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1994 Minutes    January - February - March- April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December    Minutes 1994


Meeting Minutes of January 13, 1994

Robert McEttrick, Chairman
Charles Carter, Hub Seward, Chris Costantino, full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Chris and seconded by Hub, the Minutes of the November 11, 1993 meeting were accepted as presented. The Minutes of the December 9, 1993 meeting received no action due to insufficient members present at that meeting being present at this meeting.

  2. OSGOOD POND UPDATE: Lorraine reported that repeated phone calls to Dufresne Henry had still not produced a cost estimate on the work to be done to ascertain the quantity of muck to be removed. She will continue to make phone calls for this information.

  3. CONSERVATION PLAN: Lorraine provided the members with copies of the now Completed revised edition of the Plan. Copies had been distributed to various department heads and the Board of Selectmen. She advised the members that it is her plan to retype the entire plan into the Town's computer system so that when the next revision is due in December 1998, the work will be a lot quicker.

  4. COMMUNITY TREE STEWARD PROGRAM: Lorraine advised the members that Ken Utting had attended the initial meeting on this program, but he was not able to be present at this meeting tonight, and therefore no report was available.

  5. BUDGET AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Lorraine provided the members with the final expenses for the fourth quarter of 1993. A total of $10.97 was unexpended as of December 31, 1993. This amount was transferred to the Accumulative Fund. She also provided the members with copies of the Financial Statement as prepared for the Town Report, together with summaries of activities in the Commission's Town Forest Fund, Accumulative Fund, Land Fund..,

  6. CHAIRMAN FOR 1994: Due to the fact that so few members were present, Bob McEttrick requested this issue be delayed until the February meeting. Lorraine advised the members that the following individuals have terms expiring on March 31, 1994: Bob Walsh, Chris Costantino and Carl Olsen.

  7. WINCHENDON/FORT DEVONS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: Lorraine reported having received a communication from Liz Fletcher of the Monadnock Community Task Force on this airport stating that, for the time being, the issue has been dropped. Instead efforts will be made to making improvements at Logan Airport and Worcester Airport. The message was, however, that this may well not be a dead one.

  8. HITCHINER TOWN FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN: Discussion took place on the Plan with the following issues being decided upon:

    • Improve the parking lot
    • Erect more attractive gates to the two fields
    • Put up better and additional signs
    • Continue maintenance plan of field cutting (one field one year and the other the next)
    • Expose the stone walls and maintain this exposure
    • Improve barricade to prevent vehicular access to the fields
    • Encourage police presence in the parking area

    Bob McEttrick suggested that the above Plan be reviewed periodically so that it remains in everybody's mind. It was also suggested that the PACE students could be used to expose the stone walls and Chris stated she had already been contacted. by this organization in the hope work would be available for the students in the coming summer.

  9. PUBLIC HEARING/PROPOSED ZONING CHANGES: Lorraine reported she had attended this Public Hearing on January 11, 1994 on behalf of the Commission. The Wetlands Ordinance was before the hearing regarding adding words to the effect "or as may be amended from time to time" wherever reference was made to a dated document. At the hearing there were no comments on this issue. This will go before Town Meeting on the Zoning Ballot.

  10. TOWN MEETING: Bob McEttrick questioned the members as to their desire for a booth at Town Meeting. After a brief discussion it was decided in the negative, it being felt that the last attempt was a waste of time.

  11. 1994 FOCUS: Bob asked all members to give some thought to what issue or issues should be the focus for 1994, and to report at the next meeting.

  12. TOWN OWNED LAND: Lorraine reported that creating a list of town owned lands and the acreage involved was her next priority now that the Conservation Plan was completed. In addition to the actual lands, she will obtain from Bob Courage the amount of land involved in the roadways in town, and also the total acreage of the Town itself. She stated that there are many lands owned by the Town about which she has no details, and these will be added to the list and completed as time permits.

  13. SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE CONSERVATION COMMISSIONS MEETING: Bob McEttrick advised the members that the next meeting of this organization is set for Thursday, Janaury 27, 1994 at 7p.m. in the Pelham Town Hall. The program, will be "Rare and Endangered Plants in New Hampshire". Directions to the Pelham Town hall were given on the notice, which will be mailed to the members for the benefit of those interested in attending.

  14. UNDEVELOPED LANDS/TAX SALE: Lorraine advised the members that today, Selectman Leishman had presented her with a list of undeveloped lands the Town had seized because of non-payment of taxes, and which were being offered to the Conservation. She had not had time today to look into these lands any further but did provide a composite map of Milford with the locations indicated on it. She will obtain further information on these lands next week.

    The lands given by the Selectmen to the Commission are as follows:

    Map 40 Lot 53:
    This is a narrow strip of land along the edge of Boulder Drive. Peter Leishman suggested to Lorraine that perhaps the Commission should give thought to negotiating with the abuttor to purchase this strip from the Town.

    Map 40 Lot 62:
    This is a house lot on Mason Road abutting Tucker Brook Town Forest, which adds to the width of the Forest as it abuts Mason Road.

    Map 56 Lot 69:
    This is landlocked property off Foster Road at the Brookline Town Line. It was assumed that the deed to this land would most likely include some right of way across some other land.

    Map 42 Lot 76:
    This property lies on Armory Road and is very wet.

    Map 57 Lot 2:
    This is another landlocked piece of land in the Hollis corner of Milford.

    Map 9 Lot 1:
    Also landlocked, this parcel lies close to but does not abut the Mayflower Hill Town Forest.
Lorraine will prepare a letter from Bob McEttrick to sign, thanking the Selectmen for their interest in conserving these undeveloped properties and for their willingness to turn them over to the Commission.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.45p.m.
The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, February 10, 1994 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of February 10, 1994

Robert McEttrick, Chairman, Robert Walsh, Vice Chairman
Charles Carter, Ken Utting, Hub Seward, Chris Costantino, Full Members
Carol Whitson, Carl Olsen, Alternates
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: Minutes of the past two meetings were approved as follows:
    1. Minutes of December 9, 1993 Meeting: Upon motion made by Ken Utting and seconded by Bob Walsh, these Minutes were accepted as presented.
    2. Minutes of January 13, 1994 Meeting: Upon motion made by Charles Carter and seconded by Chris Costantino, these Minutes were accepted as presented.
    The voting in both cases was unanimous.

  2. HAMPSHIRE PAPER CORPORATION: Steve Stepanek of Hampshire Corp. met with the members to discuss a proposed warehouse and shipping facility on Powers Street on Map 43 Lot 41. The 4.63 acre site is zoned Industrial, with 34% of the total area being marginal wetlands. It was the desire of Hampshire Paper not to disturb the wetlands nor the buffer zone in the process of the proposed development. However, the zoning ordinance requires 30% of the lot to be usable open space, and wetlands cannot farm part of this space. Therefore Hampshire Paper needs a variance to include the wetlands as part of the required 30% usable open space in order to preserve the wetlands. Mr. Stepanek explained that they can erect the desired building and keep out of the wetlands in total. The wetlands were formed several years ago from a drainage ditch put in when Powers Street area was first developed. There will be a paved parking lot and heating will be by gas and therefore no problems of oil leakage exists. He added that it is Hampshire Paper's intension to put in a railroad spur which would considerably reduce the amount of trucking to and from the facility. Construction of the facility is planned for spring. Mr. Stepanek was seeking the Commission's support to include the wetlands as part of the required usable open space in order not to have to disturb the wetlands nor the buffer zone.

    After a brief discussion, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted unanimously in the affirmative to support the request of Hampshire Paper Corp. for a variance from the Board of Adjustment in order to develop the site as desired but without disturbance of the wetlands. A letter will be sent to the Board of Adjustment in time for the February 17, 1994 meeting.

  3. STEVEN DESMARAIS/SUBDIVISION/MAP 48 LOT 55: Phil Tuomala of Monadnock Survey, and Steve Desmarais met with the Commission to review this proposed subdivision which included wetlands. The 7.44 acre site is to be divided into three lots, two to be reached by a common driveway which crosses wetlands on site. A fifth small wetland area lies where a house would be constructed, though Mr. Desmarais indicated that the owner of abutting property was interested in purchasing this lot because its development would interfere with his view. Mr. Tuomala stated he had already filed a Dredge and Fill application with the Town Clerk, but the Commission had not yet received its copy. Lorraine will make enquiries into this. Four culverts are proposed in the common driveway for the wetlands To be crossed. The driveway is 600 feet long, and the culverts are proposed at 12 to 16 inches in diameter. It was explained that when Route 101 was constructed, it divided an existing wet area and the remains of it are on the lot proposed for subdivision, with the larger wetland across the highway. Carol Whitson expressed the opinion that the isolated wetland on Lot 55-2 which would be destroyed when the house is built, was most likely a vernal pool and therefore not the minor wetland as had been assumed. She urged that this wetland at least receive inspection prior to any development of the area. After discussion of the wetlands involved., and because of the extensive snow cover, it was decided that Bob Walsh and Charles Carter would attempt to review the wetland areas using snow shoes. However, it was felt that little would be gained from this, and also the snow cover would preclude any investigation of the vernal pool. Bob and Charles will report to the Commission at its planned February 24, 1994 meeting as to their findings. It was the opinion of the Commission that any adequate on site inspection would most likely have to wait until spring. This case is scheduled to go before the Board of Adjustment on February 17, 1994 for a special exception. A letter will be sent to that Board explaining the situation and the resulting inability of the Commission to render an opinion at this time. A letter to the same effect will be sent to the Wetlands Board.

  4. OSGOOD POND UPDATE: Lorraine briefed the members on the report she had received from Dufresne Henry Inc. regarding the dredging of Osgood Pond. The report divided the work into four sections, first to determine the volume of material to be dredged for a cost of not-to-exceed $2,080.00; this would be accomplished while the pond is iced over. Second section would be to determine acceptable diSposition of the dredged material for a not-to-exceed cost of $2,800.00. the third task would be to develop means and method to remove the material, and final task would be the implementation. At this time, no quotations were provided for the last two tasks. After discussion of this, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor which was seconded by Charles Carter and voted in the affirmative to spend $2,080.00 from the Accumulative Fund to determine the amount of material to be dredged. Chris Costantino was against the motion. The Board of Selectmen will be advised of this decision and will be asked if a meeting between that Board and the Commission would be needed at this point in time.

  5. HITCHINER TOWN FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN: Lorraine provided copies of the Management Plan to members. A brief discussion took place regarding actually doing the work included in the Plan, and it was decided that this might be a good project for the PACE students for this summer. Further discussion of this matter will be scheduled for the April 1994 meeting.

  6. TOWN LANDS: Lorraine provided the members with a list of town-owned lands which she had prepared as of January 1994. The list includes the total acreage of Milford and total roadways, and is further divided into lands in conservation, undeveloped town-owned lands not under the jurisdiction of the Commission, park lands, developed lands owned by the town and farm lands/agricultural land development rights, and lands under conservation easements. Lorraine will update this list from time to time as needed. Lorraine also advised the members that of the recent lands taken by the Town for non-payment of property taxes, one had carried the incorrect map and lot number. It was not Map 9 Lot 1 (near Mayflower Hill Town Forest) as originally indicated, but rather Map 12 Lot 9-1 (a small lot on Elm Street and not suitable for conservation purposes. She also advised the members that the Board of Selectmen had requested input from the Commission on all the properties recently seized, as to the most suitable disposition of same. For the February 24 1994 meeting, she will provide the members with details of each piece for them to make the requested recommendations to the Board. In discussion of town-owned lands, the issue of how much land in Milford was under Current Land Use was raised. Lorraine will obtain this information from the Assessing Department for the next meeting. It was also suggested that NHACC be requested to obtain this information from other towns in the State and for it to be published in a newsletter. Lorraine will make this suggestion to NHACC.

  7. SO. NHCC. MEETING: It was established that no members had been able to attend this meeting in Pelham on January 27, 1994.

  8. PUBLIC HEARING - BUDGET AND WARRANT ARTICLES: Bob Walsh reported he had attended this Public Hearing on behalf of the Commission, and that all had gone well with the Commission's request for $4,000 Operating Budget, and with its warrant articles, except for the warrant articles concerning the change of use penalty for lands in Current Land Use. Bob explained that two warrant articles are needed, one to authorize monies received from the penalty to be put in a fund other than the General Fund, and the other to decide on the percentage of the funds received to go into the land fund. He advised the members that whereas both articles have the support of the Selectmen, the Budget Committee supports the article to put the funds in an account other than the General Fund but does not support the request for 15% of those funds to go to the conservation land fund. Bob found negative response from the public present to the first article because they were concerned if 15 % went to the land fund ' where would the remaining 85% go? Bob felt that some publicity on this issue would be a good idea, in an effort to educate the public in advance of Town Meeting. Bill Parker had offered to prepare an article for the local newspaper. It was decided to wait until the next issue of the Milford Cabinet to see what the reporter present at the Public Hearing had to offer, and then do further publicity if needed. This will be discussed further at the February 24 1994 meeting.

  9. BEAVER BROOK/BURNS LAND: Discussion took place regarding the article in the most recent issue of the Milford Cabinet on this subject for which both Lorraine and Bob McEttrick had been interviewed. Lorraine informed the members that Selectman Leishman had been advised by the President of Beaver Brook that it is their intention now that the land has been transferred, to do nothing for a while. Beaver Brook Association has also refused to meet with the selectmen as Mr. Leishman had requested of them. Lorraine also stated she had late this afternoon, received a CODY of the deed transferring ownership to Beaver Brook Association, and that the deed contained no conditions whatsoever; nor did it contain any reference to the fact that the Board of Selectmen had requested it be written into the deed that if Beaver Brook no longer wanted the land, that it would revert to the Town of Milford. For the next meeting, Lorraine will provide members with a copy of the deed.

Due to the lateness of the hour, the following items on the agenda did not receive attention, and will be on the agenda for the February 24, 1994 meeting:

  Chairman for 1994
  Community Tree Program.
  Shelving for MCC Office (to be scheduled for May meeting)

In addition, Lorraine advised the members that several other issues had come up since she prepared the agenda for this meeting, that needed attention.

Therefore a meeting has been scheduled for 7.30p.m. on Thursday, February 24, 1994, in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of March 10, 1994

Robert McEttrick, Chairman
Robert Walsh, Vice Chairman (departed 9.15p.m.)
Charles Carter, Hub Seward
Chris Costantino (arrived at 9p.m.)
Carl Olsen, Alternate (arrived 8p.m.)
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Bob Walsh and seconded by Charles Carter, it was voted in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the February 24 1994 meeting as presented.

  2. CHAIRMAN: Considerable discussion took place regarding the chairman for the coming year. Bob Walsh as Vice Chairman, did not wish to accept the chairmanship. Hub Seward had given consideration to the offer of this position which was made at the February 24, 1994 meeting, and stated that though he did not feel he really had sufficient time, he would be willing to give it a try for one year. Charles Carter stated should Hub decline, he would be willing to be chairman for one year, and if Hub would accept the chairmanship he would be vice-chairman. Chairman McEttrick noted that this was the third time this issue had been on the agenda, and constantly there was poor attendance at the meetings which resulted in a decision on the issue being postponed. He added he was not happy with the attendance at meetings of late. Some members have not been to a meeting in several months; others have not attended very much, and nobody has bothered to advise either him or Lorraine of inability to attend so that an alternate could be secured. On the subject of expiring terms, Bob Walsh indicated he would be willing to serve for another term, and though Chris Costantino was not present at this portion of the meeting, it was assumed she would be willing to serve another term. Carl Olsen stated he would be willing to serve again but only as an alternate, siting his extremely demanding job as allowing him insufficient time for any further involvement in the Commission for the time being. Though Carol Whitson was not present, it was assumed that she would be willing to serve as a full member to complete the unexpired portion of Bob McEttrick's term as such.

    NOTE: In order to finalize the decision on chairmanship, Bob McEttrick stated that it is mandatory that ALL members attend the meeting on Thursday, March 24 1994 at 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall. This will be the only item on the agenda.

  3. LAND USE SEMINARS AT BEAVERBROOK ASSOCIATION: Bob McEttrick stated that he wished to obtain a commitment from the members so that one member will be in attendance at each of these seminars for which payment in full had been made. After a brief discussion, the following schedule was developed:
    • March 21: Carol Whitson (Bob McEttrick will contact her to make sure she would be able to attend)
    • March 28: ?
    • April 4: ?
    • April 11: Carl Olsen
    • April 18: Bob Walsh
    Again with insufficient members present, it was not possible to establish who would attend the March 28 and April 4 seminars. This will be decided at the March 24 1994 meeting.

  4. TOWN MEETING RESULTS: Discussion took place regarding the warrant articles fore the March 8 1994 Town Meeting. It was noted that the alteration in the termination definition of North River Road as a scenic road, passed. It was noted that the Joslin Land was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission. Regarding the two warrant articles pertaining to the current land use change of use tax, it was noted that the first warrant article passed, which authorized revenues received from this tax be placed in a fund separate from the general fund. However, the article requesting 15% of these funds with a maximum of $10,000 per year be assigned to the Conservation Land Fund did not pass. The general opinion of Town Meeting was "tell us what you want to buy and we will consider the issue. After considerable discussion it was decided to submit this warrant article again in March 1995, but add wording to indicate that before funds are spent from the Land Fund, the matter will be brought before a Town Meeting.

  5. FOREST HARVESTING LECTURE: Lorraine provided members present with a copy of the details of this free lecture, to take place from 9.30a.m. to noon on Friday March 25 1994 at the Extension Service Office on South Street.

  6. SUMMER CONSERVATION CAMP: Lorraine advised the members that not having received any information on this matter, including the land seminar camp, she had called SPNHF and was advised that there will be no land seminar camp this year, and that the conservation camp will take place in late June. Paperwork on this will be sent out in about two weeks time. After some discussion, the members decided to send two students to the summer camp, and as soon as the paperwork is received, Lorraine will be in touch with Tim O'Connell at the High School for his assistance in finding two students interested in attending.

  7. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Lorraine requested of the members whether or not they wished this trail to be added to the trail map package available in the Town Hall. With a decision in the affirmative, Lorraine will prepare a map as best as possible from available maps of the trail together with a description of how to reach the trail entrance with mileage being measured from the Milford Oval. Lorraine also pointed out to the members that the License for this trail issued to the Commission by the NH Fish and Game Department indicated that the license did not include a bridge proposed at site G on a map which is part of the License. It also did not include a proposed new section of trail indicated as a broken blue line on said map. After discussion, it was established that neither the proposed bridge at site G nor the above described trail have been built. Lorraine also pointed out that there was an Attachment B as part of this License which listed rules to be obeyed when using the trail, and which list should be posted on the sign board at the trail entrance. She will make sure this is done. From Steve Turner a map was received together with a description of various sites along the trail. Charles Carter pointed out that the list included a bridge named "Commission Bridge" followed by the wording "Courtesy of Milford Conservation Commission". He suggested the name of the bridge be changed, and the "courtesy" wording be eliminated as this gave the impression that this was the only part of the trail in which it was involved. After discussion, it was decided to eliminate the wording and to rename the bridge PACE Bridge, with a small sign added to the bridge that it was built by the students of P.A.C.E. Charles' suggestion that a new heading for the description be used, was adopted, namely "Information Center - Souhegan River Trail System. Project by the Milford Conservation Commission". Lorraine will prepare a map for the trail entrance sign board and will type up the information on the various points of interest. Discussion also took place regarding the difficulty of finding the trail entrance due to the fact that the large sign is situation well into the trail to avoid vandalism. It was suggested that a small sign be erected at the immediate trail entrance close to the parking area, and/or another small sign erected at the gravel road as it leaves North River Road. It was felt that such a sign might be in the way to the farmer plowing the fields on either side of this roadway, and an alternative location was suggested, namely erecting the small sign on property owned by Steve Desmarais across North River Road from the gravel road to the trail. No decision was made on this location, nor were arrangements made for making the sign(s).

  8. BEAVER BROOK ASSOCIATION/BURNS LAND: Bob McEttrick advised the members that he had been contacted by John Ferguson, now a member of the Board of Trustees of Beaver Brook Association, that a committee was being formed for the Burns property, which includes representatives from various groups in Milford, plus a representative from the Conservation Commission. The first meeting of this committee is scheduled for 4p.m. on Tuesday, March 22 1994. The question was raised as to who will represent the Commission. Bob McEttrick made note of the fact that with so few members present at the meeting, it made things very difficult to organize. Hub stated he may be able to attend, but it being at 4p.m. made it inconvenient for most people. It was decided that Bob would call Carol Whitson to find out if she could 90, and it was learned once Chris arrived at this meeting, that she would be able to attend. Bob will advise John Ferguson as to who will be attending. Regarding the flowage rights to Osgood Pond dam, Lorraine reported today having received a letter from Beaver Brook stating that the matter will be discussed at their Board Meeting on March 17 1994.

  9. OSGOOD POND DREDGING: Lorraine reported having called Dufresne Henry Inc. to find out when the work would begin to establish the amount of muck on the pond floor, and was advised work was scheduled to commence yesterday.

  10. CONSERVATION EASEMENTS/DADOLY & PISANO/PRUNIER: Lorraine advised the members that a letter had been received from Lee Mayhew regarding the lack of response from the above parties to his efforts to obtain deeds for the conservation easements. Lorraine had spent a year in these efforts, and finally handed the matter over to Lee. His efforts have also gone on for considerable time with no results at all. Lorraine provided the following information on the easements, all of which appear on subdivision plans filed in the Registry of Deeds: Thomas Dadoly and Frank Pisano: these involve two house lots on Kasey Drive with the easements running along Birch Brook. The brook divides the Dadoly property in half and then runs across a corner of the Pisano property, involving Map 41 Lots 1-2 and 1-3. A review of the properties a while ago indicated no interference with the easement. Richard Prunier: This easement of about 100 feet wide and running for about 240 feet along the Souhegan River, lies on Map 8 Lots 2 and 2-1. Mr. Mayhew requested information regarding what the Commission would like done on these matters in light of the fact that numerous letters and phone calls and the involvement of Town Counsel in drawing up the deeds, have brought no response from any of the parties. With the Commission's desire to have recorded deeds for conservation easements, it was decided that Lorraine will place one more phone call to the parties, and if that brings forth no response, the matter will be filed for the time being, and perhaps raised again in the future.

  11. COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM: Because this item has been on the agenda for several meetings with Ken Utting not in attendance to present the anticipated report, it was decided that Lorraine would put the information on the various lectures available, in the Commission's office. Anybody wishing to attend any of the courses, which cost $15.00 each, must advise her so that payment can be made.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10p.m.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 24, 1994 at 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall.

The Chairman states it is mandatory for all members to attend this meeting in order that a chairman for 1994 may be chosen with the support of Commission members.


Meeting Minutes of March 24,1994

Robert McEttrick, Chairman, Robert Walsh, Vice Chairman
Hub Seward, Charles Carter, Ken Utting, John Kenison, Chris Costantino, full members
Carol Whitson, Carl Olsen, Alternates
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Robert Walsh and seconded by Charles Carter, the Minutes of the March 10 1994 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. CHAIRMAN: On motion made by John Kenison and seconded by Robert Walsh and voted in the affirmative, the following actions took place:
    Chairman: Hub Seward
    Vice Chairman: Charles Carter

    John Kenison offered praise and appreciation to Bob McEttrick for his work on the Commission both as a volunteer and as the chairman. All members concurred with what he had to say, and thanked Bob for a fine job.

  3. MEMBERSHIPS: With terms of office expiring March 31 1994, the following members agreed to serving another term:
    Robert Walsh to March 1997
    Chris Costantino to March 1997

    Carl Olsen agreed to remaining on as an alternate, with a term to expire March 1995.

    With the departure of Bob McEttrick from the Commission, Carol Whitson was willing to serve as a full member for the remainder of Bob's term, which is March 1995.

    A letter was signed by Hub Seward to the Board of Selectmen, offering the above membership and terms of office, if the Board so desires.

  4. LECTURES AT BEAVERBROOK ASSOCIATION: Chris Costantino agreed to attend the lecture on March 28 1994, and Ken Utting to attending the one on April 4 1994.

  5. SO. N.H. CONSERVATION COMMISSIONS MEETING: The next meeting of this group is scheduled for Saturday, April 2 1994, and is an all day affair. Featured speakers will talk on water quality, plants and wildlife in marshes and wetlands. Canoes, life jackets and suitable clothing must be provided by those attending. The time is 10a.m., meeting at Kendall Pond where canoes will be put in, and ending at 4p.m. at the Route 111A bridge in Pelham. Further information may be obtained from Renee Solomon at 1-437-5535.

  6. UPCOMING LECTURES: On Thursday, April 28 1994 from 7.30p.m. to 9.30p.m the Nashua Regional Planning Commission is offering a free lecture at its offices atl15 Main Street, Nashua on "State Permits: Do You Know What You Require?". Because early registration is required, names of members wishing to attend will be taken at the April 14 1994 Meeting.

  7. SUMMER CONSERVATION CAMPS: Lorraine reported she had received information from SPNHF regarding the summer camp. There will be no land seminar this year. She had forwarded the details to Tim O'Connell at the High School with the request he attempt to find two students interested in attending.
Bob McEttrick presented information he had received from UNH regarding a variety of summer camps they have available. Lorraine will review the paperwork provided, and give the information to the members at the next meeting at which time a decision will be made as to which summer camps to offer to two students.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 8.15p.m. The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall on Thursday, April 14 1994.


Meeting Minutes of April 14, 1994

Hub Seward, Chairman, Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
John Kenison, Robert Walsh, Carol Whitman, Ken Utting, Chris Costantino, full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Ken Utting and seconded by Chris Costantino, the Minutes of the March 24, 1994 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. HAMPSHIRE PAPER/AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT/Map 43 Lot 41: Steve Stepanek of Hampshire Paper came before the Commission to review the proposed warehouse building on Powers Street, which lies over the aquifer. He briefed the members on the proposed project, as per his meeting with the Commission on February 10, 1994. He added that test wells on the site had proven that there are no pollutants in the underground water at this time. The site consists mostly of sand and gravel. The proposed use is for warehousing only, with no impact on the wetlands or buffer zone on site. He explained that Hampshire Paper is highly motivated in recycling and in protection of the environment, that their printing materials are water based inks and the only waste created is paper which is recycled as much as possible. There will be no inground drains in the proposed building, and it will be on town sewer and water. Space for a total of 64 parking spaces is required by Town zoning. Mr. Stepanek proposes to provide parking space for about 24 employees at this time, with open space left for future parking spaces as needed. The proposed parking will be hot topped. Heating of the building will be by propane gas and the tanks will be buried for safety reasons. After a brief discussion, with the members seeing no problems regarding the aquifer for the proposed use of the site, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Charles Carter and voted in the affirmative to recommend to the Planning Board that the proposed use of this site be permitted.

  3. ITRONICS CORP./AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT/Map 48 Lot 32: Steven Elich of Itronics Corp. met with the Commission regarding the proposed relocation of this business from Amherst to an unused building on the corner of Route 13 South and Emerson Road in Milford. Mr. Elich advised the members that the building he proposes to use for his business, has never been used to date and is owned by Roger Chappell. The building currently has no floor no plumbing and no electricity. Though the building will be renovated, no size increase is proposed; a well will be dug; the septic system has been approved by the State. He explained that his business is an electronics assembly one with currently about 20 employees. He wishes to relocate because his current rented location is too small, and because of the nature of the business and the special requirements of cleanliness, a rented building is not in his best interests. Mr. Elich explained the various facets of his business, including the fact that water used on site is filtered before it leaves the building, and the metals thus collected are returned to the metal refineries. It is stored in special cans until pick up. In answer to questions, Mr. Elich stated that there is no set up to check the filters, but added that when they begin to run slow, they are changed. No testing is done on the water after it goes through the filters. Various chemicals used in his business are hazardous substances but are not in sufficient quantities or concentrations to pose any problem. Regarding parking, 5 spaces will be paved including a paved area in front of the building. Parking areas for the employees will be gravel. His business, Mr. Elich stated, does not create hazardous waste. After a brief discussion, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Charles Carter and voted in the affirmative to recommend to the Planning Board that the proposed use of this site be approved.

  4. PONDVIEW SUBDIVISION/AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT/Map 42 Lots 49 and 50: Bill Parker, Planning Director, met with the Commission to review this proposed 10 lot subdivision for houses located at the intersection of Osgood Road and Mason Road. The site is currently occupied by mobile homes, which will be removed from the site. Ten homes in the price range of $180,000 are proposed each with its own septic system, but on town water. Three driveways will be on Mason Road, this being all that is permitted as this section of Mason Road is State road. The remaining lots will be accessed from Osgood Road. Members expressed concerns that there would be ten septic systems so close to Osgood Pond, but were assured by Bill that they would all be more than 75 feet from the pond. After a brief discussion, Charles Carter put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted in the affirmative to recommend to the Planning Board that the proposed use of this property be approved. Bill Parker also pointed out that the area of this property used for parking for the unofficial canoe launch site on Osgood Pond, would no longer be available. Another canoe launch site should be considered on other property abutting Osgood Pond which was left to the Town by the late Hazel Burns.

  5. STEVE DESMARAIS SUBDIVISION/WETLAND/Map 48 Lot 55: Charles Carter reported that today he, Lorraine, Steve Desmarais, Kevin Lynch, Gerry Rosenberg (soils scientist) and Michael Lynch (conservationist) had made an on site inspection of this property to review the wetland area thought to be a vernal pool. After review of the area, Gerry Rosenberg stated that the wetland was not a vernal pool, but rather an outcropping of ground water coming from the ledge above. It was his opinion that if a house is built above this wetland it could result in diverting this water flow or stopping it completely. It was also felt that even if the house was built beyond the wetland and buffer zone,, this wetland would be in its front yard, and future property owners could well simply fill it in or turn it into front lawn. Mr. Rosenberg felt that should this happen, it would not have a detrimental effect on the wetlands downhill. Charles added that after the on site, he gave thought to perhaps creating a vernal pool in the wetland forming the first driveway crossing and had talked to Gerry Rosenberg about this idea. Gerry will look into the possibility and will report back to Charles. After a brief discussion, Charles Carter put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris and voted in the affirmative to advise the Board of Adjustment that this wetland is not a vernal pool, and to recommend that disturbance of it and/or the buffer zone around it, be approved.

  6. MEMBERSHIP: Lorraine advised the following members that their terms had been renewed by the Board of Selectmen and that their Oath of Office forms were in the Town Clerk's office awaiting their signatures: Robert Walsh, Chris Costantino and Carl Olsen. The Selectmen had also appointed Carol Whitson as a full member and her Oath of Office form was also ready for signature. The Town Clerk's Office is open Monday evenings until 8p.m. for those who would not be able to be there during the day. Lorraine also advised the members that a new volunteer, David Parker, had indicated an interest in serving on the Commission. She had talked to him on the phone, and he had indicated he would attend tonight's meeting but did not appear. He had met with the Board of Selectmen on Monday, April 11 1994, and had been appointed to the Commission as an alternate member for a three year term. Lorraine will again contact him on the phone.

    1. Southern New Hampshire Conservation Commissions: None of the members had had the opportunity to take part in the day long canoe trip planned for April 2.
    2. Forest Harvesting Lecture: Chris stated she had not been able to attend this lecture at the Extension Service on Friday March 25 1994.
    3. Land Use Planning and Protection Seminars/Beaver Brook: Members who were scheduled to attend the various seminars to date had done so, and reported all lectures were worthwhile. Those attending were as follows:
      • March 21, Groundwater/Carol Whitman; March 28, Soils Mapping/Chris Costantino; ·
      • April 4, Forest harvesting laws & current land use/Ken Utting. ·
      • April 11, Transportation Alternatives/Carl Olsen, with Carl not present at this meeting, it was not known if he had attended.
    4. State Permits Lecture: to be held at Nashua Regional Planning Office at 115 Main Street, Nashua on April 28 1994 at 7.30p.m.: It was decided that Chris Costantino would attend.
    5. HCCD Annual Meeting: This meeting is scheduled for 6p.m. on Tuesday April 19 at the Souhegan High School, Amherst. For a cost of $8.00 per person, it includes an Italian supper. By telephone poll, Lorraine had contacted the members, and the following will be attending: Chris, John, Hub, Carol and Lorraine. Payment was executed.

  8. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Charles stated that Steve Turner's large trail map had been received and that Lorraine had copied it into an original together with a legend typed on it. Lorraine presented the original for review. It was decided that she will copy this map before it is put up on the information board, in case it is vandalized. Lorraine also typed up for posting on the board, a list of conditions required by NH Fish and Game Department as per the license. Once the map is copied, Charles will post it. Lorraine had also prepared a smaller version of the map together with details and distances on how to reach the trail entrance. These are now part of the trail map package available in the Town Hall. Copies of it will also be added to the Member's red binders. Regarding the annual report on the Souhegan Trail as required by Fish and Game Department, Lorraine reported she had received Steve Turner's report and realized that all that is required is an annual report of activities on the trail. She will take care of this on an annual basis, reporting end December/early January.

  9. DUES, ETC.:
    1. Wetlands Board's Code of Administrative Rules: Lorraine reported that a revised set of these rules is now available for $5.00 per copy. This document forms part of the Town's Wetlands Ordinance and an up-to-date copy should therefore be with the complete ordinance file in the MCC office. On motion made by Bob Walsh, seconded by Ken Utting and voted in the affirmative, Lorraine was authorized to expend $5.00 for a copy of the Rules.

    2. "Best Management Wetlands Practices for Agriculture": Lorraine advised members of the existence of this publication (put out by the Department Agriculture) for a cost of $12.00 per copy. Carol Whitman put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted in the affirmative to authorize the expenditure of $12.00 for the purchase of this publication. During discussion the question of where to retain this book was raised, and it was felt that it perhaps should be in the Wadleigh Library though previous publications provided to the Library seem not to be as readily available to the public as should be. Charles put forward the suggestion that when sufficient publications are available, provided by the Commission, that a shelf be made to house them all in one place in the Library and indicating that they have been donated by the Commission.

      SPNHF Dues: On motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Carol Whitson, it was voted in the affirmative to pay $30.00 dues to the Society for this year. This represents an increase of $4.00 over previous years.

  10. TOWN MEETING/CURRENT LAND USE: Lorraine advised the members that at its meeting on March 28 1994, the Board of Selectmen had discussed the fact that at Town Meeting, it was voted to place revenues from land use change tax into a fund separate from the General Fund, but the article to deposit 15% (maximum of $10,000) of these funds into the Conservation Land Fund had failed. The Selectmen made the decision to request next Town Meeting to rescind the affirmative vote of the last town meeting; and to have the Commission instead request an annual appropriation to the Land Fund directly from the Town. The members decided they would discuss this issue more fully later in the year when working on the 1995 budget and warrant articles.

  11. BUDGET/FIRST QUARTER: Lorraine provided members with the expenses for the first quarter of 1994. Of the $4,000 appropriation, $1,546.06 has been spent to March 31 1994.
    Lorraine also advised the members that she had received an increase which will result in an over expenditure of $477.00 in the Wage Account. This is due to the fact that pay increases have been received from time to time, but no change was made in the annual appropriation amount. For some time, the wage account was part of the Selectmen's budget and changes in appropriation were made accordingly. Now it is considered a separate line item, and neither she nor past chairman Bob McEttrick were aware of the fact an effort should have been made by the Commission to provide the Selectmen's Office with updated figures. The current appropriation in the amount of $7,854.00 dates back to January 1992. Lorraine will find out from Lee Mayhew what the process should be to have the correct figure reflected in future. Regarding a possible overexpenditure of $477.00, Hub questioned Lorraine as to how many hours were agreed upon by the Selectmen. This figure was 850 hours per year, and she added that every year since and including 1990 there have been varying hourly overages each year, none of which were sufficient to result in an authorized increase over the 850 per year. As a result of the Commission's Operating Expense and the Wage Account being a separate line item, John Kenison suggested that Lorraine add the wage information to the Quarterly Budget Report, and that for next Town Meeting, a member of the Commission be thoroughly briefed and prepared to report on the finances of the Commission at Town Meeting.

  12. HITCHINER TOWN FOREST/PACE STUDENTS: Lorraine reminded the members that it was the request of Bob McEttrick that the Management Plan be reviewed from time to time, and that they should also give consideration to work in this Forest to be done by the PACE students this coming summer. Hub Seward asked that each member give thought to this issue and make a list of what they feel needs to be done, the matter to be further discussed at the next meeting.

  13. OSGOOD POND DREDGING: Lorraine reported that today she had received a report from Dufresne-Henry Inc. regarding this matter. This report stated that there is approximately 71,700 cu.yds. of material to be dredged, and that a sample of the material had been tested the results of which showed there to be no pollutants in it and that the material is of a moderately rich nutrient value. She had written a letter to the Board of Selectmen on this and sent them a copy of the letter from Dufresne-Henry Inc. The cost for this information is a not to exceed amount of $2,080.00 which the Commission had agreed to pay out of the Accumulative Fund. Prior to undertaking this part of the dredging process, it had been agreed that before the next step is taken, the Commission would meet with the Selectmen to discuss matters further. She had indicated this in the letter to the Board, and their response is awaited.

  14. ARBOR DAY/PROJECT RE-ROOT: Lorraine reported that Bill Kucharski had contacted regarding his plans for Project Re-Root in conjunction with Arbor Day which is April 29. Bill will be putting a letter to the editor in the Milford Cabinet asking citizens to donate a tree to the project or money. Trees may be dropped off at the Extension Service. Regarding donated monies, Bill asked if the Commission could take care of that. He felt it is time to start a monetary fund to be used for future maintenance etc. of the trees on the Hitchiner Town forest nursery. Lorraine had advised him that it might be possible to put any money received into the Town's General Fund under an account "MCC - Project Re-Root". In discussion of this idea, the members felt it would be in order, but requested Bill meet with the Selectmen for their opinion. Lorraine will advise Bill of this decision.

  15. CANOE TRIP ON MERRIMACK RIVER: Lorraine advised members of a canoe trip planned to paddle the entire length of the Merrimack River, to start at Old Man of the Mountain in Franconia Notch on June 2 1994 and end 16 days later at Newburyport, Ma. Canoeists can join the trip at any point for any length of time. For further information, members may contact Roger Papineau at 673-4941. Carol Whitman indicated she would like to organize taking part in this trip, starting on the Souhegan River. A brochure on the canoe trip will be available for members in the MCC Office.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10p.m. The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 12, 1994 at 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of May 12, 1994

Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
Robert Walsh, Chris Costantino, Carol Whitson, John Kenison, full members
David Parker, Alternate
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Charles Carter and seconded by John Kenison it was voted unanimously in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the April 14 1994 meeting as presented.

  2. MEMBERSHIPS: The members accepted with regret, the resignation of Kenneth Utting, who resigned due to insufficient time to give to the Commission. David Parker, the newly appointed alternate member, was welcomed to the Commission by the members. Also present was John Bierschenk who is interested in becoming a member of the Commission. In discussions of this, John was advised he would have to meet with the Board of Selectmen for appointment to the Commission, and it was agreed that Hub Seward would write a letter to that Board recommending John be appointed as a full member to complete the unexpired portion of Ken Utting's term, which is to March 1996. Lorraine gave Oath of Office paperwork to Carol Whitson and David Parker; Bob Walsh had also been sworn in for another term, but his paperwork was not available and Lorraine will check into this. Chris was reminded she still has to be sworn in. As far as was known, Carl Olsen also had not been sworn in to date.

  3. LECTURES: Bob Walsh reported on the April 18 1994 lecture he had attended at Beaver Brook Association, and stated it was a very informative and interesting evening. Carl Olsen had been scheduled to attend the lecture on April 11 1994 at Beaver Brook, but with him not present tonight, it was not known if he had indeed gone to this lecture. Chris Costantino reported she had not attended the lecture on wetland permits held at the Nashua Regional Planning Commission's office on April 28 1994 because that same evening she had met with the scouts regarding proposed work at the Hitchiner Town Forest. Hub Seward reported on the Hillsborough County Conservation District annual meeting held on April 19 1994; he, John Kenison and Lorraine Carson had attended with Carol Whitson not being able to attend due to an accident, and Chris Costantino not being able to attend for personal reasons. Lorraine advised the members there would be two lectures on Wetlands Evaluation - NH Method, one in Concord on May 14 and one in Meredith on June 18. Carol Whitson took the brochure as she may be interested in attending. The cost is $30.00 per person.

  4. RAMPURIA AUTO CARE INC./WHITE DUCK CAR WASH: Aquifer Protection District/ Map 32 Lot 9/Nashua Street/Oil Change Facility Addition: Mr. Rampuria, owner, Attorney Robert McKenney and Esposito Alexant of Environmental Science and Engineering Inc. met with the Commission to present this case. Atty. McKenney addressed the meeting and stated that the proposed plans are to remove the front existing building and to add an addition to the remaining building to house a three bay oil change facility. The tanks for storage of new and used oil will be housed in the basement standing in a secondary containment which will be large enough in volume to contain the contents of the largest tank plus 10%. The entire building will be sealed and if the secondary containment fails, the waste oil will therefore remain within the building. Loading and unloading of the oil in the tanks will be performed entirely within the building with the doors closed. He stated that Quaker Oil Company had provided sufficient information to support the fact that it was highly improbable that a leak could occur. It is that company's desire that this facility will be above and beyond any in existence regards safety. The holding tanks will be fitted with sound alarms to warn of overfill or spills. Because the Planning Board was not totally happy with this proposed facility over the aquifer, Atty. McKenney had arranged for additional technical data to be provided to that Board, the Board of Adjustment and the Commission.
    Mr. Alexant addressed the meeting and stated that Federal guidelines and guidelines developed in other states around the country have been used in the development of this project. The State of New Hampshire is currently working on its own set of guidelines. This facility will have reinforced concrete walls and floors with special plastic being used where the walls and floors meet to further secure against leakage to the outside of any oil spills. Therefore the basement of the building where the tanks will be located will provide a tertiary containment area. To contain any spills on the main floor where the oil changing takes place, a lip will be constructed at the doors with ramps provided for vehicular access to the building.
    Chairman Seward read portions of the Aquifer Protection District to the members, and Charles Carter raised the issue of the flood plain because this building is relatively close to the Souhegan River and across the River from the Curtis Wells. No information regarding the flood plain and this site was available at this time. Mr. Alexant stated that should there be a flood, there would be about one to one and a half day's warning before the water would be at the building, and oil could be removed within that time. It was established that this facility will be open seven days a week. It will be manned by people trained in dealing with oil spills.Chairman Seward reminded those present that the Aquifer Ordinance did not provide for exceptions to a prohibited use; the proposed facility is a prohibited use. Atty. McKenney responded by stating that State law provides that if an ordinance in existence does not provide for updated techniques and improved safety measures, that the Town would be violating a property owner of the right for a feasible use of that property. Hub Seward responded by stating that the Commission was here to support the existing ordinance and not to rewrite it at this time.Charles Carter questioned the fact that the tanks are considered to be above ground but they are to be located in the basement which is below ground level. Mr. Alexant clarified the issue by stating that "above ground" means "not buried".
    Carol Whitson raised the issue of inspections of the facility, and was advised that the facility will be inspected and is designed to facilitate such inspections with the tanks being placed so that there is access all around and they are movable so that the metal of the secondary containment area can be inspected where the feet of the tanks normally rest. Federal regulations require periodic inspections of such facilities but these are visual nes and do not include testing for rust and such like. Mr. Alexant explained that if there is a spill on the first floor, the oil would be guided into the pit openings and into the basement. These pit openings are never to be closed. Only about 1 inch of oil could build up on the first floor before it would begin to flow through the pit openings. A condition of this facility is that there will be no radiator flushings, and at the request of the Commission a written list will be provided of the permitted services. Receipt of this list will be a condition of approval. Special provisions will be made for dealing with small oil spills, to include special mops for absorbing the oil and plastic drums for holding the soiled mops. These drums will be located throughout the building. Bob Walsh expressed concerns that human failure and mechanical failure would always be a possibility with a resulting oil spill, and Charles Carter again raised the issue of the 100 year flood plain. Mr. Alexant will check further into this and provide the Commission with the results of his findings regarding the 100 year flood plain. Chairman Seward stated the Commission needed time to consider this proposed use of a site in the Aquifer Protection District, adding that the Commission, per the Ordinance, has thirty days in which to respond. Some members Indicated a desire to do an on site inspection before making a recommendation on this facility.
    John Bierschenk, attending this meeting as a prospective member of the Commission, put forward the suggestion that a lip be constructed around the entire hot top parking area of the facility. After further discussion, Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Kenison and voted unanimously in the affirmative that per Section 6.016 of the Aquifer Protection District Ordinance, consideration will be given to the facts presented tonight, and a recommendation made to the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment within the 30 (thirty) day time limit; that additional information as requested at this meeting is awaited; and that a recommendation will be made at the next meeting scheduled for June 9 1994; and that a letter will be sent to both boards to this effect. It was noted that this case is scheduled to go before the Board of Adjustment on Thursday, May 19 1994.

  5. TRAILS:
    1. Souhegan River Trail: Charles reported he had put up the trail map on the Information Board at the trail entrance, and that it looked good. Lorraine has copies, though in black and white, of this map so that it can be replaced if it is destroyed.

    2. Mayflower Hill Town Forest: Hub reported he had done work on the red white and blue trails, and had completed the white trail marking recently. This trail goes from Falconer Avenue Extension entrance to the drainageway on Perkins Street. The LCIP sign, located along Perkins Street was discussed and it was decided it would receive more publicity if it were located on the section of this town forest that abuts Mont Vernon Street. John Kenison agreed to relocate this sign.

  6. HITCHINER TOWN FOREST: Hub pointed out that this town forest abuts the Burns land -now owned by Beaver Brook Association, and in his recent discussions with the Association, he put forward the idea of developing a trail from the Hitchiner Town Forest into the Burns property. This idea was enthusiastically received by Beaver Brook, and Chris added this idea to the list of jobs to be done by the PACE students this summer. Regarding further ideas for the PACE students, Hub pointed out that there is a right of way from Whitten Road to the Tucker Brook Town Forest. This already has a trail of sorts through it, but it needs some work. Chris added this to the list. Lorraine pointed out that across Whitten Road from Tucker Brook Town Forest lies the Sullivan Conservation Land, an area of 26 acres on which no work has been done at all regarding trails. This property then abuts the Meadowbrook Conservation Easement along Tucker Brook which leads eventually to the by-pass. The Sullivan property is one conservation track the members have not visited to date. Development of a trail on the Conrey Conservation Easement was briefly discussed regarding the PACE students, but because of Mr. Conrey's failing health, it was decided to leave this trail development alone for the time being.

  7. OSGOOD POND DREDGING: Lorraine reported that the invoice for the initial work done by Dufresne Henry Inc. on this project had been received. It was in the amount of $2077.70 and, as agreed, it had been paid from the Accumulative Fund. The Board of Selectmen were interested in Carl Chappell being contacted regarding his apparent interest in doing the dredging free of charge if he could have the material. She had attempted several times to reach him on the phone unsuccessfully, and had finally written to him with copies of the letter to the Selectmen and Dufresne Henry Inc. It was not known at this point whether or not Mr. Chappell had sufficient equipment to perform this work within the draw-down guidelines provided by the NH Fish and Game Department, and with this in mind, the members were not sure just how to proceed to move this project along. It was decided Lorraine would talk to Chairman Jack Ruonala on this issue.

  8. CANOE TRIP/MERRIMACK RIVER/SOUHEGAN RIVER: With Carol Whitson not being able to remain at this meeting beyond 9p.m., this item was not discussed and will be added to the agenda for the next meeting on June 9 1994.

  9. RECREATION PROGRAM FOR MILFORD: The Commission had received notification from Lee Mayhew of the desire of the Selectmen to develop an annual recreation facility for all ages in Milford. This is part of a plan to be submitted in an attempt to have Milford awarded the distinction of being an "All American City". Lee was looking for representation from the Commission to work on the committee to be created for this purpose. After a brief discussion, Chris Costantino and Bob Walsh agreed to serve on this committee and Lorraine will advise Lee of this decision.

  10. SHELVING FOR MCC OFFICE: Lorraine indicated there was a need for additional shelving in this office. The existing shelving was no longer sufficient. She had found metal shelving with adjustable shelves in the office supply catalog for about $75.00. Hub suggested that at the same time some vertical and/or horizontal organizers be purchased. These proved to be rather expensive, and Lorraine suggested simply a supply of book supports. After a brief discussion, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino to authorize an expenditure not-to-exceed $125.00 for the purchase of metal shelving and bookends for the MCC Office. Lorraine will take care of the purchase, and perhaps have the janitor erect the shelving.

  11. NASHUA RIVER WATERSHED, PLAN FOR/MCC IDEAS?: Lorraine reported having received from Liz Fletcher, Plan Coordinator, a map and information regarding this plan. In 1971, the original plan for the Nashua River Watershed was developed which had resulted in the Nashua River being largely restored and half its banks protected as Greenway. The Association now wishes to develop a plan for the next 25 years, and is interested in knowing about any plans or ideas the Commission may have regarding the Souhegan River which is part of this watershed area. Because Carol Whitson is involved in this, and was not present at this meeting at this time, this issue will be added to the agenda for the June 9 1994 meeting.

  12. TELEPHONE BILL: Lorraine explained that with the Commission using her phone, it pays her for its share of the monthly costs. However, because the billing period closes each month just after the Commission's monthly meeting, it results in her not being reimbursed for these expenses until a month or more later. She therefore requested permission to have a payment application form signed in advance, i.e. without an amount written in, so that when the phone bill comes in she can submit it for payment and receive reimbursement sooner. She explained that when submitting a phone bill for payment, it is accompanied by a complete copy of her phone bill with the Commission's charges clearly marked. This method has been accepted by the Finance Department and the Auditors of the Town. After a brief discussion, Charles Carter put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted in the affirmative, to authorize signing of a blank telephone reimbursement request at each monthly meeting so that Lorraine may receive reimbursement in a timely fashion.

  13. DESMARAIS DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION: Hub had received notification from the NHACC that the Wetlands Board had denied Steve Desmarais' application for the following reasons: "wetlands not classified; road fill may be in vernal pool; no wetlands avoidance effort; has not provided required information." Lorraine stated that after the members had made the on site inspection regarding the vernal pool, and had established that it was not such a pool, that she had notified the Wetlands Board of these findings in writing with the recommendation that the Permit be approved. Though there are other reasons also for the denial, she will write again to ensure that the Wetlands Board did receive the letter regarding the vernal pool.

  14. FUND AVAILABILITY: Before Carol Whitson left the meeting, she advised the members that there were funds available for two purposes. One was matching funds for construction of canoe launch sites and in this case the match need not be monetary - it could be man hours provided by Public Works in the construction of the launch. The second available funds through the Nashua Regional Planning Commission is available for development of trail maps and Carol had suggested to that organization that the Commission would be in the market for good trail maps for the town forests and the Souhegan River Trail. Apparently, Hollis Conservation Commission was also interested in this type of project, and NRPC will give consideration to the requests from both towns.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10.15p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, June 9 1994 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of June 9, 1994

Hub Seward, Chairman
Robert Walsh, Carol Whitson, John Bierschenk, full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: The Minutes of the May 12 1994 meeting were not accepted at this meeting due to the fact insufficient members present at that meeting were present at this meeting. They will be approved at the July 14 1994 meeting.

  2. RAMPURIA AUTO CARE INC./Map 32 Lot 9: Lorraine advised the members that this facility is not within the flood plain; that the wetlands to the rear which indicate signs of illegal fill, were not involved in this facility but rather the fill was placed there many years ago, according to Kevin Lynch; that the Board of Adjustment had granted a variance from the Aquifer Protection District Article VI Para. 6.014 to allow a fast lube facility within the Aquifer Protection District; that the Planning Board as per the Ordinance, was awaiting recommendations, if any, from the Commis sion.; that details of the services to be provided by this facility had been received from Mr. Rampuria.
    Mr. Rampuria met with the Commission to provide any additional information that may be required. During a lengthy discussion various statements were made by various members present: that motor oil is slow to move through the soil in the event of a spill, much slower than gasoline; that used motor oil is more of a hazard to the environment than clean oil; that the town's proposed use; that the various safeguards proposed by Rampuria Auto Care are an improvement over such safeguards in effect (or not in effect) at existing similar facilities which lie over the aquifer; that a concentrated and controlled oil change facility was most likely better than the general pub lic changing their own oil at their private homes; that a well prepared new facility was likely less of a hazard to the environment that existing grandfathered facilities.
    Carol Whitson raised the issue of monitoring wells. Mr. Rampuria stated there is an old well at the back of the building which he proposed to close. He was unfamiliar with the idea of monitoring wells, however, but said he would give consideration to this idea. John Bierschenk raised the issue of surface runoff from the parking area/driveway, and it was suggested that either a curbing be constructed around the area to contain the runoff and direct it to a prescribed location, or that a vegetated buffer be constructed at the rear of the paved area which would filter out the pollutants; after a brief discussion, the vegetated buffer was preferred.
    At the end of the discussions, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Carol Whitson and voted in the affirmative that it be recommended to the Planning Board that monitoring wells to the rear of the building be considered, and that either a vegetated buffer or a catch basin be constructed to filter the paved area runoff with a lip constructed around the entire paved area to funnel the runoff to the vegetated buffer or catch basin.

  3. MEMBERSHIPS: John Bierschenk had met with the Board of Selectmen at their meeting on May 23 1994, and had been appointed as a full member to the Commission to complete the unexpired term of Ken Utting, to March 1996. Lorraine advised John that he would have to take the Oath of Office before the Town Clerk or Deputy Town Clerk. With Carl Olsen, Alternate, not present at this meeting, it was not known if he had taken the Oath for his renewed term or not.

  4. TRAILS:
    1. Mayflower Hill Town Forest: With John Kenison not present it was not known if he had moved the LCIP sign from Perkins Street to Mont Vernon Street.

    2. Bicycle Trail/Karen White: Lorraine advised the members that Karen White had met with the Selectmen regarding her idea of establishing a bike trail along the Souhegan River. The plan is to include walking and cross country skiing in the trail. She anticipates the planning and organization of the trail would take about 2 years with another five to complete the project. It was not known whether Ms. White was considering the north or south side of the river. She was also not looking for assistance in the project, preferring to do it all on her own, as she has done in the Town of Bedford. It was the opinion of the Selectmen and the Planning Director that the Commission should have input in the project, and that Ms. White work under the auspices of the Selectmen. A letter had been sent to Ms. White by the Selectmen requesting her, among other things, to communicate with the Commission on this project. In a brief discussion of the matter, it was suggested that perhaps Mrs. Thurston Williams may be interested in working on the project, seeing she had proposed a bike trail idea along North River Road in the past. At the members' request, Lorraine will make arrangements for Karen White to meet with them at the next meeting.

  5. OSGOOD POND DREDGING: On May 23 1994, Hub Seward, Lorraine and Bob Courage met with the Selectmen to discuss the dredging of Osgood Pond and Carl Chappell's interest in doing the work. Lorraine had previously talked to Carl on the phone and learned that he would be looking into hiring additional men and equipment to do the work, and that he would most likely not be able to do it this year due to personal reasons. In discussions with the Selectmen, Lorraine indicated to them that whereas this project had waited some 15 years already, another year would not make much difference. Mr. Courage stated this was a project of considerable magnitude, and to get it done at no cost to the town would be unbelievable. Mr. Chappell, unable to be present during this discussion, met later with the Selectmen at the same meeting, and indicated because of the magnitude of the job, it may take more than one year to complete. Regarding contractors he would need to do the work, the Selectmen requested Mr. Chappell to advise Mr. Courage of any proposed contractors before hiring them for the work. Because of Mr. Chappell's pending vacation, it was agreed he would meet again with the Selectmen, Mr. Courage and Hub Seward, after vacation to discuss the matter further. In the Commission's discussions of this project, the general opinion was that the work should be completed in one draw-down of the pond, if at all possible because pond draw-downs are detrimental to the pond and related wildlife; also, offensive odors can be created from the uncovered muck, and there are private wells to homes around the pond that have to be considered. It was the Selectmen's desire to keep this project alive and get the work done as soon as possible. They also favored the entire project being completed in one draw-down of the pond. Lorraine will make a note of the fact that the Selectmen, the Commission and Mr. Chappell need to get together later this year after his vacation to make further arrangements.

  6. CANOE TRIP/MERRIMACK RIVER: Carol Whitson advised the members that there would be a chance to take part in this event by being able to join the canoe trip from the Souhegan River to the Merrimack River. This is arranged for Saturday, June 11 1994 at 10a.m., to meet at the hydro dam on the Souhegan, access being from Souhegan Street. She added there was a small notice to this effect in the latest issue of the Milford Cabinet.

  7. NASHUA RIVER WATERSHED - PLANS FOR THE FUTURE: The members reviewed the map of the Nashua River Watershed as prepared by The Nashua River Watershed Association. A small section of southern Milford falls into this area. After a-'brief discussion, it was decided that there are no plans for any preservation of this area, and with limited time available to the members because of other issues before the Commission, it was decided not to pursue this issue at this time. Lorraine will advise the Association.

  8. BEAVER BROOK ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPS: On motion made by Bob Walsh, seconded by Carol Whitson and voted in the affirmative, the Commission set aside a not-to-exceed amount of $125.00 if needed for this project, as it did last year. During the summer program of 1993, funds from Milford were not needed.

  9. AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT: As a direct result of the Rampuria Auto Care facility which is located directly over the aquifer, the need to revise this ordinance became apparent. Lorraine had prepared a draft (after consulting with Bill Parker) of Section 6.016 of this Ordinance which broadened the ability of the Commission for input in projects involving the aquifer. She gave the members copies for their review, comments to be made at the next regular meeting. Bill Parker also has a copy of this draft. Lorraine ad vised the members that Bill will be drafting a new section for the ordin ance to cover special exceptions as in the Wetlands Ordinance. Any changes to be made to the Aquifer Protection District will have to go before the next Town Meeting, with public hearings preceding that event. It was decided to write to the Planning Board chairman with the request that the Commission be included in any meetings of that Board for discussion of possible changes. The Commission will also ensure that it has representation at any public hearings.

  10. SUMMER CONSERVATION CAMP: Lorraine advised the members that Tim O'Connell had found two students he thought would be good candidates for this camp and both had expressed great interest in attending. He had provided both with the registration forms and advised them there would be no cost to their parents. He also advised them of the deadline to submit the completed forms, that being May 15 1994. The forms were to be returned to Lorraine so that payment could be processed, but to date Lorraine had heard nothing from the students. The camp begins June 25.

  11. HAZEL BURNS LAND AT OSGOOD POND: This property located on Map 42 Lot 10, and which was left to the Town by Hazel, is currently still occupied by her son Dennis Adams and his family. Lorraine advised the members that the Selectmen have given Mr. and Mrs. Adams until September 15 1994 to move out, with no further time extensions to be granted. After that, the Selectmen plan to have the house burned down by the Fire Department and to then proceed with Conservation Commission plans.

  12. PURCHASES BY TOWN EMPLOYEES: Because of problems that have arisen in the past with town employees making purchases on behalf of the Town and paying for same with personal credit cards, the Board of Selectmen have made the following guidelines effective June 1 1994: "Employees below the Department Head level are due reimbursement for purchases made on behalf of the Town of Milford if:
    1. The Department Head authorized the purchase prior to the purchase.
    2. The employee submits to the Department Head a detailed receipt for the purchase showing payment has been made either by cash or check.
    Personal credit card purchases are not authorized".

    Though members of the Commission are not employees of the Town, the above rule would apply to them as well.

  13. STANLEY TROMBLY/DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION: The Commission received this application for wetland crossings for roadways in the Homestead Circle subdivision off North River Road. Mr. Trombly had obtained a dredge and fill permit for the entire subdivision in 1988 but had not completed the work. It is now too late to apply for a renewal of the old permit, hence the new application. Lorraine explained that back in 1988, the then members, herself, the engineers and Mark Fougere, then planning director, had met with the engineers and made several on site inspections. Recommendations made by the Commission had been observed, and the permit was issued. As far as Lorraine was aware, there were no changes in the subdivision plans involving the wetlands. After a brief discussion, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Carol Whitson and voted in the affirmative to recommend to the Wetlands Board that the new permit application be approved.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.45p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, July 14 1994 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of July 14, 1994

Hub Seward, Chairman, Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
John Bierschenk, Robert Walsh, Chris Costantino, Carol Whitson, full members
David Parker, Alternate acting full member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Bob Walsh and seconded by Chris Costantino, it was voted in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the May 12 1994 meeting as presented.

    On motion made by Carol Whitson and seconded by Bob Walsh, it was voted in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the June 9, 1994 meeting as presented.

  2. KAREN WHITE/RECREATIONAL TRAIL DEVELOPMENT: Karen White met with the Commission to present her hopes and desires of developing a recreational trail in Milford, with future plans of it being extended through Amherst and Merrimack. She presented various facts regarding the proposed trail such as it would be 6 to 12 feet wide, the surface would be crushed stone or asphalt, with Karen preferring asphalt, it would be multi-purpose and would cater to hikers, cyclists, roller-skaters and handicapped people. No motorized vehicles would be permitted. It was her opinion that the more people there are using the trail, the more chance there would be of viola tions being reported, such as ski mobiles using it. The trail would be open to cross-country skiers in winter. Karen would work on obtaining 15 foot wide easements from property owners on which to develop the trail. Various ideas for the trail itself were: one single track, two separated tracks with one for hikers and one for bikers etc., or three separated tracks with two being for two directions of cyclists. Karen favored the single multi-use idea as this would have less impact on the environment. At this point in time, she is open to all ideas and has not done any work on laying out the trail. She wishes to obtain the support of the Select men and the Commission in Milford before doing any further work. The entire project would take 5 to 10 years to complete. Karen also wishes to work alone on the project, i.e. she does not desire working with a committee. The trail would begin as a recreational trail, with the ultimate goal of it being a computer trail. She explained that the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act mandates each state to prepare a bicycle and pedestrian plan in order to be eligible for various federal funds. As a result of this, she would be able to obtain certain funding for this project; Karen also plans to raise funds as needed for the project, but assured the members no town funds of any kind would be involved.
    To date, she has had offers of professional assistance from various sources including offers of easements.
    The trail, for the most part, would not be on river banks due to their instability, and could be a trail running beside a roadway - no definite ideas are in progress at this time. The location of the trail would be dependent on available easements, the nature of the terrain, and various other problems/conditions that may be encountered along the way. Karen White was aware of the existence of the Souhegan River Trail and the fact that this trail currently is closed to cyclists. She did not feel her ideas were in conflict with those of this existing trail. She was given the name of Mrs. Thurston Williams who a while ago had put forward the idea of developing a bike path along North River Road. Her objective is for the development of the trail to have the least impact on the environment, and as a result bridges may be used to cross wetlands, but where fill and/or dredging would be required, the necessary permits would come before the Commission.
    During the planning process and during the development of the trail, reports would be made to the Board of Selectmen, Bill Parker, the Planning Director and the Milford Conservation Commission.
    Ms. White stated she envisioned an ultimately paved trail, and that if this was not acceptable, she would withdraw her offer of developing this trail in Milford. She added that her ideas must be accepted as "payment" for the work she would be putting into this project, otherwise the offer would be withdrawn.
    At this point in time, she needed to know whether or not the Commission supported the idea before she proceeds any further.

    In later discussions by the members, it was decided that Karen would be requested to develop the trail on the south side of the Souhegan River, thus not interfering with the Souhegan River Trail on the north side; if this was not acceptable then the members felt the trail should be developed along North River Road. Charles put forward the thought that Karen appeared to have experience in obtaining easements across private property and that the Commission had not been so successful in this regarding extending the Souhegan River Trail. He felt if the Commission said "no" to any inclusion of the existing trail in her plans, that it might be doing itself out of the possibility of extensions to this trail.

    It was decided that Hub Seward would draft a letter to Karen which would be sent to the members with the Minutes of this meeting for their comments.

  3. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Several issues regarding this trail were discussed.
    1. Ellen Carvill/Educational signage: Ellen met with the members to discuss the educational signs she had made and erected along the trail as part of her biology class at the High School. Signs describe various trees, wild flowers etc. The signs had been prepared using a computer program, and then had been encased in clear contact paper and attached to treated plywood which was then attached to metal posts. Ellen had ideas for continuing this project during the course of summer and was interested in making signs to describe brush piles and their value, what wildlife would likely be seen in various locations etc. The members were very impressed both with the work she had done and with Ellen herself. Her project earned an A plus. Various better means of protecting the paper of the signs was discussed including lamination. A total of 12 signs are now in place. After discussion of the continuation of this project, the members decided to leave the decision as to what should go on the additional signs up to Ellen. Costs would be involved in this, and upon motion made by Chris Costantino, seconded by Charles Carter, it was voted in the affirmative to authorize Ellen an additional expenditure of $75.00, not to exceed.

    2. Expenses for Carvill signs already in place: Ellen presented invoices which had been paid by her father, for lumber and other supplies incurred in the development of the 12 existing signs. These totalled $108.55 Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, seconded by Charles Carter and voted in the affirmative to pay the total of $108.55 for the Carvill signs said amount to be paid out of Town Lands - Maintenance account.

    3. Sign for entrance road off North River Road: Charles Carter raised the issue again of placing a sign on the edge of this road where the gravel road leads off to the trail in order to make it easier for the public to locate the trail entrance. He suggested a 6" x 6" treated post with the name of the trail routed vertically on the post. This would prevent having a cross section that could be knocked off by snow plows, field plows etc. It was mentioned that various individuals would have to be contacted before this sign was put in place, including Earl Fitch and Stan Trombly, both of whom farm the fields on either side of the gravel access road; the Milford Fish Hatchery who plow the gravel road in winter in order to reach a well; and William Carpenter of NH Fish and Game Dept. who oversees the trail and work done on it. After discussion, no decision was made on this sign.

    4. Purgatory Bridge Repairs: The issue of the repairs needed to this bridge were raised with the PACE students in mind. It was not known at this time what students would be available, but if suitable students are, then this is one of the projects that needs doing by them. After a brief discussion, Charles put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris and voted in the affirmative, to authorize an expenditure of a not-to-exceed amount of $200.00 for lumber and related supplies for the repair of this bridge, same to be paid out of Town Lands - Maintenance account.

  4. MEMBERSHIPS: It was learned that John Bierschenk had been sworn in as a full member, and Lorraine presented him with his Oath of Office form. It was not known if Carl Olsen, Alternate, had been sworn in as of this date.

  5. BUDGET FIGURES FOR SECOND QUARTER, 1994: Lorraine presented the members with the expenditures for the second quarter. She advised the members that some of the line items would not be spent, or the bills had come in and were less than thought. The details are as follows:

    Composite Map:
    This had not been done to date, and in discussions with Bill Parker., he and Lorraine had come to the conclusion that there had not been sufficient changes to the tax maps since last year to warrant this expenditure, one that is shared between the Commission and the Planning Board. Therefore a total of $165.00 was now unassigned.

    Summer Camp:
    With no students being interested in this year's summer conservation camp, the amount set aside was now unassigned, a total of $525.00.

    Tree Project:
    Part of the 1994 Tree Project included $300.00 for two shade trees at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. These have been purchased and planted, and the cost amounted to $150.00 and therefore $150.00 balance is unassigned.

    Hartshorn Dam:
    An amount of $50.00 had been set aside to pay for the annual registration of this dam. This is now the responsibility of the Dept. of Public Works and therefore the $50.00 is now unassigned.

    When the invoice for the metal shelving in the MCC Office came in, Lorraine paid $100.00 of it out of Office Expense and $17.52 out of the Contingency, reducing that line item to $170.48.

    From the above, a total of $890.00 is now being added to the Contingency Line Item, making this line item total $1,060.48. Lorraine advised the members that should the Town Lands - Maintenance line item be needed in an amount greater than the $400.00 originally estimated, the extra could be taken out of the Contingency Fund line item.

  6. HARTSHORN POND DAM WORK: Lorraine advised members that she had again received a letter from DES with her name on it as well as that of the Commission, advising that erosion resistant material or vegetation that should have been placed below the dam (as advised a year ago), still had not been done. When she received this letter she passed it on to Bob Courage, who responded by stating that he had neither the time, nor the funds in his budget for this work. She talked to Lee Mayhew, who agreed that this dam should be the responsibility of Public Works and not the Commission,, and he would write a letter to DES to this effect, and would handle the matter as needed, without the Commission being further involved in the matter at all. It was during these discussions that Lee Mayhew stated the $50.00 annual registration fee for this dam should be part of Public Works budget and not the Commission's.

  7. AQUIFER PROTECTION ORDINANCE: At the June 9 1994 meeting, Lorraine had handed out copies of the draft of proposed changes to Section 6.016 of this Ordinance, with the request it be reviewed for discussion at this meeting. Members had not reviewed the draft, and the issue is therefore to be put on the agenda for the August meeting.

  8. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: Lorraine reminded the members that this meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 5 1994. Held in Concord, it is an all day educational event.

  9. PACE STUDENTS WORK SCHEDULE: In discussion of projects for these students, the following list was developed: Tucker Brook Town Forest - develop a trail from Whitten Road to existing trail on the property; Hitchiner Town Forest - clean up the new section of trail created to avoid public use of the abutting Nye property; also develop a trail from the existing trail down to the end of the property; also develop a trail from this land to the Beaver Brook/Burns property; Souhegan River Trail - repair Purgatory Bridge and other general maintenance work. Chris has been in touch with Mr. Smith of PACE, but had not heard back from him this week as she had hoped. Currently no information is available as to the students and therefore it is not known just what work they will be able to perform.

  10. LCIP MONITORING PROGRAM: This item did not receive attention, and will be put on the agenda for the August meeting.

  11. WETLANDS INVENTORY: Carol Whitson raised the subject of having a wetlands inventory done in Milford. After a brief discussion, Carol stated she would make inquiries at Antioch College where she has suitable contacts to see if this could be done by the students at no cost to the town.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10.30p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7.30p.m. on Thursday, August 11, 1994 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of August 11, 1994

Hub Seward, Chairman
Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
John Kenison, full member
David Parker, Alternate acting full member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: The Minutes of the July 14 1994 meeting were not approved due to too few members present at this meeting, who were present at the July 14,1994 meeting. These minutes will be approved at the September meeting.

  2. PARK BENCHES FOR OVAL: Lorraine advised the members that a while ago, the Commission has used interest from the Nees Bequest to purchase 4 8 foot benches and 1 handicapped 8 foot bench for the Milford Oval. Because of the renovations to the Oval, plans are now afoot to purchase different benches and therefore these five benches are not needed for the Oval. After a brief discussion, it was decided that they could be used in Emerson Park where because of the band concerts more benches could be used; also the handicapped bench will be placed in this Park. Benches could also be used at Hazel Burns Park and perhaps at Hartshorn Pond Dam area. Lorraine and Bob Courage will work on this project and Lorraine will report to the Commission where the benches finally are placed.

  3. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Lorraine advised the members that the after-the-fact payment of $108.56 for the Carvill signs had come to the attention of Lee Mayhew who had advised that this would be the last after-the-fact payment approval the Commission would be permitted to make. John Kenison voiced objections to this stating that the payment would not have been approved had the Commission not approved of the subject on which the funds were spent. David Parker concurred with John's sentiments. In response to John Kenison's question as to what was going to be done about the matter, Hub Seward indicated he may discuss the matter with Lee Mayhew.

    Purgatory Bridge Repairs: At the July 14 1994 meeting, the members had authorized $200.00 to be spent on lumber for this bridge. However, it was found when purchasing the materials that it would cost more than this. Hub reported that Chris Costantino had made a telephone poll of members including Carol Whitson, John Kenison, Charles Carter, Robert Walsh, Hub Seward; the opinion of these members was unanimously in favor of spending an additional $42.88 which included lumber and nails. When Lorraine received the invoice, it covered lumber only and was in the amount of $233.86. This was submitted for payment as of August 11 1994.

    Sign for North River Road: Charles stated he would like to do a routed board to be attached to a street sign post to indicate the entrance to the trail. This would be a temporary thing until he had more time to create a better looking sign. He will also talk to Stan Trombly, Earl Fisk and Dick Prunier of the Milford Fish Hatchery to obtain approval before proceeding further. After discussion, David Parker put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Kenison and voted in the affirmative to authorize Charles to spend a not to exceed amount of $50.00 on a 1" board and post for this sign, said funds to be paid from Town Lands -Maintenance account. Charles also talked to Chris Costantino regarding Ellen Carvill doing a sign to indicate parking and the trail entrance itself.

  4. COMPOSITE MAP: Whereas Lorraine had previously indicated to the members that a composite map would not be ordered this year (the cost to be shared with the Planning Board equally), because Bill Parker felt it was not necessary due to little development last year, a composite map and invoice had arrived in the Town Hall. Apparently a composite map was simply part of the work of updating the tax maps each year. She had therefore prepared the paper work to pay the Commission's share in the amount of $162.50. She added that Bill Parker had obtained a mylar of the composite map and in future years he will simply draw in new subdivisions etc., thus avoiding totally any need in the future to purchase a composite map from Cartographic. Hub pointed out that something should be done to prevent next year's map from automatically arriving, and Lorraine said she would take care of this.

  5. MAYFLOWER HILL TOWN FOREST LCIP SIGN: John Kenison stated he had not yet relocated this sign to Route 13 as had been requested of him. Hub stated that in the meantime, he moved the sign to its new location himself.

  6. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: Lorraine again reminded the members that this meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 5 1994 in Concord, and that it is an all-day affair.

  7. WETLANDS INVENTORY: Carol Whitson was not able to attend the meeting tonight but had advised Lorraine prior thereto that she had talked with Antioch regarding the students doing this project for Milford. The practicum coordinator is meeting with the appropriate people to get things moving. Carol indicated that the college would require a formal proposal from the Commission and she would be willing to write same when the time comes.

  8. PACE STUDENTS WORK SCHEDULE: Chris Costantino was not present at this meeting, and therefore there was no information available on this matter.

  9. RAMPURIA AUTO CARE: Hub Seward reported he had attended the Regional Impact public hearing on this matter, held by the Planning Board on August 9 1994. At that meeting, the Planning Board voted unanimously to disapprove the plans as presented. Representatives from other towns effected by this development also voted against the project.

  10. JOHN REDEMSKI/BRIDGE AT SOUHEGAN RIVER: Lorraine reported having had phone conversations with Mr. Redemski regarding a bridge over a small stream in the vicinity of the MCAA ballfields and Stan Trombly's land. This small bridge, according to Mr. Redemski, was in need of repairs and he was willing to do the work if the Commission would provide the funds for lumber. Lorraine had attempted to establish whether this bridge was on the MCAA fields (not yet owned by the Town) or on Trombly's land, but had not been successful. After discussion, the members asked Lorraine to advise Mr. Redemski that he must establish on whose land the bridge lies, obtain the permission of that property owner to do the work, and obtain an estimate of the cost of lumber. Once he has this information, the members wished him to meet with them.

  11. MARKET BASKET/AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT/WETLANDS DISTRICT: David Hofmeister and Jim Lamp of VHB Inc. met with the Commission to review the proposed use of property known as Map 13 Lots 12-1, 12-3 and 12-4 located between Savage Road, Jones Road, Old Wilton Road and Howard Drive, the proposed use being for Market Basket supermarket with additional retail space. This area lies over the Aquifer and the proposed development also involved wetlands and the buffer zone on site. The members were advised that the supermarket is to be 53,500 square feet with additional retail space, and the total lot size is 6.2 acres. There are poor drained soils on site, approximately 12,000 square feet in area. The wetlands involve drainage from Twin Tows on Dram Cup Hill, which also flows across abutting property owned by Dr. Henry Kanner, and which eventually finds its way into Tucker Brook and the Souhegan River. It is the plan to dredge all the wetlands on site to create a drainage swale.
    It was explained that wetland mitigation is proposed by taking the wetland soils from the small wetland on site at Savage Road, and adding it to the proposed detention basin. This area is currently about 11,000 square feet (excluding the buffer zone), and will result finally in an area of wetland of approximately 19,000 to 20,000 sq.ft. The engineers have already met with Dr. Ken Kettenring of the Wetlands Board and received his support for the proposed work. It was established that the 25 foot Buffer Zone around the wetlands was not indicated on any of the plans, nor was this area included in total area of wetlands to be disturbed on site. The members were advised that part of the parking area will be in the buffer zone, and that every square foot of wetland on site will be disturbed in total by the proposed development. Because of the close proximity of the paved parking area to the wetlands, the issue of salt being used was raised. The engineers advised the members that Market Basket does not use salt on its parking areas. The Commission however, wished "no salt use" to be added to the plans. After discussion, Charles Carter put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Kenison and voted in the affirmative to accept the plans as presented and to recommend to the Wetlands Board and the Board of Adjustment that they be approved, on condition that when the Dredge and Fill Application is filed, the information on the plans does not significantly differ from that presented tonight; and that the buffer zone be indicated in total on the plans and that a notation be made on the plans that no salt be used on the paved parking area.
    It was the Commission's understanding that the Dredge and Fill application would be filed with the Town Clerk next week.

  12. BUDGET AND WARRANT ARTICLES FOR 1995: Lorraine presented a proposed budget for 1995 for the members' review. Some of the line items she had reduced because of previous over-estimates. Included and approved by the members was $1,000 for the 1995 Tree Project and $525.00 for summer conservation camp. Town Lands Maintenance was increased from $500.00 to $800.00 so that the mowing of the Hitchiner Town Forest fields could be paid out of the Operating Fund instead of the steadily decreasing Town Forest Fund. The Contingency Fund resulted in being $185.00. The total budget was $4,000 proposed for 1995.

    For Warrant Articles, the members decided not to submit a request for an appropriation to the Land Fund.
    1. re: Morris Trombly land: Lorraine reminded the members that this land of 1.5 acres on Mason Road (Map 40 Lot 62) had been acquired recently by Tax Collector's deed. It abuts the Tucker Brook Town Forest, and in March of this year the Commission had indicated to the Selectmen its interest in retaining this parcel and making it part of the Tucker Brook town forest, thus widening the access on Mason Road. Lorraine suggested a warrant article to transfer this land to the jurisdiction of the Commission and to make it part of the Town Forest. Because the commission had not heard officially from the Selectmen that they agreed with this Lorraine will contact Jack Ruonala before submitting a warrant article. She pointed out to the members that this parcel had cost the town $5,394.53 in unpaid taxes.
    2. re: Paul Wentzell land: Lorraine also reminded the members of this 4.2 acre parcel on Armory Road which is mainly wetland, which the Town also acquired by Tax Collector's deed. Again the Selectmen had been advised of the Commission's interest in retaining this parcel for conservation purposes as it is unsuitable for a building lot because of the wetlands. This parcel, known as Map 42 Lot 76, cost the Town $2,730.75 in unpaid taxes. Again, Lorraine will talk to Jack Ruonala before submitting a warrant article.
    3. re: Lorraine's wages: Lorraine reported she is working with Lee for the necessary paperwork for Hub Seward to complete so that her wages in the correct figure can be included in the total Commission budget. Because of past confusion, her job and the wages were not increased in the budget for more than a year, and so for 1995, it will appear as though there is a considerable increase in hourly rate and/or hours worked. Therefore she will prepare for Town Meeting a brief history of this position so that if there are questions from the floor, the correct information will be available at that Meeting.

  13. AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT: Lorraine presented the members with a revised draft which included comments she had received from Hub Seward and John Bierschenk. These comments were capitalized. From a note she had received from Carol Whitson, it was learned that Steve Turner, chairman of the Planning Board wished to meet with the Commission to discuss proposed changes to Section 6.016. It was decided not to discuss this matter further until the next meeting when Steve could be present. Lorraine will arrange for him to meet with the members.

  14. LCIP MONITORING PROGRAM: Lorraine reminded the members that this program needed to be developed though in the case of Milford, no conservation easements were involved in LCIP funds. This was the greatest concern of LCIP because it involves change of ownership sometimes. However, a plan does have to be developed for the Burns parcel and the Rotch parcels both owned outright by the Town. In addition, the Commission had received a letter from the Selectmen questioning what the Commission was doing in this regard, and the Selectmen wished for a reply by their August 29 1994 meeting. Lorraine distributed copies of information received from the Office of State Planning which included ideas for the program. It was decided that the members would work on this, and have the plan complete by October 31 1994. Lorraine will send a letter to the Selectmen advising them of this deadline. It would appear that most of the urgency in developing a monitoring program revolves around conservation easements involving LCIP funding.

  15. JASON HINES/HYDROELECTRIC PLANT/DREDGE AND FILL PERMIT: Lorraine had re ceived a note from Carol Whitson reporting that "Jason Hines is in violation of his wetlands permit - very bad erosion, silt fence covered with silt". No further details were given by Carol except the fact that the Permit expires on August 25, and she wanted a letter sent to the Wetlands Board reporting the violations immediately. With no concrete information to give the Wetlands Board on this matter, it was decided that Hub Seward and Lorraine would do on site inspections and put their findings together. Lorraine would then call Jason and discuss the matter with him before taking any further action.

  16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Lorraine advised the members she would be going on vacation as of Friday night, September 10 1994. With the regular meeting scheduled for the second Thursday, September 9, this would not give her sufficient time to do the Minutes and related work. She therefore asked if the meeting could be scheduled for the week before. With no objections to her suggestion, the members scheduled the next meeting for Thursday, September l, 1994 at 7.30p.m. Lorraine advised the members she would be back from vacation in time for the October 13 1994 meeting.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall on Thursday, September l, 1994, the first Thursday of the month instead of the second.


Meeting Minutes of September 1, 1994

Hub Seward, Chairman
John Kenison, John Bierschenk, Robert Walsh, full members,
David Parker, Alternate, acting as full member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by David Parker, seconded by John Bierschenk, it was voted in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the July 14 meeting as presented.

    On motion made by John Kenison, seconded by David Parker, it was voted in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the August 11, 1994 meeting as presented.

  2. PARK BENCHES: Lorraine advised the members that the 5 park benches purchased with interest from the Nees Bequest for the Milford Oval, will now be located in Emerson Park. Robert Courage felt the Park could handle this number of benches particularly with the use of the Park for the Band Concerts and the general increase in use of the Park as a result of this publicity.

  3. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: With neither Charles Carter nor Chris Costantino present at this meeting, there was no further information available on the sign for North River Road entrance to the trail, the additional Carvill signs or the activities of the PACE students this summer.

  4. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: Lorraine again reminded the members that this meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 5 1994 in Concord.

  5. WETLANDS INVENTORY: With Carol Whitson unable to attend this meeting, there was no further information on this inventory and the participation of the Antioch students.

  6. OSGOOD POND/UNH STUDENTS: Lorraine reported having received a letter and a phone call from Prof. Harter of the Department of Natural Resources, UNH, Durham, regarding needing projects for the students for the upcoming semester, and would the Commission be interested in having a study done on Osgood Pond. What would be required of the Commission would be one contact person with whom the students could work, a group (vis. the Commission) to receive the final oral and written report, a description of the work required, and some reimbursement for mileage. Lorraine had advised Prof. Harter of the desire to have the pond dredged in the area of the dam in order to have a section of open water, and the fact that the need for this is siltation. Prof. Harter indicated this was indeed something the students would be interested in doing including attempting to find out the cause of the siltation. After a brief discussion, the members decided they would like a dredging plan developed and a management plan for the future of the pond, details of the effect on the pond's animal population regarding the dredging and resulting open water area; details of how deep the pond should be to maintain an area of open water; what type of bottom should be envisioned.

    Lorraine advised she would call Prof. Harter tomorrow to inform him of the decision, and would follow it up with a written detail of what the Commission would like. She also offered to act as the contact person, to which the members agreed, but because of her vacation from September 10 through October 9, she would not be available. It was agreed that she would contact Charles Carter to see if he would be willing to stand in as the contact person during that time. Lorraine advised the members that the students would be starting this work within the next week, and that the final report would be presented in December this year.

  7. MARKET BASKET DREDGE AND FILL: Lorraine reported this application had been filed and appeared no different from the information given at the Commission's meeting with representatives. She had therefore sent a letter to the Wetlands Board recommending issuance of the permit.

  8. BUDGET AND WARRANT ARTICLES 1995: Lorraine advised the members that a meeting with the Board of Selectmen on this subject was scheduled for Monday, December 12 1994 at 7.15p.m. She will prepare all the necessary paperwork for that meeting.

    Also, at the Selectmen's August 29 1994 meeting, they had agreed to two warrant articles to be submitted to Town Meeting on two parcels of land taken for back taxes, to be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Commission as follows:

    Map 40 Lot 62- Mason Road, adjacent to Tucker Brook Town Forest

    Map 42 Lot 76 - Armory Road, a parcel consisting mainly of wetlands.

    Lorraine will prepare these warrant articles.

  9. STEVE TURNER/RAMPURIA/AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT: Steve Turner, Chairman of the Planning Board, met with the Commission to discuss the Rampuria issue and the Commission's participation in development in the Aquifer Protection District.

    Regarding the Rampuria issue, Steve stated that the Planning Board had unanimously denied the proposed expansion of this car wash and oil and lubrication center. Their reasoning was that it was a prohibited use in the Aquifer Protection District as per the Town's wishes voted at a Town Meeting. He said this denial was the only means available to the Planning Board to uphold the citizens' desires and to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the Town. Steve stressed that, at least as long as he is chairman of the Planning Board, that Board wanted and welcomed input, comments, suggestions and recommendations from the Commission on any case before it, not only those involving wetlands or the aquifer. Steve provided a list of 36 automotive and gasoline service stations he had located in Milford within or near the Aquifer Protection District by simply driving the main route from the Wilton town line to the Amherst Town line in the east. He also provided a detail of comments regarding the application of Rampuria Auto Care.

    Regarding the Commission's proposed amendment to Section 6.016 of the Aquifer Protection District, Steve presented a memo from Bill Parker, Planning Director, in which Bill indicated it was his opinion that the proposed change would only serve to add considerable time to the review process. He suggested that a Commission member be present at the Planning Board meeting when a case is first presented. Then if there were any concerns from the Commission, the case could be tabled immediately and arrangements made for the applicant to meet with the Commission at its next scheduled meeting. Steve explained that there is already in operation a staff review team which reviews all proposals for projects that represent construction in the Aquifer Protection District. He proposed that for a period of one year, beginning with proposals to be presented at the first Planning Board meeting subsequent to the 1995 Town Meeting, a member of the Commission be included in this Staff Review Team. He explained that this would mean at least one member of the Commission would have to be available to review plans on an "on demand" basis subject to the needs of the Planning Board. He offered that this policy be continued for one year and that if it proved successful, the Planning Board would recommend to the Selectmen that it continue. He asked the members to give thought to this proposal, make a decision at its next meeting, and advise him of that decision.

  10. LCIP MONITORING PROGRAM: Lorraine reminded the members that this program had to be before the Selectmen by October 31 1994. In order to get the process going, she had prepared a draft of a monitoring program for the Rotch parcels and the Burns parcel, both involving LCIP. This was given to the members present and will be mailed to those who were not present. A decision on this proposed program needs to be made at the October 13 1994 meeting.

  11. MCLANE DAM: In response to a report from Carol Whitson of severe erosion going on at this site, both Lorraine and Hub had done on site inspections. Neither found evidence of severe erosion. Hub stated the disturbed ground has stabilized itself now, with some minor vegetation growing in, and with no work going on at the site right now, it was his opinion that matters be left alone. To date, Jason Hines has not renewed the Dredge and Fill Permit, which expired on August 25 1994, and Lorraine reported Lee Mayhew had learned from Jason that he was aware of the expiration of the permit, but that he was currently occupied with the financial side of the project in order to construct the necessary buildings for the hydroelectric plant. Hub felt that seeing he has not renewed the permit, that he is most likely not proposing any work in the wetlands for some time, and stated that we should leaves things as they are for now. When the permit is renewed (or reapplied for), then it would be time to take whatever action is needed.

  12. TELEPHONE POLL: Hub stated that there was a need to accurately record any telephone poll made by members for a decision between meetings. Such a poll with its results has to be recorded in the meeting following the poll, but in addition to this, Hub made the following policy, to be followed by any member initiating a telephone poll:

    "The question to which an answer is sought by a telephone poll, must be written out prior to making the phone calls. The initiator must record the names of those members contacted together with the decision received from each one. At the next meeting following the taking of poll, each member contacted must sign the form. It will be then filed with the Minutes of that meeting."

  13. THURSTON WILLIAMS LAND: Lorraine reported having received a memo from Lee Mayhew indicating that about 800 acres of land owned by Mirage- Timber (Marrads Timber), a company owned by the late Thurston Williams, was apparently up for sale at about $1,000.00 per acre. This land is located on Mile Slip Road, in the vicinity of John Kenison's house. Lorraine wanted to know if the members wished her to find out further information on this matter. In discussion, John Kenison indicated he had heard that the EPA had a lien on all properties owned by Thurston, including this property. At this point in time it was not known precisely which lots were up for sale. After a brief discussion, Lorraine was requested to be in touch with Merv Newton, CPA, who apparently has further information on the property, and also with Dolly Williams. She will report back at the next meeting.

  14. KEYES FIELD TREE PROJECT: Lorraine reported that tonight Bob Courage had advised her that one of the two trees planted at Keyes Field had suddenly died in June 1994. He had talked to John Ferguson about this, but so far nothing further had been done. These two trees were planted in the spring of 1993 in the area where the erosion control measures were taken along the bank of the Souhegan River. Lorraine will contact John Ferguson to inquire if the guarantee on these trees is still in effect and if the tree could therefore be replaced free of charge. The two trees cost a total of $621.00. If not, she suggested that perhaps a replacement could be part of the 1995 Tree Project.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.15p.m.

The next meeting of the Commission will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, October 13, 1994 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room.


Meeting Minutes of October 13, 1994

Hub Seward, Chairman
Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
Chris Costantino, John Bierschenk, Carol Whitson, Full Members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: The Minutes of the September 1 1994 meeting were not approved at this meeting due to insufficient members being present at this meeting who were at that meeting.

  2. LCIP MONITORING PROGRAM DRAFT: Members had reviewed the draft of this program, which Lorraine had prepared for discussion. On motion made by John Bierschenk, seconded by Chris Costantino, the draft was accepted by unanimous vote as presented. Lorraine will type it up in final form and present it to the Board of Selectmen.


    1. Annual Meeting: Carol Whitson was the only member present at this meeting who would be able to attend this meeting on November 5 1994. Lorraine will call other members to find out if they are interested in attending, and will process the payment request accordingly.

    2. Official Ballot: The NHACC requested the Commission to take a formal vote on that organization's desire to act on various legislative issues on behalf of conservation commissions. The members made the following decisions on the various categories:

      1. Initiate legislation to incorporate sections of Shoreland Act affecting subsurface and site specific programs into RSA 485-A. The vote was YES.

      2. Support legislation to prohibit SLAPP (Strategic lawsuits against public participation) suits. The vote was YES.

      3. Watch and respond appropriately to legislation affecting adequate state funding for environmental and natural resource agencies, air quality, bottle bill, enforcement of environmental laws, measures to help municipalities cope with development, preservation of open space including current use, sand and gravel excavations and mining, shoreland protection, street lighting pollution, transportation, waste management, water policy and wetland protection. The vote was NO OBJECTIONS to NHACC intervention in these issues.
      Lorraine will complete the Official Ballot and return it to the Association.

    3. Fall 1994 NHACC Questionnaire: The members received a copy of this questionnaire. What would you like to know about other Conservation Commissions? as part of the effort of NHACC to better provide information to commissions. Each member will respond with his/her own interests and return the questionnaire to NHACC either at the annual meeting on November 5 or by mail by November 30 1994.

  4. GRAVEL OPERATION/HILLSBOROUGH MILLS/ROBERT LEVESQUE: Mr. Levesque met with the Commission regarding his desire to obtain a gravel operation permit for Dram Cup Hill, Map 6 Lot 47. This area was subdivided in 1988 as an industrial park. Mr. Levesque explained that he plans to remove about 30 feet of gravel from the top of the hill, for a total of between 210,000 and 250,000 cu.yds., that he hopes to obtain the permit from the Planning Board on October 18 1994, and begin operations immediately. He plans to do the work during winter. The project will take 9 to 10 months to complete and will be done in two phases. One area will be reclaimed before he begins on the second. He explained that there is a wetland area at the base of the slope and that a barrier will be erected to prevent siltation from the operation running into the wetland. Runoff will be directed to a siltation basin and not into the wetland. There will be no fuel storage on the site and Mr. Levesque stated he will be in attendance daily throughout the operation to ensure things are done as planned. He explained that there is currently about 16 inches of topsoil, which will be removed and replaced with about 41/2 inches. T here is a clay layer under the topsoil, which he plans to replace also. Mr. Levesque was before the Commission because the site in question lies over the aquifer. In discussions of this case after Mr. Levesque's departure, various issues and concerns came to light. Charles Carter pointed out that once again, the Commission has been backed into a corner, being given insufficient time in which to respond to the Planning Board before it meets again with Mr. Levesque on Tuesday, October 18 1994. Concerns expressed included the fact that the 30 feet of gravel now acts as a filter - with its removal what effect will this loss have on the aquifer? There is also currently 16 inches of topsoil to be replaced with only 41-2 inches. What effect will this have? With the clay layer under 41/2 inches of topsoil instead of 16 inches, it was felt the runoff would have nowhere to go, which could lead to further problems. The question was raised as to what total impact this entire proposed gravel operation would have on the aquifer and Charles Carter expressed the opinion that the services of a hydrologist should be sought. It was decided that a letter would be sent to the Planning Board for their meeting on October 18 1994 expressing these concerns with the recommendation that further studies be done before the permit is issued.

  5. OSGOOD POND DREDGING/UNH STUDENTS: Lorraine provided members with a copy of the Osgood Pond Management proposal she had received from student Keith Savage. The work is currently on going with good progress to date. She reported having received a phone call from Keith with various comments. Keith stated that in a recent conversation with Carl Chappell who, it is hoped, will do the dredging, that he felt "left out in the cold" and had not heard anything further from the Town on the matter. Also, Carl stated he had no idea of the value or lack thereof, of the muck. Lorraine advised the members that it was her understanding this issue was to be continued by the Selectmen during October/November, and she will talk to Lee Mayhew and Carl about this. She will also provide Carl with a copy of the report received from Dufresne Henry Inc regarding the value of the muck. Keith also advised Lorraine that he had learned there is a very shallow water table at the Pond, which would effect the final dredging plan. Also the student will be putting out scent samples to determine the wildlife in the pond vicinity. Regarding the huge numbers of geese on the pond and the fact that the public feed these birds, Keith indicated that he felt efforts should be made to discourage the public feeding. This would lead to the birds spending less time at the pond and thus contaminating it less. He plans to send Lorraine information on the damage large quantities of geese can do to a pond.

    Getting together with Carl Chappell and the Board of Selectmen was discussed and it was decided Lorraine would try for an appointment at that Board's November 14 1994 meeting.

  6. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Various issues on this subject were discussed.

    1. PACE Students: Chris Costantino reported that the students worked on the bridge along this trail. She reported they did a very good job.

    2. Carvill Signs: Chris had not been able to make contact with Ellen Carvill and so had nothing to report except that the new signs are being worked on.

    3. Sign on North River Road: Charles reported he is working on this, and hoped to have it done in about a month's time.

  7. WETLANDS INVENTORY: Carol Whitson reported that the students at Antioch are aware of this project, but it had not yet been assigned to any one group. She hopes it will receive attention in the spring.
  8. TREE PROJECT: Further to the one of the two trees planted a year ago at Keyes Field having died, Lorraine reported she had contacted John Ferguson who advised that there is nothing that can be done now, except to plant another tree next spring. He suggested that it be purchased from Bob Kokko where the trees are less costly than from the nurseries. Lorraine will be back in touch with him next spring to make arrangements, and will advise Bob Courage of this plan.

    John Ferguson had also advised Lorraine that he had six free Lilac trees from the State, which are currently on the property of Margaret Hagen but which today were to be transplanted to Bill Kucharski nursery on the Hitchiner Town Forest. She asked the members for ideas as to where they would like these trees to go, and also to give thought to the 1995 Tree Project.

  9. DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION: The Commission received an application from the State Department of Transportation to dredge and fill approximately 500 sq.ft. in the area of a drainageway from Elm Street to the Souhegan River located behind the wooden hot dog stand close to the junction of Route 101 West and Wilton Road. This drainageway requires improvement in the process of realigning Route 101 and Wilton Road; the work is scheduled for May 1995. The members had no problem with the proposed work but John Bierschenk said he would take a look at the area and advise Lorraine of his findings so that a letter could be sent to the Wetlands Board.

  10. PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBER: The Commission received an application from Martha Phinney who is interested in volunteering for the Planning Board (first) and the Commission (second). The members asked Lorraine to make inquiries regarding the Planning Board's interest in her before the Commission contacts her.

  11. MCLANE DAM EROSION: Carol Whitson reported that the Souhegan River Watershed Association had intervened in this matter, and had reported the erosion to the Wetlands Board. Through the Nashua Regional Planning, Bill Parker had been requested to do an on site inspection. He reported his opinion to Lorraine, which was that the silt fence should be reerected. At this point in time both the site plan and the Dredge and Fill Permit have expired, and the work is not completed. After a discussion, the members asked Lorraine to be in touch with Jason and inquire as to what he plans to do about this and Charles Carter suggested that all the members do an inspection of the area. No plans were made for this on site.

  12. STAFF REVIEW TEAM: The issue of this team and a Commission member being a part of it was raised. At his meeting with the Commission on September 1 1994, Steve Turner had indicated such a member should be included in this team "beginning with proposals to be presented at the first Planning Board meeting subsequent to the 1995 Town Meeting". The Commission felt that it would be a good idea for a member to at least be able to sit in on these meetings/team beginning as soon as possible. It was decided that Hub would contact Steve Turner to discuss this possibility.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.45p.m.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 10 1994 at 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of November 10, 1994

Hub Seward, Chairman
Robert Walsh, John Bierschenk and Chris Costantino, full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Robert Walsh and seconded by John Bierschenk the Minutes of the September 1, 1994 meeting were accepted as presented.

    On motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by John Bierschenk, the Minutes of the October 13, 1994 meeting were accepted as amended. The amendment involved the removal of the word "all" from Item 6 (a).

  2. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: Hub Seward had attended this meeting on November 5 1994 and reported it was very good. One of the interesting issues covered was forest management practices for watersheds. Another issue was a checklist for the value of buffer zones - the width of the buffer zone around wetlands should vary depending on what is beyond the buffer. Hub will provide Lorraine with a copy of the checklist which she will then prepare as part of the Members Information Binders.

    Regarding the Fall 1994 NHACC Questionnaire, some members had submitted their responses to the Association.

  3. MARTHA PHINNEY: Lorraine advised the members that the Planning Board had apparently not contacted Ms. Phinney, and she had called the Selectmen's Office to find out what was happening. At that point Lorraine contacted her and found she was very interested in serving on the Commission, but was not able to make it to this meeting for the 8p.m. appointment as per the agenda. She will, however, meet with the members at the December 8 1994 meeting.

  4. GRAVEL OPERATION/ROBERT LEVESQUE: Hub Seward and John Bierschenk had attended the Planning Board meeting on this issue on October 18 1994. John had done considerable homework on this issue prior to this meeting and the Planning Board listened to what he had to say, but approved the permit anyway, being of the opinion that the disturbance to the watershed as a result of this gravel operation involved few acres in relation to the total watershed area. They did not feel it would have an adverse effect. It was felt that removal of the gravel would have less effect than the paving of the parking lot for the proposed supermarket at the foot of the hill. It was John's opinion that with the proposed disturbance, the contamination will be moved, and perhaps areas that are not now contaminated will be as a result.

  5. WELLHEAD PROTECTION PROGRAM: The above discussion led John Bierschenk to express the opinion that this program should be in place. It was stated that with regards to the Curtis Wells, the Town of Amherst had withdrawn from this program which made it a dead issue, but it wasn't known just why Amherst did this. John will be in touch with Bill Parker, Planning Director, to find out further details and establish how this program can be implemented.

  6. OSGOOD POND DREDGING: Hub Seward reported that he, Lorraine and Carl Chappell had met with the Selectmen on Monday, November 7 1994 to discuss Carl's progress in making arrangements for the dredging. Carl stated he had had difficulty in finding contractors willing to make a commitment so far ahead but just before he left home for this meeting, he had had a phone call from an individual who was interested in doing the entire job. Carl will pursue the issue with this person. Carl had also talked to the students from UNH and was impressed with them. Lorraine had provided Carl with a copy of the report on the amount of muck to be removed and the quality etc., and when the UNH students present their report to the Commission, she will provide both Carl and the Selectmen with a copy. The Selectmen would like to meet with the Commission and Carl sometime in January once this report is available. Carl was very eager to know just how deep the dredging needs to be because this will determine the equipment needed as some of the work may well have to be done in water as the water table is 4 to 6 feet at the pond. Carl was assured that there are no contaminants in the muck. Hub put forward the suggestion that it may be a good idea for the Selectmen to hold a public hearing with the abutters of the pond before the dredgingbegins. Lorraine will forward this suggestion to them.


    1. Carvill Signs: Chris reported that in spite of considerable effort, she had not been able to make contact with Ellen Carvill and therefore had nothing to report.

    2. Sign for North River Road: Charles, who was not able to attend this meeting, had advised Lorraine ahead of time that he had purchased a treated lumber post for a cost of $16.90 and that he would make arrangements for the Building Trades students at the High School to rout the post. Hub signed the payment request to reimburse Charles for his expenditure.
  8. 1995 TREE PROJECT: Lorraine advised the members that some of the free lilac trees had already been planted on town land. She had also questioned Bob Courage, Director of Public Works, as to any ideas he had for the 1995 Tree Project. Bob advised her that there are plans afoot to do some landscaping at Shepherd's Park in an effort to improve the looks of this area. He would very much like some much needed trees planted there in that process, an item that was not in his budget for the proposed work. The members felt this would be a good idea, and agreed to support his request and make it the 1995 Tree Project. Lorraine will advise Bob and will work with him and JohnFerguson on this project. Bob also advised Lorraine that another tree in Keyes Field had died. This was a maple planted on the hill about three years ago by the Commission. He would appreciate this being replaced. The members agreed to this, to be part of the Tree Project. The members asked Lorraine to obtain further details of the improvement plans for Shepherd's Park for their review.

  9. McLANE DAM/EROSION: Lorraine reported that both she and Bill Parker had attempted to contact Jason Hines by telephone, but found the phone had been disconnected. However, mail sent has not been returned. Bill said he would send Jason a return receipt requested letter, and failing any response from that, he will make arrangements for the men of Public Works Department to reerect the silt fence, seeing it is on town property. Lorraine will keep the members informed of further developments.

  10. STAFF REVIEW TEAM: Hub Seward reported he had talked to Steve Turner about a member of the Commission sitting in on this team and not having to wait until after Town Meeting. Hub learned that it was Steve's opinion that if the Commission is willing to participate, then it is invited. In answer to questions from the members, Hub explained that this is a totally internal review done by staff members, and the applicant is not present. He offered to be the representative for the Commission on this team.

  11. WETLANDS BOARD WORKSHOP: Lorraine advised the members she had received a notice from the Wetlands Board regarding several workshops to be held around the state (none close to Milford), regarding minimum expedited applications. This application for minimum impact projects came into effect on September 30 1994. Conservation Commissions are to play a part in the process in that their signature is required on the application prior to it being processed by the Wetlands Board. Lorraine called the Wetlands Board to find out if there was any written information on the process in case the members could not attend any of the workshops, and received a negative answer but if Milford would host a workshop, one could be held there. Lorraine made the offer, and the workshop is now scheduled for Wednesday, November 30 1994. She has reserved the Banquet Hall for that evening. The workshop begins at 7p.m. and should be over by 9p.m. About 50 people may attend, and there is no need to serve coffee etc.

  12. SULLIVAN CONSERVATION LAND/TOWN FOREST: Lorraine put forward the suggestion to e members that this conservation land of 26 acres lying across Whitten Road from the right of way to the Tucker Brook Town Forest, be classified as town forest and be made part of the Tucker Brook Town Forest. This would allow the property to be timbered and the funds generated would go into the Town Forest Fund. The deed to this property, which was given to the Town, has conservation restrictions in it. After discussion, the members made the following decision: that a timber estimate be made by John Ferguson so that if there is timber available it could be part of the 1996 timber harvest on the Hitchiner Town Forest and on Tucker Brook Town Forest; that the property be walked in spring; that a trail plan be developed; and that a warrant article be submitted at the March Town Meeting 1995 to classify this land as town forest and make it a part of the Tucker Brook Town Forest. Lorraine will prepare the warrant article and be in touch with John Ferguson.

  13. BUDGET MEETING: Lorraine reminded the members that this meeting with the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for Monday, December 12 1994 at 7.15p.m. She will finalize the budget and warrant article work, and get together with Hub Seward to review same prior to that meeting.

  14. MARRAD TIMBER LAND, MILE SLIP ROAD: Lorraine reported she had finally made contact with Marsha Foster, Realtor regarding land under the name of Marrad Timber, which company was owned by the late Thurston Williams. There are about 900 acres of land, some in Mason, for sale at a price of $918,000.00. Lorraine was not sure of the lots on the Tax Map that are involved as Ms. Foster had not been able to give this information, but Ms. Foster did state that the family was not in a position to consider any price reduction on the property for conservation purposes. The members made no decision to pursue this matter further.

  15. STELLOS/WHALEN LAND: This site of approximately 20 acres and identified as Map 31 Lot 32 on the Tax Maps, is located behind the Milford Medical center and the Town is interested in acquiring it for recreational purposes. Chris Costantino, a member of the Recreation Planning Committee briefed the members on the situation to date. The price for this land is between $180,000 and $200,000, and application has been made for grant funds in the amount of $25,000. Chris stated that the committee plans to go before Town Meeting for additional funds to purchase the property. The committee has prepared a survey to obtain input from the general public as to its desires in the way of recreation. From that survey so far, it appears that the public does not feel the recreational needs of Milford are being met at this time. Cross country ski trails appeared to be the most needed item, followed by ice-skating and a bike path. In discussion, the Commission felt that perhaps it is not as well known as it should be that the hiking trails on town lands are also available for cross-country skiing. Also, the idea of an ice skating area on the ballfields on North River Road was suggested, particularly as there are now lights on this property. Chris stated the committee will continue its work, and await the results of town meeting in March 1995.

  16. CODE OF CONDUCT/TOWN LANDS: Lorraine reminded the members that some time ago it had been decided that pertinent extracts from the Ordinance Governing Regulation of Conservation Lands, be prepared and attached to the trail map handouts. She had prepared a draft of such, and presented copies to those present at this meeting. Copies will be mailed to the members not present. Lorraine asked that this draft be reviewed and finalized at the December meeting.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10.15p.m. The next meetings are as follows:

1. Wednesday, November 30 1994, 7p.m. Wetlands Board Workshop

2. Thursday, December 8 1994, 7.30p.m.Conservation meeting.


Meeting Minutes of December 8, 1994

Hub Seward, Chairman
Charles Carter, Vice Chairman
Chris Costantino and John Bierschenk, full members
Carl Olsen, acting full member.
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by John Bierschenk and seconded by Chris Costantino it was voted unanimously to accept the Minutes of the November 10, 1994 meeting as presented.

  2. WELLHEAD PROTECTION PROGRAM: John Bierschenk reported he had talked to Bill Parker, Planning Director, regarding this program and any progress in same. Bill had given John the paperwork developed so far to review, and stated he hopes to get all parties concerned together to bring the matter to a full conclusion early in 1995. John remarked favorably on the vast amount of work that had gone into developing the plan, and stated that the paperwork he had been loaned, included a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the chairmen of the Boards of Selectmen of both Milford and Amherst. This was dated October 11 1993. The members were confused by this as it was generally understood that no signatures had been affixed to any Documents regarding this program. In further discussion, John suggested that a similar plan should be Developed for the Keyes and Kokko Wells. He will keep in touch with Bill Parker on the Wellhead Protection Program and advise the members accordingly.

  3. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: With regard to the Carvill signs, Chris reported that Ellen Carvill had found the paperwork of her signs had begun to mould because moisture had gotten under the contact paper. She and her group were working on other plans for better protection. No further signs have been erected on the trail as far as was known.

    Regarding the sign for North River Road, Charles reported that the High School students were working on this.

  4. MARTHA PHINNEY: A prospective new member of the Commission, Martha Phinney met with the members. Hub Seward gave her a brief run down on the work of the Commission. She advised the members she was very interested in the outdoors in generally and was also very interested in taking part in work related thereto. She remained for the entire meeting, and stated she would like to be a member. Lorraine advised her that she would be in touch with her over the weekend to explain further the process of meeting with the Selectmen etc., and will send a letter to that Board recommending that she be appointed as an alternate for a term to expire March 1996.

  5. UNH- REPORT OF STUDY OF OSGOOD POND: Keith Savage and the five students working on this study, met with the Commission to present their report on the Management Plan for Osgood Pond. Copies of a well prepared written document were presented, which Keith Savage reviewed. This management plan was developed with the proposed dredging of the pond in mind. The study done included testing of the pond bottom, siltation and source, vegetation in the pond, and effects on wildlife on the dredging operation. Keith stated the students found the muck contained a lot of fill material, but no heavy metals, and therefore it could be legally used. The results of the study lead to support for the proposed dredging. It was stated the operation would have minimal effect on the wildlife at the pond, and the possibility of doing this work during the winter months was raised, an idea that had not been discussed with Carl Chappell who is interested in doing the dredging. The recommendation included the fact that the best way of carrying out the dredging, from the Town's people point of view, would be to have an exchange of labor for the materials. Two ideas on the dredging were offered: one would be to dredge deep from the banks of the pond, but this would not be the most productive for fish and other wildlife, though it would prevent plant growth. The second idea would be to grade the slope from the banks towards the center of the pond where Great Brook runs. An irregular bottom would be the best, with the average depth of 6 to 8 feet, and deeper in the middle. Regarding sedimentation, Keith stated that samples taken in October showed that sediments were uniformly spread, and they did not find any one particular source for the material. However, he admitted that if tests were done in spring, the picture may well be different. Recommendation was also given to attempt to reduce the amount of waterfowl on the pond, by reducing the amount of artificial feeding done by the general public. It was agreed that this would not be an easy project but would be discussed further when the dredging begins. The question of how many waterfowl per acre of pond would be best was raised, but the answer was not available. Lorraine will attempt to find this information. The Commission thanked the students for an excellent report and presentation and had high praise for the work done. A copy of the report will be given to the Selectmen and to Carl Chappell in preparation for all parties meeting in January 1995 to discuss further plans.

  6. 1995 TREE PROJECT: Lorraine brought the members up to date on this project by advising them that she had talked to John Ferguson regarding Bob Courage's desire to have trees planted at Shepherd Park as part of the planned landscaping there. The two men will work together on the number of trees, type and location. Both have been advised that approximately $700.00 is available for this project, with $300.00 additional available for the two trees to be replaced at Keyes Field. Lorraine will keep in touch with John to ensure the trees are ordered etc.

  7. EROSION AT MCLANE DAM: Lorraine reported she had received a letter from Jason Hines of Wilton Hydroelectric Co. stating that due to lack of lender's support, the entire project had fallen through, and he himself had had to file personal bankruptcy as a result. The bankruptcy trustee is in the process of attempting to sell Jason's stock in the business to someone (Jason hopes) who will want to finish the project. She pointed out that the Dredge and Fill Permit for the project, though now out of date, is in the name of the Town of Milford, and Bill Parker had written to the Wetlands Board advising them of the letter received from Jason. He also requested permission to be given by the Wetlands Board for the Town to take corrective actions necessary to prevent any further erosion at the site. Bill is still waiting to hear further from that Board on this request.

  8. CODE OF CONDUCT/TOWN LANDS: The draft on this subject, to be attached to the trail map handouts available in the Town Hall, was discussed, and accepted as presented. The members expressed the opinion that the majority of the public using the town lands and the trail maps would not need to be reminded of the rules; those who need to be reminded are not accessible. Lorraine will prepare the Code in final form and attach it to the trail map packages in the Town Hall.

  9. DUES: Payment of dues was authorized as follows:

    1. SPNHF: On motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by John Bierschenk, it was voted unanimously to authorize payment in January 1995 of the amount of $30.00 for the 1995 dues to the Society.

    2. Beaver Brook Association: On motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by John Bierschenk, it was voted unanimously in the affirmative to authorize payment in December of the amount of $20.00 for a year's membership in the Association.

  10. LCIP MONITORING PROGRAM/TALK: Lorraine advised that a letter had been received from Peter Helm, Coordinator of the LCIP program offering to give a talk to the Commission about LCIP, ways to avoid problems in the future, legal responsibilities of the town, etc. In discussion of this, Hub suggested that this would be a good topic to have at a meeting hosted by Milford, of the "Southern New Hampshire Conservation Commissions". For some time now nothing had been heard about meetings of this organization, and Lorraine offered to try to find out what, if anything, is happening, and if a meeting could be arranged.

  11. EXPEDITED MINIMUM IMPACT PERMIT APPLICATIONS: Hub and Lorraine reported on the workshop held in the Town Hall on November 30 1994 with Katie Merriam of the Wetlands Board discussing how to handle these applications. Lorraine had made copies of the package of handouts from that meeting and presented them to members present. Because of the bulk of this package, members not present at tonight's meeting will receive their packages when they attend a future meeting of the Commission. Lorraine stated she had done further work on this matter which only served to convince her further of the complex issue which the Wetlands Board has chosen to pass onto commissions. These types of applications require all commissions to review them and sign them. The Wetlands Board then just checks to see that all is in order, and if so, issues the permit. Fee for these permits is $50.00, and it goes in full to the Wetlands Board. Lorraine expressed the opinion that at least some of the fee should be payable to the commissions as they have to do most of the work and take the responsibility. Members suggested a petition be sent to the Wetlands Board on this matter, and Lorraine will make inquiries in this regard from the NHACC. Lorraine advised the members that there are 16 different kinds of forms for projects having minor impact on wetlands that fall into this new system. She had obtained a complete set from the Town Clerk and is in the process of preparing them to be included in the Red Binders for members. She will also draft a protocol to be followed each time such a project comes before the commission for the members' review. The members were urged to read the contents of the information packets presented tonight so that the matter could be further discussed at the next meeting.

  12. WETLANDS ORDINANCE: Lorraine advised the members that she had recently glanced at this ordinance and realized that it states the ordinance and publications referenced in it should be on file in the Town Clerk's office and that of the Planning Board. Though the ordinance is in both those offices, the supporting documents are not. Only one copy of these is available, and they are filed in the MCC office in the Town Hall. She talked to Bill Parker, Planning Director about this, and he stated he would very much like to have a full ordinance in his office. In an attempt to obtain copies of some of the publications, Lorraine had written to the Soils Conservation Service Office from which they were originally obtained but to date had heard nothing further. A copy of the Wetlands Board's Code of Administrative rules is obtainable from that office, and cost $5.00. However, Lorraine pointed out that though she had heard nothing about a set of these rules published later than December 1993, she had found that one of the rules pertaining to the new minimum impact permits was not in the copy the Commission now had. In order to purchase a copy of the latest rules, Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Bierschenk and voted in the affirmative to authorize expenditure of $5.00 for one copy of the latest rules. Should it indeed turn out that there is a later publication (later than December 1993) more copies will have to be purchased, and Lorraine will advise accordingly at the next meeting.

  13. HARTMAN SITE PLAN: Lorraine advised that she had found this site plan in the MCC mail slot with a note attached stating that comments were needed by December 5 1994. She had sent a note to Bill Parker advising that the Commission would not be meeting until December 8. She had left the plan in the MCC office for member review, but found it missing when preparing paperwork for this meeting. Hub advised that this was the first of the staff review cases in which he is now involved, and that there was some confusion as to just how such paperwork should indicate it is for review and not necessarily for Commission comment at this point in time. He hopes to have this straightened out for the future. He stated that this site plan was for Map 19 Lot 23, and included a 5,000 sq.ft. warehouse addition to an existing building, the addition to be between the existing building and Elm Street. Hub had attended the staff review meeting on this, and advised that because this site is in the aquifer, the building should not house hazardous materials etc. etc. There is a drainage ditch around the existing building which over time has developed into a wetland. It appears that part of this ditch will be disturbed during construction of the proposed addition, and when Hub pointed out that it is a wetland, he was advised that because it is man made, the Planning Board did not consider it a wetland, at least at this time.

  14. BUDGET AND WARRANT ARTICLES: Lorraine presented Hub and Charles with a copy of the package she had prepared for the Selectmen, and advised that the meeting on this issue with the Selectmen is scheduled for Monday December 12 1994 at 8 p.m., and not 7.15 p.m. as earlier advised.

  15. WHALEN & STELLOS LAND/RECREATION PARK: Chris Costantino briefed the members on the latest developments on this subject and the Recreation Planning Committee. She stated that the idea had been put forward that the Commission may be willing to put up some funding for the purchase of this land as part of it runs along the Souhegan River and this area, it is planned, will be set aside for conservation/hiking trail/cross country skiing trail. It was stated that Bill Parker will be meeting with the Commission at its January 1995 meeting to discuss this issue further.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, January 12, 1995.

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