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2005 Minutes:
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Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward, Pierce Rigrod - Vice Chairmen
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Noreen O'Connell - Milford Planning Board
Cynthia Herman - Milford Board of Selectmen Chairperson

Jenn Cote

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:05 PM.

Wayne made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 9, 2004 meeting as presented. Pierce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

Diane made a motion to amend the minutes of October 14, 2004, by removing the word "however" from line 38 in the public hearing section. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

Unfinished Business:
  1. Mile Slip Property Purchase - Diane previewed the slides regarding the Mile Slip purchase warrant article, which she will show and discuss at the January 18th town public hearing. Cynthia Herman, Noreen O'Connell and members discussed the issue and made suggestions for the presentation. Diane asked if any members have any suggestions of things to include for this informative hearing to let her know before Tuesday. She also informed members that the Milford Quarterly has asked for information and will include a page about the Mile Slip property in the next edition of the Granite Town Quarterly. Audrey mentioned that she has access to a printer that can print some brochures from .pdf documents.

  2. Conservation Land Ordinance - (Ordinance Governing Regulation of Conservation Lands). Members agreed to postpone working on this ordinance for a few months. It is currently being reviewed by the trail managers group.

New Business:
  1. Le Ann Drive subdivision open space -Diane explained that the open space in this subdivision abuts Mayflower Hill town forest and is owned by the town. The Board of Selectmen will include a warrant article on the ballot that would, if passed, designate this land as part of Mayflower Hill TF. The Selectmen have asked if the Commission would support this warrant article. Rod made a motion to support the designation of the Le Ann Dr. open space parcel as part of Mayflower Hill Town Forest. Hub seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. This parcel also connects to the open space in the Patch Hill subdivision, which will be owned by the town and could eventually connect to protected land in Amherst.

  2. Voter information night - A voter information night is being held on Jan 30, from 7-9, in the Banquet Hall. Candidates who are running in the March election and persons knowledgeable about the warrant articles on the ballot will be present to discuss issues. There will be no speeches, only tables, brochures, etc. for people to informally gather information. The Commission will have a table and presentation board for the Mile Slip purchase warrant article. Members are needed to be present to answer questions and hand out maps and brochures. Wayne and Audrey stated that they would be there. Rod and Pierce also can be if needed as a back up.

  3. LCHIP funding support - David Moffat, Coordinator, Land for New Hampshire, SPNHF e-mailed the office to ask the Commission to consider writing a letter to Governor John Lynch urging him to fund the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) at $6 million in both 2006 and 2007. Mr. Moffat wrote in his e-mail that although Gov. Lynch has expressed support for LCHIP, he has not stated the level of funding he will seek for it. Hub made a motion for Rita to draft a letter from the Commission urging Gov. Lynch to request $6 million in funding for LCHIP for 2006 and 2007. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  4. Conservation Plan - In the spring of 2005, the Planning Board plans to update the Master Plan, in preparation for working with the Interim Growth Management Ordinance. Members were asked to look at the Master Plan, especially with regards to community character and water resources sections. If they have suggestions of something that they feel should be included or referenced, now is the time to make a suggestion. Pierce suggested an analysis of change in vacant land over time.

    The Conservation Plan is part of the Master Plan and its update will be incorporated in the revised Master Plan. Rita has updated chapters 1-4 with current inventory and regulation information. Chapter 4, "Suggestions for Recommendations for Town Owned Lands" was presented to members to review and make recommendations for specific properties owned and/or protected in Milford and for general conservation goals and strategies. Suggestions can be sent to the office. Rita will compile them and put this item on the February agenda for discussion.

    Members also discussed what the role of the commission is and should be in interacting with other boards in town, especially regarding issues dealing with land protection ordinances. They agreed that it would be beneficial to get together with Planning Board and staff. The Commission would like to know what its role is in the 'action items' that are part of the Master Plan. The revision of this document provides an opportune time to address this question.

  5. Definition of 'Wetland'- Rod pointed out an article in the NHACC bulletin that encouraged groups to be sure that the definitions used in their ordinances match the ones that a new RSA requires, namely that there is consistency with state and federal definitions. Pierce checked the RSA and found that Milford's definition of a 'wetland' in the zoning ordinance matches the one used by state and federal entities.

Interdepartmental Review:
  1. Singer Brook Estates - 13-lot subdivision and conservation easement off North River Rd. and Homestead Circle.
    Commission's Comments:
    - Conservation easement should be recorded at the same time as the plan is recorded. The language should be written to protect fields and to allow ordinary agricultural operations.
    - How will the blasting in the area affect the quality of the groundwater? There have been situations where materials used for blasting (excess nitrates or nitrites) have contaminated the groundwater.

  1. Rail-Trail - encroachment on town land. Katie Chambers e-mailed the office that she had heard from Mr. Mack's attorney. The Mack's are not interested pursuing a warrant article for a land swap.

  2. ROST Committee - The Committee is planning to create a map of properties with trails in all the towns in the region, namely Milford, Wilton, Lyndeborough, Mason, Brookline, Amherst, and Mont Vernon. The reverse side of the map would show blow-ups of and information about the trail areas.

  3. Trail Managers - This group walked the Souhegan River Trail and is now working on a plan that they will present to the Commission. They will discuss time frame and costs associated with proposed trail work. They also have copies of the Conservation Land Ordinance to review.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned 9:40PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, February 10 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll


Meeting Minutes of February 24, 2005

Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Nate Chamberlain - Meridian Land Services
Mo Paquette - The Stabile Companies
Bob Ward - The Stabile Companies
Bobbie Hank - Gottesman and Hollis P.A.
All representing Stabile/Hampshire Hills subdivision

Diane Fitzpatrick

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Hub Seward at 7:02 PM.

Upon a motion made by Rod and seconded by Wayne the minutes of the January 13, 2005 meeting were accepted as presented.

7:15 Nate Chamberlain, Meridian Land services - Stabile/Hampshire Hills, M/L 48/41, 48, 49, 50 - Mr. Chamberlain presented a minimum impact expedited application for a second access road to the Stabile Homes development on Federal Hill Rd. The Planning Board has required this second access. It would be located south of the original single access road and has been 'snaked' in to minimize wetland impacts. The road is 20 ft. wide, per request of the fire department. Two 18" culverts are proposed with an impact of 2100SF. The total buffer impact of the project has been increased from less than 3000 SF to 14,000 SF by the construction of this second road. This number includes off-site impacts due to extending water and sewer lines to the site. A small cut would be made to a corner of the Hampshire Hills easement area for the installation of the water and sewer lines. Neither wetland nor buffer would be impacted in the easement area.

The location of the trail that has been requested through the area was pointed out on the plan, although the trail is not drawn on the plan. The trail would run from Hampshire Hills property south along wetlands continuing between units 35 and 36 and between 60 and 61. Mr. Chamberlain stated that the trail is shown on drawings that were presented to the PB, although not on the plans presented tonight.

Hub asked about how the road is defined and what protection has been specified for the open space that is required to be protected under the open space regulation for an open space subdivision, which this is considered to be. There needs to be language to define the road and the restrictions that protect the open space on this parcel. (This is separate land from the easement area that is being worked on as part of the Hampshire Hills mitigation for past wetlands violations.)

Hub mentioned an abutter's letter that was dropped off at the office on Feb 24. The abutter expressed concern with the frequency and speed of cars traveling on that road, especially in the particular area of the proposed road. She also was concerned that to gain proper site distance for entering and exiting the new road there would need to be removal of a large number of trees in the area. Trees on her property and a neighbor's would also limit visibility in the area of the intersection. Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Paquette stated that the distance from her property line to the road is 160 ft. They claim that they don't need to cut trees for site distance and that trees removed in the buffer for grading (temporary impact) would be replanted. Mr. Paquette stated that he has spoken with this and other abutters to address various concerns with the project and has made changes accordingly. Members stated that the concern with site distance expressed is under the jurisdiction of the Planning Board. Planning has a copy of the letter and Rita will suggest to the abutter that she attend the next PB meeting of March 15th.

Jenn asked about potentially accessing the development in the future from the east. Currently there is a shared driveway on the lot to the east, 48/57, which cannot be looked at as a potential future access.

Rod made a motion that the Commission approve and sign the minimum impact expedited application for the wetland impact from the driveway construction and that the Commission also draft a letter to the Wetlands Bureau and copy the Attorney General's office expressing concern over the fact that there will be a small impact to the Hampshire Hills easement area that will be created by the installation of water and sewer lines. Chris seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

Rita will also write a letter to the ZBA expressing concern with the large impact to the buffer caused by the second entrance road.

  1. Mile Slip Property Purchase - Members were asked if they are available to go to the polls and hold signs during the election hours. Audrey, Rod, Wayne, Chris and Hub volunteered for time slots. Ideas for wording for signs were also discussed. Rod mentioned that he is writing a letter to the editor to support the Mile Slip purchase. For the letters to appear in the Cabinet before the election, they should be submitted before Monday at 8.

  2. Conservation Plan - will be discussed at next month's meeting.

  1. Illicit discharge report - Members were given an "Illicit Discharge Report" form created by the Public Works Department, on which a discharge incident can be reported. They were asked to review the form, make suggestions for changes at the next ConComm meeting and to use the form if needed. A copy of this form will be added to the stormwater page on the ConComm Website. Hub mentioned that a form for other sorts of violations could be of value.

    Audrey mentioned that she had noticed at the Patch Hill development that the silt fence and hay bales were placed directly across the brook. The silt along the silt fence as well as the fence and hay bales had not been removed, at the time she observed the area, even though the construction of the road appears to be complete. Rita has forwarded this information to Kevin Lynch.

  2. Souhegan Valley Land Trust (SVLT) - Commission members were asked to consider whether or not they would like a letter drafted from the Commission to the SVLT asking them to consider holding the easement on the 30 acres of property that is associated with the Osgood Pond project. The easement needs to be in process before the dredging takes place. Nichols-Smith Land Trust has been contacted and has visited the site, but has not committed to holding the easement. Audrey made a motion that the Conservation Commission draft a letter to the Souhegan Valley Land Trust asking them if they would be interested in holding an easement on the 30 acres of property that is associated with the Osgood Pond project. Wayne seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

    Members discussed the fact that trail easements and/or public access/canoe launch areas along the south side of the Souhegan River would be of value to the town. Audrey made a motion that the Commission write another letter to the SVLT to see if they would be interested in requesting to hold an easement(s) along the south side of the Souhegan River for public access to the river. Members discussed and clarified the fact that this request is on exploratory only, to see if there is interest on SVLT's part. Any proposed action would be brought to the BOS before initiation.

  3. Holland Property Cooperative Farm - Beaver Brook's attorney contacted Milford's town attorney with a request to subdivide the Holland Farm property in Beaver Brook, upon which the town holds an easement. This issue was discussed at the ConComm meeting of August 12, 2004. At tonight's meeting Chris reported that Katie, Diane, Bill Drescher, Tim O'Connell, President of the Community Farm group, and Chuck Wooster, another member of the Comm. Farm Group will meet to discuss the subdivision. Results of that meeting will be presented to the BOS. If Beaver Brook were allowed to subdivide the lot with the buildings from the property, they would put the same easement as the current one on both pieces; therefore the protection on the separate pieces would be unchanged, except that one subdivision did occur. Chris stated that she does not support the subdivision. After discussion by the Conservation Commission members, Rod made a motion that the sense of the Commission is to uphold the "no subdivision" clause in the easement. Wayne seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  4. Frog Pond alliance - Commission members were given a copy of the Frog Pond Alliance document, which is a list of ideas that would be potentially accepted as "an agreement as how to jointly work for the protection and enhancement of the property", if and when "both Wilton and Milford have title to their sections of the land known as the Frog Pond." Members were asked to review and make suggestions on the document. Audrey suggested including how often meetings would be held. Members discussed some of the points referring to the finances. One question was raised that if "The FPA shall not have its own bank account.", how can "The FPA …vote to manage the expending of funds……". Members felt that a plan for how they would work with the towns and the duties and authority of the towns is needed. They also felt that the FPA might need to have and manage some funds independent of the towns. Members also confirmed that they are in favor of forming an alliance with Wilton to monitor this property. Milford's section is part of the Falcon Ridge open space, which in any case will be protected and monitored. Wilton's portion is on their March ballot for purchase.


Town Projects:
  1. Souhegan River Trail - Boys and Girls Club easement. This easement has been obtained. Katie is holding the original to record with the survey once the Mason's easement is done.

  2. Souhegan River Trail - Mason's parking, access for trail. Bill Ruoff has met with the Masons and has done some of the work they require to be completed prior to signing of their easement.

Committee updates:
  1. GIS Committee. Lincoln Daley, the GIS manager, has taken a new job as Planner for North Andover, Mass. We hope his replacement has some knowledge and expertise in GIS management.

  2. Trail Managers Group. The group met and discussed the bridge design for going over Hartshorn Brook, which floods every spring and after significant rainstorms. The group inspected 2 bridges on Beaver Brook property in Hollis, which used timber-cribbing abutments filled with stones. A few members will be going on site with Steve Trombly, owner of the property, to determine the maximum depth of the floodwaters.

Open space subdivisions, projects:
  1. Souhegan Valley Boys and Girls Club - "In response to the concerns raised by the SoLAC, and the Wetlands Bureau, the engineers revised the plan back to the original drainage system. Stormwater will be collected in grass swales and directed to a depression that will allow percolation and act as a level spreader. No culvert is proposed to the river and wetland application has been withdrawn." The applicant has been asked to demonstrate compliance with the Shoreland Protection Act, "specifically proposed paved driveway edges, a paved swale and a snow 'storage' area, all within 50' of the reference line. Only accessory structures totaling no more that 150 sq. ft. are allowed within 50' of the reference line to a point no closer than 20' from the reference line."

  2. Falcon Ridge - Frog Pond open space. The subdivision has not received final approval from the planning board so the open space has not been deeded yet.

  3. Wallingford Estates - open space ownership status. The deed has not been signed yet. Some issues, such as stormwater run-off, are being resolved before SPNHF takes ownership.

  4. Hampshire Hills - open space easement. The town's and Mr. Holder's attorneys are still working on the wording of the deed.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned 9:40PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, March 10, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes were prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of March 10, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward, Pierce Rigrod - Vice Chairmen
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy , Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Hugh Barrett, Jim Phippard - Old Farms Golf Course

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:04PM.

Upon a motion made by Chris the minutes of the February 24, 2005 minutes were approved with the following amendment:
Remove the word 'wetland' from line 107. The motion reads: "…. that the Conservation Commission draft a letter to the Souhegan Valley Land Trust asking them if they would be interested in holding an easement on the 30 acres of property that is associated with the Osgood Pond project."
Hub seconded the motion to approve the minutes and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. 7:15 - Hugh Barrett, Old Farm Golf Links - Minimum Impact Expedited D&F application for bridge construction on Hayward Farm Golf Links. Mr. Phippard and Mr. Barrett presented the application to construct 8 bridges to be used for golf carts. The bridges were located in spots with the least impacts to wetlands, with the limitations that golfers must be allowed to cross without being in the line of flight of the balls. Four bridges will span Tucker Brook, one will span a forested wetland, one a wet meadow, one a drainage ditch and one will replace an existing bridge. The bridges will be 8 ft. wide, varying in length and completely constructed of pressure treated wood. They will be 2 ft above ground with all abutments located on upland. Wooden posts at 10 ft. intervals will be used to support the bridges. Some of these posts will be driven into wetlands creating a total impact of 34 SF. Mr. Phippard had met with the Wetland Bureau to discuss how to determine the impacts caused by the posts. On the application given to Conservation in February, the bridges were shown with center supports located in the brook channel, which would be unacceptable for an expedited application. The plan has been revised and an amendment to the application was brought to this meeting, showing all supports located out of the brook. Mr. Barrett said that there will be wording included on the plans stating that no posts will be placed in the stream channel. During installation of the posts construction vehicles will be driven into the area. It was agreed that the impact would be temporary and very small due to the fact that the equipment has a 20 ft. long arm and can in most cases remain on upland and reach in to drive in the posts.

    Diane mentioned that Frank Richardson, previous Wetlands Bureau inspector for Milford, informed her that on the 11th hole, there is an area, not delineated on the plan that he considers to be an intermittent stream, therefore jurisdictional. That area should be addressed in the application. It is in the far eastern section; it is the annual overflow area for the river. There is an obvious swale from the riverbank running south to join the river through a delineated wetland finger. A cart path is shown on the plan crossing the swale. Mr. Phippard disagreed with the assessment. He claimed to have spoken with staff at DES, who consider the area to be floodplain, not an intermittent stream. When flooding does occur, the hole will be closed. The members expressed concerns about flooding washing out fill, causing erosion and sending silt downstream. After discussion Mr. Barrett agreed to shorten the cart path to keep it entirely out of the area of the swale. Whether or not the area was an intermittent stream would not be an issue, because there would be no impact to it. The area would be vegetated with turf grass to prevent erosion and would be closed when flooding does occur. The green is elevated above the 100 yr floodplain. Mr. Phippard will request to appear before the Planning Board and will present a plan that will sow the cart path on this hole located entirely out of the swale.

    Pierce made a motion that the Commission recommend approval and sign the expedited application subject to the condition that the cart path on hole #11 be shortened to remain outside the natural swale. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Rita will draft a letter to the Wetlands Bureau stating the condition of approval.

  2. Town of Milford - Wastewater Treatment Facility - Std D&F application for outfall replacement. This project is to replace the effluent discharge pipe from the facility. The new structure will be submerged and will improve dispersion of the effluent into the river. A site walk was held on March 4. Wayne and Hub attended. Hub explained that there is currently a 24" pipe with an elbow, which needs to be replaced. The new pipe will have many small outlets vs. the one large one in order to have the outflow mix better with the water. This type of discharge pipe may be required rule in the future. Chris made a motion to recommend approval of the application to the Wetlands Bureau. Rod seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. Rita will ask DPW if there are or need to be any considerations made for kayaks or canoes passing through the area.

Unfinished Business:
  1. Mile Slip Property Purchase. - Diane informed the group that the closing on the property will probably take place some time in August. Before that time a management plan for the property will be drawn up. There are several groups that helped with publicity and support for the vote that should be able to give input on the management plan. Members suggested putting out a notice, perhaps on the Web, thanking people for voting for the purchase and informing them that a management plan will be drawn up for the property. They should watch for announcements of a public hearing.

    The BOS has agreed that the town will proceed to consider reclassification of the road to the Mile Slip property from a Class 6 to a Class 5 road, by holding the statutory public hearing, after which the decision is made. There needs to be a turn around for town trucks at that end of the road. Diane will suggest that they use the field on the Mile Slip property and incorporate parking into the area.

  2. Conservation Land Ordinance - (Ordinance Governing Regulation of Conservation Lands). The ordinance is being worked on. So far there has been no comment on it from the trails management group.

  3. Illicit Discharge Report - Members were given the form at Feb's meeting and were asked for suggestions. Rod asked if the name of the person reporting an incident needs to be given. Does the person who is reported know who reports them? Audrey also pointed out A. name is listed twice. Should it be A. Name and B. name? The stormwater committee is distributing this form as part of requirements for the EPA Phase II regulations. They are also drafting a stormwater ordinance.

  4. Beaver Brook - Holland Farm - Diane reported that she had met with Atty. Drescher this past Monday. The town wants to put a water tank on a piece of town owned land purchased from Carl Holland in many years ago. The town needs to be granted a temporary easement from Beaver Brook for a staging area in order to construct the tank. The commission addressed this project at their September 11, 2003 meeting and supports need for the temporary disturbance.

    Another topic discussed was the request by Beaver Brook Association to subdivide the buildings along with 15 acres of Holland farm. Attorney Drescher says that ConComm is the Grantee of the easement and would be the group that would have to agree. We were not given a reason for the subdivision other than that the buildings are an unmanageable expense for BBA. There are other ways to handle the situation without breaking the easement. Diane says the purpose of the easement is that the land remain a working farm. The suggestion was made that Concomm approach another conservation group to come up with an alternative that works for Beaver Brook and the town. Tomorrow Diane will meet with members of the Souhegan Valley Land Trust and the Monadnock Community Land Trust to see if we can come up with a plan to protect the farm easement and also address BBA's problems with the property.

New Business:
  1. Membership renewals - Rod, Jenn, and Wayne's terms expire this year. Rod and Wayne wish to renew their terms as full members. Jenn has requested to be an alternate member, in that she is unable to attend many meetings because of being home with her small children. Rita will send the information to Dawn Griska.

  2. Earth Day, Cirtronics - A representative from Cirtronics on Rt. 13 called the office to ask if a member of the Commission would be willing to come to the company on the morning of April 26 to talk for awhile about water conservation issues. Each year the company does something for Earth Day. This year they will have the children from the Boys and Girls Club of Nashua come to hear talks followed by a barbeque. Members agreed that Rita can call and inform them that someone from the Commission will be there on that day to give a talk.

Interdepartmental Review: Planning Board Meeting is March 15 (tentative)
  1. "The Reserve" - Federal Hill Rd. Stabile Project. - M/L 48/48. Hub Seward had sent a memo to ZBA and PB on 3/3 that addresses members' concerns with the 14,000 SF of buffer disturbance, disturbance to the Hampshire Hills easement area, and ownership, protection, and delineation of the open space. No further comment from the Commission members.

  2. Gauthier Brothers Concrete -M/L 6/33, 33-1. Design review. Commission's Comments:

    - General question about storm water protection plan maintenance. How do we insure compliance?
    - Unclear from drawings where open space is. Is it 30% pervious surface?
    - Note on plan says that 42 parking spaces are required; 108 are provided. Entire lot is disturbed. Fewer parking spaces could reduce paved impervious area. Eliminate 20 on north.
    - Does west hill cut impact perched aquifer on hill? If so, how do they accommodate excess ground water?
    - Parking between buildings should be grave, not asphalt. Can all the surface be gravel instead of asphalt?

  3. Ledgewood Estates Assisted Care Facility - M/L 35/34, 35 - amendment to a previously approved site plan, ZBA approved on 2/17.
    No Comment from Commission.

  4. Church of Our Saviour - Rt 13 South - M/L 52/18-6 - Discussion only, wetlands will be impacted, also Compressor Brook buffer.
    Commission's Comments:
    - ConComm would like to attend the PB site walk.
    - Thank you for taking the trouble to minimize impact to both wetland and buffer. ConComm feels this is a commendably responsible approach.

  5. Harding, Johnson St. - M/L 29/76-1-1 - Minor subdivision into two house lots allowed by ZBA variance.
    No comment from Commission

  6. Clark, Federal Hill Rd. - south of Foster Rd. Consolidation and resubdivision of 56/58, 58-3 into 3 house lots. Commission's Comments:
    - With proposed plan, access is impacting wetland and buffer - creating a property that forces a wetland impact in a future development. Cannot understand the property line readjustment.
    - Please show a map of the current property line and new lot on one page. Use the whole sheet of paper. Same consensus stated July 2002.

  7. Portrait Homes, Wyman Farms - M/L 53/25 - scenic road public hearing for driveway cut for a new home.
    Commission's Comments:
    - Show what trees would be cut and width of wall cut; photos of existing trees maybe.

  1. Osgood Pond project. Adam Burnett informed Katie that all funding for the Osgood Project has ceased. They have sent a new round of letters to Gregg, Sununu, and Bass re being a specifically named project for the next federal budget. If that is successful, the budget period begins in October. Adam said they had begun with the plans and specs and arrangements for the survey when they had their funding pulled. He says they have a revised layout, but no full-blown plans and specs. If the former is of any use for applications to NHDES for state permits, then he asked that he be called.

  2. Hampshire Hills - open space easement. The easement has been approved by the BOS and has been signed by the Commission Chair.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned 9:12PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, April 14, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward, - Vice Chairman
Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Jennifer Cote - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Al Futterman - Nashua River Watershed Association

Rod DellaFelice, Pierce Rigrod

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:08 PM.

Upon a motion made by Wayne the minutes of the March 10, 2005 meeting were accepted as presented. Jenn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Al Futterman - Nashua River Watershed Association - Presentation of information regarding EPA Targeted Watershed Grant. Al Futterman, Land Programs and Outreach Director of the Nashua River Watershed Association gave a presentation on the EPA Targeted Watershed Grant they recently received, entitled, "Protecting Today's Water for Tomorrow." Approximately $770,000 was awarded to NRWA in partnership with Beaver Brook Association, New England Forestry Foundation and Trust for Public Lands. They were one of only 14 groups in the nation to receive this grant, and are the only one to be doing preventative work; the other 13 groups are cleaning up areas that currently have problems. The project involves 7 main components, the first being identification and prioritization of significant areas to protect, involving GIS analysis, landowner interaction and more. Other components are: market based forestry coop.'s, forester training for communicating with landowners, restoration and demonstrations (Beaver Brook), hiring of Smart Growth circuit riders, public survey and messages, and water quality sampling. The project area encompasses approximately 131 miles in two states, NH and Mass., and includes land in the southwest areas of Milford. Spaulding and Mitchell Brooks are part of the Nashua River Watershed. The Commission had sent a letter of support for the grant application last year. Mr. Futterman asked what the Milford ConComm land protection priorities are in that area of town and wants Milford to be aware of assistance available under the terms of this grant. Diane mentioned that the owner of 260 acres of land abutting the Mile Slip property has approached the Souhegan Valley Land Trust. He is interested in selling that land for protection. The SVLT needs to come up with an offer and will need someone to partner with on this project. Mr. Futterman mentioned that the Forest Legacy is a national program that is a reliable source of funding. He and his group working under the EPA targeted watershed grant will be applying for funding before the August deadline of this year. The fact that the Nashua River Watershed, and therefore this project involves two states makes this project more appealing to a federal program. Diane stated that the landowner is willing to wait a year or more for funding if need be. She also stated that the Nature Conservancy is interested in the wetland that is located on this property.

  2. Planning Board members - discussion of PB goals and ConComm assistance. This item was not discussed, in that PB members were unable to attend the meeting.

  1. Beaver Brook - Holland Easement. L52-14 - Diane met with Tom Hildreth (Beaver Brook's attorney), the executive director of Beaver Brook, the Chair of the Board of Directors of BB and a member of the SVLT to discuss Beaver Brook's desire to subdivide the Holland Farm. This subdivision would violate one of the conditions of the easement held by the Conservation Commission. There was some informal discussion regarding an offer to grant an easement on the Burns property as mitigation for the altering the Holland easement. However, there has been no formal request made in writing to either the Conservation Commission or to the Board of Selectmen. Jenn made a motion that the Commission make no decision regarding this issue until a formal written request in writing is presented to the Commission to discuss at a regularly scheduled public meeting.

  1. Election of Officers - Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission. Diane suggested that the Vice-Chair of the Commission be responsible for reviewing plans and making recommendations for Interdepartmental Review. Hub has been doing this already for plans not presented at the ConComm meetings and he is willing to continue.

    Chris made a motion to nominate Hub Vice Chairman of the Conservation Commission. Jenn seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of Hub remaining as Vice-Chairman.

    Chris made a motion to nominate Diane Chairperson of the Conservation Commission. Jenn seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of Diane remaining as Chair.

  2. Interdepartmental review - A change in the process for ConComm's review of plans was discussed and decided upon. Rita will e-mail all members a list of plans submitted to the office and will leave the plans in the office in a designated spot on top of the file cabinets. Members can stop in at any time to review the plans and make recommendations. Rita will leave a blank form for the recommendations and she will compile and submit them to the planning department one week before the PB meeting, in order that they be included in the PB's packets for their meeting. Hub will create a checklist and/or poster of things to look at when reviewing plans. Dredge and Fill applications will still be scheduled for and discussed at regularly scheduled monthly meetings.

  3. Criteria for evaluating buffer impacts - When reviewing the major buffer impact from the Stabile subdivision, members realized that there should be an established procedure for the Commission to review and make recommendations regarding buffer disturbance. The same criteria should be used as the criteria for wetland impacts, such as minimization of the impact, what impact will be on the overall area, etc. Hub is willing to make a list for members to use when reviewing and making recommending to the ZBA regarding buffer impacts. More specific information would be considered such as the type of vegetation in the buffer, slopes, etc. Chris suggested a poster be made that members could use for reviewing; also developers would be made aware of what commission will be looking for when reviewing plans.

  4. Mile Slip Property management plan - Diane informed the group that the last 1/2 mile of road before the Mile Slip property is currently a Class VI road. She has spoken with the residents of this road about their concern with additional traffic and parking now that the Mile Slip property will be useable by the public. Diane has presented a petition to the BOS asking that this part of the road be upgraded to a Class V. It would still be a gravel road but would need to be brought up to the town of Milford gravel road standards, meaning that it would be widened a little, constructed of gravel, and maintained by the town. A turn-around will be created at the end at the Mile Slip property for plow trucks, etc. Diane is looking into having a small amount of parking incorporated into that turn-around area using the field that is currently there. There will be a public hearing for the upgrade, starting at the site tentatively on June 28, 7PM. There will also need to be a public scenic road hearing for the work to be done at the end to construct the turn-around.

  5. ConcComm picnic - will be Sunday, July 31 this year.

  1. Cirtronics -A speaker for the April 26 Earth Day is no longer needed.

  2. Effluent pipe for the wastewater facility. Members had asked at the last meeting whether or not there are any problems or accommodations for kayaks, or canoes that might pass over the current or new effluent pipe for the wastewater facility. Rita e-mail Larry Anderson and received this reply: "The ability to navigate the current outfall pipe is more challenging at normal river levels and especially when the pipe is minimally submerged. The pipe is concrete and could potentially damage anything that might come in contact with it. The proposed diffuser system is a safer and more forgiving system; the outlet ports are constructed of rubber and have a much lower profile than the existing outfall. There will be a limited amount of flexibility should anything come in contact with one of the new diffusers."

  1. The Regional Resource Conservation Committee (R2C2) - meeting has been postponed until Monday, May 2nd. The May meeting will focus on Stormwater Technologies - including a presentation on the various types of technologies that exist and what their pros and cons are. The June meeting will focus more on what Conservation Commissions should be looking for when reviewing drainage plans.

  2. NRPC Land Use Board Training Series - Audrey attended the first of three workshops, "Site Plan and Subdivision Review". She noted that the engineer presenting the workshop was very diligent in watching projects as they were being completed. He also discussed things that should be taken into consideration when looking at plans such as fauna and flora, water quality. A development should have a schedule to inspect septic, drainage, culverts, etc. The builder can be required to hire an independent third party to inspect drainage systems to see if they work according to the plans and submit a written report of these inspections.

    The next two workshops coming up at NRPC are "Low Impact Development in Cold Weather Climates" and "Providing a Mixture of Housing Types".

  3. Hampshire Hills/Stabile Properties - At their April 7 meeting, the ZBA approved the revised plan with 12,771 SF of buffer impact. The developers had presented a plan detailing the 12 buffer impacts and what would happen to each, such as permanent, temporary, slope change, pavement, etc. They have set aside a large area between the wetlands in the southwest near the access road to compensate the large buffer impact.

  4. Old Farms Golf Links - A revised plan was submitted to the PB with the cart path on hole #11 moved out of the swale, as requested by Conservation on March 10. DES has asked that the bridges be redesigned to maximize freespan distance over wetlands and minimize number of support posts; also for description of how construction will take place - machinery and/or foot traffic in wetlands, etc.

  5. Trail Managers Group
    The Trails Managers Group is putting together a policy management document for the trails in town, that would include a listing of the trails, trail widths, how to interact with those who are adopting the trails, etc.

    The first main project is to build a bridge across the wet areas on the Holcombe piece of the Souhegan River Trail. Chris is looking into different sources of poles to be used for bridging. The possibility exists of using 2x10's bolted together.

    Diane, Chris and Jon Thunberg visited Bob Spoerl of the New Hampshire Trails Bureau in Concord. They were able to obtain useful information about regulation of motorized vehicles on conservation lands. Bob suggested using members of organized ATV and/or snowmobile clubs to work with conservation to decide what trails are appropriate and to maintain and repair the trails they use. Chris and Diane have met with a snowmobile club on the issue and plan to meet with ATV club members. The consensus was that motorized vehicles should be permitted only on specific trails designated as such and that usage of the lands by members of clubs is more desirable than that of the general public. Club members are more willing and capable of repairing damage and maintaining the trails on which they ride. Snowmobile clubs have made great progress in minimizing negative impacts to the areas they use. The state is trying to raise ATV usage to that same level. There is money available for towns for enforcement of motorized vehicle usage. There are also signs available to the vehicle clubs free of charge.

  6. Lee An Drive - The open space has been deeded to the town. It was made part of Mayflower Hill Town Forest at this year's Town Meeting.

  7. GIS Committee - GIS work is on hold until the newly hired new assistant planner begins work in Milford in May.

  8. Nilsen Easement - The owner is anxious to complete the easement. She needs a partial release from her mortgage company. Diane has mailed a package of required documents to the mortgage company. When the release is granted the easement will be signed.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Jennifer Cote - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Gary Olin - volunteer
Andy Searles - potential new member

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:07 PM.

Upon a motion made by Audrey and seconded by Wayne the minutes of the April 14, 2005 meeting were accepted as presented.

Diane made a motion to amend the minutes of the September 9, 2004 minutes. Under New Business #4, Parking for…. Tucker Brook Town Forest, Sean Trombly would be changed to Steve Trombly. Hub seconded the motion to amend these minutes and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. 7:15 Gary Olin - Volunteer for Tucker Brook - Tucker Brook Trailhead Kiosk proposal. Mr. Olin has offered to construct a kiosk for the entrance to Tucker Brook Town Forest at Boulder Dr. He presented the group with a drawing and bill of materials for the project. He informed the group that 4x4" pressure treated wood posts would be used for the construction and that there would be 3.5' x 4' of posting room provided on the kiosk. The cost would be $150, according to the quote he obtained from Home Depot. The cost could be less if other sources and discounts or donations from Home Depot, Milford Lumber, or other companies were sought. The materials would be paid for from the Forest Fund. A second kiosk, if desired would be about $35 less, because leftover plywood from the first kiosk could be used for it. A depth of 36" was proposed for the posts. It would be deep enough to avoid frost movement and being knocked down. (Bear tracks have been seen in the area). It is not a load bearing structure, so does not need to be 48" into the ground. Rod asked if the wood could be ACQ. Gary stated that the pressure treated wood he obtained quotes on is ACQ. ACQ plywood is not manufactured. The plywood used for the backing could be exterior grade non-pressure treated plywood. The bill of materials included a quote for a 1/8" Plexiglas covering for the posting area. Gary and members discussed and thought that 1/4" might be better, stronger. Either a padlock or wood screws could be used to keep the posting area closed. Gary also stated that his neighbor, Chuck Kurtz, would be able to get Boy Scout volunteers to put up the kiosk once it has been constructed. Commission members can determine the location of the kiosk, which should either face north or be in the shade to prevent fading. A second kiosk located at the Savage Rd. entrance to the forest would also be of benefit. Mr. Olin agreed to construct that as well.

    Members discussed materials and agreed that ACQ wooden posts, exterior grade non-pressure treated plywood, stainless steel hardware and 1/4" thick Plexiglas would be the best choice of materials to use for construction. Some of these materials are a little more expensive than those quoted in the proposal. Members felt that $325.00 would be sufficient to cover costs of two kiosks.

    Rod made a motion to approve the expenditure of up to $325.00 from the Forest Fund for the construction of two kiosks, with the condition that arsenic containing wood not be used. Wayne seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

    Rita will draft a letter to Mr. Olin thanking him for his offer to construct these kiosks. Gary will use the letter to seek discounts or donations of materials for the kiosks.

  1. Conservation Land Ordinance -Audrey introduced the ordinance that she and Wayne have been working on. They had originally viewed a number of natural resource Websites, such as SPNHF for information and suggestions of wording for the ordinance. In order to make the ordinance less cumbersome and easier for readers to find rules pertaining to their uses, they separated out the various uses in outline form. They also plan to create an appendix of relevant documents, such as the camping permit. Members reviewed, discussed and made suggestions for the ordinance. The edited copy of the ordinance will be e-mailed to all members, along with a list of things that still need to be done, before presentation to the BOS for approval. The suggestion was made to post the ordinance and/or rules at entrances to conservation lands when appropriate.

  2. Mile Slip Property management plan - Diane reported that she is currently collecting information with which to create a draft of the plan. She has yet not started on the wording of the plan.

  1. Trail Construction, Tucker Brook Town Forest - Bob Hall, representing New England Mountain Biking Association (NEMBA) has asked permission to construct a trail in TB Town Forest. Diane showed the location of the proposed trail that was flagged by the biking association on the map. The trail would run close to Tucker Brook parallel to the Ridge Trail from Savage Rd. to the point where the Ridge Trail almost meets Tucker Brook (about half way up the Ridge Trail). This location would allow for a flatter trail, to allow bikes to avoid the steep hills. Diane and Bill Fitzpatrick had walked location of the proposed trail and noticed evidence of many deer using one area near the brook about halfway along the proposed trail. They suggest that in this area the trail run uphill a little to avoid impacting the deer.

    Audrey made a motion that permission be given to NEMBA to start work on the trail as proposed, but that the section described by Diane be reflagged to have the trail run uphill to avoid the area heavily used by deer. Chris seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Rita will send a letter informing Bob of the permission and the request for reflagging.

    Members also discussed whether or not trail maps should be available at the trailheads. They agreed to locate maps at the kiosks for Tucker Brook town forest and to supply a box where the maps can be left after using them.

    Diane updated members on the trail work that was done at Tucker Brook to clearly mark the trail near the Wheeler property. The report is in the Trail Managers' Group report of these minutes. She also mentioned that Mr. Wheeler and the Amato's are interested in allowing a trail to run from Tucker Brook through their properties to Mason Rd. Diane will meet with them to learn what trails they want marked and mapped for use by hikers.

  2. Mayflower Hill Town Forest - Wayne Hardy reported some infractions he observed near the trail that runs up the hill from Perkins St. to the Main Loop trail. A number of trees near the top of the hill have been chopped down and 3 ft. stumps have been left. Someone keeps trying to reopen a trail that was closed due to steepness and has used many of the trees to line the sides of the trail.

  3. Law Easement - Diane had reported to members via e-mail in late April that Dr. Augusta Law, previously of 95 North River Road, called her a few weeks ago with a request for an easement on her property. Initially she wanted to protect her 1740 home of 50 years. Diane met with her, discussed easements in general, historical preservation easements in particular. She also spoke with Polly Cote and Chuck Worcester of the Heritage Commission about holding Dr. Law's easement. Dr. Law had an appraisal, chatted with Diane again and discussed the idea with her own children. She then invited Diane over and said she does not want to restrict the entire property but would be happy to have the acreage across the street from the house remain undeveloped. The easement was drafted; Bill Drescher reviewed it as well as Mrs. Law's attorney, and on April 25 the Selectmen accepted it. Mrs. Law, Selectmen Daniels and Diane have signed the easement and it was recorded on April 28. Mrs. Law needed the easement recorded before the closing on the property May 2nd. She has moved to Peterborough. This started as an historical preservation easement, not one conservation would be handling but it changed quickly. The commission has previously expressed interest in protecting the farming and open fields of North River Road and this fits in well. Chris pointed out that this is a great piece of land to have been granted an easement on. The area is visible from Elm St. and many areas in town. A housing development would really detract from the scenic beauty that is worthy of being protected along North River Rd

  4. Plan Review - list of things to consider when reviewing plans. Rita had compiled a document entitled: "Plan Review" that lists things for members to consider when reviewing plans. Members reviewed and made some additions to the document. The list will be left in the office on top of the file cabinets. Members are encouraged to add any other topics they feel should be considered when reviewing plans.

  5. Falcon Ridge - Frog Pond open space - Diane reported that the open space associated with this subdivision will be owned by the town. It makes up part of the Frog Pond property that is jointly owned by Wilton. Volunteers from Milford are needed to be on the Frog Pond committee, a joint management group with Wilton. Chris volunteered to be on that committee.

  6. Souhegan River Trail - Pedestrian Bridge across gully in Emerson Park. Rod stated that he would like to restart the work on this project now that the weather is warmer. He will reexamine the numbers from last year and get some current quotes. Hub and Wayne agreed to continue to work with him on this project, which will be on next month's agenda.

  1. First Baptist Church, M/L 24/12 - 6000SF parking lot expansion.
    Commission comments:
    Stormwater runoff should be accommodated on site. Possibly combine lots and/or restrict impervious development of remainder of 24/12.

  2. Gauthier Brothers, M/L 6/33, 6/33-1 - multi unit warehouse buildings - revised plans to address concerns of staff and boards.
    Commission comments:
    Note 1 on plan: Proposed does not specify how much warehouse space and how much manufacturing space. Parking could be reduced. Are hatched strips unpaved? (Letters stating groundwater concerns from Conservation and SoRLAC are attached.)

  3. Dr. Henry R. Kanner, M/L 13/13 - Savage Road parking lot expansion.
    Commission comments:
    Storm water handled on site before entering wetland by Demoulas (Market Basket). Are there any wetlands on the site?

  1. Trail Managers Group:
    On April 23, a group of volunteers including Chuck Kurtz, Bill & Diane Fitzpatrick and Dave Wheeler met at the Boulder Drive entrance to Tucker Brook TF. Bill & Chuck felled one large tree that had broken 6 feet up and the top was leaning precariously on several smaller trees. 3 other dead trees along the trail were cut down. Dave drove Diane to his Christmas tree farm behind his Mason Rd. home. From there they hiked to the blue trail where many hikers were complaining of getting lost. A large blue arrow was painted on a pine leading hikers onto Wheeler's land. Dave had no knowledge of the arrow and accompanying blazes. They used a paint scraper to remove the arrow and several blazes and installed bright wooden arrows to direct hikers to continue on the town's blue trail, which is much less distinct than the trail to Wheeler's land. Bob Walsh worked on the Tucker Brook trails the evening before due to the forecast of rain for Saturday. He cleared trails and repainted some blazes.

    On May 3 & 6, Jon Thunberg, Chris Costantino, Diane Fitzpatrick and Bill Fitzpatrick cleared a 3-foot wide trail from the Gregg Bridge to Rt. 13 between Sunset Circle and Milford Lumber. The bridge is being used by many children going thru Keyes, over the bridge and on to MCAA fields for practice. Before the trail clearing, walkers were forced to walk through private property and up Sunset Circle. The town is almost ready to send out an RFP for quotes for design and construction of the trail as well as a sidewalk along North River Road to the playing fields. We felt it was not fair to the homeowners in the area to not have the trail in place now. The surface is not ideal at this point but the path is open. Poison ivy needs to be treated and then the raking and finalizing can be done. Jon installed a directing arrow and private property sign to encourage use of the public trail.

    On May 5, Chris Costantino, Mike Sebas and Diane viewed the land between North River Road and the river from the green iron bridge to Pine Valley Mill for the purpose of determining if a trail was feasible. A trail in this location would serve as a connection for the Souhegan River Trail thru the Falcon Ridge development to Carnival Hill. They walked from the bridge to the mill along North River Road and returned by bush whacking along the river. Mike is planning to return with Bob Hall, another member of the trail group, to assess the most difficult section at the western end. It is Mike's opinion that the trail is possible and would be a gem in the region.

  2. Hampshire Hills - The open space easement has been signed and recorded.

  3. Badger Hill - A list of items must be completed by June 10, i.e. drainage issues, final paving on occupied streets, corner stakes for lots. If not completed, the remainder of the subdivision will be revoked. If complete the builders will be in for phase 4 which will ask to reduce the size of the open space for increased lot sizes since community septic was not used as planned. The only other option is to reduce the total build-out.

  4. Boynton Hill - The plan that was last submitted is off the table. A new concept must be developed since Mile Slip Estates land will soon be conservation land. The Boynton Hill project is on the Planning Board agenda for May 17.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes were prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Jennifer Cote, Bob Walsh - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Andrew Seale, Mark Turner - potential new members
Tom Hildreth, Frank Grossman, Marie Tule, Cliff Simmons - Beaver Brook Association
Bill Burns - previous owner of the Burns Farm

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:05 PM.

Upon a motion made by Chris and seconded by Hub, the minutes of the May 12, 2005 meeting were accepted as presented.

Diane told the group that the minutes of the March 10, 2005 meeting should be amended. Under Unfinished Business - Mile Slip Property Purchase, the minutes currently state that "The BOS has agreed that the town will redesignate the road to the Mile Slip property from a Class 6 to a Class 5 road. ..." In actuality, they agreed they would proceed to consider it by holding the statutory public hearing, after which the decision is made. The wording should be changed to reflect that fact.
Hub made a motion to amend the minutes of the March 10, 2005 meeting to reflect the wording change. Rod seconded and the vote was five in favor, two abstain.

7:15 - Attorney Tom Hildreth, Beaver Brook Association - Mr. Hildreth and other members of the Beaver Brook Association (BBA) were present to discuss the "Joint Proposal to Optimize Use and Enjoyment of the Holland-Burns Farm Property in Milford, NH" that had been sent to the Commission. Beaver Brook is the owner of the Holland Farm, upon which the town of Milford holds an easement. What Beaver Brook would like to do is convey a portion of that property to a Milford based group, the Holland Burns Community Supported Farm Organization (HBCSFO).

Mr. Holland deeded the farm to Beaver Brook Association 10 years after he had granted an easement on the property to the town. When he gave his farm to Beaver Brook, Mr. Holland also signed an informal agreement stating, " Beaver Brook retains the right to sell, lease, or remove so many of the buildings as Beaver Brook cannot, in its sole judgment afford to maintain." Mr. Hildreth stated that because Beaver Brook's mission does not include buildings, they do not want to be responsible for the costs of maintenance and taxes associated with the farmhouse and outbuildings on the Holland Farm. Beaver Brook feels that it is not practical to move the buildings and that destruction of the buildings would not be in keeping with Mr. Holland's expressed desire that the "farm remain a farm".

They would like to subdivide the buildings, along with at least 12 acres of land. Slightly more acreage may be subdivided in order to create a regularly shaped lot that would be bordered on one side by Osgood Rd. and on another side by the abutting property to the east. That lot would be conveyed at no cost to the Community Farm (HBCSFO). Each of the two lots created by the subdivision would be held under the exact same easement as that which currently exists on the farm. Beaver Brook feels that the informal agreement mentioned above indicates that this subdivision would not go against Carl Holland's intent. The property would remain subject to the same conservation easement that exists today. Instead of being owned by one entity subject to a conservation easement, it would be owned by two entities, still all subject to the terms of the conservation easement.

Mr. Hildreth went on to explain that the reason the subdivided lot would be 12 acres in size was that it would be large enough for the homestead and for the current use taxation rate. The community farm group has been in touch with a farmer who is interested in starting to prepare the land on August 1 for planting in the spring of 2006, if something concrete happens. Beaver Brook had previously discussed a long-term lease of the entire property, including the buildings, with the farm group. However the talks were unsuccessful, mainly due to liability and maintenance issues dealing with the buildings.

Bill Burns spoke at the meeting. His land, which he had donated to Beaver Brook Association, is now part of BBA's Burns-Holland Farm. Mr. Burns was a friend of Carl Holland for many years before Carl's death. He stated that Carl did not want his land separated into house lots and wanted it to continue to be farmed. Bill felt that Carl would want a farmer living in the house on the property, that a farmer living there would do a better job of farming the property.

Members discussed the fact that the easement clearly states "the property is not to be subdivided." Subdividing the property violates the terms of the easement even if an identical easement is granted on each piece. Diane suggested that Beaver Brook grant a 99-yr. lease on the 12 acres, as opposed to subdividing it. A 99-yr lease is similar to ownership in that properties under 99-yr leases, can receive grant funding, bank mortgages and money from fundraisers. Whether or not a 99-yr lease is considered a subdivision was discussed. Town counsel would be consulted if this becomes a possibility. The question also arose as to whether or not a 99-yr lease would move the liability to the other party.

Diane also read a letter from Ken Stern Ken Stern, Director, Easement Stewardship of the Society for Protection of New Hampshire Forests (SPNHF), holder of executory interest for this property. The letter stated that, "We believe that permitting subdivision of the land is a violation of the terms of the easement and therefore would compel the Forest Society to initiate the Power of Termination provision." However, Mr. Hildreth stated that he had had conversations about this issue with Paul Dosher , Vice President, Land Conservation at SPNHF. Mr. Hildreth stated that Mr. Dosher said that SPNHF would not object to a long term lease as a means to accomplish their objectives. He also stated Mr. Dosher said that neither would SPNHF object to the subdivision and conveyance as long as all the relevant constituents agreed that it was in the public interest to do so. They would want to see a finding that the Conservation Commission stated that it is in the public interest and that Beaver Brook also have similar records in their minutes.

Those present discussed the issue. (Chris Costantino removed herself from the discussion, in that she is also a member of the farm group.)

The point was brought up that the community farm would also lease additional acreage to the 12 acres to be subdivided, because 12 acres is really not enough for a farm. By dividing off the 12 acres, you are not complying with Mr. Holland's intent, which was quoted in the Board of Selectmen's minutes when Mr. Holland offered the easement, that "the farm remain a farm."

Hub suggested that Beaver Brook convey the entire property and reserve some rights such as trails. Beaver Brook does not want to sell the entire property, because it was Mr. Holland's intent that Beaver Brook own it.

Diane felt that manipulating easements is not a good thing to do. Hub felt that the entire property should either be sold or leased for 99 yrs. Rod stated that he would like to see Beaver Brook accomplish their goals another way. Breaking an easement is breaking a promise. He would like to see Beaver Brook reach a consensus with the farm group for leasing the property. Audrey stated that she would not want to lose the trust of landowners who would consider granting easements on their land in the future. Jenn stated that she would like to see the community farm there, but that subdivision is not the way to do it, in that altering the easement can set a precedent. Bob Walsh stated that he was also not in agreement with the idea of subdivision. The driving issue of this is to get rid of the liability of the buildings. What if the farm group (or whatever group ends up owning it) violates the easement, or cannot maintain the buildings? Now you have two pieces and the same situation. Wayne was sympathetic and supportive of the community farm, but was not sure if this is the way to do it.
The sense of the group was that the Conservation Commission is in support of the Community Farm, but they cannot support a subdivision when the easement clearly states that subdivision is not allowed.

  1. Conservation Land Ordinance - members discussed and edited the ordinance. Upon completion by Rita of a few small edits, the ordinance will be ready for presentation to the Board of Selectmen.

  2. Tucker Brook Town Forest - Kiosks - Diane has been in touch with Mr. Olin who has completed construction of two kiosks for Tucker Brook Town Forest. They discussed where the kiosks should be placed. Mr. Olin plans to recruit volunteers and will put the kiosks up.

  1. Wastewater Facility - amendment to the Dredge and Fill application. The Commission received an amendment to the application to replace the effluent pipes from the wastewater facility. The impact is increased from 1750 to 2600 SF due to an increase in the limits of the excavation. The design of the outfall will remain the same. The riverbank and riverbottom will be restored after completion. Members had no concerns with the amendment. Chris made a motion that the application be accepted as amended. Wayne seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Henry Shoenemann, Paul T. Butler - M/L 25/125, 66 Elm St.
    Minor site plan for change of use and construction of garage.
    Commission's comments:
    "No concerns or issues with this project."

  2. MD's Trash Removal - M/L 14/7, 7-1, Old Wilton Rd.
    Amendments to conditionally approved site plan, " to amend the drive and parking surface to the lots from pavement to a hard, all weather processed gravel and to reduce the parking area on 7-1."
    Commission's comments:
    "No concerns or issues with this project."

  3. Mile Slip Development, LLC. - M/L 55/4, 4-1 - Mile Slip Road.
    Lot line adjustment between lots with no additional building lots created, Lot 4-1 expansion only.
    Commission's comments:
    "Conservation has no concerns or issues with this project."

  1. Souhegan River Trail - Nilsen easement. Diane informed the group that the easement had been signed that morning, June 9. The town now has rights on all the properties necessary to complete the Souhegan River trail from Emerson Park to the Fish Hatchery.

  2. Fletcher Paint Site Committee - The committee met on June 7. Tom Roy from Aries Engineering went over the remedy with the group and how it will influence the design of the new park. Two items in particular were significant. The most important consideration is the 'soil cap', which is a much better idea than asphalting the entire site. The depth of the cap and the type of vegetation, particularly trees must be carefully considered. The cap will not be at the same depth across the entire site, and will not in fact be needed except where the remedy leaves PCB's on site, albeit at a much reduced level. Also a utility corridor must be located on the plan. This corridor will be cleaned to a depth allowing the handling of the soil for the installation and future repair of pipes and conduits for power, water and sewer lines, maybe telephone. The next meeting of the Fletcher Committee is Wednesday July 22 at 6:00 PM in the BOS room.

  3. Souhegan River Trail - Pedestrian Bridge. Rod reported that Dick Medlyn will be contacted to see if he is willing to drill holes in the boulders to hold the footings for the bridge.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes were prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Jennifer Cote - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Andrew Seale, Mark Turner - prospective new members
Jim Edwards - Meridian Land Services

Hub Seward

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:05 PM

Upon a motion made by Chris and seconded by Wayne, the minutes of the June 9, 2005 meeting were accepted as presented. Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  1. Jim Edwards, Meridian Land Services - Church of Our Savior - Map/Lot 52/18-6. Mr. Edwards presented a Minimum Impact Expedited Dredge and Fill application to cross a forested wetland to gain access to a buildable area of the lot on which the Church of Our Savior would be built. The land abuts the Rotch Town Forest on Rt. 13 south. A 30ft. long, 12" culvert is proposed, with a total impact of 447 SF. The plan showed a 5690 S.F. building and associated parking. Eventually the entire parking area will be paved. There will be cape cod berm (shallow curbing) to channel water to a detention system. The parking lot goes around a wetland on the site and impacts neither the wetland nor the buffer in that area. The driveway crossing is located in the narrowest part of the wetland. There was some discussion suggesting the use of pervious pavement. Mr. Edwards stated that he would take a look at information that Chris will send to him regarding pervious pavement that has been used at UNH for the past two years.

    Members agreed that the applicant did a good job of minimizing impacts to both the wetlands and the buffer. Jenn made a motion that the Commission approve the project and sign the application. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Conservation Plan - This item was not discussed at the meeting. Rita will send members the list of recommendations in Chapter 4, for members to review and give input on for prioritization. This item will be on next month's agenda.

  2. Conservation Picnic - reminder that the date is Sunday, July 31, 1 PM until dark.

  1. Public Outreach
    Diane showed members a photo of the kiosk that was constructed by Gary Olin and is now located in Tucker Brook Town Forest. She mentioned that it faces south so that when you are looking at the map, you are looking in the same direction as the trails shown. Another kiosk is ready to be put at the Forest near the Savage Rd. entrance.

    Diane also told the group that Bob Walsh has offered to create a permanent orienteering course at Tucker Brook and that the forest fund would pay for markers. Members need to approve the purchase of the checkpoint signs for a few dollars apiece. The map could be on the Web site. Members discussed the idea, along with the cost of printing maps. Chris made a motion to spend up to $200 from the Forest Fund to purchase controls (checkpoint signs) and print maps, in order to create a permanent orienteering course at Tucker Brook Town Forest. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

    Audrey asked if the new trails that the mountain biking association has built would be marked. She was answered that yes, the Commission will be marking all the trails for use by bikers and hikers. Audrey also suggested that the members take walks on some of the properties in town, so that they become familiar with all the land under the jurisdiction of the Commission. On Saturday, July 23 at 8 AM members interested in walking some of the conservation lands in town will meet on Middle St. The walk will start with the swinging bridge, McLane Dam, Emerson Park, and Mayflower. Members can then decide to proceed to other properties. Boots and bug spray will be needed.

    More ideas for public outreach were discussed, such as: geocaching, letterboxing, creating a video slide show, having the commission present at town events, creating the trail and property maps in Arc View, writing articles for the Granite Town Quarterly, holding a grand opening for Mile Slip, and having a late winter "Trail Expo" with surrounding towns and other organizations with trails in the area, i.e. ATV Clubs, snowmobile clubs, SPNHF, BBA, TNC, Audubon, the state.

    Audrey volunteered to help coordinate the trail expo. She and Andy will make calls to groups that may be interested in participating in the expo. Rita will send them a list, when the date and other details are decided upon.

    Jenn offered to place a letterbox somewhere in town. Wayne will put one in Mayflower Town Forest. Diane will put one on the Rail-Trail.

    Chris and Jenn will write articles for the Granite Town Quarterly. Rita will find out if there are any guidelines for the articles.

    Audrey will look into having something from the Commission at the Pumpkin Festival.

    Diane will find out some prices for printing maps.

  2. Warrant articles for 2006

    Members agreed that the Commission should submit a warrant article asking that Mile Slip be designated a town forest.

    They also agreed that the Commission should submit a warrant article asking that the Patch Hill open space to be added to Mayflower TF.

    Diane suggested that a warrant article be submitted that would ask for approximately $5,000 for trail building and maintenance, and that if the article passes, the $5,000 be part of regular budget each year for trail building and maintenance. Rod suggested that before submitting the warrant article, the Commission draw up a list of projects and associated costs, to demonstrate when and where the money would be used. This work can be tied in with the prioritization of recommendations outlined in Chapter 4 of the Conservation Plan. Some projects that came up in the conversation were the completion of the Souhegan River Trail, the pedestrian bridge in Emerson Park, access from the swinging bridge to the McLane Dam area, Rail-Trail crossing of Melendy and Armory Rds., Frog Pond Open Space work, creation of trails in many of the open space properties in subdivisions and construction of kiosks. Members agreed that the warrant article is a good idea and that the list suggested by Rod should be created to support the concept. A history of money spent on trails in the past was suggested as being useful. Also discussed was whether or not the BOS should be asked to consider making the $5,000 part of the operating budget.
  3. Frog Pond diversion request from Wilton CC. Diane told members that the Frog Pond open space will be donated to the town. The Milford-Wilton town line runs through the center of the pond. Milford and Wilton have a joint committee to manage the pond and associated conservation land. They are currently working on a natural resource inventory of the area. The committee meets on the first and last Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM at Carnival Hill, if anyone is interested in attending.

    The Frog Pond had been originally created by digging out the area, constructing a dam at the south end and cutting an esker at the north end to allow water from Tannery Brook to flow in and fill the pond. Wilton's Conservation Commission feels that at times high water causes excessive pressure, which threatens the dam. They plan to open a section of the bank, so that when the dam gets a lot of pressure the water can bypass it and flow off around the dam. Les Tallarico, from the Wilton ConComm has suggested that they also put in a 15"culvert covered with soil in the esker. The culvert would act as a limiting device to divert the water down the branch stream of Tannery Brook and keep excessive waters from the Frog Pond. When there is a lot of water some water would go to the brook instead of all just going to the pond. In low water the culvert would not reduce the flow to the pond. Wilton already has a permit to construct the overflow swale next to the dam, but a Dredge and Fill permit would need to be obtained to construct the culvert in the esker at the inflow end of the pond, which is in Milford.

    Members discussed the proposed project and decided to look at the property on Saturday July 23, when they are walking on the town properties. Chris walks in the area quite often and feels that the dam does not look damaged, threatened, or overflowing. Members felt that the overflow swale that will be located at the outlet end of the pond should be adequate to protect the dam from too much pressure. A culvert placed in the esker could get clogged and would need to be maintained. Beavers have been seen in the area. Water would be directed onto the property of a homeowner who would have to give permission. Conservation members will make a decision regarding their opinions after the walk on July 23.

  4. Andrew Seale - Consideration for membership. Andy has been to three conservation commission meetings and stated that he is interested in becoming a full member of the commission. Rod made a motion that the Commission request the BOS to appoint Andy as a full member of the Conservation Commission. Chris seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Harold Webster - North River Road, Map/Lot 4/26 and 29 - Lot line adjustment between the two lots.
    Commission Comments:
    No comments or concerns with this project.

  1. Conservation Land Ordinance - The ordinance was presented to the BOS at their July 27th meeting. They will review it at two more meetings, before they vote to adopt it as an ordinance. The selectmen were not comfortable with riders needing to belong to a club and suggested adding the wording: "have permission in writing". The change was incorporated into the ordinance, which was reviewed at the July 11 BOS meeting. On July 11, the BOS asked that the numbering system correspond with the numbering system in the "Milford Municipal Code" book. The Board also requested that the ATV and Trail criteria that is NH Fish and Game under OHRV regulations be included and that a section on penalties be added. ConComm is working on these changes.

  2. Souhegan River Trail - Pedestrian Bridge at Emerson Park. Rod reported that Dick Medlyn volunteered his services to drill holes and epoxy in stainless steel rods that will be used to help anchor the bridge base supports. Hub, Dick and Rod completed that task. Hub and Rod later returned and finished two concrete sonnet tube supports. Five or six more need to be made. Another volunteer is needed to help with that work. Please email Rod back if you are interested in helping.

  3. Mayflower Town Forest - request to trim trees that are encroaching on an abutter's property. An abutter to Mayflower TF called the office asking if she could have some trees trimmed that are on conservation land, but that have gotten so big that the branches overhang her garage. Wayne reported that he had contacted the abutter a couple of times but that she then stated that she no longer wished to pursue the matter.

    Hub reported that he had "looked briefly at the site from the town forest. Rather than the garage, the homeowner's problem might be trees overhanging the above ground pool, which might be within the rear set back. As I recall this house is just within the 15-foot rear set back with a minimal space in the back yard. I do not recall previous problems except for occasional toys left on town property, which we have not cited as violations."

  4. Singer Brook Easement - Diane will meet with Steve Trombly and Atty. Drescher on Wed. to make sure that that the wording of the easement will allow expansion of the cemetery. Diane will ask for it to be on the BOS agenda in about two weeks.

  5. Tucker Brook Town Forest - Gary Olin has completed the 2 kiosks. One is already up at the Boulder Drive entrance. The other will be off Savage Rd. Diane will mark the location for the volunteers to know where to install it.

    The bike club is putting in another trail near the Savage Road entrance, which runs south from the bridge closer to the wetland and joins the Ridge Trail where it dips down toward the brook. They will locate the trail out of a heavily used deer area.

Committee updates:
  1. ROST - The ROST group is planning a Web site featuring trails in the region. Souhegan Valley Land Trust has agreed to be a conduit for money donated or grants applied for to support the project. The towns presently included are Milford, Amherst, Hollis, Brookline, Mason, Wilton, Lyndeborough and Mont Vernon.

  2. Fletcher Paint Site Committee - The committee has an appointment to present the conceptual design for the Fletcher Cap to the Board of Selectmen at 6:15 p.m. on Monday, July 25th.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes were prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of August 11, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Wayne Hardy, Andrew Seale - Full Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Mark Turner, Ron Pieper - potential new members

Audrey Fraizer, Chris Costantino, Jennifer Cote

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:08 PM.

There was no motion made on the minutes of July 14, 2005 in that not enough members for a quorum were present at tonight's meeting that were present at the July 14 meeting. These minutes will be presented for acceptance at the September Conservation Commission meeting.

  1. Souhegan River Watershed Questionnaire - Members filled out questionnaires prepared by the Souhegan River Local Advisory Committee to use in putting together a management plan for the river. Rita collected them and will mail them to the proper person.

  2. Mark Turner - Consideration for membership - Mark has attended three conservation commission meetings and the members' walk on June 23. When asked, he stated that he is interested in becoming a full member of the commission. Wayne made a motion that the Commission request the BOS to appoint Mark as a full member of the Conservation Commission. Rod seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Rita will send a note to the Selectmen's secretary.

    Diane mentioned to the new members that on the first Saturday in November is the meeting of the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions (NHACC). It is a worthwhile event for all Conservation Commission members to attend in that there are many topics presented ranging from introductory information about conservation commissions to more advanced material. Rita will register anyone who would like to attend. ConComm's budget will pay for the attendance. Diane also asked if new members see anything in the Conservation Plan that they would like to learn more about or discuss, they can contact Rita who will put it on the agenda.

  3. Conservation Lands Members' Walk - On July 23, members had visited a number of the Conservation land properties in town. A report on the walk is included in the Reports section of these minutes. Members were asked to decide where to go for the next walk, with the Frog Pond, Souhegan River Trail, Beaver Brook, Rail-Trail, Tucker Brook, Hitchiner, or Brox property (Osgood Pond dredging project) being suggested. Members decided to visit the Frog Pond property on Saturday, August 27. They will meet at 8 AM in the Market Basket parking lot in the southeast corner of the parking lot near the wetlands; take a left as you are facing the store.

  4. Bridge in Emerson Park - Diane told members that many years ago Ruth Nees left $5,000 in her will to the Conservation Commission. Until now a small amount has been used for flowers, benches and plantings in Emerson Park and the Oval. A larger portion of the money will now be used for the construction of the pedestrian bridge over the boulders in Emerson Park. Diane suggested naming this bridge after Ruth. Rod suggested obtaining a plaque with her name and possible acknowledgement of volunteers working on the bridge. Ron suggested finding out if Ruth has family in the area that would be interested in coming to a commemoration. The plaque can be decided upon when the bridge has been completed. In the meantime, some research can be done about Ruth and any significant historical information that could be included.

    Rod informed the group that he has been in contact with Kevin Lynch regarding any changes he has made to the design of the bridge.

  1. Public Outreach - Diane updated members on projects that are being worked on:

    Rita has registered the Milford Conservation Commission for letterboxing at www.letterboxing.org. If anyone is interested in placing a letterbox for the Commission they can contact the office. Geocaching can be looked at www.geocaching.com. Rita will do the registration at the office if anyone would like to set up a cache for the Commission.

    Bob Walsh has purchased the markers for the orienteering course at Tucker Brook. When the course is ready he or Rita will let everyone know.

    The kiosk near the Tucker Brook Savage Road entrance has been put up. It is located a short way down the main trail. Diane and Rita will post the maps in it next week.

    The Trails Expo that will be held this winter was discussed. The date has been set for Sunday, February 19, from 4 - 8 PM. Both the banquet hall and auditorium of the town hall have been reserved. There will be displays in one room and possibly a speaker or presentation in the other. Different groups will be invited to present displays and have maps, etc. for the public to bring home. The groups will be contacted and invited once the Commission has come up with a firm overview of what will be done at the event. Members should think about what they would like to see at the event. What do they think the public would like to see there?

  2. Frog Pond diversion request from Wilton CC - Diane described the joint management plan of the pond and open space that is being initiated by Wilton and Milford. She also described Wilton ConComm's proposal to construct a culvert in the esker at the north end of the pond to regulate water flowing into the pond. This proposal was discussed at the July 14, 2005 meeting. After the July meeting, Diane verbally informed Wilton that the Commission would look at the area and give a formal opinion, but would probably not be in favor of this project, for the reasons discussed on July 14. The site walk of this property is set for August 27, 8 AM, Market Basket parking lot.

  1. M/L 7/8 - Sullivan/St.Louis, Elm St. - Minor subdivision for a 3.36-acre parcel into two lots; 1.36 acres and 2.0 acres. Parcel is zoned ICI. Commission Comments: "Protect wetland and buffer with easement or deed. Contain and treat any fluid spills."

  2. M/L 7/8 - Sullivan/St.Louis, Elm St. - Major site plan for a proposed retail automotive sales, with several buildings.
    Commission Comments: The exact location of the 400 ft. buffer to the Savage Well (M/L 7/6) should be checked. M7/8 abuts 7/6. This parcel lies within the Groundwater Protection District's Level I zone. Does this project comply with the Groundwater Protection District? How is the 30% minimum requirement for pervious surface calculated? The Commission would like to see square footage shown for buildings, pavement and open space. Light should not leave the property.

  3. M.L 12/12 - Luke Peterson/Saabworks, Elm St. - Minor site plan for a garage addition.
    Commission Comments: No comment.

  4. M/L 13/6 - Hitchiner Manufacturing, Old Wilton Rd. - Major site plan for a proposed 6,200 S.F. manufacturing addition. Open space has been redesigned to accommodate the 30% minimum requirement.
    Commission Comments: No comment.

  5. M/L 22/60 - Dahl Realty Inc., Amherst St -Site plan for an addition to a multifamily building. The addition will not create any new units.
    Commission Comments: No comment.

  6. M/L 25/125 - Davis/Carlso Realty LLC - Harvey's Music, Elm St. -Change of use plan.
    Commission Comments: No comment.

  7. M/L 40/28, 40/29 - Mark Surette/ Dorothy Bolduc, Mason Rd. - Lot line adjustment between the two lots with no new lot created.
    Commission Comments: No comment.

  8. M/L 48/15 - GFI Milford, LLC - Cirtronics, Rt 13 - Site plan for a proposed 40 x 20 arch building to house company vehicles. Structure to be erected on current parking lot.
    Commission Comments: No comment.

  9. M/L 52/18/6 - Church of Our Savior, Rt. 13S - Major site plan for new church and parking, on-site water and septic.
    Commission Comments: "Wetlands and buffers should be protected by easement or deed restriction." This project was discussed at the ConComm meeting on July 14, 2005. Minutes from that meeting were given to the Planning Board.

  1. Conservation Land members walk - July 23, 8- 11 am.
    Present: Diane, Chris, Jenn, Audrey, Wayne, Mark, Andy.
    Members met at the parking lot on Middle St. 8 am to walk to a few of the conservation lands in town. The purpose of the walk was to familiarize members with some of the properties under ConComm's jurisdiction. The group walked over swinging bridge onto the McLane Dam property and discussed improving the public access in the future. They then walked to Emerson Park and looked at the pedestrian bridge that is under construction. They continued on the Souhegan River trail around the Boys & Girls club and took the new section of the trail to Mont Vernon St. They crossed Mont Vernon St. and went into Mayflower Hill Town Forest. They walked the new trail created by the mountain bikers, went up to Look-Out Point, continued on White Trail and came out on Shady Lane by the water tower. They then returned to downtown.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll


Meeting Minutes of September 8, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy, Andrew Seale - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Jennifer Cote - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Mark Turner - new member

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:08 PM.

Upon a motion made by Wayne and seconded by Andy, the minutes of the July 14, 2005 meeting were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Upon a motion made by Wayne and seconded by Andy, the minutes of the August 11, 2005 meeting were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  1. Conservation Land Ordinance. - Diane had met with Attorney Drescher regarding the ordinance. She summarized suggestions made by him: The term 'criminal mischief' is defined in the statutes and should not be redefined in the ordinance; 'prohibited conduct' is a more appropriate term for use in a town ordinance. Criminal mischief is covered along with other classes of offences by referring to law enforcement. Attny Drescher also made changes to the penalty section, 7.20.014, in that existing laws cover penalties. In this section the Commission reserves the right to also withhold privileges, similar to what was included before but with revised wording. In section F.7, the use of alcohol and controlled substances is addressed. The last paragraph of 7.20.013 was added to tie up any loose ends not directly addressed. And the last sentence of 7.20.015 was deleted, in that the RSA referenced was for Planning Board and ZBA issues. Citizens already have the right to address a court; there is no need to repeat that right. Attorney Drescher felt we should address only the actions in town.

    Diane stated that the third reading (public hearing) of the ordinance is scheduled for the September 12 Board of Selectmen's meeting. Three readings are required for the Board to adopt a town ordinance. Audrey asked if ATV use in town would be addressed in a separate ordinance. Diane stated that it is included in this ordinance in 7.20.016, OHRV Operation and Trails. She said that the ordinance states that ATV's can only be operated on trails designated for ATV use. ATV riders do not have to be members of a club, but the trails on which they will be allowed to ride must have been adopted by a club. Two sections from RSA's regarding operating ATV's on trails and a section on what is required to be a trail have also been added to the ordinance. Attorney Drescher had told Diane that he deals with this issue in other towns and approves of the treatment of the topic in this ordinance.

    Rod asked about signs regulating ATV's on Conservation Lands. Diane stated that only signs designating trails will be posted. ATV's are not allowed on trails unless there is a sign present that designates the trail for ATV use.

  2. L52-14, Rail-Trail - encroachment on town land. Mr. Mack's attorney, Jonathon Prew, has submitted a counterproposal to the town regarding the barn that was partially built on town property along the Rail-Trail. He e-mailed Diane in July of this year offering that Mr. Mack would sign an easement deed granting the town a non-disturbance, public access easement on the back 4 acres of his property in perpetuity, if the town would grant Mr. Mack an easement or agreement that he may finish his barn and use it in his lifetime. When he dies or sells the property, whichever comes first, the barn is removed. What needs to be determined is the mechanism for removal of the barn and how that is paid for. The Board of Selectmen will address this issue on September 12. If the Board agrees to the concept, Attorney Drescher will put together a document for parties to agree on dealing with how the barn will be removed.

  3. Trails Expo - Diane informed the group that the expo date has been changed to Sunday, February 26. It will still be held from 4-8 PM in the auditorium and banquet hall. Commission members discussed the focus of the expo, namely that the general public would be invited to attend, "people who would like to take a walk." The goal is to increase public awareness of trails in the region. At the expo people can gather information. Maps and brochures will be available and speakers will present talks on related issues. Members divided up a list of organizations that they will call. Each organization will be asked if they want to attend, have a table on which to present information and/or if they would want to send a speaker on a specific topic. Audrey volunteered to compile information and draft a list of questions that members can use when making calls. After the phone calls are made, the office will send a formal invitation and commitment form to interested organizations. Diane stated that the Amherst Conservation Commission and Peabody Mill in Amherst have already expressed interest in attending. Approximately 24 organizations will be contacted, including SPNHF, the Nature Conservancy, Audubon, Beaver Brook, area land trusts, conservation commissions and more. Speakers will also be invited to speak on related topics.

  4. Frog Pond diversion request from Wilton CC. The site walk that had been scheduled for August 23 was cancelled. Diane had informed Spencer Brooks that the Commission was not in favor of the proposal for the limiting culvert at the inlet to the pond. She also had informed him that members were planning to do a site walk of the area. Members decided to reschedule the site walk for Wednesday, September 14. They will meet at 6 PM at the Market Basket parking lot, in the southeast corner of the parking lot near the wetlands.

  5. Mason's Trail Easement. Members were presented with a draft of the Permanent Trail Right-of-Way Easement that the Mason's will grant to the Town for the Souhegan River Trail. Rod pointed out wording that he had concerns with. Item number 4, under the 'Restrictions and Obligations of the Grantor' states that "there shall be no right-of-way for access or for any other purpose, constructed, maintained, or developed into,………across the easement premises ……. except as may be specifically reserved herein or used in conjunction with permitted uses………." He does not want to preclude the Commission from having parking and wheelchair access to the Trail at this point. Diane suggested that Rita write a memo to Town Administrator Katie Chambers stating that the Commission is hoping at some point to have and advertise handicap parking with a designated spot, so that people can get on to the trail and into Emerson Park. Jenn made a motion that the Commission authorize Diane to sign the easement deed with the concern mentioned by Rod expressed. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

ConComm projects:
  1. Conservation Land members walk - The walk scheduled for August 23 was cancelled.

  2. Tucker Brook Town Forest -Trail construction, orienteering course. Bob Walsh has put in an orienteering course in Tucker Brook. Diane showed the members the maps and explained how orienteering works. Audrey suggested that the 1996 date on the maps be changed to the current update, 2005. Andy will have the maps copied, so that they can be made available to the public. Diane, Chris and Rita did some trail work at the Forest on August 29. They cleared brush to open up the entrance to the trail adjacent to the parking area on Savage Road. An arrow was put up to make the entrance more noticeable. Two 'Trailhead Parking' signs were also hung. They walked up the power lines to determine where a trail could be located to connect the area under the power lines to existing trails in the forest. Chris used a measure wheel to determine the lengths of the trail segments that were hiked.

  3. Souhegan River Trail - Bridge in Emerson Park - Rod informed the group that he, Hub and Wayne completed the rest of the supports. They will start building the bridge soon.

Committee updates:
  1. Fletcher Paint Site Committee - Rod informed the group that a couple of meetings had been held. He showed a diagram of utility corridors that were discussed. He stated that the committee would like to see something more natural than asphalt used to cap the area. The committee is suggesting a clay liner. He stated that utility corridors are more important if asphalt is used and that it would cost more money if utility corridors were set up. If clay liners are used, utility corridors can be put anywhere you want them. Rod stated that the EPA would have to be asked if they would be willing to accept the change. Ultimately the town is responsible for maintaining the liner. He also stated that a 30% plan must be in place by November.

Open space subdivisions, projects:
  1. Singer Brook Estates - The easement was signed on August 24 and will be recorded.
Interdepartmental Review:
The reviews were done after the meeting in the office:
  1. M/L 15/15-1 Granite State Boatworks - amendment to approved site plan to change landscaping and storage shed.
    ConComm Comments:
    Recycled oil and new oil must meet requirements of Ground Water District for secondary containment, etc.

  2. M/L 22/60 - Boynton Hill Subdivision - waiver to request an 8% centerline road grade.
    ConComm Comments:
    Stormwater will be concentrated onto the road from the surrounding slopes. Where is it going? What accommodations are being made to handle all the water?

  3. M/L 31/3 - Milford Fish Market, Nashua St. - discussion for proposed relocation of the fish market and renovation of existing building for an Antique Co-op. A site plan for and Antique Co-op was previously approved for this site on 8/19/03.
    ConComm Comments:
    Verify percentage of impervious surface.

  4. M/L 39/66 - David Orde, Knight St. - minor subdivision creating one new residential lot of 4.2 acres. There are no wetlands on the 4 acres being subdivided.
    ConComm Comments:
    Mark boundaries of agricultural preservation easement on plan. Does easement cover any portion of proposed lot? Does easement permit subdivision?

  5. 48/14-2 - Currier Self-Storage - Minor site plan to allow a parked trailer for the sale of auction goods, with associated parking and access.
    ConComm Comments:
    No comment.

  6. M/L 48/36, 52 - Hampshire Hills, The Fields - amendment to approved site plan for indoor soccer facility to alter building entrance.
    ConComm Comments:
    Copyright on Olympic name and symbol?

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes were prepared by Rita Carroll


Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy, Andrew Seale, Mark Turner - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Jenn Cote

Others attending:
Nate Chamberlain - Meridian Land Services
Nick Girard - BSA Troop 4

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:00 PM.

Approval of Minutes:
Chris made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 8, 2005 meeting. Audrey asked that the minutes be accepted with the following amendment:

The motions to approve both the minutes of July 14, 2005 and August 11, 2005 were seconded by Andy, not Audrey, as stated in the Sep. 8 minutes.

Rod seconded the motion to approve the minutes as amended. Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  1. 7:15 PM - Nate Chamberlain, Meridian Land Services - Minimum Impact Expedited Dredge and Fill Application for the Mile Away Restaurant and Hampshire Hills. Mr. Chamberlain presented an application for a temporary disturbance (cut and cover) to construct a sewer and a water line to the Mile Away Restaurant. To accomplish this goal, the lines must run through a forested wetland on the Hampshire Hills property causing 1110 SF of temporary impact. The impact is minimized by doing the work in the narrowest part of the wetland and by connecting to the main line at Hampshire Hills, which would use the shortest length of piping. Hampshire Hills has granted the restaurant an easement to do the work. The wetland is soggy, forested, poorly drained soil. Diane asked what the wetland does when it gets to the property line. Mr. Chamberlain answered that it may drain to the quarry on the site and will not drain to where the line is proposed.

    Wayne made a motion to approve the application and authorize the chair to sign it. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  2. 7:45 - Nick Girard, BSA Troop 4 - For his Eagle Scout project, Nick has offered to construct a kiosk for Mayflower Town Forest. He had contacted the office initially and met with Wayne regarding the project. He has been given the plans that were used for the Tucker Brook kiosks that Gary Olin recently built. Where the kiosk at Mayflower would be located was discussed. The entrance to the forest on Perkins St. is very steep. The most commonly used entrance to the forest is on Shady Lane and passes close to the water tank there. Diane informed members that if the voters approve the money, the Water Department plans to renovate the water tank and construct a fence around it. She has been in contact with Larry Anderson, Water Department Superintendent, to let him know that the Commission would like to continue to allow hikers to enter the forest from Shady Lane. She will meet with Larry to talk about the location of the fence so that it would not block hikers from the area. If the kiosk were to be located near here, it would have to wait until the water tank work and fence were completed. The entrance at Falconer Avenue was discussed. The town has a 50 ft. right-of-way for an entrance that runs along an abutter's yard. Work should be done to make it look more like an entrance to the forest. The LeAnn open space has been added to the forest, but the area is steep. Patch Hill open space will be added to the forest when it is deeded to the town, if voters approve that warrant article in March. The sense of the group was that Falconer Ave. would be the best location for the kiosk. It enters on a nice part of the trail. Some work on the entrance area and a location of a kiosk there would make it look more like an entrance to the forest.

    Nick said that he could start the project at any time. He will have help from his father and from members of his troop. Diane told him that the Commission would pay for the materials. Nick will look at and potentially use the Tucker Brook plans that were given to him. If he chooses to change or use another plan for the kiosk, he will need to come back to the Commission for approval. Wayne will be Nick's contact person. Members expressed appreciation for this project.

Unfinished Business:
  1. Trails Expo - Commission members updated Rita on which organizations they have contacted and who is interested in attending. Rita will format and send out the registration forms to the organizations. Audrey suggested that the expo be held earlier than the original 4-8 PM time suggested. She felt that on a Sunday in February, people would be more likely to come out in the afternoon than in the evening. Members agreed with Audrey's suggestion and decided to change the time to 1-5 PM, still on Sunday February 26. Rita will check to make sure that the time is available. Diane informed the group that she had checked on whether or not an organization can sell at the event. They can only sell if they are non-profit, 501:C3, and only for cost. Members agreed that NH ATV Club should also be invited, in that the public should be educated about all users. Diane will invite them, the Winter Wanderers snowmobile club and the Brookline Ice Breakers snowmobile clubs. Hub suggested putting a poster up at the NHACC meeting. Members discussed the name "Trails Expo". Mark suggested having a subtitle for the "Trails Expo". A flyer can be made for distribution, along with a general e-mail about the expo. Mark has a potential contact for the graphics on the flyer. The information about the expo will also be included on various event calendars. Chris will post it on New Hampshire Public Radio's event calendar. Members are asked to think about the title of the expo, what they would like to see on MCC's display board that will be at the expo and any other issues about the event. Ideas and suggestions can be e-mailed to the office and discussed at the next Conservation Commission meeting. Members should also let the office know if they have posted the expo information on any community calendars.

  2. Frog Pond Diversion request from Wilton ConComm - A site walk was held on September 14. Diane, Chris, Hub, Rod, Wayne, Audrey, Mark and Andy attended. The purpose of the site walk was to confirm or change the initial feeling of the Milford Conservation Commission; that they would not be in favor of the proposal for the limiting culvert at the inlet to the pond. This was discussed at the July 14, 2005 meeting. Hub stated that he understood that there would be a cost advantage to Wilton to have the culvert installed, but that Milford should not pay for it. He would want to see engineering plans for the project. Wilton has grant money for the project, but Milford does not own the property yet.

    The project would involve wetland impacts and maintenance of the culvert in the future. A project requiring dredge and fill would require permission of the abutter that is within 20ft. of the impact. The town of Milford does not yet own this property, so would therefore be unable to file for any permits for work on it at this time.

    Hub made a motion that the Commission notify Wilton that the MCC cannot take action until Milford owns the property. At this point the Commission is not in favor of building something that will incur future maintenance responsibilities. In order to reconsider, the Commission would need more detailed plans. Involvement of the abutter must be part of that plan. Rod seconded the motion. Chris stated that she would prefer to not include the "in order to reconsider….." sentence, but she still supported the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of Hub's motion and the motion passed. Rita will send a letter to Wilton's Conservation Commission.

New Business:

  1. ATV's at Mile Slip meeting - The meeting was held on October 3 regarding trail work and ATV use at the Mile Slip property. Its purpose was to give information about the NH ATV Club and to determine what support the club can get from the town and its citizens. Diane, Wayne and Chris were at the meeting. Wayne reported that he spoke with a couple of members of the Granite State Trail Riders, a motorcycle club. He learned that they do a lot of maintenance on trails and that they want get the 4-wheelers involved. Wayne feels that between this club, NH ATV and snowmobile clubs, a good model is presented. Chris commented that having people out on the trails is a good thing. She has noticed a decreased in evidence of usage on areas where people have posted 'no ATV' signs. People are respecting the postings.

    Diane had written the following report regarding the meeting:
    "The meeting between the Milford Conservation Commission, the NH ATV Club (http://www.nhatv.com/ ) and interested citizens on Oct. 3 went very well. There was no one at the meeting expressing any opposition. The commission showed a large map of the existing conditions in the area. A USGS map of Milford was also available to help folks understand the location of the property relative to downtown. Rick Lacourse, President of NH ATV, introduced members of NHATV and they each in turn explained their duties and gave an overview of the club, its history and activities. Rick then told the audience that the NH ATV Club would agree to 'adopt' the Mile Slip trails, plan and coordinate trail work and also apply for grants for any material needed [ie culverts, gravel, lumber for wetland crossings, information kiosk] only if there is sufficient support from the town in the form of volunteers. There was enough support at the meeting for the club to agree to proceed. More volunteers are needed not only for trail construction and repair but also to be trained for trail patrol. For more information about trail patrol go to http://www.nhohva.org/ and click on "Trail Patrol" at the top of the page.

    Many attendees joined the club after the meeting and took membership forms home for their friends. Membership forms are available on their Web site http://www.nhatv.com/

    Next Step- The Commission has signed the permission form to allow the club to maintain and use specific trails. Once the state has processed the paper work and the town is covered for liability a few members of the club will go onto the property with a member of the commission and GPS units to locate and map the trails where ATVs will be allowed. The club will install signage, determine work needed and apply for grant money to do repairs next year. As soon as the signs are up, the trails will be open to the public. Riders need not belong to any club, although that is desirable. Once the work has been identified and money received from the state, work days will be scheduled and volunteers notified. Some work may happen this year, in particular brush clearing and garbage clean up. Interested citizens may do one of 2 things, join the NH ATV Club and specifically mention Mile Slip, Milford or give your name and contact information to the Conservation Commission at 672-1070 or conservation@milfordnh.info ."

  2. New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions 35th Annual Meeting - will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2005, from 8 AM to 3:30 PM. Rita has forms and will sign up any members who are interested.

  3. Informational Session on the USDA NRCS Farm and Ranchland Program - Diane mentioned this event, which will be held in the conference room at the Chappell Professional Center in Milford from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM on Monday, Nov. 14th. The Farm and Ranchland Program has money to acquire easements on farmland in New Hampshire. Steven Hundley, NRCS FRPP Program Manager, will be presenting at the session. The office will be sent more details and a registration form. Rita will sign up any members who are interested.

  4. Trails Discussion - Diane mentioned that there may be a need for a disclaimer posted on trails to warn hikers that trails are inherently dangerous; there are things that can be tripped over, etc. Hikers should be told to look carefully where they walk and to not hike alone. She also mentioned that there is need for a bridge over Armory Rd. and a need for suggestions regarding that.

    Diane had sent an e-mail around regarding trail work that is needed to be done in Milford. Mark stated that he would like to oversee the brush cutting on the Rail-Trail at the north side of Union Street. Andy volunteered to work with Mark on this project. Rita said that she has had scouts call and ask to volunteer for some trail work. They could possibly help them with the project. Mark and Andy agreed to work on the trail on Saturday, October 22 from 8-11 AM. Rita will contact the scouts and give their information to Mark and Andy.

Interdepartmental Review:
  1. Nashua Eye Associates, Rt. 101A - M/L 43/56 - Major site plan to convert existing appliance store to eye doctor's office.
    Commission Comments: No Comment.

  2. FG Acquisitions, LLC - M/L 47/16, 47/ 16-1 - Lot line adjustment, to remove a parcel of land from 47/16-3, containing a pond and wetlands and adjoin it with 47/16.
    Commission Comments: Desirable to have all of the buffer be part of parcel A. (Abutter Fitzpatrick not notified.)

  1. Conservation Land Ordinance - The ordinance was approved at the September 26, 2005 BOS meeting. It is scheduled to go into effect on Thursday, October 13 after the notice has appeared in the newspaper.

  2. Currier easement - An easement on a 1.7-acre parcel on Mont Vernon Rd., known as the Currier property, was granted to the town and recorded in June of 1998. It was required as a condition of approval for a NHDES Wetlands Dredge and Fill application. Before the easement was presented for approval to either the Conservation Commission or the Board of Selectmen, it was signed by the grantor (only) and recorded at the HCRD.

    Diane and Rita visited the site on September 19, 2005 and determined that the condition of this easement, to be used only for agricultural and forestry purposes, has been met. The Board voted at its September 26, 2005 meeting to accept the easement.

  3. L52-14, Rail-Trail - encroachment on town land. The encroachment of Ed Mack's barn on town owned Rail-Trail property was on the Board of Selectmen's agenda on Sept. 12. After some discussion 2 motions were passed. The first was that a lot line adjustment would be made to add some land around the barn, the location and extent of which will be determined by the Conservation Commission Chair, in exchange for a perpetual easement on 4 acres to the rear of the property. The survey would be paid for by the Macks. The second motion was that Mr. Mack may construct a roof on his frame to protect it from the coming winter.

    The first motion would dispose of town owned land and must be approved by the voters in March 2006. The Conservation Commission will supply the easement language, for review by town counsel and the Mack's attorney. The easement will be signed as soon as possible, presumably before any construction on the roof begins. The easement document will be held until after the March vote and only recorded if the warrant article to transfer town land to Ed & Barbara Mack passes. In the unlikelihood that the article does not pass, the issue would go back to the selectmen or possibly the barn would need to be removed. Mr. Mack and his surveyor need to meet on-site with Diane Fitzpatrick, Commission Chair, to determine the extent of the land to be transferred. A plan needs to be drawn to the specifications of the planning department. The surveying, plan development and submittal to the Planning Board need to be accomplished before the February deliberative session in order to be properly presented to the voters.

  4. ConComm's Warrant Articles for 2006 were submitted to the Board of Selectmen for consideration.:
    1. To see if the Town will vote to establish as Town Forest land, pursuant to RSA 31:110 through 31:113, the Mile Slip property, Map 50, Lot 9 and Map 55, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, or take any other action relative thereto. By request of the Conservation Commission.

    2. To see if the Town will vote to establish as Town Forest land, in accordance with RSA 31:110 through 31:113, Town-owned parcels Map 9, Lots 1, 1-38, 1-39, and 1-40, as identified on the "Lot Consolidation/Subdivision Plan, prepared for Patch Hill Development LLC ", HCRD Plan #32772 and to consolidate said parcels with Map 8, Lot 92, which is Mayflower Hill Town Forest. By request of the Conservation Commission.

      Note: It is the intention of the Conservation Commission to ask for this warrant article if and only if the property described in the article has been deeded to the Town prior to the Deliberative Session.

    3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to transfer, with restrictions, _____ square feet (0.__ acres) of the Town owned rail bed in the vicinity of Melendy Road to Map 52 Lot 14 in exchange for a permanent easement on approximately four (4) acres of Map 52 Lot 14 for a public trail connecting to the Rail-Trail, on such terms and conditions as the Selectmen deem appropriate. By request of the Conservation Commission.

      Note: The Conservation Commission will have the exact size of the land that will be transferred before the printing of the warrant.

    4. A warrant article asking the Town to "raise and appropriate the sum of $8,500.00 (Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars) for construction of two stream crossings, a wetland crossing, relocation of the parking area and any other RSA 36:A purposes in connection with the Souhegan River Trail…." will be submitted. The Town Administrator has not yet finalized the exact wording of how it will be worded with regards to money not used in 2006.

  5. Emerson Park Bridge - Rod reported that he and Hub had constructed the crosspieces at the base and that next week they would like to start to put up posts. They had been asked and confirmed that there will be enough room for wheelchairs to cross the bridge. Rod plans to touch base with Kevin. He had spoken with him last year about the foundation. He wants to now confirm that the plans for the rest of the bridge are ok, such as the railings, etc.

  6. Fletcher Paint Site Committee. - Rod reported that a meeting had been held. Discussion was mainly about use of a clay liner vs. the original plan for utility corridors. The 30% completion plan that is due in November will probably not be ready and an extension will be requested.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes were prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy, Mark Turner, Andy Seale - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Jennifer Cote - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Tom Carr, Meridian Land Services - representing Leisure Acres, Stabile Companies

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:07 pm.

Upon a motion made by Rod and seconded by Wayne, the minutes of the October 13, 2005 meeting were accepted as presented.

7:15 - Tom Carr, Meridian Land Services -Mr. Carr presented a Standard Dredge and Fill application to replace culverts at the Leisure Acres Mobile Home park. There are currently two 36" culverts and one 24" culvert at the site, all of which are corrugated metal. The culverts are rotting and starting to cave in. They propose to replace these with a 3' x 6' box culvert. A temporary diversion culvert would be installed to handle water during the construction process. The total impact is 3,027 S.F., with a permanent impact of 691 S.F and a temporary impact of 2,336 S.F. for the diversion culvert. The area will be reseeded and stabilized. The work would probably be done next summer during the dry season. Mr. Carr mentioned that Banded Sunfish, a protected species, were identified as existing downstream of Osgood Pond by the NH Natural Heritage, DRED. The brook that flows through these culverts is Compressor Brook (Ox Brook), which flows from Osgood Pond. The area downstream of Osgood Pond described in the letter is more likely to be Great Brook, which flows all year. Mr. Carr stated that the proposed box culvert was recommended by DRED, in that it would have an increased capacity and be a better crossing for migratory species of fish and land animals than three smaller culverts. This project is necessary, in that the culverts are collapsing.

Audrey made a motion to recommend approval of this application. Andy seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. This project needs to be presented to the ZBA in that it is a standard D&F. Rita will draft a recommendation letter to the Wetlands Bureau and copy the ZBA.

  1. Trails Expo - Members updated Rita on what organizations have been contacted about the expo and what their responses were. Diane informed the group that Canine Alert Search Team will do a demonstration and talk about what to do if you are lost in the woods. Other potential speakers for the program were discussed, along with possible subtitles for the "Trails Expo".

  2. ATV's at Mile Slip - Diane reported that she had gone out on Mile Slip with the New Hampshire ATV Club to look at trails that would be suitable for ATV riding. Trails designated for ATV's will be located away from the wetlands, steep slopes, and the top of Badger Hill. Areas need to be reserved for pedestrian use only. In order for the state to help the club with signs, funding, etc., the trails need to be at least 3 miles long. Two loops, 3.5 miles long were laid out at Mile Slip. During the visit, the ATV club posted signs saying "No ATV's Beyond This Point" in two spots where trails leave Mile Slip property. They also plan to train Milford members to be on patrol of the property. The Club wants to establish a good relationship with neighbors in the area and is working towards that goal. Diane mentioned that the town has a signed agreement with a snowmobile club, who will be allowed to use the same trails as ATV's. She will bring a map of the trails with GPS coordinates to the next ConComm meeting.

  1. NHACC Annual Meeting - Mark, Andy, Audrey and Diane attended and summarized some of the talks that they had gone to.

  2. UNH Natural Resource Project - Diane explained that in the past, the Commission has had students from the University of New Hampshire do natural resource and wetland inventories in certain areas of town. They have used the New Hampshire Method to evaluate, compare and rank wetlands in terms of their importance. The work has been done as part of UNH's Natural Resource Senior Projects Course. Diane has discussed having the students create an interpretive trail from Emerson Park to Gregg Bridge with the UNH professor that manages the program. There is a river, a floodplain, an historic granite arch bridge, bank erosion and more in this heavily used area. Permanent signs pointing out natural features would be of great value. She learned that UNH would not purchase and install signs, but that they could do background work, such as determining what would be on the signs and how and where they could be obtained. The deadline for submission of a proposal is December 15 for the spring semester; projects not done in the spring would be considered for the following fall.

    Members were in favor of Diane moving forward on this project. Rod made a motion that Diane submit a proposal for interpretive trail planning for the Emerson Park Trail to the Department of Natural Resources at UNH. Jenn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

    Diane mentioned that it would be nice for each of the conservation lands in town to have something unique. Tucker Brook now has a permanent orienteering course; Mile Slip has a geocache; Emerson park has a letter box, as does the Boys and Girls Club property. Diane will place a letterbox near Compressor Brook along the Rail-Trail.

  3. Conservation Lands Members' Walk - Diane asked if anyone was interested in doing another walk to familiarize members with properties in the ConComm's jurisdiction. The Mile Slip property was suggested. Anyone interested can meet at the Mile Slip property parking area on Sunday, Dec. 4th at 9 am. Rita will send directions to the group.

  4. Ferguson Property Monitoring Visit - Diane, Jenn, Chris and Polly Cote, from the Historic Commission will visit the Ferguson property on Saturday, November 19 at 9am to do a routine monitoring visit for the easement on the property and the buildings. Commission members who are not familiar with the property are welcome to attend.

  1. KP's Automotive, Elm St. - M/L 18/9 - minor site plan to convert existing bowling alley to auto repair and sales.
    Commission's Comments: No comments or concerns.

  2. Cherb, LLC & Big League Entertainment, Inc. - M/L 19/25-1, Elm St. - waiver of site plan review, convert old Ames building to a Chunky's Cinema.
    Commission's Comments: No comments or concerns.

  3. US Cellular, 1 Union Square - locate and install towers and transmission equipment on the Town Hall.
    Commission's Comments: No comments or concerns.

  4. Edna Nye Revocable Trust, Osgood Road - M/L 51/3 - Minor subdivision to create two residential building lots and leave 46 acres remaining.
    Commission's Comments: Lot 51/3-2 will not have much yard area that is not wetland. Question whether there is room for house and septic. Recommend easements to restrict disturbance of wetland and buffer if this lot is allowed.
    51/3-1 and 3-2 could be part of future open space subdivision of lot 53.

  5. Robert Halstead, Ruonala Rd. - M/L 52/91 & 94 - lot line adjustment. Currently 52/91 is 1 acre. 52/94 is 20 acres. After lot line adjustment, 52/91 will be 18.9 acres and 52/94 will be 2.1 acres.
    Commission's Comments: No comments or concerns.

  6. R. Ronzio, Sr., Echo & Foster Rds. - M/L 56/64 & 56/64-1 - lot line adjustment between the two lots and subdivision of 56/64 into two lots. Lot line adjustment gives 56/64 the required amount of frontage.
    Commission's Comments: No apparent wetland issues.

  1. Trail Work:
    1. Rail-Trail - Sat, Oct 22 - Mark, Andy and Gail Switzer worked on the section between Union St and the tunnel for about two hours. The area they had planned on doing, just north of Union St. needed a mower, not clippers, in that it had a lot of tall weeds and no shrubbery. They worked across the street, which was growing in. They were directed to cut shrubbery to open the path approximately 4 x 8 feet and scatter the clippings up hill along the path. They did not work on the treadway itself, which could also use some attention.

    2. Rail-Trail - Bill & Diane worked Friday and Saturday on the rail-trail between Compressor Pond and the Johnson easement. There was a large area, approximately 30feet x 4feet in the middle of the trail ranging from a few inches at each end to over a foot and a half deep. There is a spring in the hill emptying into the hole. The situation forced hikers to create a new treadway along the down hill side. Bill brought his tractor onto the trail and moved material from the new treadway into the hole. The final result is a narrow ditch along the uphill side and a swale cut across the trail allowing the water, which flows most of the year, to empty off trail on the downhill side. They created a trail across the swale with crushed stone (donated). Presently there is a raised treadway in the center of the trail, a ditch on the uphill side and a crushed stone section of tread thru which the water is passing.

    3. Tucker Brook, October 29 - Bill Fitzpatrick and Chuck Kurtz took down two rotting trees, which were leaning over the Falls Loop.

    4. Refresh blazing at Tucker Brook - This is an ongoing project. Half has already been done. Also white and blue arrows have been added at confusing turns.

    5. A boardwalk over soggy ground in Tucker Brook is being replaced. On Nov 5, Dave Wheeler helped with his ATV to haul the materials to the site. The volunteers (Dave Wheeler, Jon Thunberg, Ben Nero, Mike Sebas and Art Andreasen) completed one of three sections. With all the materials already at the site, they expect to complete the remainder of the work soon.

    6. When Diane inspected the section of the Rail-Trail immediately north of Union St., she discovered much water on the trail for quite a distance, maybe 150 feet. On the list of 'to do' on this section is to add material to this section to raise the treadway eliminating the water. The town owns a few acres of an old gravel operation adjoining the trail here. If we can get Chappell Tractor to donate transportation of Bill Fitzpatrick's tractor to and from the site, he can add material from the gravel banks to the tread. With a hand full of volunteers to rake the material, the job should be fairly easy. This would be done next year.

  2. Charles Zahn, Hartshorn Pond - On October 8, Charles Zahn sent a letter to the office offering to sell his lot at Hartshorn Pond to the town for $220,000. This lot, 2/28-2, was created in 2000, and is accessed by a bridge. On Oct. 22, Diane, Chris and Jenn visited the Hartshorn Pond conservation land, which abuts this parcel. The main purpose of the visit was to determine if lot 2/28-2 would significantly add ($220,000 worth) to the town property. They walked the far side of the pond noting the extent of dry land the town owns across from the public area. They found that the town owns all the shoreline that you can see from the dam area. The lot that is for sale is very steep along the water. Only one house can be built on the lot and it could not be built near the water. Ownership of the lot would not provide a possibility of a trail going all around the pond, because part of the frontage on the pond is currently owned and developed. The feeling was that there would not be a significant benefit to adding the Zahn parcel to the town's conservation lands. Additionally, the town has recently spent a significant amount of money to purchase the Mile Slip Property. Rita will write a letter to Mr. Zahn thanking him for his consideration, but the Commission is not at this time interested in purchasing this lot, because of the reasons mentioned above.

  3. Mayflower Town Forest - There was nothing to report with regards to construction of the proposed kiosk. Members did, however, discuss the entrances to the forest. Some felt that the Falconer Ave. entrance should be improved. There is room enough in the right-of-way for two cars to be parked. Signage and clearing need to be done. Some members felt that the Shady Lane entrance is the better of the two entrances in that there is room to park more cars. The water tank will be worked on and the trail into the forest will go around the affected area. Members decided that a site walk should be done to look at the two entrances and to also look at the LeAnn Dr. area. Where the entrances will be, where the kiosk will go, where parking will be and how LeAnn open space and Patch Hill open space will accessed all need to be decided upon.

  4. Frog Pond Diversion request from Wilton ConComm - Rita sent a letter was sent to the Wilton ConComm stating that the Commission is not in favor of the project for the reasons discussed at the meeting of October 13, 2005.

  5. Souhegan River Trail - Bridge in Emerson Park - The joist support base, upon which the decking will be placed, is nearly finished. Rod and Hub expect that it will be finished early the week of Nov 13. Rod then plans to obtain quotes for ordering cedar. He has contacted a volunteer to help with cutting and placing the vertical supports, which is the next step in construction. In conjunction with that effort the earthwork that will lead up to and away from the bridge still needs to be completed. Hub is handling a good portion of that. Beyond these items, Rod expects the next bridge building phases will go more quickly as they will be more conducive to crew work. Rod reviewed the current bridge plans with Kevin Lynch on October 31. The only change Kevin asked for was that more horizontal railing supports be added.

  6. Souhegan River Trail - request to reintroduce warrant article - Selectman Len Mannino had supported the Commission's request for funds to complete the Souhegan River Trail from Emerson Park to the fish hatchery when it came before the Board of Selectmen. However the Board decided against including this warrant article on the upcoming ballot, because a great deal of money is being proposed to upgrade Mile Slip Road. Diane sent the following e-mail to Len Mannino to ask him to bring up the trail improvement article for reconsideration because the Mile Slip road improvement cost estimate has been reduced.

    Diane's e-mail:
    "Thank you for supporting my request for funds to complete the Souhegan River Trail from Emerson Park to the fish hatchery when it came before the board. The reason the other selectmen gave for not supporting appeared to have nothing to do with the validity of the project. The reason they gave was that they wanted to focus on the Mile Slip road upgrade. I heard that the $130,000 article for Mile Slip has been reduced to $20,000.

    The reason for this email is to ask you if you would please bring up my trail improvement article for reconsideration in light of the fact that the Mile Slip has been so drastically reduced. I am fully aware that even if it is put back on the warrant now, there still exists the possibility of being cut when the bottom line is known. But with such a small amount being requested for such a huge benefit to the citizens, I hope the board will reconsider and grant us the means to complete this project. We have had a lot of inquiries about the status of the trail over the last 2 years since we have been discussing it. Now that we have the last section under easement, it would be great for the town if this trail along the river could be opened to the public.

    Thank you for considering my request,"

  7. Holland/Burns Farm - on October 31, the Beaver Brook Association wrote a letter to the Holland Bums Community Supported Farm Organization. Beaver Brook stated that they would not approve the $1.00/year lease that was proposed by the Community Farm for the use of the Holland and Burns Farms. Beaver Brook feels it does not comply with their "fiduciary responsibility." The text of the letter is below:

    ""Beaver Brook Association (BBA) and the Holland Bums Community Supported Farm Organization (HBCSFO) have both expended considerable time and effort in response to Beaver Brook's initial intent; the establishment of an organization comprised of Milford residents to develop a mutually agreeable vehicle for the best usage of the Holland and Bums properties.

    Beaver Brook began drafting a long-term lease between BBA and the HBCSFO for Holland buildings and a certain amount of arable land. The lease was based principally on a lease currently in existence between the Monadnock Community Land Trust and Nesenkeag Cooperative Farm in Litchfield, NH. An initial "Draft Lease" was prepared and circulated for comment; several comments have been provided by members of the BBA committee that would be addressed.

    On September 9, 2005, the HBCSFO forwarded a letter to the Trustees of Beaver Brook Association, which among other requirements stated that "HBCSFO will pay a token of $1.00 per year."

    The Board of Trustees of Beaver Brook Association discussed many issues at the meeting on October 19th and a vote was taken on this one issue. The following is a copy of the vote of the Board of Trustees:

    "That Beaver Brook Association has determined that the proposal made by the "HBCSFO" or the "Milford Group" to enter into a lease of the Holland-Burns property for a token $1.00 per year lease is not acceptable to Beaver Brook Association, and that the Board has determined that it's fiduciary responsibility does not permit the Board to go forward with that proposal on that basis."

    Please contact either of us if the HBCSFO is interested in further discussions""

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, December 8, 2005 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes were prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of December 8, 2005

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy, Andy Seale, Mark Turner - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Jenn Cote, Rod DellaFelice

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:10 PM.

Chris made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of November 10, 2005 as presented. Andy seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. ATV's at Mile Slip - Diane reported that NHATV members had brought GPS units on their visit to Mile Slip with Diane on October 30. She then received in the mail a USGS map from them that she has used to create a map showing the designated ATV trails. She also informed the members that the Club has fulfilled the requirements necessary for the trails to be registered with the state as an ATV trail, and therefore eligible for funds for maintenance, construction and insurance. An NHRSA states that as long as you do not charge money for use or install hazards, you are not liable for people getting hurt on your property. However, expenses could still be incurred if people try to take you to court. For any use of the Mile Slip property, not just ATV's, the state covers the property with a $2 million policy with the Department of Resources and Economic Development, DRED.

    Diane suggested that in the early spring, ConComm members go out to Mile Slip and decide on the location of the walking trails. Signs are up designating some trails for ATV use. They state that the land is owned by the Town of Milford and maintained by the NHATV club. Signs are also posted saying to stay on the trails, stay dry - don't go through wet areas, etc.

    Diane also went to Mile Slip with Swift Corwin, the forester who had managed the property before it was bought by a developer. He had done a timber harvest in the mid 90's. Mr. Corwin told her that the property will not be ready for a timber harvest for 30 years, but that in 10-15 years, someone should do a cut to release the pine. A lot of pine is coming back and the hardwood on the property is not of sufficient quality to be marketable. He also mentioned that in one steep section, there is quite a bit of chestnut oak, which is rare and good for wildlife.

    She also received a call from a local resident who saw a truck with lumber and plywood go up to the property. She will call NHATV to see if they know anything about it and may take a walk up there.

    On Saturday, January 28, the NHATV Club will have a training session for ATV members to monitor other riders. First Aid, Basic CPR, and rules of the road will be part of that training. Nearly 20 new members from this area have joined and are interested in helping out.

    The Commission also has an agreement with the Wilton-Lyndeborough Winter Wanderers Snowmobile club, some of whom groom the trails daily.

  2. Trails Expo - Rita updated the group on the responses to the invitations to attend and/or present at the Trails Expo. So far the Souhegan Watershed Association, the Souhegan Local Advisory Committee, Beaver Brook Association, Canine Alert Search Team, Rails to Trails Conservancy, and NHATV have confirmed that they are coming and two presentations are scheduled. Once all the registration forms have been returned, a schedule can be made up for the talks, to allow time for set-up and to let the presenters know when to come in. When the time is closer for the event, people can put signs up.

    Members decided that it would be a good idea to have food at the expo. Diane and Chris will ask the Souhegan Valley Land Trust (SVLT) if they will take care of that. Any money donated toward the cost of the food at the expo, would be given to SVLT.

  3. Mayflower Town Forest - Members decided that they will go out in the early spring to look at the entrances to the forest to determine where the kiosk should go and what work needs to be done. Rita will e-mail Larry Anderson to find out when the work on the water tower is planned. Ideally the site walk should be done after the work is completed. Wayne mentioned that the area west and southwest of the Lookout where there are ledges and a fire pit needs attention. There is a lot of trash, etc. there. He also stated that he walked what he thought would be a reasonable way to hike from Mayflower through the LeAnn open space. An encroachment on the west boundary of Mayflower was discussed. A resident has placed more than half of his shed on the forest property. Diane suggested that she give the resident a friendly call and ask that within 6 months they move the shed. Members agreed that this would be a good idea.

  1. Souhegan River Trail - Diane told the group that she has sent a letter to the BOS asking for a 100ft. easement along the river on this property. The Planning Department also sent a letter asking for the easement, saying that it made sense. The land is not usable back along the river, and a business would have plenty of room to use the remainder of the site. Diane stated that the town is encouraged to make use of the abutting Superfund site (outside the fence) for parking and a trail, when the work there is completed. A trail along the south side of the river would be beneficial; it would provide residents and employees of businesses in the area access to the river without crossing the bridge on North River Rd. The Board of Selectmen has decided to take the issue under advisement.

  2. Brox Committee - Audrey volunteered to be on the BROX Community Property Development Committee.

  3. Environmental Expo - Audrey told the group that the Environmental Expo that is held in May in Boston will be divided in half this year, with one half being dedicated to land planning and usage.

  4. Patch Hill - Audrey told the group that in one section of Patch Hill rip rap covers the entire upstream side of a culvert for a stream. She will give Rita a specific description of where the rip-rap is and Rita will check against the Wetlands permit to be sure there are no infractions involved.

  1. Patch Hill Open Space, Map 9/1-39 - Lot line adjustment between open space and the ROW to accommodate the pump station, which has been installed partly on the open space. Eventually the town will own both the ROW and the open space.
    Commission Comments: No comment.

  2. Lake Sunapee Bank, Map 25/63 - Change of use from a gas station to a local back. The bank will add 800+S.F. addition to the current building with a single drive through lane. The applicant will have to go before the ZBA for variance from the Open Space requirement.
    Commission Comments: No comment.

  3. Bridkett/Kling and Woods, Map 40/104-8, 40/105 - Boynton Hill Rd. and Mason Rd,. Lot line adjustment between lots; also creation of a second slope easement on lot 40/105 to allow for greater site distance for vehicles exiting Boynton Hill Rd.
    Commission Comments: No comment.

  4. James and Alexandra Dannis, Map 53/68, 53/68-1 - Federal Hill Subdivision. Subdivision of a 15+ acre lot into 2 lots,; one will be 12.4 acres; the other 3.4 acres. Both parcels meet all zoning requirements.
    Commission Comments: Does this layout require any wetland impact to access the buildable section of 68-1?

  1. Souhegan River Trail - parking lot relocation. Diane explained to the group that NH Fish and Game has requested that the parking lot for the Souhegan River Trail at the Fish Hatchery be relocated to a site closer to the road. There have been problems with the secluded parking lot and one more visible to the road would be better. She showed a map of where the parking is now and where it would be moved, namely around Fitch's corner to a spot right off No. River Rd. The map showed the 200ft.x 200ft. parking area, the proposed trail connection to the existing SRT along the fields and the location of two gates that may be put up. The Souhegan River Trail sign and the kiosk would be moved to the new parking site. Diane has submitted a letter to NH Fish and Game to get official permission to relocate the parking to this site. All parties involved are in agreement with this idea. The town currently has a 10-year lease with NH Fish and Game for the trails on their property. A permanent conservation easement for the trails is something that the Commission will approach NH Fish and Game about when the parking relocation is completed.

  2. Souhegan River Trail - pedestrian bridge - Hub stated that with the prediction of a snow storm, he thought that the rest of the construction of the bridge would take place in the spring.

    Rod had sent the following report to the office:
    "Hub and I completed the base of the bridge during this period. I had expected to go out for quotes on the cedar wood needed to finish the bridge since last meeting, but was not able to do so due to things getting very busy for me. I'm finishing up a college course this Friday after which things should free up for me some. I plan to get the quotes next week. It is possible to do bridge work during winter, however, the landscaping work around the bridge probably won't happen until the spring. I need to do some checking to make sure this plan is feasible in that I wouldn't want the bridge completion to hamper the work around the bridge that we may do later. My current sense is that is will be OK. This all being said I don't want to be overzealous. I have done outside wood projects in the winter before. It can get cold, but it is doable.
    Will I be able to get some volunteers who would be willing to share in my madness? If not, I may reconsider this plan. Please email me back if you think you'd be willing to share in the endeavor. Just think of the pictures we'll be able to get for the MCC photo album!"

  3. Trail Work - Diane told the group that she had in the past suggested steps being put in at the steep section on the south side of Armory Rd. However members of the New England Mountain Bike Association (NEMBA) would like to do a reroute of the trail so that bikes can use it.

    Diane also told the group that if they hear of or see anything that needs to be done on the trails to please let the office know.

  4. Rail-Trail - encroachment on town land. Diane reported that the easement for the back 4 acres of Mr. Mack's property along Compressor Brook has been signed. It will be recorded in March if the town votes in the affirmative for the lot line adjustment that will give him 2500 SF for his barn in exchange for this easement. Chris expressed thanks to Diane for all the work that she does for the town and the members agreed.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll

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