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1997 Minutes    January - February - March- April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December    Minutes 1997


Meeting Minutes of January 9, 1997

Robert Walsh, Chair; Diane Fitzpatrick, Vice Chair
Hub Seward, Rodney Dellafelice, Chris Costantino, members
John Biershenk, alternate, acting full
Judy Gross, alternate
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Diane Fitzpatrick and seconded by Rodney Dellafelice, the Minutes of the December 12, 1996 meeting were accepted as amended.
    The amendments were as follows:
    Item #3 Tucker Brook Town Forest: Third paragraph - the word "trail" was changed to "land".
    Item #8 Monson Village: end of first paragraph on Page 5, the Word "detention basins" was changed to "swales".


    Chris Costantino advised that there was nothing to report on this matter. She had not heard from Mr. Drew and therefore concluded the signs were not completed yet.


    The following reports were submitted by members:

    1. Nicholas Dadoly Conservation Land: John Bierschenk reported that the property lines were not marked and could not be located; it was his recommendation that these be marked. He also recommended that the property could be improved for public access by clearing walking paths and the marking of the boundaries. He found some erosion where the stream channels have cut down soils in the vicinity of the power lines.

    2. Buchholtz Conservation Land: Rodney Dellafelice reported he had reviewed this long narrow strip of land from McGettigan Road. He reported that the stone wall boundary can easily be seen from the road. At the farthest end of the property he found a dirt road and he needs to return to establish if this dirt road is on the town property or not. He suggested because of the isolated location of this land from any other conservation land that the parcel be periodically monitored for boundaries and any usage infractions. Because Judy Gross lives on McGettigan Road, it was decided that in future she will be responsible for this parcel.

    3. Hartshorn Pond and Land: Hub Seward reported this area could use some signs to identify it and its uses; the boundaries are not marked; the parking area is too large and the grassy area too small; the grassy area is also showing signs of vehicular use. He suggested that the Commission decide whether the area should be developed as a picnic area with some buffer to separate it from the highway or leave it as it is. He expressed the opinion that because of not being able to stock the pond with fish, it detracted from its enjoyable uses. He reported some canoe use of the pond but felt if this was to be encouraged, the pond should be dredged, but he felt that considerable thought should be given to this idea as it would be a costly one. He suggested that options to maintain the water in an unpolluted condition should be explored, though most of the watershed for this pond lies in the town of Mont Vernon.

    4. Hayward Commons Conservation Land: Chris Costantino reported that this property remains unchanged, maintaining its open and natural setting.

    5. Kasey Drive Conservation Easements: Rodney Dellafelice reported he had reviewed these two easements along Birch Brook from the cul-de-sac on Boulder Drive and admitted this was too far away to determine if all was in order in the easements which lie in two backyards. He plans to return for a better assessment once there is no snow cover.

    6. Meadowbrook Industrial Park Conservation Easement: In his review of this easement which runs from the Sullivan Conservation Land to Route 101, he found a fence across the easement and felt this should be discussed at a meeting as it might be a violation of the easement. Debris from Tucker Brook which this easement protects was noticeable and Rodney felt this should be cleaned up spring. He suggested that permission be obtained from the property owners for a trail to be constructed along Tucker Brook but if this is done, then a trail system on the Sullivan Land needs to be developed simultaneously. He recommended a site walk be done by members of the Commission in spring.

    7. Sunview II Conservation Land: Bob Walsh reported the boundaries of this property need to be marked; his conclusion was that the area does not appear to lend itself to recreational activities of any kind.

    8. Sullivan Land/Tucker Brook Town Forest: Bob Walsh reported that on the Sullivan parcel of this Town Forest, the boundaries need to be marked. This is part of the work currently requested of the N.E.F.F. when they do the remaining timbering of the town forest this winter). He reported the trail to be in good condition but a loop trail needs to be constructed.
      The trail(s) need to be blazed also. He suggested that the existing map of the Tucker Brook Town Forest be updated to include this parcel and perhaps the Conrey land as well. On the main section of the Town Forest, Bob reported the trails to be in good condition but clean up will be necessary in spring due to last December's storm. He reported increase in the use of the trails particularly in the northerly section. As to use of the land, Bob suggested that orienteering workshops be considered. He found a parking lot had been developed by the users of the land in the western portion of the Public Service right-of-way. He felt the trails map should be expanded to include public trails which connect to the Commission's trails. Bob reported boundary and trail blazes are in good condition.

    9. Prunier Conservation Easement: Chris Costantino reported that the conditions of this easement have been met by the property owner.

    10. West Hill Conservation Easements and Land: Chris Costantino reported that the work progressing in this development is clean and abides with the guidelines expressed in the conservation easements on the property. She reported that the depression on Lots 3-3 and 3-4 may require special care when the road is developed and she found on talking to the contractor that there are directions on the site plan which should protect this area. Chris reported the Blueberry Bog appears to be in good condition with no impact from the work progressing around it.

    11. Souhegan River Trail: Judy Gross reported that finding the driveway to the trail can be confusing for newcomers due to the fact that it is identified only by tall narrow posts. She found the trail itself in reasonable shape but there are downed trees from the December storm which will require chainsaw work. Her recommendations are that the trail entrance signage both off North River Road and at the actual trail head be improved. She will take it upon herself to clean up the debris from the storm, and will contact the Boy Scout volunteers to monitor their activities.

    Re trail clean-up: Lorraine reported she had been contacted by Carl Chappell who is now in the timbering business regarding timbering on town forests, and also assistance with trail clean ups in spring. He would not be volunteering to do this work, but felt that useful downed timber could be used to reduce the cost. The members responded to this by expressing concern as to how Carl would remove any timber from the trails as no skidders and such equipment would be permitted on the trail systems. They accepted his offer of services under advisement.

  4. 1997 BUDGET ETC:

    Lorraine advised the members that she had been in touch with Ralph Gasner of the Budget Committee, who is in charge of the Commission's budget, and was advised that the Committee would be reviewing the Commission budget on Monday, January 13 1997 at 7p.m., and not January 20 as was previously arranged. She had talked with Ralph and had prepared various documents for this meeting, which Ralph felt would be adequate. The meeting will take place in the Banquet Hall in the Town Hall. Lorraine also presented members with copies of the Financial Statement for 1996 which she had prepared for the Town Report. As of December 31 1996, the unexpended balance amounted to $1,372.99 and as soon as Lorraine receives a check from the Town for this amount it will be deposited into the Accumulative Fund. This paperwork, though it will be done in 1997, is part of the 1996 figures and is recorded as such. She advised the members that in spite of careful calculations regarding her hours for 1996, she had gone over by an amount of $1.79 which reduced the unexpended balance by that amount.
    Lorraine also presented the members with the figures for the fourth quarter expenses as of December 31 1996.

    re: Osgood Pond Dredging: Lorraine advised the members that the Selectmen have placed an article in the warrant to start a capital reserve fund for this project, in the amount of $25,000.00. Funding is also being requested for the development of the 5 acre Hazel Burns land abutting the Pond, for recreational uses. This parcel of land is the only available town land at the pond that could be used for the proposed dredging work, and she suggested that this matter be discussed with the Budget Committee at the meeting on Monday January 13 1997.


    Lorraine advised the members that this plan will be presented at the Planning Board's meeting on Tuesday January 21 1997 at 6.30p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room.


    Lorraine presented members with copies of this proposed deed, and requested them to read it, think about it, and make notes of any comments they might have. This deed is currently with Town Counsel for his review.


    The following items were presented to the members with the following decisions having been made:

    1. EPA/FLETCHER SITE CLEAN UP: There will be a meeting conducted by the EPA on this matter on Tuesday, January 14 1997 at 7p.m. in the Banquet Hall in the Town Hall. It is free and open to the public.
    2. Model Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Regulation workshop: The NH Assoc. of Conservation Districts' will be offering this program on the various regulations and how towns could benefit from augmenting the State regulations, will be held on Thursday, January 23 1997 at 5.30p.m. in the Extension Services' offices on Route 13 South. After a brief discussion, it was decided that Diane Fitzpatrick would attend, and Bob Walsh signed the payment request form for the $5.00 fee for her to attend.
    3. Open Space vs. Development Lecture: The Society for the Protection of NH Forests is holding a lecture in various locations around the State on this subject, for a charge of $5.00 per person. The closest locations to Milford are as follows:
      • Concord, Conservation Center: Thursday January 30 7p.m. - 9p.m.
      • Hollis, Beaver Brook Assoc.: Saturday, February 22 9a.m. to Noon
      • Bedford, Historic Town Hall: Saturday, March 29, 9a.m. to Noon.

    After a brief discussion, Rodney Dellafelice requested to attend the lecture in Hollis on February 22 1997. Bob Walsh signed the payment request form for the $5.00 fee for Rodney to attend, and Lorraine will take care of registering him. This lecture issue will be raised at the next meeting to see if any other members would be interested in attending the Hollis event or the one planned for Bedford.


    Jay Heavisides of Meridian Land Services Inc., met with the Commission to review the Dredge and Fill Permit application for development of the above lots. Mr. Heavisides explained that a previous Dredge and Fill Permit had been issued; some of the work on that permit had been done and some not. That permit is now expired and past the renewal period and he was therefore now applying for a new permit for the work proposed on the above lots. The original permit had also included a roadway crossing of wetlands off Lyndeborough Center Road, but this crossing now will not be done. It had proven too costly and it only accessed two lots. Jay did not know what the developer proposed to do with these two lots at this time. The new Dredge and Fill application has already been filed, and Lorraine had requested the 40 day time extension from the Wetlands Board. The current application involves a road Crossing of a stream close to North River Road with a wetland disturbance of 9,200 square feet. The buffer zone disturbance figure was not available at this time.

    Mr. Heavisides explained that three 48 inch culverts are proposed and the wetland disturbance includes the needed rip rap etc. The stream has a sharp bend in it at the point of crossing, and this will be eliminated with the stream bed being straightened, and the old bed filled in. The culverts will act as the new stream bed at this point. The lots involved in this work lie on either side of the proposed roadway. After a brief discussion, an on site inspection was scheduled for Saturday January 18 1997 at 7.30a.m., to meet at the site.


    Gerry Gagne of Meridian Land Services Inc. met with the Commission regarding various changes and calculations and additional in formation requested at the December 12, 1996 meeting regarding the proposed development of this subdivision.

    Mr. Gagne advised the members that the fire pond had been relocated so as to be as much out of the wetlands as was practically possible and still obtain the volume of water required by the Fire Chief. He explained that the area required for excavation is now out of the wetland and only 500 square feet of disturbance will result. In fact 7,500 square feet of new wetland will be created now by the fire pond. The original disturbance was 4,610 square feet.

    Regarding the access road which requires 28 feet of fill, he advised that four catch basins are now proposed at the base of the slope in order to eliminate as much as possible contamination of the wetland during road construction. The current plan is to remove these basins once construction is completed. The full capacity of these four basins are 144 cu.yards, 49 cu.yards., 30 cu.yards. and 150 cu.yards. They will be in use April through September. A biodegradable mesh will be used on the slopes of the roadway which consists of a 100% straw blanket encased in a mess. A 100% UV stablized erosion control turf will be laid at the toe of the slopes.

    From the Director of Public Works, Mr. Gagne had obtained information regarding the use of sand and salt on roadways in winter as follows: 400 lbs per mile for salt, 1200 - 1800 lbs of sand per mile and a mix of sand and salt in the ratio of 8:1. There will be a 24 foot wide pavement on the access road with 6 foot wide shoulders of gravel. This is usually only 4 feet but this roadway requires a guard rail and so has to be 6 feet wide. Mr. Gagne explained that an accumulative depth of sand over an entire season on this roadway would be about 3/16 inch on the shoulders.

    Mr. Gagne stated that he has tried to satisfy the concerns of the Commission as expressed in the past, and has done the best possible under the circumstances. He therefore was requesting the Commission to make a favorable recommendation to the Wetlands Board for the Dredge and Fill Permit to be issued. A lengthy discussion followed this request.

    In discussion of the proposed catch basins, the members were advised that Dufresne Henry Inc., the Town's engineers, would be on the site on almost a daily basis particularly during work in the wetlands to ensure that the wishes of the Town are carried out. They would ensure the basins are monitored and it would help if the Commission was to request Mr. Courage, Director of Public Works to particularly request Dufresne Henry Inc. to monitor these catch basins during construction of the roadway. Mr. Gagne advised that these basins could be left in place once construction was completed or they could be removed. To construct them would require considerable additional tree removal to that that would be required without them.

    After discussion, the members made the decision that these basins be left in place, that they be stabilized and planted and left to eventually fill in with earth naturally. In answer to another question, Mr. Gagne stated there would be no curbing on the sides of this roadway.
    In summary of the wetland impact, Mr. Gagne gave the following information:
    10,650 sq.ft. of wetland disturbance was originally planned; now the figure has been reduced to 6,520 sq.ft. Originally there were to be 18,700 sq.ft. of buffer zone disturbance; now there is to be 21,290 sq.ft. mainly because of the four catch basins which would fall into the buffer zone.

    A member of the audience questioned what criteria the Commission uses in making a recommendation to the Wetlands Board, to which Bob Walsh replied that if the Commission feels the impact has been reduced to the least possible amount, it would"recommend a permit be issued. In answer to another question from an abutter, Mr. Gagne advised that no run off from the slope of the roadway would go onto abutting properties, because of the ditch proposed on either side of the road which would channel the run off into the wetland. Regarding upkeep of the embankment of the roadway, Mr. Gagne explained that there is a 50 foot right of way for this road with maintenance easements to allow access. The Town wanted the ability to be able to maintain the embankment in order to be able to maintain the roadway intact, once it has accepted this roadway as a town road. The easements will be given to the Town so that maintenance work can be done.

    A member of the audience expressed concerns regarding the view from two abutting existing houses to this roadway, which would be a 28 foot high wall of earth and questioned if this had been given any consideration. Bob Walsh responded by stating he had concerns about this too, but it was not within the jurisdiction of the Commission. He added that the concerns of the Commission regarding wetland impact had been addressed.

    Bob Walsh asked the various members for their opinions. The response was as follows: John Bierschenk wished to have time to review the lengthy report Meridian had prepared in response to the requests of the December meeting and also felt that Dufresne Henry should have an opportunity to review the report. Rodney Dellafelice and Hub Seward expressed concerns regarding the catch basins - would they be acceptable to the Department of Public Works, and should they be removed or left in place to fill in with time.

    One of the abutters expressed concerns regarding the possibility of a fire with only one access road. She had copies of paper work from the State which made reference to two roads in the development. Mr. Gagne explained that there are two roadways, with different names within the subdivision hence the reference to two roads. However, there is only one point of access from Federal Hill Road.

    John Bierschenk again raised the issue that the latest report had not been reviewed by Dufresne Henry, to which Mr. Gagne responded that they were satisfied with the original report and calculations and the new report now goes beyond that point of satisfaction. It was pointed out that the EPA is still reviewing the site. Diane Fitzpatrick expressed the opinion that the Commission has done every thing it could do to reduce the impact on the wetlands and it was not in a position to stop the development.

    Hub Seward expressed the opinion that one of the concerns of the abutters is the long embankment to the roadway and the visual impact this will have on the surrounding homes already existing, but added that this was something that was beyond the control of the Commission. He advised the abutters that the Commission's only jurisdiction was over the narrow wetland at the bottom of the slope over which the road will pass and the runoff from the roadway itself. He added that he would not appreciate a 28 foot high embankment in his yard, but if the impact on the wetlands has been minimized the Commission has to accept it.

    Chris Costantino put forward the idea of planting trees on the slopes of the roadway, but Mr. Gagne expressed the opinion that it was unlikely a 2:1 slope could support a tree as there would most likely be insufficient water for it.

    In response to Bob Walsh's question - do we want to vote now or wait till next month and allow members time to review the latest report - he received four requests to vote now and two to wait. He called for a motion.
    Before the motion was made, Rodney Dellafelice raised the issue of the basins again questioning the members if they should be left in or removed.
    Mr. Gagne responded by stating that this subdivision still has a long way to go through the approval process and there would be time available then for Mr. Courage to give his opinion regarding any impact their existence may have on his department. Mr. Gagne added that should the Commission wish the Department of Public Works to review the basins idea, it could be requested during the Planning Board process. Bob Walsh responded to this by reiterating the Commission's desire that the basins be left alone, that no maintenance be done on them, and that they be allowed to fill in in time in a natural fashion.

    Rodney Dellafelice then put a motion on the floor, seconded by Hub Seward and voted in the affirmative to accept the plan as presented with the four catch basins at the access roadway, that they be cleaned out by the contractor at the end of construction, but thereafter be left alone to fill in naturally provided the department of Public Works does not end up in the position of having to clean them out after the end of construction, that the basins after the final clean out by the contractor, be returned to the original contours and then stablized, and that the recommendation to forwarded to the Wetlands Board to issue the Dredge and Fill Permit as per the report and plans dated December 18 1997** and as discussed and reviewed at this meeting.
    Though the vote was in the affirmative, members expressed the opinion that it was a reluctant response in the positive. Mr. Gagne added that the Army Corps of Engineers were also concerned with the esthetic and historical value/impact of the proposed development.


    Gerry Gagne of Meridian Land Services and Mr. and Mrs. Currier met with the Commission to present very preliminary plans for a storage facility at this location which involved wetlands. Mr. Gagne stated at this point in time few details were available and no plans had been drawn up other than the preliminary plan presented at this meeting, and the objective was to obtain the Commission's opinion and concerns before going any further with the project. There is an access road through the property, with most of the storage units being planned on the right side of the road. This area is a treeless meadow with wetland soils running through the center parallel with Route 13 North but do not hold standing water. This wetland would be totally destroyed as would be filled and the storage units constructed over it. On the left of the access roadway crossing the property is a wooded wetland which has water in it. Part of this would be filled and a smaller storage facility built there. He asked for the opinion of the Commission as to the proposed disturbance of the wetlands on site.
    Diane Fitzpatrick expressed concerns regarding the impact the proposed building on the left would have on those wetlands with the wetland on the right having been destroyed.
    Mr. Gagne explained that work will have to be done around the buildings on the right because of the wetland being filled in, and also he felt sure the State Department of Transportation would have an interest in how the runoff from Route 13 would be handled once the site is developed. The issue of mitigation was raised which lead to the request that the proposed building on the left be eliminated from the plans, and that this area be cleaned up to make a functional wetland adjacent to the wooded wetland which is not to be disturbed during construction of the facility on the right of the road crossing the property.
    In questioning the property owner, it was learned that though some motor vehicles may be stored at the facility, no work of any kind on those vehicles is permitted at the facility. Mr. Currier owns other storage facilities in Milford and this is one of the rules enforced there. Also, the driveways needed to access the storage units will be gravel and not hot top, and no salt will be used, only sand as needed.
    Mr. Gagne stated he would take the concerns of the Commission regarding the wetlands and incorporate them into final plans for the site.

    It now being 10.20p.m., the Chairman made the decision not to address the remaining items on the agenda, namely the review of protocol and policies of the Commission and the information regarding the conservation easement proposed by Peter Leishman. Because the review of policies and protocol had been on the agenda for several months and still had not received attention, he requested that for the next meeting this item be placed first on the agenda, and that appoints should commence no earlier than 9p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 10.30p.m.

The next meeting of the Commission will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, February 13 1997 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room.

The report submitted at this meeting, Erosion Soil Loss Report was dated December 18 1996, and the plans carried a notation "Per MCC Meeting of December 12 1996".


Meeting Minutes of February 13, 1997

Robert Walsh, Chairman, Diane Fitzpatrick, Vice Chairman
Rodney Dellafelice, Chris Costantino, full members
Judy Gross, Acting full member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

    On motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Diane Fitzpatrick the Minutes of the January 9, 1997 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. Work Session: Various issues were discussed as follows:

    1. Review of 1992 Meeting Protocol and Policies:
      Chapter 1 Page 4 from the Member Information Binder: On this list, items 1, 2 and 3 remained unchanged. Item 4 - Education - was altered to read "All members are strongly encouraged to attend the annual meeting of the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions". Item 5 - Informational Meetings - was altered to read: "If any member is assigned to attend an outside meeting on behalf of the Commission, that member shall submit a report in writing on that meeting within forty-five (45) days of said meeting.

    2. Appointment Scheduling:
      Considerable discussion took place in this regard including having available in the Town Hall forms for those wishing to meet with the Commission to complete. It was decided that it would be more efficient if those wishing an appointment called the Conservation Assistant. This would avoid duplicating appointments. Should the Conservation Assistant be unavailable an answering machine would be in service, and for such issues as vacation, the message would provide the caller with another phone number where such assistance could be obtained.

    3. Non-agenda issues involving abutters:
      Various aspects of discussing or receiving information on issues not on the posted agenda which involve abutters was discussed at length, including a cut-off time and date for those seeking appointments. Rodney Dellafelice put a motion on the floor, seconded by Judy and voted three in favor, two against, that appointments will be given until 11.30a.m. on the Monday preceding the 7.30p.m. Thursday meeting.
      Rodney gave his reasoning for this time period, namely 80 hours, as being the time period the Commission decided upon when it developed its policy for handling expedited dredge and fill applications in January 1995. It was also felt that if, for example, an engineer wished to present a case to the Commission and was too late for a scheduled appointment, he could present his case under "Press and Public" at the end of the meeting. It was felt that this was not likely to be accepted by the engineer and therefore he would be more prepared to be given a specific appointment at the next scheduled meeting.

    4. Dredge and Fill Checklist:
      Lorraine explained that this checklist was developed several years ago with the object of having it completed by the permit applicant. However, the Commission seldom had this done and on the few occasions when it was completed, it was not used in any manner. She questioned the members if they wished to retain this Checklist. After a review of the Checklist it was decided it should be retained in the Information Binders but to be used solely by the members if they so wished, when making on-site inspections.

    5. Inspections of on-going Dredge and Fill Operations:
      Discussion took place regarding the value and possibility of the members doing inspections of these operations. It was pointed out that in the larger projects the Planning Board often requires an independent engineer to be present, and the Building Inspector was also frequently at these projects. For the private land owner who is doing the work himself, it was felt that there might be a need to check into the site once in a while, but such applications from single individuals are rare and would not present much of a problem to monitor. It was decided because of the time involved in this idea, that spot checks would be done by the members as much as possible, with additional assistance/checking being done when a single individual is involved.

    6. Arrive late/leave early/meeting attendance record:
      Lorraine questioned the members as to whether or not the name of a member should be on the attendance list if he arrived late or left early and should he sign the minutes. It was decided after discussion to leave matters as they are now, i.e. the name will be included on the list regardless of time of arrival or departure, and it would be up to the member involved whether he wished to sign the Minutes or not.

    7. Recommending issuance of Dredge and Fill Permits based upon impact reduction: and

    8. Consideration of aesthetic impact on general public:

      Items g. and h. were discussed simultaneously as follows:

      Lorraine asked the members to give consideration to Item g. because she had a concern that because wetland impact was reduced as much as possible, this should serve as recommendation that the Permit be issued; she also requested the members give consideration to Item h. which applies to the Wetland Bureau's Code of Rules # Wt. 302.04. From this it appears that the Bureau does give consideration to the aesthetics when issuing a permit. Considerable discussion took place with the outcome being that mitigation should be given more consideration, each case being reviewed on its own merits. Regarding the aesthetics, Diane questioned just how the Bureau uses this and what criteria it uses. Lorraine suggested that she discuss the matter with Dr. Ken Kettenring at the Bureau. Judy Gross put forward the idea that the Commission should have a mission statement with regard to how it reviews wetland impact. With this suggestion on the table, Bob Walsh asked each member to give it serious thought and prepare a draft of a statement of mission. These will then be discussed at a future meeting, and a final statement will be included in the Conservation Plan when it is revised next year.

    9. Reading File in Black Cabinet:
      After a brief discussion, it was decided that this reading file should be maintained by the conservation assistant as she has done in the past.

  3. ML Reality/West Hill/Dredge and Fill: MAP 4 LOTS 3-2, 3-3  MAP 7 LOT 35:
    Jay Heavisides of Meridian Land Services Inc. met with the Commission to discuss the proposed wetland impact on the proposed Cortland Road. The members had made an on site inspection on January 18 1997.Mr. Heavisides explained that three 48 inch culverts are proposed with the resultant elimination of the ox-bow in the stream at this point. The wetland impact totals 9,200 square feet. No information was available on the buffer zone impact, but Mr. Heavisides explained that this remained unchanged from the original application. The Board of Adjustment has already granted a special exception for this project. Chris Costantino suggested another access to this subdivision in order to avoid this crossing in total, but Mr. Heavisides responded by stating that the subdivision was an already approved one. He added that the developer had, in the beginning, donated considerable land for conservation purposes and conservation easements throughout this subdivision. Diane Fitzpatrick commented that the Commission appreciates the efforts that have already been made to avoid or lessen wetland impact, including the kettle hole further along Cortland Road, where the roadway has been inclined in such a fashion that all runoff will go in the opposite direction to the kettle hole.

    After discussion, Diane Fitzpatrick put a motion on the floor, seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted two to one, that the Dredge and Fill application be approved. Chris Costantino voted against the motion.

  4. TOWN OF MILFORD/Dredge and Fill: MAP 42 LOTS 46 & 47/GREAT BROOK:
    The Commission received a copy of the application to the Wetlands Bureau in the matter of wetland impact to Great Brook as it leaves Osgood Pond for the purpose of installing a new water main. Diane Fitzpatrick, Chris Costantino and Lorraine Carson had made an on site inspection together with Robert Courage, Director of Public Works, on February 4 1997. Diane advised the members that there is currently a 6 inch main up Osgood Road which is old and causing problems, together with the fact that a larger main is required for improved service to the area. A 12 inch main is required. She explained that currently the water main runs on the pond side of Osgood Road, but will be relocated onto the opposite side of Osgood Road which will mean having to lay the piping under Great Brook. The pipe will be laid beneath the bed of the brook and Mr. Courage felt that the disturbance to the brook would be no longer than 2 days. He plans to lower Osgood Pond slightly before the crossing work begins so that the stream will be at the lowest possible stager. The work is planned for around June 1997. After a brief discussion Diane Fitzpatrick put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted in the affirmative to recommend issuance of the Dredge and Fill permit.

  5. Joan Setaro, Dredge and Fill: MAP 43 LOT 3-2/Union Street:
    Phil Tuomala of Monadnock Survey Inc. met with the members to present the above application for a driveway crossing. He explained that Lot 3 is an 11 acre parcel that is being subdivided with a 2 acre lot in the rear. To reach this lot, a wetland has to be crossed by the driveway. The wetland is quite overgrown for much of the area. A 24 inch culvert about 30 feet long is proposed in order to cope with a 50 year storm. There will be 2,225 square feet of wetland disturbance and 4,050 square feet of buffer zone impact. He stated that the buffer zone impact is high because the driveway has to curve around a knoll. The wetland consists of an intermittent stream not well defined. In answer to a question as to where the water in the culvert will lead, Mr. Tuomala explained that many years ago an underground drainage system was put in in this area, which leads onto the abutting property, under the garage on that lot and ends in a low area further down Union Street. He added that the abutter, Roy Taylor has no problems with the proposed work on the Setaro lot. The driveway proposed will be gravel for the time being and there will be 1 1/2 to 2 feet of fill on top of the culvert. No special treatment of the driveway slopes are proposed at this time. The members requested an on site inspection which was arranged for Monday February 17 1997 to meet at 3p.m. at the site. Diane Fitzpatrick and Lorraine Carson will attend, as will Chris Costantino if she is able.

  6. Bad Weather Maintenance Policy:
    Lorraine advised the members that some time ago, she had come across a recommendation from the attorney for the New Hampshire Municipal Association that conservation commissions should have a written policy on maintenance of trails, even if that policy was "no maintenance at all". She found that the Town had a written "Winter Maintenance - Snow Removal and Ice Control Policy" already in effect. She wrote to the Board of Selectmen with the request that that Policy have an addendum added to it as follows:

    "Conservation Lands and Conservation Easements: The Town of Milford undertakes no maintenance of any kind whatsoever, including snow removal, of any parking areas that specifically serve trail systems on any conservation lands or conservation easements, nor does it undertake any maintenance of any trail systems on any of these lands during winter and during any other kind of inclement weather".

    The Board of Selectmen adopted this addendum on January 20 1997. Lorraine will prepare this addendum so as to be a part of the Members Information Binders.

  7. 1997 Summer Conservation Camp:
    Lorraine advised the members that the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests will not be holding this camp this year. The reason quoted was that the Society finds most commissions have difficulty in finding students interested in attending, and it decided it would not hold a camp in 1997 but would rather review its interest and involvement in these camps in total.

    Robert Walsh presented the members with a request from the Fifth Grade Environmental Fund Raising Committee requesting support from the Commission for students to attend the Stone Environmental Camp. The cost per student is $150.00. The members discussed this briefly, including a possible cut in the 1997 appropriation from the Town. Chris Costantino then put a motion on the floor, seconded by Diane Fitzpatrick and voted in the affirmative to support the 5th graders in the amount of $300.00, said amount to be withdrawn from the Accumulative Fund. Lorraine will take care of the paperwork involved in this.

  8. Wetland Inventory/UNH Students:
    Lorraine advised the members that she had been contacted by Dr. Paul Johnson of UNH and advised that this project had been accepted by the University. The project is planned to be done by CEOP students with the work beginning in spring and continuing throughout the summer months. If for any reason, the CEOP students cannot perform the work, then the project will be done by senior students in 1998, but Dr. Johnson felt the project was most likely to be done by the CEOP students which group will be in touch with Lorraine when they are ready to begin the work.

  9. Signs for Town Forest:
    Chris Costantino stated she had not heard anything further from Tom Drew in this regard and would be in touch with him before the next meeting.

  10. Open Space vs. Developement Lecture:
    Rodney Dellafelice was reminded that he is scheduled to attend this lecture on February 22, 1997 from 9a.m. to noon at Beaver Brook Association in Hollis. No decision was made as to any member attending the March 29 lecture in Bedford.

Because of the lateness of the hour and the many items remaining on the agenda the members made the decision to adjourn this meeting at 10:15 p.m., and to meet again at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 1997 in the Town Hall. Lorraine will make arrangements for a meeting location but at this time, the location was unknown.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

The next regular meeting of the Commission will be at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday March 13, 1997 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of March 13, 1997

Robert Walsh, Chairman, Diane Fitzpatrick, Vice Chairman
Hub Seward, Rodney Dellafelice, Chris Costantino, full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: Upon motion made by Rodney Dellafelice and seconded by Diane Fitzpatrick, the Minutes of the February 13, 1997 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. MEMBERSHIP/CAROL WHITSON: Lorraine advised the members that per the request the last meeting, she had been in touch with Carol Whitson regarding her alternate membership in the Commission. Carol advised Lorraine that because of her personal situation at the present time and for the next few years, she would not be able to attend meetings, and therefore offered her resignation effective immediately. Carol offered whatever help she could but it would be limited by her lack of time. Lorraine will advise the Selectmen of her resignation.

  3. OPEN SPACE LECTURE: Lorraine reminded the members that the next lecture on this subject is scheduled for Bedford Town Hall on Saturday March 29, 1997 from 9am to noon. Nobody was interested in attending.

  4. BEAVER BROOK ASSOCIATION MEETING: No member had attended this meeting on March 5, 1997; there was therefore nothing to report.

  5. TOWN FOREST SIGNS: Chris Costantino reported that Tom Drew has started work on the signs by preparing the boards, but had not yet begun work on the lettering. He was however, hoping to begin within the next day or two. The members briefly discussed how to erect the signs wood or metal posts but made no decision at this time.

  6. NHACC ANNUAL DUES: Lorraine advised the members that the annual dues were due April 1, 1997 in the amount of $371.00 which figure is based on the total population of the Town. Upon motion made by Hub Seward and seconded by Chris Costantino, it was voted unanimously to pay the dues in the amount of $371.00.

  7. MONSON VILLAGE/ACE PUBLIC HEARING- Public Notice had been received from the Army Corps of Engineers regarding their desire to receive public input on the proposed Monson Village development off Federal Hill Road. Comments would be accepted until April 4, 1997. Diane Fitzpatrick had prepared two letters on this matter for the Commission's consideration, one to David Kelley, Chief, Permits Branch, Regulatory Division, and one to Mark Mirabella, his assistant. Her letters expressed the support of the Commission to the efforts of the "Save Monson Center Association", expressed concerns regarding the potential erosion on the entrance road, support for consideration to be given to the historical value of the location, and the fact that the aesthetics of the access road off Federal Hill Road would be a major detriment to the area. The members agreed with her comments and all members present, except for Rodney Dellafelice, signed the letters. Lorraine advised that she had sent a copy of the notice to Geri Dickerman so that her organization could also respond.

  8. LIBRARY HOME PAGE: A member of the staff of the Wadleigh Library met briefly with the Commission regarding the Library's desire to add information to the Home Page on the Library's computer system for use by the general public. Trail maps, for one item, will be put into the Computer, and Diane Fitzpatrick will work with the Library in order to add additional issues of conservation interest to the system.

  9. EARTH DAY: Chris Costantino advised that Earth Day is scheduled for April 20, 1997, a Sunday. She had been in touch with Joanne Turner, and had made tentative plans to hold a similar event as last year along the Souhegan River Trail, to begin at l p.m. and end at 3 p.m. Chris will prepare demonstrations on soil for the event as well as using some of the demonstrations she did last year which had been popular. She stated Joanne Turner would be present for the event this year. Beaver Brook Association does not plan to do anything on the Burns property for 1997 Earth Day. She added that Celeste Barr will also be making plans for events along the Trail this year. She plans to advertise the event in advance, and asked any other members of the Commission who would be available that day, to be present and assist.

  10. NEW HAMPSHIRE TRAIL DAY: Chris also advised that this Day is scheduled for Saturday, July 19 1997. Beaver Brook Association will be holding events at the Burns property and Chris felt that the Commission should organize something for the abutting Hitchiner Town Forest. Cutting of the fields was discussed with Diane Fitzpatrick stating that this should be done in July each year. In order to maintain a trail through the field to the Burns property and some measure of control over the Poison Ivy, the trail should be mowed on a regular two week basis. Chris suggested spraying the north end of the field with Round Up in order to kill the poison ivy for the Trail Day events. It was stated that by May the Commission should have final plans in place for this Trail Day, and Diane Fitzpatrick and Chris Costantino will work on this together and report to the Commission. (In later discussions with Dan Tremblay, an abutter to the Tucker Brook Town Forest and a certified arborist, Mr. Tremblay advised the members that to spray public lands with Round-Up, the work would have to be done by a licensed applicator, and he offered his services, he being such an applicator. He provided Chris with the phone number of the NH Pesticide Control Board in Concord so that she could contact them for any additional advise they may be able to give regarding the poison ivy at the Hitchiner Town Forest).

  11. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST TIMBERING/DAN TREMBLAY: Mr. Tremblay, a resident of Clark Road and abutting the area of the Town Forest where the recent timber harvest took place, met with the Commission with the desire to restrict timbering within 50 feet of his property line and not to have cut trees within a particular area of the Town Forest which he appreciated. He admitted the cutting had already been done. He had had several conversations with Lorraine during the timbering as well as with Dan Reed of New England Forestry Foundation. In the process, as compensation for the trees that needed to be cut and which were to realize the most amount of profit, Dan Reed had agreed to let Mr. Tremblay have a couple of pine trees for fire wood.
    Mr. Tremblay went on to offer his volunteer services to assist with any work the Commission has in mind regarding cleaning up trails etc. particularly in the Tucker Brook Town Forest. He offered chain saws and stated he also had a chipper should it be needed. He expressed concerns in the matter of timber harvesting and trails to which Bob Walsh responded by advising that timbering usually avoid the areas of the trails and that if this is not possible, then the resultant debris is cleaned up as soon as possible to render the trail usable again.
    Mr. Tremblay raised the issue of notification to abutters of pending timber harvests. Lorraine responded by stating that in this particular case the Commission did not know when the timbering would take place and neither did Dan Reed until the last moment. At times it was thought that the work might not be done until next winter. However, he called Lorraine one Sunday night at 9 p.m. to advise her the work would begin at 7 am the following morning. This left no time for the planned abutter notification. In further discussion of this matter, Bob Walsh put forward the idea that in future as soon as plans are developed for a timbering, even if it is not planned until a year hence, that abutters be advised immediately. This would give ample time for them to respond and any concerns addressed.
    Another abutter of the Town Forest who lives adjacent to the recent house lot on Mason Road which was added to the Town Forest and which provided the access for the current timber harvest, met with the Commission to express concerns regarding the fact that the timbering had opened up a roadway into the woods, which he felt would invite four wheel vehicles etc. which could do harm to the area. He wished something to be done to the entrance of this roadway once the work of timbering is completed in order to make it look as though it is not an access. The members decided to review the area and see what could be done. This is scheduled for Sunday March 23, 1997 to meet at the site on Mason Road at 10 am. Bob Walsh, Diane Fitzpatrick and Rodney Dellafelice plan to attend. Mr. Tremblay again raised the issue of his willingness to take part in any proposed activities on the Town Forest such as trail work, and it was decided that when work was to be done, either Bob or Rodney would contact him. His phone number is 673-1513.

  12. HAMPSHIRE HILLS/WETLAND IMPACT/WETLAND VIOLATION: With very preliminary plans, Gerry Gagne of Meridian Land Services and Rick Holder of Hampshire Hills, met with the Commission to present proposed expansion of the facility which would result in wetland impact. It was also stated that wetland violations had taken place recently in that trees and stumps had been removed from a wetland area. This matter had been discovered by Kevin Lynch, Building Inspector, and had been reported to the Wetlands Bureau on December 3, 1996. Inspite of phone calls, Mr. Lynch was still awaiting a response from that Bureau on this matter. Mr. Gagne addressed the members and advised that the entire parcel owned by Hampshire Hills amounts to 103 acres. It lies within two zones one being Residence R and one being Residence A districts. Of the total acreage, 77 acres are dry and 26.3 acres are wetland. A 148,000 square foot building is proposed together with 212 new parking spaces.
    Mr. Gagne stated that trees to the rear of the proposed new building have already been removed, together with some stumps which has resulted in disturbance of the wetland. It was stated that the work had been done by Carl Chappell. The total disturbed wetland amounts to 1.8 acres. The stumps removed are now located elsewhere on the property, being stored above ground. This tree removal was done in the fall of 1996. Mr. Holder stated he now wished to clean up the mess made in the wetland and reseed. It was also stated that water will be drawn from the pond on site for the watering of the new ball fields proposed. This is currently being done anyway, but for a smaller overall area of ball fields. Bob Walsh stated that the objective of the Commission would be to minimize the wetland impact as much as possible, and he also expressed concerns at the increased amount of water proposed to be withdrawn from the pond. Mr. Holder stated that he had plans to develop a walkway around the pond and that this would be designed and constructed by professionals. The members decided to arrange for an on site inspection but only once the snow has completely gone. At that on site inspections will be made of the proposed wetland impact as well as a review of the pond and areas that have suffered severe wetland impact in past years when Barretto Granite owned the property. This on site inspection is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 1997 to meet in the lobby of Hampshire Hills at 8 am.

  13. HENRY GIBBONS/MAP 10 LOT /DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION: Henry Gibbons, owner and David O'Hara, engineer, met with the Commission regarding a driveway crossing over wetlands off McGettigan Road to reach property across the town line in Wilton. Mr. O'Hara explained that there are two streams that have to be crossed in order to reach the lot in question in Wilton. The one closest to McGettigan Road is a perennial stream and a 36 inch culvert is proposed for this crossing. The second crossing is an intermittent stream where a 15 inch culvert is proposed. The slopes are to be loamed and seeded once the work is completed. The Dredge and Fill application is an expedited application with less than 3,000 square feet of dredge and fill proposed. After a brief discussion, it was arranged that an on site inspection will be done at 10 am. on Wednesday March 26 1997 by Diane Fitzpatrick, Chris Costantino and Lorraine Carson. The applicant is scheduled to return to the Commission at 8 pm. on Thursday, April 10, 1997, which is the next scheduled meeting of the Commission.

  14. AMHERST CONSERVATION COMMISSION MEETING: Diane Fitzpatrick announced that this Commission would be holding a meeting at 7:30 pm on Monday April 7, 1997 in the Amherst Library "to review the Concord scene". Marjory Swope of the NHACC will be present. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to advise Bruce Beckley of the Amherst Commission at 673-5075.

  15. NEW CHAIRMAN: Bob Walsh announced that he did not wish to remain on as chairman for the coming year. He stated that whereas he had been under the impression his work load would be lighter this year and allow him time to be a good chairman, that has not been the case, with the result he feels he has not been able to do the efficient job as chairman which he had hoped. He does not see a lightening of his work load, and asked other members to give consideration to taking over this position. He suggested that it be an individual who is around in Milford most of the time because there are many times when the chairman would be more effective were he available in Milford during the day time. A new chairman will be chosen at the April meeting.

  16. CHRISTOPHER GUIDA/PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBER: Chris Guida had contacted Lorraine earlier in the week and expressed an interest in being a member of the Commission. She suggested he attend a meeting as this would give him a reasonable idea of what Membership would involve and the kinds of issues in which the Commission is involved. He attended this meeting and then met with the members to discuss the matter further. Because of Chris's qualifications as an environmentalist and his willingness to be involved in the activities of the Commission, the members felt he had a lot to contribute and it was decided to request the Selectmen to appoint Chris as a full member of the Commission. Lorraine will take care of this and will get together with Chris regarding the Information Binder etc. etc. The members asked Chris if he would join them in the Hampshire Hills on site inspection scheduled for April 5 1997 because it was felt his expertise would be of considerable use in reviewing this site which has many wetland violations over the years.

  17. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING: Bob Walsh requested that time be set aside at the April meeting for consideration of the work to be done this spring on the various town lands, ideas for the Master Plan and the updating of the Conservation Plan and finalizing the access road to Tucker Brook Town Forest off Whitten Road.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

The next schedule of meetings and on-site inspections are as follows:

March 23, 1997: on-site on Mason Road/Tucker Brook Town Forest
March 26, 1997: on-site on McGettigan Road/Gibbons Dredge and Fill
April 5, 1997: on-site inspection at Hampshire Hills
April 20, 1997: Earth Day at Souhegan River Trail
July 19, 1997: New Hampshire Trail Day at Hitchiner Town Forest.

The next scheduled meeting of the Commission will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday April 10, 1997 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room.


Meeting Minutes of April 10, 1997

Robert Walsh, Chairman, Diane Fitzpatrick, Vice Chairman
Hub Seward, Chris Costantino, Rodney Dellafelice, Chris Guida, full members
Judy Gross, Alternate Acting Full Member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Diane Fitzpatrick and seconded by Chris Costantino, the Minutes of the March 13, 1997 Meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. MEMBERSHIPS: Various issues were acted upon as follows:

    1. Chris Guida: Chairman Walsh welcomed Chris as a new full member of the Commission.
    2. Mark Tuniewicz: Bob Walsh advised the members that Mark had resigned from the Commission as he would be moving to Nashua. Lorraine had advised the Selectmen of Mark's resignation.
    3. Terms of Office: Bob Walsh's term of office expires now, and he agreed to serving for another three years, that is until March 2000; Chris Costantino's term of office also expires now, and she agreed to serving another three year term, to March 2000. Lorraine will request the Board of Selectmen to reappoint these two members as above.
    4. New Chairman: Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Judy Gross to appoint Diane Fitzpatrick as the new chairman due to the fact that Bob Walsh no longer wished to serve in this capacity.
    5. Vice Chairman: Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Judy gross to appoint Rodney Dellafelice as vice chairman.

      Both the above positions were voted in the affirmative, and Lorraine will advise all necessary parties.

  3. RESULTS OF TOWN MEETING: Several issues were discussed as follows:

    1. Land Fund: It was noted that for the first time in several years, funds were appropriated for this account, this year in the amount of $30,000.00.

    2. Queen Quarry Land: The article to sell this 12 acre parcel to Carl Chappell passed at Town Meeting, but the article for the new school which resulted in this article, failed. The article was worded in such a fashion that the Selectmen are still authorized to sell this property, whether it is to Carl Chappel or some other individual.

    3. Osgood Pond Reclamation: Because Carl Chappell is no longer interested in dredging the pond for the material, the Selectmen put a warrant article before Town Meeting to form a capital reserve fund for the cost of this project at some future date. The amount of $25,000.00 was appropriated.

    4. Brox Property Appraisal: Though this article, appearing on the ballot with a zero amount, passed (that is no funds were appropriated, there was a majority of votes that indicated the general citizenry wished to have the appraisal done.

  4. TOWN FOREST SIGNS: Chris Costantino had nothing to report on this matter. It was agreed the issue will not appear on the agenda until she has been in touch with the sign maker.

  5. EARTH DAY: Chris Costantino advised the members that she would not be available for this event on April 20 1997. However, Diane Fitzpatrick and Judy Gross will be available, and Chris will provide them with the various demonstrations she had prepared for the event. It was decided that copies of trail maps of the Souhegan River Trail would be available for participants and Lorraine will prepare these for the event. It was reported that today Chris and Judy had walked the trail and found it in quite good order. Bill Ferguson had rebuilt the large bridge and it looked good. Diane Fitzpatrick put forward the suggestion that willow twigs be used to control the erosion at this bridge. These are planted in the water close together and serve the purpose better than rocks. It was also reported that there were four blow downs across the trail, which would require a chain saw, but that they were low enough to be stepped over if time did not permit the chain saw work before April 20. Because this trail was adopted by a scout group some time ago, and from which nothing further had been heard, Judy said she would call the scout master to advise him of the event and perhaps have the scouts take part.

  6. AMHERST CONSERVATION COMMISSION MEETING: Diane Fitzpatrick and Chris Costantino attended this meeting on April 7 1997 and found it to be a very informative session with lots of discussion by the various commissions represented. Marjory Swope from NHACC was at the meeting and presented an update on the various conservation issues before the State Legislature. Amherst plans to continue these meetings and plans to include other commissions than those abutting Amherst.

  7. SOUHEGAN RIVER WATERSHED ASSOCIATION AWARD: Bob Walsh and Diane Fitzpatrick attended this award presentation meeting on April 3 1997 at which the Commission received a certificate and an award of a color photograph of part of the Souhegan River. The award was presented for the work the Commission has done on developing and maintaining the trail along the Souhegan River. It was decided that Lorraine would obtain an estimate for framing the photograph to hang it in the Town Hall, seeing the Commission does not have a location of its own in the Town Hall. Diane and Bob also reported that this meeting included an excellent talk on riparian buffers part of which included the idea of leaving fallen trees in streams and rivers as they provide buffers and help prevent erosion. The suggestion was that where practical, a boating pathway should be maintained in the middle of the rivers, but otherwise the fallen trees should be left alone.

  8. HENRY GIBBONS/DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION/MCGETTIGAN ROAD: Mr. Gibbons met with the Commission in the matter of his Expedited permit application for a dredge and fill permit for a driveway off McGettigan Road to access his property across the town line in Wilton. Lorraine, Diane, Chris Costantino and Hub Seward had made an on site inspection with the engineer on March 26 1997. There had been some confusion regarding the exact location of Mr. Gibbons' property in Milford due to an error on the tax map, but Lorraine had obtained the copy of a survey plan and the deed to the property, had established that indeed Mr. Gibbons did own a 408 foot long strip on McGettigan Road, and she had provided the assessor in the Town Hall with the necessary information to correct the situation and to bring onto town records that Mr. Gibbons owns this land in Milford. Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that during the on site it was noted that a 3 to 4 foot wide stream was to be crossed where a 36 inch culvert was proposed. The size of the culvert would serve two purposes - one to allow adequate space for the stream flow, and also to raise the level of the driveway as there was a steep dip in this area off the roadway. It was stated that a short distance into the property, another wetland had to be crossed, but this was one that did not have flowing water in it much of the time. Here an 18 inch culvert was proposed It was established that the proposed crossing was in the best location for the site. In discussion, Chris Guida raised the issue of erosion control on the slopes of the fill at the culverts. A review of the plans indicated that the proposed methods should be adequate. Chris then suggested a header where the stream enters the culvert, and he was advised by Mr. Gibbons that this is planned. Robert Erb, an abutter, was present at this meeting, and advised that he was in the process of purchasing property on McGettigan Road that abuts the Gibbons parcel from Ted Svibruck and indicated he was also interested in purchasing at least part of the Gibbons parcel in Wilton. He stated his reason for this purchase was to protect the pond on the property. Mr. Erb also stated that apparently nobody knows who owns the other access to this property off McGettigan Road. There is an existing gravel accessway but it is unclear at this point, according to Mr. Erb, whether this lies on the Svibruck parcel or on the Town conservation land adjacent to the Svibruck parcel. After further discussion, Diane Fitzpatrick put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Chris Costantino and voted in the affirmative to authorize the Chairman to execute the expedited application forms.

  9. EBER CURRIER/DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION/MONT VERNON ROAD: This property is identified as Map 8 Lot 66 on the tax maps. Gerry Gagne of Meridian Land Services and Mr. and Mrs. Currier met with the Commission to discuss this application further. Mr. Gagne explained it is a 4 acre parcel with a private way going across it in the center to reach the State Barns. The property was zoned residential but at the March/April Town Meeting, the Zoning Ordinance was changed to accommodate the proposed storage units being constructed at this location. He added that the property lies in the aquifer, and that it has a high water table. One Hundred Forty Four storage units are proposed and a gravel area is to be created to provide access. This area will not be hot topped. Calcium Chloride will be used in summer time to keep down the dust, and the only salt used in winter will be that contained in the sand pile to be used to spread over any ice that develops. There is to be 22,560 square feet of disturbed area of wetlands, all of which will be on the northern half of the property. An 18 inch culvert is proposed under the roadway to the state barns. There is an existing culvert in this location, but it will require to be lowered to accommodate the increased run off anticipated because of the wetland disturbance. Mr. Gagne stated that access to the property will be from Stevens Road and not from the private way to the state barns. He added that a catch basin is proposed on the site at the location of the culvert under the private way as there will be an increase in flow into the wetland to the south as a result of the roofing etc. In the matter of the chloride to be used during summer on the gravel area Mr. Gagne stated that this is soluble in water, but the drainage will be directed to the east and west sides of the property, will be fed into swales which will contain slow moving water, and allow the chloride to precipitate out thus leading to less running into the wetland on the south side of the parcel. He added that fill required in order to construct the storage units would have to be brought in from elsewhere. Regarding the storage units themselves, it was stated that there will be no water or heat available in them. Electricity will only be available for lighting the outside of the buildings. There is an existing well on the property but this will not be used in any manner for the storage units, because it is a private well for abutting property. The storage units will be used for vehicle storage and furniture. For vehicles, batteries have to be disconnected, the vehicles have to be drained of fuel and transmission fluid, catch basins have to be placed under the vehicles, and no auto repairs are allowed on site. Users of the storage units are required by Mr. Currier to sign a contract which includes that there will be no explosives on site. Mr. Currier also stated that the floors of the units will be concrete. With it being established that Mr. Currier has a comprehensive list of conditions regarding the renting of his units, the question was raised as to what would happen if he sold the business to another. Chris Guida stated that no bank would give a loan without the kinds of rules the Currier's have being in effect. Because most members were familiar with the site in question, it was decided that there would be no on site inspection made. Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Hub Seward and voted in the affirmative to recommend to the Wetlands Bureau that the Dredge and Fill Permit be issued.

  10. HAMPSHIRE HILLS DREDGE AND FILL/EMERSON ROAD: It was noted that the on site inspection scheduled for April 5 1997 was cancelled due to excessive snow cover. Another on site inspection is scheduled for this site at 5p.m. on Thursday, April 17 1997, to meet at the front desk at Hampshire Hills.

  11. NEW HAMPSHIRE TRAIL DAY: This event is scheduled for Saturday July 19 1997 at Hitchiner Town Forest. Regarding the cutting of the fields, Diane Fitzpatrick stated that in discussions with Robert Courage, Director of Public Works, she learned that Mr. Courage will be hiring summer staff and that if the Commission pays the wages at $7.50 per hour, he would provide the manpower and equipment to cut the fields when needed. His Department also has a commercial lawnmower which can be used to cut a trail through the fields to the abutting Beaver Brook Association land and this mower can also be used to maintain this trail once originally cut. Diane and Chris Costantino will get together with Dan Tremblay regarding spraying for-the poison ivy. It was established that the fields will be cut and the poison ivy will be treated in time for the July 19 event. Hub Seward stated that the Commission needs to establish just where it would like the trail made with the lawnmower through the fields and it was decided that a work day would be needed to get this done, the fields cut and the trail made before July 19.

    In the matter of the Commission paying only for labor for the work at Hitchiner Town Forest, the members were advised that Bob Courage had offered to do any other work for the Commission which it might need on its lands using his summer staff for only the cost of the labor. All equipment needed would be provided free of charge.

  12. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST: Various issues concerning this Town Forest were discussed as follows:

    1. Staging Area Condition: Bob Walsh stated that as arranged, he, Diane and Rodney had made an inspection of this area and had met with the abutter. He stated the access roadway created for the timbering did not appear to present a problem at this time because it mainly looked as if it was part of the abutter's back yard. After discussion, the abutter agreed with this. He was also advised that when the weather is suitable, this area would be cleaned up further and then seeded, this work to be done by New England Forestry Consultants.
    2. Accessway off Whitten Road: What type of evergreen trees to plant on this accessway in order to mark the boundary of the town property and that of the abutter, Mr. Yohe was discussed. It was decided that hemlock, with its branches developing right to the ground, would be a good evergreen to use, that about 6 trees would be needed and they should be about 3 feet high when planted. Lorraine suggested she call Kokko Nurseries in this matter and would report back with her findings. It was stated that the trees should be hardy and maintenance free. It was also hoped that Mr. Yohe would be willing to water the trees as needed until they are established.

  13. BUDGET FOR FIRST QUARTER 1997: Lorraine presented the members with this report which was reviewed. In the review, the question of the Summer Camp and the 5th Graders was raised regarding its status. Lorraine said she would check into this and report at the next meeting.

  14. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST TIMBERING: Lorraine reported that with the timber operation completed, she had received two checks from New England Forestry Consultants, one in the amount of $2742.27 and one in the amount of $2926.08 for a total of $5668.35, all of which had been deposited into the Town Forest Fund. The total in this account of now is $9377.90. The payments received from New England Forestry was what was left over from various charges including blazing and painting of the boundaries on the Sullivan Lot of this town forest. Lorraine questioned what the members wished to do with so much money lying in the Savings Account, and it was decided that $5,000.00 would be withdrawn and put into 'a Certificate of Deposit. Lorraine will take care of this

  15. HITCHINER TOWN FOREST/TIMBERING: Lorraine advised the members that Dan Reed of New England Consultants had been in touch with her regarding the timbering on t his town forest. Dan had explained the timber harvest would be in two sections. One would be accessible from Mullen Road and would be done first either once the land is dry or next winter. The second harvest would involve the lower portion of the property which is not reachable from Mullen Road. Dan was working with abuttors for an access point and at this time the most promising appeared to be Sever Corporation/Badger Hill development. Dan appeared quite hopeful that he would be able to secure an access point through this development, but it may be a while before this can be done. In the meantime he would proceed with the Mullen Road harvest when conditions permit. The issue of abutter notification was raised. Lorraine will find out who the abutters are and advise them of the pending harvest.

  16. CONSERVATION PLAN REVIEW FOR UPDATING: Because of the large number of items on the Agenda, this issue was not discussed. Diane Fitzpatrick, as he new chairman, suggested that the Commission hold a second Meeting a month on an as needed basis, and at such a meeting this Plan updating could be reviewed. This type of discussion meeting would not include scheduling appointments, and no other regular conservation matters would be discussed. With that in mind, she suggested the members meet on Thursday , April 24 1997 at 6.30p.m. to be-in discussions on updating of the Plan. All agreed to this idea. Diane stressed that this second meeting a month would only be on an as needed basis, Particularly for issues that require lengthy discussions for which time at the regular monthly meetings does not permit Lorraine will arrange for the DPW meeting room if it is available.

  17. TOWN LAND REVIEWS: Various issues were discussed as follows:

    1. Sullivan Lot of Tucker Brook Town Forest/trail possibilities: In a brief discussion of this matter, it was decided that Bob Walsh and Rodney Dellafelice would review the property regarding trail building and/or maintenance. Chris Costantino raised the issue of a section of existing trail that leads onto alabutting property and expressed the fact that it should be left there with the abutter's Permission. !he members also discussed the fact that it is a policy to keep public trails on the town owned land even though it may not be possible to prevent users from voluntarily going onto the section of trail that lies off of the town land. Lorraine advised the members that the boundaries of the Sullivan Tot had been blazed in yellow by New England Forestry Foundation
    2. Meadowbrook Conservation Land: The possibility of building a trail the Sullivan Lot to this land, which abuts it, was discussed. Again was decided that Bob and Rodney would review this property with that idea in mind.
    3. Great Brook Condominium Land: With Mark Tuniewicz no longer a member, Lorraine advised the members this property would have to take assigned another member. Chris Guida offerred to take over this land.
    4. Annual Land Reviews: Bob Walsh reminded all members that the lands for which they are responsible need to be reviewed with reports presented as to what, if anything needs to be done and what assistance will be required.

  18. WETLANDS BUREAU/PERMIT CONDITIONS: Lorraine briefed the members on conditions she found to be a part of a recently issued Dredge and Fill Permit, with the suggestion that the members use these conditions when they, offer the Wetlands Bureau the opinion 'that a particular Permit be issued. These conditions which the Bureau now includes are: There shall be no furthher alteration of wetlands for lot development, driveways, culverts, or for Septic setback. The deed which accompanies the sales transaction for each lot within the subdivision shall contain the above condition. The Dredge and Fill Permit shall not be effective until the permit and a copy of the approve'-'- plan showing all wetlands boundaries have been recorded with the Registry of Deeds by the Permittee A copy of registered permit shall be submitted to the Wetlands Board.

    The members agreed that this would be a good idea even though it appears the Wetlands Bureau includes these and other conditions on each permit.

  19. TYPEWRITER: Lorraine reported that her typewriter was again out of service and this time had had to be taken to the repair shop. At this point she did not know when she would have the machine back, nor as a result, when she would be able to do the minutes of this meeting. She stated she's had minor problems with the typewriter for some time now and when calling for repairs she questioned the shelf life of this type of typewriter. She was advised that 7 to 8 years was about maximum. This machine was purchased in 1989 She therefore suggested that the members give permission for her to purchase another similar machine to have on hand should this one give trouble again and then not have it repaired further. It was agreed that Lorraine look around at various machines and report back with an estimated price.

  20. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MANUALS: Lorraine presented the members with the two copies of this manual which had recent purchased. These will be passed around the members; currently Bob Walsh and Hub Seward have the two available copies.

  21. CONREY CONSERVATION EASEMENT LAND/NEW OWNER: The issue of this property now having been sold was raised with the desire to discuss the Conservation easement with the new owner Lorraine will find out who the owner is and provide the information at the next meeting.

  22. WETLAND VIOLATIONS: Hub Seward raised the issue of how the Commission should proceed when a possible wetland violation is observed. Lorraine pointed out that it already had a policy but that it was written before the Town had a Code Enforcement Officer namely Kevin Lynch. This matter will be put on the next meeting agenda for further review and updating.

  23. POSSIBLE LAND SALE/SAVAGE ROAD: Chris Guida advised the members that there is a parcel of undeveloped land for sale on Savage Road that is surrounded by the Tucker Brook Forest. He offered this because the commission may be interested in looking into it to add to the Town Forest. Lorraine will check into the ownership and the assessed value of this parcel

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10.30 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Comission will be May 8, 1997 at 7 p.m. in hte Selectmen's Meeting Room


Meeting Minutes of May 8, 1997

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairman,Rodney Dellafelice, Vice Chairman
Robert Walsh, Chris Guida, Chris Costantino, full members
Judy Gross, Alternate acting full member.
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: Upon motion made by Chris Guida and seconded by Judy Gross, it was voted unanimously to approve the Minutes of the April 10, 1997 meeting as presented.

  2. MEMBERSHIPS: Various issues were presented under this issue as follows:

    1. Mark Tuniewicz: Diane Fitzpatrick announced that Mark was in the process of moving and would not be able to return the manuals and key to the Town Hall until sometime in July 1997. Lorraine will pursue this matter and ensure that the items are returned.

    2. Terms of Office: The Board of Selectmen had reappointed Robert Walsh and Chris Costantino for another three year term; neither had to date taken the Oath of Office.

  3. EARTH DAY: Judy Gross reported that this event on April 20 1997 had been well attended and many of the new maps of the Souhegan River Trail had been distributed. There were several demonstrations given during the event including one on soil erosion. During the day, three individuals volunteered to assist with work on the trail. She felt it had been a very positive day. Rodney Dellafelice stated that he had found several areas of wash-out and these needed work. He walked the trail with Scout Master Richard Welch and it was stated that there was a need to get together with Richard to review what work needed to be done along the trail by his scout group.

  4. NEW HAMPSHIRE TRAIL DAY: This event is to be held at the Hitchiner Town forest on Saturday, July 19 1997. Diane Fitzpatrick announced that the first timber sale is scheduled to take place this summer during dry weather and that Dan Reed of New England Forestry Consultants Inc. had offered to give a tour and discussion on the timber harvest project as part of the Trail Day events, should this be possible. It would depend on when the actual timbering begins. The first sale consists of about 15 acres with about 200 trees to be harvested. This harvest is in the north west corner of the property, accessible from Mullen Road.

    Diane also announced that letters had been sent to all abutters of the property advising them of the upcoming sale, and of the one in the southern portion of the property. The time of the second sale is not known at this point because Dan is working with Sevar Corp. to arrange access through its land in the south. She stated that abutters are referred to Dan Reed with any questions they may have as he will be the one with the answers and therefore better able to provide information than any member of the Commission.

  5. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST: Two issues relative to this forest were discussed.

    1. Boundary between Town Forest and Yohe Property: Diane Fitzpatrick announced that Lorraine had learned from Bill Kokko, Jr., that he would be willing to review the location of the proposed trees, offer suggestions as to exact location and type of trees, and also do the planting. She had met with Bill Kokko at the site and he suggested planting six trees in a staggered line, three being hemlocks of 5 - 6 feet tall at $89.00 each, and three white pines of 6 - 7 feet tall at $91.00 each, the cost to include planting. The total cost would be $540.00. Diane had written a letter to Mr. Yohe advising him of this, and had also conducted a telephone poll of six members of the Commission to authorize this expenditure. The vote was unanimously in favor of the planting. Mr. Yohe contacted Diane and stated he did not want hemlocks in the front row, but rather further back from his property so as not to destroy his lawn, and that he wanted shrubs in the front row. Diane stated that the trees, once fully mature, would not shade his lawn because they would be planted in such a location to avoid this, except for one small area. Even this area could be avoided if the trail was moved further onto the town property. After discussion of Mr. Yohe's desires, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted unanimously in the affirmative to proceed with the plans as suggested by Bill Kokko. Diane will advise Mr. Yohe of this decision.

    2. Map 10 Lot 54/Savage Road: Diane advised the members that Lorraine had obtained the following information on this parcel which is surrounded on three sides by the Tucker Brook Town Forest: that the property is about 6 acres, undeveloped, and assessed for $98,900.00. It is owned by Rachel Rohling, and is being handled by Diane Marshall, Trustee, 37 Woodward Drive, Milford. The Town Assessor had offered to do an appraisal of the property if the Commission so desired. Chris Guida stated that he had heard via his own realtor that this property was for sale, but there is currently no "for sale" sign on the land. It was decided that Chris Guida would talk further to his realtor about this land before proceeding further with purchase plans.

  6. DEAN GLOW/MELENDY ROAD MAP 47 LOT 51/DREDGE AND FILL: Mrs. Tuomala of Monadnock Survey Inc. met with the Commission to present the facts on this application for a dredge and fill permit for driveway access to this lot for one single family home to be built. She stated that there is an existing woods road into the property and this is where the driveway is proposed to be located. This will result in 14,790 square feet of wetland impact; this does not include impact to the 25 foot buffer zone. She stated that this will be the only impact on the wetlands on this site. It was decided that an on site inspection would be made. This is scheduled for 6pm. on Thursday May 22 1997 to meet at the site.

  7. ENERGYNORTH/GAS LINE/TUCKER BROOK BRIDGE ON ELM STREET: Bill Ruoff of Energy North met with the Commission in this matter, and explained that originally the proposal was to cross Tucker Brook at this point with the gas line and for this, a dredge and fill application had been completed. However in further review of the site, it had been found that the gas line could be put into the road bed which would avoid having to go under Tucker Brook, and as a result, only the 50 foot buffer zone would be involved. There would be no equipment in the brook itself. It was explained to Mr. Ruoff that since only the buffer zone would be involved, he would not require a dredge and fill permit from the State and therefore his application forms were returned to him, together with his check. He was advised that he would require a special exception from the Board of Adjustment. After considerable discussion, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Chris Costantino and voted unanimously in the affirmative, to accept the buffer zone impact as proposed and to recommend to the Board of Adjustment that a special exception be issued. No on site inspection was proposed as this is the same location involved in the recent reconstruction of the bridge and the members were familiar with the site. The members expressed appreciation to Mr. Ruoff for his efforts to avoid wetland impact at this site.

  8. CONSERVATION LAND REVIEWS: Various issues were discussed as follows:

    1. Sullivan Lot Trails: Neither Bob Walsh nor Rodney Dellafelice had reviewed this property for trail development, but will attempt to do so before the next meeting.

    2. Meadowbrook Conservation Easement: Neither of the above members had reviewed this easement for the purpose of developing a trail system. Lorraine advised the members that she had written to the property owners requesting permission to construct a trail in this easement.

    3. Marking property boundaries: Marking of various boundaries was discussed:

      1. Buchholtz Conservation Land: concern was expressed regarding development abutting this land and an accessway to that land which may or may not be on the town property. No boundaries are marked on this town land. It was decided after discussion that it was really the responsibility of the abutter to establish his bounds and that the Commission would not proceed with this issue unless problems with the boundary location developed.
      2. Dadoly Conservation Land: It was decided that because of possible private development in this area of Federal Hill Road, that these boundaries should be marked. Lorraine will contact Dan Reed in this matter.
      3. Property Boundary Marking/General: With several conservation lands not having marked boundaries, and after considerable discussion, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Chris Costantino and voted unanimously in the affirmative to set aside a maximum of $1,200.00 per year to be spent on boundary marking. This is to be paid out of the Accumulative Fund, except in the case of town forest lands where it would be paid out of that fund. It was agreed to proceed with the marking of the Dadoly conservation land boundaries and also Hartshorn Pond and land.
      4. Lorraine will provide Dan Reed with the necessary documents for him to proceed with this work, advising him of the total funds available. In further discussion the issue of boundary markers was raised and it was decided to request these be placed where they do not exist and for Dan Reed to provide a quotation before beginning the work.

    4. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Judy Gross raised the matter of getting together with Richard Welch, Scout Master, regarding the work to be done on this trail, and for the members to review the trail for the same. It was pointed out that there were a few areas where the blazes were either confusing or did not exist as where the trail crosses a field. It was noted that Bob Courage, Director of Public Works, had offered metal stakes to identify the trail and also his men to erect the stakes. It was decided to meet at the trail head at 6:15p.m. on Tuesday May 27 1997 to review the work to be done on the trail.

    5. Mayflower Hill Town Forest: Diane Fitzpatrick asked Judy Gross if she was interested in taking over this town forest , to which she agreed, stating that most of the winter debris had already been taken care of.

    6. Kasey Drive Conservation Easements: Rodney Dellafelice stated he had made arrangements with the the two property owners of these easements, to review them on Friday, May 9 1997 at 6 pm.

  9. TYPEWRITER: Diane Fitzpatrick stated that Lorraine had done nothing further regarding the purchasing of a new typewriter because no amount of funds had been stipulated. Diane then put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Robert Walsh that Lorraine be permitted to purchase a new typewriter for an amount not to exceed $180.00, to be purchased at her discretion. The vote was in the affirmative with Chris Costantino against the motion and Chris Guida abstaining from voting.

  10. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUALS: Bob Walsh returned his copy of this manual stating he had found it very informative and useful. The manual was passed on to Chris Guida. It was noted that with Hub Seward not present at this meeting, he still has his copy of the manual.

  11. CONREY CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Lorraine provided the members with details of the new owner of this property as follows: Beverley Farnsworth, 82 South Street, Milford. Chris Guida stated he had talked to Ms. Farnsworth and learned that she is aware of the conservation easement on the property. Bob Walsh will be contacting her further regarding the easement as it is the policy of the Commission that when easement property changes ownership, the new owner is contacted. Lorraine will also provide Bob with a copy of the conservation easement deed.

  12. EMERSON PARK TRASH CAN COVERS: Lorraine advised that the invoice for these covers had been received, and had been paid out of the interest from the Nees Bequest in the amount of $834.28 for the three redwood covers. It was noted that these were scheduled to be erected the week when Bob Courage took ill. This job was not done as a result, and with there being no hurry on it, the matter will rest for the time being.

  13. MCC OPINIONS/PUBLICATIONS/PRIOR REVIEW: Diane Fitzpatrick raised the issue of articles being written by a member of the Commission, representing the Commission, and such articles being published without a review and acceptance by the other members. After discussion, it was agreed that when such an article has to do with the policy of the Commission that prior to publication, the article should be reviewed and approved of by the majority of the members. This decision will not become part of the written policies of the Commission, but rather once in a while, members will be reminded of this decision, and the fact that a group is represented.

  14. APPOINTING NEW MEMBERS: Diane Fitzpatrick raised the matter of the method used when appointing new members by stating that she was surprised when she expressed interest in the Commission, and was immediately appointed a full member. She raised the question as to whether or not there should be a requirement for prospective new members to attend a certain number of meetings before being appointed. Bob Walsh expressed the opinion that this should not be required because he felt nobody was desiring to be a member of the Commission with intentions other than to contribute as much as possible. After a brief discussion, it was decided to remain with the current policy of having a prospective new member attend one meeting and then appoint that individual to membership.

  15. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: Diane Fitzpatrick reminded members that this annual meeting is scheduled for the first Saturday in November, namely November 1 1997. She suggested that all members give thought to attending this event.

  16. WETLAND VIOLATION POLICY:With none of the members having given thought to any needed revision to this policy, the matter was moved to next month's meeting. The chairman requested all members to review the current policy on Page 14 Chapter 6 of the Information Binders and prepare any ideas for revision for discussion at the next regular meeting.

  17. NH LIVING LEGACY BOOK: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that this book, entitled NH Living Legacy: the Biodiversity of the Granite State, was available from the NHACC. One copy per conservation commission could be thus purchased for $4.00 plus $1.50 postage. Additional copies were available from NH Fish and Game Dept. for a cost of $9.95 plus S2.00 shipping. After a brief discussion, Rodney Dellafelice put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Judy Gross and voted unanimously in the affirmative to purchase one copy from NHACC at a total cost of $5.50. Should this prove to be a useful book to the members, then the decision will be made to purchase additional copies from NH Fish and Game Dept.

  18. VERNAL POOL MANUAL: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that this manual, "Identification and Documentation of Vernal Pools in -New Hampshire" was now available at a cost of $6.95 per copy, plus $2.00 postage per copy. Chris Guida stated that if the Commission wishes to purchase copies of this manual he could easily pick them up from Fish and Game as he works close by that office. Lorraine reminded the members that at the November 14 1996 meeting the Commission had voted to spend $50.00 on the purchase of ten copies of this manual which at that time, was to be around $5.00 per issue.

    After discussion, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Guida and voted unanimously in the affirmative, to expend an additional $19.50 for the purchase of ten copies of this manual. Chris Guida will pick them up for the Commission, once the payment check is processed.

  19. MISSION STATEMENT: Judy Gross read a brief summary of points Rodney had developed to form part of the Mission Statement. She asked that members give thought to this project and prepare ideas for inclusion in it. Diane Fitzpatrick requested members to read the RSA governing the Commission (see Red Binder) so that ideas conform with the law.

  20. PREPARING FOR MEETINGS: Diane Fitzpatrick requested all members to read the minutes of the previous meeting before attending the current meeting so that approval of the Minutes could be taken care of in a speedy fashion. She also requested members to read everything that appears on the agenda so that they know what will be discussed.

    Diane has also had discussions with Bill Parker, Planning Director, regarding space for the Commission in the area of the Planning Board office, and advised that the black cabinet will be moved to the public Works meeting room for easier and more convenient access to the members. However at this time, there will be no access to the other files of the Commission which are located within the Planning Board office itself. With the meeting room space soon to be available, Diane stated that information relating to each meeting would be available in the black cabinet by the Tuesday preceding the meeting.

  21. WEB SITE ON LIBRARY COMPUTER: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that her daughter has designed a web site for the Commission and this will be available as of this evening. She requested the members to review it and offer comments. The call sign is: http:\\panix.com\Kerry.

  22. MEETING TIMES: Judy Gross put forward the suggestion that the meetings begin at 7p.m. as opposed to 7:30p.m. with the object of being able to offer appointments earlier in the evening and avoid people having to meet so late with the Commission. Bob Walsh offered the opinion that if the appointments did not begin until 8 pm., it would give an hour to attend to other matters on the agenda before starting on the appointments; as chairman he found that the half hour between starting time and appointments was not enough to accomplish very much. After a brief discussion, Judy Gross put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Bob Walsh and voted unanimously in the affirmative to begin meetings at 7p.m.

  23. HAMPSHIRE HILLS: The Chairman advised the members that Lorraine had been in touch in writing and verbally with the Wetlands Bureau field inspector regarding the violation on this site. The Bureau is understaffed and has a heavy agenda and it may be a while before the inspection is a-one, but at least they are aware of the problem. It was mentioned that apparently Hampshire Hills had met recently with the Bureau but no further information was available. Lorraine will contact Gerry Gagne for details.

  24. WORK SESSION OF MARCH 24 1997: Various issues discussed at this work session were addressed as follows:

    1. Column in Milford Cabinet: The chairman advised the members the Cabinet would be willing to publish such a column four or five times a year for the Commission. It would be prepared with the Commission's logo, and each column would be a maximum, of 1000 words. Lorraine offered to prepare column on wildlife and raptors

    2. News Releases: In order to obtain more positive publicity , an effort will be made to publish news releases from time to time, preferably with a photograph of the event. Such items to be in these releases would include things such as the redwood trash can covers in Emerson Park. Diane stated she had had two offers to take care of the releases, one from Judy and one from Lorraine. It was agreed that Judy would take care of the news items during summer (May to October) and Lorraine would handle them November through April

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10:15p.m.

The next Meetings are as follows:

Thursday, May 22 1997: 6 pm. Melendy Road/Glow on site inspection
6.30p.m. Work Session/Public Works meeting room
Tuesday, May 27 1997: 6.15p.m. Souhegan River Trail review/trail head
Thursday, June 12 1997: 7p.m.next public meeting/Selectmens Meeting Room.


Meeting Minutes of June 12, 1997

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairman Rodney Dellafelice, Vice Chairman
Chris Guida, Robert Walsh, Hub Seward, Chris Costantino, full members
Judy Gross, Alternate, Acting full member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Guida an voted unanimously in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the Meeting of May 8, 1997, with the following amendment:

    Item #19 - Mission Statement: This should read that it was Rodney Dellafelice who developed the summary of points, and not Judy Gross as indicated in the Minutes.

  2. MEMBERSHIPS: It was established that Robert Walsh had taken the Oath of Office for the three year renewal of his term. Chris Costantino had not yet taken this Oath of Office.

  3. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST: Several issues were discussed as follows:

    1. Boundary/Yohe: Diane Fitzpatrick explained to the members that in late 1996, the Commission had voted to abide by Mr. Yohe's request that shrubs be planted to mark the boundary between his property and the access road from Whitten Road, with trees on the town property far enough away not to shade or interfere with his property. Because of the time lag in this issue, this decision was misplaced, and the Commission recently voted to plant trees only. In her discussions with Mr. Yohe it was decided that the shrubs would be planted as originally requested and three evergreen trees would be planted on the town side of the boundary. These trees have now been planted. During the coming week, shrubs will be planted. Mr. Yohe has agreed to dig the holes for the shrubs and to keep them watered until they are established. Diane stated that this will be the end of this issue.
    2. Map 10 Lot 54, Savage Road: Regarding the possible acquisition of this 5 acre undeveloped lot, Chris Guida reported that his realtor has attempted to contact the property owner, but to date there has been no response. Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that this issue would not be dis- cussed again until Chris Guida has additional information on the matter.
    3. Trail Signs: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that the signs were finally completed and Chris Costantino brought one of them for the members review. Considerable discussion took place regarding the erection of the signs. The Department of Public Works had offered free of charge, metal street sign posts which they would erect for the Commission with the Commission paying for the labor. Discussion included attaching treated lumber posts to the metal posts to make them look more rustic. Methods of planting the wooden posts were also discussed. After considerable discussion, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Judy Gross and voted unanimously in the affirmative, to allow Diane Fitzpatrick to spend a not to exceed amount of $240.00 from the Town Forest Fund for posts, hardware etc. in order to erect the signs in the most appropriate manner.

      With the completed signs came the invoice in the amount of $1200.00 which was the quoted price.. Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted unanimously in the affirmative to authorise this amount to be paid out of the Town Forest Fund to Tom Drew Signs. Lorraine will take care of this payment.

      Judy Gross suggested that when the signs are being erected pictures should be taken and submitted to the Milford Cabinet along with a short article. She will take care of this matter.

      Diane Fitzpatrick put forward the suggestion that the Commission purchase the standard State Hiking Trail sign. She had spoken to Robert Courage to see if he had a problem with the Commission erecting the sign at the intersection of Osgood Road and Mullen Road; he stated he did not. After a brief discussion, Hub Seward put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted in the affirmative to authorize the expenditure from the Town Forest Fund in the amount not to exceed $35.00 for the purchase of one such sign. Lorraine will take care of this.

  4. ENERGY NORTH GAS LINE: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that whereas the Commission had advised Energy North they would require a special exception from the Board of Adjustment to lay the gas line along Elm Street in the area of Tucker Brook, this was indeed not the case. A Dredge and Fill Permit is not required because there will be no wetland impact; a special exception is not required because the gas line will be laid in a public right of way. Energy North had been advised of this in writing by the Commission.

  5. CONSERVATION LAND REVIEWS: Various issues were discussed as follows:
    1. Sullivan Land Trails/Meadowbrook Conservation Easement: Robert Walsh reported he and Rodney Dellafelice had walked the boundary of the Sullivan Land and had also reviewed the trails existing on the land; they had also walked the Meadowbrook Conservation Easement which extends from the Sullivan land, and found this very steep and overgrown, and difficult to get through. regarding the Sullivan land, he stated trails already exist with a small section going off the property. This is in an area where the trail goes around a cliff, and there is little other location suitable for the trail to be relocated on town property. It would be possible to easily create a loop trail on this land which includes some very attractive areas, good vista points, steep areas and easier areas, and an attractive cliff overlook. He felt a good trail system could definitely be built but it was a matter of time and when to schedule the work. In the matter of the Meadowbrook area, Robert Walsh expressed the opinion it would be much more difficult to construct a trail because of the dense growth and the nature of the terrain. Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that Lorraine had written to the property owners of the various lots over which this easement lies. Gardoc Inc. which owns Map 6 Lots 32 and 33 had responded and stated that they had no problems with a trail on Lot 32, but it would be appreciated by them if no trail was constructed on Lot 33 because of the nature of the work being carried out by the occupant of this lot. There had to date been no response from the owner of Map 38 Lot 1, but Lorraine will contact them again before next meeting. The owner of Map 6 Lot 39, Airmar Technology Corp. had contacted Diane and requested a meeting with her, which she did on June 6 1997, meeting with Steve Boucher, president of Airmar She found considerable enthusiasm regarding constructing a trail on the easement, with Airmar offering to assist, sponsor, raise funds for a bridge that would be needed to cross Tucker Brook, assist with the planning of the trail, and then present the plans to other occupants of the Industrial Park and create a joint effort for this project. Diane stated that the plans will be finalized next spring for the trail through the easement. The current plan is not to continue the trail to the by-pass where the easement ends, but to create it in such a fashion as to have access from the industrial park itself and thus provide the employees of the park with an area for hiking during lunchtimes.
    2. Buchholtz Conservation Land: Judy Gross advised the members that on May 23 1997, the boundary of this property along McGettigan Road had been measured, which proved that the access road to abutting property does indeed lie on the town land. This is currently blocked off. She added that there is other possible access to the abutting land from McGettigan Road.
    3. Souhegan River Trail: This trail was inspected on May 27 1997 by members of the Commission, together with two members of Trailwrights Inc. The Scout Master also joined the party, which reviewed what work was needed in the way of trail clearing. It was decided at that time, to meet at 6 pm. on Thursday June 19 1997 at the trail head to begin the work needed along this trail. The two members of Trailwrights will be there to assist. Judy added that the Scout Master had many ideas for projects his scout group could do along the trail and he will develop a plan and then present it to the members. "Rivers Clean-up Project": Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that this project which will include the Souhegan River, has been organized for September 28 1997. Judy will be in touch with Natural Resources Conservation Service at 673-2409 for further details.
    4. Kasey Drive Conservation Easements: Rodney Dellafelice reported he had reviewed these two easements lying along Birch Brook on two parcels of private property. On one he found that a tree had been cut down within the easement. He was not sure if this was a permitted use. He also found that grass was being mowed up to the top of the bank. There was also a foot bridge across the brook on one lot which did not infringe on the wetland. Rodney did not see what he considered a notable disturbance to the wetlands. He also stated that he found the owners to be very cooperative. Rodney had had difficulty in defining the easement on one lot, and Lorraine offered to locate a letter and diagram she had done several years ago for one of the property owners who was having the same problem. She will get this to Rodney.
      Rodney asked for assistance in the review of these two easements, and it was agreed that he and Hub would go together. It was also suggested that photographs be taken each year on the annual inspection, and Lorraine reminded the members that the Commission has its own polaroid camera for this purpose in the black cabinet

  6. NEW HAMPSHIRE TRAIL DAY: Various issues were discussed as follows:
    1. Timber Harvest Demonstration: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that both Dan Reed and a representative from Thayer Wood Energy will be present between l p.m. and 3 pm. on July 19 1997 to give a demonstration on the timber harvest that will be done on the Hitchiner Town Forest.
    2. Poison Ivy: Chris Costantino reported that she had heard from Dan Tremblay who had earlier offered to treat the poison ivy. He stated that his license did not permit him to treat the field, although he could treat a right of way. He did however give her the names of some others who might be able to do the job. She contacted Bob Thistle from New Ipswich who could treat the poison ivy, and is trying to set Up a time to meet with him at the site to get a quote.
    3. Mowing trail in field: It was reported that Public Works had weed wacked a trail to the abutting Beaver Brook property. The wacker had been used this time because of the rough terrain. Mark Plourde of Public Works had advised that this trail will be mowed from now on every two weeks. An invoice had been received from Public Works for the trail work. On a motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Bob Walsh, it was voted unanimously in the affirmative to pay this invoice in the amount of $111.77 to Public Works from the Town Forest Fund.
    4. Mowing of the Fields: Mark Plourde had advised Chris that his department would mow the entire field area in September, and prior to that he would provide a quotation for the labor. Ahead of time, he would need the Commission to mark out what trees etc within the field area he should avoid. He also requested permission be obtained from the Fire Department to burn the brush that would have to be cut down. Diane said she would work with Mark on this, and discuss the burning with the Fire Department.

    Regarding the Trail Day, Diane urged all the members to attend the two hour event and added that Beaver Brook would be advertising the Commission's activities in their newsletter. Chris Costantino will ensure that the same information is placed in the Milford Cabinet.

  7. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MANUALS: Chris Guida had completed reading his copy of this manual and it was passed along to Rodney Dellafelice. Hub Seward still had his copy.

  8. CONREY CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Bob Walsh advised the members that he had not yet contacted the new property owner because he wanted some input from the members first. He had read the deed for the easement and pointed out to the members that it calls for the property being used for outdoor recreation and education and that there are restrictions in the deed for both the property owner and the Commission. He advised the members that there already is a trail around most of the boundary of the property but access is a problem. Without using the private driveway, it would not be possible to reach the trail head. Hub Seward pointed out that something needs to be done regarding parking for two or three cars as this section of Savage Road does not offer any shoulder park- ing. The opinion was expressed that it is unlikely the property owner would welcome public use of the private driveway. It was also pointed out that the land is now being used as a horse farm, and hikers with dogs could pose a problem. It had been learned that one of the horses does not like dogs at all. It was also pointed out that the property owner does not want motorized vehicles using the trails on her property. It was not known at this time whether or not the new property owner had read the conservation easement deed, though it is known that she is aware of the restriction. After discussion, it was decided to have Bob Walsh call Beverley Farnsworth, the new owner, and advise her that the Commission wishes to develop the trail and would like her to be a part of the process. He will advise of the results of this conversation at the next meeting.

  9. WETLANDS VIOLATION POLICY: Further to Hub Seward's suggestion that this policy needs reviewing, Lorraine prepared a draft of proposed changes for the members' review. The members discussed the proposed revisions, and agreed with what Lorraine had done except for "3.". This section began "Whether or not permission to enter the property is granted, the matter will immediately be referred etc". Instead of that wording Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted unanimously in the affirmative, to change the wording to the following: "If permission to enter the property has not been granted, or if a wetland violation has been determined to exist, the matter will immediately to referred.... etc." Lorraine will prepare the new policy for inclusion in the Information Binders.

  10. NH LIVING LEGACY BOOK: One free copy of this manual had been received and had been read by Diane. She expressed the opinion that it was a very useful and informative manual, but not one she felt should be provided to every member. She did suggest that a couple more copies be purchased so that more than one member could read the book at the same time, and a copy could be in the black cabinet for reference. Upon motion made by Judy Gross and seconded by Robert Walsh, it was voted unanimously in the affirmative to expend $19.90 from the Operating Budget, to purchase two additional copies of the manual. Because Chris Guida would be able to pick them up from the NH Fish and Game Dept. in Concord, no postage would be required. Lorraine will obtain a check from the Town and give it to Chris Guida.

  11. VERNAL POOL MANUALS: These manuals were distributed to all members present and they become part of the package of information provided to each member which is returned to the Commission when any member leaves the organization.

  12. MISSION STATEMENT: Judy Gross presented members with copies of three questions to which she requested thought be given in the development of the Mission Statement. The questions were: Why are we here? What do we hope to contribute? and What are the beliefs that guide and inspire us? This issue will be further discussed at the next work session meeting.

    The work session meeting will be at 7p.m. on Thursday June 26 1997 in the Public Works meeting room. Lorraine will reserve the room.

  13. BLACK CABINET: Diane advised the members that this cabinet has now been relocated into the Public Works meeting room. She provided keys to the main door to Public Works hallway off of which the meeting room lies. All members present received keys and at the same time returned the keys they had to the Middle Street door. Ten keys to the Public Works door were made for the Commission by Public Works. Two Middle Street keys were not returned: one from Chris Costantino who will return the key at the next meeting, and one from John Bierschenk who was not present at this meeting.

  14. HAMPSHIRE HILLS/DREDGE AND FILL VIOLATION: Diane Fitzpatrick reported that Hampshire Hills had met recently with the Wetlands Bureau staff but the out come was not known. As far as is known, the gravel will be spread in the upland area for a parking lot for the balloon festival, but no site plan has been filed for this work. Lorraine reported she had heard nothing further from the Bureau regarding an on site inspection and she was under the impression that the Bureau wanted at least one member of the Commission present when they made the inspection.

  15. RESOURCE INVENTORY: Members present submitted this completed survey and Lorraine will submit them to the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The objective of this survey was to enable the Service to better serve the needs an plans of the county.

  16. OPEN SPACE LECTURE: Rodney Dellafelice stated he has been in touch with Phil Auger of the NH Cooperative Extension Service and he would be willing to give a lecture on open space to the Commission to which other commissions would be invited. Mr. Auger gave several dates in August when he would be available, but it was felt that this would not give sufficient time to notify other commissions. Rodney will therefore be in touch with Mr. Auger again to make arrangements for a lecture in October or November.

  17. DEAN GLOW/DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION/MAP 47 LOT 51: Mrs. Tuomala from Monadnock Survey Inc. met with the Commission, together with Libby WeileAnderson, soils scientist, to review the proposed dredge and fill. The members had made an on site inspection on May 22 1997.

    Chris Guida stated he would like to see the site again and be advised of the precise proposed location of the house, now that the location has been identified on the plan. Robert Walsh expressed the opinion that from what he saw during the site walk, he would vote against the proposed wetland impact because of the magnitude of the disturbance. The disturbance of the wetland area is approximately 14,000 square feet for a 12 foot wide gravel driveway to the house. The impact on the buffer zone was not provided. Bob Walsh also expressed the opinion that the proposed location of the house on the plan was not all that dry an area on the land itself. He stated he felt the proposed driveway would carve up a very productive wetland and there were other ways of reaching the back land for the house. He expressed the opinion that in all his years on the Commission, he had not seen this much wetland disturbance for the construction of one house. After discussion, the chairman polled the members for opinions. Judy Gross, Robert Walsh and Chris Costantino stated they could not vote for recommending a special exception for this disturbance nor to recommend to the Wetlands Bureau that the Dredge and Fill Permit be issued. Rodney Dellafelice and Chris Guida stated they would like to review the site again. Hub Seward abstained from expressing an opinion because he had not seen the site at all. From this the chairman stated there did not appear to be much use in returning to the site because the majority were against the proposal anyway. After a brief discussion, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Judy Gross,that the Commission not accept the proposal and that it recommend a special exception not be granted and that the Wetlands Bureau not issue a permit. The vote was as follows:

    Judy Gross, Chris Costantino, Robert Walsh, Diane Fitzpatrick: voted in the affirmative for the motion.

    Hub Seward, Rodney Dellafelice and Chris Guida abstained from the vote.

    The motion passed in the affirmative, and Lorraine will recommend to the Board of Adjustment that it not grant a special exception, and will also recommend to the Wetlands Bureau that the Dredge and Fill Permit not be issued.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

The next meetings are as follows:
Thursday June 19, 1997 6 pm. Souhegan River Trail clean up
Thursday July 10, 1997 7 p.m.Next public meeting, Selectmen's Meeting Room.


Meeting Minutes of July 10, 1997

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairman
Hub Seward, Robert Walsh, full members
Judy Gross, John Bierschenk, alternate members acting full members
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: Upon motion made by Judy Gross and seconded by Robert Walsh, the Minutes of the June 12, 1997 meeting were accepted with the following amendments:

    • Item 5 (d) Kasey Drive Conservation Easement: From "Rodney Dellafelice reported [ through to] particular lot in two sections" is eliminated and replaced with: "Rodney Dellafelice reported he had reviewed these two easements lying along Birch Brook on two parcels of private property. On one he found that a tree had been cut down within the easement. He was not sure if this was a permitted use. He also found that grass was being mowed up to the top of the bank. There was also a foot bridge across the brook on one lot which did not infringe on the wetland. Rodney did not see what he considered a notable disturbance to the wetlands. He also stated that he found the owners to be very cooperative." (This amendment was offered by Rodney Dellafelice through the chairman,because he was not able to attend the meeting.)

    • Item 6 (b) Poison Ivy: This is replaced in total as follows: "Chris Costantino reported that she had heard from Dan Tremblay who had earlier offered to treat the poison ivy. He stated that his license did not permit him to treat the field, although he could treat a right of way. He did however give her the names of some others who might be able to do the job. She contacted Bob Thistle from New Ipswich who could treat the poison ivy, and is trying to set Up a time to meet with him at the site to get a quote." (This amendment was offered by Chris Costantino through the chairman because she was not able to attend the meeting).

    • Item 3 (c) Trail Signs: The last paragraph is eliminated from "Diane Fitzpatrick put forward [through to ] exist on the Hitchiner Town Forest." and is replaced with "Diane Fitzpatrick put forward the suggestion that the Commission purchase the standard State Hiking Trail sign. She had spoken to Robert Courage to see if he had a problem with the Commission erecting the sign at the intersection of Osgood Road and Mullen Road; he stated he did not."

  2. JOHN ULRICHSON/CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Diane Fitzpatrick stated she had been contacted by and had met with John Ulrichson regarding his desire to preserve his property from development. This is a nine acre parcel located on Jennison Road with approximately 1200 feet of frontage, and identified as Map 5 Lot 15. Mr. Ulrichson bad advised he had lived on the property all his life and did not want to see it developed. With the frontage available the lot could be subdivided into seven lots. He expressed the desire that the land never be subdivided, that no other houses be built on it (there is now only one house and a few out-buildings) and that there be no clear cutting of the wood currently on the property. He desires some amount of the property to stay with the house, but the balance he desires to be preserved. Mr. Ulrichson wishes to donate the easement but at no expense to himself. He also requested that if selective timbering be done that the proceeds be split equally between the Commission and himself. Hub Seward stated that it would perhaps be more appropriate to consider this protection as Agricultural Land Development Rights as opposed to a conservation easement. Lorraine offered the suggestion that the deed to the Carl Holland property be reviewed for ideas to include in this issue. Diane Fitzpatrick and Judy Gross will review this deed and then discuss the matter further with Mr. Ulrichson.

  3. PROTECTING LAND LECTURE: Diane Fitzpatrick stated that Phil Auger of UNH Cooperative Extension Service would be available to give this lecture any Tuesday or Wednesday in November. After a brief discussion it was decided to make arrangements for November 5 or 12, 1997. Other Conservation commissions will be advised of the lecture as well as other groups who might be interested in the subject of protecting land.

  4. DOLLARS AND CENTS OF OPEN SPACE LECTURE: Judy Gross reported that this lecture has been scheduled for Wednesday October 8 1997. Digit Taylor of New Hampshire Wildlife Federation will give the lecture. As above all interested parties will be invited to attend.

  5. BLACK CABINET CONTENTS: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that there are now trays in this cabinet for various types of mail. When a Dredge and Fill application is coming before the Commission, the file will be available in the cabinet for member review. Copies of letters sent out by the Commission will also be in the cabinet mail slots. It will be the responsibility of the chairman to dispose of mail from these slots.

  6. NEW HAMPSHIRE TRAIL DAY: All arrangements are in place regarding Dan Reed and Thayer Wood Energy giving a selective timber harvest demonstration between 1 and 3pm. on Saturday July 19 1997 at the Hitchiner Town Forest. Diane Fitzpatrick stated she would be there and urged other members to attend also. She will have a supply of trail maps to hand out to the general public who attend.

  7. HITCHINER TOWN FOREST: It was stated that the trail in the field has been mowed once by the Department of Public Works. It was not known if mowing had been done again. The arrangement was for the mowing to be done every two weeks, but with the lack of rain it was unlikely the trail needed work within this time frame. Public Works has the authority to do the mowing on an as needed basis. Diane Fitzpatrick stated the Commission had received a Forestry Dredge and Fill application from Dan Reed for a wetland crossing for the timber harvest. The cost of the application was $25.00 and she had authorized Lorraine to pay this out of the Town Forest Fund. In the matter of the poison ivy, the chairman reported Chris Costantino is in the process of obtaining a quotation to spray with Round-Up. It was noted that Dan Tremblay is not licensed to spray trails with this product. It was reported that Mr. Tremblay had applied a broad-leafed herbicide to the trail to the north and to the south of the parking lot. He had done this at his own expense for a cost of $20.00 for the herbicide. He had stated he did not wish to be reimbursed for this expenditure. This work was done on June 27 1997. Chris Costantino had indicated she wished Mr. Tremblay to be reimbursed, reporting that he would like to do the work again in mid August. This work would cost approximately $40.00 for materials for which he would like to be reimbursed. His license does permit him to spray right of ways, it was noted. Lorraine advised that the Finance Department would not consider payment of the $20.00 unless an invoice was presented. After discussion, Diane Fitzpatrick offered the motion from Chris Costantino (presented to Diane prior to this meeting) and it was seconded by Hub Seward and voted in the affirmative by four members to reimburse Mr. Tremblay for the $20.00 expenditure if he presents an invoice. In the matter of Mr. Tremblay's desire to use herbicide again in August it was felt that additional information regarding product and its effect must be available before a decision to authorize the work is made. Regarding spraying with Round-Up, Chris and Diane will talk to Mr. Tremblay for a quotation. Regarding the hikers sign, it was reported this had been received and the cost was $30.96. Lorraine will process the payment out of the Town Forest Fund. Diane will arrange for the erection of the sign, which Robert Courage had requested be erected at least six feet above road level.

  8. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Judy Gross reported that PVC pipes had been erected along the trail where it crosses fields so that hikers could easily find the trail where it leaves the field again. These pipes are five feet high. In the matter of some confusion in trail markings, Judy stated the marks in the incorrect location had been eliminated so that there is now only one trail blazed along the River.

  9. TRAIL SIGNS: Diane Fitzpatrick stated the sign for the Mayflower Hill Town Forest had been erected on Shady Lane, as had the sign for the Souhegan River Trail been erected. The Department of Public Works will assist with erecting the posts for the remaining Town Forest trail signs. In the matter of the sign for the Hitchiner Town Forest, Judy reported this will be erected at 9.30 a.m. on Friday morning, July 11 1997 with the photographer from the Milford Cabinet being present. This sign will be placed down Mullen Road a distance from Osgood Road. Hub Seward stated he may be able to attend this event.

  10. DEAN GLOW/DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION: Mr. Glow met with the Commission to discuss further the Commission's recommendation that the Dredge and Fill Permit for the driveway not be granted as per submitted plans. Mr. Glow stated that he had met with the Board of Adjustment on June 19 1997 and it was only at that time that he learned of the Commission's decision because the letter the Commission sent to the engineer, Monadnock Survey, and to the Board of Adjustment was read at that meeting. He felt the letter should have been sent to him. He stated the five street culverts that he felt directed the water onto his property were not mentioned in that letter. He stated that the only place the driveway can be placed is as indicated on the plans and that this is the least wetland impact. He added that one or two culverts would be required under the driveway, and that he is only proposing to construct one house on the property. He stated that the Commission's letter stated there are alternative ways of gaining access to the property; he claimed this was not the case. He desired the letter to be "restated" and offered to review the property with the members himself. He stated again that it was his opinion the Commission should have notified him of its decision adding that it was the Town which caused the water to be on his property.

    The Chairman responded by advising Mr. Glow that it was the policy of the Commission to deal with the engineer when one was involved. She stated Mrs. Tuomala of Monadnock Survey Inc. was present at the meeting when the decision was made to recommend to the Wetlands Bureau and the Board of Adjustment that the application be denied as presented, and she should have notified the applicant. Diane Fitzpatrick explained that often the Commission is not satisfied with a Dredge and Fill application and its impact on wetlands and after so stating it then awaits revised plans from the engineer. She explained that the Commission is only an advisory board. It was stated that often the Commission is given little time in which to respond to an applicant particularly when the applicant meets with the Commission on a Thursday evening and then with the Board of Adjustment the following Tuesday evening. Mr. Glow repeated his concern that it was the Town that caused the water on his property to which the chairman responded by advising that the Commission did not differentiate between man-made and natural wetlands. Mr. Glow stated the Commission was denying him the ability to build on his property. To this the chairman responded by stating that such was not the case, adding that the Commission was not happy with the wetland impact as proposed and was of the opinion that an alternate access should be sought. Diane Fitzpatrick stated that as per the plans, the driveway has a fifty foot wide impact on the wetlands and the Commission believes this to be excessive. Mr. Glow stated that the old logging road currently on the property and which is being used for logging purposes was much narrower but that for it to be used as a driveway to the proposed house would be impractical as it is under water much of the year. Mr. Glow stated he has looked into other access routes to the property and found there to be none, adding that to purchase an easement across another's property to reach his would be very expensive.

    Mr. Glow stated he would like the Commission to consider another on site inspection at which he would be present; he would like the Commission to acknowledge that the wetland on his property is being fed by water directed to it because of the culverts the Town put under the roadway; that he only wishes to cross a man-made wetland to construct one house. The chairman stated the Commission wished to see plans for the driveway with less wetland impact; that it is not denying him his right to develop the property. Mr. Glow made the statement that as of now, Phil Tuomala was not representing him in this project. He advised that he had been told by Mr. Tuomala that sometimes town boards want to deal with the engineer only. The chairman stated that the property owner is always welcome to partake in discussions with the engineer, adding that the Commission dealt with Mrs. Dawn Tuomala and not Phil Tuomala. Diane explained that after the Commission's negative vote on the application, it was expecting revised plans from the engineer. Mr. Glow stated the only other access to the property would be across another's land. John Bierschenk questioned Mr. Glow as to why the driveway was so level to which Mr. Glow responded that he had been advised by the engineer that that was the only way the driveway could be designed. Diane Fitzpatrick stated it appears that there are areas along the length of the driveway where less fill than proposed could be used. The Chairman advised Mr. Glow that had the Commission been advised by Mrs. Tuomala at its meeting with her on June 12 1997 that the plans would be modified, the Commission would have tabled its motion to deny the drive way as proposed.Mr. Glow requested that the Commission acknowledge the fact that the culverts put under the roadway by the Town were responsible for the water fed onto his property, and that it acknowledge that he did not believe there was another alternative route of access. Hub Seward and Robert Walsh stated that when the plans were presented the culverts were not mentioned, but that this was of no consequence because the wetland is there.

    Mr. Glow then gave permission for the Commission to talk to Phil Tuomala and requested that letters from the Commission on this matter be sent to him. Diane Fitzpatrick advised the Commission would be in touch with Mr. Glow. Mr. Glow departed the meeting. In further discussions, Robert Walsh stated he had not seen any other plans for this driveway, and even if modified plans were presented, he was of the opinion that the impact would still be to great. He added that a wetland is a wetland. Diane Fitzpatrick stated there are several lots along this section of the roadway with similar wetland problems regarding access; she suggested the Commission leave the decision to the Wetlands Bureau. She felt considera- tion had to be given to future impact to the wetland should the other lots be developed in the future. It was decided Diane Fitzpatrick would be in touch with Mr. Glow regarding the Commission's discussion.

  11. PROPERTY BOUNDARY MARKING: The chairman advised the members that Dan Reed had responded with quotations for marking the boundaries of Hartshorn Pond area and the Nicholas Dadoly conservation land on Federal Hill Road. The cost for the Dadoly land is $2,300.00 for an official survey, boundary markers placed at corners, and the entire property line blazed. It had been suggested that this property be classified as a town forest so that accumulating funds in that account could be used. John Bierschenk offered the opinion that this property, 16 acres, is small for a town forest and Robert Walsh expressed the desire to do an on site before making a decision regarding the classification. After discussion, Robert Walsh put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by John Bierschenk and voted unanimously in the affirmative to have the boundaries of Hartshorn Pond done first the cost of this being $1050.00. Lorraine will advise Dan Reed of this decision. Regarding the Dadoly parcel, it was decided to schedule an on-site of this property in the fall and to then make a decision regarding town forest status.

  12. KASEY DRIVE CONSERVATION EASEMENTS: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that on July 7 1997, she, Hub Seward and Rodney Dellafelice had reviewed the deeds and maps for these two easements, and came to the conclusion that Birch Brook is already surrounded by a 25 foot buffer zone which has restricted uses, and that the deeds served to increase the size of the protected buffer zone in these two areas. The deeds measure twenty five feet of protection from the top of the bank and not from the wetland itself which serves to add width of protection along the brook, she stated. She explained that according to the rules in the Wetland Conservation District a tree can be cut down in the buffer zone and therefore it can be done in the conservation easement area. She stated that there was therefore, no infringement on the conservation easement by one tree being cut down within the easement area. Rodney Dellafelice will be taking pictures of the easements which will become part of the record. The chairman added that nothing wrong has been done to date on either of these conservation easements.

  13. MISSION STATEMENT: This issue will be discussed at the Work Session on July 24 1997 at 7p.m., and not July 17 1997 as indicated on the agenda.

  14. "MONSON VILLAGE/SPNHF PURCHASE PLAN: It was suggested that the Commission consider making a pledge towards the purchase of this property. Lorraine had obtained information from Paul Doscher of SPNHF as follows: the purchase price is between $250,000 and $300,000.00. The Society will have between six and twelve months after the agreement is signed to raise the funds. The Purchase Option Agreement is being finalized and is close to being in final form. Mr. Doscher expressed the opinion that a pledge from the Commission would help in the raising of the necessary funds. In discussion of this matter the suggestion was put forward that funds could be requested at the next town meeting to be used for this specific purpose. The members requested additional information be obtained from the Society as follows: Is the "Kennedy" parcel included in the purchase price, this being the back area of the proposed development and which was under a purchase option? The Dickermans have offered part of their land which abuts the Monson Village - what is the status on this issue? Has the Society contacted the Army Corps of Engineers regarding their decision on the property's value? Lorraine will be in touch with Mr. Doscher for the above information. In the matter of a warrant article, the amount of $50,000.00 was suggested and it was felt that the article could be supported by the Commission and the Milford Historical Society at the Town Meeting.

  15. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL: Hub Seward returned the copy of this manual and with no other members wishing to review it, it will be placed in the black cabinet.

  16. NH LIVING LEGACY BOOKS: Lorraine had received the check from the Town to purchase two more copies of this book and had sent it to Chris Guida for him to pick up the copies in Concord. With Chris not being present at this meeting, it was not known whether he had done this or not.

  17. NH COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION AWARD FOR 1996: Diane Fitzpatrick announced that Milford had received this award from the New Hampshire Arborists Association. The Commission had contributed funds over the years towards the purchase of trees, shrubs and flowers for the downtown area and for Emerson Park.

  18. FOUR DRAWER FILE CABINET: Lorraine put forward the request that this cabinet be purchased to replace the very small two drawer file which is full and because of its small size, is taking up unnecessary space. After discussion, Judy Gross put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted unanimously in the affirmative to authorize Diane Fitzpatrick to purchase a second hand four drawer file for an amount not to exceed $125.00.

  19. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST/WHITTEN ROAD ACCESS/STEPS: The suggestion was put forward that steps be constructed in the steep part of this access but it was expressed that this might serve to prevent handicapped access.

  20. EAGLE SCOUT: Jeff Roundsville and his father were present at this meeting and Bob Walsh advised the members after they had departed that Jeff was considering a hiking trail project for his Eagle Scout project, and that he and his father were present to obtain a sense of the activities of the Commission at this point in time. There was no discussion between Jeff Roundsville and the commission.

  21. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST - YOHE BOUND: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that the shrubs had been planted along the boundary as discussed at the June 12 1997 meeting. She presented an invoice in the amount of $115.94 for the shrubs purchased from House by the Side of the Road. Lorraine will make arrangements for reimbursement to Diane from the Town Forest Fund. This expenditure is part of the $540.00 quotation for six trees along this boundary as per the vote of May 8 1997 meeting, with a final expenditure of only $267.00 for three trees.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Thursday August 14, 1997 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

The next Work Session will be at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 24, 1997 in the Public Works Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of August 14, 1997

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairman, Rodney Dellafelice, Vice Chairman
Chris Costantino, Chris Guida, Hub Seward, full members
Judy Gross, Alternate acting full member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. Minutes:
    The Minutes of the July 10, 1997 Meeting were accepted upon motion made by Rodney Dellafelice and seconded by Judy Gross and voted in the affirmative, with the following amendment: Item #3: Phil Auger is from the University of New Hampshire, and not the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, as indicated in the original Minutes.

  2. American Farm Lands Trust: Rodney Dellafelice attended this lecture and advised the Commission that funds are available to purchase farmlands and properties where the soil type is suitable for farmlands though there may not be an existing farm on the property. The funding is federal and matching local funds are required. Rodney stated that September 13 1997 is the dead line for applications for 1997, and that the applications are nationwide. He stated that the project is actually the purchase of the agricultural land development rights and not the actual property. New Hampshire is tenth on the national list of the most important states to protect. It would be necessary for the Commission to identify a suitable piece of property and then complete the application form, but to date no application forms have been received for 1997. Rodney will be in touch with Helen Castles of Natural Resources Conservation Service for an application form and this will be discussed further at the upcoming work session on August 28 1997.

  3. Wetlands Inventory: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that since the last meeting, notification had been received from UNH that this project had been accepted for the next school year. The students assigned to the project will be in touch with the Commission around September 8 1997 for details as to what they plan to do and what the Commission wishes to be done. Diane had responded to this notification in writing suggesting that the Town be divided into watersheds, namely Great Brook, Tucker Brook, Purgatory Brook and Hartshorn Brook, in that order of importance. The Commission awaits to hear further from the students.

  4. Monson Village Preservation: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that a letter had been received from SPNHF in response to the Commission's questions regarding its desire to make a pledge. The response was as follows:
    1. Is Kennedy Parcel part of total land purchase? SPNHF hope to raise sufficient funds to purchase both the Carter and the Kennedy parcels. They are negotiating an option agreement to purchase the Carter piece from Red Mill and Red Mill already has a purchase and sale agreement on the Kennedy parcel which agreement will be transferred to the Society if they succeed in the Carter agreement. The Carter parcel is the most important at this time. (The members made note of the fact that if the Carter parcel is purchased, the Kennedy parcel would be landlocked).
    2. What is the status of the Dickerman land donation? The Dickermans have offered to donate two parcels to the Society which includes all their land in Hollis which adjoins the Carter piece, and another parcel in Milford of approximately 25 acres. (Lorraine will find out the map and lot number of the Milford parcel).
    3. Has the Society been in touch with ACE? The Society has not directly contacted ACE but is working with other agencies which have had direct contact. As of now ACE review will not be available for 1 - 2 months.

  5. Souhegan River Nomination For Protection: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that the Souhegan River Watershed Association will nominate the Souhegan River for this protection by the New Hampshire Rivers Management and Protection Program. Diane is doing some leg work for the Association on this project, but at this time it did not require any further involvement of the Commission, other than their support of the project.

  6. Kasey Drive Conservation Easements: Rodney Dellafelice advised that he had not yet taken photographs of these easements because it was raining the day he was there. He will do this tomorrow. One of the property owners is talking about placing some fill in the easement, and Rodney had advised that owner that he should meet with the Commission first. This issue led to discussion on developing a guide for property owners as to what they can and cannot do in such easements and Diane advised the members that Lorraine had offered to develop a draft of this guide after her vacation is over.

  7. New Hampshire Trail Day: Chris Costantino reported that about ten people were present at this event, with only three coming as a result of the advertising in the newspaper. Everybody appeared to have enjoyed the event and the Commission gave high praise to Dan Reed for his presentation. Dan had advised he would be willing to do this again and would also be willing to give talks to school groups. He also advised that he is preparing the forest with the next 100 years in mind and had explained to those present that this kind of time span is necessary to eventually develop the right type of environment within the forest. The members present at this event stated the demonstration was extensive and very well done. Lorraine advised that Dan Reed would be meeting with the Commission some time this coming winter to discuss another ten year forest management plan for the town forests.

  8. Trail Signs: Diane Fitzpatrick reported that she had hoped to have all the signs erected by this time, but that her plans were disrupted because of a flat battery in the portable drill. She presented an invoice in the total amount of $81.42 for hardware she had had to purchase for this project, which Lorraine will arrange to pay out of the Town Forest Fund as per the vote of the June 12 1997 Meeting.

  9. Hitchiner Town Forest: Various issues were discussed as follows:
    1. Timbering: The members were advised that this was started July 14 1997.
    2. August Treatment: The members were advised that Mr. Tremblay had done the second treatment. It was stated that at the July 10 1997 meeting the members had wished to meet with Mr. Tremblay prior to this treatment, or at least be advised of what product would be used and to be able to make a decision on the expenditure for the treatment. No invoice for reimbursement for this nor the first treatment has been received.
    3. Trails Mowed: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that Public Works Department had mowed the trail again for a cost of $16.25, which had been paid out of the Town Forest Fund. She advised the members that the Department would cut the entire field area in September and that she will get together with the Department prior thereto in order to detail just how much of the fields to mow.

  10. Dollars And Sense Of Open Space Lecture: Judy Gross reported that this lecture is scheduled for 7 p.m. on October 8 1997 in the Banquet Hall of the Town Hall. Digit Taylor will be giving the lecture for which there is a fee of $25.00. There will be handouts at this event with a charge of $1.00 per set. She stated that NHACC will send out invitations for the Commission provided it supplies the materials. Judy had done a considerable amount of work on developing a list of individuals and organizations to be notified of the event. She presented the members with a draft of information to be printed on post cards for mailouts, which was reviewed and some minor changes were made. Regarding the social side of this lecture, it was decided that lemonade would be provided and Judy requested the members to bake brownies to go with it. After a short discussion, Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted in the affirmative to authorize Judy Gross to spend a not to exceed amount of $185.00 on this event, to be paid out of the General Operating Account.

  11. Protecting Lands Lecture: It was stated that this lecture has been scheduled for November 5 1997 at 7p.m. in the Milford Town Hall. This date is acceptable to Phil Auger of UNH. This matter will be discussed further at the next work session.

  12. Hampshire Hills/Wetland Disturbance: Bill Davidson of Meridian Land Services and Rick Holder of Hampshire Hills met with the Commission to seek support for a Dredge and Fill application for a portion of the total wetlands to be disturbed on site. This involves a triangular piece of land he wished to fill to build the roadway needed around the soccer field and so that he can begin to establish the soccer field in the fall. Mr. Holder stated there was some urgency in this matter because he needs to seed the field before winter, so that it will be usable next spring and summer. This disturbance is for a roadway so that the soccer field can be developed. He was seeking the Commission's support for the disturbance to put in the roadway. It would amount to approximately 3,200 square feet of wetland disturbance which does not include the disturbance to the 25 foot buffer zone around the wetland. It was explained to Mr. Holder that were he to apply for a Dredge and Fill Permit for this section of wetland disturbance only at this time he would not be able to apply for the additional wetland disturbance he will need to do at a later date. It was explained to him that it is the Wetland Bureau's policy to issue permits with the stipulation that there be no further wetland disturbance on the site. Mr. Davidson suggested that the slope to the wetland could be increased and thereby avoid the wetland disturbance in total. This would result in buffer zone disturbance only which is a local issue. The buffer zone disturbance would be approximately 2,500 square feet in this case. The Commission requested that a revised plan be presented to them before any decision is made on a recommendation to the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Holder was therefore given an appointment with the Commission at its next meeting which is September 8 1997, and Lorraine explained to him that he should submit his application to the Board of Adjustment for a special exception in such a fashion that it would give the Commission time to respond to that Board after its September 8 meeting.

  13. Souhegan River Cleanup: The Chairman asked the members if there was any interest in organizing to take part in this event scheduled for September 28 1997. There appeared to be no interest. She advised the members that the event was a very loosely organized one and that if any individual wished to take part, they could advise Natural Resources at 673-2409 on an individual basis.

  14. Membership: Chris Costantino advised that she had taken the Oath of Office for her renewed term.

  15. Stormwater Manual: Rodney Dellafelice returned his copy of this manual. All copies of the manual will therefore be in the black cabinet for the use of the members.

  16. Four Drawer File Cabinet: Diane Fitzpatrick advised that she had purchased this cabinet at the Surplus Office Equipment company for a total of $85.00. She will get it into the Planning Board office as soon as time permits.

  17. Next Work Session: The next work session will be at 7 p.m. on August 28, 1997 and not August 21 as indicated on the agenda.

  18. NH Living Legacy Books: The members were advised that these books are now in the black cabinet for further use.

  19. Constructed Wetlands For Stormwater Control: Members were advised that this free lecture is scheduled to take place in Concord on August 20 1997 at 8.30a.m.

  20. Understanding Wetland Functions: This lecture organized by the NH Association etland Scientists is to take place in Nottingham on October 4 1997 from 9a.m. to 4.30p.m. at a cost of $35.00. Upon motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Judy Gross it was voted in the affirmative to pay the $35.00 fee for Rodney Dellafelice to attend this lecture. Lorraine will take care of-the payment and will find out further details as to where the lecture is to be held and advise Rodney.

  21. The Wildland Project: This lecture in land conservation is scheduled to take place September 5 to 7 1997 in Craftsbury Common, Vermont for a total cost of $160.00. Diane Fitzpatrick had decided she would like to attend and because of the time constraints had polled the members for permission to attend with the Commission paying half the fee. This poll was done on July 24 1997 and resulted in an affirmative vote. At this meeting, Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted in the affirmative to pay the full amount of $160.00 for Diane to attend. This amount is due to Diane herself. Lorraine will take care of the reimbursement to her once she receives her cancelled check from the bank.

  22. Eban Curried Dredge And Fill Permit: The members were advised that this permit had been denied by the Wetlands Bureau. This project involves the construction of storage units on Mont Vernon Road. The Wetlands Bureau gave its reasons for the denial in its report dated July 11 1997, a copy of which is in the reading file and in the Currier file.

  23. Dean Glow Dredge And Fill Application: Diane Fitzpatrick had been in touch with Tracy Boisvert of the Wetlands Bureau in this matter and learned that the issue is not yet on that Board's agenda. She was advised that it was likely that the Wetlands Bureau would grant the permit because of the large uplands on the site. She also learned that apparently Mr. Glow submitted a different plan to the Wetlands Bureau to the one submitted to the Commission. The members expressed concerns regarding the referenced "large" uplands on site because during their on site inspection, they did not get this impression. Not knowing this issue was to be discussed, Lorraine did not have the Glow file at the meeting. However, she will check into the matter and be in touch with Phil Tuomala regarding the revised plans.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.15p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7p.m. on Thursday, September 11, 1997 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of September 11, 1997

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chair; Rodney Dellafelice, Vice Chairman
Hub Seward, full member
Judy Gross, Alternate acting full member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Hub Seward and seconded by Judy Gross, it was voted unanimously to approve the Minutes of the August 14, 1997 meeting as presented.

  2. ULRICKSON CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Diane Fitzpatrick reported that Mr. Ulrickson liked the wording of the draft of the easement she had prepared for him. Mr. Ulrickson requested her to talk to the Town Assessor to ensure that this easement would not adversely effect his property taxes. In discussing this with the Assessor, Diane learned that it was the assessor's opinion that this could well increase his taxes because it would mean Mr. Ulrickson would be surrounded by protected land, and he did not appear to concur with Diane that with the property as it is now, there is a surround of protected land. As a result of this opinion, Diane had prepared a letter to the assessor in an attempt to explain why a conservation easement should lower the property taxes rather than raise them. She included in the letter that the Milford Conservation Plan offers the guideline that "conservation easements lower property taxes but no lower than current use rates". The Commission awaits the assessor's response to this letter. Because a site plan of the property is needed to establish the location of the proposed easement, Lorraine had contacted Gerry Gagne of Meridian Land Services for a quotation, but Gerry was unable to give this without a copy of the deed, which is now on order from the Registry of Deeds.

  3. NICHOLAS DADOLY CONSERVATION LAND: An on site review of this land was discussed, and it was decided that a Sunday afternoon would be best for those members present. Diane will call John Bierschenk who is familiar with the property and also Bob Walsh, to set up a suitable date and she will then advise the other members of the date and time for the on site.

  4. MEADOWBROOK CONSERVATION EASEMENT/SULLIVAN LAND TRAILS: It was decided that with so few members present that the topic would be postponed until the October meeting.

  5. KASEY DRIVE CONSERVATION EASEMENTS: Rodney Dellafelice reported he and Hub Seward had taken the pictures of these two easements. Hub will take the photographs and identify them as to location etc and prepare them for the land file.

  6. FRED CONREY CONSERVATION EASEMENT: With Bob Walsh not present at this meeting, it was not known what progress he had made with contacting the property owner in the matter of the easement and a trail. Diane Fitzpatrick stated she would be in touch with Bob for this information so that the matter could proceed ahead. Lorraine advised the members that the timber rights (it was established at the meeting it was timber rights that had been sold and not the property itself), had been sold to David D. Desaulniers & Sons Forest Products, P 0 Box 28, Antrim, New Hampshire 03440 for a sum of $25,000.00. It was decided that Diane would ask Bob Walsh to be in touch with the forest products company to ensure they are aware of the conservation easement.

  7. MONSON VILLAGE: Lorraine reported she had received calls from Geri Dickerman regarding the Commission's pledge, and also from Paul Doscher of SPNHF who also advised that progress is being made in plans for fund raising. Mr. Doscher indicated it would carry a lot of weight were the Commission to make a substantial pledge when it came to attempting to raise funds. The Society will be meeting with businesses and private individuals in this area and in surrounding towns for funds.
    She also had prepared a map of the Carter and Kennedy lots as well as the lot in Milford which the Dickermans plan to donate and the approximate location of their land in Hollis which will be donated as well. Abutting the Kennedy parcel is a tract of land the Town recently acquired for unpaid taxes, and Lorraine will write to the Selectmen requesting that this land locked tract be retained by the Town until the Monson Village issue is finalized.
    Regarding the amount of the pledge, Judy Gross put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted unanimously in the affirmative to pledge $30,000.00 from the Conservation Land Fund towards the purchase of the Carter parcel. It was noted that this amounts to 10% of the total cost of the parcel. Judy Gross stated that from Noreen O'Connell she had learned that the cost of the land-locked Kennedy parcels $20,000.00. Lorraine will advise Paul Doscher of this decision, and Judy will ensure that an article appears in the Milford Cabinet regarding this pledge.

  8. DOLLARS & SENSE OF OPEN SPACE LECTURE: Judy Gross reported that arrangements for this lecture scheduled for 7p.m. on October 8 1997, are going well. She had gotten many lists of names of groups and individuals who may be interested in such a subject, and has notified them all.

  9. OPERATING BUDGET/SECOND QUARTER 1997: Members had received copies of this report together with the agenda for this meeting. There were no questions. Diane Fitzpatrick put forward the suggestion that the line item "Education" should be increased and that an operating budget for 1998 in the amount of $4,500.00 instead of $4,000.00 be requested. She stated that there are many educational courses she attends at her own expense and which she felt would be beneficial to other members were there funds enough. No decision was made at this time.

  10. HAMPSHIRE HILLS/DREDGE AND FILL: An appointment had been given for this issue to be discussed at 8p.m., but no representatives arrived at the meeting.

  11. JOHN BERNTSON/DREDGE AND FILL/MAP 43 LOT 26/TONELLA ROAD: Mr. Berntson met with the Commission and advised that he wished to erect a 45 foot by 300 foot 4 1/2 story high building on this site for assisted living for elderly citizens. He explained offices and employee rooms will be located in the attic. The main entrance to the building will be on the second level. Seventy three units are proposed within the building. He stated that though this would result in a wetland impact, there was a need for this type of housing. Mr. Berntson advised that about two years ago he had logged this property which was a pine forest. He advised that some of the wetlands on the site are the result of runoff from the hill across the street via culverts under Tonella Road. At the rear of the building a fire access road is proposed. This lies totally within wetland, and it is required by the Fire Department that this roadway be hot topped. The building is to be 42 feet back from the front property line with parking between the building and the road. Mr. Berntson proposed to direct the water from the culvert in such a manner that it will flow off the property instead of onto the property as it does now. Mr. Berntson expressed the opinion that his proposal is the most and best possible use of this land. It was noted that 14,614 square feet of wetland disturbance will take place and that this figure does not take into consideration the twenty five foot wetland buffer zone. The members noted that during 1985, a 13 condominium complex was proposed for this site. At that time, the Dredge and Fill application to relocate seasonal runoff and install a culvert was issued by the Wetlands Board; it was later suspended and finally revoked. At that time it was the recommendation of the Conservation Commission to the Wetlands Board that the permit not be issued. The application to the Board of Adjustment for a special exception was withdrawn by the applicant. The members also noted that in 1986, Mr. McKenna who then owned this property, proposed putting a duplex on the lot. It was at that time the opinion of the Commission that it could not support issuance of a dredge and fill permit. The members also noted that in 1989, in 1989, the issue of constructing a duplex on this site was again raised by the owner, Mr. McKenna in the person of Mr. John Berntson acting as general contractor. At that time, it was the opinion of the Commission that this was an unbuildable lot because of the nature of the dry land on the site. At that time the Commission sent a letter to the Board of Adjustment advising that it could not condone construction in the wetland buffer zone. During that year, Mr. Berntson withdrew his application from the Board of Adjustment. It was decided to do an on site inspection of the property at 6p.m. on Monday September 15 1997, to meet at the site. Lorraine will advise those members not present of this fact, and will also advise Mr. Berntson.

  12. 1998 BUDGET AND WARRANT ARTICLES: Because of so few members present, this issue will be discussed at the October meeting.

  13. CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS FOR STORMWATER CONTROL:This issue was not discussed; a report will be in the Black Cabinet of next week.

  14. WILDLANDS PROJECT LAND CONSERVATION WORKSHOP:This workshop was attended last weekend by Diane Fitzpatrick. A full report will be in the Black Cabinet. During this Workshop, a lecture was given, Diane reported, by Susan Morse of Keeping Track which involved wildlife habitat protection through field research, conservation education and planning. The cost to have Ms. Morse give a lecture is $400.00 which includes her publicity of the event. Wilton Conservation Commission was interested in taking part and to pay the amount of $100.00 towards the event. However, they would like the lecture scheduled for December 1997. In a brief discussion, the members felt that with two lectures already scheduled for later this year, one in October and one in November, this would be too much. It was decided that March/early next spring would be preferable, and Diane Fitzpatrick will discuss this with Wilton Conservation Commission.

  15. PROTECTING LANDS LECTURE: This lecture is scheduled for November 5, 1997 at 7p.m. Rodney Dellafelice reported that Phil Auger who will be giving the talk, would like to meet ahead of time with a few members of the Commission to ensure that he will be presenting the talk most suited to Milford's needs. This has been arranged for 2 pm. on Friday, October 10, 1997 at Brentwood. Diane Fitzpatrick and Rodney will attend.

  16. TOWN FOREST SIGNS: Diane Fitzpatrick reported that she had erected all the signs, and this is now a closed subject.

  17. FOUR DRAWER FILE CABINET: This cabinet is now in the Planning Board office and after vacation, Lorraine will rearrange the files using this cabinet for additional space.

  18. HITCHINER TOWN FOREST TIMBER HARVEST: This harvest is now completed as far as Phase 1 is concerned with a total of $5,496.64 having been received from New England Forestry. This was deposited into the Town Forest Fund and this Fund now has a total of $13,066.07 in it.

  19. CURRIER DREDGE AND FILL/MONT VERNON ROAD: It was noted that the Wetlands Bureau had issued the Dredge and Fill Permit, but had reduced the wetland impact from 22,560 square feet to 19,510 square feet. One of the conditions of approval included a conservation easement on the site to be deeded to the Conservation Commission. As of this time, new plans are being drawn up for this project which will reflect the reduced wetland impact and also the location of the easement.

  20. DEAN GLOW/DREDGE AND FILL/MELENDY ROAD: Diane Fitzpatrick reported that this issue was still not on the Wetlands Bureau's agenda. Lorraine reported she had talked to Tracey Boisvert, Field Inspector, and was advised that she would be away on maternity leave and that the matter of the on site had been handed over to another field inspector. She also reported she had been in touch with Joanne Turner at the Natural Resources Conservation Service and learned that there is no longer the free services of a soils scientist to assist with matters such as this application. That organization could now only provide a list of independent soils scientists for such use and the fees run from $50.00 to $60.00 per hour. The Service would charge the Town and then the Town would have to obtain reimbursement from the applicant. It was felt that such a cost would not be acceptable to Mr. Glow. Diane did report having talked to Kevin Lynch, Building Inspector, who advised her he had found sufficient upland to accommodate the house and septic system. The Commission therefore awaits the decision of the Wetlands Bureau on the Dredge and Fill application. It was also reported that the Army Corps of Engineers has become involved in this case.

  21. SOILS LECTURE: Lorraine advised having received in the mail today information regarding a lecture on new soil mapping standards, organized by the Hillsborough County Conservation District, to be held on Wednesday, 24th September 1997 at Elm Brook Park in Hopkinton. The cost is $10.00 per person. Diane Fitzpatrick agreed to attend, and Hub indicated he may be able to. Lorraine will make the necessary arrangements for one person, and if Hub can go, Diane will not attend.

  22. HARTSHORN POND AND CONSERVATION LAND BOUNDARIES: Lorraine reported she received an invoice for this work from New England Forestry Consultants Inc. for work to date in the amount of $1450.77. The original quote had been for $1050.00, but in discussions with Dan Reed, Lorraine learned that Dan had run into considerable problems with the deed the Town received when this property was donated to it and this resulted in lengthy deed research. The work is still not completed so there will be an additional invoice coming. It would appear that once the work is completed, a new deed may have to be prepared and filed at the Registry of Deeds. Lorraine will keep in touch with Dan in this matter and obtain copies of any plans he may have created in the process. In payment of the current invoice, it was decided that $400.00 would be paid out of the Operating Budget. This was voted unanimously in the affirmative upon motion made by Judy Gross and seconded by Hub Seward. The balance will be paid out of the Accumulative Fund.

  23. TUCKER BROOK/DEBRIS IN STREAM: Lorraine advised the members that apparently the two pine trees that were cut last winter the heads of which are in the brook, lie on the property of Michael Roske, 42 Whitten Road, Map 10 Lot 39. Diane Fitzpatrick stated she had looked at this situation from Whitten Road but had not been able to see anything. Rodney Dellafelice agreed to review the situation from the town forest side of this property and report back with his findings.

  24. TOWN FOREST CLASSIFICATION: In the matter of perhaps establishing guide lines to be used for classifying property as town forest, Lorraine advised the members she had talked to Jon Nute, County Forester, to find out if there were any criteria available. Jon advised that there are none, with the only advantage being that monies generated on town forests go into a special fund as opposed to the Town's General Fund.

  25. UNDERSTANDING WETLAND FUNCTIONS LECTURE: Lorraine reported she had finally received the information and registration form for this lecture which Rodney Dellafelice will be attending. The lecture is scheduled for Saturday October 4, 1997 from am. to 3 pm. to be held in Nottingham. The cost is $35.00 for the lecture and as agreed at the August 14, 1997 meeting, Lorraine will process the payment.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, October 9, 1997 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Milford, NH 03055
Meeting Minutes of October 9, 1997
Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairman, Rodney DellaFelice, Vice-Chairman
Robert Walsh, Hub Seward, Chris Costantino, Chris Guida, full members
Judy Gross, alternate

  1. MINUTES: On a motion made by Rodney DellaFelice and seconded by Hub Seward, it was voted unanimously to approve the Minutes of the September 11, 1997 meeting with the following amendments: #4 Meadowbrook Conservation Easement-replace with "It was decided that with so few members present that the topic would be postponed until the October meeting." An on-site was never mentioned in regards to this item. #7 Monson Village, Judy Gross spoke to a Noreen O'Connell, not Doreen. #11 John Berntson (para 3) replace "Mr, Berntson who by then owned this property" with "Mr. McKenna", Mr Berntson purchased the property in 1990. Para 4 replace "in 1989, the issue of constructing a duplex on this site was again raised." With the words "in 1989, the issue of constructing a duplex on this site was again raised by the owner, Mr. McKenna in the person of Mr. John Berntson acting as general contractor." #13 & 14 replace the words "Milford Cabinet" with the words "Black Cabinet." In the future the chairman will use the words "Our Office" when referring to the black cabinet to avoid confusion.

  2. DADOLY CONSERVATION LAND: An on-site was conducted on Sunday Oct 5 at 4p.
    Members present were Diane Fitzpatrick, Rodney DellaFelice, Robert Walsh, and John Bierschenk. Comments made included: the woods were nice, there is a 150' power line easement through the middle, there does not appear to be a lot of timber available, Mr. Dadoly owns timber rights until the year 2016, it does not conform to our concept of a town forest, there does not appear to be much pressure from surrounding development. Conclusion: The property should not be designated town forest, a survey needs to be done at some point in the future but it is not a high priority.

  3. SULLIVAN LAND / MEADOWBROOK EASEMENT: Bob Walsh has started laying out a trail on the Sullivan piece and has much of it flagged. When the flagging is complete he will call members to assemble a crew to help with any clearing that needs to be done. Development of plan for the Meadowbrook Easement portion of the trail will be discussed at the work session on October 23. Anyone with thoughts on the matter should attend the meeting or convey their ideas to Diane prior to the meeting.

  4. ULRICSON CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Diane was encouraged to continue conversation with the tax assessor relative to her letter of 9/10/97. The members agreed to bear the expense of a site plan as would be required for the easement, estimated to be $1200 by Meridian Land Services. It was agreed that the moneys would not be expended until Mr. Ulricson has had a satisfactory conversation with the tax assessor and will indeed grant us the easement. Diane stated that she will not enter into a contract with Meridian without a legal vote of the members.

  5. CONREY EASEMENT: After a review of the Conrey Easement Deed at the work session on September 25th, the members present (Diane Fitzpatrick, Rodney DellaFelice, Chris Costantino, Chris Guida ) became concerned that there may be a violation of the terms by the new owner, Beverly Farnsworth. A letter (attached) dated September 26, 1997 was sent to the Selectmen. Lee Mayhew spoke to Bill Drescher on Thurs. Oct. 2. Diane reported to the members that upon reviewing the Conrey deed, Mr. Drescher agreed that if indeed the timber rights to the property were sold that this would constitute a violation. Diane received a call from Patricia Farnsworth on Friday October 3. After a very congenial conversation it was agreed that Diane would meet with Pat on Monday afternoon before the Monday night Selectmen's meeting at which this violation would be on the agenda. Monday morning Diane went to the courthouse in Nashua to research the report that appeared in the Milford Cabinet on September 10, 1997. The item appeared in the Real Estate Transfers section of the paper stating that on 8/7/97 Beverly Farnsworth sold the timber rights to Map 10 Lot 2 to David D. Desaulners & Sons Forest Products in Antrim, NH (PO Box 28, 03440-0028). The transaction was found in Book 5840 page 618 and turned out to be a timber sale agreement running from July 1, '97 until December 30, '97 and was not a timber rights sale. On Monday afternoon Diane and Chris Costantino went to the property and met with Beverly and Patricia Farnsworth and also with their forester, Bill Downs. The only point in the letter that needed discussion was the trail the commission reserved the right to construct. Because of the potential damage to the land, fright to the horses (there are five at present) and the damage to stone walls and fences that has already occurred, the Farnsworths have a problem agreeing to allow motorized vehicles on the property. Pat Farnsworth agrees that we have a right to put a trail on the property and does not have a problem with that except as already stated. Diane suggested that we put off plans for a trail until the timbering is completed and the Farnsworths have had a chance to settle in. The members concurred.

  6. STEVE TROMBLY: Map 8 Lot 57, Mont Vernon Road
    Bill Davidson, Meridian Land Services, presented a conceptual plan for a nursery. The application is for impact to wetlands for a driveway to access the rear of the property and construction of a pond for irrigation. Plans include the replacement of a failed septic system and the enlargement of the culvert downstream of the project which goes under the private way along the south boundary of the property. The wetland to be impacted is presently forested, the new drive will be gravel, winter treatment will be sand. The pond is proposed to be 50% into the wetland so as to provide a good supply of water. The size of the wetland impact is not known at this time. The members requested that the wetland be flagged before our on-site inspection. An on-site was scheduled for Sunday, October 26th at 4p. The commission requested, in accordance with the aquifer protection district, that fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and other leachables not be stored outside.

  7. RUSSELL KINCAID: Map 10, Lot 73, McGettigan Road.
    Mr. Kincaid presented his application to the commission stating that he is proposing a subdivision of lot 66 into 2 lots, 66 and 66-1. Access to Lot 66-1 would be the existing driveway for lot 73, which Mr. Kincaid also owns. To conform to the town's subdivision regulations, which require a maximum driveway slope to be less than 10%, the existing driveway must be relocated slightly to the north of its present position. The driveway crosses a seasonal stream, the plans call for extending the culvert to accommodate the shift in location. This is a minimum impact, expedited permit application. An on-site was scheduled for Monday, October 13th at 4:30p. Members are to meet at 149 McGettigan Road (Map 10, Lot 73).

  8. WARRANT ARTICLES: Diane informed the members that a draft of the articles we would like to propose is due 11/19. After some discussion the group is leaning toward asking for $30,000 for the land fund and 100% of the land use change penalty. Rodney questioned having two warrant articles and possibly dividing the vote of supporters. Bob felt that voters would support both or neither. Bob also suggested that we may want to withdraw the article requesting $30,000 for the land fund if the Monson project falls through. A final decision will be made at the November 13th meeting.

  9. BUDGET: The general feeling was that there is no need for change. The $4,000 Milford Conservation Commission budget is acceptable.

  10. JOHN BERNTSON: Map43, Lot 26, Tonella Road, File #97-01511
    The chairman expressed the need to list all of our objections to a plan, if there are objections, to be included in our letter to the wetlands bureau. We need to give the bureau a clear picture of what we have observed. All members present agreed. On September 15th Diane Fitzpatrick, Chris Costantino, Chris Guida, Hub Seward, Robert Walsh of the commission met with Mr. Berntson at the site for an inspection. Rodney DellaFelice viewed the property with Diane Fitzpatrick later in the week. The following observations were made by members who had viewed the property. In the immediate area there are two large condominium complexes and an industrial park. A short distance to the west is a strip mall with an expanse of pavement. This property is part of one of the last remaining wetlands of any size in the immediate vicinity, which is close to the downtown. It is obviously collecting and treating runoff from the area. In addition, there are several items on the application that we would refute. The application states that the property "was part of a White Pine forest." A letter dated January 23, 1997 from Joseph W. Noel, CPSS/SC states that "The majority of the wetland is a cut-over forested swamp which is dominated by: red maple, sensitive fern, cinnamon fern, and sedges." The applicant states that this application represents the best use with the least impact. This same applicant, as the general contractor, presented a plan in 1989 to the town for a duplex type housing unit which did not impact the wetland at all. This plan was denied by the Milford Conservation Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment because it fell almost completely in the 25' buffer area recognized by the town. We also do not agree with the wetland impact calculation and believe that the impact will be much greater than stated. The applicant would have us believe that he can build a four and a half story building and not disturb the wetland five feet from the building or between the building and the fire access road. The chairman asked the members if they wished a copy of the wetlands board denial dated September 25, 1985 (permit # M-1171, for the construction of 13 condominium units) to be included with our letter. The response was to include the copy. A motion was made by Chris Guida to recommend to the Wetlands Bureau to deny the application, seconded by Chris Costantino, voted unanimously to recommend denial.

  11. HENDRIX: The commission has become aware that Hendrix Wire & Cable, under the name of the Marmon Group, has not completed the conditions of their D&F permit from the Wetlands Bureau. Permit # 96-01918 contained the finding that "(3.) The wetland values provided by this wetland (3,750 sq. ft. to be filled) are being replicated and expanded in the new larger stormwater recharge basin." Diane explained that in a conversation with Ed Menard of Hendrix she was told that they went to great expense to construct the new basin. After several months it was found that the new basin would not hold water, the water was traveling laterally through the ground toward the new addition. The decision was made to abandon the idea of a stormwater recharge basin and the area was filled in, covered with gravel and is now used as a trailer parking area. The stormwater is now being discharged to the Souhegan River. According to the application dated September 30,1996 and prepared by Meridian Land Services, "Prior to March 1990, all process and storm water was discharged to the Souhegan River. Due to the condition of the Savage Well water (an EPA Superfund site), from which the process water was pumped, it became apparent that the requirements of our NHDES permit could not be met. In March, 1990, all process and storm water discharges were eliminated and the discharge permit was relinquished. Subsequently, all process water has been recycled and storm water is accumulated in a tank at the east end of the plant, and pumped to the west end for spraying on the field." This spraying created the wetland Hendrix received permission to fill.
    Diane called the Wetlands Bureau to see if the applicant had filed an amendment to his D&F application. She was told that he had not. The Wetlands Bureau is mailing a complaint form to the commission. Diane suggested that the commission initially send a letter to the applicant recommending that an amendment be filed with the Wetlands Bureau requesting a release from the condition that they install a new basin due to the fact that it appears that a basin in the new location will not function. The following comments came up in the discussion that followed: write Hendrix a letter requesting that they meet with us, send a letter requiring an amendment be filed with the Wetlands Bureau, add a time limit for the filing, send a complaint form to the Wetlands Bureau, notify the town of what we are pursuing. Final decision: Diane will call the bureau and confirm the procedure, then she will send a letter to Hendrix informing them of the infraction, with a copy going to our code enforcement officer and file a complaint with the Wetlands Bureau.

  12. UNH WETLANDS INVENTORY: Diane Fitzpatrick reported that on September 18th she met with three of the seven students in course NR775 Senior Project assigned Milford, NH Wetland Inventory. As the students must complete their senior project by December, they chose the Great Brook watershed up stream of Osgood Pond, feeling that they could complete this size area in the time allotted. In a separate conversation with Frank Mitchell, one of the instructors, Diane suggested that future classes might do the other three watersheds thereby completing the town. Mr. Mitchell thought that this could be done. The students are planning on doing their field work after the leaves fall and will inform us as to when they plan on being here in the hopes that some of the members may want to accompany them. Several members would like to take advantage of this offer. Diane will call everyone as soon as she knows when the students are coming. The students will present their final report at our December meeting.

  13. ANNUAL MEETING OF NHACC: Saturday, November 1st, in Concord
    Members attending:
    Diane Fitzpatrick, Rodney DellaFelice, Hub Seward, Chris Costantino, Chris Guida, Judy Gross
    Lorraine Carson

  14. CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS WORKSHOP: On August 20th Diane attended a workshop entitled Constructed Wetlands for Stormwater Control. The workshop was co-sponsored by DES Nonpoint Source Program and the New England Coastal Program. A copy of her report and also a copy of the handout can be found our office. The purpose of the workshop was to introduce the concept of considering water quality and not just water quantity when planning for stormwater control measures. As a member of the master plan committee, Diane is suggesting that the planning board review this information for the purpose of inclusion in our site plan regulations.

  15. WILDLANDS PROJECT WORKSHOP: A great deal of valuable information was garnered at the Wildlands Project's Land Conservation Workshop (Sept. 5-7, Craftsbury, VT). The Wildlands Project is attempting to preserve and restore large 'core' reserves (50,000 acres and up!!) and connect these core reserves with 'corridors' to facilitate the movement of 'indicator species' i.e bear, fisher, bobcat, cougar. Their approach is to do a wildlife inventory focusing on predators. If the habitat will support these large, far ranging animals most other animals will also be supported. Their aim is to identify feeding areas, breeding and denning regions, also summer and winter ranges. This is all far beyond anything appropriate in Milford, however the concept is transferable. Knowing where the wildlife is will give us one more feature in our natural resource inventory to use to identify unique or important habitats for protection. At the last meeting Diane recommended having Susan Morse as a speaker possibly in mid to late February, the members were agreeable. Diane feels that this inspiring and entertaining speaker's presentation could be used as a recruiting session. The publicity will most likely draw a crowd and from this group we could get names and phone numbers of people interested in trail maintenance, wildlife inventory information, adopt a stream program (Hub), guided nature walk creation or even a new member or two.

  16. TUCKER BROOK/DEBRIS IN STREAM: Rodney DellaFelice would like other members to take a look on Monday October 13 before or after the on-site for Russell Kincaid, McGettigan Road, and add their thoughts to his before making a decision on what should be done.

  17. Diane informed the members that she has requested a position as an alternate to the planning board.

    The following information was supplied in writing to the members for their information.

    • Area conservation commissions joint meeting Oct 27, 7p, Milford selectmen's meeting room, speaker, Frank Mitchell, topic Area Conservation Commissions Working Together to Protect Land. This is the group that the Amherst Conservation Commission started by inviting conservation commissions from the towns which abut Amherst and which has been meeting quarterly in Amherst.
    • Work Session, next meeting Oct. 23 7p, DPW meeting room (we will probably not meet in Nov & Dec because of the holidays)
    • Noteworthy dates- Nov. 19, 8p Warrant Articles 1st draft; Dec. 3, 8p Conservation Commission Budget hearing; Jan 5, public hearing on the budget; Jan 9, Town Report to the printer; Jan 13 final date to submit petitioned warrant articles.

    There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00pm.
    The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 13, 1997 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Milford Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of November 13, 1997

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairman, Rodney Dellafelice, Vice Chairman
Hub Seward, full member
Judy Gross, Alternate Acting Full Member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MINUTES: The Minutes of the October 9, 1997 Meeting were accepted upon motion made by Judy Gross, seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted in the affirmative, with the following amendment:

    Item #15:"(50,00 acres and up!!) should read "50,000 acres and up."

  2. MILFORD CONSERVATION COMMISSION'S DREDGE AND FILL FORM: The chairman accepted various comments, corrections and additions to the draft of this form. After discussion, Rodney Dellafelice put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Judy Gross and voted unanimously in the affirmative to accept the form as modified. Diane will prepare the final form and make copies available. It was stated that this form can be altered at any time when the need arises.

  3. SULLIVAN TRAIL: With Bob Walsh unable to attend this meeting, Diane Fitzpatrick advised that Bob had marked where the trail is to go and it was suggested that if any member has the time to visit the area that a pair of clippers be taken along to help with the development of the trail. The subject of the old car wreck was raised with Diane stating she would be in touch with Bob Courage of Public Works Department to have it removed.


    1. Budget for Third Quarter, 1997: Members had been provided with copies of this Report which Lorraine had prepared. There were no comments.

    2. Warrant Articles for 1998: The chairman advised the members that a re-quest had been received to submit all warrant articles for 1998 prior to this meeting. She had therefore requested Lorraine to submit the two articles as discussed at the October 9 1997 meeting, namely one for $30,000.00 to be added to the Conservation Land Fund, and one for 100% of the land use change tax to be added to the same fund.

    3. Operating Budget for 1998: Lorraine presented the members with a draft of the line items in this budget with a total of $4,000.00, representing no increase over 1997. Lorraine pointed out the dues for the NHACC for 1998 had increased by $13.00 to $384.00. She will prepare various documents on the budget for presentation to the Budget Committee. Rodney will prepare information supporting the land use change tax warrant article. Diane advised the members that the meeting with the Budget Committee is currently scheduled for Monday December 8 1997 at 8p.m, and encouraged all members to attend.

  5. UNH WETLAND INVENTORY: Diane Fitzpatrick advised the members that the field work has now been completed and the students are currently putting together the various facts and figures. They will present their final report at 7.30p.m. on December 11 1997. The cost for this project will be approximately $296.32 which includes travel expenses, copying, etc. In discussion of this project, it was stated that a request could be submitted to UNH for students to continue the project until the whole Town has been done. Hub Seward pointed out that if the students were to find a prime wetland in this pursuit, then a soils scientist could be brought in as is required by law.


    1. Field Cutting: Diane Fitzpatrick reported that the field cutting is progressing well, and the invoice recently received is being processed for payment out of the Town Forest Fund. Public Works Department will be doing work on the edge of the fields as time permits, and various areas where cutting is not wanted, have been marked. It was reported that 5 Eastern Bluebirds were seen in the field area on October 31 1997.

    2. Timber Update: The members were advised that Phase 2 of the timbering has temporarily been put on hold until Badger Hill make further progress with road construction on their land which will result in less cost to the Commission in order reach the town forest from this land.

  7. REPORTS FROM NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: It was decided that this issue would be held over for another meeting when there may be better attendance. Lorraine reported that at the Conservation Easements lecture she attended information had been given out regarding various books on the subject. One she felt would be very useful in preparation of guidelines for conservation easements which she is working on, namely "The Conservation Easement Handbook, Managing Land Conservation and Historic Preservation Easement Programs". This may be available through a local book store for $35.00 which would save the $5.00 postage. After a brief discussion, Rodney Dellafelice put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Judy Gross and voted unanimously in the affirmative to authorize Lorraine to purchase this book for $35.00.

  8. LAND USE LECTURE: Rodney Dellafelice, who organized this lecture, stated that it was very well attended with about 25 individuals attending, excluding our own Commission members. He had incurred personal expenses in his efforts regarding this lecture, and he will submit them to Lorraine for payment.

  9. SITE SPECIFIC SOIL MAPPING LECTURE: Diane Fitzpatrick reported she had attended this lecture on September 24, 1997 sponsored by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. She learned that the High Intensity Standards are being phased out over the next five years and will be replaced by Site Specific Standards, which will supply more information than the HIS method does, and she will be suggesting to the Planning Board that it review this information for inclusion in the Town's site plan regulations.


    Mr. Trombly and an engineer from Meridian Land Services Inc. met with the Commission to discuss this Dredge and Fill application which had been filed with the Town Clerk yesterday. Diane Fitzpatrick, Robert Walsh and Lorraine Carson had made an on site inspection on October 26 1997 with Mr. Trombly and an engineer. Rodney Dellafelice had made an on site inspection at a later date.

    It was explained that four areas of wetland disturbance are proposed. The existing gravel road to the property crosses a culvert which is 24 inches in diameter and too small. It is proposed to increase the size of this culvert to 30 inches, as is the culvert further upstream under Route 13 north. It was pointed out, though not shown on the plan, That the sewer line will run in this roadway and thus avoid further disturbance to the wetlands on site. Further disturbance will result in the roadway for access to the back portion of the property where nursery stock, loam, bark mulch etc. will be stored. Mr. Trombly also proposes a small wetland disturbance where he plans to upgrade an existing logging road to abutting property owned by his father. A pond is also proposed to be used for irrigation. The estimated area to be dredged with the current plans amounts to 19,896 square feet; estimated area to be filled amounts to 10,497 square feet; wetland buffer zone disturbance amounts to 16,600 square feet. Mr. Trombly pointed out that the plans filed with the Dredge and Fill application show a 40 foot wide pond which is wider than he originally intended but he explained it includes disturbance to create sloping sides to the pond. The pond is proposed at 16 feet deep and the ideal slope of the sides is proposed at 3: 1. He stated he wished the pond to be no more than a width which would allow him to easily access it for cleaning out when the need arose. He also wishes to be able to mow up to the edge of the pond. It was noted that the plans before this meeting showed the pond totally in the wetland area, where as on the on site inspection, it had been requested it be located mainly in the uplands. Mr. Trombly stated that in order to make his proposed use of this land work, he needs water for irrigation, and with the pond in wetlands he is more likely to get the needed water than if it were located in uplands. After discussions of the wetland disturbances to the site, it was Requested that the plans show the access road to the rear of the property where there will be wetland impact, that they show the location of the septic system on the site, and that the pond be relocated to follow the wetland contour so that part of it will be in uplands and part will be in wetlands. The pond will be located so as to be as far from the access road as possible. The sewer line along the existing roadway will also be shown on revised plans. Hub Seward then put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Judy Gross and voted unanimously in the affirmative to give conditional approval to the Dredge and Fill application with modifications as discussed. A copy of the revised and final plans will be provided to the Commission. Lorraine will prepare a letter to the Wetlands Bureau advising of the Above decision.

  11. HENDRIX WIRE AND CABLE/WETLANDS ISSUE/Map 14 Lots 8 & 9: As a result of the members' request of the chairman to file a complaint form with the Wetlands Bureau, the chairman had a discussion with Kevin Lynch, Code Enforcement Officer for Milford, during which discussion, Mr. Lynch stated he had given Hendrix authorization to abandon the stormwater basin after they had tried three different configurations for the basin, none of which would hold water. The chairman had explained to Mr. Lynch that he did not have this authority because the stormwater basin was part of a permit issued by the State Wetlands Bureau. She advised him that the applicant needed to apply to the Bureau for a condition of the permit to be waived, or at the least to notify the Commission of a problem in complying with the permit conditions. As a result of this discussion, Mr. Lynch arranged a meeting with himself, the chairman and Mr. Ed Menard of Hendrix on November 6 1997. Mr. Menard explained that after several months, multiple rearrangings of the soil and a cost to Hendrix of $35,000.00, the storm water pumped into the newly constructed basin was traveling laterally through the ground rather than permeating down and was creating a saturated soil condition in the area of the two loading docks. The chairman advised Mr. Menard that he needed permission from the Wetlands Bureau to abandon the basin and requested him to inform the Bureau in writing with a copy of the letter to the Commission, to be in hand by November 13 1997; failure of this would mean the Commission would be obliged to file a complaint with the Bureau. A copy of Mr. Menard's letter to the Bureau dated November 12 1997 was available at the meeting of November 13 1997.

  12. JOHN ULRICSON/CONSERVATION EASEMENT/MAP 5 LOT 15: The chairman advised the members Mr. Ulricson had withdrawn his offer of donating part of his land to the Town as a conservation easement to prevent its development in the future. Mr. Ulricson had two reasons for wishing to protect his property, one being he did not want the land developed, and secondly he wished to reduce his property tax burden. The chairman had talked to the Town Assessor a second time on this issue, and was advised that the theory of enhancement was commonly used in assessing property, that is if a parcel abuts protected lands the value is higher than if that property abuts developed house lots. The assessor had explained that though the tax would decrease on the easement, it would increase on the remaining land where Mr. Ulricson's house is located. It was likely the net result would be a decrease in total taxes paid by Mr. Ulricson, but Mr. McMullen, the Assessor, would not go on record with an estimate as to what the tax impact would be finally. Mr. Ulricson had therefore decided to wait for a more favorable climate before donating the development rights on part of his land.

    This issue lead the chairman to suggest that the Commission approach the Master Plan Committee with the suggestion that an investigation be made into the options available to the Town to encourage conservation easements as one of the means the Town uses to preserve the character of the town and reduce the negative tax impact of housing developments.

  13. OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE OF MISSION STATEMENT: The chairman announced this issue would be dealt with at the December 1997 meeting.

  14. CONSERVATION LANDS/ANNUAL REVIEWS: The chairman announced this issue would 5e dealt with at the December 1997 meeting.

  15. TUCKER BROOK/DEBRIS IN STREAM: The chairman reported that on October 13 1997 she made an on site inspection of the area reported to contain debris. She found that it was obvious a few large pines had been removed; some debris was on the very steep slope along the Brook but was not in the stream channel. She expressed the opinion that removal of the slash would be difficult due to the steepness of the area. She also talked to the owner of Map 10 Lot 39 who stated the trees had been heavily damaged in the winter storms and their removal was necessary. This was done by a professional who had advised the property owner that it was illegal to leave slash in a stream and that every effort would be made to remove as much as possible, ensuring that any left was on the bank and not in the stream. The chairman offered the opinion that this matter be considered closed; the members concurred.

  16. MIDDLE SCHOOL POND: Lorraine advised the members that on October 23 1997 she had met with Linda Greenwald, chairman of the School Board, to review this pond and its surroundings in the vicinity of the intersection of West Street and Osgood Road. Ms. Greenwald wished to "do something" with the area to clean it up, make it more attractive, turn it into a public park and make it more useful as an educational tool for the schools. In review of the area, Lorraine had offered the opinion that simply mowing a few areas as open space and mowing some pathways through the area would be sufficient to create a worthwhile parkland, and would not require any State or Conservation Commission intervention because the pond itself would not be touched and mowing is permitted within the 25 foot buffer zone. Ms. Greenwald approved of-the ideas presented. Lorraine will keep the members informed of any further activities in this matter.

  17. RUSSELL KINCAID/EXPEDITED PERMIT APPLICATION: The chairman advised the members that she and Judy Gross had made an on site inspection of this area on Map 10 Lot 73, and added that the Planning Board wished the driveway relocated because of the steepness of the slope; this will be a private way which will cross a wetland. The wetland impact will involve extending an existing culvert. It was noted that though Mr. Kincaid had been given an appointment for this meeting, he did not arrive. On motion made by Judy Gross and seconded by Hub Seward, it was voted unanimously in the affirmative to approve this expedited permit. Lorraine will advise Mr. Kincaid that the forms and his check are ready to be picked up.

  18. HARTSHORN POND AND LAND BOUNDARIES: The members were advised that this project is now completed. A final invoice in the amount of $675.30 had been received. Hub Seward put a motion on the floor, it was seconded by Rodney Dellafelice and voted unanimously in the affirmative to pay this amount out of the Accumulative Fund to New England Forestry Consultants Inc. The members were also advised that during the boundary marking, Dan Reed had found a problem along the northern boundary. The Town's deed did not meet with the bounds on the land. In his research and his meetings with Charles Zahn who abuts the northern boundary, he found the original Hartshorn deed to the land and part of an old plan which served to reaffirm the bounds as on the land. Dan Reed had learned that at some point in time, an agreement had been made between the Hartshorns and the Zahns regarding this boundary which would have made it as per the Town's deed description, but there was no further record of this agreement to be found. He had therefore met with Mr. Zahn and they had agreed upon the old boundary line. This will mean that the Town's deed will have to be rewritten. Lorraine has already talked to Mr. Zahn, and will meet with him again on this matter, and will then proceed with whatever it takes to correct the Town's deed and the property tax maps. She will also advise the Selectmen of the situation to date.

  19. PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBERS: Richard Medlyn and Pierce Rigrod met with the members, having attended this meeting in total, to express their desire to become involved with the Commission. Dick Medlyn stated he had education in marine biology and was very involved in wetland issues; he had also previously served on the Commission, had been a selectman for 7 years, and had served on the Planning Board. Dick was interested in becoming a full member of the Commission. Pierce Rigrod stated he was employed by Nashua Regional Planning Commission, was now living in Milford, and was interested in becoming involved with local boards. After the departure of the two gentlemen, the chairman stated each should attend a few meetings before any decision is made regarding appointments and she will send a letter to each one so advising.

  20. BUFFER ZONE WIDTH: While talking to Dick Medlyn, the subject of increasing the buffer zone in small increments, such as 5 feet per year, was raised. In later discussion of this, Rodney Dellafelice expressed support of the idea. Hub Seward expressed the opinion that more education was needed for home owners who had wetlands or buffer zones on their properties, as to how to manage these areas.

  21. KASEY DRIVE CONSERVATION EASEMENT PHOTOGRAPHS: Lorraine raised the issue of the photographs that were taken earlier this year when Rodney and Hub did an inspection of these two easements, so that the photographs could be put into the active land file for future reference. Rodney said he would find the pictures and get them to Lorraine.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

The next public meeting will be Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 7 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room.


Meeting Minutes of December 11, 1997

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairman, Rodney Dellafelice, Vice Chairman
Chris Guida, Hub Seward, Chris, Costantino, Robert Walsh, full members
Judy Gross, Alternate Acting Full Member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

  1. MONSON VILLAGE/PUBLIC HEARING: The chairman called the meeting to order at 7p.m. for this public hearing. She put a motion on the floor as follows: "To have the Milford Conservation Commission enter into a contractual agree ment with the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests for the sum of $30,000.00 for the protection of the property in Milford, known as 'Monson Village' in accordance with RSA 36-A:4, upon the approval from the Board of Selectmen of the-Town of Milford." Various members of the Commission made comments in support of the pledge in the amount of $30,000.00 from the Land Fund to the Society. The chairman explained that a contractual agreement was required in this instance because a third party would be involved in the land purchase, namely the Society. Geri Dickerman of Federal Hill Road advised the assembly that as of today just over $200,000.00 had been raised for the purchase of the property with another two months remaining before the dead line. It was stated that the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests will be having a joint meeting with the representatives of the Towns of Milford and Hollis; arrangements for this meeting have not been made yet due to the fact that Paul Doscher of the Society, has devoted his time to the fund raising.
    A member of the audience expressed concerns regarding the Town of Milford making a donation of this amount to a third party and was advised that the contractual agreement would give the Town of Milford an interest in the property. There being no further discussion, the chairman called for a second to the motion. It was seconded by Chris Costantino. The vote was unanimously in favor of the motion.

  2. MINUTES: Upon motion made by Judy Gross and seconded by Rodney Dellafelice the Minutes of the Meeting of November 13, 1997 were accepted as presented.

  3. BUDGET AND WARRANT ARTICLES FOR 1998: The chairman reported that the Budget Committee and the Selectmen supported the requested $4,000.00 for the 1998 Operating Budget. In the matter of the two warrant articles for the Conservation Land Fund, the chairman advised that the Selectmen did not support the article for 100% of the Current Land Use change of use tax, expressing the opinion that the people would not support this. Both the Selectmen and the Budget Committee supported the article for $30,000.00 for this fund, but stated that if the final budget bottom line is too high, this amount may be reduced.
    The chairman requested the opinion of the members regarding keeping both articles on the warrant or supporting one or the other. During this discussion, Dick Medlyn, a prospective new member in the audience, offered the opinion that the Current Land Use issue has never been supported because the general public does not understand it, and offered the opinion that the Commission should support the $30,000.00 article. The chairman requested the opinion of the members on withdrawing the article for the Current Land Use change of use tax: five members supported the withdrawal of this article.

  4. UNH WETLAND INVENTORY: Students from the University of New Hampshire who had worked on this fall 1997 senior project, entitled Birch Brook and Great Brook Wetland Evaluation, met with the Commission to present their final report. For this project, wetlands within the Birch Brook and Great Brook watersheds two acres or greater in size were studied. The students pointed out that a unique wetland, known as a fen, had been found on the Brox property and offered the opinion that this area needs further protection from disturbance. Lorraine will make copies of the Report on this project for distribution to the members and other interested parties.

  5. HENDRIX WIRE AND CABLE/WETLANDS ISSUE/MAP 14 LOTS 8 & 9: The chairman stated that the required permission from the Wetlands Bureau to abandon the basin on this property which basin had been part of the conditions of the Dredge and Fill Permit, had not been sought by Hendrix Wire and Cable. As per the decision of the Commission's November 13 1997 meeting, a complaint will now be filed with the Wetlands Bureau.

  6. CONSERVATION LAND REVIEWED: This issue was not discussed.

  7. HARTSHORN POND BOUNDARY: It was reported that on November 18 1997, Lorraine had been advised by Dan Reed of New England Forestry Consultants Inc. that a problem existed on the westerly boundary of this conservation land in that the Town's deed to the property did not agree with the boundary markers on the land. Also, the description of this boundary in the deed of the abutter, did not agree with the Town's deed. Some time ago a survey had been done of part of this boundary and an agreement was to have been developed with the abutter. This apparently was not done. Dan Reed had advised that this discrepancy could be handled in one of two ways: it could either be left alone at this time but would be raised again at some future date when the abutting property might be sold, or a survey of the boundary could be be done and from this survey plan a Boundary Line Adjustment Agreement could be developed between the Town and Charles Zahn, the abutter. Mr. Reed had recommended the survey for a cost of $300.00 to $400.00. Lorraine had contacted four members of the Commission by telephone on November 18 1997 for authorization for this expenditure for the survey. The members were Diane Fitzpatrick, Hub Seward, Robert Walsh and Judy Gross. She had received unanimous approval for this project and had advised Dan Reed accordingly. Mr. Zahn has also been advised of this project, as have the Selectmen.

  8. UNH WETLAND INVENTORY: The issue of continuing with the services of the students in this inventory was raised, with the question being should the Commission have the students do further study of the fen area on the Brox property or should it have the students study another wetland area. The membership generally felt that the fen area could perhaps be classi-fied as a prime wetland but that this would involve some expense to the Commission. It was the opinion that another wetland area should be chosen for a similar study to the Birch Brook/Great Brook watershed just completed. The chairman will advise UNH accordingly.

  9. CARL HOLLAND PROPERTY ON OSGOOD ROAD: The chairman advised the members that Mr. Holland had donated his property including buildings to Beaver Brook Association in Hollis. Tom Mullins of the Association will be meeting with the Board of Selectmen on December 29 1997 in regard to the taxes on the property because the Association will allow Mr. Holland to remain living on the property for as long as he desires but feels it could not pay the taxes.

  10. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: The issue of reports from members having attended this meeting on November 1 1997, was not discussed.

  11. MINUTES OF MEETINGS: Discussion took place in the matter of correcting Minutes of meetings as may be required and the signing of same. It was decided that should any corrections be required, they will be made to the original of the Minutes before those Minutes are signed. Until that time, copies of the Minutes in circulation will be identified as being in draft form.

  12. MISSION STATEMENT: This issue was not discussed.

  13. PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBERS: It was noted that Dick Medlyn, a prospective new full member, was present at this meeting. This was his second meeting.

  14. CONSERVATION COMMISSION/PLANNING BOARD: The chairman presented the members with the suggestion that the Planning Board be requested to submit all plans coming before that Board, whether wetlands are on site or not, for the re-view of the Commission. She stated these plans could be placed in the black cabinet for the members to review if they so wished. It was decided this request would be forwarded to the Planning Board.
  15. BADGER HILL/CLUSTER ZONING REGULATIONS: The chairman put forward the suggestion that the Commission request the Planning Board obtain the cal-culation for the maximum number of units that would be allowed in the Badger Hill Development under the present cluster zoning regulation. She explained that this number is determined by dividing the net tract area by the maximum lot size of the zoning district. The net tract area is defined as the "total area of a parcel less... . all wetlands ... , and slopes in excess of 15%..." The common open space requirement dictates that "at least 50% of the gross tract area shall be set aside as open space..." She stated that if the total number of allowable units under the present regulation is less than the number of units on the approved plan, the Commission should urge the Planning Board to invoke RSA 674:39 and RSA 676:4-a in order to compel Badger Hill development to conform with the present regulations. She advised the members that the above two statutes assist a locality that seeks to change its regulations to eliminate unintended loopholes and short comings that are often discovered only through application and use of the regulations. She added that for an applicant to be vested against subsequent changes in the regulations "active and substantial development" has to have occurred in accordance with the approved plat within twelve months after the date of approval. Case law has defined active and substantial development to not include any off site work nor does it include any land clearing or rough road work. According to RSA 674:39 when the time period provided in that statute has elapsed and the approval no longer conforms to applicable ordinances, the Planning Board has the authority to revoke the approval. After a brief discussion, the members felt this would be worth pursuing and the chairman will discuss it with the Planning Board at one of their work sessions.

  16. HAMPSHIRE HILLS/WETLAND VIOLATION: The chairman advised the members that attempts had been made to have the Wetlands Bureau become active in this violation which had originally been reported to it a year ago. It had been established that no after-the-fact Dredge and Fill Application had been filed. A written request will be submitted to the Wetlands Bureau to reactivate this issue.

  17. 1997 TREE PROJECT/SHEPARD PARK: Lorraine advised the members she had reviewed this area with the County Forester and had discussed his recommendations with Robert Courage, Director of Public Works Department. She had obtained a quotation from L.A. Brochu Inc. of Concord (at the recommendation of Mr. Courage) as follows: 4 Canadian Red Select Cherry trees, 4 Fl. Crabapple trees, 1 Linden tree and 7 junipers for a total cost of $2,000.00. She requested the members if they would give consideration to assigning the proposed funding for the 1998 Tree Project to this matter in order to bring it to conclusion. No decision was made at this time as the High School had also indicated it might be requesting funding from the Tree Project in 1998.

  18. NEXT WORK SESSION: This work session is scheduled for January 22 1998 at 7p.m. and discussions will include Meadowbrook Conservation Easement plans and designing a special features map for use by the town departments involved in planning.

  19. SULLIVAN LAND TRAIL: The trail on the Sullivan section of the Tucker Brook Town Forest has been cleared and a request has been submitted to Public Works Department for assistance in removing the car wreck on the property.

  20. STEVE TROMBLY/MAP 8 LOT 57 DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION: Members were advised that the plan had been revised to include the recommendations of the Commission. The Board of Adjustment had denied Mr. Trombly's request for a variance for the commercial use of this property. Mr. Trombly will either appeal this decision or will develop a new plan.

  21. BERNTSON DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATION/MAP 43 LOT 26: The members were advised that the Wetlands Bureau is awaiting a clear plan from Mr. Berntson showing the wetlands on the property, identifying who did the delineation, are requesting a wetland delineation done more recently than 1986 and 1991, and have requested a clear indication of the wetland type. It was stated that unless the Wetlands Bureau receives the requested information within 60 days of its request (October 30 1997) the application will be denied.

  22. TOVAR JOHNSON/CONSERVATION EASEMENT/MAP 47 LOT 15: Members were advised that Mr. Johnson had requested information regarding his interest in donating a conservation easement to the Town on this property. The chairman had provided the requested information.

  23. BEAVER BROOK EDUCATION PROGRAM: Beaver Brook Association is offering this program in land planning and protection. The lectures take place on Wednesday evenings from 7.30p.m. to 9p.m., with a cost of $6.00 per lecture, as follows:

    • March 11 1998, Forest Harvest Laws and Current Use
    • March 18 1998 Land Protection and the Establishment of the Hersey Mountain Forest
    • April 8,1998, Wildlife Habitat Conservation and Community Planning.

    Members interested in attending any or all of the above are requested to advise the chairman or Lorraine by the February 1998 meeting of the Commission.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

The next public meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 8, 1998 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

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