting with Board of Selectmen: Lorraine had met with the Selectmen on March 6 1995 regarding ownership of the pond bottom. It was established that the Town could drain the pond without the Dredge and Fill Permit in hand, but Bob Courage had offered the opinion that with the thickness of the ice he was reluctant to drain the pond fearing that somebody could walk on the ice and go through it because it would be unsupported by water beneath. The Selectmen were not happy with draining the pond until they had had at least a verbal commitment from Carl Chappell that he would indeed do the work. It was decided Lorraine would contact Carl in this matter. It was also agreed that the dredging would begin at the dam and go across the entire width of the pond and that Carl would do as much as possible in the way of dredging, working his way towards the further end of the pond, with a cut off date of September 15 1995 so that the pond could be filled again for the fall migration of the waterfowl. There are no plans for further dredging once the pond has been filled back up. It was also decided to allow Carl a reasonable free hand in designing the new pond bottom with some areas as deep as 8 to 10 feet, and other areas shallower, and with gently sloping banks. The Selectmen had also received a letter from Jerry Abdinoor, an abutter of the Pond expressing various concerns such as ownership of the pond bottom and the fact that he understood his land went to the center of the stream running through the pond. Lorraine had provided the Selectmen with a copy of Mr. Abdinoor's deed which proved he owned only to the "high water mark". She also provided various old deeds which indicated the Town owned the pond bottom, but she had not been able to find any deeds which actually clearly deeded it to the Town.
    3. Carl Chappell's Commitment: On March 8 1995, Lorraine had talked to Carl regarding the above, and obtained his verbal commitment to do the work and his willingness to sign the "gentleman's agreement" as desired by the Selectmen. Lee Mayhew will prepare this and Lorraine will take it to Carl for signature. Carl stated he had heavy equipment suitable for the work as well as trucks, and that he had two other contractors willing to help him with similar equipment. He was happy with the fact that he would not be committed to dredge the entire area should he run out of time.
    4. "Don't Feed the Waterfowl": It was decided not to erect this sign at the site in spring as originally planned because the pond will be drained anyway. It was decided that fall would be the better time. Charles Carter is working on the sign itself.
    5. Special Exception: Lorraine advised that because the Town follows its own regulations, she had made application to the ZBA for a special exception, with the request that the usual fee be waived, but that the Commission would bear the cost of postage for abutter notification. The case is scheduled to go before the ZBA on Thursday, April 6 1995.
    6. Bill Kokko/small dredging project: Bill Kokko met with the members to discuss his desire to dredge an area of the pond which projects northward from the open water, and goes by his property. This area used to be open water, but has long been overgrown and silted up. Bill wished to clean out the unwanted growth and dredge an area at least sufficient so that he could launch a canoe from his property to the pond. He proposes a channel of about 4 feet deep and will pay for the bulldozer needed himself. After discussion, the members decided this was no more than part of the maintenance dredging proposed anyway, and gave Bill permission to do the work while Carl is working on the rest of the pond. Bill also advised the members that there is a small pond on his land about 1,000 feet from Osgood Pond from which he draws about 25,000 gallons per week in summer time to water his tree nursery and also the pumpkins he grows for the Pumpkin Festival. He was concerned that if Osgood Pond is drained, he may not have enough water in his farm pond for this purpose. Lorraine put forward the suggestion that Bill contact Lee Mayhew about this and she will also talk to him.

  6. NAMING STREAMS: Hub had requested Lorraine to obtain a map from Nashua Regional Planning Commission of Milford showing roads and streams, to be used in this project. This map had been obtained for a charge of $8.00. Lorraine had marked in red ink the already named streams. Once the name of the brook in east Milford is finalized, she will add this to the Map and make a copy of it to be hung in MCC office. Hub suggested that arrangements be made for members to review by on-site inspections, some of the larger unnamed waterways and proceed with naming them.

  7. WETLANDS ORDINANCE: Lorraine advised the members of a serious situation which had arisen when she made application for a special exception for Osgood Pond dredging in that Kevin Lynch, Code Enforcement Officer, felt upon reading the Ordinance that the Commission did not need a special exception. Lorraine read the ordinance again and arrived at the opposite conclusion. In discussions with Kevin and Bill Parker, Planning Director, about this, Bill advised that the Planning Board now has a new chairman namely Vivian Barry, and work on the Wetlands Ordinance was now high on the Planning Board's list of issues that needed urgent attention. Lorraine put forward the idea to Bill and Kevin that perhaps the revised ordinance should include the wetland issues that fall under the Expedited Permit Process and that these issues do not require a special exception but only the consideration of the Commission. Any other type of work in wetlands would require a special exception. Kevin and Bill were in favor of this And so were the members. Revision of the ordinance will take place this year, and Lorraine advised it will require the Commission meeting with the Planning Board from time to time.

  8. SUMMER CONSERVATION CAMP: Hub had received notice from the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests regarding the summer camp scheduled for June 24 to June 30 1995 for students in grades 10 to 12. It was learned that this camp program is supported by the NH Department of Education and the Camp can be considered an extension of the local school program so that if the school year is not over by June 24, students would still be able to attend this program. Hub also received information about similar camps offered through 4-H. It was decided to attempt to send students to the SPNHF camp but to try to find students through the 4-H instead of through the school which has not brought always positive results in the past. Lorraine will contact the 4-H and try to find the names of two students interested in attending. Chris Costantino put forward the suggestion that the Commission donate the summer camp money to the school which is trying to raise funds for 5th or 6th grade students to attend a conservation camp. She had no further details about this, but would find out more and report to the next meeting.

  9. SUMMER WORK SCHEDULE: Hub Seward had received notification from the NH Conservation Corps advising that an AmeriCorps program at Monadnock State Park has 20 members who are doing a year of community service in exchange for educational awards. These members are available for service projects outside of the State Park and the Corps was looking for day long or week long projects for about 10 volunteers. In discussion of this availability of man-power, it was decided that two projects could be offered, namely redoing the accessway from Whitten Road to the Tucker Brook Town Forest and also improving and further developing a trail system on the Sullivan Land which after Town Meeting will be part of the Tucker Brook Town Forest. Lorraine will contact the Corps to find out if these projects could be handled for the coming summer. A further suggestion was put forward that the top of Burns Hill in the Hitchiner Town Forest could do with some work.

  10. DUNKIN DONUTS: Lorraine reported having received the Dredge and Fill application for this project located on Map 12 Lot 13, Elm Street. She provided a letter of recommendations to the Wetlands Board for Hub to sign. She had also received a copy of the Minutes of the ZBA when this case went before that Board on February 16 1995. The final plans for this site included the parking lot being pulled back about 24 feet from the wetland as the Commission had requested. The parking lot run-off has now directed to the front of the property and then back to the wetlands via a treatment swale along the eastern property line. Comments from the ZBA's minutes included the fact that Dunkin Donuts will not salt the parking lot if that is a requirement of the Commission, but would sand instead. Regarding the Commission's recommendation that the snow be removed from the site, the ZBA made the decision to strike this requirement from the records. It was pointed out that Harry Tong of the ZBA had voted against the special exception because he felt more of the recommendations of the Commission should have been included and that conditions for the special exception are not being met.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.15 p.m.

The schedule of meetings ahead is as follows:

  • Saturday, March 18 or 25: Site walk of Sullivan Land (Lorraine will call members with final date)
  • Thursday, April 6: ZBA/Special Exception/Osgood Pond
  • Monday, April 10: Southern NH Conservation Commissions meeting at 7.30 p.m., Banquet Hall
  • Thursday, April 13: Regular Commission meeting at 7.30 p.m, with meeting of abutters to Medlyn/Laurel Brook scheduled for 8 p.m.


Meeting Minutes of April 13, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman, Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
Robert Walsh, Chris Costantino
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Charles Carter and seconded by Chris Costantino the Minutes of the March 9, 1995 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. NAMING OF BROOK: The Commission met with several abutters to the brook running in the vicinity of Medlyn Street to discuss a name for this otherwise unnamed brook. Some of the abutters expressed concern that if the brook were named, They would no longer be able to clean it out without a permit, adding that about once in about every 10 years, there is a need to remove siltation from a section of the brook. Hub Seward explained to the abutters that whether the stream is named or not, no work can be done in the wetland without the necessary state and local permits being in place prior to the work being done. The abutters explained that the siltation problem developed after the Woodland Heights apartment complex was built and is an on-going problem. Dick Medlyn requested the abutters to do any cleaning out of the brook Only when it is dry, which it most of the summer months. He also explained that in 1982 when he served on the Planning Board, it became apparent that those considering work in wetlands felt that unnamed wetlands were unimportant, and therefore the idea of naming streams was brought forward. His suggestion about a year ago of putting a name to the subject brook was the first unnamed stream to receive this attention. Dick Medlyn had put forward the idea of naming this brook Medlyn Brook. At this meeting, on behalf of Pauline Woods, an abutter not able to be present at this meeting, Selectman Ricciardi put forward the idea of naming it Woods Brook. Prior to this meeting, the Commission had received information that this brook was always known as Laurel Brook, but no reference to this could be found on old maps of Milford. After discussion, it was suggested that the Brook be named Medlyn Woods Brook. With no objections to this name, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor, and it was seconded by Charles Carter and voted in the affirmative to call this brook Medlyn Woods Brook from its source at the south side of Emerson Road to its junction with the Souhegan River.Lorraine will take care of advising the Selectmen, and of spreading the word as best as possible that this brook now is named.

  3. PETER PITSAS, DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION: Mr. Pitsas of McGettigan Road, Rap 10 Lot 77, met with the Commission regarding his desire to relocate the driveway on his property which involved putting in a culvert in a stream running across his property. The current driveway has a culvert under it and Mr. Pitsas stated this would remain in place, though he will be grassing over the old driveway. He proposed a 15 inch culvert, and was making application for an Expedited Permit, PSSIF #6. Because this is an Expedited Permit application, arrangements were made for an on site inspection, scheduled for 7p.m. on Friday, April 14, 1995 with Bob Walsh, Chris Costantino, Charles Carter and Hub Seward planning to be present. Mr. Pitsas was advised that the application forms will be signed at the next Commission meeting, and he was given an appointment for 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 11, 1995.

  4. CHESTER WHITTEN, DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION: Mr. Whitten met with the Commission to discuss his application for a regular dredge and fill permit for work proposed on Map 41 Lots 21 and 21-1, off Ches-Mae Lane. Mr. Whitten is proposing to cross a perennial stream of about 2 feet in width in order to put in a private way to the above two lots. Approximately 2850 sq.ft. will be dredged with the same amount of fill being placed in the wetland area. The plans did not show the impact on the 25 foot buffer zone around this wetland, and Mr. Whitten was advised that this information had to be available as it is required for the special exception needed from the Board of Adjustment. A 24 inch culvert of 60 feet in length is proposed, with the roadway being about 6 feet above the culvert. The design is for a 25 year storm.

    The application for this Dredge and Fill Permit has already been submitted to the Wetlands Board, and the Commission has 40 days in which to respond. Arrangements were made for an on site inspection as follows: Friday April 14, 1995 at 8a.m. with Chris Costantino and Charles Carter, and Monday April 17, 1995 at 7 p.m. with Charles Carter and Bob Walsh. Mr. Whitten will be present at both on site inspections. Charles will advise Lorraine the next day as to the members' decision so that she can advise the Wetlands Board accordingly.

    This case is scheduled to be presented to the Board of Adjustment on Thursday, April 20 1995. The members noted that yet one more time, the Commission has been backed into a corner with not being given sufficient time to do an on site inspection and prepare a report for the Board of Adjustment. A letter will be sent to that Board requesting a reasonable amount of time in future.

  5. MEMBERSHIP: Several issues involving membership were discussed as follows:
    1. John Kenison: Lorraine advised the members that John had resigned from the Commission due to lack of time to give. His term is to expire in March 1996.
    2. Appointment to complete John Kenison's term: Discussion on this matter involved the three alternate members, none of whom were present at this meeting. It was understood by the members that David Parker was not interested in full membership, due to a lack of sufficient time. Due to the fact that Carl Olsen seemed unable to attend most meetings, it was decided not to consider him for full membership at this time. Martha Phinney, the newest alternate member, had indicated to Lorraine that she would be interested in serving as a full member, to complete John Kenison's unexpired term. The members expressed the opinion that Martha had attended all meetings since being appointed to the Commission except for two and in both those cases, she had advised ahead of time that she would not be able to attend. After discussion, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted in the affirmative to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that Martha Phinney be appointed a full member to complete the unexpired portion of John Kenison's term, i.e. March 31, 1996. Lorraine will forward this request to the Board of Selectmen.

    Oaths of Office: Charles Carter was reminded that it was necessary for him to take the Oath of Office for his renewed term as a full member until March 31, 1998. Carol Whitson, not in attendance at this meeting, also has to take the Oath of Office for the same term. Hub Seward had already taken the Oath for his term to expire March 31, 1998.

    Chairman: After a brief discussion, Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Charles and voted in the affirmative to appoint Hub Seward as chairman for another year.

    Vice-Chairman: After a brief discussion, Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Bob Walsh and voted in the affirmative to appoint Charles Carter as vice-chairman for another year. Lorraine will advise the Selectmen, and various other necessary organizations, of the above two decisions.

  6. PRUNIER CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Lorraine reported that this deed had finally been signed by both Pruniers, and had been signed by the Board of Selectmen. The Commission members signed the document, and Lorraine will ensure that it is sent to the Registry of Deeds.

  7. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS: Lorraine advised the members present that she had received notification from the Office of State Planning that they were doing oblique aerial photography of all LCIP parcels in the State. For a small fee of about $100.00 it would be possible to photograph the whole of Tucker Brook Town Forest, the whole of Mayflower Hill Town Forest (both of which involve LCIP funds), and also to photograph the Hitchiner Town Forest. She had contacted four members, namely Hub Seward, Charles Carter, Chris Costantino and Carol Whitson, for their opinion, all of which had responded in the affirmative. She had then advised the Office of State Planning to do the above photography which work has already been done. Those members polled and who were present at this meeting, signed the typed Telephone Poll made March 16 1995. It is part of these Minutes, by reference thereto.

  8. OSGOOD POND: Lorraine updated the members of events regarding the dredging of the pond that had taken place since the Commission's last meeting, as follows:

    On March 20, 1995, she and Carl Chappell had met with the Selectmen, and with Carl being agreeable to do the work at no cost to the Town, the Selectmen made the decision to begin draining the pond on the morning of March 21, 1995. That same morning, Robert Courage received a call from the Army Corps of Engineers, who had received a copy of the Dredge and Fill application and who, because of the magnitude of the project, intervened. A representative met with Mr. Courage that afternoon and reviewed the project. Prior to this review, Mr. Courage had closed the pond dam gate. As a result of the intervention, and after the Corps had been in touch with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Corps agreed with the project and issued their permit for it, but with a change in the timing of draining and refilling the pond. The Corps put a date of August 1 to begin draining, with the reasoning that by that date there would no longer be waterfowl on the pond unable to fly, and with a date of November 15 to fill the pond again. The reasoning for this date was so that the pond bottom would not freeze and thus destroy aquatic plant life. In several conversations Lorraine had with Carl Chappell regarding the new dates various problems arose. Carl did not feel these dates gave enough time to do the work; his son who was to assist with the work would not be available; the contractor planning on purchasing gravel from the pond as it was dug out of the pond, would not be needing the gravel during the new dates. This would mean that Carl would have to dig out the gravel and transport it across to his property for later sale. This Carl felt would be an additional expense he had not planned on, and felt that as a result he would have to charge the Town about $25,000 for the transportation of the gravel. This would mean having to go before the 1996 Town Meeting for funds to be appropriated, and all in all, the work would not be done until next year at best.

    Lorraine stated she had a personal problem with draining the pond August lst because at that time, there are still waterfowl on the pond unable to fly and with the pond drained, these ducklings and goslings would not survive. As a result of this opinion, she contacted the Corps and also talked to the individual at the USF&WS with whom the Corps had spoken, and provided both with the reasoning for the Commission's desire to have the pond drained before the return of the waterfowl in spring so that there would be no nesting at all that season. She also advised both parties that there will indeed be unfledged waterfowl on the pond August lst. Both parties were very interested in this opinion, something they had not thought of, and the end result of the conversations was that both parties will be in touch and by next week will provide an opinion regarding whether or not the pond could be drained late February/early March. At this point in time, Lorraine stated, that all facts point to the pond dredging not being done this year. She is to meet with the Selectmen and Carl Chappell again on Monday, April 17, 1995 to discuss the matter further. Lorraine also advised the members that on behalf of the Commission she had met with the Planning Board on this dredging project, on April 4, 1995 and had received their support for the Board of Adjustment's consideration of the case. She had met with the Board of Adjustment on April 6, 1995, and reported that the Special Exception had been granted.

    Regarding the "Don't feed the waterfowl" sign, Charles presented a bill for some materials needed for the sign which he had purchased, in the amount of $17.95, and a payment request was signed by Hub Seward. He also stated he needed some additional materials. On motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Hub Seward, it was voted in the affirmative to authorize Charles to purchase what he needed for an amount not to exceed $50.00.

  9. SULLIVAN LAND/TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST: Charles Carter reported that he and Lorraine had walked this property with John Ferguson, County Forester, on March 21, 1995. It is a parcel of 26 acres with a lot of potential. There is already a main trail through the land, which needs cleaning up. There is an old car wreck on the land close to Whitten Road that should be removed and perhaps Public Works Department could do this at some time. John Ferguson put forward the suggestion that side trails be made from the main trail to allow access to Tucker Brook in several places. The main trail also needs to be extended to reach a good lookout area, and then looped back on itself to bring hikers back to the road, keeping this loop a good distance from the houses.

    Charles and Lorraine marked the boundaries on April 6th, and Charles returned the next day with Chris Costantino to complete the job. Yellow spray paint purchased at the local hardware store was used as a temporary measure, but Charles brought a forestry supply catalog to this meeting so that the longer lasting paint could be purchased. It was noted that a lot of the work to be done, both trails and remarking the boundaries could be done by the PACE students.

  10. WETLANDS BOARD WORKSHOP: Lorraine advised the members that there is a workshop to be held on Thursday, April 27, 1995 from 9a.m. to 3p.m. at the Center of New Hampshire in Manchester regarding conservation easements as mitigation approach for wetland impact. The cost is $5.00. After a brief discussion, it was decided that Lorraine would attend.

  11. SUMMER HELP: It was not known at this time if the PACE students would be available this summer, but Chris will keep in touch with them and advise the Commission accordingly. Lorraine reported that things did not look good for getting help from the NH Conservation Corp. It seemed their inquiries were only to find out what there was to be done, but with no commitment.

  12. OPERATING BUDGET: Lorraine provided the members present with copies of the expenditures for the first quarter of 1995. Because of the lateness of the hour, she offered to answer any questions telephonically.

  13. WETLANDS ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS: Lorraine gave copies of proposed amendments to this ordinance to the members present, and copies will be mailed to those not present. She requested that these be reviewed so that the matter can be discussed at the May 11, 1995 meeting. The proposed amendments have already been discussed with Bill Parker, and now need to go before the Planning Board so that the matter can be handled in a timely fashion for next Town Meeting.

  14. SUMMER CONSERVATION CAMP: Chris Costantino advised the members that she had been in touch with Gloria Schooley, teacher of the 5th Grade in Milford, regarding the conservation camp for which the 5th graders were trying to raise money so that the whole class could attend. Mrs. Schooley stated that she is having difficulty in raising sufficient funds but was continuing her efforts and will do so right up to the day of departure. This is the Stone Environmental Camp and there are 2 four day events, one at the end of May and another early June. Bob Walsh stated he had been contacted by a student interested in attending the the SPNHF camp, and he would provide Lorraine with the name etc. Lorraine also advised the members that she had heard nothing further from the 4-H group about finding students, and that she had written to Tim O'Connell again in the hope he could find students. After discussion of these issues, Charles Carter put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted in the affirmative to send one student to the SPNHF camp and the balance of the $525.00 set aside for the camp to be donated to the 5th graders. Lorraine will be in touch with the student suggested by Bob Walsh, and will find out further details from Mrs. Schooley regarding payment of the balance.
    The Conservation camp cost is $275.00, which leaves $250.00 for the 5th graders camp.

  15. HCCD ANNUAL MEETING: Lorraine advised the members that this annual meeting is scheduled for May 3, 1995 (Wednesday), from 6p.m. in the Banquet Hall in the Milford Town Hall. Supper will be served, and after the business meeting, Dale Riley will give a talk on hot air ballooning. The charge is $10.00 per head. After a discussion, it was decided that Hub Seward, Robert Walsh and Lorraine will attend. Hub signed a payment request for this expenditure. The deadline is April 19, 1995, by which time payment must be made.

Telephone Poll conducted March 16, 1995
re: Aerial Photographs of the three Town Forests
A letter was received from the Office of State Planning which, through the LCIP will be taking aerial photographs of lands protected through this Fund. They will therefore be photographing the Burns parcel (Tucker Brook Town Forest) and the Rotch parcels (Mayflower Hill Town Forest). For approximately $100.00 charge, they would be willing to photograph the entire two above Town Forests and also the Hitchiner Town Forest.
Do you wish to expend approximately $100.00 for this purpose?
Hub Seward - YES
Chris Costantino - YES
Charles Carter-- YES,
Carol Whitson - YES
The above decision is part of the Minutes of the April 13, 1995 regular Commission meeting.
Poll was conducted by Lorraine Carson.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10.15p.m.

The next Conservation Commission meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, May 11, 1995 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of May 11, 1995

Charles Carter, Acting Chairman
Martha Phinney, John Bierschenk, Robert Walsh, Chris Costantino, full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Robert Walsh and seconded by Chris Costantino the Minutes of the April 13, 1995 Meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. MEMBERSHIP: It was noted that Charles Carter had taken the Oath of Office for the renewal of his term of office; it was also noted that when Martha Phinney originally took the oath of office as an alternate member, her form indicated it was for "member" and not alternate member. As her term as full member runs the same as her term as alternate, it was felt that she did not need to be sworn in again. With Carol Whitson not present, it was not known whether or not she had taken the oath of office for membership.

  3. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST/SULLIVAN LOT and PACE STUDENTS: Chris reported that it was too early to know if PACE students would be available this summer and what type of work they would be able to do. Discussion took place regarding the work available for these students, and the items are as follows:

    • Sullivan Lot: Mark boundaries Tidy up the main existing trail Develop side trails from this to Tucker Brook Prepare a trail to the look-out area Prepare a trail from the telephone lines back to the main trail Mark all the trails as above.
    • Burns Lot/off Whitten Road: clean up and mark the trail from Whitten Road through the 50 foot right of way to connect to existing trails.

    Lorraine also pointed out that some kind of parking needs to be created on Whitten Road either at the right of way or at the Sullivan Lot, and also signs need to be made to indicate the two entrances to the Forest off Whitten Road. It was decided to put these two items on the fall agenda.

    The remains of an old junk car on the Sullivan lot also needs to be removed and Lorraine will talk to Bob Courage about doing this, also in the fall.

  4. SUMMER CONSERVATION CAMP: Lorraine reported the Commission received a very nice letter of thanks and appreciation from the Middle School for its support of the 5th graders/environmental camp. She put forward the suggestion that if a student could not be found for the SPNHF camp by the deadline which is May 15, 1995, that the $275 reserved for this be donated to the 5th graders. After a brief discussion, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Bierschenk and voted in the affirmative to send the balance of $275.00 to the 5th graders for the environmental camp should a student not be found for the Society's conservation camp by May 15 1995.

  5. DREDGING OF OSGOOD POND: Lorraine reported she had set up a meeting at Osgood Pond for 2p.m. on Thursday, May 18, 1995 between the Army Corps of Engineers, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Selectman Jack Ruonala, Bob Courage and herself so that all could be present at the same time and discuss the starting date of August 1 which is not acceptable to the Town and perhaps come up with a starting date having less impact on the wildlife.

    Regarding the erection of the sign at the dam about not feeding the waterfowl, Charles will be in touch with Lorraine to set up a date and an attempt will be made to have the Cabinet present.

  6. HCCD ANNUAL MEETING: Hub Seward, Robert Walsh and Lorraine Carson attended this meeting on May 3, 1995. Bob Walsh reported that it was well attended, interesting and informative, and that the talk by Dale Riley on hot air ballooning was well presented.

  7. WETLANDS WORKSHOP: Lorraine reported on having attended this workshop on April 27, 1995 on the subject of conservation easements as mitigation approach for wetland impact. The general consensus of the meeting was that conservation easements should not be accepted in exchange for destruction of wetlands. The workshop proceeded with various details concerning conservation easements, their monitoring, value as open space, working with the landowners, and legal issues. She found the lecture very informative and well worthwhile attending.

  8. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/SCHEDULING OF MEETINGS: Lorraine reported that in response to Hub Seward's letter to the Board of Adjustment regarding the Commission not being given sufficient time in which to act on issues going before it and that Board, he had received a letter from Kathy Bauer, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment, suggesting that she, Kevin Lynch (Code Enforcement Officer) and Hub get together to discuss this further. Lorraine pointed out that the ZBA is bound by State law to hear a case within 30 days of application being made. With the Commission meeting only once a month, this can result in the Commission having only a matter of days in which to act. She also advised that when Hub returns from Florida he will be in touch with Ms. Bauer to make arrangements for that meeting.

  9. MEDLYN WOODS BROOK: Lorraine advised the members that the Board of Selectmen had concurred with this name for the brook that runs beside Dick Medlyn's house. She had therefore mailed notification of the name to numerous organizations in the hope that it will eventually appear on maps of Milford.

  10. FOREST TRAILS: LAYOUT AND MAINTENANCE: Lorraine advised the members that there is to be a lecture on this subject on Tuesday, May 23, 1995 from 7p.m. to 9p.m. at the Shieling State Forest in Peterborough. There is a $2.00 charge. John Bierschenk and Chris Costantino plan to attend. Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Martha Phinney and voted in the affirmative to reimburse those members attending this lecture.

  11. RUSSELL & ELLEN WORKS/BUFFER ZONE/RAILROAD POND: Mr. and Mrs. Works who live on Lincoln Street and abut Railroad Pond (Map 29 Lot 87) met with the Commission because they wish to build a garage attached to their house, which will lie within the 50 foot Buffer Zone around Railroad Pond. The case goes before the Board of Adjustment for a special exception on May 18 1995. After review of the plans and discussion, arrangements were made to do an on site inspection at 6.30p.m. on Monday, May 15 1995.Because the case goes before the ZBA on May 18, arrangements were made to make a decision on this matter during the on site inspection. Chris Costantino will post a notice in the Town Hall on Friday May 12 1995 announcing this fact. Those scheduled to attend include Charles Carter, Chris Costantino, Bob Walsh, John Bierschenk and Martha Phinney. Charles will advise Lorraine of the decision and any recommendations so that a letter can be gotten to the Board of Adjustment in time for the May 18, 1995 meeting.

  12. PETER PITSAS/DREDGE AND FILL/PSSIF #6: It was reported by those members who had attended the on site inspection of Mr. Pitsas' property on April 14 1995 that they found no problems with the plans as proposed, and therefore recommended to the Commission that the application forms be signed. Charles Carter, Acting Chairman, signed the forms which Mr. Pitsas will then present to the Town Clerk for processing.

  13. WETLANDS ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS: Lorraine reviewed with the members the many amendments proposed to this ordinance. They are as follows:
    • Section 6.021 A.I: Add "wetlands and wet meadows" to this paragraph.
    • Section 6.021 A.2: This section is proposed to be rewritten because the survey maps referenced in it are not available. Also it is proposed that a copy of the ordinance and its supporting documents should be available in the Planning Board's office only, and not in that of the Town Clerk.
    • Section 6.022: Lorraine offered several additional purposes to this, having taken them from RSA 483-B. It is also proposed to add the words "but shall not be limited solely thereby".
    • Section 6.023: The amendments include a total rewrite of this section to include "wetlands" as well as the buffer zones, and to indicate that Osgood Pond and the Souhegan River are subject to RSA 483-B, Shoreland Protection Act.
    • Section 6.027: This section is proposed to be totally rewritten to indicate that those wetlands projects which fall into the Expedited Permit process shall not require a special exception from the ZBA and that all other wetland and buffer zone disturbances will require a special exception; and that the Commission has 30 days from the date of application to the ZBA to comment to that Board.

  14. AQUIFER PROTECTION ORDINANCE: Lorraine reviewed proposed amendments to this ordinance as follows:
    • Section 6.013 H: To this section it is proposed to add "used according to Best Management Practices etc. (Lorraine will find out the correct name for this publication to be included in the ordinance).
    • Section 6.013 I: To this section it is proposed to add the words "or exceed"
    • Section 6.016: It is proposed to eliminate this section from the ordinance completely. Lorraine pointed out to the members that whenever a case involves this ordinance comes before the Commission, their response to the Planning Board is almost exactly as written into the Ordinance in the first place. She, Kevin Lynch and Bill Parker were of the opinion that this simply resulted in an unnecessary step in the process for all concerned.

    In discussion of the proposed changes in the ordinances in Items 13 and 14 above, various issues were raised and Lorraine advised that both Items 13 and 14 will have to go before the Planning Board soon, with members of the Commission present so that all concerns could be discussed and resolved. She will prepare both ordinances in final form with the proposed changes, supply everybody with copies, and make arrangements for a meeting with the Planning Board for further discussion.

  15. 1995 TREE PROJECT: Lorraine advised that John Ferguson, though no longer the county forester, had picked out a total of 5 trees from Souhegan Valley Nurseries for Shepard Park and Keyes Field, and together with Bob Courage will take care of the planting of same. The total cost was $450.00 and Charles Carter signed the payment request for same. This leaves a balance of $550.00 from the $1,000.00 originally set aside for this project for this year.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.30p.m. The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday June 8, 1995 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of June 8, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman
Robert Walsh, John Bierschenk, Chris Costantino, full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by John Bierschenk and seconded by Chris Costantino it was voted in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the May 11, 1995 meeting as presented.

    1. Carol Whitson: It was noted that Carol has not taken the Oath of Office. This must be done before next meeting, which she plans to attend.
    2. Carl Olsen: At Hub Seward's request, Lorraine had contacted Carl regarding his lack of attendance at meetings, and reported that he is resigning from the Commission due to personal reasons. He will be sending a letter to this effect.

  3. PACE STUDENTS: Chris Costantino reported she had been in touch with Brad Smith, but at this point in time he does not know what students he will have for this summer. She offered additional items for these students to do, if possible, such as remarking the trails on the Hitchiner Town Forest and doing work in the areas where the trails went off town property; preparing a history of the Souhegan River Trail to be posted on the notice board, and putting up marked stakes in the field which this trail crosses to keep users on the correct path.

    In discussion of to be done, the issue of unpainted boundaries to the Conrey conservation easement land was raised, and Lorraine was asked to make a note that this be done in the fall.

  4. SUMMER CONSERVATION CAMP: Lorraine reported that within a day or two of the May 11, 1995 meeting, a student from the High School came to her house to say that she had just learned of this camp and would like to attend. Lorraine said she was very impressed with the girl, Sara Kustron of Osgood Road, and going on the vote of the May meeting, started the process to have Sara attend the camp. She advised Sara that the Commission would like her to give a short talk on her experience once the camp is over.

    The fact that Sara had only been advised of this camp a matter of days before the deadline, it brought to the fore the fact that something else needs to be done to advertise to the students the availability of this camp, other than simply advising a biology teacher. It was decided that for next year the information about the camp would be posted on the notice board in the High School, and in the meantime, Lorraine will find out about a newsletter the school may publish in which this camp could be advertised.

  5. OSGOOD POND: Lorraine reported that on May 18, 1995, she had met with Phil Morrison of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Todd Connors of the Army Corps of Engineers, together with Robert Courage and Jack Ruonala, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen to visit Osgood Pond and try to persuade the ACE that draining the pond August 1 did not allow enough time for the dredging to be done. Both the ACE and the USF&WS expressed concerns that if the pond were drained early March and remained empty for the entire summer, that two arms of wetlands abutting the pond would suffer more than an acceptable amount of damage. Lorraine suggested to the parties that coffer dams be constructed across the junctions of these two wetlands and the pond, in other words, the pond would be drained, then the coffer dams would be built using muck on the pond bottom. The wetlands would then fill up again, and once the pond is dredged, the coffer dams would be removed before the pond is refilled. The ACE AND USF&WS considered this a good idea, and once plans are made with Carl Chappell, both organizations would give consideration to the Town's desire to drain in early March. The Selectmen have asked Lorraine to work with Carl Chappell on the matter of the coffer dams and to report on progress.

  6. RUSSELL&ELLEN WORKS/BUFFER ZONE/RAILROAD POND: John Bierschenk reported that members of the Commission had made an on site inspection of this property on May 15, 1995. Charles Carter had advised Lorraine of the findings, and she had sent a letter to the Board of Adjustment with the recommendations that a special exception be granted provided that hay bales be used during construction of the garage to act as a silt barrier, and that the existing erosion at the end of the hot top driveway be corrected during the construction work.

  7. FOREST TRAILS - LAYOUT AND MAINTENANCE: John Bierschenk reported that he had attended this talk in Peterborough; there was no charge for the event. He stated it was an introductory talk with the good and bad points about trails being reviewed, how to spot trouble developing on trails, building bridges across brooks with the footings out of the wetlands so that a Dredge and Fill Permit is not required. There was also a slide show of trails. John also brought back two publications which will be available in the MCC office in the Town Hall, one being "Best Management Practices for Erosion Control During Trail Maintenance and Construction" and "New Hampshire Directory of Trail Organizations and Cooperators". It was noted that Milford was not in this directory, and Lorraine will pursue having it included in future issues of the publication.

  8. ZBA/MCC MEETING SCHEDULE: Hub Seward reported he had not met with Kathy Bauer of the ZBA regarding this schedule and how to avoid the Commission having too little time in which to act efficiently on special exception issues. In discussion of the problem, it was decided that before taking further action, Lorraine will check into just what schedule of meetings the ZBA uses, and will also check into the RSA governing that Board's meetings. Perhaps with this information in hand, it was felt, a change in the Commission's own monthly meeting may solve the problem.

  9. WETLANDS AND AQUIFER PROTECTION ORDINANCES/AMENDMENTS: Lorraine reported that she, Kevin Lynch, Bill Parker and Chris Sturges (Planning Board representative) will be meeting informally on Tuesday June 13 1995 to discuss and review the proposed changes to these two ordinances.

  10. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: Lorraine reminded the members that this annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 1995. It will be held in Concord and is usually an all day affair.

  11. WETLANDS RESERVE PROGRAM: Lorraine reported having received information about this program administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (old SCS), which offers landowners an opportunity to receive payments for restoring and protecting wetlands on their properties. The deadline for signing up is June 30, 1995, and applications are made direct to NRCS. It would appear that the program mainly involves farmlands and Lorraine will be in touch with the local office of NRCS to ensure that all local farmers are aware of this program, there being wetlands on most of the farms in Milford. Other than that, the Commission did not know of any other property where the owners would be interested in the program.

  12. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS: Lorraine reported that these color photographs had just been received and looked good. The negatives are in the Office of State Planning and arrangements can be made for enlargements etc. She also suggested that enlargements may be able to be done on a copy machine. She will put the photographs into plastic sheets for protection and have them ready for next meeting. The total charge to the additional photographic work the Commission had requested was $30.00, and a payment request for same was signed.

  13. MEDLYN WOODS BROOK: After the naming of this brook, Lorraine had advised a number of organizations of the name in order to have it put on future maps of Milford. Among those notified was the USGS. From the USGS she had received a large package of forms with a covering letter that stated that it is the policy of the federal government that only official domestic geographic names are to be shown on federal publications, and that an official name is one in which the written form of the name and its application are approved by the US Board of Geographic Names. As time permits, Lorraine will complete these forms and submit them as required to have this brook's name made official.

  14. TOWN OF MILFORD/BIRCH BROOK/WATER MAIN/DREDGE AND FILL: Lorraine reported that she had found in the Commission's mail slot a few days ago, a copy of a Dredge and Fill application, filed with the Wetlands Board as of May 26 1995, for work in Birch Brook on Whitten Road between Map 38 Lots 76 and 58 for the installation of a new water main. An application has also been made to the Board of Adjustment for a special exception and the case goes before that Board on June 15, 1995. The Commission was not notified at all of this case prior to finding the Application to the Wetlands Board in the mail slot, and again there is insufficient time for the Commission to do an on site inspection and discuss the case at a public meeting.

After discussion, the decision was made to request a time extension from the Wetlands Board so that an on site inspection can be made and an informed recommendation made, and to advise the Board of Adjustment that the Commission is unable to respond on this case for the June 15 public hearing. Lorraine will also talk to Bob Courage who is the Town's representative in this matter, and see when he can meet with the Commission for an on site inspection. Of the members present at this meeting, all would be available for an on site inspection after 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday prior to June 21, 1995. Those members are Hub, Bob, Chris and John and Lorraine will advise them of arrangements once they are made.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.15 p.m.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, July 13, 1995 at 7.30 p.m. in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of July 13, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman, Charles Carter, Vice chairman
Carol Whitson, Martha Phinney, Robert Walsh, John Bierschenk, full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Robert Walsh and seconded by John Bierschenk, the Minutes of the June 8, 1995 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. MEMBERSHIPS: Carol Whitson was able to attend this meeting, and stated she had taken the Oath of Office this week.

  3. PACE STUDENTS: With Chris Costantino unable to attend this meeting, not much information was available regarding work done by these students. However Charles Carter stated that the students had been working at the Hitchiner Town Forest and are almost done with the items they had been requested to do.

    Regarding the trail from Whitten Road to Tucker Brook Town Forest, which was on the list of things to be done by the students, it was reported that possibly from mountain bikes, this trail is now well evident, though the students had not gotten to it yet.

  4. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST ENTRANCE SIGNS: Lorraine reminded the members that signs need to be made for the entrances to Tucker Brook Town Forest from Whitten Road. In discussion, it was decided that two would be needed for this area, one to the main town forest and the other to the Sullivan part, and that a sign would be useful for the Savage Road entrance to the Town Forest. In further discussion, it was suggested that the poor sign at the Boulder Drive entrance should be replaced. Lorraine stated she knew an individual who may be willing to make routed signs for these four locations, and it was agreed she would make inquiries as to cost and report back at the next meeting. The signs should read: "Tucker Brook Town Forest Trails".

  5. OSGOOD POND DREDGING: Lorraine reported that on June 15 1995, she and Carl Chappell did a canoe trip on Osgood Pond to investigate from the pond, the mouths of the two wetlands entering the pond, and which would suffer should the pond be drained for an entire summer. This investigation was done after several days of rain, but in spite of that, the mouths were shallow, and it was also found that both were narrow. Carl put forward the idea that hay bales could be placed across both before the pond is drained, thus retaining most of the water in them. The bales for the wetland at the Hazel Burns land could easily be transported on land, and placed working out from the land. The mouth of the further wetland was not reachable from land, but Carl suggested that he may be able to drag the hay bales to the site by ski mobile this winter, stack them at the site, and then before the pond is drained, go in with a boat and place them. The bales would be places two abreast and two high and held in place with long surveyors' stakes. Lorraine had then written a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers detailing how the Town proposed to protect these two wetlands during a full summer draw down of the pond, and asking that ACE reconsider its decision for an August lst draw down, and grant the Town's request for a March draw down (1996). To date there had been no reply from ACE but if no letter is received within the next week, Lorraine will call the Corps. Bob Walsh questioned if one of these wetlands was the one in which Bill Kokko wished to dredge a channel for his boat, and Lorraine responded in the affirmative, adding that she was under the impression that Bill Kokko's house was now for sale. (See end of Minutes of additional item)

  6. WETLANDS ORDINANCE: Lorraine reported that she, Bill Parker, Kevin Lynch and Chris Sturges (Planning Board representative) had met on June 13, 1995 to discussed proposed changes to this ordinance, and that the meeting was very productive. Lorraine had been asked to rewrite the first section of the ordinance in total (the defining and delineating of wetlands) to bring it into compliance with the State's rules, and to do away with confusing wording that now exists. She has done this, and another meeting with the same group is scheduled for July 19, 1995 to review the new changes.

  7. TOWN OF MILFORD DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION/BIRCH BROOK: Lorraine advised the members that Robert Courage had called her after the June 19, 1995 scheduled on site inspection of this site, to advise that no members of the Commission had turned up. Mr. Courage did not appreciate this lack of interest on the part of the Commission. Because the matter was urgent and a decision had to be conveyed to the Wetlands Board and the Board of Adjustment, Lorraine then called Jack Ruonala, chairman of the Selectmen, for his guidance. Mr. Ruonala advised her to recommend to both boards that the Selectmen suggested that the Dredge and Fill Permit be issued and that the special exception be granted. This was done. Lorraine then learned that the Board of Adjustment had tabled this case until its July meeting to give the Commission time to do the necessary inspection and provide an opinion. The case had gone before the Board of Adjustment on June 15, 1995. Mr. Courage had expressed concerns about these delays because of the urgency of the project.

  8. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS/LCIP LANDS AND SURROUNDINGS: Lorraine asked the members if there was any further action they wished taken on these photographs now that they had been in the MCC Office for members' review. After a brief discussion, it was decided to request the Office of State Planning to enlarge the photographs to 8 x 10 and to mark in the boundaries of the three town forests. Lorraine will take care of this, and report if there is to be any charge.

  9. SUMMER CONSERVATION CAMP: Lorraine reported that she had attempted to have Sara Kustron attend this meeting with a report on her experiences at the camp, but had not been able to reach her in time. She will make arrangements to have Sara come to the August meeting. She also reported that on Saturday, August 26 1995 there will be a gathering at Camp Carpenter in Manchester where the camp took place to share what the students have accomplished over the summer. Bob Walsh expressed interest in attending, and Lorraine will find out the time of the gathering, and advise Bob who will not be able to attend the August Commission meeting.

  10. BEAVER BROOK ASSOCIATION/BURNS LAND GENERAL MANAGEMENT PLAN; Lorraine provided members with copies of this Plan, recently received, and stated that a copy will be put in this land's file in the Town vault, with another copy being available in the MCC Office file.

  11. AIRMAR CORPORATION/WETLANDS: An engineer from Thomas F. Moran Inc. and Mr. R. Aho, contractor, met with the commission to discuss the impact on wetlands on the site of Airmar located on Map 6 Lot 39 in the Meadowbrook Industrial Park, from the proposed addition to the existing building and an increase in the parking lot area. It was explained that when this site was originally developed, a drainage swale was created along Savage Road which is now a wetland area. Part of this swale was culverted at that time for the roadway. This culvert needs to be extended about 150 feet in order to extend the parking lot.

    Discussion took place as to whether or not the Dredge and Fill Permit that is required would be a regular one or an expedited one. It was agreed that the engineer would contact the Wetlands Board to find out and would then advise Lorraine so that the members attending the scheduled on site would know just what type of inspection would be required of them. The on site inspection was scheduled for 6p.m. on Thursday July 20 1995 with Hub Seward, John Bierschenk, Martha Phinney, Robert Walsh and Charles Carter attending. The applicant was advised that a final decision on the Commission's recommendations would not be made until the August 10 1995 regular meeting.

  12. COUNTRY WAY ESTATESNETLANDS: Tom True of TNT Engineering Associates met with the Commission to brief the members regarding the impact on wetlands at this site where a mobile home park is proposed. The location is Map 54 Lot 6 which is located in Milford but with the only access being from Amherst. This is the old Grigas property which was slated several years ago for a housing subdivision. Twenty four mobile homes are proposed with a "condominium type" arrangement. Only the mobile home owners will occupy the homes. There will be impact on the wetlands on site for construction of the roadway, and also for the fire pond, for a total impact of 4,000 sq.ft excluding the fire pond and excluding the 25 foot buffer zone around each wetland. The final impact of the fire pond will be determined later when the needs of the Fire Department are known fully. Mr. True explained that this proposed development is in the preliminary stages at this time. Arrangements were made for an on site inspection at 6p.m. on Monday, August 7 1995, to meet at the site. John Bierschenk, Carol Whitson, Martha Phinney, and Hub Seward will attend, with Charles Carter attending if he is able.

  13. LAAD ADJACENT TO TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST: Rodney Dellafelice of Milford, a member of the public attending the meeting, requested to meet with the Commission at its next meeting to discuss actions he would like to take in an effort to hopefully acquire a 60 acre parcel abutting this Town Forest. Lorraine will advise him later of a time at the August meeting.

Item #5 - continued: Lorraine advised the members that Carl Chappell had stated there would be a cost involved if he had to place the hay bales - both for the bales and for his time in securing and placing them. This would would be above and beyond his original agreement to dredge the pond for the muck without cost to the Town. Carl had given a rough estimate of $2,000.00 for this work and materials.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.15p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday August 10, 1995 in the Town Hall, with scheduled on site inspections as follows:

Airmar Corp, Meadowbrook Industrial Park: 6 p.m., Thursday July 20

Country Way Estates, Ponemah Hill Road: 6 p.m., Monday, August 7


Meeting Minutes of August 10, 1995

DHub Seward, Chairman, Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
Martha Phinney, John Bierschenk and Carol Whitson, full members

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Charles Carter and seconded by Martha Phinney the Minutes of the July 13, 1995 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. PACE STUDENT WORK REPORT: Hub Seward gave a report on the activities of the PACE students work based on a conversation he had had with Chris Costantino. She had stated that the students had done some work on the Tucker Brook trail to connect the falls loop to the Whitten Road access. Hub had met with her on an on-site to outline the boundaries of the access so that they could complete that trail.

    Souhegan River Trail: Chris had advised Hub that the work on this trail which was planned for along the lower field could not be done until the poison ivy had been sprayed. She had the name of a recommended chemical to use but it would have to be sprayed by someone other than the students, and it would require two weeks to take effect. This will postpone the trail work by the students in this area for this year. It was recommended that arrangements should be made for the spraying to control the poison ivy next spring.

    Hitchiner Town Forest: Charles Carter reported that the students had completed what they had been given to do at the Hitchiner Town Forest.

  3. OSGOOD POND UPDATE: With Lorraine unable to attend this meeting, there was no update on the dredging of the pond.

  4. MEMBERS: A letter of resignation from Carl Olsen, alternate member, had been received, and it was reported that he had returned the various manuals with which he had been supplied. With Lorraine not present, the status of John Kenison was not known.

  5. WETLANDS BOARD LEGISLATIVE STUDY COMMITTEE HEARINGS: By State law, a committee had been formed to study the Wetlands Board because the public has experienced confusion and growing frustration concerning the laws, rules, regulations and procedures of the Wetlands Board". The Committee has set up a number of hearings to receive input from the general public, most of which are some distance from Milford. However, additional hearings are to be scheduled later in Nashua, and Lorraine had offered to attend the Nashua hearing on behalf of the Commission. The members approved her attendance and should any members be able to attend, they would.

  6. SPNHF LECTURE SERIES: A notice was received from the Society concerning lectures and training programs involving land management, forest communities, wetland ecology, wildlife ecology, and trail maintenance and construction. Lorraine had provided a summary of the various lectures and dates and locations. It was noted that all were scheduled for Wednesdays from 9a.m. to lp.m. or 9a.m. to 3p.m., which are not convenient for volunteer members who have full time jobs.

  7. LORRAINE'S VACATION REQUEST: Lorraine's request for vacation time from Saturday September 23 through Sunday October 22 1995 was granted. This will mean she will not be available for the October 12 1995 meeting.

  8. MCLANE DAM SILT FENCE: The question was raised concerning the replacement of the silt fence at the McLane Dam. The plan as of the beginning of the year was that the Department of Public Works would perform the work to replace the fence at a location which would be above reasonable flood levels. It was noted that at best a silt fence is at best a temporary measure and that until the steep embankment is re-vegetated or otherwise controlled, the problem would continue.

  9. AIRMAR CORP./DREDGE AND FILL: Richard Bond, soils scientist representing Airmar met with the Commission and presented the plans for converting part of an open drainage ditch into a culverted stream. It was stated that Airmar had made the decision to file a regular Dredge and Fill application as opposed to an Expedited Permit as previously discussed. Several of the members had made the on site inspection, and the plans were discussed. After discussion, it was moved seconded and voted in the affirmative to recommend to the Board of Adjustment that a special exception be granted approving converting about 190 linear feet of drainage ditch into a 54 inch culvert with the suggestion that the conservation easement along Tucker Brook at the east end of the lot (adjacent to Route 101) could be expanded as partial compensation. The added conservation area should be the same as the area of wetland disturbed or the areas of the new pavement. It was discussed that a compensating wetland would be desirable but that the steep slope in that area would make it impractical.

    The Commission did note that previous work in this industrial park had been done with excellent results with respect to conservation, especially the stream from Scarborough Drive/Savage Road area and the pond in the center of the road. There was some concern that siltation of that pond would be difficult to avoid if there is flowing water in the stream when the work is done. Completing the culvert work before flow resumes in the stream should be a priority.

  10. "CLOSED" NOTICE/TOWN HALL DOOR: It was noted that several people had had difficulty in finding the Commission's meeting this evening because of the "Closed" sign on the door to the lobby. It was suggested that perhaps a "Public Meeting in Progress" sign should be displayed, or some other indication of a meeting in progress.

  11. CONSERVATION CAMP STUDENT: Sara Kustron, the student who attended this year's summer conservation camp, met with the Commission to give a brief presentation of her experiences at the camp. She stated there were about 22 students present at the camp and they were divided into five groups to study five different sites along the Piscataquog River in Manchester. Each group did some work at each site and sometimes they worked together. They conducted inventories of the plants, fish and macro invertebrates. Sara was in the macro invertebrate group which identified several species of insects and mussels including the first recorded siting of a threatened "brook floater". The river work was supplemented with laboratory analysis and lectures. She appreciated the opportunity to see and perform college level scientific analyses which she stated assisted her in deciding on the major for her college education. She passed around several pictures and explained some of what the students had learned about the effects of increasing pollution levels at the downstream sites. Some pollution sources such as an old tire dump and the effects of "combined sewerage overflow" were noted.

  12. COUNTRY WAY ESTATES/MOBILE HOME DEVELOPMENT/WETLANDS: Tom True of TNT Engineering Associates met with the Commission, together with several abutters, namely Jessica Benoit of 484 Ponemah Hill Road, Jack Conway of 24 Ponemah Hill Road, Jack and Carol Hopfenspirger of 23 Ponemah Hill Road, Catherine Fariz of 4 Farmington Way, Frederick Kleinsorge of 4 Farmington Way, and George and Ronnie Katsoulis of 6 Farmington Way. The engineer presented a simplified plan of the property and proposed development, which had been prepared at the request of the Board of Adjustment. This plan showed only the proposed roadway, wetlands, wetland impacts and buffer areas. However it was noted that the engineer had used a 35 foot buffer zone instead of a 25 foot zone, and additionally no square footage of either wetland or buffer zone impact was provided.

    The Commission expressed several concerns, and it was agreed with the abutters that not all of these concerns were within the scope of the Commission. The concerns were as follows:
    1. Concern about changes to the general pattern of water flow, both surface and subsurface, and the effects on the existing streams and wetlands of the surrounding area
    2. Concern about potential septic system overflow or failure from the proposed "community" systems serving several homes. Some of the abutters felt that the standards for a septic system to serve a three bedroom dwelling were different for a house and a mobile home. The engineer explained that the state regulations were identical
    3. It was the opinion of those present that an environmental study be done to establish what the current habitat, water flow and ecology are and what impact might be expected from the proposed changes.
    4. It was noted that this hillside area is a natural aquifer with historically high water table. Several houses in the area have shallow wells and the owners expressed concerns that their water source could either be reduced or contaminated.
    5. Concern about potential failure or overflow of the proposed fire pond and effects on the properties downstream A request that the Amherst Planning Board and Conservation Commission receive copies of Milford's recommendations. Also a concern That Amherst might go along with whatever Milford approves without appropriate hearings and/or investigation.
    6. A request that the Amherst Planning board and Conservation commission receive copies of Milford's recommendations. Also a concern that Amherst might go along with whatever Milford approves without appropriate hearings and/or investigation.
    7. A concern that each plan they had seen was "preliminary" and that the claim was that the final plan would be "similar" to what was shown. They would like assurances that any approval given would be based on a "final" and unchanging plan. A concern that not all abutters were notified, and that those who were had received notices only one day before the meeting. (Hub Seward noted that his recall of a previous site plan which included this lot, had shown that the tax maps of each town did not correspond to the deeds. He did not recall the exact nature of the map error but it may have contributed to some abutters being omitted.)
    8. Concern over the surface runoff where the proposed road enters Ponemah Hill Road in Amherst. The engineer noted that there were no wetlands in this area but that there is a runoff problem which will have to be dealt with. It was agreed that Amherst would have approval authority over this part of the plan, but the drainage should consider what is flowing down the portion of the road in Milford.

    At the on-site inspection by the Milford Conservation Commission, it was noted that the drainage and traffic problems both could be helped if two existing driveways could be modified to enter the proposed road at a convenient point rather than having both driveways enter Ponemah Hill Road immediately adjacent to the proposed road. One abutter present at the onsite indicated a willingness to discuss adjusting his driveway and/or lot line.

    The Commission discussed their concerns limited to the Dredge and Fill Permit application. It was moved, seconded and voted in the affirmative to send a letter to the Board of Adjustment including the following concerns:

    "The Dredge and Fill Permit application should be based on a final plan showing the proposed impacts to both wetland and buffer areas. There should be no mobile home sites or other disturbance within a buffer zone other that what was shown for the road impact. Or if such will be made, it should be requested at this time, and not as a separate application.

    The Commission repeated the suggestion from the previous meeting that the area of wetland impact due to road construction could be significantly reduced if the road tangent to the circle were to be moved south by about 30 to 50 feet. Also the diameter of the circle could be reduced a similar amount with the south side remaining as shown thereby increasing the distance from the north side to the wetland. A plan showing exact square footage of each impact and the proposed pavement and fill areas would help to evaluate the need for this.

    The road drainage and fire pond could be studied to determine the impact on the general water flow of the surrounding area. The Commission was concerned about what the character of the ecology would be with a proposed depth of 1 to 2 feet and whether this would be open water or would become filled with water plants in a few years. Also there does not appear to be any significant surface water flow so this could be a body of stagnant water. There is a question as to the seasonal variation in the water level and whether any subsurface flow is intended to be trapped by the berm construction.

    There is also a concern that the pond berm could be built to plan but it might not fill with water if the major water flow is subsurface. This and the depth of the pond are things which need to be discussed by the Planning Board with the Fire Department input. Perhaps Fire Department approval of the pond design should precede the Dredge and Fill Permit application to avoid changes to the plan.

  13. OPERATING BUDGET REPORT: Lorraine had prepared this report for the second quarter of 1995 and showing the unexpended amounts year to date June 30 1995 Copies were given to the members present, and they were asked to contact Lorraine with any questions.

  14. POSSIBLE LAND PURCHASE: Rodney Delafelice met with the Commission to present a plan to gather information on the Town acquiring a parcel abutting Tucker Brook Town Forest, known as Map 10 Lot 52. It was suggested to him that he might want to read the file on the Burns land purchased through LCIP to become familiar with some of the procedures and options involved in a land purchase.

    The Commission will inquire as to whether or not the Town Assessor could provide a preliminary appraisal of the property and clarify how the current private way restrictions would limit the development potential of this parcel. It was decided that the request of the Assessor and the Town Planner on the matter of the private way restrictions should be made by the Commission rather than Mr. Delafelice as an individual.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10.30p.m.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, September 14 ,1995 at 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of September 14, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman
Chris Costantino and Martha Phinney, full members.
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

Due to the fact that only three members of the Conservation Commission were present for this scheduled public meeting, the meeting was not conducted.

It is noted, however, that an on site inspection has been scheduled for Monday September 25, 1995 at 6 p.m. at the residence of Woodin/Contessa at 569 North River Road, Milford. This is an Expedited Permit, and all members are requested to attend.

The next meeting will be at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, October 12, 1995 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of October 12, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman
Robert Walsh, John Bierschenk and Carol Whitson, full members

  1. MINUTES: Approval of the Minutes of the August 10, 1995 was tabled due to the fact that insufficient members were present at the October meeting who were present at that August meeting.

  2. MCLANE DAM SILTATION: Discussion took place regarding the need for a silt fence to curb the current erosion problem. It was noted that there are also erosion gullies near the roadway that need attention. No decision was made.

  3. 1996 BUDGET AND WARRANT ARTICLES: Hub Seward reminded the members that thought needed to be given to the budget for next year and any warrant articles that might be needed, including that for the Land Fund. Lorraine will have proposed budget figures for the November meeting. The Commission's budget meeting with the Selectmen is scheduled for December 13 1995.

  4. CHARLES CARTER: Hub Seward advised the members that Charles had submitted his resignation from the Commission dated September 26 1995 and effective immediately. His reason was that he could no longer devote the time to the Commission he felt was necessary. Hub noted that Charles had returned his key to the Town Hall and the books given to him while a member. His resignation was accepted with regret.

    Hub Seward also noted that John Kenison had returned his key and books.

  5. ADAMS PROPERTY AT OSGOOD POND: Bill Parker, Planning Director, had intended being present at this meeting to present various plans and ideas that have been proposed for the use of this 5 acre parcel combining recreation and conservation. Unable to attend, Bill had provided the members with a plan of the land with possible uses indicated, and a covering letter. His letter also requested the support of the Commission for a grant application. There was some discussion and general support for the proposed uses, but a desire to learn more about the planned preparation and maintenance of the multi-use field, was evident among the members. Some members felt the shore conservation area could be expanded and the size of the mowed portion of the field reduced. Concern was expressed regarding the use of pesticides and fertilizers, which would drain into the pond. It was noted that the plan provided by Bill was preliminary; however the Commission would like to provide input towards the development of the detailed plan.

  6. TRAIL STEWARD PROGRAM: Carol Whitson advised she has been attending the land steward courses provided by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. She requested input from the members as to what trails in Town could be suggested as case studies for her to use at the trail maintenance sessions. The following were suggested:
    • Control of poison ivy such as along the Souhegan River Trail
    • Water runoff control on the steep sections of the Burns Hill trail on the Hitchiner Town Forest.
    • Relocating the Savage Road trail head on the Tucker Brook Town Forest to the parking area by the power lines.

    Carol also requested the Commission to provide the cost of the trail maintenance course. After discussion, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Bierschenk and voted in the affirmative to appropriate an amount not to exceed $50.00 for this purpose.

  7. WOODIN/CONTESSA DREDGE AND FILL: Ms. Contessa met with the commission and advised that she and Mr. Woodin had changed their minds regarding their desire:to dredge in the small pond on their property on North River Road. After discussions with neighbors they learned that the water table in the area had dropped significantly about seven years ago, and that the pond had been mostly dry since then, except for early spring. It was felt that the pond was not likely to fill with water unless the depth was increased substantially. Ms. Contessa advised that they would therefore like to fill the pond instead.

    The Commission advised her that provided the amount of fill was 3,000sq.ft. or less, the Dredge and Fill application would still fall into the expedited permit process, but that PSSIF #16 would have to be used instead of #11 as had been used previously. This would require another onsite inspection by the Commission to verify the facts on the new application. It was decided to set a date for the inspection after the new form had been submitted.

  8. COUNTRY WAY ESTATES: The Commission was presented with a modified site plan for this proposed development which included a smaller and deeper fire pond which was not located in wetlands, and a revised design of the roadway with less total roadway, and reduced wetland and buffer zone impacts. The engineer did not submit a Dredge and Fill Permit application at this time because the plan was to request an exception from the road design specifications which would allow increased fill slope and therefore reduce the wetland area of impact. This would allow for an Expedited Permit application to be used. If the requested exception was denied, then the standard dredge and fill permit application would be used. There was no change in the number of house lots proposed. The Commission felt that the new road design did reduce the wetland impact and that the fire pond was more likely to receive Fire Department approval. In general, the members approved the modified plan, but noted that it would have to review the completed application forms after Country Way Estates had decided which type of permit application to file. Hub will send a letter to the Board of Adjustment on this matter.

  9. DEVINE PROPERTY/TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST: Rod Dellafelice and Bill Ferguson who represented the Souhegan Valley Land Trust, met with the Commission to discuss the potential acquisition of the Devine property which abuts the Tucker Brook Town Forest. The Commission felt this would be a valuable addition to the Town Forest. In discussion of this matter, the members expressed uncertainty as to whether to take this issue before the 1996 or 1997 Town Meeting. After discussions, a motion was made by John Bierschenk and seconded by Carol Whitson and voted in the affirmative to authorize Rod Dellafelice to prepare a grant application and to contact Mr. Devine to determine his willingness to sell at or below the current appraised value.

    The Commission also agreed to request that town council and/or the planning Director provide an explicit definition of the extent to which the current private way restrictions limit the number of lots or building permits that may be placed on a subdivision or lot (such as but not limited to the Devine property) that has no public road frontage or access.

  10. WETLAND VIOLATION: Mrs. Dottie Taylor met with the Commission to present a complaint of a wetland violation concerning a new house being constructed adjacent to her property on Osgood Road. According to the subdivision plan the common lot line is within a wetland area. Mrs. Taylor claimed that the contractor next door had excavated to install a pipe within the wetland area and that the excavation extended onto her property. Additionally, he had placed fill on the adjacent lot which was either in the wetland or in the buffer zone. She expressed concern that this pipe which was presumed to be a perimeter drain for the new foundation, would empty more water onto her property than was naturally present. She had discussed this matter with the Wetlands Board and with the Building Inspector, Kevin Lynch. The Commission advised her that they would look into the disturbance of the wetland and the buffer zone. It was not clear at this time whether the drainage was within the jurisdiction of the Commission or not, but it was suspected that a drainage easement might have been required to justify the actions already taken in addition to a dredge and fill permit.

  11. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: Hub Seward reminded the members that Saturday November 4, 1995 was the annual meeting date and members were urged to attend. It was decided, with Lorraine not present, that each member wishing to attend would submit his or her own application form together with payment.

  12. STATE RULES FOR EXPEDITED DREDGE AND FILL PERMITS: Hub Seward advised the members that there was to be a meeting on October 24, 1995 regarding proposed changes to this permit process, and urged members to attend.

  13. WETLAND CONSERVATION DISTRICT PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: Hub Seward requested the members to review the draft which Lorraine has provided previously, of the proposed amendments to this Ordinance so that comments etc. could be available for the November 9, 1995 Commission meeting.

  14. DIANE FITZPATRICK: Ms. Fitzpatrick had attended this meeting out of interest in the Commission's work, and at the end of the meeting, approached the members to express her desire to become a member. After a discussion with her, Hub advised her to complete the volunteer application form and to submit it for consideration.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 9, 1995 at 7.30p.m. in the Selectmen's meeting room in the Town Hall. Hub Seward noted that the Commission can ensure this room is available by reserving it through the Public Work Office. This has been done for the November meeting.


Meeting Minutes of November 9, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman
Chris Costantino, Martha Phinney, Robert Walsh, and John Bierschenk, full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: Upon motion by John Bierschenk and seconded by Bob Walsh, the Minutes of the October 12, 1995 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. TOWN OF MILFORD/DREDGE AND FILL: Lorraine advised the members that she had found a Dredge and Fill application in the Commission's mail slot for a permit to perform a drainageway maintenance job at the intersection of Old Wilton Road and Elm Street area, which had been filed with the Town Clerk on October 27 1995. Because again a Town application had not come before the Commission prior to its filing, she talked to Jack Ruonala, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen about the issue. Jack advised Lorraine that the work was already partly done, that it was a maintenance job to improve a drainageway that was already in existence and was part of the Old Wilton Road sewer extension job. He explained that should this work be delayed it would result in considerable additional expense to the Town. He indicated that the Board of Selectmen would appreciate it if the Commission would handle this matter in the speediest fashion, and added that the case would not be going before the Board of Adjustment. Lorraine further re ported that when she reviewed the application form, it appeared to her that it would be an expedited permit and not the regular permit; the Town's engineers had made the application on the incorrect form if this was the case. She contacted the Wetlands Board and learned that by letter, the Commission could request the application be considered expedited, and that the Commission could waive its right to intervene. She discussed the whole matter with Hub Seward, and as a result sent a letter to the Wetlands Board requesting them to issue the expedited permit. The members agreed to accept the above arrangements.

  3. CONTESSA/WOODIN DREDGE AND FILL: Rosalie Contessa met with the Commission to advise that they had changed their minds regarding dredging the pond on their property on North River Road, and instead would like to fill it in because the water table is now so low in the area, that the pond would never fill with water even if they dredged it out. She submitted for approval the Expedited PSSIF #16. After a brief discussion, with the members being familiar with the site and proposed work, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Chris Costantino and voted in the affirmative to approve the application to fill the pond as proposed.

  4. BUDGET/WARRANT ARTICLES: Several issues under this heading were discussed as follows:
    1. Operating Budget/Third Quarter 1995: Lorraine presented the members with these figures. As of the end of September 1995, the unexpended balance amounted to $1537.26, though some line items were overexpended.
    2. Proposed Budget for 1996: Lorraine presented the members with a proposed Operating Budget for 1996 which she had prepared. The total proposed amounted to $4,000.00, representing no increase over the past several years. Increases included in the proposed Budget over 1995 included: $29.00 increase in NHACC membership, $50.00 increase in office expense; $20.00 in postage to account for the postage increase from 29 to 32; $40.00 in telephone expense; $20.00 in members' education; $200.00 decrease in Town Lands - Maintenance account because it was felt this account was too high in the past and in addition, much of this type of expense is paid out of the Town Forest Fund funds. After discussion, the members accepted the 1996 Operating Budget as proposed for a total of $4,000.00. Lorraine reminded the members that the Commission's budget goes before the Selectmen on Wednesday, December 13 1995 at 8p.m.
    3. Printing: Lorraine advised the members that it was not likely the Commission would need to have envelopes or letterheads printed in 1996 but requested that the address of "I Union Square" be added to both whenever printing was required. The members agreed to this.
    4. Wage Overage: Lorraine advised the members that due to the work load it was likely that her hours for 1995 would extend beyond the budget amount by $400 to $500 gross wage. She had talked to Lee Mayhew about this and learned that the Commission would have to pick up the difference this year.
    5. Warrant Articles for 1996: The members discussed the possibility of again requesting a percentage of the Current Land Use penalty for the Conservation Land Fund, but decided against such a plan. Instead it was decided to request Town Meeting to appropriate $10,000.00 for the Land Fund instead. Lorraine will prepare this warrant article.
    Lorraine advised the members she would prepare all the necessary budget figures for 1996 for the December 13 meeting with the Selectmen, together with reasons for overages and various increases over 1995.

  5. MEMBERSHIPS Various issues under this heading were discussed as follows:
    1. Alternate Member: Lorraine advised that the Selectmen had appointed her as an alternate member for a 3 year term, to act as such only in order to create a quorum at any public meeting of the Commission.
    2. New Full Member: Lorraine reported that a letter had been sent to the Selectmen requesting that Diane Fitzpatrick be appointed as a full member to complete the unexpired portion of the term of Charles Carter, that is until March 31 1998. Diane, who was present at this meeting, is scheduled to go before the Selectmen on Monday, November 13 1995. Hub Seward had also sent a letter of thanks to Charles for his service to the Commission.
    3. New Vice Chairman: Lorraine reminded the members that with Charles no longer a member, a new vice chairman needed to be appointed. After a brief discussion, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by John Bierschenk and voted in the affirmative to appoint Chris Costantino as vice chairman to March 31 1996.
    4. Rodney Dellafelice: Mr. Dellafelice presented his written request to be appointed to the Commission. His request was accepted, and a letter will be sent to the Selectmen accordingly with the request he be made an alternate member.

  6. AMENDMENTS TO AQUIFER AND WETLANDS PROTECTION ORDINANCES: Lorraine reviewed with the members the various changes that are proposed in these ordinances as a result of meetings held between herself, Bill Parker, Kevin Lynch and Chris Sturges (Planning Board member). She explained that the major change to the Wetlands Ordinance was the fact that those wetland issues that fall under the State's expedited permit process would not be required to go before the Zoning Board of Adjustment. With the Wetlands Board apparently still working on the process and issues to be included in the expedited process, it would mean that from time to time there would be changes to the list. Lorraine explained that it would not be necessary to continually change the Ordinance because the phrase "or as may be amended from time to time" was included. It would be necessary however, to provide the Commission, Bill Parker and Kevin Lynch with an up to date list of those wetland issues falling under the expedited process. Lorraine advised the members that the proposed amendments still have to go before the Planning Board and public hearings, and the members should attend all such meetings to support the changes proposed.

  7. McLANE DAM SITE/EROSION: Lorraine reported she had been in touch with Leighton White with the request that he review the erosion taking place and prepare a solution plan together with cost, for the Commission's review. Mr. White indicated he was very familiar with the situation and would review it and provide a quotation. To date, with his involvement in the Oval renovations, he has not had the time to work on this matter.

  8. TIMBER HARVEST ON HITCHINER AND TUCKER BROOK TOWN FORESTS: Lorraine advised the members that back in 1987/1988 when the Town Forest Management Plan was developed, a timber harvest was scheduled for the Hitchiner Town Forest in 1994. This was a very small harvest, and at the suggestion of John Ferguson, then County Forester, this harvest was delayed so that it could coincide with the Tucker Brook harvest scheduled for 1996. Plans need to be started for this harvest now, she advised. For the benefit of the new members she explained the process used in the previous timber harvest and the various individuals involved and the roles they played. After discussion the members asked Lorraine to make arrangements to have New England Forest Foundation and Jonathan Nute, the new County Forester, meet with the Commission to make arrangements. Issues to be included are checking for pruning needed on both town forests, marking the boundaries of Tucker Brook Town Forest, and preparing a plan for future harvesting on both forests. Lorraine advised the members that John Ferguson had stated that timbering of the Mayflower Hill Town Forest was not a viable issue. The timber was poor, small in amount, and access was almost impossible.

  9. OLD GROWTH FOREST IN WILTON/1996 TREE PROJECT: The Selectmen had forwarded to the Commission for their recommendations, a letter from Dave Momenee asking for Milford to assist financially the Nature Conservancy in the purchase of this Old Growth Forest in Wilton. In discussion of this matter various suggestions were put forward, and Bob Walsh suggested using the 1996 Tree Project for this issue. John Bierschenk put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Martha Phinney and voted in the affirmative to support the Old Growth Forest project by sending $1,000.00 from the Accumulative Fund now to the Nature Conservancy, and to send the $1,000.00 for the 1996 Tree Project to the Conservancy after the 1996 Town Meeting. Lorraine will take care of this matter.

  10. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING- John Bierschenk reported he found the meeting very worthwhile and that he learned a great deal at this, his first such meeting. He advised that a new book is in the process of being printed which deals with wetland buffer zones, the various widths of such zones and the reasons for same; this book will be sent automatically to Commissions once printed. Both John and Hub expressed the opinion that these annual meetings provide an excellent chance for members to learn, and that all members should attend this one day affair once a year.

  11. NASHUA RIVER WATERSHED ASSOC/ANNUAL MEETING: Lorraine advised this meeting was scheduled for Friday, November 17 1995 at 6p.m. at Fort Devens, and the cost, including dinner, was $20.00 per person. Nobody was interested in attending this year.

  12. FRED CONREY CONSERVATION EASEMENT LAND: Lorraine reminded the members that they wished to proceed with the marking of the boundaries of this land this fall. With Mr. Conrey now deceased, it was felt that this matter should be completed. Bob Walsh stated he was reasonably familiar with the boundaries and would check to see if the flagging was still in place, within the next couple of weeks. He will report at the next meeting and arrangements can then be made to mark the boundaries in paint.

  13. CONSERVATION COMMISSION OFFICE: Lorraine advised the members that on October 23 1995 a letter was received from the Selectmen advising that a request for office space in the Town Hall had been received from Southern New Hampshire Services for their Fuel Assistance Program "for the winter months". Because this Program would only be needing space "two or three days a week", and because the Commission's office is little used, the Selectmen felt the space could be used by both parties. Hub Seward had responded in writing on October 25 1995 to the Selectmen advising that though not totally happy with the situation, he felt it was acceptable provided that the Program not have access to the room on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and that they be made aware of the fact that members of the Commission do visit the office space at various times during the week. It was also requested that because the space is small that the Program be allowed no more than one file cabinet. Lorraine reported that on November 6 1995, she found a letter from Lee Mayhew in the mail slot addressed to Southern New Hampshire Services and advising them that because the Commission's use of the room is "extremely limited", the Services could have the use of the room "on a full-time basis". The letter also gave the Program full use of the Commission's desk and the right to put in more than one small file cabinet if needed. Hub then advised the members that he had removed Bob McEttrick's computer from the room, and found that various possessions of the Commission had already been removed to parts unknown, and the file cabinet was already installed. The members expressed concern that various Commission possessions had been removed from its office without prior notification and that we had been given no time to tidy up the room in any manner. Lorraine was asked to look into where the various items now missing had been placed and to take them home with her until more suitable quarters could be found. The question of the various trail tools that reside in the office (currently with Chris because they were used by the PACE students this summer), was discussed - these being dangerous tools and ones that could be a danger to any unsupervised children accompanying parents seeking assistance from the Program. The question of the tree marking paint was also raised - these cans being spray paint with lids easily removed, and which stand on open shelving in the office. They too could be a problem now that another organization has the full use of the Commission's space. Hub also advised that the measuring wheel belonging to the Commission is also missing from the office.

  14. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS: Lorraine presented the members with the enlarged aerial photos of the three town forests taken by the Office of State Planning. She advised that that Office had marked in the boundaries of the LCIP parcels on the Mayflower and the Tucker Brook Town Forests, but that marking any further boundaries was really beyond the jurisdiction of that Office. The members reviewed the photos and decided that it would be a very difficult and very time-consuming job to mark in the boundaries. It was decided to file the photographs in the Commission's office for future reference. Lorraine advised she would file them under "A" for Aerial Photographs in the file cabinet in that office.

  15. WETLAND VIOLATION/DOTTIE TAYLOR: Hub reported he had talked to Kevin Lynch about this matter, and was advised that the wetland area marked on the subdivision plans did not show any buffer zone, and it was into this buffer zone that the drainage pipe had been placed. The wetland area was also not flagged on the land. Kevin advised Hub that the drainage pipe would be pulled back about 2 feet to get it out of the buffer zone. Hub felt that there may still be problems with runoff onto the Taylor property, and also was of the opinion that because the Wetlands Board was advised of this violation by Mrs. Taylor, that the Commission may hear further from them at some future date.

  16. MAYFLOWER HILL TOWN FOREST TRAIL MARKINGS: Lorraine reported that the trail map for this Forest which is part of the package available to the public from the Town Clerk's office, needed updating and she walked the trails to ensure that the updated version would be reasonably correct. In the process she found several problems on the trails regarding the markings. She and Hub then walked the trails and developed a list of various sections that needed to be remarked or better marked. They also found several trees had fallen down and were blocking the trails. Hub said he would contact the church group which had done work for the Commission in the past to see if they would be willing to assist with clearing the fallen trees. If not then Lorraine will contact Bill Kuchaski to see if he would do it on a volunteer basis. Lorraine said she would be willing, as time permitted, to take care of the trail markings, and various members offered help as well. To this end, Lorraine will send each member a copy of the rough trail plan indicating where work is needed so that members can do the work according to their own schedule. It was also pointed out that at some time the boundaries of this town forest have to be remarked in yellow. At this time they are in blue, and this is confusing because blue is now used for trail markings and not boundaries.

  17. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST/MAURICE COTE AGREEMENT: The subject of Mr. Cote having an agreement with the Town for certain uses of a section of this Town Forest which his property abuts, was raised. The details of this agreement were not available at this meeting, but Lorraine will look them up and report at the next meeting. The issue of the Fitch Farm on North River Road having to pay an annual fee to the State to farm land which it sold to the State was raised with the question as to whether or not Mr. Cote should perhaps pay a similar fee to the Town for the use that he has on part of the Tucker Brook Town Forest.

    There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10.30p.m.

    The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday December 14 1995 in the Town Hall.
    (This meeting was cancelled due to a snowstorm and was held on December 28, 1995. )


Meeting Minutes of December 28, 1995

Hub Seward, Chairman
Robert Walsh, Diane Fitzpatrick, full members
Rodney Dellafelice, Alternate, acting full member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: The Minutes of the November 9, 1995 meeting were not acted upon due to the fact that insufficient members were present at the December 28 meeting who were present at the November 9 meeting.

  2. NEW MEMBERS: Hub Seward welcomed two new members to the Commission, namely Diane Fitzpatrick as a full member, and Rodney Dellafelice as an alternate.

    Lorraine advised the members that Dave Parker, alternate member, had resigned as of December 12, 1995, due to the fact that he did not have enough time to serve on the Commission. Dave will be sending a letter to this effect.

  3. SPN11F MEMBERSHIP: Upon motion made by Rodney Dellafelice and seconded by Diane Fitzpatrick, and voted in the affirmative, dues for 1996 in the amount of $30.00 will be paid.

  4. MCC OFFICE/LOCKABLE CABINET: Lorraine advised the members that as a result of the fuel assistance program having the use of this Office, Lee Mayhew had requested that a lockable cabinet be used in which to store the trail tools and such like. She contacted Hub Seward, and as a result of those discussions, ordered a suitable cabinet for a total cost of $219.00. The cabinet has been assembled by the Janitor and next week Lorraine hopes to have the time to stock the cabinet with tools etc. A suitable location will be found for housing the key to the cabinet, and members will be advised accordingly.

  5. FRED CONREY LAND ON SAVAGE ROAD: Lorraine advised the members that since Fred's death, this property was unoccupied and in view of the fact that Fred had paid no property taxes since the Commission paid them in November 1992, the Selectmen had made the decision to possess the property in the name of the Town for conservation purposes. The Town Clerk has been requested to begin the process to acquire the land. As of mid December, the property taxes amounted to over $6,500.00. Because this property lies across Savage Road from the Tucker Brook Town Forest, and abuts a small part of that Forest, Lorraine suggested to the members that perhaps a warrant article should be submitted to Town Meeting requesting this property to be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Commission, and also be made a town forest, and part of the Tucker Brook Town Forest. In discussion of this Bob Walsh raised the issue that this is a separate parcel from the main town forest, and also is not easily accessible from the main forest area. The majority felt that it would be better to make it part of an existing town forest rather than create a new town forest, and also that a parking area could be created on the Conrey land. In addition, trail work could be done on the town forest section across Savage Road so that the Conrey piece would be more readily accessed. The value of the timber on the land was discussed with the decision being made to have New England Forestry Foundation take a look at it while they are preparing for the upcoming timber harvest. The final decision was made to request Lorraine to submit a warrant article for town meeting to have this property transferred to the Commission's jurisdiction and to have it made part of the Tucker Brook Town Forest.

    Lorraine advised the members that the Selectmen were planning on cutting back on Town budgets considerably before going to Town Meeting, and she suggested that because of the Commission acquiring the Conrey parcel, it withdraw its warrant article for the Conservation Land Fund. After discussion of this, the members decided to make the withdrawal at Town Meeting and asked Lorraine to advise the Selectmen of this decision.

    Regarding the boundaries of the Conrey land, Bob Walsh reported he had inspected them. He did some additional flagging and also marked some of the boundaries with paint. Some boundaries are marked by stone walls, and he suggested that these be marked to identify the property boundaries. In further discussion, it was decided to request New England Forestry Foundation to mark the boundaries of this parcel, particularly with the plan to have it made into Town Forest. This matter will be discussed with the Foundation at the January meeting.

  6. BUDGET MEETING WITH SELECTMEN: On December 13, 1995, Hub Seward and Lorraine met with the Selectmen to discuss the proposed budget for 1996. The Selectmen approved the Operating Budget at the requested amount of $4,000.00. They also approved of the warrant article for the land fund, but were considering a lesser amount than originally requested. Lorraine advised that because of the annual overage in her work hours, she and Lee Mayhew had discussed requesting the Selectmen to increase the hours to 18 per week instead of the current 17 hours per week. The Selectmen decided to increase the hours to 19 per week for 1996.

    At this Budget Meeting, the Selectmen raised the issue of possible timbering on the Queen Quarry land on Old Brookline Road with the request that if it could be timbered that the monies raised be donated to the Old Growth Forest in Wilton. Possible timbering of this land will be discussed at the January meeting with the Foundation. The Selectmen also approved of the financial support the Commission has already given to the Sheldrick Forest and its plan to donate a further $1,000.00 in 1996.

    Copies of the Proposed Budget for 1996 were given to the members present.

  7. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST/COTE AGREEMENT: Lorraine provided members with the details of this agreement, which also appears in the Red Binders, but added that the Selectmen had given her permission to contact Town Counsel for his guidance as to how to go about removing these rights from the Cote deed. It does state in the deed that these rights can be cancelled by the Town. A letter has been sent to Atty. Drescher, and the Commission awaits his response.

  8. BEAVER BROOK ASSOCIATION DUES: After a brief discussion, Diane Fitzpatrick put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted in the affirmative to pay $20.00 for the 1996 dues to Beaver Brook.

  9. NATURE CONSERVANCY MEMBERSHIP: As a result of the Commission's contribution to the Sheldrick Forest, it received an application for membership in the Nature Conservancy. After a brief discussion, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted in the affirmative to subscribe to this organization for an amount of $25.00 for 1996. Hub Seward signed the payment request.

  10. HAZEL BURNS PROPERTY/OSGOOD ROAD: The Commission discussed a letter received from Lee Mayhew, requesting that it get together with the Parks & Recreation Commission to discuss plans for the recreational and conservation use of this 5 acre parcel. Bob Walsh expressed concerns regarding the proposed development of soccer fields on this property, it being his opinion that the land is not large enough for parking, soccer fields and still allow space for a hiking trail and general peace and quiet. It was decided to invite Dave Parker, chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission to the January 11, 1996 meeting to discuss the plans further. Bob Walsh requested that his objections to the soccer field plan be conveyed to Dave at that meeting, a meeting he himself will not be able to attend. Lorraine will mail to members copies of the proposed plan for the use of this parcel which was given to the Commission at its October 1995 meeting.

  11. IN MEM0RY OF EDNA SILVA: Lorraine advised the members that donations totaling $125.00 to date had been received from individuals in memory of Edna Silva. She had deposited the contributions into the Accumulative Fund and had written thank you letters to those making the donations.

  12. SHORELINE PROTECTION WORKSHIP: Lorraine advised the members that there will be a workshop on this subject on Thursday, January 11, 1996 from 5.30p.m. to 8.30p.m. at the Chappell Professional Center on South Street. It was felt that this would be a very important workshop to attend, but unfortunately it falls on the night of the next meeting of the Commission. It was decided to ask Carol Whitson to attend on behalf of the Commission and if she were not able to do so, then Hub Seward would attend.

  13. TRAIL MAPS: Diane Fitzpatrick presented the members with a proposal that she develop computerized trail maps using topographic maps, for the trail systems on the three Town Forests. She asked that members review her proposal for further discussion at a meeting. Lorraine will mail copies to those members not present at this meeting.

  14. WETLANDS AND AQUIFER PROTECTION ORDINANCES: Lorraine advised the members that the Planning Board will be holding a public hearing on January 9, 1996 (Tuesday) at 7p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room which hearing will include the proposed amendments to these two ordinances. Bill Parker, Planning Director, had asked that Lorraine attend, as well as members of the Commission. Hub Seward stated he would be able to be present, in addition to Lorraine.

  15. STELLOS/WHALEN CONSERVATION LAND/GRANT APPLICATION: Bill Parker forwarded to the Commission a letter he had prepared on its behalf which sought support for a grant application he was preparing for the development of this parcel, an area to be known as Souhegan River Park. The American Greenways DuPont Awards Program sponsored by The Conservation Fund and DuPont has grants available from $500 to $2,500. With the support of the members, Hub Seward signed the letter.

  16. BAL BRAE SUBDIVISION: Mark Ohara of Cuoco & Cormier Engineering Associates met with the Commission to present details of this subdivision off Ball Hill Road. Mark explained that the subdivision was originally developed in 1988 and part of it is already completed. Phase 2 is now being considered. The total area is 92 acres and the subdivision is proposed for 38 lots. Each lot will have its own well and septic system. He stated there is a 33,600 square foot wetland impact, but this does not include the buffer zone. It was also established that part of Compressor Brook runs through the land and this has a 50 foot buffer zone. Mark stated he had contacted DRED and had been advised that there are no sensitive animal species in this area. Diane Fitzpatrick pointed out that the area proposed for subdivision includes one of the major deer wintering yards in Milford. Mark was not familiar with the mapping of deer yards in New Hampshire, done by NH Fish and Game Department, and Lorraine will send him a copy of the information. She will also contact Fish and Game for further details regarding the impact the proposed development will have and what precautions should be taken. Lorraine put forward the idea that the members request a conservation easement over the 50 foot buffer zone along Compressor Brook as this would result in recorded deeds which would be referenced in deeds for the various lots in the subdivision, and thus draw attention to the existence of this protection along the brook. Hub Seward put forward the suggestion that the northern part of Map 52 Lot 95-9 be made conservation land. Mark stated he would discuss this with the developer. Hub also suggested an access from Annand Drive to Map 52 Lot 94 be provided in the subdivision plans. Lot 94 is an extremely wet area of many acres and has virtually no access. The members concurred with all of the above suggestions, and Lorraine will write the necessary letter to the Planning Board with a copy to Mark Ohara. The plans presented at this meeting were preliminary plans so that the Commission could provide input in the early stages. Once further plans are developed Mark will again meet with the Commission, with the possibility of a site walk being arranged. At this point in time, Lorraine was the only one present who was with the Commission in 1988 when the original plans were presented, and she advised the members that as a result of Commission intervention. at that time, the impact on the many wetlands on the site was considerably reduced.

  17. SUMMER CONSERVATION CAMP: Bob Walsh presented the members with a letter he had received from the Milford Fifth Grade students requesting financial support from the Commission again for the Stone Environmental School program which the fifth graders hope to attend in 1996. This letter will be given consideration when the Commission makes plans next year regarding the SPNHF Summer Conservation Camp program.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.45p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, January 11, 1996 in the Selectmen's meeting room in the Town Hall.

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