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2003 Minutes    January - February - March- April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December    Minutes 2003


Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2003

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Pierce Rigrod, Audrey Fraizer, Sharon Hannan, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Chris Guida - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll - Conservation Coordinator

Others Attending:
Dan Cyr, John Ferguson - Bay State Forestry Service

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:00 PM.


Upon a motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Sharon Hannan, the minutes of the December 12, 2002 meeting were accepted as presented. Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  1. Dan Cyr, John Ferguson - Bay State Forestry Service - Potential Stewardship of Rotch Wildlife Preserve. Dan Cyr has been managing the timber operations on this piece of property that was recently donated to the town. He would like to continue his stewardship. He mentioned that the property is mostly a pine stand and that 700,000 board feet were harvested from there in 1987. He also has seen evidence of deer, occasional moose, and beaver activity on the property. A couple of years ago a selective harvest was proposed, but because the owner did not know at the time what he was going to do with the property the harvest was not done.
    Mr. Cyr recommends that a stewardship plan be drawn up for the property. He also mentioned that because ownership of the property has changed hands it must be decertified as a Tree Farm for at least one year. If the property is recertified, a management plan will have to be drawn up every 10 years. The parcel on which a church is proposed is in the name of the Rotch's daughter. Mr. Cyr will ask her if she is interested in having the church property remain under Tree Farm. It was suggested that the Commission approach the church to discuss an easement on a portion of their property.
    Mr. Cyr stated that the property is overdue for cutting. It should be cut every 10-15 years to maintain wildlife habitat and timber value. He feels that 75,000 to 100,000 Board Feet could be removed. A good pine stand will grow 500 BF per year. This property is doing this. Dan mentioned that 700,000 BF were harvested in 1987, but that the property had not been cut in two generations. He feels that now on a sustainable basis you should be able to take out 75,000 to 100,000 BF every 10 to 15 years and maintain a good wildlife habitat. Uneven age management (young saplings to big trees) is the goal.
    He also recommends that the boundaries be blazed and asked if the pins were set on the back lines of the house lots abutting the property. Mr. Cyr stated that he would charge about $500 for a basic management plan and about $200 to blaze the property lines, if the pins were in place. Diane asked about "archeological conservation" mentioned in the deed. Dan answered that it probably refers to the boundary stone walls and stone culverts found on the property. He has seen no foundations.
    Members were interested having Mr. Cyr continue his stewardship of the property. The general consensus was that the area should remain as a wildlife habitat. No motorized vehicles will be allowed and some selective cutting for wildlife habitats is of interest. Funding was discussed. The property may have to be designated a Town Forest at a town meeting in order to use the Forest Fund. Rita will read the RSA's and contact Marge Swope at NHACC about this. Chris C. suggested creating a land stewardship fund to use for costs associated with conservation land that is not a designated town forest. Because the Land Fund is almost empty and the Forest Fund may not be useable, members discussed doing the boundary blazing themselves. Chris Guida will be part of a crew that will mark the bounds. He will find out if the back pins of the house lots have been set. After the snow melts, the boundary will be viewed and a decision will be made whether to use blazing or small conservation land tree tags.

  1. Souhegan River Disturbance - erosion of riverbank on location of proposed golf course, Hayward Farm. A site walk was conducted on the property on December 4 and the issue was discussed at the December 12, 2002 meeting. The owners of the property plan to go through the normal permitting process to repair the erosion problem. The Souhegan River is in the Rivers Management Protection Program, under which there are RSA's that require natural restoration of the riverbanks. Diane informed members that she has sent to the owners of the property the names of four engineers who are sensitive to natural restoration. An application for this project will probably be filed sometime in the spring.

  2. Souhegan River trail repair - The Commission has been offered $5, 000, by the Souhegan Valley Land Trust, to repair a section of the Souhegan River Trail that has become eroded. Rod DellaFelice, Jennifer Cote, Betsy Hann from NRPC and Gordon Leedy from VHB walked the trail to view the sections that have become eroded and are in need of repair. Rod summarized the feedback he got for the erosion control:
    A small group of volunteers, with a person to supervise could do terracing on parts of the trail. In one section a bridge may be suggested. Gordon will send Rod information on posts that are pounded in and tripod out for stability. Betsy has given Rod names of people that are very familiar with trail maintenance.
    Rod mentioned that some trees are about to fall into the river and may need to be removed. He saw invasive species along the river upon which Round-Up could be used, but it was pointed out that Round-Up should not be used close to water. Hub mentioned a workshop that was listed in the NH Forestry Advisory Council Bulletin. It is a workshop on "Using Fire To Control Invasive Plants And What Works In The Northeast." It will be held January 24 at the Urban Forestry Center in Portsmouth from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Deb Anderson at 603-862-1028 can be contacted for more info. There will also be a seminar at the NH Farm & Forest Expo Feb 7 in Manchester.

  1. Land Use Change Tax - warrant proposal update - The Commission has been discussing for years the desire to set aside and use for land protection some of the money that is paid to the town when land comes out of current use. On Dec 30, 2002 the Board of Selectmen unanimously agreed to support a warrant article that would add 50% (or $100,000, whichever is less) of the funds obtained from the Land Use Change Tax to the Conservation Land Fund. Diane has been in contact with the Budget Committee. There will also be on the ballot a warrant article asking for $50,000 to replenish the Land Fund, which is now almost empty.

    The public hearing on this warrant article will be on Thursday, January 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium. The Deliberative Session of Town Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30 at the Middle School Auditorium.

  2. Proposed Change to Open Space Ordinance- The Planning Board has proposed a change to the Open Space Ordinance. The current requirement is that the minimum required open space consist of soils with slopes less than than 25%. The proposed change is that the minimum required open space consist of soils with slopes less than 15%. (The requirement that the minimum required open space be non-wetland soils remains the same.) Members discussed both:

    1. Line 6.044B states: "The Minimum Required Open Space for all OSPD's is thirty (30) percent." The clarity of this requirement has been questioned in that builders have calculated their OS required acreage in two different ways. Some take 30% of the total lot area (gross area percentage). Others first subtract out wetlands and slopes greater than 25% and then take 30% of the remaining acreage (net area percentage). The method of calculation needs to be clear and consistent. Diane stated that the intent of the Committee who wrote the ordinance was that the open space be calculated as 30% of the total lot area, (gross area percentage).

    2. Proposed change from less than 25% to less than 15% slope requirement: There exists the possibility that changing the 25% requirement to 15% will cause more problems than it solves. If builders are required to incorporate land with less than 15% slopes into their open space they are left with less "flat" area upon which to build and may be forced to construct on steeper terrain.

    In addition if the open space acreage is calculated by first subtracting out the wetlands and steep slopes (net area percentage), changing the requirement could cause a decrease in the open space area. There is more area within any lot that is greater than 15% sloped than greater than 25% sloped. If the sloped areas are subtracted out, a higher acreage would be subtracted with a 15% requirement than with a 25% requirement. The remaining acreage used to calculate the 30% would be less. Fewer acres of open space would result from a 15% requirement than from a 25% requirement if this type of calculation were used.

    It was also pointed out that the function of the open space within a subdivision may or may not be affected by the slope of the open space. For example wildlife habitat would not necessarily be improved by a flatter open space.

    Commission members agreed that they would like to see the Planning Board withdraw this proposal. They would like to have them list the concerns they have with the ordinance and allow the Commission to research these issues and come up with recommended changes for the Planning Board to review. A consensus needs to be obtained as to what line 6.044 means and the calculation method should be consistent.

    In addition it was suggested that the wording for the "slopes" requirement be "naturally occurring slopes".

  3. Discussion of methods for information sharing among members - project update reports, pre-meeting agenda. The need for members to have background information on agenda items available to them before the meeting was discussed. It is advantageous for members to be aware of the history of an issue or proposed project and to have time to think about it or research it before discussing and making decisions at the meeting. Members were in favor of Rita looking into setting up an area on the Website on which she can post members' reports on their projects and/or information items that come into the office.

  4. Savage Well clean-up site - members to be polled for interest in a presentation of plans by EPA representative, Dick Goelhert. Hub has been in contact with a representative from EPA who is willing to come to a meeting to inform the Commission about the clean-up process of the Savage Well site. Members would like to gain from Mr. Goelhert information relating to the Savage Well clean-up, such as when he anticipates getting good water from the Savage Well and/or how that information can be found out. Also of interest are his thoughts relating to the proposed golf course. Construction of the irrigation ponds that are proposed for the golf course may affect the plume and render obsolete the models that the EPA is using. The Commission can obtain from Mr. Goelhert information to bring to the Planning Board who could potentially stop the construction of the ponds until the clean-up is completed. Also of interest is the impact of this clean-up on the agricultural easement on the Savage Farm.

  5. Coverage for Chairman LOA. Diane informed members that she is planning to take a leave-of-absence for 3 months to help care for her daughter, granddaughter and new grandchild. She plans to still check e-mail. During that time it was agreed that Hub would run the meeting and work with Rita on the agenda. Hub will also take a look at plans for interdepartmental review before the meetings. Pierce will find out from the Planning Board what sections of the town ordinances the commission should be working on and set up groups and meetings to work on them.

  1. M/L 46/46-4 - Robert and Lois Bellew - subdivision of one lot into two on Mullen Rd. After review the comment written to the planning department is as follows: "Concern about soil types may require site specific soil survey. Septic location is based on county map which is not accurate to this level. A wetland crossing is required to use this septic area."

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of February 13, 2003

Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Pierce Rigrod, Audrey Fraizer, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Chris Guida - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Bob Hall - potential new member.
Earl Sandford - Sandford Engineering, representing Patch Hill LLC.
Harold and Helen Wing - Patch Hill LLC.
Leon Frye - abutter to Patch Hill subdivision.
Hugh Barrett - owner of M/L 7/10, Hayward Farm property proposed golf course.
Geroge May - Souhegan Watershed Association.
Dick Goelhert -USEPA, Remedial Project Manager for Savage Well Superfund Site.

Diane Fitzpatrick, Sharon Hannan, Judy Gross

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Vice-Chair, Hub Seward at 7:05 PM.

Upon a motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Rod DellaFelice, the minutes of the January 9, 2003 meeting were accepted as presented.

  1. Patch Hill Development LLC - Standard Dredge and Fill Application for a 37-lot subdivision on Falconer Rd. and Rt. 13. This project had been discussed at previous commission meetings before a Dredge and Fill Application had been filed. At the September 12, 2002 meeting members made recommendations to the Planning Board that included obtaining price quotes for a bridge crossing the wetland on the north-south road. Also recommended was that the connection between the new north-south road and Falconer Rd be an unpaved emergency access only. The Dredge and Fill application presented at this meeting shows 6 crossings with a wetland impact of 15,216 SF. (Mr. Sandford mentioned that the wetland crossings are currently 2000 SF more than indicated when the application was submitted). Three crossings at the southwest corner allow access to the site. The fourth crossing, on the north-south road, gains access to the northern lots on the site. The fifth and sixth are on the one way portion of the east-west road.

    Three major changes were made to the previously presented plan:
    • The major crossing on the north-south road (crossing D on the plan presented at this meeting) was relocated 100 ft uphill and to the east to a wider part of the wetlands, per Concomm's suggestion at their August 8, 2002 meeting. Because the road grades are kept closer to existing grades, less fill would be required than in the steeper areas. The impact to the wetland would be less here than crossing in the narrowest part of the wetland. The wildlife crossing in this area is improved in that it is not as steep and the tunnel is not as long. It is now 48 ft., down from 90 ft.
    • The connection between Rt. 13 and Falconer Avenue is shown as a paved one-way road in the eastern part. It is a narrower road, but impacts have remained the same in that sidewalks on this east-west road have been required.
    • An additional culvert is included near the intersection of the east-west road and Falconer Rd (Impact F). When the snow melts the area will be reexamined to determined if there is truly wetland there or if the culvert can be removed from the plan.

    The plan presented shows treatment areas (colored in yellow) for run-off from the road. Audrey asked about the size of the culvert at crossing D and was answered that it is a 48" oversized culvert. Chris Guida asked about the sidewalks. Mr. Sanford answered that sidewalks are required on the road from Rt. 13 to Falconer Rd. only, not the north-south road. Along the sidewalks will be a curb with catch basins, which will drain to the treatment areas before going to the wetlands. The drainage across Rt. 13 from this development, according to calculations, should not increase by more than 0.1-0.2 cubic feet per second. The impact of constructing a detention pond would be greater than the 0.1-0.2 CFS increase caused by this development. Members asked what would be used to stabilize the slope by impact D. Mr. Sandford answered that straw mulch, hydro seed or matte would be used depending on cost and effectiveness. Members were concerned that this is a large development and impact D is in a steep area. They do not want to see run-off and erosion and would like to add jute matting as a condition for recommendation.
    Pierce asked about the method of calculation of pre and post development run-off. Are lots that are cleared taken into consideration? Mr. Sandford answered that 1/4 acre imperviousness is credited for each site. He also explained that the largest variable in calculating run-off is the surface, namely how much water goes in to the ground and how much travels along the surface. This number is subject to interpretation, but if kept consistent pre and post development, the calculation of change in run-off will be accurate. When asked what would be done if the post-development run-off were too great, Mr. Sandford answered that a detention pond would be constructed to solve problems on a macro scale. On a micro scale the locations of ditches and driveways are set to cause water to run past houses, as opposed to towards them.
    Pierce expressed another concern, that the wetlands are included in some lots. Members would like to see wetlands be outside of the lots in hopes of minimizing impacts made by homeowners in their back yards.
    Abutters expressed concerns over wildlife in the area, including evidence of deer and red tail hawk. Mr. Frye, an abutter, asked about the amount of fill that will be used in the first 6 or 7 houses coming in off of Rt. 13 specifically in the swamp in the area, in that he has flooding concerns. Mr. Sandford answered that no fill would be used in that area. Pierce pointed out that the Commission takes the word of the engineers presenting their calculations of pre and post run-off, and in this case the fact that the 0.1-0.2 CFS increase is not enough to warrant a detention pond. The Commission does not do a technical review. The proper handling of the run-off must be proven in a site-specific plan review done by the state.
    Pierce asked Mr. Sandford how the density was calculated and was told that a conventional plan was done for that determination.
    Chris Guida pointed out that for crossing A, at Rt. 13, approval will be needed from abutters in that the crossing is within 20 ft. of the property line.
    The western portion of this development lies over the aquifer.

    A motion was made by Pierce and seconded by Audrey that the Commission recommend to the state approval of this application with three conditions:
    • That the embankment on both sides of crossing D be covered with jute matting.
    • That the southern lot line of lot 1-26 be moved far enough north to result in the lot being located entirely out of the wetlands.
    • That the northern lot lines of lots 1-27, 1-28, and 1-29 be moved a far enough distance south to result in each lot being located entirely out of the wetlands.

    The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. In the recommendation letter to the state, Rita will also mention the need for abutter approval for impact A. She will make note that the wildlife corridor will be impacted by impact D, although improved upon from the original design.

  2. Hugh Barrett - M/L 7/10 - Proposed golf course location - Standard Dredge and Fill application for stabilization of section of Souhegan Riverbank. Hugh Barrett, part owner of the property, presented the members with the plan. The Barretts are applying to stabilize approximately 300 lineal feet of the bank of the Souhegan River on the east side of the property upon which they plan to build a golf course. They state that the riverbank is becoming undercut and is in danger of collapsing. It is eroding into the field. This issue was discussed at Conservation Commission meetings of December 12, 2002 and January 9, 2003. At that time Diane sent a letter to the Barretts recommending natural stabilization of the riverbank and giving the Barrett's the names of 4 engineers who specialize in such stabilization.
    The current application proposes to slope the existing bank 3 to 1 and to use tree stumps, stone, loam and sod to stabilize the bank. They plan to place stone at the bottom and to 1 ft. above normal water flow. Stumps would be driven into the bank above that and the remainder would be vegetated with grass. The engineers on the project, Brickstone Masons, Inc. of Keene, feel that due to the strong current of the river, vegetating the bank (natural stabilization) would not provide sufficient stabilization and the erosion would continue.
    This river is a designated river in the state's River's Management & Protection Program. Chris Costantino stated that there is an RSA that must be followed, referring to RSA 483 New Hampshire Rivers Management and Protection Program. She read from the RSA that we are "to conserve and protect outstanding characteristics including recreational, fisheries, wildlife, environmental, cultural, historical, archaeological, scientific, ecological, aesthetic, community significance, agricultural, and public water supply so that these valued characteristics shall endure as part of the river uses to be enjoyed by New Hampshire people." She mentioned that none of it included golf courses and that the previous owners, who used it for agriculture, did not come to the Commission for help with stabilizing the bank. Mr. Barrett felt that stabilization would be permitted in that other owners along the river have been allowed to stabilize. Under this law it simply needs to be applied for.
    Diane had e-mailed members that she has been in touch with Steve Couture, Rivers coordinator for DES and with the Local Advisory Committee. The possibility of requesting a presentation to the LAC along with a public hearing was raised.
    George May of the Souhegan Watershed Association was present to discuss the issue. He stated that the SWA speaks for the river and addresses the multiple uses, preservation, restoration and erosion of the river. He claims that bank stabilization is trying to stop nature from taking its course. The energy of the flow must transfer somewhere and will move farther downstream, perhaps to the areas along Rt. 101A behind KFC and other businesses, possibly causing those areas to need riprap. Mr. May's suggestion is to either leave the area alone or to create a setback area that would allow trees and shrubs to grow. The erosion problem had been made worse by farming the land right up to the river. Creation of a buffer area would slow down, although not stop the erosion.
    He also suggested that a study be done of the history of the river to be better able to predict what will happen to it in the future. Chris Guida pointed out that this problem is a snapshot in time and that without some understanding of the history of this section of the river it would be impossible to predict how much land would be lost due to the erosion.
    In addition to the need for more information regarding the history of the river, members felt that a couple of the criteria for approval by the wetlands bureau were not addressed. Wt 302.04, Requirements for Application Evaluation, includes the cumulative impact that would result if all abutters were permitted these impacts. Several members expressed concern at various times during the meeting that the plan did not seem complete in that it addressed only a small portion of the river bank and did not consider what effects the proposed work would have on the downstream sections of the river including much which borders the applicants property. The feeling was that we might see more applications in the following years to correct the effects of this project. Rod pointed out an area shortly downstream on Mr. Barrett's property that looks like it could be eroded as a result of this project. Mr. Barrett said that it is more of a sandbar than a bank and that it probably would not erode. Members fear that if this project is not done correctly the first time Mr. Barrett would need to return to stabilize more area downstream.
    Question 6 on the application itself asks for explanation of the need and why the approach has less environmental impact than other alternatives. Audrey mentioned that in time the stumps would rot and that native vegetation is not talked about in the plan. The loam and sod that is proposed would not hold the bank as well as would natural vegetation. Long-term erosion would probably occur again if native vegetation was not used.
    Members would like to have an engineer explain to them why this process is the best way to do the stabilization. Could something be used to hold things in place temporarily until the natural vegetation was established? Does this proposed plan only solve the immediate problem while creating another?
    Without more information members felt that they could not make a decision as to whether or not to recommend approval of this application.

    Pierce made a motion that the Commission not recommend approval of this project for the following reasons. There needs to be more information obtained regarding the history of the river in order to project what would happen with or without the stabilization regarding future impacts upstream and downstream. An explanation of why this approach is better than all reasonable alternatives is needed. The original recommendation made for use of natural stabilization was not used. The potential cumulative impact from abutters is not adequately addressed. This project may only address an immediate problem and can possibly create another.
    Jenn seconded. Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. The Commission would like to see the Local Advisory Committee review the application and would like to be included on any site walks that the LAC or the state take of the area.

  3. Angela Rapp, NRPC - update to the Regional Environmental Protection Plan - request for Commission input. This item was not addressed in that Ms. Rapp was not present at the meeting.

  4. Dick Goelhert, EPA - presentation of Savage Well clean-up plan. Mr. Goelhert presented the group with a copy of Attachment K, "Wetlands and Agricultural Impacts Evaluation Plan" of "30% Design Report, Savage Well Superfund Site", which deals with the potential impacts to wetlands from the Savage Well Clean-up project. Two copies of the full document are located in the selectmen's office. Mr. Goelhert explained that wells are being installed on both sides of the river, north of Elm St. 3 Injection Wells, 3 Extraction Wells and monitoring wells would be installed by the end of March with the hopes that the process will be running by the end of this year. Water will be injected through the wells southwest of the plume and will flow in a northeasterly direction to the extraction wells and then treated. A ground water mound of 3 ft. will occur in the areas of the injection wells. Wetlands are likely to be impacted near IW3, in that the surface water may be raised. In that area there is an existing temporal pond that had probably been caused by gravel extraction in the past. There will be measurements of seepage from the aquifer going to the river before and after the remedy starts. The proposed golf course, especially the irrigation ponds, is a concern, in that it may be detrimental or beneficial to the clean-up process. Mr. Goelhert has expressed that concern to the Commission, Katie Chambers, and Bill Parker. He also plans to talk to the Barretts. He emphasizes communication. He would like the Commission to let him know of any questions or concerns regarding the clean-up and to also inform him of any projects in the area that could affect the process, by using groundwater for example. He would also like to be notified if any homeowners experience problems resulting from the process so that adjustments can be made.

  1. OSPD proposed changes. Pierce informed members that at their January 20 public hearing, the Planning Board voted to withdraw the proposed changes to the OSPD.

  1. Planning for 2003 trail work - Due to the lateness of the hour this item will be put on the agenda of March 13, 2003.

  2. Consideration for Membership - Bob Hall. Chris Costantino made a motion that the Commission ask the Board of Selectmen to appoint Bob Hall an alternate member of the Conservation Commission. Jenn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. McCabe Environmental Fund - Hub presented members with a brochure about the McCabe Environmental Fund at the Charitable Foundation. It grants money for environmental projects, such as educational/outreach programs, needs assessment studies, board, staff development, strategic planning projects and more. The Brochure is in the office (grant information subject file) if any members are interested in looking into applying for a grant.

  1. Milford Lumber - M/L 21/23-1,2,3 - Amended site plan; Phase I - additional outside storage from new parcel created by lot line adjustment. Also pole barn previously approved. Phase II is proposed building addition. ConComm comments: "Prefer not to store any toxic substance such as arsenic treated lumber."

  2. Ponemah Hill Condo - M/L 43/60 - minor subdivision as approved by the ZBA in 1999. ConComm 's comments: "No wetlands shown. Assume no impact over existing use."

  3. Nilsen and Chacos - M/L 8/32 - subdivision of 8/32 on Riverlea Rd. into two residential lots. ConComm comments: "Show wetland and buffer on the deed to the property, both lots."

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Milford Conservation Commission: Meeting Minute Archive: <!-- March 13, 2003 -->


Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2003

Pierce Rigrod - Acting Chairman
Hub Seward -Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Nancy Amato - Selectmen's Rep.
Wayne Hardy - Trail Steward, Potential new member

Diane Fitzpatrick, Sharon Hannon, Judy Gross

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the acting Chair, Pierce Rigrod at 7:07 PM.

Chris Costantino made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2003 meeting with the amendment that the following paragraph be added at line 123:
"This river is a designated river in the state's River's Management & Protection Program. Chris Costantino stated that there is an RSA that must be followed, referring to RSA 483: New Hampshire Rivers Management and Protection Program. She read from the RSA that we are "to conserve and protect outstanding characteristics including recreational, fisheries, wildlife, environmental, cultural, historical, archaeological, scientific, ecological, aesthetic, community significance, agricultural, and public water supply so that these valued characteristics shall endure as part of the river uses to be enjoyed by New Hampshire people." She mentioned that none of it included golf courses and that the previous owners, who used it for agriculture, did not come to the Commission for help with stabilizing the bank. Mr. Barrett felt that stabilization would be permitted in that other owners along the river have been allowed to stabilize. Under this law it simply needs to be applied for."

Rod seconded the motion to approve the amended minutes and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Angela Rapp, NRPC - update to the Regional Environmental Protection Plan - request for Commission input. Ms Rapp was unable to attend the meeting. She has requested that the Commission compile a list prioritizing land parcels in Milford for protection. This information will be part of the Regional Environmental Planning Program which is funded by DES to develop an inventory of water, land and forestry, historic and cultural, ecological, geological and public resources statewide. Chris Costantino will compile a preliminary list to give to Angela sometime this month. The Hayward Farm was the top priority on the list that was submitted in 1999. Also included on that list was connection of Mayflower Town Forest to Amherst through future subdivisions in the area and easement for the trails from Hitchiner to the top of Burns Hill. For the current list the protection of the informal trails in the northwest and southwest corners of town was suggested. Projects involving other towns such as connection of the Souhegan River Trail to Carnival Hill in Wilton was suggested. Additional thoughts and suggestions can be e-mailed to Chris. Members would like to have Ms. Rapp attend the next meeting.

  1. Souhegan River Trail repair. - Rod prioritized three areas for trail work that will be done in response to the money offered by the Souhegan Valley Land Trust for repair to the Souhegan River Trail. He suggests a bridge crossing in one area that has been washed out, erosion control in another area and a bridge at Emerson Park. Gordon Leedy is willing to go out with him again to view the trail on either April 19 or 26. What needs to be determined is what will be done, who will do it and what materials are needed. Audrey mentioned a conversation regarding potential contributions toward purchasing an easement on the remaining parcel not incorporated into the trail. The acquisition of this right-of-way could be a specific project brought to the town budget committee for support. The Souhegan River Trail can also be included on the list of land parcels prioritized for protection that will be given to Angela Rapp for the REPP. Bill Parker has been given the UNH student map that inventories the northwest corner of town. He is in favor of incorporating existing trails into future subdivisions in the area. Spencer Brooks, chair of Wilton ConComm has also received a copy of the map. Wilton's trails connect Carnival Hill to Pack Monadnock . If the Souhegan River Trail becomes continuous and connects to Carnival Hill, trail connection from the Oval to Pack Monadnock would be accomplished.

  2. OSPD proposed changes. Members were given a draft of the ordinance (OSPD working copy 3-12-03) with changes that Diane, Pierce and Hub had worked on. The Planning Board had concerns with the original ordinance, namely the interpretation of the method of calculation of the amount of open space that is required and the method of calculation of initial density. The Planning Board has a subcommittee that is also working on revising the ordinance. Pierce would like the Commission to review and comment via e-mail so that within two weeks the proposed ordinance can be presented to the PB subcommittee at a meeting. Discussion followed and questions and suggestions were as follows:
    Line 4, the Intent. Chris felt that the wording was unclear in its explanation of densities allowed. The explanation of the same concept in 6.045A is clearer. She and Pierce felt that perhaps the intent is not needed in that everything that is in the intent is listed in the Purpose, 6.041.
    Line 31, 6.042A. It was suggested that 6.042A be included as paragraph under 6.042 as opposed to listed as A. 6.042B-E would then be 6.042A-D. Lines 34 and 35 can be reworded to "shall meet the provisions as follows:" It was also questioned if this paragraph was even needed.
    Line 133, 6.044.C.1.b. In answer to the question of whether to protect the species or the habitat, members felt that the wording should remain as it is, that the habitat should be protected.
    Line 147, 6.044.C.2.b. is a fragment. Adding the words "Preserved open space shall be" to the beginning was suggested.
    Line 209, 6.045.C.1. Some felt that the language is confusing. Suggested rewording: "If the total area of the development, including all roadways and improvements, does not exceed twenty (20) percent of the total land area, then 6.044b and 6.045B do not apply to the development."
    Hub felt that the fact that there exists an alternative way to fulfill RSA 674:21.VI should be worded earlier in the ordinance, rather than later in the ordinance.
    Questions arose as to whether this incentive is desirable. The 80% open space incentive certainly is; however it could lead to large increases in the number of houses in large subdivisions. Also questioned was whether or not elderly housing, which already allows increased density, would fall under this provision, causing an even larger increase in density. It was suggested that one should not apply to the other.
    The question arose as to whether or not the visibility restriction stated in 6.045C.1 is worded to apply to 6.045C.4.
  1. Planning for 2003 trail work - Bob Hall. Bob Hall did not attend the meeting. Rita will contact him to see if he would like to be placed on the April agenda.

  2. Rotch wildlife preserve - formation of a crew to blaze the bounds. This item will be placed on next month's agenda.

  3. Updates to the Policy and Procedure manual as to how the MCC deals with easement issue legalities, and violations. - Rodney is drafting a procedure that he would like to first show to Judy, Diane, Chris and Hub who originally drafted the Policy and Procedure manual. He would then present it to Kevin Lynch and Nancy Amato, BOS representative. His proposed procedure leaves the resolution of a potential easement issue or violation up to the code enforcement officer and then defers to the procedure used in resolving wetlands violations. A process will be determined as to what to do about legal questions; namely that the Commission will try to answer them and may defer to Town Counsel with the permission of the Board of Selectmen. Rod will present the update to Diane, Judy, Chris C., Hub, Nancy and Kevin. He then hopes to have a formal presentation for the next ConComm meeting. If approved by the Commission, this addition to the P&P manual will be presented to the BOS for their approval before incorporation into the manual.

  4. Commission Brochures and maps - The trail maps and the Commission brochure need to be updated for accuracy. Wayne Hardy volunteered to update the Mayflower map. Audrey volunteered to do Tucker Brook. Rita will give her the names and contact information for the trail stewards there. Rita will ask Bob Walsh if he would be willing to do the Hitchiner trails map. Chris C. offered to update the Commission brochure. Drafts will be brought to the next meeting. Rita will have these and the Rail-Trail map reprinted.

  5. Hitchiner Town Forest - discussion of poison ivy management for this summer. Poison Ivy has existed in Hitchiner Town Forest for years on the fields, all over the stone walls and on the trail that runs through the south field. Chem-Lawn had sprayed Round-Up in the summer of 2001 which has reduced, but not eliminated the problem. They called Chris C. to see if the Commission would like the spraying to be done again. Last summer (2002) Chris, Judy and Diane sprayed the areas at a greatly reduced cost. Chris recommended that she and other Commission members continue to spot spray the areas, mostly in the south field and the trail that accesses it. The Souhegan River Trail also has a lot of poison ivy and needs to be addressed. However, Round-Up should not be used near the water. Nancy mentioned using an acetic acid solution she had learned about. Chris will call Lawn Dawg and get an estimate from them. Members will do some research into eliminating poison ivy and will discuss this issue at next month's meeting.

  6. Membership renewals - Pierce Rigrod, Chris Costantino, Bob Walsh. When asked, those present, Pierce and Chris, were in favor of renewing their memberships.
  1. Old Farm Golf Links and Driving Range - Preliminary site plan. Members discussed and looked at the plans. Comments on the review sheet are:
    • Adhere to Shoreland Protection Act for application of fertilizers; no removal of vegetation within 150 ft. of river as applicable.
    • Plantings to avoid erosion with all disturbances within all 50 ft. buffer areas - particularly Tucker Brook, Souhegan River.
    • Sanitary radius preserved (no pavement, structures) around Savage Well
    • No discharge of stormwater to manmade ponds, preferably no manmade ponds with direct connection to groundwater.

    A memo is being written to the Planning Board regarding this project.

  2. Warren Fisk - M/L 55/25,26 and 54/1 - minor subdiv, lot consol. - "Concern of creating lots for future subdivisions with wetland impacts and/or avoiding OS subdivision. Site specific soil survey required to determine septic suitability."

  3. Frank Coffey (Auto Sales) - Copy of a site improvement plan. "Should be restricted to maintain gravel or site plan review before and paving."

  4. Minor subdivision of 53/35-46 - to create a non-building lot from an area that was previously created as the access to lot, prior to the Federal Pointe subdivision that slowed access from Wallingford Rd.) "What is the intention of lot 53-34-6?"

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2003

Hub Seward -Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Pierce Rigrod, Audrey Fraizer, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Kevin Lynch - Milford Code Enforcement Officer
Angela Rapp - Environmental Planner for the Nashua Regional Planning Commission
Wayne Hardy - Trail steward, potential new member
Chad Branon, Bill Davidson - Meridian Land Services
Bob Hall - potential Conservation Commission member

Diane Fitzpatrick, Sharon Hannan, Judy Gross, Chris Guida

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Vice-Chair, Hub Seward at 7:05 PM.

Upon a motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Pierce Rigrod, the minutes of the March 13, 2003 meeting were accepted as presented. Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  1. Angela Rapp, NRPC - Ms. Rapp was present to describe the Regional Environmental Planning Program which is a contract with the Department of Environmental Services, that addresses open space and environmental issues on a regional basis, as opposed to town by town. Tasks planned under this contract include updating the GIS database with current conservation lands, performing wildlife corridor studies and publishing another REPP. Those working on the plan have asked the communities in the region what natural resources they would like to protect. The document generated is similar to an LCHIP application in that the town gives information regarding what parcel the community would like to protect, the significance of the project, the imminence of threat, local support, public access and use, stewardship and method of preservation. In the initial REPP published in Jan. 2000, Milford had prioritized Hayward Farm, the Souhegan River Trail, Mayflower Hill Town Forest, expansion of Hitchiner Town Forest and a greenway connection of Osgood Pond to Tucker Brook Town Forest to Hitchiner Town Forest. For the current plan, Chris Costantino has submitted information that includes an updated list of priorities and the above-mentioned information supporting that list. Parcels prioritized are connection of the Souhegan River Trail to Carnival Hill in Wilton, the Southwest corner of Milford, the Brox property, connection of the Mayflower Town Forest to downtown Milford and to protected land in Amherst and completion of the Souhegan River Trail from the Trombly property west to the Holcomb property. The Conservation Commission has been given maps generated by NRPC that show different GRANIT levels, namely soil types, unfragmented land, water resources and subwatersheds. These maps include Milford and a 1-mile area outside the borders of Milford making them useful in determining connection possibilities to other towns.

  2. Chad Branon, Bill Davidson - Meridian Land Services - M/L 7/20 - PerryRd./Wilton Rd. - lot development, preliminary discussion. A preliminary plan was shown to construct two buildings on the western end of the lot, each containing a number of 30 ft. x 18 ft. units that could be purchased singly or in multiples for small businesses. They would be used for storage, vehicle parking, etc. Municipal sewage and water would be used for any small offices that may be constructed. Similar to a condominium association, units would be purchased by individuals and a maintenance fee would be required.
    The lot upon which this project is proposed is mostly wetlands (wet meadow), abuts Tucker Brook and lies in the 100-year flood plain. 16,461 SF of wetland would be disturbed. Two treatment swales and areas of compensatory storage in the hayfield were described. One of the buildings lies entirely out of the wetlands and is just outside the 50 ft. setback from Tucker Brook. Access to this building will not be possible by tractor-trailers. Materials would have to be brought to this building by a forklift. The other building crosses the wetland in two spots. The location of this building was set to allow access to it from Perry Rd. by tractor-trailers.
    Pierce gave Mr. Davidson a copy of the Groundwater Protection Ordinance and felt that this project would fall into at least the 15% impervious requirement and therefore need stormwater management. Mr. Davidson felt that there should be no problem in that these requirements will fall in sync with the EPA Phase II requirements, which will be followed. He will make sure that the requirements of the GPD are met.
    Some concern was expressed over outdoor storage and/or regulated substances being present and whether or not the 'condo' owners would comply with regulations concerning hazardous waste. Compliance with such regulations along with stormwater management regulations would be enforced by Kevin Lynch the town Code Enforcement Officer.
    Section 6.023E of the Wetland Conservation District, (Amended 2003) states that "The following water bodies together with any adjacent very poorly drained wetlands are protected by a fifty (50) foot buffer." Tucker Brook is included on the list of waterbodies (6.023E9). The building close to Tucker Brook complies with the 50 ft. setback from a brook, but lies 25 ft. from the wetland associated with that brook.
    Kevin suggested changing the location of that building to an area that would impact more wetland but be farther from the brook. He suggested that mitigation be given close to the brook. After discussion members and the engineers agreed that this would be a better way to develop this lot. The wet vs. dry areas on this lot are not dramatically different from each other in that the entire lot is a hayfield, with no areas of native wetland vegetation. The benefit of protecting more land close to the brook and planting wetland species there would outweigh the increased impact to the wet meadow. Grading the high area where this building was proposed away from the brook can also provide compensatory storage. Bill Davidson mentioned that the impact area to the wetland would become greater than 20,000 SF, an amount not easily approved by the state. He will however present this idea to the state in a pre-application. The members agreed to draft a memo to the state supporting this method of development of the lot over the other. However it was pointed out that this project is for a large building area, impacts a large wetland area on a 100-year flood plain, and is adjacent to a major tributary of the Souhegan River. The suggestion was made to decrease the size of the buildings to decrease the wetland impact area. After Pierce's suggestion, Mr. Davidson agreed to talk to the owner about possibly granting a conservation easement for open space on the property.

    A motion was made that Commission recommend to the state that consideration be given to putting the buildings closer to old Wilton Road and therefore farther away from Tucker Brook. He stated that the Commission recognizes that this would impact more wetland soils area, however the entire area of the project is currently (and has been for a long time) a hayfield with cultivated soil. It does not contain natural wetland vegetation. It would seem that the creation of a large contiguous wetland and/or below flood plain area to the south of the property would provide a more ecologically friendly environment than having a small wet hayfield preserved between the parking lot and the road. This could override the objections to a larger wetland disturbance necessary to put the parking & building by the road. Pierce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Souhegan River Trail repair. Rod plans to meet with Gordon Leedy on Sat., April 19 to walk the trail and discuss work that will be done. Rod stated that an area of the trail near the Holcomb's property is wet and would need something built to cross the area. He was given the name of Walter Ohlson, who had done work for the Amherst Conservation Commission. Rod viewed some of his work on Spring Rd. in Amherst and was impressed with the construction of a walk-way over wetlands. After he and Gordon Leedy meet on April 19 he may have Walter take a look at the SRT.

  2. Updates to the Policy and Procedure manual - as to how the MCC deals with easement issue legalities, and violations. After receiving feedback from Judy, Rodney presented his draft to Kevin Lynch, Nancy Amato and Katie Chambers. Katie has informed him that any use of the town counsel must first go through the Town Administrator. Kevin informed Rod that whenever a potential violation is being brought up, the name of the person making the complaint should be obtained and a complaint form should be filed. Rod mentioned that this form may need to be referenced in the wetland violation section of the manual also.

  3. Commission brochure and trail maps - Rod will wait until after completion of the trail repair work to update the Souhegan River Trail map. Any other completed drafts can be given to Rita who will take care of having them printed.

  1. Map 53/34-5 Arlington Development Group conservation easement on property of Heiko Moritz. Kevin Lynch was present to talk about the development going on in the Wallingford Rd. (formally called Foster Rd.) area, with regards to the problems that Heiko Moritz is having with the conservation easement on his property. Heiko has written to the Commission that silt and large quantities of water are flowing into the area and he feels that the easement is being violated. Kevin explained the history of the projects and described his actions against Ashwood developers to force them to clean up various problems they have caused in the past, including the flowage of silt into the conservation easement area. He also showed members both the conservation easement deed on Heiko's lot and the drainage easement deed that was signed by Heiko. This drainage easement deed refers to a plan that shows the drainage easement located adjacent to the conservation easement. Also shown is the widening of Foster Rd. (Wallingford Rd.) and relocation of stone walls. Kevin stated that the drainage to the intersection of Wallingford and Ponemah Hill Rds. is not acceptable at this time and is instructing Ashwood Companies to reengineer the entire intersection. He will not accept the road until the drainage situation is resolved. When the drainage work to the intersection of Wallingford and Ponemah Hill Rd. is completed, the hydrology of the easement will be as it was before the development of the area, in that water will flow into the conservation easement area as it has in the past. Problems are due to logging in the area, plugged culverts that were not even known to be present, and to the flow down a driveway of a resident of Wallingford Rd. The question was raised as to why a drainage easement was placed allowing water to flow into a conservation easement area, and the point made that the area should have originally been designated a drainage easement area as opposed to a conservation easement area. It had always been drained into from the first development in the area, the Arlington Development of 8 lots on Ponemah Hill Rd. Kevin will be receiving revised plans for the Wallingford Rd., Ponemah Hill Rd. intersection that will include hydrological flow, storm frequencies, and an upgrade to a 50-year storm. The conservation area will be cleaned out. The road will not be accepted until there is no more erosion and no increase in flowage to the easement area than there had been in the past.

  2. Planning for 2003 trail work - Bob Hall informed the commission that members of the New England Mountain Bike Association (NEMBA) are available to do trail work in Milford on August 16. He described 4 areas that they would like to work on: On the steep trails at Tucker Brook Town Forest, they would like to clear some of the existing switchbacks and reroute some others that are either wet or too sharp in their turns. They would also like to possibly cut some new trails in Tucker Brook to the left as you look up the hill. There is an old logging road that would access the back of the property. Tucker Brook north was also mentioned for some new trails. At the Brox property: Bob runs the after school program for the middle school and is interested in some trails connections between the middle school and the elementary school and at the eastern end of the property near Beaver Brook. Hub mentioned that there is some industrial land that will be sold. Any work on the Brox property needs to be approved by the Selectmen first. Bob mentioned the Mayflower Hill trail from Rt. 13 and also a potential new trail on the western side of the property near Lookout Point. Bob will present the Commission with a proposal regarding the work they would like to do at Tucker Brook before the August 16 work day.

  3. Rotch Wildlife Preserve - Chris Guida had emailed Rita that he would be able to be part of a crew to blaze the bounds of the Rotch Wildlife Preserve. Rodney, Jenn and Wayne Hardy volunteered for the project and set a tentative date for April 17 or 18 evening. Rita will e-mail Chris and other members not present at this meeting to set a time. There are conservation signs in the office that can be nailed to trees. Blazing will also be done. Chris C. will get paint and Wayne will supply tools. The suggestion was made to also use the conservation signs at Mayflower. Wayne said that the blazing there should be renewed. He and Hub will get together and walk the areas.

  4. Election of officers. Due to the lateness of the hour and the fact that some members had to leave this item will be postponed until next month's agenda.

The open space and the conventional plan for the Mile Slip open space subdivision are in the office. Also in the office is the conventional plan for the Boynton Hill subdivision. The open space plan will be available for member review once it has been submitted. These plans should be reviewed by members, in that they are large subdivisions. Bill Parker has asked that each department give thorough and well-documented comments, including not only what the impacts will be, but what measures can be taken to mitigate the impacts.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, May 8, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of May 8, 2003

Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Pierce Rigrod, Audrey Fraizer, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Nancy Amato - Selectmen's Rep.
Wayne Hardy - Potential new member
Scot Langdon
Suzanne Melendy McCaron - interested citizen
Donald D. Becker - interested citizen

Diane Fitzpatrick, Sharon Hannon.

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Vice-Chair, Hub Seward at 7:03.

Chris Costantino made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2003 minutes with the following two amendments: On line 134: Referring to the location of the drainage easement on M/L 53/34-5, the word "within" was changed to "adjacent to". On line 107: Spelling correction was made to Walter Ohlsen's name.

  1. Souhegan River Trail repair - Rodney told members that he had walked the area on two occasions, once with Gordon Leedy and once with Walter Ohlsen. Areas to be focused on include:
    • On the Souhegan River Trail there is a sharp bend in the river which lies on Fish Hatchery land and is adjacent to the former Ferguson Farm land. This bank is being eroded at the lower end. Boulders were discussed by Mr. Leedy as a way to stabilize the hill on the upside of a dirt walkway away from the river. Walter's suggestion for the Ferguson property wouldn't have required this. A structured walkway could be built which would require posts instead. Use of bio-logs, which would stabilize the area long enough for vegetation to grow in and stabilize the bank was discussed.

    • On the Fish Hatchery land, where the Commission has a trail license, there is a footbridge that is sagging and sinking into a wet area. This bridge needs to be repaired or replaced. Rod will look into obtaining telephone poles for it and at the terms of the license.

    • The trail on the Holcomb's property has wet areas. Mr. Leedy had suggested using boulders in the area, but Mr. Ohlsen felt that boulders may sink with time depending on soil type, and that a footbridge should be constructed above the 100-year flood plain. Because the trail ends after the Holcomb's at the Nilson property line, the bridge would not be done at this time.

    • Handicapped access to the trail was also looked at and discussed, with the conclusion that the access would not be possible at Emerson Park, due to the steepness of the land and presence of steps, but could be done at the Masonic Lodge. In order to use this property the Commission will look into what easement rights currently exist and act accordingly.

    • Emerson Park was looked at. There is a spot where the trail crosses large boulders. Mr. Ohlsen had raised the question of where the boulders originally came from, from a historical point of view. He suggested to Rod a walkway bridge over the boulders to provide handicap access. This bridge would jog, and possibly have a viewpoint bench on it.

    Rod plans to obtain prices for stabilizing the trail along the Ferguson Farm and for repair of the footbridge on the Fish Hatchery Land. He plans to continue working on the other areas in the long term and also would like to look at all the easements that are held for this trail, to make sure all are in place. Hub volunteered to help Rod with the easement/deed research work.

  2. Updates to the Policy and Procedure manual as to how the MCC deals with easement issues legalities, and violations. - Rodney had presented his draft to Katie Chambers, Kevin Lynch and Nancy Amato. He has incorporated their suggestions into the document and hopes to have a policy ready to be voted on at the June meeting.

  3. Rotch wildlife preserve boundary marking. Chris Guida, Chris Costantino and Wayne Hardy marked the boundary of the Rotch property that runs along the back property lines of the new houses on Ruonala Rd. Conservation Land signs and orange blazes were used. They also attached the conservation land signs to trees along Melendy and Ruonala Rds. On Melendy Rd. there is an area where 4 or 5 cars can be parked. There is now a "parking" sign and a conservation land sign there.

  4. Trail Construction proposal for Hitchiner/Badger Hill connection - Scot Langdon was able to contact and walk the area with the developer, Harry Standell. The area where the trail will run from the new road to Hitchiner Town Forest has been determined. Also in the area will be room to park a couple of cars. The developer has questioned whether or not work can be done on this area before the town owns the road, for insurance purposes. Who would cover any liability for workers constructing or maintaining a trail there? Rita will look into an RSA covering liability in such a case. Pierce suggested asking the Town Administrator if town counsel can be used to answer this question. Rita will also look into whether or not the easement for this parcel has been conveyed to the town.

  5. OSPD proposed changes - The Public Hearing for the changes to the Open Space Ordinance is now scheduled for May 20. Rita will send a copy of the final draft that will be presented at the public hearing to all the members.

  1. Election of officers. Jenn made a motion that Diane Fitzpatrick be reappointed as Chairperson of the Conservation Commission. Chris seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. Chris made a motion that Pierce Rigrod and Hub Seward be appointed as Co-Vice-Chairs of the Conservation Commission. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  2. Wayne Hardy - appointment as new member. Wayne has attended three meetings as well as site walks. Chris Costantino made a motion that the Commission request the BOS to appoint Wayne as an alternate member of the Conservation Commission. Rod seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  3. Informal meeting -A suggestion was made to institute weekly informal meetings to review plans for interdepartmental review, work on projects and discuss current issues. The meetings would be posted and open to the public. There would be no appointments, no motions, and no votes. Pierce made a motion to meet on the third Thursday of each month at 6 PM in the Town Hall for an informal work session. Chris C. seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Chris made a motion that the group also meet for an informal work session on the first and fourth Friday morning of each month at 8 AM. Jenn seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. Rita will look at the schedule of Town Hall meeting rooms to try to find locations for the meetings.

  4. Writable CD Rom - request for member recommendations. No suggestions were made other than that the CD Rom should be internal and that Rita should ask Leen for a suggestion of one that would be compatible with the office's computer. Members were in favor of obtaining one for the office.

  5. Environmental Education Institute Watershed Ecology Course - approval requested for expenditure. Rod made a motion to spend $240.00 to allow Diane to attend the Environmental Education Institute Watershed Ecology Course this summer. Audrey seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. If any more than one person would like to attend the course, the expenditure could be discussed the next meeting. Wayne Hardy was interested and will get back to Rita on it.

  6. Con comm picnic. - Members discussed the potential date of the Commission's picnic this summer to be held at Diane's quarry. They agreed on either July 19th or August 23rd. Members not at the meeting can contact Rita with their thoughts about either of these two dates.

  1. Aubrey Barrett/Hayward Farm Golf Course Riverbank Stabilization proposal:
    Souhegan River Local Advisory Committee recommendation letter to Wetlands Bureau.
    Notes from Site Walk of April 25.
    The letter was read by a couple of members and will be available for review at the first work session scheduled for Thursday May 15, 6 PM.

  1. George Infanti, North River Rd. M/L 8/48 - amended site plan (change in building footprint). Members reviewed and had no comments or issues with this project.

    The following plans will be reviewed at the work session scheduled for May 15:
  2. Gavin Construction, Johnson & Mill Sts. M/L 25/96-1 subdivision of one lot into two.
  3. 14A Broad St. LLC. Elm St. & Westchester Dr. M/L 15/15 - subdivision of one lot into two.
  4. River Road Trust/Blackmere - Falcon Ridge. Maple St. & Whiting Hill Rd. M/L 3/4,5. Conventional plan to determine density for a 51-lot open space subdivision.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Work Sessions are scheduled for Thursday May 15, 2003 at 6PM, Friday May 23 at 8 AM and Friday June 6 at 8AM All work sessions will be held in the Town Hall Conservation Commission office.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of June 12, 2003

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward, Pierce Rigrod -Vice Chairmen
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino- Alternate Member
Wayne Hardy - Future Member
Cindy Taylor - representing Milford Mill Apartments
Rita Carroll - Conservation Coordinator

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:06 PM.

Rod made a motion to amend the minutes of the May 8, 2003 meeting. The first sentence of lines 33,34 will be replaced with the following two sentences: "On the Souhegan River Trail there is a sharp bend in the river which lies on Fish Hatchery land and is adjacent to the former Ferguson Farm land. This bank is being eroded at the lower end. Pierce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. "

Chris made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Pierce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. 7:15 Cindy Taylor - Milford Mill Apartments, Bridge St. M/L 26/91 Preliminary plan to add units to existing facility. Ms. Taylor explained that she is the president of the non-profit organization that owns Milford Mill Apartments, which is located adjacent to the Souhegan River. The organization would like to have an addition constructed to improve both the aesthetics and the capacity of the apartment complex. She presented the members with a sketch of the project and requested advice and information about what regulations exist relating to this project before detailed plans are drafted. The proposed addition would be located on the current parking lot, which is less than 50 ft. from the Souhegan River. The existing asphalt there would be removed. They have acquired an adjacent parcel of land abutting the property, Leighton's office to the east, which would be the location of future parking. There would be no damage to the mature trees along the river. The location of the buildings and parking lot close to the river are of some concern and would be prohibited by the Shoreland Protection Act, except that the site was developed this close to the river historically. A 50 ft. setback on the parking would be desirable, more so than on the building because the building will be located on existing asphalt and run-off is more significant from a parking lot than from the roof of a building. The fact that the town will require some sort of on-site treatment for the run-off before going to the river will come up in the site plan review. Members would like to see how some sort of a detention basin would be designed. Ms. Taylor said that the parking lot would be pitched toward a catch basin and the area excavated to have either a control tank to discharge clean water or a perforated pipe installed. Whether or not the storm drain is separated would have to be determined. When asked about salt usage in the winter, Ms. Taylor replied that they do not use salt in the winter because they are regulated and have to register usage of all chemicals. She also stated that snow would be removed off site. She will take the members' comments and will present revised and more detailed plans to the Commission in the future.
  1. Environmental Education Institute Watershed Ecology Course. Members had voted in May to approve the expenditure of the base cost of non-credit attendance at the course. Wayne Hardy will attend the workshop instead of Diane and will be responsible for the cost of college credit. Rita will call the Institute to change the name and to find out what Wayne needs to do to receive college credit for the course.

  2. OSPD proposed changes - update from public hearing of May 20. The OSPD was approved in the public hearing of May 20, with a few small changes. Rita will post this approved ordinance on the Commission's Website.

  3. Con comm picnic. - The date of July 19 was confirmed. Rita will send members reminders.

  4. Town Maps and Brochures - status of review and revisions. There is money in the budget for printing of the trail maps and Commission brochure. Members had volunteered to review them for changes and accuracy before printing. Chris C. reviewed the brochure and thought that it was fine, except for the quality of the picture on the cover. A suggestion was made to use the town logo that has, or will be, modified for ConComm. Rita will look into the status of the town logo. Chris also mentioned that her daughters had used the Tucker Brook trail maps and found them to be accurate and easy to use. Rod told the group that the Souhegan River Trail map is accurate at this time, but that there may be changes in the future. Wayne informed the members that Mayflower is accurate at this time, but that he and Bob Hall may be doing some trail work in the summer there. The map could be modified at that time. Chris C. mentioned that Bob Hall may be doing some trail work with NEMBA this August in Tucker Brook Town Forest. The trail stewards will be notified if that is the case.

  5. Rotch Land - There is a very old no parking sign located in the small parking area off Melendy Rd. Rita will ask DPW if they had originally posted it. Members agreed that two signs with the name of the property, Rotch Wildlife Preserve, should be constructed. Chris C. will contact a student she knows who may be interested in doing the sign. Rita will look into what the costs of the signs for the town forests were. Signs forbidding motorized vehicles will also be posted. Trails should be laid out for the property and a trail map created. The parking situation can be looked into also.

    Members also agreed that they would like this property to be designated a town forest and will submit a warrant article to the selectmen before the August deadline. If and when the property is designated as such, Dan Cyr, the forester for this property, will be contacted again to discuss timbering the property. He had appeared at the January 9, 2003 meeting and recommended that a stewardship plan be drawn up for the property. He stated that the property is overdue for timbering.

  6. Souhegan River Trail repair - Rodney suggested that this project be discussed and worked on at the next work session, which will be Thursday, June 19, at 6 PM in the Commission office. Members agreed that this would be the agenda for the next work session.

    The suggestion was also made that certain topics on the agenda such as updates be submitted as written reports that Rita could send out with the agenda. Members could read the reports before the meeting and ask any questions regarding the item at the meeting.

  7. Update to the Policy and Procedure manual - Easement Violations section - The section is drafted and needs only one small change to update it to a new town policy. Rod plans to send the completed draft to members before the next meeting at which time the section can be voted for acceptance into the manual.

  1. Commission's Website - A suggestion was made to create a location on the site where reports could be posted of meetings or seminars that were attended by one or more members. The posting would be informational only, to be used to update anyone who was unable to attend. Audrey offered to draft and send to Rita wording that could serve as an introduction/explanation of the site.

  2. ATV's permitted uses in town. Chris C. informed the group that this issue will be discussed at the next Regional Open Space (ROST) meeting which will be held at the Wilton Town Hall on Friday July 11. Spencer Brooks is hosting the meeting and will discuss ATV usage in towns. Pierce mentioned that there is a lot of erosion being caused by ATV's down by the river near the swinging bridge. Chris C. and Diane had gone on the PB site walk for Falcon Ridge and were informed by an abutter that ATV's traveling through the orchards have been causing a hazard to people using the orchards. Landowners are becoming reluctant to allow trails on their land because of ATV's. Rita will post on the Website state laws pertaining to ATV's including a DES bulletin informing citizens of the illegal impact ATV's have on wetlands. A Town Park Ranger could be helpful in enforcing any ordinances that could be created to regulate ATV's.

  1. NH Coverts Project - UNH Coop. Ext., NH Fish and Game, NH Division of Forests and Lands, Ruffed Grouse Society and the US Forest Service, are presenting their annual Coverts training workshop Sept. 10-13 that interested members or others committed to wildlife conservation and forest stewardship can apply for. Diane had attended in the past and found it to be fun and informational. Topics include: Basic Forest Ecology, Wildlife and Their Habitats, Managing Forest Habitats, Identifying and Protecting NH's Significant Habitat, Biodiversity, Conservation Planning, Mapping, Bird and Plant Identification, Wetlands, Successful Habitats. There is a brochure in the office and a Website, http://ceinfo.unh.edu/Forestry/Documents/nhcovrts.htm They would like applications submitted by June 25.

INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW: Members reviewed and commented on the following plan:
  1. Gavin Construction - Subdivision of one lot into two. Members' comments:
    "This subdivision will likely have wetland or buffer violations of "undisturbed natural vegetation". No demonstrated need for subdivision to make use of lot. Wetland and buffer impact does not include impacts during construction. Likely over 3,000 sq. ft. Lot 25-96-1 has only 29 ft. of frontage on principal accessway."

    The following plans will be reviewed and commented on in the office:
  2. PSNH - Scenic Road Public Hearing.
  3. Ciardelli Fuel - Site pan and lot line adjustment.
  4. Elizabeth Reindeau and Sydney Standish - Lot line adjustment.
  5. 14A Broad St. LLC - Grason-Stadler Building - Amended site plan.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, July 10, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of July 10, 2003

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward, Pierce Rigrod - Vice Chairmen
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Sharon Hannan, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino- Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Chad Branon - Meridian Land Services
Bob Hall

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:05 PM.


Upon a motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Rod DellaFelice, the minutes of the June 12, 2003 meeting were accepted as presented.

  1. Brenda Nadeau, Cote/ Tucker Brook easement. - Ms. Nadeau was not present at the meeting.

  2. Chad Branon - Meridian Land Services - M/L 7/20 - PerryRd./Wilton Rd. - discussion of proposed construction of industrial commercial warehouse units. Chad had met with the Conservation Commission on March 10, 2003. On June 13 he walked the site with commission members and with Frank Richardson of the Wetlands Bureau. The plan presented tonight reflects the changes that have been suggested to him. He asked for feedback from the group on the revised plan and would like to come back next month with a D&F application. The buildings have been relocated to an area farther away from Tucker Brook, providing a larger buffer along Tucker Brook. The wetlands impact is increased by the move, but the wet and dry areas involved vary in altitude by less that 0.1 ft. The entire area is used for haying; hence no native wetland vegetation is present. The buildings would now consist of a few larger units as opposed to many smaller units, reducing the parking requirements. The square footage of the buildings is the same. The wetland impact is 18,750 SF. There is paved parking and paved access (fire only, no entrances) to the rear of the buildings. Water will run off to two treatment swales, in addition to a ditch that runs the length of the west side of the property. Because of the slope the ditch acts as a treatment swale throughout its length before draining into one of the treatment swales. There will be no floor drains and no underground storage. A conservation easement is proposed for the back areas of this lot and two adjoining lots, 7/19 and 7/18. Frank Richardson recommended that the fields continue to be hayed to maintain the habitat for the birds that are seen in the area. There will be a mitigation plan drawn up for the flood plain areas that will include recommendations for when the fields should be hayed. Stormwater plans will be drawn up that will comply with the GPD.

    Members agreed that this plan is a better design than the plan presented in March. Mr. Branon will be on the August agenda, and plans to present a D&F application at that time.

  1. Update to the Policy and Procedure manual - Vote to accept addition of "Easement Violations" section. Pierce made a motion that the Commission accept the Easement Violations section as presented by Rodney to be added to the Land Acquisition and Management chapter of the Policy and Procedure Manual. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. The section will be presented to the selectmen for their approval.

  2. Bob Hall - Proposal for trail work at Mayflower and Tucker Brook Town Forests. Bob presented the group with maps, methodology and tasks he would like to work on for trail maintenance and construction in two town forests. He would like to provide alternate trails for separate users (hikers, runners, bicycles). He has seen this working well in other places. He would also like to design routes that follow contours and pass interesting land features. He would like to reduce erosion by creating winding trails that would decrease run-off and slow speeds of bicycles to reduce skidding. And he would like to increase trail distance in a limited space. Longer trails that go the same distance are beneficial to runners and cyclists.

    On August 16 of this year a "trail day" is scheduled when members of the local chapter of the New England Mountain Biking Association will do some trail work in Milford. Work at Tucker Brook Town Forest is proposed for that day and includes:
    • On the trail going from Savage Rd. toward Boulder Dr. restoring and repairing switchbacks that used to be on the steep hill after the bridge.
    • Cutting a new trail to the east of the steep hill to offer an alternate route for bicyclers, skiers, and runners.
    • Looking into re-routing the "blue" trail, to get around persistent wet areas.

    At Mayflower Hill, Bob would like to:
    • Clear a new switchback trail from Perkins Rd.
    • Begin clearing a new trail 'below' Look-out Point area.
    • Close the existing trail from Perkins Rd. and post signs indicating that the trail is closed for erosion control.

    In the long term, Bob proposes some new trails at Tucker Brook, namely:
    • A trail linking the power line to the end of the waterfall trail.
    • A new trail from the bridge near the waterfall, along the bottom of the hill, to the white trails. There is an old logging road in the area. Bob is unsure where the property boundaries are and will find out.

    Bob mentioned that the trail work proposed would not require chainsaws. He proposes 28" wide trails and plans to clean fallen debris and to cut low branches. Diane asked if he plans to adjust the treadway if they are on a slope. Bob answered that if needed they would cut into one side and let water run off the other. Diane also suggested that when trail maps are printed for the forests, they could include future work labeled as such, for example "trail plan for 2005 or 2006". Also suggested was creating a trail that runs from the area along Savage Road under the power lines which could be useable for parking. Forest Funds can be used to hire an earthmover to smooth out the area. Diane mentioned that she would get in touch with Dave Wheeler who is a trail steward at Tucker Brook and whose property abuts the forest. The blue trail runs close to his property and is very wet. She will ask his permission to have the trail go around the wetland onto his property. Signs were also suggested, such as directions at forks and bikes vs. no bikes signs.

    Members approved of Bob's ideas and would like to look at some of the areas. Bob mentioned that most areas are flagged. For the work proposed for August 16th, he will flag the areas and let the office know, so that members can take a look. He will be on the August 14th agenda.

  3. Rotch Land - Signage, parking, potential designation as a town forest. Chris has been in contact with a student in Milford who is interested in making signs for the property in the Fall. Rita will search old minutes for the cost of signs made for the town forests.

    Rod made a motion that the Commission submit a warrant article to the Board of Selectmen asking that the Rotch Wildlife Preserve be designated a town forest. Audrey seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

    Members discussed designation of the Dadoly land as a town forest. The parcel is 18 acres in size. It was concluded that the owners of the property that shares a drive with the Dadoly Land entrance would be contacted. Also the bounds would be looked at and possibly blazed. Hub made a motion that a warrant article be submitted (either separate or combined with the Rotch property) designating the Dadoly Land as a town forest. Chris C. seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  4. Commission's Website - suggestion to create a location on the site where reports on public meetings or seminars can be posted. It was decided that this idea would be not implemented and that the Commission's Website would remain as it is.

  5. Hitchiner Town Forest - Hub mentioned that he had spoken with Keith Carmen who is interested in finishing the roof on the Hitchiner Pavilion. Chris mentioned that the area around the pavilion and trails at Hitchiner have not been mowed this year. Diane will contact and meet with DPW to discuss field and trail maintenance. She will also discuss the parking at Tucker Brook near the power lines.

  6. Souhegan River Trail repair - Rodney informed members that at the work session that was held for this project a list of all tasks needed to be accomplished for this project was created. Listed for the short term are erosion control on the bend in the river and work on the sagging bridge on Fish Hatchery land. Audrey contacted a soils scientist and has arranged a site walk with him for Monday, July 14, at 5:20 PM. It was suggested that the book, "Soils Survey for Hillsborough County" be used for work done on this trail. There is a copy in the ConComm office. Funding for this project can be from a few sources, such as the Souhegan Valley Land Trust, the town, and possible sources obtained from NRPC. Taken as a whole, completion of the Souhegan River Trail may take 1 to 1 1/2 years to complete.

  1. Wallingford Estates - Open Space Easement - This property will be given to SPNHF. At the same time an easement on it will be granted to the Milford Conservation Commission. It is north of Monson village and south of Foster Rd. and abuts both Monson and the Ames lot. Members had reviewed and commented on a draft of the easement that SPNHF will grant to ConComm. Diane has incorporated the comments and corrections and will meet with the BOS on July 28 at 6:30 PM to ask them to approve SPNHF becoming the owner of this open space and the town holding an easement on it.

  2. Budget and Warrant Article Considerations for 2004. - not covered at this meeting.

  3. Timber Packet - for landowners planning a timber harvest - not covered at this meeting.

Non-Public - Land

Hub made a motion to go into non-public session to discuss land issues. Pierce seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. No motions or votes were made. At 9:50 PM members came out of non-public session. The meeting was adjourned at that time.


Members remaining after the meeting was adjourned reviewed the following plans and commented:
  1. Otis properties - M/L 13/12-2 - proposed 2-bay automatic car wash. "Open Space - pervious surface - stormwater and drainage."

  2. Paul Herlihy - M/L 31/3 - proposed building and parking. "Verify stormwater recharge to water on site. Show total impervious surface area. 'Open space' is permeable space not driveway or parking or building. Verify percent open."

  3. Zahn - propose to adjust lot lines between two lots (2/28-1 and 2/28) and then create a third, 2/28-2. "The Conservation Commission is opposed to creating a lot which requires a wetland crossing of Hartshorn Brook and its adjacent wetland areas. ZBA should approve exception before the lot is created."

  4. Proposed Veterinary Hospital - 194 Elm St. - M/L 19/19 "Stormwater discharge on site? Open Space permeable?"

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll


Meeting Minutes of August 14, 2003

Hub Seward -Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Wayne Hardy - Alternate Member

Audrey Fraizer, Pierce Rigrod, Diane Fitzpatrick, Sharon Hannon

Others Attending:
Nancy Amato - Selectmen's Rep.
Chad Branon - Meridian Land Services
Bob Hall - New England Mountain Biking Association, Souhegan Cycle Works

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Vice-Chair, Hub Seward at 7:07 PM.

Rod made a motion to accept the minutes of the July 10, 2003 meeting with the following amendment:
Line 132 - Replace "This project may take 1 to 1 ½ years to complete." With "Taken as a whole, completion and repair of the Souhegan River trail may take 1 to 1 ½ years to complete."
Jenn seconded the motion to accept the amended minutes and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. 7:45 - Chad Branon - Meridian Land Services - M/L 7/20 - PerryRd./Wilton Rd. - D&F application for construction of mini-warehouse units. Chad presented the D&F application for the project that had been presented and discussed at the ConComm meetings of April 10, 2003 and July 10, 2003. Changes that had been suggested at the April meeting and site walk were incorporated into the plans presented at the July 10 meeting and tonight. Chad informed members that the wetland impact remains as 18,750 SF and that there have been no changes to the conservation easement plan that is included in the application. He plans to go to the ZBA (he hopes in September) for a special exception for the buffer and wetland impacts before presenting final engineering to the Planning Board. When asked about haying, Chad mentioned that the environmental scientist recommends in the application that alternating halves of the fields be harvested yearly. He also mentioned that Kevin Lynch finds no regulation requiring that they provide compensatory storage in that they are in the flood plain and not the flood way. It is also considered to be more beneficial to the site to leave the existing vegetation the way it is. Kevin plans to write a letter to Chad that he can bring to the Planning Board meeting. Hub and Rod expressed interest in making sure that the conservation easement is granted and that it is acceptable to the town. Chad will have one of the surveyors write a formal description of the easement area for review by the town attorney.

    Rod made a motion that the Commission recommend approval of this project to the Wetlands Bureau and to the ZBA, with the condition that the easement plan included in the D&F application will be agreed upon by the BOS and the Conservation Commission and will be recorded at the HCRD. Jenn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
  1. Bob Hall - Proposal for trail reroutes at Tucker Brook and Mayflower, new trail at Tucker Brook. At the Commission meeting of July 10, 2003, Bob had presented ideas of work he would like to do with the New England Mountain Biking Association at Tucker Brook and Mayflower Town Forests. For Aug 16, 2003 the group would like to work at Tucker Brook, specifically:
    1. Cut a new access trail from the Savage road parking lot to the start of the White trail. The trail will run along the stone wall right next to the road and will keep users off Savage Road when accessing the Ridge trail (White). (proposed trail is flagged.)

    2. Cut a new switch back just after bridge going up steep hill on the Boulder Road side of Tucker Brook. Bikers currently are unable to ride the initial steep grade up the hill. Attempts to ride result in spinning tires, which loosen the soil. (proposed trail is flagged.)

    3. Clear out old switchbacks and close off ribbons (straight short cuts running through switchbacks) that have emerged off the original trail up the steep hill. The location is about halfway up the big hill. Bob plans to post 6" x 6" Aluminum signs saying "Please stay on trail" with arrows pointing in both directions. Debris from clearing of trails will be placed in the ribbons to keep trail users on the switchbacks.

    Bob informed the group that Dave Wheeler, the trail steward for Tucker Brook trails, has been contacted and is familiar with what Bob wants to do. He is in favor of the proposed projects and plans to come on Saturday to help.

    Jenn made a motion to approve the work to be done as presented by Bob. Rod seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  2. Hitchiner Town Forest - Mowing. DPW informed Diane that they have mowed the parking lot and the trails at Hitchiner Town Forest. When they have a chance, they will also mow the field.

  3. Souhegan River Trail repair. Rodney informed the group that he, Wayne, Audrey, and Chris C. walked the trail with a soils scientist to look at the bend in Purgatory Brook on the Ferguson property where the trail is being eroded. Rod stated that the consensus of the group was that the best approach would be to locate the trail on higher ground above the bank, rather than running along the river and trying to stabilize the bank. Rod also suggested blocking the lower section in order to prevent usage of that area. He mentioned that relocation of this section of the trail and repair of the sagging bridge on the Fish Hatchery property could potentially be completed this year.

  1. GPS unit Hub has been researching prices, etc. of GPS units and software that would possibly be purchased by ConComm. He feels that a unit would be useful on site walks, and for mapping things in town, such as trails. Members discussed some of the many different types and quality of software available, along with costs, training, etc. They decided to table the discussion until next month when more members are present to be involved in the discussion. Wayne mentioned that he had instruction in this area during the Environmental Education Institute Watershed Ecology Course that he just attended. He asked to be put on the agenda for the next ConComm meeting to summarize what he has learned in the course.

  2. Warrant Articles for 2004 Two articles for the ballot were presented to members for review and discussion of wording:

    · "To see if the town will vote to establish as Town Forest, pursuant to RSA 31:110 through 31:114, the following town-owned conservation lands: Rotch Wildlife Preserve, Map 52, Lot 18, and Dadoly Conservation Land, Map 53, Lot 72, or take any other action relative thereto. (By request of the Conservation Commission; this article does not impact the tax rate.)"

    Members were in favor of the wording and the submission of this, the Town Forest warrant article, to the Board of Selectmen.

    · "To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Dollars) to be added to the established "Conservation Land Fund" created IAW RSA 36-A, said fund together with any future additions thereto, the sum to be allowed to accumulate from year to year and be available for the acquisition of property and other conservation purposes pursuant to RSA 36-A, or take any other action relative thereto. By request of the Conservation Commission. (FYI - Money in the Land Fund can only be expended by the Conservation Commission after a public hearing and approval of the Board of Selectmen.)"

    Rod made the suggestion that the FYI sentence include the specific reference to the RSA or town ordinance that states the requirement that there must be a public hearing and approval by the BOS. During the discussion the topic of increasing the amount from $50,000 to $100,000 was brought up with no consensus being reached.

    Members also discussed whether or not it would be worthwhile to resubmit a warrant article asking for the deposit of the Land Use Change Tax funds into the Conservation Land Fund. They felt that the vote was fairly close last year, but realize that they were unable to gain the support of the Budget Committee.

    Members decided to table the discussion until next month.

  3. Granite Town Rail-Trail - Talarico section. Diane is scheduled to meet with Attorney Drescher on August 18 to present drafts of two deeds; one from the town to Mr. Talarico, a fee interest for a small triangle of land between his driveway and Armory Rd., and for the section of driveway that crossed the RRbed, (50 feet wide). The second deed is an easement from Mr. Talarico to the town for parking in the old cellar hole (approx. 5 cars), a connecting trail to the rail-trail from the parking and an easement to cross the driveway where the RRbed is currently located.

  4. Wallingford Estates - Open Space easement. Diane is scheduled to meet with Attorney Drescher on August 18 to also present the drafts of the two Wallingford Estates open space deeds for his review and comments. One deed is from Ashwood Companies donating the open space in the Wallingford Estates subdivision to SPNHF. The other is from SPNHF granting a conservation easement on that open space to the town of Milford. SPNHF has accepted all the changes to the deeds suggested by ConComm. All mention of agriculture has been removed.

  5. Timber Packet - for landowners planning a timber harvest. Diane had suggested putting the information included in the packet on the Website as opposed to mailing to landowners, in that by the time the intent-to-cut form is obtained from the assessor's office, a forester most likely has been hired. This item can then be removed from the BOS agenda. Members were in agreement that this was a good idea. Nancy suggested that this information be included in the Town Report also.

Non-public Session - Land
Upon a motion made by Jenn and seconded by Wayne, members entered into Non-Public session at 9:10 to discuss land issues.

Jenn made a motion to authorize Diane to move forward on this project and negotiate with the landowner as presented to the members. Wayne seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

Jenn made a motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session. Wayne seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

Jenn made a motion to come out of non-public session at 10:20. Rod seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 PM.

The following plans were reviewed and commented on by the members after the adjournment of the meeting:
  1. Falcon Ridge/River Road Trust - Maple St.& Whiting Hill Rd. - Map 3, Lots 4 & 5 Request for waiver for road grade and cul-de-sac length. Commission's Comment:
    "Lots with wetlands or buffer should have easements. Some could be eliminated by shortening lots."

  2. Paul Herlihy - 425 Nashua St. - Map 31, Lot 3 - Major site plan for the construction of a 3,200 SF building for antique sales.
    Commission's Comment:
    "48% open space is hard to believe! Plan has too many lines."

  3. Oak Meadow, LLC/Joseph Swiezynski - Hollow Oak Lane - Map 7, Lot 5 - Discussion of over 62 affordable housing.
    Commission's Comment:
    "Where does the building go? Show wetlands and buffers, etc."

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2003

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward -Vice Chairman
Pierce Rigrod, Audrey Fraizer - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Wayne Hardy - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Bob Hall

Rodney DellaFelice, Jennifer Cote

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:05 PM.

The minutes of the August 14, 2003 meeting will be voted on for acceptance at the October 9, 2003 meeting, because of a lack of members present tonight who were at the August meeting.

  1. Warrant Articles for 2004 - Review and discussion of wording.
    · Dadoly and Rotch properties - There will be a warrant article on the ballot asking to designate these properties as Town Forests.

    · GraniteTown Rail-Trail - Diane is looking into potential engineering costs for some road crossings for the Rail-Trail, namely a footbridge across Armory Rd., a crossing for the guardrail on Union St., and the reopening of the tunnel under Melendy Rd.

    · Land Fund - members discussed how much money should be requested in the Land Fund warrant article. Land Fund money will be used for a few items proposed for the near future, namely the Souhegan River Trail and the Rail-Trail. Nearly all of the $50,000 in the fund will potentially be used in the next year.

  2. GPS unit - Discussion and possible vote to approve expenditure for GPS unit for ConComm. Chris made a motion for Wayne and Hub to purchase a GPS unit, software and accessories for the Commission for an amount not to exceed $450.00.

  3. Souhegan River Trail repair - update.
    Rod was unable to attend the meeting and sent an update to the office:
    "I'm looking in to getting quotes for drawing up plans for three Souhegan River Trail projects. In addition, work needs to be done with the Masonic Temple group such that we can hopefully get two handicapped parking spaces on their land to be used as handicap access to Emerson Park. I will bring the information I currently have to next Thursday's work session. If anyone wants to help out with any of this their help would be welcome."

  4. Souhegan River Trail - Emerson Park Bridge. Diane informed the group that she has been in touch with an engineer who will draft plans for a 6 ft. wide platform with railings that will cross the 'gully' along the Souhegan River Trail near Emerson Park. This item will be on next month's agenda and members are asked to take a look at the area before then. Members were also asked to think about funding the materials for the bridge with the Nees Bequest and naming the bridge after the benefactor. The Nees Bequest is a $5,000.00 fund that was left to the town with the condition that it be used for the beautification of Milford. The bridge would be the start of the Souhegan River Trail in Emerson Park. Perhaps scouts or the Rotary Club could be asked to help with construction.

  5. Trail work at Tucker Brook and Mayflower. - Bob Hall informed the group that he, Dave Wheeler, Dave's son and 9 other volunteers completed the trail work at Tucker Brook Town Forest, that was proposed at the last monthly meeting. They connected the parking area to the trail eliminating the need to use the road. Use of trail-head parking signs in this area was suggested. There are signs in the ConComm office. The volunteers also created the switch back up the hill by the bridge and repaired the bridge. They cleaned debris from the fallen tree and blocked the ribbons (short-cuts) that had been made, reestablishing the original trail.. Bob also informed the group that at Mayflower Town Forest the trail work on top half is done. On the bottom half he is working on the switchbacks coming up from Rt. 13. He also proposes constructing a trail below the Look-out that will link the from the top to the bottom of the look-out.

  6. Granite Town Rail-Trail - Talarico section. Diane informed members that she had spoken with Attorney Drescher about this project. Atty Drescher did not feel that the plan presented to him, drafted in 1978, was adequate and recommended that a new plan be drawn up. He also recommended that there be a lot line adjustment, which would require that iron pins be set. Diane presented members with a quote for $3,600.00 which would include drawing up the lot line adjustment plan and surveying/setting the bounds. This expenditure will be voted on at the Public Hearing scheduled for Thursday Sept. 25, 2003 at 7:30 PM. When asked, members stated that they had no concerns with holding the public hearing for this expenditure.

  7. Wallingford Estates - Open Space easement. - Diane informed members that the open space easement language has been agreed upon. There remains only some technical things to do.

  1. Holland Easement - M/L 41/31 - Proposal to install standpipe off Osgood Rd. Discussion of easement restrictions. Diane had explained to the members that the town is planning a standpipe on M41/32, town-owned land to connect to the water line on Osgood Road. A pipe is to be buried in the 40' ROW over M41/31, Beaver Brook land, which has a conservation easement held by the commission, representing the town of Milford. It is a typical easement, no changes to topography, no excavation etc. The intention is to bury a water line running from the standpipe on M41/32 to Osgood Road and restore the area to its present condition. Also an area of the adjacent field will have the topsoil stripped back, stock piled and returned and seeded after work is complete. This area is needed for a work area and the removal of soil is for its protection from possible contamination during work. As monitors of the easement the Commission needs to determine if the project will violate the easement. Members felt that the proposed project does not go against the purpose of the easement in that the impacts are temporary. It was pointed out that the ROW was owned by the town before the granting of the easement and that this ROW is not referred to in the easement. Hub made a motion that "the temporary disturbance that will be replaced does not violate the intention of the easement." Chris C. seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  2. Environmental Education Institute Watershed Ecology Course.- report from Wayne Hardy. This item will be tabled until next month.

  3. Conservation Plan - 5-yr. update for 2003. This item was tabled indefinitely. Diane and Rita will review the current plan to see what changes may be needed.

  4. Hitchiner Town Forest. Chris informed members that Steve Trombly will not do the mowing of the field this year because of the large amount of poison ivy growing there. He gave Chris the name of a man who has an enclosed cab on his mower and may therefore be able to mow the field. Chris will contact him. Steve is willing to mow the trails and parking area next year, but not the field because of the poison ivy. Chris will contact the man suggested for mowing the field.

    The roof of the pavilion has been constructed. A bill for the work will be sent to the office by either Chris or Keith Carmen and the Marchesi fund will be used for the payment.

Hub made a motion to go into non-public session at 8:00 PM to discuss land issues. Chris seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. Wayne made a motion to come out of non-public session at 8:45. Chris seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. No motions were made and no votes were taken.

  1. Galvin Construction - M25/96-1 - Conservation Easement Plan.
    Commission's comments:
    "Members are opposed to the project because it creates the potential for future violations. They suggest that the buffer boundaries be monumented and that language be included in the deed that designates undisturbed natural vegetation in the buffer area. If an easement is offered, the Commission will not accept it unless provisions are made for future enforcement costs."

  2. Danielson Realty Trust - M/L 48/52 - Subdivision on Ponemah Hill Rd., Emerson Rd.
    Commission's comments:
    "Conservation easement shown on plan is part of a settlement with the state; documents need to be part of recording. Recommend M48/52 be combined with 48/36, as dry land on 48/52 is not accessible except with large wetland impact. Also entire road frontage on remainder of 48/52 is easement. "

There being no further business to come before this meeting, Hub made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 PM. Chris C. seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, October 9, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.


Minutes of the Public Session of September 25, 2003

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Wayne Hardy - Alternate Members

The public hearing of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:32 PM.

Diane explained the project which would grant ownership to Mr. Talarico of the portion of his driveway upon which the rail-trail crosses. The Conservation Commission would be granted an easement on that section of his driveway for the Rail-Trail crossing and also for a parking area along Armory Road. A lot line adjustment is required for this project. Diane read the following proposal sent by TF Moran to:

"Prepare a Lot Line Adjustment Plan as outlined in tasks 1 and 2 per letter of proposal dated August 26, 2003."

"Based on our discussion and review of the February 14, 1978 plan entitled "Plan of Lands - Prepared for Barretto Granite Corporation - Vicinity of Armory Road and Former Railroad Crossing - Milford, NH" by Thomas F. Moran Inc., we have arrived at the following proposed scope of services and cost for adjusting the common property line to accommodate a parking area for the M.C.C. trail and give road frontage to the Talarico property (Lot 47-15). "

TASK I - Field Survey
Field Survey to tie into the 1978 plan boundaries in order to:
  1. Be able to set the required property corners and,
  2. Meet the subdivision/lot line adjustment requirement for a 1:10,000 survey closure on the properties being exchanged.

TASK 1 cost including office computation and supervision: $1,800.00

TASK 2 - Lot Line Adjustment Plan
Prepare a lot line adjustment plan showing the parcels to be exchanged to town and recording standards.

TASK 2 cost: $1,800.00

Diane mentioned that some land has already been cleared for the project and that on 9/27 she and Bill Parker will look at the parking area. The DPW director has already approved the project.

Wayne made a motion to approve the expenditure of $3,600.00 from the Land Fund for the costs of the field survey and lot line adjustment plan as explained at this meeting. Jenn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

Upon a motion made by Audrey and seconded by Wayne the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 PM.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of October 9, 2003

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward, Pierce Rigrod - Vice Chairmen
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer - Full Members
Wayne Hardy, Sharon Hannan - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Bob Hall

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:05 PM.


Upon a motion made by Wayne and seconded by Rod, the minutes of the August 14, 2003 meeting were accepted as presented.
Upon a motion made by Pierce and seconded by Wayne, the minutes of the September 11, 2003 meeting were accepted as presented.
Vote was unanimous in favor of both motions.
The minutes of the September 25, 2003 meeting will be presented for acceptance at the next ConComm meeting.

  1. Warrant Articles for 2004.
    Members had been sent the final wording of the following warrant articles to be presented to the BOS for approval. They had no issues or comments. "To see if the town will vote to establish as Town Forest, pursuant to RSA 31:110 through 31:114, the following town-owned conservation lands: Rotch Wildlife Preserve, Map 52, Lot 18, and Dadoly Conservation Land, Map 53, Lot 72, or take any other action relative thereto. (By request of the Conservation Commission; this article does not impact the tax rate.)"

    "To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000.00 (One Hundred Thousand Dollars) to be added to the established "Conservation Land Fund" created IAW RSA 36-A, said fund together with any future additions thereto, the sum to be allowed to accumulate from year to year and be available for the acquisition of property and other conservation purposes pursuant to RSA 36-A, or take any other action relative thereto. By request of the Conservation Commission. (FYI - Money in the Land Fund can only be expended by the Conservation Commission after a public hearing [RSA 36-A:5.II] and approval of the Board of Selectmen [RSA 36-A:4].)"

    "To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,000 (Twelve Thousand Dollars) for engineering and preliminary site work for safety improvements to the Granite Town Rail-Trail, specifically the Armory Road and Melendy Road crossings, or take any other action relative thereto. (By request of the Conservation Commission)"

    Hub mentioned that the list of designated scenic roads needs to be updated in that some of the roads have been constructed upon, renamed or somehow changed. Whether or not a warrant article will be needed to do this will be determined.

  2. GPS unit. Hub told the group that the cost of the unit will be cheaper than originally thought in that the software is included in the price. Pierce suggested getting software without any license restricting use by multiple PC's.

  3. Souhegan River Trail repair. Diane informed the group that an architect has volunteered pro-bono to draw up the plan for the bridge that will pass over the gully close to Emerson Park. The bridge will be built next spring.

    The bend in the Purgatory Brook on the trail easement section of the Ferguson Farm, (now owned by Sean Trombly) is eroding the trail. The trail may be rerouted onto Trombly's property. Sean will look at the area after he has finished harvesting. He anticipates no problems with rerouting the trail.

    Hub will take over obtaining an easement for parking at the Masonic Temple.

    Sean Trombly has promised to take a look at the sagging bridge on the Fish Hatchery Land. He may be able to help with the repair of the bridge. The Commission would like to repair the bridge this year, to prevent it from getting worse.

  4. Trail work at Tucker Brook - Bob Hall
    Bob Hall was present to ask for approval for a couple of switchbacks he would like to put in Tucker Brook TF. They will be located south of the bridge on the other side of the Ridge Trail (white blazes) from the new switchbacks he has just completed. The area has been flagged and is drawn on a map in the Commission office. The work would be done either this Fall or next Spring. When asked about long-term maintenance of the trails, Bob informed the group that the mountain bike association would maintain the trails. They have been maintaining trails in Amherst and Merrimack that they have worked on. Bob was also asked if the group would be willing to do some clean-up in the Boulder Drive entrance to the forest and in Whitten Rd. entrance area. He responded that yes, they would. Members approved of Bob going ahead and working on the switchbacks proposed tonight and on the clean-up of two entrances to the forest, Boulder Dr. and Whitten Rd.

  5. Granite Town Rail -Trail - Talarico section - Diane informed the members that she is waiting for the plan to be drawn up by TF Moran.

  6. Wallingford Estates - Open Space easement - Diane informed the group that the easement has not been finalized yet. She will let the group know when it has.

  1. Scenic Road Ordinance - The Commission was given a draft to review and comment on before October 17th. Rita will incorporate the suggestions sent to the office by the members into the draft and send it to Lincoln. Rod mentioned that he had attended a municipal association's law lecture that discussed scenic road ordinances. He suggested that the PB have whoever gave the talk review the draft ordinance. Rita will look up the lecture and obtain the contact information.

  2. Souhegan River Trail parking. Diane informed members that NH Fish & Game told her that they would like parking for the Souhegan River Trail moved from the Fish Hatchery property along the river. The current parking area is out of sight of the road. There have been problems with kids partying in the area; however no problems have occurred with hikers. The long-term plan for the trail is to continue from the Fish Hatchery property along North River Road to connect to Falcon Ridge and on to Carnival Hill. Diane and Chris will contact landowners in the area. Diane has spoken with David Fitch, who is in favor of helping with the relocation; he has had problems also.

  3. Environmental Education Institute Watershed Ecology Course - report from Wayne Hardy. Wayne reported on the two-week course he took in Watershed Ecology. Included in the topics taught in the course were: mapping, topos, non-point pollution surveys, intro to GIS, GRANIT, GPS, wetland and hydric soils identification using plant species, invertebrate natural history as keys to water quality, water sampling and more. Pierce mentioned that detailed studies of the aquatic life present in the river would be useful when evaluating applications that may affect the river. Audrey informed the group that she had attended a presentation on river restoration and dam removal. In the next 10 to 15 years the state will want to remove the dams that are located in Milford. The importance of education of the public as to how and why this will happen was emphasized in the course. When Diane asked about a list of why dams should be removed, Audrey replied that she has the contact information for the speaker and will ask her for her Power Point presentation. Audrey said that the speaker was very good and suggested that she be invited to speak to the Commission.

  4. ZBA hearing - Zahn. Pierce informed the group that he had attended the ZBA hearing on the Zahn request to cross Hartshorn brook to access the lot to be created by subdividing lot 2/28. The ZBA voted to grant the special exception for this project. They did consider the Commission's opinion on the case with regards to the quality of the wetlands, etc. But they were told that this lot can only be accessed from Rt. 13 and that the Planning Board would not allow access from Jennison Rd. The decision was based on that information. Pierce made a motion to review minutes from PB and ZBA meetings regarding this project and decide if there were any inaccuracies in what was said about the access from Jennison Rd. If so, a memo will be written to the Planning Board and copied to the ZBA. Rod seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. It was agreed that applicants should not be representing the opinions of another board, and it was suggested that they should be read or required to sign a statement informing them that what they say when presenting a project to a board is recorded.

Upon a motion made by Rod and seconded by Sharon, the members entered into non-public session to discuss land issues.
No motions were made and no votes were taken.
At 9:08 Rod made a motion to come out of non-public session. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Marion and Gary Vallier - 45/18 (70.5 acres) - Miles Slip Rd. Purpose of plan is to subdivide 45/18 into one two acre lot (45/18-3) and leave 45/18 as 68.5 acres.
    Commission's comments:
    Does this subdivision affect future open space development?
    The wetlands present in the upper part of the lots should be shown on the plan.
    Plan and town tax maps differ with regards to M/L 45/19. 45/19 is not shown on the plan.
    Slopes are very steep - potential erosion issues.
    Notes on plan refer to 48-18 as opposed to 45-18.

  2. US Cellular - upgrade to cell tower on Town Hall.
    Commission's comments:
    No impacts within purview of Conservation Commission.

  3. Woodland Heights - M/L 43/33, Powers St. - addition of tennis courts, pool building.
    Commission's comments:
    Can we ask for a gravel driveway around the storage units?
    Project is on the border of the Level 1 Protection of GPD. What is planned for filtration from catch basins?

  4. Craig and Wendy Frye M/L 8/77- subdivision on corner of Rt.13 and Patch Hill Lane, one lot into 2.
    Commission's comments:
    Has stormwater run-off been addressed?
    Show wetlands and impacts that are not part of Patch Hill permit.

  5. Leon and Nancy Frye M/L 8/78 - on Patch Hill Lane subdivision of one lot into 3.
    Commission's comments:
    Has stormwater run-off been addressed?
    Wetlands and impacts that are not part of the Patch Hill permit should be shown.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:08 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, November 13, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll


Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2003

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward, Pierce Rigrod - Vice Chairmen
Rodney DellaFelice, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Wayne Hardy- Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Walter Murray - Milford Planning Board Chairman
Lincoln Daley - Planning Department
Hugh Barrett, Jim Phippard - Representing Old Farm Golf Links
Boy Scouts Troop 4 and family members, present to observe a town board meeting:
Alex Maddocks, Chris Maddocks, Dan Sinkiewicz, Joe Meiman, George Meiman, Bob Sinkiewicz, Nick Girard, Ray Szarko, Deb Girard, Nancy Szarko, Sara Szarko

Audrey Frazier

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:04 PM.

Upon a motion made by Wayne and seconded by Hub, the minutes of the Public Session of September 25, 2003 were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Upon a motion made by Hub and seconded by Wayne, the minutes of the October 9, 2003 meeting were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  1. Angela Rapp - Nashua Regional Planning Commission - presentation of two projects for DES grants. Ms. Rapp was not present at the meeting. Pierce informed the group that he has been in touch with her regarding these grants. He explained that the NRPC is looking for support from local communities in that they are submitting two grant applications to DES: one being a Pennichuck Brook Watershed Water Quality Study and the other to fund a development work plan for the Pennichuck Watershed Council. Ms. Rapp was to present the projects and give rational as to why they are going after the grants and what the outcomes and benefits will be. Pierce mentioned that although very little of Milford is in the Pennichuck watershed, Milford does use Pennichuck water.

  2. Hugh Barrett, Jim Phippard - former Hayward Farm - presentation of site plan for 18-hole golf facility.
    Mr. Phippard, an engineer from Brickstone Masons, Inc. presented the site plan that is scheduled to go before the Planning Board on Nov. 18. He stated that the project is on the 123 acre former Hayward Farm on Elm St. The frontage along Elm St. is made up of existing commercial lots with two points of access for the proposed golf course. These are a house and barn, which will be removed in order to construct the main entrance to the golf course, and an area just west of and adjacent to Hayward Ice Cream stand where the maintenance building will be accessed. Public parking, a temporary (modular) clubhouse, and a maintenance building will be constructed. When the course is completed the temporary clubhouse will be replaced with a permanent one. Town water and sewer will be used for the clubhouse and maintenance buildings only, not for the course itself.

    The routing of the golf holes will require construction of seven bridges to cross wetlands. These bridge crossings are shown on the site plan. Tucker Brook is crossed in several locations. Wooden footbridges and supports are proposed. A minimum impact D&F application will be filed for these impacts.

    A 50 ft. buffer along the entire length of the Souhegan River is shown on the plan. There will be no cutting of trees in that area. In his presentation Mr. Phippard said, "We are proposing a 50 ft. buffer adjacent to the Souhegan River the entire length of the property where it fronts along the Souhegan River. The 50 ft. area will remain vegetated with woody vegetation, grasses. We're not proposing to cut or to mow or to regrade the terrain in those areas. Those we intend to leave in their natural state. As we construct the golf holes throughout the property we will be proposing to do significant regrading within the land area."

    Greens (2.1 acres) and tees (6 acres) will be mowed and watered daily. Fairways (26.8 acres) will be mowed on a "regular basis". The rough will be mowed once a week or less.

    As far as use of chemicals (pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers) is concerned, Mr. Phippard explained that a state license is required to purchase and use golf course chemicals. Pesticides and fungicides are used only as needed. Small patches of grass are tested periodically before any problems become widespread in order to keep usage to a minimum. Fertilizer will be used about 3 times per year, unless there is damage to a specific area. All storage, handling and mixing will be conducted in the maintenance building, under cover, on a concrete slab floor. The building and handling procedures will be inspected by the state at least once per year. Water used for cleaning of equipment will be filtered. A Best Management Plan for this golf course has been drafted and submitted to the Planning Board.

    Approximately 80 acres of ponds will be created on the course. One pond currently exists. The others will be dredged and the material will be used to elevate greens, tees, and the road to the clubhouse; also to regrade areas of the course. One pond will be used for a surface water irrigation system. Another pond will have a retaining wall constructed at one end. Storm water run-off will be sloped away from the pond in this area.

    In addition to the site plan review for the Planning Board, a Minimum Impact D&F application will be filed for the wetland impacts and a Site-Specific application will be filed with DES for erosion control. Mr. Phippard stated that they will also file a Federal Notice of Intent and that they will draft a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. He stated that this is different than a discharge permit and that they will not direct any run-off to the Souhegan River or Tucker Brook.

    Commission members conducted a site walk with Mr. Barrett on November 8, 2003. The site walk notes attached to and are a permanent part of these minutes.

    Pierce mentioned that some of the concerns expressed by the Commission about this project have been responded to; however a number remain. He asked how they propose to prevent the run-off from the fairway on the 18th hole from entering the pond that runs alongside it. Mr. Phippard explained that a swale would be constructed between the fairway and the pond, running the entire length of the fairway, which will serve as a collection and treatment area. Swales such as this will be constructed on other areas of the course where appropriate.

    Timing of fertilizer or pest control applications is taken into consideration to minimize any potential run-off of contaminants. Applications are not done when rain is predicted for both economic and environmental reasons. A heavy rainfall could cause a chemical to run-off the treated areas rendering the treatment ineffective. They want to keep the chemicals where they intend to treat. Watering of the greens, fairways and tees will likewise be adjusted to avoid any run-off. Soil profiles of different areas will be used to determine how often and how much to water.

    Pierce indicated that the ponds, being so large, would attract wildlife, particularly geese. A study by Maine Cooperative Extension showed that at least 25-foot buffers of high grass, dense vegetation are needed to discourage geese from entering the ponds. Geese in large numbers could present a real problem for water quality. He asked for a larger buffer, at least 25 ft. of a "non-disturbance", around the ponds to further allow water treatment before entering the ponds and to discourage geese which will use the ponds to drink and bathe, etc. Hugh stated that the areas near the ponds (the rough) would not be mowed, so that vegetation will naturally occur, increasing the buffer area. Mr. Phippard stated that they would try to accommodate the Commission's request for non-disturbance within 25 ft. of surface waters and that he would show the 25 foot non-disturbance buffer on the next version of the plan.

    Pierce asked what was driving the area of the ponds. The answer is that the area is flat. The material removed from the ponds is needed to elevate greens and tees and to create a rolling terrain.

    He asked what happens when the water table is low (i.e. August during a drought) to the ponds. He was told that the ponds are 20 ft deep. Water is drawn for irrigation by a floater on a pond with a large surface area; therefore less drop in the water level and less impact to ground water. In a worse case scenario they would request the town to allow them to use town water to water the greens only.

    Also questioned was the possibility of using monitoring wells as is required on their golf course in Keene. Mr. Phippard replied that the course in Keene is upstream of three large wells that supply water to the area and that the town has required the presence of and access to monitoring wells on the course. He stated that this course (Milford's) is downstream of the Savage Wall. They are currently talking with Hitchiner, independently of the town, about installing monitoring wells on the property so that the course does not interfere with the Savage Well clean-up process. Some monitoring wells exist currently on the property and there may be more installed. This issue has been discussed informally with the Planning Board. The plan presented does not show locations of any monitoring wells. Mr. Barrett said they would entertain an easement to allow town access to install monitoring wells and test the ground or surface waters 3-4 weeks after applications of fertilizer, fungicide or pesticide.

    Rod asked about the numbers of trees that will be planted. Most will be planted between fairways and not in the buffer areas.

    Rod asked that item C on page 7 include Tucker Brook. The words that are in bold below should be added:

    Page 7 Fertilizer BMP:
    (c) Do not apply fertilizers directly into River, Brook, Ponds and Drainage Area:
    ....Non-fertilization buffer strips around ponds will be 15 feet and 25 feet along the Souhegan River and Tucker Brook.

    Diane asked if there is a plan to address erosion along the Souhegan River and how many areas need to be addressed. She was answered that there are about 3 or 4 areas. Mr. Phippard responded that they are still working on it. He presented the Commission with a packet of information given to the state regarding a D&F application for riverbank stabilization that was filed in February of 2003. The packet documents riverbank stabilization using stumpage in Keene. It includes responses to letters from the Commission and the Souhegan River Local Advisory Committee regarding this application. Also included are aerial photographs of erosion progression between 1993 and 1998.

  1. Scenic Road Ordinance - Members were informed that Planning has received the suggestions that the Commission generated last month and is currently revising the ordinance.

  2. Souhegan River Trail - Diane informed the group that she is trying to get a hold of the person who was going to help with the bridge on fish hatchery land over Purgatory Brook that is in need of repair or replacement.

  3. GPS unit. - Diane informed the members that Hub had done some research and that a unit was purchased for the Commission. It was used on the Old Farms Golf Links (Barrett) site walk. The locations of pictures taken on the site walk were coordinated with points drawn on the topo map by the GPS software. Hub and Diane explained to the Boy Scouts present what a GPS unit is and what it does. Diane suggested that the Commission members get together and have a training session for use of this unit.

  4. Trail work at Tucker Brook - update. Diane explained to the Scouts that the New England Mountain Biking Association has been working on constructing new trails and switchbacks and on trail clean-up in Tucker Brook and Mayflower Town Forests. There was no new information to report for this meeting.

  5. Granite Town Rail-Trail - parking area at Talarico property. This project is on the PB agenda on November 18th. Both a lot line adjustment and a site plan for parking ( 4 cars) will be presented for approval. Diane showed members the plan that will be presented to the PB.

  6. Wallingford Estates - open space. Nothing new to report.

  7. Hampshire Hills - Hub asked about the status of the easement that was to be drafted on the two lots that were subdivided from the Hampshire Hills property. Interdepartmental review comments were submitted in September, 2003 regarding this project. Rita will check with planning to see if any wording has been drafted for this easement, and/or if they would like the Conservation Commission to work on it.

  1. Update Policy and Procedures manuals - handouts for members. Updates to the manuals were distributed to members. Remaining copies will be mailed to the members not present at the meeting. Included in the updates are the 2003 revision of the Wetlands Protection District, the Groundwater Protection District, and the Easement Violations section to be added to the Land Acquisition and Protection chapter.

  2. Souhegan River Trail - potential acquisition or utilization of land on M/L 13/3. Diane informed the group that between the realtor and the superfund site, there is a gravel area that DES would like to see used for the Souhegan River Trail. She suggests using it for parking and for access to the other side of the river. She mentioned that people working in the area walk across the bridge on North River Road to walk along the river on that side, during lunch breaks, etc. There is no pedestrian area on the bridge; maybe a cantilever walkway along the side could be added, which would provide access to the Souhegan River Trail. If anyone has any thoughts, suggestions or wants to stop by the area, they should let the office know.

  3. Conservation Plan - 5 yr. update for 2004. Diane informed members that the Conservation Plan is due for an update. She recommends that members take a look at what areas need to be updated and discuss this at the January meeting.

Jenn made a motion to go into non-public session at 8:40 to discuss land issues. Pierce seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Jenn made a motion to come out of non-public session at 9:07. Pierce seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. No motions or decisions were made and no votes were taken.

At that time the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Plans to be reviewed for the next Planning Board meeting were Old Farm Golf Links and the Granite Town Rail-Trail parking area at Talarico property. Both were discussed earlier in the meeting and are summarized above.

Site Plan for Old Farm Golf Links:
Saturday November 8, 2003
Attendees: Jenn Cote, Hub Seward, Pierce Rigrod, Chris Costantino, Hugh Barrett

From the e-mail from Pierce dated 11/10/03:

After walking with Hugh on Saturday, here are my impressions:
Hugh took a number of our previous comments into consideration; the ponds he's proposing will somehow be bermed with most of the stormwater going to smaller detention basins. Hugh seemed cognizant of the buffer distances around Tucker and Souhegan, 50 ft. and indicated that within the buffer he'd intended to mow and occasionally put down fertilizers (1-2 times per season).

We talked a bit about having a wider buffer around ponds to discourage geese (Hugh is giving 15 ft, he should give us at least 25-50 Ft), which will use the ponds to drink, feed and bathe, to have a greater distance of natural vegetation. Hugh pointed out most of the crossings and with the type of bridge he will employ is not looking at a lot of work in the buffer for installation.

Hugh was receptive toward working with us on the bridge… he wanted to look into liability and thought the cost would be high considering the distance of the span.

Hugh wasn't that receptive to a long-term conservation easement along the Souhegan (100 ft. buffer), his answer being that he could sell in 3 years and he didn't want that to be a sticking point.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.


Meeting Minutes of December 11, 2003

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Pierce Rigrod - Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Sharon Hannan, Jennifer Cote - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Wayne Hardy - Alternate Members
Rita Carroll

Hub Seward

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:05 PM.

Sharon made a motion to amend the minutes of the November 13, 2003 meeting by adding to line 57:
'In his presentation Mr. Phippard said, "We are proposing a 50 ft. buffer adjacent to the Souhegan River the entire length of the property where it fronts along the Souhegan River. The 50 ft. area will remain vegetated with woody vegetation, grasses. We're not proposing to cut or to mow or to regrade the terrain in those areas. Those we intend to leave in their natural state. As we construct the golf holes throughout the property we will be proposing to do significant regrading within the land area."'

Pierce seconded the motion to amend and the vote was unanimous in favor.

Wayne made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Sharon seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Matt Peterson, Keach-Nordstrom Associates - Map 5, Lot 3 - Trombly/Holcombe property on North River Road - Open Space Subdivision. Mr. Peterson was not present at this meeting. He had asked to be rescheduled for the January 2004 meeting.

  1. Old Farms Golf Links, Barrett - Diane informed the members that she drafted and sent a letter to the Planning Board, a copy of which Rita will e-mail to members. In the letter she expressed the concerns stated by members at two meetings and a site walk and also the research and suggestions submitted by Pierce. Diane told members that Lincoln had gone to Keene and learned that a large amount of detailed information regarding chemical use was required when the Barretts constructed a golf course there. Review by the Planning Board here has been tabled until January, because they would like the state applications (site specific and wetlands impact) completed first. A potential hang-up for this project could be the ability of the Barretts to assure that this project will not affect the Savage Well clean-up process.

  2. Souhegan River Trail -
    • Mason's parking, access for Souhegan River Trail - Hub sent an update to the office stating: "Formal handicap parking spots are premature before there is a paving plan. We need to ask for permission to reference the Mason's lot for access to the trail on the map we will produce. This is not available if a function is scheduled for the Mason's facility."
    • The section of trail near the sharp bend in Purgatory Brook on the Trombly property has been relocated to the top of the ridge.
    • Repair has begun on the sagging bridge on the Fish Hatchery Land.
    • Relocation of the parking area on the Fish Hatchery will be part of the long-range project of continuing the trail to Carnival Hill.

  3. Mayflower Hill Town Forest - encroachments along Shady Lane. Hub sent to the office a document showing violations, such as disposal of yard debris, construction of stonewalls and wood piles on town property. He suggested that the Commission decide what to do about the potential infractions. The suggestion was made to write a friendly letter reminding these and all abutters to town properties of what is and is not allowed on town lands. With winter coming it was decided to focus on reviewing and rewriting the town's Ordinance Governing Regulation of Conservation Lands to make it more positive and to update the properties referred to in it. Audrey and Wayne volunteered to look at the ordinance and come up with some wording changes. The ordinance will be placed on the March agenda.

  4. Granite Town Rail-Trail - parking area at Talarico property. Planning Board review of this project had been tabled until January. Two Planning Board members attended a site walk and were in favor of the project. One expressed a concern that the plan gives a greater frontage to the property and could potentially open the lot to further development. Diane informed him that the lot can only be accessed through the easement for the Rail-Trail and that the conditions of the easement specify that the drive is to remain for a single residence only.

  5. Scenic Road Ordinance - nothing to report.

  6. GPS unit. - Hub is now proficient at using the unit and will ask members at the next meeting if they would like to be trained in using it. A discussion about obtaining GIS software resulted in the agreement that there is a GIS committee for the town and the Commission should use whatever the town ends up using for GIS.

    There is interest in the Souhegan Valley Land Trust starting up again. It will be discussed at the ROST meeting that will be held in January. Chris will send Diane a list of the members of the SVLT and Diane will call a directors meeting. The idea was mentioned that a member of the SVLT could qualify to receive free GIS software that is distributed at the end of the GRANIT workshop. Chris would be willing to do the class in order to get the software. Another option discussed is the town purchasing the software.

  7. Trail work at Tucker Brook and Mayflower Hill Town Forests - The work at Tucker Brook is completed. There is nothing new to report.

  8. Wallingford Estates - open space ownership status. Nothing new to report.

  9. Hampshire Hills - open space easement. No language is shown on the plan and the Commission has asked if wording has been created for the easement and/or if Planning would like the Commission to work on it. The easement has changed somewhat. The original easement was agreed upon as part of the settlement for violations. However, in lieu of this easement a fine was paid by Hampshire Hills. On the two lots created on Ponemah Hill Rd., Hampshire Hills has agreed to grant 50 ft. buffer as opposed to 25 ft. on the wetlands. This easement area is the wording that the commission is looking for.

    Rod brought up the point that sometimes easements are agreed upon and perhaps even noted on a plan, but the deeds may never be obtained for the easement. Rita will send a memo to Planning suggesting that when easements are denoted on a plan there be a signed document in place before the plan is signed and recorded. Rod mentioned that the easement document should be drawn up quickly so that this does not hold up the process for the builder. The Commission has many sample easements in their files and would be able to draw one up easily. Some of these projects are very basic as for as the easements would be concerned.

  10. Conservation Plan - 5 yr. update for 2004. - Review and discussion of update of this document will be on the January agenda. - Members were asked to please read in advance,


  1. Granite Town Rail-Trail - potential land swap with Lot 52-14. Diane sent a memo to Kevin regarding a post and beam structure that is being constructed on Lot 52-14, partially on town owned land. She suggested in the memo that a lot line adjustment be made to move the lot line on 52-14 further east to accommodate the building and that in exchange the Commission obtain an access easement in the area of the old mill site for use along the Granite Town Rail-Trail. Kevin has brought the suggestion to the landowner who is considering the idea.

  2. Osgood Pond project - Diane informed the group that the pond is being dredged. As part of the match for the grant from the federal government, 30 acres is being protected with a permanent easement, including some prime wetlands in the Brox property. Some restoration will be done.

  3. Overall Open Space Plan For Town - Diane presented the group with an overlay on the town map upon which she and Chris C. had drawn existing and potential trails for the town. Also included on the overlay were destination areas (i.e. hill tops, scenic areas, Osgood Pond, marshes, other areas of value) and sites of planned subdivisions. The need exists for the group to identify and prioritize land for protection in terms of greenway connections, trail connections, and habitat protection. Two reasons exist for this need for prioritization. When a development of an area is proposed, the Commission should be aware and ready to request well designed open space. Additionally when asking for money to be put into the Land Fund the Commission should have plans for how that money will be used.

    Members were polled as to what they thought were the most important areas to work on. The suggestion was made to work on trails in the area near the swinging bridge down toward and around the Stellos-Whalen land (Kaley Park). The value of improving and building trails in these areas is that the area is more densely populated, therefore more easily accessed and used by more people. The work done by the Commission in these areas would be quite visible to residents in town.

    Members felt that it is important to keep the southwest corner of town as open as possible to maintain wildlife greenways.

    Completion of the Souhegan River Trail to Carnival Hill was also considered to be of high importance.

    Chris reported that a group of people would like to start a Community Supported Agriculture project in the area. They would like Chris to be part of this group that would develop a community farm on Holland Farm in Hitchiner Town Forest. Beaver Brook owns the land and needs to sell the buildings. The Commission holds an easement on the property. The land is good for pasturing, but not great for cultivating. They would work with Temple Wilton Community Farm who is interested in bringing some of their animals there to pasture. They currently lease some of the land. Most of the farm would be run by a farmer, however some of the land could be leased and gardened by individuals. This project would involve about 20 acres and is in the planning stages. Fund raising would have to be done for start-up, with the Commission being one possible source of a donation. This project is something members can think about in terms of prioritization and in terms of whether or not a financial contribution to the project is a function of the Commission.
  1. Zahn - M/L 2/28, 28-1 - minor subdivision:
    Commission's comments:
    No further comments.
  2. Perry Industrial Park M/L - 7/20- multi-unit warehousing.
    Commission's comments:
    Suggestions regarding locations of buildings and amount of parking made by the Commission in the past have been incorporated into the plan. The Commission feels that the plan presented shows the best use of the land.
    We recommend that the plan be approved only after the easement document has been drafted and agreed upon. The Commission is willing to work with the developer on the easement language.

  3. Granite State Boat Works, Inc. - M/L 15/15-1 - 60' x120' building and associated parking.
    Commission's comments:
    No snow removal and storage to wetland buffer.
    Containment for chemicals/oils/fuels of winterizing, storage, cleaning - What safeguards are there for spillage?

  4. Falcon Ridge - M/L 3/4,5,6 and 6/10,11,12 - open space subdivision plan.
    Commission's Comments:
    The reconfiguration necessitated by the requirement to shorten the dead end road had a detrimental effect on the open space design.
    The northwest corner was much better in the previous plan. There is room for those lots to move into the open spaces left along the road on the east side which serve no purpose.
    Trail easement throughout open space.
    Plan on one page.
    Remain ped/bike path comment from 9/20/03 memo.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, January 8, 2004 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll.

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