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1992 Minutes   January - February - March- April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December    Minutes 1992


Meeting Minutes of January 16, 1992

Present: Bill Parker, Chairman Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman
Ken Utting, Chris Costantino, Hub Seward, John Kenison, Charles Carter
Bob Walsh, Alternate
Lorraine Carson, secretary

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Ken Utting and seconded by Bob McEttrick, it was voted unanimously to accept the Minutes of the December 5, 1991 meeting as presented.

  2. ROBERTA TOOMEY/SUBDIVISION/WETLANDS: Dennis Zabolis of White Birch Builders met with the Commission to review a proposed subdivision on Jennison Road on land owned by Roberta Toomey. A wetland crossing for a driveway is involved. Lorraine reported she and Mark Fougere had made an on site inspection, and stated that a narrow but well-defined and fully running stream has to be crossed. This stream is surrounded on both sides by heavy bushy and treed area, many of the bushes being berry-producing and making this a good wildlife habitat. It was Lorraine's opinion that the disturbance to this area for the driveway should be kept to the minimum, and that the driveway should be no more than 18 feet wide. There is a 50 foot right of way for this driveway to reach the two back lots. There are 6 lots in this subdivision, located on Map 5 Lots 13, 13-1 and 14, with four of the lots fronting on Jennison Road. Lorraine also reported that though she had requested the Dredge and Fill application not to be filed with the Town Clerk until after this meeting, it had been filed on January 6 1992. Dennis explained that it had not been filed, but that he had presented it to the Town Clerk, who signed the copies and then gave them back to him. This is something that should not have been done, and Lorraine will attempt to prepare a detailed explanation for the Town Clerk as to what he should do, under the new rules, when an application is filed. She will call the Wetlands Board to find out what should be done in this case. Arrangements were also made that Lorraine will meet with Dennis at ll a.m. on Tuesday, January 21 1992 when he will file the application with the Town Clerk officially. In discussion of this case, the members expressed the desire to make an on site inspection themselves. It was decided that those who wished to do so, would do so over the weekend and report to Lorraine by January 20. Depending on the concerns of those who do an on site, a letter will be sent to the Wetlands Board with recommendations of the Commission.

  3. DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATIONS - GENERAL: As a result of the above application, discussion took place relative to the procedure the Commission should adopt regarding these applications. This issue is to be further discussed at the next meeting, but a suggestion was put forward that applicants be advised that their first meeting with the Commission would be a preliminary meeting. This would provide the members with information on the site in question and allow them time to make on site inspections if so desired and so as to not hold up the process unduly, a meeting could be called to finalize Dredge and Fill issues within two weeks of the preliminary meeting. The issue was raised relative to some sort of checklist for these on site inspections. (Though not raised at this meeting, it is reported in these Minutes that such a Checklist does exist and is part of the "Information Package" prepared for all new members in red three-ring binders. Members should refer to this for review).

  4. GOALS FOR 1992: In discussion of this, Bob McEttrick put forward the suggestion that the goals were well spelled out in what Bill Parker had prepared and which had been discussed in the past, be reviewed a few times a year as a reminder of the objectives. The members agreed to this.

  5. EMERSON ROAD PETITION: Lorraine presented two copies of a petition for classification as scenic that section of this roadway from Route 13 South to Federal Hill Road, explaining that a petition is required for this classification, and that a minimum of 25 signatures is required. Chris and Charles took the copies for additional signatures after the members had themselves signed it. These two copies will be returned to Lorraine as soon as possible, with a deadline of February 1 1992.

  6. CONSERVATION LAND ORDINANCE: Lorraine advised the members that in a recent review of this Ordinance, in particular Appendix A which lists the lands covered by the ordinance, she found the list required updating, as well as a correction. She therefore prepared a totally new list of lands with the suggestion that the current Appendix A be eliminated in its entirety and the one presented at this meeting, be accepted in its place. After discussion Hub Seward put a motion on the floor, seconded by Ken Utting and voted unanimously in the affirmative that the Appendix A as presented at this meeting be accepted. The changes are: the addition of the Crawford land, the addition of the Nicholas Dadoly land, and a change in name of the land at Osgood Pond Dam to "Hazel Adams Burns Park, Osgood Pond". Copies of the new Appendix A were presented to the members with the request that it be inserted in the red three ring binders of Information for Members. Lorraine will also present the new Appendix A to the Board of Selectmen and to the Town Clerk for his files.

  7. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Steve Turner advised the members that he had attempted to meet with the property owners, and had only succeeded in contacting one of them, namely Arthur Henderson. In his meeting with this gentleman, he learned that Mr. Henderson is not at this point in time, interested in the public using his land for purposes of hiking the trail. With this in mind Steve has arranged a meeting with the Executive Director of Fish and Game Department, scheduled for 9a.m. on Tuesday, January 21 1992 to obtain his approval of the plans and it is Steve's intent after that, to develop the trail starting at the Hatchery land. He also plans to get the Board of Selectmen involved in the trail development in order to proceed further with the actual trail.

  8. BUDGET AND FINANCES: Lorraine presented the members with various aspects of these issues as follows:

    Item #8 Budget continued:

    1. 1991 Budget Figures: Lorraine presented copies of the expenditures for 1991 for the members' review. A total of $1934.77 was unexpended as of December 31 1991, and this amount has been placed in the Accumulative Fund. Of this amount, $1033.00 is reserved for the proposed work in Emerson Park, an amount originally in the budget of Public Works Dept.

    2. Financial Statement: Lorraine presented copies of the Financial Statement for the year 1991 as it will appear in the Town Report.

    3. Summary of the Accounts: For the sake of the record and to better inform the new members of the financial status of the Commission, Lorraine presented a summary of the various accounts showing income and expenditures in these accounts since their inception. For the Accumulative Fund, she reviewed with the members how this account was developed beginning in 1980.

    4. Budget for 1992: Lorraine advised the members that the Selectmen had reduced the 1992 appropriation from the requested $5,000 to $2,500.00. As a result of this she had reworked the line item breakdown for 1992 and offered the following suggestions to bring the proposed expenditures to half of the original: eliminate the summer camp for $500.00; eliminate the $500.00 set aside for legal fees, which would then have to be charged to the Selectmen's budget; reduce the Tree Project (Transfer Station) to $500.00 and use the additional monies needed for this project from the Accumulative Fund; reduce the contingency balance by $1,000.00. In discussions of this issue, the members made the decision to have Bill request the Selectmen to support $3,000 for the 1992 appropriation. This would allow the Tree Project to remain at $1,000.00.

  9. SPNHF DUES FOR 1992: On motion made by Bob McEttrick and seconded by Chris Costantino, it was voted unanimously in favor of the motion to pay the 1992 dues in the amount of $26.00.

  10. 1992 CONSERVATION DIRECTORY: Lorraine advised the members of the availability of this Directory which is prepared by the National Wildlife Federation and which contains the names and addresses of international, national and regional conservation, environmental and wildlife organizations. The cost is $18.00. This Directory is updated annually, but Lorraine felt that it would not be necessary to purchase this on an annual basis, but did recommend that one issue be purchased. After discussion, Chris put a motion on the floor, seconded by Charles and voted unanimously in favor of the motion to authorize Lorraine to purchase a copy of the Directory for 1992 and donate it to the Wadleigh Library as a reference guide for the general public.

  11. UPCOMING LECTURES: The SPNHF is offering a number of lectures of interest to the Commission. For some of these the dates and/or locations have not yet been finalized, but Lorraine provided the list and requested members to consider which lectures they wished to attend, and to advise her accordingly. The list is as follows:

    • Working with Landowners: How to get and keep the ball rolling - March 28 1992, in the Lakes Region. Cost $12.00.

    • Conservation Easement Stewardship: Monitoring and Enforcement - April 4 in New London. Cost $15.00. Also to be presented on April 11 in southwestern New Hampshire.

    • Assessing Local Wildlife Needs - May 9, location to be announced. Cost $25.00.

  12. HAZEL BURNS PARK PARK BENCHES: Lorraine advised the members that these two benches had been received, and she and Bob Courage had reviewed the Park for location sites. It was decided to erect the benches to the right of the spillway where there are currently no benches. Bob Courage hopes to erect them before the ground freezes too deeply.

  13. EARTH DAY 1992: A memo was received from the Earth Day Committee explaining that this year it is planned to concentrate activities for this celebration on children to be held at the Recycling Center. The Commission was asked to take part in this and to offer any additional ideas for activities. A meeting is scheduled to discuss this on January 21 1992, and Bill Parker plans to attend, as well as Chris Costantino.

  14. TREE PROJECT: Lorraine advised the members that from a bookkeeping standpoint, there has always been confusion as to the "year" of theses projects. It is necessary to begin planning the project in one year, but the trees are not purchased and paid for until the spring of the following year. She therefore put forward the idea that the project be identified by the year in which payment is made. Thus the Transfer Station project would be the "1992 Tree Project". The members agreed with this housekeeping item.

    In further discussions of the Transfer Station project, Lorraine reported she and Bob Courage, who is very enthusiastic about this idea, had done a review of the areas at the Station which need some attention, and she had prepared a list of locations and types of plantings needed. This list will be given to John Ferguson for final review. She also advised the members that some funds are available for such a project from the US Small Business Bureau and John Ferguson is working on this relative to the Transfer Station project. It was felt that this project could provide the Commission with some good publicity for a community project. Because of the budget cut, members discussed the idea of digging up small trees themselves and transplanting them at the Transfer Station. They were asked to look around for suitable plantings and report back at the next meeting.

  15. AQUIFER PROTECTION/MOBIL OIL GAS STATION: Lorraine reported having received an excellent report from Dave Andrews on why a gas station should not be located on Nashua Street across from Shaw's Plaza. She will provide the members with copies of Dave's Report. In the meantime, she had given copies of this report to the Planning Board and to the Board of Adjustment.

  16. PUBLIC EVENTS: Ken Utting provided the members with copies of the final brochure he had prepared, and received high praise for an excellent job done. These brochures will be placed at various locations around town.

    The first event, a cross country ski trip along the proposed route of the Souhegan River Trail will be held on January 25 1992. If there is no snow, a hike will be done instead. This event will be publicized in the Milford Cabinet, the Nashua Telegraph and on the local radio station. He advised the members that Campers' Inn had paid in full for the printing of the brochure for a total cost of $100.00. A letter of thanks and appreciation will be sent to them by Lorraine. Campers Inn will also be providing a motor home for this event on January 25 from which hot drinks will be served to the participants. He also advised the members that S & M Graphics located on Elm Street had folded the brochures free of charge. Lorraine will also write a letter of thanks to them for their services.

    It was announced by Bob Walsh that the first two weeks of April have been set aside as "Milford Tunes Out TV", and asked if the Commission could sponsor a hike as part of this event. The members were supportive of this idea and Bob and Ken will work on it.

  17. TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE: Lorraine reported that this magazine, published ten times a year by the New Hampshire Municipal Association for a cost of $10.00 per year, had been recommended by the NHACC as worthwhile for Conservation Commissions. In discussion, it was decided that Bill, who receives these magazines at his office in Keene, would review them and copy any articles that are of interest to the commission, rather than have the Commission spend $10.00 in view of the reduced budget for 1992.

  18. TOWN MEETING BOOTH: Relative to setting up a table at Town Meeting on March 10 1992, Lorraine advised the members she is attempting to find out how to go about making the necessary arrangements. Though Town Meeting does not begin until 6.30p.m., voting begins at noon and Lorraine suggested that the table be covered from noon. Lorraine will be there from noon to 2p.m., and Chris will take over from 2p.m. to 4p.m. Additional coverage is needed from 4p.m. to 6.30p.m. In the matter of what items to have available at this booth, Lorraine put forward the following list with the request that members come up with any additional items that should be made available. The list is: hiking maps (as are available in the Town Clerk's office), brochures of the public events, a map of all town owned conservation lands, copies of the Conservation Plan, maps of the proposed Souhegan River Trail, Land Information Kit packages.

  19. WETLANDS TALK/NH METHOD; Lorraine advised the members that whereas this talk had had to be cancelled because of an ice storm, it has been rescheduled for 7.30p.m. on Thursday February 13 1992. She had advised all members of the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment of the new date. She had also been able to reserve the Banquet Hall for the event. Because this is the regular meeting night of the Commission, the date of Thursday, February 20 has been set for the regular meeting.

  20. MAYFLOWER HILL TOWN FOREST SIGNS: Charles Carter provided a list of items the High School needs in order to route these signs for the Commission: letter template $19.00; bushing attachment $14.50; cutter bits $13.00; for a total of $46.50. Bob McEttrick put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Chris Costantino and voted unanimously in the affirmative to authorize this expenditure. The School will purchase the items and the Commission will reimburse, for a total expenditure of $46.50.

  21. COURT HOUSE/CANOE LAUNCH SITE/POLICE STATION: Lorraine reported she had made an on site inspection of this area. Bill Parker will be doing the same in the near future, and then he and Lorraine will meet with the Selectmen at 7.30p.m. on Monday February 3 1992 to discuss the matter of including an access way to the area in plans for the Court House to be constructed on the property of the Milford Police Station on Elm Street.

  22. PHIL HEALD PROPOSED TRAIL WILTON TO TUCKER BROOK LAND: Lorraine advised members that she had been contacted by Mr. Heald who owns a large tract of land in Wilton on which some 4 miles of trail exists, relative to his idea of connecting his land (now secured in open space by the SPNHF), with the Tucker Brook Town Forest trail system. A meeting has been scheduled with Mr. Heald at the SCS office at 10a.m. on Thursday January 23. Steve Turner will also be present to take part in the discussions, and to give details of the Souhegan River Trail system as well.

  23. PROCEDURES: Considerable discussion took place relative to various pro cedures of the Commission and involvement of the various members. The idea was put forward that the agenda should be mailed to members ahead of the meeting. Lorraine offered the information that this would add to cost in an already reduced budget, and it would mean cutting off the deadline for agenda items in order to allow time for mailing. It was also suggested that copies of all issues to come before the meeting be avail able in the Commission's office. This would also add to cost and time involved, and in addition the Town Hall is not open evenings which is the only time most members have available. Relative to access to the Commission's office, Ken Utting put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob McEttrick and voted unanimously in the affirmative, to authorize John Kenison to have keys made for each member to this office. Because of the complexity of the issue of procedures, it was decided to terminate discussions at this point and to allot an hour for further discussion at the next meeting.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10.45p.m.
The next meetings are as follows:

Thursday, February 13 1992, 7.30p.m.: Wetlands Talk/NH Method

Thursday, February 20 1992, 7.30p.m.:Regular monthly meeting.


Meeting Minutes of February 20,1992

Bill Parker, Chairman, Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman.
Hub Seward, Ken Utting, Chris Costantino, Charles Carter.
Blaise Corcoran, Steve Turner, Alternates.
Lorraine Carson, Secretary.

    On motion made by Ken Utting and seconded by Charles Carter, the Minutes of the January 16, 1992 Public Meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. STEVE CLOUGH: This individual had been contacted by Lorraine through a lead from Mark Fougere as a prospective member of the Commission. He had been given an appointment to meet with the Commission at 8p.m., but failed to arrive. Nothing further had been heard from him, and Lorraine will contact him to establish if he is still interest or not.

  3. SAVE THE AQUIFER COMMITTEE: The chairman of this Committee, William Bishko, met with the Commission to discuss the objectives of the committee and to present to the Commission copies of letters of protest against Mobil Oil's proposed site opposite the Lorden Plaza on Nashua Street. About 200 such letters were presented, and Mr. Bishko assured the members that more are being received daily. Considerable discussions back and forth took place, with Mr. Bishko stating that Mobil Oil would back off from the proposed gas station if their other Mobil stations in town are boycotted, and plans are afoot to do just that. He had learned that apparently if Mobil Oil is refused the site, or pulls out before the station is established, they will sell to Exxon. Currently ground water studies are being done at the site with Geo Tech In. apparently performing the work, but Mr. Bishko had not been able to find an address for this company. During discussions, it was stated that there seemed little need for another gas station in Milford, and it was suggested to Mr. Bishko that he check into the size of the existing gas stations in town; this information is available through the Fire Chief. Mr. Bishko was asked to keep the Commission informed of his progress in finding out information etc., and another meeting would be arranged to discuss this further. Discussions took place regarding a gas station proposed in Amherst in the vicinity of Wilderness Outfitters, which failed because of rules and regulations in Amherst preventing such a service over an aquifer, and Mr. Bishko was advised to be in touch with Amherst for details. Steve Turner provided the name of an individual who was involved in this and from whom considerable information and details could be obtained by Mr. Bishko. Lorraine provided the members with a copy of Dave Andrews' letter regarding gas station in the proposed location over an aquifer.

  4. BUDGET FOR 1992: Lorraine advised the members that the Operating Budget for 1992 had been increased by Lee Mayhew from $2,500 to $4,000; the reason for the Selectmen having settled on the $2,500 figure was because they were working from incomplete figures for 1991 at that time. Lorraine advised the members that with this increased budget, it would be possible to retain the 1992 Tree Project (Transfer Station) at $1,000.00, Summer Camp at $500.00 and Legal Fees (Devine Property) at $500.00. This leaves $54.00 in the Contingency Fund. The members agreed with these figures.

  5. EXECUTIVE SESSION - LAND PURCHASE: Hub Seward put a motion on the floor to enter into executive session to discuss possible land purchase; the motion was seconded by Bill Parker and voted in the affirmative by the Acting Chairman, Bob McEttrick, polling the members present. After discussion, Bill Parker put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted unanimously in favor, to return to open session. Returning to open session, Bill Parker put a motion on the floor, seconded by Ken Utting and voted unanimously in favor, to offer James Devine an amount of $48,000.00 for the 60 acre parcel abutting the Tucker Brook Town Forest and known as Map 10 Lot 52. This figure was part of a range provided to the Commission by Dominic D'Antoni who had made a study of the property. Mr. D'Antoni is a certified New Hampshire appraiser/assessor. Lorraine will write a letter to Mr. Devine with this offer.

  6. MILFORD DISTRICT COURT/CANOE LAUNCH SITE: Bill and Lorraine reported on their February 3 1992 meeting with the Board of Selectmen in regards to providing canoe launch site and incorporating same into any proposed plans for the Milford Police Station land on which the new court house is proposed. The Selectmen were much in favor of the idea, and requested that the Commission develop plans as to where an access way would be best located, and that these plans be sent to the Court for inclusion in its plans for this property.

    After discussion, it was decided that Bob McEttrick would develop the plans with the proposed access way to the Souhegan River running on the left side of the existing Police Station buildings. Lorraine will provide him with a copy of the plan of land of the Police Station. Bob put forward the suggestion that perhaps the Court's engineer could develop complete plans for this access way together with a turn-around close to the River but keeping out of the 50 foot Buffer Zone.

  7. PUBLIC EVENTS: Ken Utting advised the members that for April 11, a hike at Mayflower Hill Town Forest is scheduled, and for April 18, a hike at Tucker Brook Town Forest. Beyond those dates, no definite dates have been set for most of the remaining public events. With brochures being available for Town Meeting in mind, it was decided to have 300 brochures printed up with these dates included. These will be available for Town Meeting and also for distribution around town generally. The cost would be $33.00. On motion made by Hub Seward and seconded by Chris Costantino it was voted unanimously in favor, to pay this amount from the Accumulating Fund. When dates of future events are set, more brochures will be needed, and an attempt will be made to have these paid for by the private sector.

  8. TOWN MEETING BOOTH: Members were invited to assist at this booth, but it will officially be covered as follows: Noon to 2p.m. - Lorraine, 2p.m. to 4p.m. by Chris, and 4p.m. to 6.30p.m. by Georgia Moore. It was established that the following will be available: copies of the hiking maps (to be provided by Bob McEttrick), brochures of public events (to be provided by Ken Utting), a map showing conservation lands prepared by Lorraine, 1 copy of the Conservation Plan (it was decided not to have the excess copies available on sale because they will be needed when the new Master Plan is published), maps of the proposed Souhegan river Trail (to be provided by Steve Turner) and copies of Land Information Kits (members who have copies spare are to bring them to the next conservation meeting).

  9. MAYFLOWER HILL SIGNS: Charles Carter reported that some items for this project had been purchased from County Stores for a total cost of $40.99 and he presented Lorraine with the invoices for reimbursement. These items will be retained by the School but will be the property of the Commission as there are many more signs to be made for the Souhegan River Trail. Charles advised the members that his son, Brian and the students were in the process of preparing sample signs for the Commission's approval and these would be available soon for review.

  10. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Steve Turner provided members with copies of a map of the Hatchery land showing existing trails, new trails, future trails and two parking areas. The draft of a license from Fish and Game Dept. had been received and reviewed by Steve and Bill Parker. Together they had written a response to the department, and a copy of this was provided for the records. Time at this meeting did not permit discussion of these issues. The next Trail meeting is March 18, 7.30p.m, at Steve's house.

  11. 1992 TREE PROJECT: Lorraine advised the members that she had prepared a list of possible plantings for the Transfer Station, bearing in mind special requests made by Bob Courage, and had met with Margaret Pratt. Margaret will review the Transfer Station in early March to establish just what plants would be suitable for various locations, how many of each etc. One item that Bob Courage had specifically requested was evergreen trees retaining branches from the ground up to be planted along the main Station building to help hide it from the roadway. Relative to the members' offering to dig up trees in their backyards, it was decided to wait until Margaret reports with her findings before taking further action on this matter.

  12. PHIL HEALD TRAIL: Lorraine reported having attended another meeting with Mr. Heald and several other interested parties regarding this proposed trail. As a result of this meeting, she had prepared information as to property owners in Milford through whose properties this trail may lead. She had also established the name of the property owner in Mason whose property lies between the Mason town land and the Mason/Milford boundary. She reported that after this second meeting, it occurred to her that the plans appeared to be going nowhere, that if this trail was to be established a committee would have to be formed to oversee it, that neither the Milford nor the Mason Conservation Commissions had the time to give to this development. She therefore discussed privately with Mr. Heald the possibility of getting the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests involved in the development of the trail. They already own a considerable portion of Mr. Heald's property where this trail system begins. The end result of this was that she and Mr. Heald will meet with a representative of the Society on Thursday, February 27 1992 to discuss this proposal. Lorraine hoped that this may lead to the Commission not having to be so heavily involved in the trail development, and perhaps instead just doing minor projects instead relative to the trail in Milford. She stated this project had already proven rather time-consuming on her part. She will advise the members at the next meeting of the outcome of the meeting with the Society.

  13. TRAIL ADOPTION: Lorraine reported that after spending considerable time on this project, she had finally managed to organize a meeting with the leaders of the girl scouts relative to trail adoption. On Tuesday, February 18, she had met with Karen Swenson, Director of Girl Scouts in Milford, and had briefly discussed what the Commission would like from the scouts. She will meet with all the leaders on March 11 1992 to discuss and inform further. Relative to the Boy Scouts, again after considerable time and effort, she had managed to reach that Director, Donna Wardlow. Mrs. Wardlow was to meet with her leaders on February 18, advise them of the Commission's wish to establish trail adoption, and would get back to Lorraine with further arrangements.

  14. HOLCOMBE PROPERTY: Lorraine reported she had been contacted by Mrs. Robert Holcombe of North River Road regarding the subdivision on Jennison Road which came before the Commission recently, and which abuts a 30 acre parcel she and her husband own. She expressed interest in preserving this area as open space and as a result, Lorraine mailed to her the Land Information Kit including the book giving more information. She later received in the mail notice of a lecture for land owners who wish to preserve their property and she sent this along to Mrs. Holcombe as well.

  15. THE BROADCASTER: Lorraine reported she recently received a phone call from a reporter at the Broadcaster wanting considerable details about the activities of the Commission because the Broadcaster is apparently interested in doing an article on the Commission. She had provided as much information as she could. The reporter also requested to be kept informed of any future issues the Commission may be involved in which would be of general interest.

As a result of the lateness of the hour, several issues on the agenda did not receive attention, namely:
  • Earth Day -report from Bill Parker on 1.21.92 meeting and the Commission's involvement.

  • Agenda Items, procedures and issues needing attention:

  • Dredge and Fill Applications - review draft of procedures.

This meeting was adjourned at 10.45p.m.

The next Public Meeting is scheduled for 7.30p.m. on March 5, 1992, with a Work Session scheduled for 7.30p.m. on March 19, 1992.


Meeting Minutes of March 5, 1992

Bill Parker, Chairman. Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman
Hub Seward, Chris Costantino, Charles Carter, John Kenison, Ken Utting,
Bob Walsh, Steve Turner, Alternates
Lorraine Carson, Cons. Assist.

    Upon motion made by Hub Seward and seconded by Ken Utting, the Minutes of the February 20, 1992 Meeting were accepted with the following amendment:
    Item 11 - 1992 Tree Project: the words "in their backyards" were struck from the Minutes.

  2. STEVE CLOUGH: Lorraine reported having contacted Mr. Clough regarding his desire to become a member of the Commission and the fact he had not kept his appointment on February 20 1992. Mr. Clough indicated illness had prevented his attendance, but he wished to have another appointment to meet with the members. Again he did not keep the appointment as given for this meeting of March 5 1992. It was decided not to pursue this issue further.

  3. JAMES DEVINE/LAND PURCHASE: Lorraine advised the members she had received a telephone call from Mr. Devine shortly before this meeting in response to the letter that had been sent offering $48,000 for the 60 acre parcel known as Map 10 Lot 25. Mr. Devine had expressed surprise at the low figure stating he had wanted $200,000 and was a few years ago offered $100,000 by Russ Monbleau, then chairman of the Commission, which Mr. Devine stated was already half of what he wanted, and now he was offered half of that again! After a lengthy conversation, he had advised Lorraine that he would not accept less than $2,000 per acre and then only if he could receive credit for the difference between this and the assessed value of the property, vs $219,000. He stated he had another possible buyer and was considering subdividing the property into three 20 acre parcels. Mr. Devine was of the opinion that access to the property was no problem, an opinion which is not shared by members of the Commission. After discussion of this, it was decided that Lorraine would find out how much it would cost him to take the property out of Current Land Use which would be necessary for subdivision, and that the Commission would send a letter to Mr. Devine stating it was not in a position to accept his offer of $2,000 per acre based on the current economical conditions, but that it was still interested in purchasing the property for conservation purposes.

  4. MILFORD DISTRICT COURT/CANOE LAUNCH SITE: Bob McEttrick offered two sketches he had prepared of possible development of the launch site and access. After discussion of the two proposals, the following decisions were made: that the launch site itself be designed by the Commission, leaving the access road to the Court architects; that at the suggestion of Steve Turner, a hammerhead be designed for a turn-around; that parking space for three cars be developed; that a buffer be created along the edge of the 50 foot Wetland Buffer Zone at the Souhegan River to prevent vehicular access; that a footpath be developed through the Buffer Zone to reach the River itself. These plans will be submitted to the Selectmen with a covering letter requesting assistance of the Court architect in the development and in location and possible development of the access road. Bob will draw up a plan for the Selectmen and Lorraine will do the accompanying letter.

  5. PUBLIC EVENTS: Ken Utting presented the members with the revised brochure public events, which was reviewed. Ken will correct a couple of errors and will have them prepared in time for distributing them at Town Meeting. Ken advised members that the April 11 bike trip instead of "watching TV" had been cancelled. Also, Ken will be meeting with the Chief of Police tomorrow to organize parking etc. at the Police Station for the May 9 canoe trip down the Souhegan River. In further discussions of these public events, Ken stated the need for a set-up committee which would take care of the publicity, trip coordination and prepare and post trail head signs, arrange for refreshments etc. Bill Parker, Chris Costantino and Hub Seward offered to form this committee. It was decided that the trip leader would write a report on each trip for publication in the Milford Cabinet and other newspapers if possible. Relative to the provision of refreshments, it was noted that places such as McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts and Shaws would provide refreshments free of charge in exchange for the publicity received.

  6. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Steve Turner briefed the members on the lengthy letter he and Bill Parker had sent to NH Fish and Game Dept regarding the license needed to develop the trail across the Hatchery lands. A copy of this letter is on file in the Commission's records. He stated that the first step in the development of the trail is to work on the section crossing the Hatchery lands, and to do this, the license must first be obtained. Once the license is in hand and the trail developed, work will begin on the section across the lands of Bill Ferguson, Dick Prunier and Robert Holcombe. The parking area for the trailhead on the Hatchery property will utilize an existing parking area at the foot of the first gravel road from North River Road after the Hatchery buildings. Two relatively short sections of trail will have to be built, but are simple and can be done by the Commission. Once on the Ferguson property, wooden walkways and a bridge at Purgatory Brook will be needed and for this the services of Trailwrights will be required. They are scheduled to begin work on the trail June 28 1992. Relative to the farmers renting fields from Fish and Game Dept. and the conditions of those agreements, Steve pointed out that Earl Fitch uses Fields 1, 3 and 4 as on the map of the trail, and Stan Trombly uses field # 2. The agreement for Field #3 is the only agreement that includes a recreational clause.

    Relative to the town-owned land, known as the Joslin property, Steve stated that Mary Gaudette will develop a trail on one of the two islands forming this town land. The Engineering Committee will develop access to that island. Steve provided the members with a copy of the Minutes of the February 12 1992 meeting of the Souhegan River Trail Committee, and advised them that the next meeting is scheduled for March 18 1992.

  7. PHIL HEALD TRAIL: Lorraine briefed the members on activities in this project as follows. Following the second meeting with Mr. Heald at the SCS Office with several other individuals present, it had occurred to her that in order to develop this trail, an over-all committee would have to be formed because of the fact that there is a great deal of work to be done, and several towns are involved. Relative to the proposed loop into Lyndeborough as proposed by Tom Chrisenton, Lorraine felt that it would be better to develop the main trail first, before giving too much attention to the several loops that could be created from it. With these thoughts in mind she discussed the ideas first with Joanne Turner, who was present at the SCS Office meetings, and than talked to Phil Heald with the ideas. During that conversation, Mr. Heald felt that the Society for the Protection of NH Forests would be a good place to start regarding an overall committee. The Society now owns a considerable amount of land, which the proposed trail would cross, which was donated to them by Mr. Heald. He agreed that the main trail should be built before any loops are considered. With those thoughts in mind, Lorraine and Mr. Heald met with Paul Doscher of SPNHF where the idea of the trail was warmly received. The Society does considerable work in trail building and was interested in assisting with this one. The result of this meeting was that a letter from Mr. Heald as chairman, and Lorraine as Vice Chairman, was sent to the Society to officially request the assistance, with the understanding that the conservation commissions of Wilton, Mason and Milford would be involved in actual trail development. Once official involvement of the Society is in effect, a meeting will be arranged between the Society and the above conservation commissions to discuss trail development. Lorraine pointed out that Milford will have the least amount of work to do because of the existence of a jeep trail running parallel with Mile Slip Road and at best a short trail will have to be built to connect this trail to Mile Slip Road at the Mason Road end. Lorraine described the proposed trail from the Heald/Society lands in Wilton, through Mason, into Milford and connecting with the Tucker Brook Town Forest. A trail will also have to be built across the Sullivan town property and the Meadowbrook conservation easement to the Bypass.

  8. EARTH DAY: Bill Parker reported on the January 21 1992 meeting of the Earth Day Committee as follows: that whereas it was originally planned to hold this event at the Transfer Station, it is now proposed that it be held in the Town Hall with the focus on children and their involvement in the philosophy. The event is scheduled for April 25 1992. The Commission should have a booth at this event, Bill suggested and it was decided that he, Chris and Steve will work on what should be offered.

  9. DANA LORDEN CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Lorraine presented the members with a draft of a letter she had prepared to be sent to Pisano and Dadoly, the current property owners of properties over which this easement lies. The members were in agreement with the draft. Relative to the draft of the conservation easement as prepared by Town Counsel, Steve Turner expressed concerns regarding the complexity of the agreement and the issue of whether or not this would be the type of agreement for all future conservation easements. The members felt that it would not be so, because each conservation easement has its own specialties and each property owner has his/her own ideas as to what should be in such an agreement. It was agreed that Lorraine will send the letter as drafted to the two property owners. Steve raised the issue of the interaction of the Planning Board and the Commission in regards to conservation easements. In the past the Planning Board has been very willing to secure conservation easements where possible during the time of subdivision review. However, the Commission has usually had no part in this process. At Steve's suggestion, the members requested a letter be sent to the Planning Board asking that the Commission be allowed to submit input into any future conservation easements that may be available during subdivision processes. Lorraine will send this letter.

  10. DREDGE AND FILL APPLICATIONS - PROTOCOL: Lorraine presented members with a draft of a new protocol to be used in these applications for their review. She also suggested that details of what should be in abutter notifications be included in this protocol. The members agreed with this and suggested that the Commission provide a blank letter to applicants for this purpose. Lorraine will prepare this. Because of the lateness of the hour, Bill Parker asked the members to review the drafted protocol and come to the next meeting prepared to make final recommendations and approvals.

  11. TOWN MEETING BOOTH: Final arrangements were made as to what should be provided to the public at this booth. Steve Turner requested that at this point in time, the map of the Souhegan River Trail not be available. Bob McEttrick provided a good supply of copies of the trail maps, and Ken Utting will ensure that Lorraine has a supply of the Public Events brochures for distribution. Regarding coverage of the booth, Chris said she would not be able to take the entire 2p.m. to 4p.m. shift. Hub Seward agreed to cover from 3p.m. to 4p.m. when Georgia will take over. Lorraine will cover from noon to 2p.m.

  12. TOWN MEETING/WARRANT ARTICLES: Time was spent in discussion on how the Commission would respond to possible questions that may be raised from the floor. Relative to the Land Fund warrant article, it was decided that Bill Parker would put a motion on the floor to amend this article from $50,000 to $25,000. Most of the members stated they would be attending Town Meeting and would sit together so as to be able to discuss issues if needed.

  13. STEVE TURNER/MEMBERSHIP: Steve advised the members that he had written a Tetter to the Board of Selectmen requesting he be reappointed as a full member at the end of March when his term as an alternate expires. In discussion of this, it was noted that Bob McEttrick, Hub Seward and Charles Carter whose terms as full members all expire in March, all wished to be reappointed. Steve stated he would advise the Selectmen, therefore, that he would be happy to be reappointed as an alternate.

  14. AGENDA ITEMS/ISSUES/GOALS: Due to the time and the fact that this requires considerable discussion, this item was not addressed, but will be at the next meeting.

This meeting adjourned at 9.50p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7.30p.m. on Thursday, March 26, 1992 in the Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant

15. PRUNIER CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Lorraine advised the members that Dick Prunier had decided he wanted the simplest conservation easement deed for the 100 foot wide and approximately 240 feet long easement across his property Map 8 Lots 2 and 2-1. She had therefore written to Town Counsel, through Lee Mayhew, giving the information needed to draw up this deed. This includes the fact this easement is subject to a 4 foot wide hiking trail and that the area shall be maintained within the purpose and intent of this classification, with no construction work to be done without the prior approval of the Conservation Commission. The deed should be drawn up in the name of the Town of Milford, acting through its conservation commission


Meeting Minutes of Work Session March 26, 1992

Bill Parker, Chairman. Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman
Hub Seward, Chris Costantino,Ken Utting, John Kenison, Charles Carter
Bob Walsh, Steve Turner, Alternates
Lorraine Carson, Secretary

  1. MINUTES: The Minutes of the March 5, 1992 meeting were accepted, with corrections, upon motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Ken Utting and voted in the affirmative. The corrections are as follows: Item 5 Public Events: it was pointed out that the April 11 public event is for a hiking trip and not a bike trip; Item 6 - Souhegan River Trail: The word "once" was eliminated from the second last sentence of the first paragraph.

  2. EDUCATIONAL EVENTS: Lorraine advised the members of various upcoming educational events. After discussion, it was decided that Bob McEttrick would attend the Easement Stewardship program on April 11 in Deerfield.

  3. SOUTHERN N.H. CONSERVATION COMMISSIONS: Lorraine advised the members that the next meeting of this organization is scheduled for 7.30p.m. on Monday April 6 1992 in the Londonderry Town Hall. It was decided that Chris, Charles, and Bob McEttrick would attend, with John Kenison attending if his schedule permits.

  4. CARL OLSEN, PROSPECTIVE MEMBER: Mr. Olsen met with the Commission as a result of having submitted his name through the Volunteer Application form in the Town Report. On behalf of the Chairman, Bob McEttrick briefed him on the Commission's activities. Carl decided he would like to be a member. He will be required to meet with the Selectmen regarding this. Because of there being a full compliment of full members, Carl will be appointed as an alternate.

  5. EMERSON PARK: As a member of the Emerson Park Committee, Lorraine advised the members of the Commission that excellent response had been received from the notice in the Cabinet calling for volunteers for the Park during summer. Among those volunteering was Bill Kucharski of Trees Are Us, who offered to perform the necessary trimming of the trees, fertilizing, insect control, etc., as was scheduled to be done this summer at a cost of $1,033.00 to be paid by the Commission. Because of Bill's offer, the commission is thus saving this expense. Lorraine advised Bob Courage of this so that he would not schedule the work. She also advised the members that today, Bill had started the work of trimming. With the Park about to receive much needed attention during the summer, the Committee decided to purchase a number of plantings for the Park, to the total cost of $173.05. Lorraine asked the Commission if it would be willing to pick up the tab for this, seeing it was not having to pay for the tree work. Hub Seward put a motion on the floor, seconded by Charles Carter and voted unanimously in the affirmative to pay $173.05 to Kelly Bros. For plantings for Emerson Park, said amount to be paid from the Accumulative Fund. In discussion of the work that Bill Kucharski has volunteered to do, it was suggested that Lorraine contact the Milford Cabinet for an article to be done on this matter.

  6. BUDGET: Lorraine presented the members with the line item expenses for the first quarter 1992. It was noted that the Telephone expense was high year to date. Lorraine explained that there have been numerous expensive long distance calls this year so far, mainly relative to the Heald Trail, which it is hoped, are about at an end. She also pointed out that the line item of $500.00 for Legal Expenses is not likely to be needed as the Selectmen's budget is picking up all such expenses this year. It was also noted that of the $500.00 set aside for "Summer Camp", it is likely that only $250.00 will be needed.

  7. CONSERVATION EASEMENT STEWARDSHIP: Lorraine pointed out the availability of a Guide to designing, monitoring and enforcing conservation easements written Brenda Lind of the Trust for NH Lands. At a total cost of $10.00 she urged the members to consent to purchasing a copy, adding that the conservation easements under the jurisdiction of the Commission are extremely sadly lacking in any kind of monitoring. She suggested that a program for this should be developed so that at least once a year each easement is visited. Bill Parker put a motion on the floor, seconded by Hub Seward and affirmatively voted to authorize Lorraine to purchase a copy of the Guide.

  8. FRED CONREY LAND UPDATE: Lorraine advised the members that the Selectmen have still not managed to get Mr. Conrey to accept the Agricultural Preservation Conveyance on his property. No property taxes have been paid by Mr. Conrey for some three years now. In describing this property, Lorraine stated it is an active farm, that the land is partly cleared and partly wooded, that it is from 70 to 100 acres in area, and that it lies across Savage Road from the Tucker Brook Town Forest. She put forward the idea that the Commission discuss with the Selectmen the possibility of the Commission picking up the tax bill with the objective of thus acquiring the land for conservation purposes. The members, after discussion, thought this a reasonable idea and asked Lorraine to talk to Peter Leishman, who has been working with Mr. Conrey on this issue for some time.

  9. NHACC QUESTIONNAIRE: Members were requested to consider this questionnaire relative to the services the NHACC provides and what additional services would be helpful. The matter will be finalized at the April 9 meeting.

  10. DREDGE AND FILL PROTOCOL DRAFT: Considerable discussion took place on the draft Lorraine had prepared of the Procedure for Dredge and Fill Applications and the draft of the Abutter Notification letter. With the final form arrived at, Lorraine will prepare it to be handed out to future applicants.

  11. EARTH DAY: Bill Parker advised the members that he and Chris will work together on developing a program on behalf of the Commission for this event which is scheduled for April 25 1992. The program will be geared to children.

  12. SUMMER CAMP/LAND SEMINAR: Lorraine advised the members that Tim O'Connell had located two students interested and suitable for the Land Seminar. Only one, Alicia Flammia, had submitted her application form and Lorraine had sent off a check to the SPNHF in the amount of $250.00. To date, she had not heard from the second student. The deadline for application is April 3 1992.

  13. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST TRAIL MAP: Lorraine advised the members she had met with Ray Jackson of Trailwrights earlier this week. Ray is interested in preparing a map of the trails on this Town Forest, and Lorraine had provided him with needed maps etc. Though Ray is a member of Trailwrights, he will be doing this work in addition to actual trail work. His specialty is trial map development, and he was the one who developed the trail map book for the Wapack Trail.

  14. HCCD ANNUAL MEETING: Lorraine reported that as a representative of the Milford Conservation Commission, she had attended the Hillsborough County Conservation District's annual meeting on Wednesday, March 25 1992 in Merrimack. She had attempted a "round robin", but had had no response. The chairman had therefore agreed to Lorraine representing the Commission. As in the past, the District acknowledged the fact that Milford was represented. The only other conservation commissions represented were Wilton and New Ipswich.

  15. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Steve Turner acknowledged having received a copy of a letter to Lorraine from Dolly Williams. In response, Steve had written a long letter to Dolly, updating her on activities along the trail. Dolly had also provided a very attractive logo for the trail, which her daughter had developed.

  16. TRAIL ADOPTION: Lorraine reported that on March 11 1992 she had met with the leaders of the Girl Scout groups regarding adoption of trail systems. She explained to the leaders what the Commission wanted, i.e. a regular system of monitoring the trails, picking up trash, tidying up the trails of debris, reporting of any dangerous situations that may be discovered, advising the Commission when the scouts perform any work on the trails. After discussion the Director announced that the girl scouts wished to adopt the Tucker Brook Town Forest trails. Lorraine still hopes to meet with the leaders of the Boy Scout groups, but so far has not been able to set up a meeting.

  17. PUBLIC EVENTS: Ken Utting provided the members with a program of volunteers detailing who is responsible for what and when. Ken hoped this would smooth out the process of planning and running the various trips remaining for this year. He also provided the members with a draft of a letter he wished to send to Rep. Dick Swett who is donating his pay increase to worthy causes within his district. Ken was seeking funding for the printing of the flyers for the public events. The members felt his letter was excellent and well worth a try. However, it was suggested that he redraft it in the third person instead of the first person as written.

  18. BICENTENNIAL PARK: Lorraine reported that in the process of working on the Town Land Files, and Bicentennial Park file in particular, the following came to her attention:
    The southern boundary of this park abuts the property of Do All Rent All. Along this southern portion of the Park is a 66 foot wide railroad right of way, which begins at the southern boundary and extend approximately 66 feet into the Park towards the north. The actual railroad bed lies within this right of way, leaving approximately 30 feet of land on the opposite side of the tracks towards Do All Rent All's property. Because of the location of the tracks, this 30 feet piece really does not form part of the Park, and is not maintained in any way by the Town as part of the Park. Do All Rent All have a paved parking area which extends to the southern edge of the railroad right of way, leaving approximately 30 feet between the paved area and the tracks which is gravel. Though the Town owns this 30 foot strip, Do All Rent All often use it for parking vehicles etc. Lorraine put forward the suggestion that the Commission consider "trans-ferring" ownership of this 30 foot wide strip to Do All Rent All. She asked the members to give this some thought so that the issue could be discussed further at the next meeting. She would be happy to meet with the Selectmen on this matter, as she is not quite sure should the members decide in the affirmative, just what the next step would be.

  19. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ETC.: Once again this item was left until the last to receive attention, and again time had run out. In order to discuss this issue, it was decided to hold a meeting at which only this matter would be discussed, and this has been scheduled for April 23 1992 at 7.30p.m.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9.45p.m.

The next meetings are scheduled as follows:

Public Meeting: 7.30p.m. on Thursday, April 9, 1992

Work Session: 7.30p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 1992 for Goals and Objectives only.


Meeting Minutes of April 9, 1992

Bill Parker, Chairman, Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman
John Kenison, Chris Costantino, Hub Seward, Charles Carter
Alternates: Steve Turner and Carl Olsen
Secretary: Lorraine Carson

    On motion made by Bob McEttrick and seconded by John Kenison, the Minutes of the March 26, 1992 Work Session were accepted as presented.

  2. EDUCATIONAL EVENTS: It was reaffirmed that Bob McEttrick would be attending the Conservation Easement Stewardship program in Deerfield on April 11 1992. Lorraine confirmed the fee had been paid. The members were advised of a seminar put on by the Nashua Regional Planning Commission called "The Co-Existence of the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment". To be held Wednesday, April 29 1992 from 7.30p.m. to 9.30p.m. at the NRPC office in Nashua, it is free to the members. Those who are able to attend will so do.

  3. SOUTHERN NH CONSERVATION COMMISSION MEETING: Bob McEttrick was the only member who attended this meeting on April 6 1992. He stated there were only 12 to 15 individuals at the meeting in total. He found the meeting very informative and interesting, and provided the members with various pieces of literature he had picked up. Bob advised the members that the Milford Commission will be hosting the meeting on September 7 1992, a Monday evening. He understood that the subject for each following meeting is arranged at the preceding one. The next quarterly meeting of this association is scheduled for Monday, June 22 1992 in Litchfield.

  4. NHACC QUESTIONNAIRE: The members confirmed that they had submitted these questionnaires on an individual basis. Because Lorraine has the most to do with the NHACC, Bill asked her to submit a questionnaire as well.

  5. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Steve Turner reported that he is still waiting for the license for the trail across the Hatchery lands. He had been in touch with Bob Fawcett of New Hampshire Fish and Game, who is now handling this issue, who assured him that no environmental assessment would be needed. However, for some of the wetland areas to be involved in the trail, a Dredge and Fill permit may be required. In discussions, Steve made the decision to invite a representative from NHF & G down to review the proposed location of the trail before work on the trail begins. Mr. Fawcett has assured Steve that the license is coming, but nobody knows just when. Steve advised the members that the next trail committee meeting is next Thursday, April 16 1992 at 7.30p.m.

  6. TRAIL ADOPTION: Lorraine advised the members she had talked with the head scout masters of both the boy scouts and the girl scouts, and that the girl scouts are adopting the Tucker Brook Town Forest trails. The boys will be adopting the Hitchiner Town Forest trails. This leaves the Mayflower Hill Town Forest trail system without attention. Lorraine suggested that some of the individuals who have volunteered to work in Emerson park may be willing to take on this trail system, and she will speak to them on April 27 1992 when the Emerson Park Committee meets with these volunteers. Lorraine also advised the members that Troop 4 of the Boy Scouts will be camping at the Hitchiner Town Forest on April 24, 25 and 26 1992. They will be doing trail work, and in addition, a member of Trailwrights will be meeting with the scouts to give instructions on trail building and maintenance. Lorraine had sent a form to the Scout Master for the camping weekend.

    In an effort to establish better communications between the Commission and those individuals adopting trail systems, Lorraine offered to the members a list of seven issues pertaining thereto. Because it would be nice to be able to send a copy of this to the scouts in time for the upcoming camp trip, she asked the members to review what she had prepared, and to advise her by Thursday, April 16 of any changes/additions/deletions etc.

  7. GRANITE STATE CONCRETE/STRESCON: Peter Leishman of Granite State and Gerry Gagne of Meridian Land Services, met with the Commission to present plans for a proposed wetland crossing on property currently owned by Granite State. The objective of this is to encourage the locating in Milford of a Canadian company by the name of Strescon, manufacturers of pre-stressed concrete beams. The property involved is identified as Map 38 Lot 7 on Elm Street. Peter Leishman explained that the proposed plant for Strescon would be located close to current Granite State buildings on the property, but that Strescon would be purchasing the property from Granite State. Because they wished to have their own entrance, it would mean disturbance of wetlands hence the proposal before the Commission. Strescon's building and operation will not encroach upon any wetlands on site, except in the creation of the access. Because of the nature of this company, it is proposed to provide access, using bridges instead of culverts to cross the wetlands. The proposal has been presented to Dr. ken Kettenring of the Wetlands Board who much favored the bridges as opposed to culverts, particularly because of the beaver activity in this area. Approximately 28,250 sq.ft of wetland will be disturbed in the construction of the access road. Many years ago when Robert Savage farmed the land in question, a type of roadway was put in to reach the back lands. Peter stated this material, not considered suitable to be in wetlands, will be removed in total. There is also a small area close to Elm Street from which the access road will be constructed, which will be cleaned up and which will form wetland mitigation. Peter stated that there is approximately 3 acres of wetlands on this site as indicated on the plans submitted, which Granite State is considering either giving to the Town of Milford, or creating a conservation easement. The access proposed will provide for the railroad bed as well as other vehicular traffic. At this point in time it is not known if this project will involve the ACE. Peter stated he is looking for input from the Commission before filing the Dredge and Fill Application, and added that should Strescon decide against locating at this site, the proposal before the Commission now would become a dead issue. The members wished to make an on site inspection of the area, and this was scheduled for 6p.m. on Monday April 13 1992, to meet at the parking lot of Granite State. It was also explained to the members that the junction of Old Wilton Road and Elm Street is an intersection which Bob Courage feels needs to be redesigned. It is hoped that this can be part of the Strescon project.

  8. FRED CONREY LAND: Lorraine advised the members she had talked with Peter Leishman regarding the Commission's proposal to acquire this land, and he had relayed it to the Board of Selectmen. She also advised that in doing some deed research, she found this property to be approximately 95 acres. Not only is it directly across Savage Road from Tucker Brook Town Forest, but a portion of this Forest abuts the Conrey land. With Peter present at this meeting, the members discussed the issue with him. Peter stated that the Board was very receptive of the Commission's proposal, which was to pay the back taxes plus interest, an amount of approximately $26,000, and to pick up the taxes for a suggested five years into the future with an agreement that upon Mr. Conrey's death, the land would become the property of the Commission. Peter stated that by State law, the Town could take this property now, but that is not the policy of the Board, and instead the Town has put a lien on it. The Selectmen are interested in providing a small house for Mr. Conrey due to the fact he is currently living in rather undesirable conditions. This would be built by the School, but funds would be needed for the materials. Peter felt that Granite State Concrete would provide the concrete for the foundation without charge. It was discussed that Charles would find out the cost of materials to build a small house, but the Commission felt it should not get into the building of same, rather leaving that to the Selectmen seeing it was their idea. Peter stated that Mr. Conrey was looking for cash in hand also. After considerable discussion, Bob McEttrick put a motion on the floor, and it was seconded by Chris Costantino and voted unanimously in the affirmative that a letter be sent to the Board of Selectmen advising them that the current funds in the Land Fund (approximately $79,000) is being made available for negotiations with Fred Conrey, details to be left to the judgement of the Board of Selectmen; and it is the expectation of the Conservation Commission that it will be active in these negotiations; and that the objective of this decision is in order to secure this property, known as Map 10 Lot 2, for conservation purposes forever. Lorraine will send this letter to the Selectmen.

  9. PUBLIC EVENTS: The members discussed the upcoming guided hike of the Tucker Brook Town Forest scheduled for 9a.m. on Saturday April 18 1992. Charles stated that plans are afoot for marking out the hike. Bill Parker will find out how many scouts are planning to attend so that Charles can have the correct number of hand-outs available. The event will also be advertised in local newspapers and on the local radio station.

  10. MAYFLOWER HILL TOWN FOREST: Various issues relating to this area were discussed as follows:

    1. Boundaries of the Crawford Property: Lorraine provided a copy of the deed to this property which gives the meets and bounds, and also a can of paint for marking the trees. Hub Seward agreed to doing this.

    2. Trail on the Hammar Property: Lorraine reminded members that it had been agreed to last fall that this spring the members would close off the small section of trail on the Hammar Property and relocate it so as to be totally on town land. The members felt that there were too many issues going on right now, and that they did not have time avail-able for this project. It was decided to leave it for the coming fall.

    3. Adoption of trails: As stated earlier in these Minutes, Lorraine will find out if the volunteers for Emerson Park would be interested in taking care of these trails for this year.

    4. Signs for this Forest: Charles stated his son was ready to do the signs but did not know what had to go on them. Lorraine stated she had sent Brian Carter a letter some time ago giving the details as per the decision of the members. She will get another copy of this to Brian and Charles.

  11. HEALD TRAIL: Lorraine advised the members that this trail had received the wholehearted support of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. It was therefore time to arrange a meeting between the various Commissions involved, namely Milford, Wilton and Mason, and the Society to discuss plans for the development. She stated that Phil Heald had already begun work on trail development in the Wilton area on his land and the land he had donated to the Society. After discussion, it was decided that the Commission had more than enough projects to handle, and that a letter would be sent to Mr. Heald advising that the Commission was interested in and supportive of the project, but could not commit time to it now. It was agreed that if Mr. Heald could arrange a meeting of the various parties, that Lorraine could attend as a representative of the Milford Commission.

  12. MILFORD DISTRICT COURT/CANOE LAUNCH SITE: Selectman Leishman advised the members that it was the opinion of the Selectmen that development of this canoe launch site and access thereto was of importance and that use of the property for the District Court should be arranged around this issue. He urged the Commission to draw up and submit plans to the Board as soon as possible. Bob McEttrick stated he was working on the plans and would have them ready shortly.

  13. MOBIL OIL/SAVE THE AQUIFER COMMITTEE: Mr. Bishko of this Committee attended this meeting and wished to speak with the Commission. Because this issue was not on the published agenda and therefore no time had been allotted to this issue, Chairman Parker advised Mr. Bishko he would be granted ten minutes only. Mr. Bishko presented the Commission with another package of signed petitions from citizens against the locating of a gas station on the aquifer, and also proceeded to present numerous documented reports of oil spills of various kinds. The Mobil Oil case goes before the Board of Adjustment on Thursday, April 30, and that Board has reserved space in the High School Cafeteria for the meeting because a very large turn-out of citizens is expected. In further discussion of this case, the Commission expressed the fact that to date, it had received no information or documentation from Mobil Oil, nor had it received notification of the upcoming Zoning Board meeting. Bill Parker put forward the suggestion that the ZBA be requested to postpone any decision at its April 30 meeting because the Commission has grave concerns on this issue and to date it has received no information or notification on the subject. No contact of any kind has been made between the Commission and Mobil Oil. It was decided that Bill would call Kathy Bauer, chairman of the ZBA to discuss the upcoming hearing. He will report back to the Commission when it meets on April 23.

    Because of the lateness of the hour, the following issues did not receive attention though they were on the agenda:
    1. Hitchiner Town Forest - vehicular access to the smaller field

    2. Bicentennial Park boundary encroachment on two sides.

    3. Barretto Granite wetland problem
This meeting adjourned at 10.45p.m. The next meeting will be on Thursday, April 23, 1992 at 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall, the purpose being to discuss the goals and objectives of the Commission.


Meeting Minutes of April 23, 1992

Bill Parker, Chairman, Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman
Ken Utting, Chris Costantino, Hub Seward, Charles Carter, Full Members
Lorraine Carson, Secretary

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Bob McEttrick, seconded by Chris Costantino, it was voted unanimously in favor of the motion to accept the Minutes of the April 9, 1992 meeting as presented.

  2. KEYES FIELD EROSION/DREDGE AND FILL: Lorraine advised the members that the Dredge and Fill application needed for this work had been filed without the Commission having notified in advance. Because of time constraints, she had requested a time extension from the Wetlands Board. She also notified the members that this case is scheduled to go before the Board of Adjustment on May 7 1992 at 8p.m., this date being before the next Commission meeting. Because of the time squeeze, an on site inspection has been arranged for 6p.m. on Monday, May 4 1992, to meet at the site on Keyes Field. Bob Courage and Mark Fougere will be present for this inspection. Lorraine requested at least 4 members be present for the inspection so that a decision could be made at that time, the Board of Adjustment requiring the input of the Commission in order to be able to make its decision on May 7 1992. Bill, Bob McEttrick, Hub and Chris agreed to be present. Appreciation was expressed that Bob Courage would be taking this case before the Board of Adjustment, when the Town is exempt from its own rules.

  3. MOBIL OIL/AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT: Bill Parker presented the members with the draft of a letter he had prepared to go to the Board of Adjustment for the public hearing of this case on April 30 1992 at 7p.m. The draft was reviewed and amended slightly, and Lorraine will prepare the final letter for Bill's signature over the coming weekend, and will ensure it reaches the Board of Adjustment on Monday April 27 1992. ALL members were urged to attend this public hearing, and Bill will speak on behalf of the Commission.

  4. SOUTHERN N.H. CONS. COMMS. MEETING: Bob McEttrick presented the members with a copy of the Minutes of the meeting of this organization on April 6 1992. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday June 22 1992 in Litchfield.

  5. GOALS, OBJECTIVES and HOW DO WE PROCEED FROM HERE: The balance of this April 23 1992 meeting was devoted to a lengthy discussion of what the priorities of the Commission should be, how those should be accomplished, establishment of committees to handle specific projects, revamping the agenda for better efficiency of the meetings, ensuring that sufficient time is available for issues that come up between meetings and which are part of the prime objectives for Conservation Commissions in general.

    Because of the length of the discussion of this subject, it was agreed that full details would not be reported, but instead only the more major decisions made as follows:

    As a means of starting discussions, Bill Parker had presented a list of possible issues to be handled by committees to be formed. Of those discussed, the following decisions were made:

    1. Conservation Lands Committee: This committee will be responsible for overseeing conservation lands and easements, ensuring annual monitoring, marking of boundaries where needed. With public trails on the three Town Forest lands, this committee will also oversee trail maintenance and work with volunteer groups adopting various trail systems.

      Bob McEttrick will chair this committee. Charles Carter offered to assist with trail work, as did Hub.

    2. Long Range Projects - Comparative Analysis of Wetlands: Charles Carter agreed to chair this committee, and work on development of a list of wetlands in Town. Lorraine raised the issue of the need to put names to various streams in Milford. This was a project she had started some time ago, but more pressing issues prevented further work. She explained that the Commission decided some 2 years ago there was a need to name streams as it appeared that when work in wetlands was in the offing, unnamed wetlands were considered rather "unimportant" by the applicant. This project would require establishing the beginning and ending of each stream as well. Charles agreed to work on this, a project that will take considerable time, and one that will be a long time before completed. Bill Parker agreed to work on this committee as well.

    3. Conservation Commission Procedures: Sub-titled Administrative Procedures, this committee would work on office procedures, agenda format, informational items etc. It was agreed that Bill, Bob and Lorraine would form this committee.

    4. Laws and Regulations Committee: No discussion took place on this.

    5. Publicity/Communication/Education Committee: No discussion took place on this.

    6. Special Events: No discussion took place on this.

    For these committees, a chairman must be appointed for each. That individual will have the responsibility to act and get the job done. If needed, other members of the Commission will assist on specific committees, but it was also agreed that volunteers from the general public could be sought for additional help when needed. Lorraine suggested that as a means of retaining the interest of the alternates, it might be a good idea to assign them to the formed committees as well.

    In order not to loose track of these committees and work being done, it was decided that it would be the responsibility of each chairman to provide the members of the Commission with regular written reports. Bob McEttrick stated that even if no work had been accomplished, a report should be submitted on a regular basis, so stating. These reports will be distributed to the members at a meeting, to be read at home at a later time. If there are any questions or comments, those should be referred to the chairman of that committee and it will be that chairman's responsibility to advise Lorraine by 5p.m. on a Monday preceding a scheduled meeting, so that time can be allotted at that meeting for discussion. Otherwise there will be no discussion of reports submitted as information items.

    Agendas: In an effort to shorten the work load of each meeting, and to permit time for items that have occurred between meetings and about which Lorraine needs to inform the members, it was decided to reorganize the format of the agenda, to begin with New Business, followed by Old Business, then Information Items, and finally Committee Reports. Lorraine will prepare a format for the next meeting, following the above, and it will be revised from time to time as needed, until a final form if found that works well. Up till now, the Agenda has also served as a reminder to members of ongoing issues that need attention, but Lorraine will now create another kind of "tickler file" into which such issues will go, so as not to be lost and forgotten in the vast array of issues currently going on.

Because of the lateness of the hour, it being 10.15p.m., this meeting was adjourned.

The next meetings, on site inspections, etc. is as follows:

  1. Thursday, April 30, 1992: 7p.m., Board of Adjustment hearing/Mobil Oil

  2. Monday, May 4, 1992: 6p.m., Keyes Field Erosion on site inspection

  3. Thursday, May 14, 1992:7.30p.m., Public Meeting of MCC.


Meeting Minutes of May 14, 1992

Bill Parker, Chairman
Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman Chris Costantino, Hub Seward, Ken Utting, full members.
Steve Turner and Bob Walsh, alternates acting as full members,
Carl Olsen, alternate
Lorraine Carson, Secretary

    On motion made by Ken Utting and seconded by Chris Costantino, the Minutes of the April 23, 1992 meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. MAYFLOWER HILL TOWN FOREST: Various issues regarding this Town Forest were discussed as follows:
    1. Trail Adoption: Lorraine reported that she had offered the volunteers for Emerson Park the opportunity of adopting this trail system, but had received no response. After discussion, it was decided that the Land Committee would check into finding a group of individuals willing to adopt these trails.

    2. Boundaries of the Crawford Lot: Hub reported he had marked these boundary lines. As a result of this, discussion took place as to how best to mark boundaries of town property so as not to confuse these with trails and how best to indicate to users of the properties whether they are on or off the town properties. Carl Olsen suggested using the marking system used by the Sierra Club. It was decided to have the Conservation Land Committee consider this issue and provide the members with a recommended system.

    3. Violations: Hub reported he had checked into the area along the Shady Lane boundary and found all to be in order. He did report that there appears to be some minor encroachment from the Halls property onto town land, but because it is understood that the Halls will soon be moving from this location to drop the issue at this time. Once new property owners are in residence, the Commission will advise them of the restrictions regarding using town lands for private use. Hub also reported that it appeared that the Halls had cut up some dead trees that had fallen in a storm. Once the Halls have moved out, the Commission will ensure that the boundary line along this property is well and clearly marked.

    4. Signs: Chris reported one sign has been routed and she is in the process of staining same.

    5. Payment for wood and routing equipment: Lorraine presented the members with two invoices from Charles Carter. One was in the amount of

    $13.59 for yet more routing equipment, and the other was in the amount of $50.00 for 8 pieces of fir for the two signs. Lorraine advised the members that when it was originally decided to equip the school to do signs, $25.00 was quoted as being sufficient for additional routing equipment needed. When the bill came in, it was in the amount of $46.50. Now there is the additional bill for $13.59. Also, the question was raised as to why 8 pieces of fir had to be purchased for $50.00 for two signs for Mayflower Hill Town Forest. After discussion, Bob McEttrick put a motion on the floor, seconded by Ken Utting authorizing payment to Charles Carter of the total of $63.59 but only after the matter is discussed with Charles. Bob McEttrick will contact Charles on this matter.

  3. FULL MEMBERSHIP ATTENDANCE: It was noted that two full members were not present at this meeting, with neither having advised the secretary in advance so that arrangements could be made to ensure sufficient alternates would be present. Chairman Parker stressed that all full members who are unable to attend a meeting, must advise Lorraine prior thereto.

  4. 1992 TREE PROJECT/TRANSFER STATION: Lorraine advised the members that Margaret Pratt Hagen had provided her with a list of suitable plantings for this project, and that Lorraine had spent considerable time in selection, reviewing the Transfer Station for quantities needed, and ordering the plantings. She had also drawn up plans of the locations of various plantings and had given Bob Courage a copy of the plans and a list of plants on order. Bill Parker hopes to be able to assist in the planting when the time comes. It was also suggested that the Milford Cabinet be advised when the planting takes place for publicity for the Commission and the annual Tree Project. Lorraine will take care of this.

  5. HEALD TRAIL MEETING: Lorraine reminded members that this meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, should anybody be able to attend. Lorraine will be there on behalf of the Commission.

  6. POLICE STATION/DISTRICT COURT: Lorraine advised the members that Mark Fougere will be holding a meeting at 8a.m. on Wednesday May 27 at the Police Station for all departments interested in the development of the Police Station land, so that all interests can be considered and discussed. Lorraine was asked to attend on behalf of the Commission and the canoe launch site.

  7. GRANITE STATE CONCRETE: Peter Leishman of Granite State Concrete and Gerry Gagne of Meridian Land Services met with the Commission to discuss the latest plans for the access bridge and the impact on the wetlands involved. Peter advised the members that town sewer and water will now be available to this proposed location of Strescom. Peter stated that it is planned to double the size of the existing pond on the site as mitigation. Though there are considerable areas of wetlands on this site, much is vegetated with relatively little open water for wildlife. The pond will be increased in size by approximately 64,000 sq.ft. This pond lies on the southern property line, and Steve Turner questioned if the abutter had been notified of this proposal. Peter confirmed this has been done, adding that it will be possible for Granite State to control the mitigation so as not to interfere with the abutting property. The dredged material, which is mostly gravel, will be used on site. Ken Utting questioned the size of the pond and increased pressure on the dam, but it was explained that the size of the pond does not increase the pressure; rather the height of the water in the pond would do this, but there are no plans to increase the height of the water. Steve Turner questioned compensatory storage because part of the flood plain will be filled. Gerry Gagne stated that plans are afoot to seek a variance regarding compensatory storage because it was felt the impact would be minimal. Because of the nature of the site, the area for this compensatory storage is limited, and Gerry expressed the opinion that the only suitable area would likely involve the dead trees the Commission wishes preserved, and/or would be very close to existing wetlands and the protective buffer zone. In response to questions by Bill Parker regarding vegetation, Gerry stated the intention is to create open water without adding any vegetation because it was felt open water would be more advantageous. Regarding the filing of the Dredge and Fill application, Gerry explained that they wish to obtain the approval of the Planning Board before proceeding with this process. Once the plans are approved, the Commission will be given the chance to review them, and then application will be made for the Dredge and Fill Permit. Gerry explained that the side slopes for the bridge supports will be 2:1 to reduce the impact on the wetlands. He also advised the members that it was not possible to increase the bridge span as had originally been proposed during the on site inspection. It was added that Dr. Ken Kettenring of the Wetlands Board favored a bridge access as opposed to culverts because a bridge reduced the impact on wildlife going from one wetland area to another. Relative to flood plain compensatory storage, Gerry said he would provide the Commission with additional information which it needs in order to make a decision and a recommendation to the Board of Adjustment. It was the opinion of the members that a 64,000 sq.ft. increase in the pond size would be most acceptable. Chairman Parker expressed the opinion that the Commission was impressed with the amount of work being done to protect the environment in this case.

  8. LAND ACQUISITION: A motion was put on the floor by Ken Utting and seconded by Hub Seward to enter into executive session with Selectman Leishman to discuss land acquisition. By the chairman poling the members, it was voted unanimously in favor of the motion for executive session. Returning to open session, it was announced that no decision had been made.

  9. PUBLIC EVENTS: Ken Utting reported that the canoe trip down the Souhegan River on May 9 1992 was not as well attended as he had hoped. Only three canoes were involved in the trip, and individuals taking part were mainly Conservation Commission members. He felt that with the weather not as good as it could have been, it deterred the general public from attending.

    Because of the lateness of the hour, the following items on the posted agenda did not receive attention:
    • Mobil Oil - report on the Board of Adjustment Hearing of April 30, 1992

    • Education - report from any members attending the NRPC lecture of April 29.

    • Conservation Camp/Land Seminar update

    • Keyes Field Dredge and Fill

    • Barretto Granite Wetland Problem.

The meeting adjourned at 10.15p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 11, 1992 at 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of June 11, 1992

John Kenison, Hub Seward, Chris Costantino, full members
Georgia Moore, Bob Walsh and Blaise Corcoran, alternates
Lorraine Carson, Cons. Assist.

  1. MEMBER STATUS AT MEETING: Lorraine advised the members that she had been advised by Bill Parker that neither he nor Bob McEttrick would be present at this meeting. It was therefore decided that Hub Seward would act as chairman, and that all alternates present would have full voting rights.

  2. MINUTES: On motion made by Bob Walsh and seconded by Hub Seward, the Minutes of the May 14, 1992 meeting were approved with the following amendments:

    • Item 2 (e): The word "yet" was removed from the second sentence;
    • the word it now" was removed from the fifth sentence;
    • the words "but only" were removed from the seventh sentence and "for clarification" was added at the end of the seventh sentence.

    Chris Costantino was against the motion to approve the Minutes as amended.

  3. MAYFLOWER HILL TOWN FOREST: Several issues were discussed as follows:

    1. Trail Adoption: Hub reported he had contacted Chris Kellogg per Lorraine's request, in regard to her and other girl scouts adopting the trail system. Georgia stated she is the leader of this cadet and one other and she will be working with them in this project. Hub offered to assist in teaching the girls how to maintain a trail system.

    2. Marking trails: Lorraine provided a sample of a plastic type of marker that can be stapled to trees, and which are used by the Society for the Protection of NH Forests on their trail systems. The members were interested and requested Lorraine to obtain a catalog from the company supplying these markers.

    3. Signs: Chris reported that Charles had erected one sign on Shady Lane. In discussion, it was found that this sign had been erected parallel with the road, whereas the original plan was to erect the double sided sign at right angles to the road so as to be seen from both directions. Lorraine said Bob Courage had agreed to erect the sign and knew how to erect a double sided sign. Chris will advise Charles of this information, and have the double sided sign given to Lorraine for Bob to erect. It was established that the single sided sign was to be erected at the Falconer Ave. Extension entrance.

    4. Payment to Charles/Sign costs: Lorraine reported having been advised by Bob McEttrick that because of the invoice being unclear, the wood purchased for the signs was only 8 feet, and not 8 pieces as the members had assumed from the invoice. Lorraine had therefore processed the payment in full to Charles. He was not present at this meeting to receive the check. It will be mailed to him.

  4. 1992 TREE PROJECT: Lorraine reported that the majority of the plants for the Transfer Station had arrived, and had been planted. The planting was done by men from the Public Works Department and the Transfer Station with Bill Parker and Chris Costantino assisting. Lorraine added that the plants have been extremely well cared for and are all sprouting. A letter of thanks had been received from Bob Courage and Tammy Scott for the beautification program for the Transfer Station. Chris reported that a photographer from the Milford Cabinet had been present during the planting, but to date no photographs or report had been seen in the Cabinet. She will do an article for the Cabinet in the hope the Commission can get some publicity for this project. Lorraine was under the impression that the small balance of plantings still due were scheduled to arrive in the fall. It was decided she would attempt to have this delayed until next spring, as plants put in in the fall appear not to do as well as those planted in spring.

  5. HEALD TRAIL: Lorraine reported that on May 19 1992 she had met with Phil Heald and Liz Fletcher (Mason Conservation Commission) and Ray Jackson of Trailwrights to discuss developing the trail through Mason and Milford, thus connecting Heald's land and its trails in Wilton with Tucker Brook Town Forest trails. Mason Cons. Comm. will be looking into land ownership and the best route to use for the trail. Relative to Milford's involvement, it will mean establishing the best route from the Milford/Mason town line to connect with Mason Road. It was decided seeing John Kenison lives in this area that he and Lorraine would get together to review this, and John would then check out the existing logging road and the best route to use.

  6. MILFORD DISTRICT COURT/CANOE LAUNCH SITE: Lorraine reported she had attended the meeting on May 27 1992 at the Milford Police Station. Represented were the Fire Department, interested in a sub-station on the property, the Ambulance Service, also interested in a sub-station, and Capt. Freddie Douglas representing the sports activities currently taking place on this property. Also present were Lee Mayhew and Police Chief Sexton. As a result of this meeting, it was established that because the horse shoe pits would have to be moved to the back of the property to allow for the Court, the access road for this would coincide with the access road for the canoe launch site. Lee Mayhew urged all those with an interest in this property to submit their wishes in writing to the Selectmen as the Commission had done long ago.

  7. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING QUESTIONNAIRE: It was established that not all members had received this questionnaire. Lorraine will therefore send copies with the Minutes, and each member will submit their wishes to the NHACC on this event, scheduled for November 1992.

  8. SUMMER CAMP/LAND SEMINAR: Lorraine advised the members that the Land Seminar scheduled for April 26 had been cancelled as of April 9. The Commission was not advised until May 8. At that time, Lorraine called Alicia Flammia who was scheduled to attend this seminar and offered the apologies of the Commission and explaining why the Commission had not been in touch with her sooner in this regard. Alicia expressed the desire to attend next year. Lorraine requested and received the refund of the fee in the amount of $250.00 which is now back in the Commission's account. She has made a notation to be in touch with Alicia next year for the seminar.

  9. GAIDMORE SUBDIVISION/DEARBORN STREET/WETLANDS: Libby Anderson, Soils Scientist from Monadnock Survey Inc. met with the Commission to discuss the subdivision of Map 22 Lot 36 into two parcels. Libby explained that Frank and Septima Gaidmore wished to sell their property on Dearborn Street, and had finally found a buyer but the buyer did not wish to purchase the entire parcel. Therefore a subdivision of the lot into two lots was proposed. Wetlands were involved in the area to be subdivided off the lot containing the house. The undeveloped lot can contain a house, but the garage proposed would be less than 25 feet from the wetlands on site. These wetlands have been disturbed considerably over a long period of time, with the existing house having been a farmhouse. Libby stated that there are 1 to 2 feet of loam now on top of part of the wetlands on this site. The remaining wet lands are acting as a retention area. Map 22 Lot 36-1 has some additional problems in that a variance is required to permit a set back of 24 feet to be in harmony with existing houses on the street; a variance is needed to permit this lot to have a wetland area of 58% of the minimum required lot area; a variance is required to permit the lot to have a contiguous non wetland area that is 42% of the minimum required lot area; and a special exception is required to erect a house and garage and driveway that are partially within the wetland buffer zone. The proposed house would be on town sewer and water. The total lot now is about 32,000 sq.ft., and once subdivided the lot containing the existing buildings would be about 18,000 sq/ft. with the undeveloped lot being about 14,000 sq.ft. After discussion, it was decided to arrange for an on site inspection with the wetland edge and the garage location to be flagged prior thereto. This meeting is scheduled for 6p.m. on Thursday June 18 1992 at the site on Dearborn Street.

  10. GRANITE STATE CONCRETE: Peter Leishman of Granite State Concrete and Gerry Gagne of Meridian met with the members to present the final plans for this site on Elm Street. It was stated that the plans have received the approval of the Planning Board, and that the end product will be a 20,000 sq.ft. net gain in wetlands on the site. Peter explained that Town Counsel is currently working on a deed for the conveyance of the parcel containing wetlands to the Town. Access will be provided and described in that deed. This parcel contains approximately 3 acres of wetland and is identified as Parcel D on the May 4 1992 conceptual subdivision plan. It was explained to the Commission that two Dredge and Fill applications will be submitted to the Wetlands Board - one to create an open pond and one for a vegetated wetland. It is understood that the Wetlands Board favors vegetated wetlands. Peter stated the Wetlands Board would be left to make the final decision regarding the type of wetland. After discussion of this, Georgia Moore put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Kenison and voted unanimously in favor thereof to recommend to the Wetlands Board that the Commission favors open wetland. The members felt that because of the nature and quantity of vegetated wetland already on this site, and the fact that this entire area is considerably used by waterfowl, with relatively little open water in the entire surroundings, that this would be a more beneficial concept with wildlife in mind. Approximately 3 to 4 acres of wetland now exist on the Granite State Concrete property.

  11. EXECUTIVE SESSION/LAND AQUISITION: It was moved by John Kenison and seconded by Georgia Moore and voted in the affirmative, as proven by the acting chairman poling the members, to enter into executive session with Peter Leishman, Selectman, to discuss land acquisition. Returning to open session, it was announced that no decision was made.

  12. BARRETTO GRANITE/WETLAND PROBLEMS: Lorraine provided the members with the history of this situation as follows: During a planning board meeting with Barretto Granite in March 1992, the subject was raised of a wetland problem existing on this site, being that siltation was taking place in a wetland area at the base of a steep slope. On April 7 1992, Lorraine made an on site inspection of the property, together with Steve Turner, Charles Carter and Tom Chrisenton of SCS, together with several representatives of Barretto Granite. The result of this on site, and with the recommendations of Tom Chrisenton, a letter was written to Richard Hartkopf of Barretto with the following recommendations: that the bank at the top of the steep slope be built up so as to prevent further run-off into the wetland at its base; that arrangements be made to channel the run-off from the flat area at the top of this slope, towards the settling pond; and that a trench be dug at the base of the slope to channel the run-off from the slope towards the existing settling pond. At this time, it was not certain whether the existing drainage ditch at the base of the slope did indeed run through wetlands, and arrangements were made for Gerry Rosenburg to inspect this. Lorraine stressed that there was a remarkable degree of cooperation with the representatives of Barretto Granite, for which she expressed thanks and appreciation at the time of the inspection. On May 20 Lorraine received a call from Barretto Granite requesting an inspection be made of the work performed to correct the problems. On June 1, 1992, Charles Carter met with Barretto Granite, and Tom Chrisenton and Gerry Rosenburg to review the work done. Charles reported that everything requested had been done, including seeding of the steep bank. At this time, both Tom and Gerry felt that it would not be necessary to do any work in the area at the base of the steep slope. The corrective work done by Barretto was such that there was no further run-off into this area, and the area looked in good order. The brook running at the base of the slope showed no signs of sediment, and Charles pointed out that this June 1 inspection followed a night of heavy rains. Lorraine will send a letter to Barretto Granite thanking them for their cooperation and the speed with which the work was done.

  13. MCLANE DAM/HYDROELECTRIC PLANT: Lorraine advised the members she had been contacted by Jason Hines of Wilton Hydro Electric Co. regarding the proposed hydro plant on the McLane Dam on the Souhegan River. Mr. Hines wishes to file a Dredge and Fill Application, and would like to meet with the members. After discussion, it was decided to arrange this on site also for Thursday June 18, making this one at 7p.m., the meeting place to be the Swinging Bridge. Lorraine will advise Mr. Hines, who is scheduled to meet with the Commission on July 9th 1992 at 8p.m.

  14. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST TRAIL WORK: Georgia announced that on July 25 1992 all the Girl Scouts in Milford will be working together to clean up the trails in this Town Forest. Hub Seward offered to assist with instruction and demonstrations.

  15. HILTON HOMES/TOWN LANDS: Georgia Moore again raised the issue of the town owned lands in the vicinity of Larchmont Circle, reporting abutter encroachment, use of the area as a dump, and the general unsightly look of the area. Lorraine reported that as a result of Georgia's earlier report of problems in this area, she had reviewed the Hilton Homes Land File, but had been forced to put it aside due to more pressing work. She will make every effort now to review this file and its problems as soon as possible. The members felt that "something" should be done with this area of town land - either cleaning it up or turning it into a decent park area, or perhaps disposing of the land in equal shares to abutting properties. As soon as Lorraine has the needed information on the town land and the abutting properties, the Commission will begin work on this area.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, July 9, 1992 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of July 9, 1992

Bill Parker, Chairman, Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman
Ken Utting, Hub Seward, Charles Carter, Chris Costantino, John Kenison, Full Members
Bob Walsh, Georgia Moore, Carl Olsen, Alternates
Lorraine Carson, Secretary

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by John Kenison and seconded by Chris Costantino, the Minutes of the June 11, 1992 meeting were approved with the following amendments:
    • Item 4 - the word "assisting" was struck from the second paragraph;
    • Item 10 - the vote was not unanimous, but rather had one vote against the motion.

  2. EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion made by John Kenison and seconded by Bob McEttrick, it was voted unanimously as proven by the Chairman poling the members, to enter into executive session to discuss land purchase. Returning to open session, it was announces that no decision had been made.

  3. MCLANE DAM/WILTON HYDROELECTRIC: Jason Hines of Wilton Hydroelectric Co. met with the members regarding his proposed hydroelectric plant on the McLane Dam and repairs to the dam itself. Members had made an on site inspection of this area and the Town of Milford had filed a Dredge and Fill application for the proposed work in the Souhegan River. Lorraine had written a letter to the Wetlands Board advising that, because of the urgency of this matter, it had already made an on site inspection, would be meeting on this date with Mr. Hines, and would be immediately advising of a recommendation. Mr. Hines proceeded to brief the members on the history of this project, explaining that part of the interest the Town has in this project is that it includes repairs needed to the dam. These repairs must be commenced by August 30 1992, hence the urgency. Mr. Hines detailed the project and the proposed work, some of which will be done late summer, and the balance done in 1993. He produced a sketch of the proposed building to be erected on town land known as Map 26 Lot 110. Because the Commission is interested in cleaning up this parcel of land and creating trails on it, Mr. Hines assured the members that his project would not prevent this in any way, that he would only be upgrading the access road to the plant, and the public would be welcome to use it to access the balance of the property. He does have a lease on the use of the land, and he will provide the Commission with a copy of same. Mr. Hines invited the members to tour his Wilton hydroelectric plant. After discussion, the members had no problems with the proposed work, and the Wetlands Board will be advised of the recommendation to issue the needed permit with the request that it be done as soon as possible.

    Providing the members with additional information, Mr. Hines stated that he would not be using the old channel (previously used for a hydroelectric plant at this site), and thus the town owned land would remain accessible and not again become an island. Relative to the proposed building, this will be constructed so as to be half in the water and half on the land. Mr. Hines explained that property owners upstream of the project are not part of the Dredge and Fill application, but he was preparing a package of information for these individuals, and will be delivering them personally to the property owners. After final discussion, Hub Seward put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino, and voted in the affirmative to approve the project, and to recommend to the Wetlands Board that the permit be issued, upon the same conditions as the original permit, which has now expired.

  4. FRANK AND SEPTIMA GAIDMORE/BUFFER ZONE/DEARBORN STREET LOT: Members of the Commission made an on site inspection of this lot on June 18 1992. Originally part of the Gaidmore property, a subdivision is proposed in order that the Gaidmores may sell the house with a smaller lot than now exists. A house is proposed, together with a garage, for the subdivided lot. At the on-site inspection, discussions took place relative to the garage being in the Buffer Zone, and those members present were of the opinion that it should be moved to the other end of the house, with a corner of the house in the Buffer Zone rather than a garage. Lorraine advised the members that she had received a revised set of plans showing the garage moved to the other end of the house. Georgia Moore expressed concerns about the smallness of the lot involved, and the fact that such a large portion of it is wetlands. Considerable discussion took place regarding this subdivision and the proposed house. After the discussion, Ken Utting put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted unanimously in the affirmative, that the Commission could not support construction of a house partly in the buffer zone on this lot containing such a large portion of wetlands, because of the fact that the impact on the buffer zone would be unacceptable. Lorraine will advise the engineers and the Board of Adjustment of this decision.

  5. 1992 TREE PROJECT/TRANSFER STATION: Lorraine advised the members that as a result of the large order of plants placed with Park Seed Co. for the Transfer Station, she had recently received a wholesale catalog from this company. There it was found that considerably more plants could be purchased for far less money. To date, $904.20 has been spent on this project, and Lorraine requested permission to spend approximately $117.00 more for a further amount of 75 Asiatic Lilies. She explained that these are similar to, but available in different colors, to the common orange day lily, and are very prolific. She expressed the opinion that the Transfer Station could do with more of this type of care-free plant.

    After a brief discussion, the members asked Lorraine to attempt to cancel the back ordered supply of lilies, which are due in fall, and use those funds to place an additional order for more of the same type for less money.

  6. SCENIC ROADS: Lorraine advised the members of a change in the laws governing Scenic Roads, in that Chapter 160, effective July 5 1992, permits utilities to perform work needed to restore utility service without written permission of the selectmen. This new law also requires municipalities to maintain a list of scenic roads, which Milford already does. It was felt that this new law applies to emergency situations only.

  7. HEALD TRAIL: John Kenison and Lorraine had not been able to get together to review the proposed trail using an old logging road running from the Mason/Milford town line to Mason Road, which it is hoped, can be used as part of this trail system to connect with Tucker Brook Town Forest. It was decided that John would make time to meet with Lorraine tomorrow. He will then walk the area and report with his findings.

  8. LCIP/BURNS LAND/TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST: Lorraine advised the members she had received a letter from LCIP advising that, as per the original contract, "effective stewardship" of the lands purchased with LCIP funds, must be enacted. Also one individual must be assigned as the contact person for this monitoring. Also, LCIP was providing signs to be erected on properties purchased through this organization. After discussion, it was decided to provide Bill Parker's name as the contact person, and to obtain three "Land Protected by LCIP" signs and posts. John Kenison offered to pick them up. Lorraine will take care of the ordering and advise John when they will be ready for pick up. These signs will be posted along Savage Road and at strategic locations on the Burns land itself.

  9. SO. NH CONSERVATION COMMISSIONS MEETING: Bob McEttrick advised the members that the meeting to be hosted by Milford is now scheduled for Monday, September 21 1992. After discussion of subject matter, it was decided to give a talk on vernal pools, and Bill Parker said he knew an individual qualified to give a talk on this subject. Though Lorraine will be on vacation at that time, she will take care of all the necessary arrangements prior to going on vacation.

  10. MAYFLOWER HILL TOWN FOREST: Whereas the Commission had originally decided on a double faced sign for Shady Lane entrance to be erected at right angles to the roadway, Bob McEttrick stated that the Conservation Lands Management Committee felt that the sign, single sided, and placed parallel with Shady Lane was adequate. Bob stated he would like to see some clean up work done at this main entrance to make it look better and more attractive. Georgia Moore said she had 7th grade girl scouts who could do this, and who were looking for a community project. The girls need to do this project by the fall. She will work with Bob McEttrick on the details and arrange for the work to be done.

    Relative to boundary markers and trail markers, Lorraine stated she had been in touch with Voss Signs and found that the plastic trail markers, available in orange, white, yellow and red, were available at about .07 each per 1000. She also found in the catalog boundary markers at about .ll each per 1000. Bob McEttrick took the catalog and will work with the Lands Committee on this project. Georgia offered the services of Campers Inn for a public get-together to blaze trails, in that Campers Inn would supply a motor home, soft drinks etc. and would also pay for any advertising needed.

  11. LARCHMONT CIRCLE: Georgia again raised the issue of the mess existing in this area of Hilton Homes, and the fact that abutting properties are infringing on this town land. After discussion, it was decided that she would write a detailed letter to Bob Courage for Bill to sign, reporting the situation and requesting assistance.

  12. PUBLIC EVENTS: Ken Utting reported that the bicycle event recently held, was a great success and well organized by Chris. He said about 15 members of the public took part in it.

  13. CONREY LAND: The Commission met with Fred Conrey and Gary Jenson to discuss the possible purchase of this land. Mr. Jenson had in his possession a copy of an agreement the Selectmen had prepared involving the Commission purchasing the agricultural land development rights only, not the land itself, and also paying the taxes. During discussion, several issues came to light: the Commission was unaware of this final agreement and had no copies of it for review; the conveyance did not include permission to construct a public hiking trail through the wooded area of the property. Mr. Jensen indicated he would have no problems with this, but there was no assurance that any future property owners would go along with such a use of the land. Mr. Conrey stated he had no problems with it, either, with particular reference to the trail making use of the power line easement. It was pointed out by the Commission that this land was already under easement to the Public Service Co. and therefore Mr. Conrey was not free to allow further use by another body. Mr. Conrey also desired that permission to use this proposed trail should be obtained from the farm manager. Regarding use of the proposed trail and future property owners, Mr. Jensen expressed the desire to have wording included in the agreement that would bind all future property owners. During discussions, it came to light that this agreement (which the members had not reviewed) included a clause that would exempt all future property owners from property taxes on the entire parcel, should the Commission purchase the agricultural land development rights. After considerable discussion, John Kenison put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob McEttrick and voted unanimously in the affirmative, to accept the information provided at this meeting, and to thank Mr. Conrey and Mr. Jensen for attending the meeting, but that until the Commission had the opportunity to review the document in question and meet with the Selectmen, no decision could be made.

    In continuing discussions, after the departure of Mr. Conrey and Mr. Jensen, the members expressed the opinion that what was now before the Commission was not what it had originally proposed, namely to purchase the property, allow Mr. Conrey to remain living and farming the land for as long as he wished, and without having to pay property taxes. For this deal, the Land Fund could be used. Lorraine also pointed out that there are three other farms in Milford which have sold or donated the agricultural land development rights, but that these farms are all paying property taxes and will continue to do so. Whereas this offer had been made to Mr. Conrey, his desire was for the farm to remain forever a farm, and if he sold the land to the Town, this would not necessarily be the case.

    It is understood that currently 25 acres of the approximate 100 acre farm is cleared for farming. Mr. Jensen, who proposes to continue the farm, stated he would like to increase this to about 30 acres. Mr. Conrey also had offered the information that many years ago, the entire farm was cleared and that cattle and sheep had been grazed on the hilly and now wooded areas. Lorraine will attempt to obtain a copy of the document and send a copy to all members for their review. A line of action will be decided upon thereafter.

  14. CONSERVATION LANDS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Bob McEttrick offered to the members a copy of the charter, assessment and goals of this committee, which includes among other issues, accumulating copies of deeds, identifying boundaries and marking them, inspections of the properties, developing a trail marking system, installing signs, maintaining and enhancing the quality of each parcel of land under the jurisdiction of the Commission.

  15. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM: Lorraine had received in the mail the license for the section of trail through the Milford Fish Hatchery land. She had immediately passed it along to Steve Turner, who was unable to attend this meeting. In discussion of the document, it was not totally clear just who should sign the license, and Lorraine was asked to refer it to Lee Mayhew and perhaps for Town Counsel review.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10.15p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7.30p.m. on Thursday, August 6, 1992 and again on August 27, 1992. No meeting is planned for September due to Lorraine being on vacation.

Respectfully submitted

Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant


Meeting Minutes of August 6, 1992

Bill Parker, Chairman, Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman
Hub Seward, Chris Costantino, Full members, and Bob Walsh, Alternate, acting as full member
Lorraine Carson, Secretary

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Hub Seward and seconded by Chris Costantino, the Minutes of the July 9, 1992 Meeting were accepted as presented.

  2. GAIDMORE SUBDIVISION/WETLANDS/DEARBRON STREET: Lorraine advised the members that this subdivision had been withdrawn from the Board of Adjustment. The entire parcel has apparently been sold as one piece.

  3. HEALD TRAIL: Lorraine reported she and John Kenison had reviewed the proposed route of this trail from the Mason/Milford boundary to Mason Road and John was to review it on the land. With John not present at this meeting, it was not known what had taken place.

  4. LCIP PROPERTY SIGNS: Lorraine reported she had placed an order for 3 small signs and posts, and had advised John Kenison they were ready to pick up. It was not known if he had done so.

  5. 1992 TREE PROJECT/TRANSFER STATION: Lorraine reported she had cancelled the back order of day lilies, and had placed another order for less money for many more bulbs through Park Seed Wholesale catalog. These will be arriving during October and Lorraine will organize their planting.

  6. GRANITE STATE CONCRETE POND: Lorraine reported having received a letter from SCS stating that the proposed pond would be shallow as planned and would therefore readily establish plant growth and become a vegetated wetland. It was recommended by SCS that the proposed pond be 6 to 8 feet deep. The members had no problem with this, being in favor of the pond and open water. SCS also recommended that because wetlands and flood plain storage would be lost in the entire proposed project, that mitigation measures be taken to compensate therefore. The Commission has to date received no further information on the mitigation, and will let the issue rest until further information is provided.

  7. HUTCHINSON LAND GIFT: Lorraine reported having talked to Ed Hutchinson on this matter and was advised by Ed that because of the current problems he is experiencing regarding assessment of the entire property, that he and his brother were not interested in donating any land at this time. Ed did state that "the land is not going anywhere", and it is hoped that when other issues are settled, he and the Commission can talk again.

  8. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL/STATE LICENSE: Lorraine advised the members the license for the trail across the Fish Hatchery land was finally in hand. She had checked with Lee Mayhew and he felt the document did not have to go before Town Counsel for review, and recommended Bill Parker sign it and put it into effect. Bill signed the documents at this meeting, and Bob McEttrick will ensure that Bill Carpenter of NH Fish and Game receive one of the originals when he sees him on August 7 1992. Lorraine will send a copy of the license to Steve Turner.

  9. SO. NH CONS. COMMS. MEETING: Scheduled for September 21 1992 when Lorrainewill be on vacation, the members decided they would organize a meeting sometime in September to discuss further arrangements for this meeting. Bill Parker stated he had not had the chance to contact the proposed speaker on vernal ponds.

  10. WALTER BUCHHOLZ LAND GIFT: Lorraine reported that Mr. Buchholz had donated to the Town a narrow parcel of land along McGettigan Road, between that and the Wilton/Milford boundary, known as Map 40 Lot 5, to the Town with conservation conditions. This gift had been accepted by the Selectmen, the deed has been signed and is in the process of being recorded. The Commission was not involved in this gift at all. The area of the property is 56,969 square feet, and is 88.88 feet wide at the widest point. Lorraine advised the members that this parcel had particularly good vegetation of Mountain Laurel. A letter of thanks and appreciation will be sent to Mr. Buchholz. Lorraine has also advised the Town Clerk that a copy of the recorded deed is needed for the Commission's files as soon as he received same.

  11. VOLUNTEERS: Chris raised the issue that the many volunteers working on the beautification of Downtown and at Emerson Park should be publicly thanked. In discussion of this, Bill Parker stated that it would be a very good idea if the Commission wrote such a letter to the Editor of the Milford Cabinet supporting these projects. He also felt that publicity should be received in the local newspaper regarding the Transfer Station/1992 Tree Project. It was decided Chris would draft a letter for Bill's signature. Regarding Emerson Park volunteers, Lorraine stated that once the summer is over, Margaret Pratt Hagen, as Chairman of the Emerson Park Committee, would prepare a letter to the Editor thanking those volunteers. To date, they have done an excellent job in the Park and many compliments have been received.

  12. TUCKER BROOK TOWN FOREST: Hub Seward reported that on July 26, five girl scouts from Troops 35, 161 and 2027 did trail work at Tucker Brook, together three leaders. He stated that 20 to 30 individuals were originally expected, but that even with a lesser number, a lot of work was accomplished. Hub stated that the scouts would assist with development of a map of the trails. He also noted that there was virtually no trash to pick up along the trails.

  13. CONREY LAND: On motion made by Bob McEttrick and seconded by Hub Seward, it was voted unanimously in favor of the motion, as proven by the Chairman poling the members, to enter into executive session to discuss the Conrey land issue. Returning to open session, it was announced that a decision had been made to write a letter to Mr. Conrey advising him that the Commission was not in support of the Agricultural Land Development Rights agreement as presented; that an offer will be made to Mr. Conrey to purchase the parcel in total or in part; that Hub Seward would draft a letter to this effect which draft would be given to Lorraine for distribution to all members. Bill Parker and Bob McEttrick had met with the Board of Selectmen on august 3 1992 regarding the agreement as prepared by that board and. Town Counsel, and the fact that the Commission was not supportive of it, but rather of purchasing the land or part thereof.

  14. SOUHEGAN RIVER STUDY: Bill reported he had been contacted by Julie Cummings of Nashua Regional Planning Commission regarding establishment of an advisory committee to study the overall management of the Souhegan River. Julie wanted a member of the Commission to be on that committee. Bob Walsh volunteered to serve, because he had been on a similar committee regarding the Merrimack River in the past. Lorraine will advise Julie of this fact.

  15. LOCKHEED SANDERS/WETLANDS VIOLATION/OFF NORTH RIVER ROAD: Lorraine reported that it had been brought to her attention by Mark Fougere that there was a wetland violation on property off Homestead Circle, Map 4 Lot 31-1. A roadway had been built through the wetland to access property owned by Lockheed Sanders. On July 15 1992, Kevin Lynch, Code Administrator, had sent a Notice of Violation to Lockheed Sanders notifying them that the road had to be closed, and that a Dredge and Fill Permit had to be obtained, as well as a Special Exception. Fifteen days had been given for correction. On July 24 1992, at Lorraine's request, Charles Carter had made an on site inspection with Mark of the situation, and reported to Lorraine that a driveway of fill and hot top measuring 24 ft. wide by 100 feet long had been constructed through a well-defined wetland. To date of this meeting, no further information had been obtained on this situation by Kevin Lynch, and no Dredge and Fill application had been filed. Lorraine will write a letter to the Wetlands Board reporting this violation and requesting their intervention.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9p.m.

The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on August 27, 1992.


Meeting Minutes of August 27, 1992

Bob McEttrick, Acting Chairman
Hub Seward, John Kenison, Chris Costantino, Ken Utting, Charles Carter, Full Members;
Bob Walsh, Blaise Corcoran, Alternates.
Lorraine Carson, Secretary

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Hub Seward, it was voted unanimously to accept the Minutes of the August 6, 1992 meeting as presented.

  2. HEALD TRAIL: John Kenison stated he had not had the opportunity to review this proposed trail in the vicinity of Mason Road. He hoped to do so before the October meeting.

  3. LCIP SIGNS: John had picked up the three signs for the Burns property in Tucker Brook Town Forest, together with 3, 8ft. posts. He questioned what the members proposed to do with the signs, which were in his truck. It was suggested that perhaps Bob Courage's Department could erect the signs, but no further decision was made as to when and where the signs were to be placed.

  4. SO. NH CONS. COMM.: It was reported that Bill Parker had arranged for a speaker on vernal pools for the September meeting of this group, but the speaker would not be available on September 21. The meeting was therefore scheduled for Wednesday, September 23 1992. Bob McEttrick presented a copy of a notice of this event which he will send to the various Commissions involved. Lorraine will make sure that the reservations for space in the Town Hall are changed accordingly. Refreshments will be provided, with the members purchasing the necessary supplies, to be reimbursed once Lorraine returns from vacation.

  5. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL: Lorraine presented a package received from NH F & G for Steve Turner, containing "stick-on" logos for signs to be erected on the Hatchery property. She had advised Steve that these had arrived, but heard nothing further from him. Bob McEttrick therefore took the package and will pass it along. Bob Walsh reported that brush had grown up some 7 feet high on the island of town land at the Hatchery, and this needed to be cut for the proposed public hike on October 3 1992. After discussion, it was decided that the members would meet at the base of the first gravel road (from downtown Milford) along North River Road at 9a.m. on Saturday, September 26 1992 to do work on the island and prepare for the October 3 hike. Lorraine also reported that the License for the trail had been received and signed by Bill Parker, with Bob McEttrick returning one original to NH F & G. Bob also advised the members he had been assured by Bob Carpenter that when leases on lands involving the trail come due, a clause will be added to permit activities such as the proposed trail. It was also stated that Mr. Earl Fitch was very cooperative regarding the trail over land he leased from the State.

  6. LETTER OF THANKS/VOLUNTEERS: Chris reported she was still working on this letter to be published in the Milford Cabinet.

  7. CONREY LAND: Lorraine reported that she had prepared the letter to Mr. Conrey regarding the Commission's proposals on his land, but was very unhappy with the wording. She had talked to Bill Parker, who then reviewed the letter as prepared by Hub, and had instead prepared a simplified version of Hub's draft. This was read to the members at this meeting, and all approved. In the letter, Mr. Conrey was asked to be in touch with either Lorraine or Bill. It was estimated that Mr. Conrey would receive this letter at the latest Tuesday, September lst. Based on that, it was decided that if neither party had heard from Mr. Conrey, that on September 8 1992 Charles and Chris would visit with Mr. Conrey to find out his reactions. Those reactions will be conveyed to the Selectmen by September 14, their deadline for a response. Depending on Mr. Conrey's reactions to the proposals, further actions will be taken at that time. The proposals were outright purchase of the entire parcel, or purchase of the non-farm portion and an agricultural preservation restriction on the remaining portion. Bob asked that copies of the letter be provided to all members.

  8. LOCKHEED SANDERS WETLAND VIOLATION: Lorraine advised that an After-the-Fact Dredge and Fill Application had been filed. She had sent a letter to the Wetlands Board requesting they take no action on the application, until they had made an on site inspection relative to the previously reported violation. She also reported that according to Mark Fougere, there were statements made in the application that did not compare well with what had taken place on site. In response to questions from the members, Lorraine explained that in the past, at least, it was not the policy of the Wetland Board to request the participation of the Commission in on site inspections.

  9. HITCHINER TOWN FOREST: Lorraine reported she had received a telephone call from Mrs. Edna Nye, requesting that that section of trail which runs over her property, an old logging road, be closed off and the trail relocated on town land. Mrs. Nye very kindly stated there was no hurry on this and next spring would be timely enough. It was decided that members would take a look at the area if possible, and that Lorraine would provide more details at the October meeting as to the situation. Charles reported that vandalism has taken place regarding the telephone barrier, which was erected by Jim Lawler and the Boy Scouts to prevent vehicular traffic on the larger field. It was decided that perhaps boulders should replace the poles, as Harold Webster is currently doing regarding the smaller field. Lorraine will discuss this with him. Regarding the vandalism and activities at night on this property, it was suggested that the police be requested to make periodic trips into this area after dark. Also, Hub reported that a neighbor of the property would likely be willing to report the presence of vehicles on the property at night. Regarding her conservation with Mrs. Nye, Lorraine reported that Mrs. Nye owns property on Osgood Road across from Mullen Road, which is very wet and not suitable for development. Mrs. Nye had indicated she might be interested in either conveying this property to the Town or a conservation easement. This is something the Commission should keep in mind and pursue from time to time, it was suggested.

  10. CONFERENCE ON WINCHENDON/FORT DEVENS AIRPORT: Lorraine reported having received notification of the above conference from Liz Fletcher of the Mason Conservation Commission. Scheduled for 7.30p.m. on Thursday, September 10 1992 at the Harris Center in Hancock, the conference will review the issue of the proposed international airport and the effects this would have on the Monadnock Region. It was decided that Blaise would attend, as will Charles and Bob McEttrick if their schedules permit. Lorraine will RSVP for three individuals. Other members will also attend if possible.

  11. WORK SESSION: With Lorraine on vacation during September, the members decided to get together for a work session to discuss various subcommittee activities. Chris will post an agenda and will prepare the Minutes of this meeting. The meeting is scheduled for 7.30p.m. on Thursday September 17.

  12. WETLAND AND AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICTS: Lorraine reported she had been advised by Mark Fougere that the Planning Board will be doing work on the Aquifer Protection District Ordinance for next Town Meeting, and input from the Commission was requested. Lorraine asked each member to review the existing ordinance and prepare suggestions for improvement etc., same to be ready for the October 8 meeting. Lorraine will then pass them along to Mark.

    Also, there is a section in the Wetlands Protection District Ordinance which needs some clarification. The section referenced is Section 6.027 B (1). This section does not clarify who is to request the intervention of SCS. Kevin Lynch, Code Enforcement Officer, has requested something be done about this, and would like the Commission's input. Lorraine asked the members to give this some thought so that it can be discussed further at the October 8 meeting.

  13. PUBLIC EVENTS: Ken Utting reported the next event is scheduled for Saturday September 12 at 9a.m. He and Bob Walsh will be conducting a walk and an orienteering event along the Lyndeborough/Milford boundary.

  14. CONSERVATION LANDS COMMITTEE: On behalf of this Committee, Bob McEttrick reported that the Hitchiner Town Forest badly needs some cleaning up of trash, and he will attempt to organize this with a Scout group. He also requested copies of the deeds and a plan of the land of this area from Lorraine. The Committee had decided on erecting routed signs along trails advising the public of their location at various points, these to be referenced to maps to be provided. These signs will be stained in a dark brown with yellow staining for the lettering. Charles provided a sample of a map of the Tucker Brook Town Forest trails, which he had prepared which Bob McEttrick will work on further relative to developing a reasonable size for the final map.

  15. EAGLE SCOUT PROJECTS: Both Hub and Lorraine reported having been contacted by Mark Hohenadel regarding a project for his Eagle Scout badge. In discussion of this subject, the Commission put forward the ideas of naming the various unnamed streams in Town, and developing a wetlands inventory. Hub will convey these two suggestions to Mark.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 10p.m.

The schedule of upcoming meetings and events is as follows:

September 10, Thursday, 7.30p.m., Harris Center: International Airport

September 12, Saturday, 9a.m., location to be decided: Milford/Lyndeboro boundary

September 17, 1992 Thursday, 7.30p.m., Town Hall: Work Session

September 23, Wednesday, 7.30p.m., Town Hall: Vernal Pools/So. NH Cons. Comms.

September 26, Saturday, 9a.m., gravel road: Clean up and preparations for Souhegan River Trail hike

October 8, 1992 Thursday, 7.30p.m.: Public Meeting of MCC


Meeting Minutes of September 17, 1992

Bill Parker, Chairman, Bob McEttrick, Vice Chairman
Hub Seward, Charles Carter, Chris Costantino, full members
Bob Walsh, Alternate

  1. MINUTES: The minutes of the August 27, 1992 meeting were accepted as written on the motion of Bob McEttrick, seconded by Hub Seward.

  2. CONREY LAND: Gary Jensen was present to aid in the discussion of this issue. The history of this matter was recited to ensure that all persons present had the same facts. Bill Parker and Bob McEttrick visited with Mr. Conrey Wednesday, September 18, at his property. Mr. Conrey repeated his intention to retain possession to the title of his property. Accepting that entails that the Conservation Commission negotiate for the best "rights" agreement. One option that was mentioned, which Bill Parker and Bob McEttrick will pursue, involves forgiveness of appropriate taxes by the Town in exchange for a conservation easement on the property. The Conservation Commission would assume responsibility for legal fees incurred in this process. Bill Parker and Bob McEttrick will write memos to appropriate Town officials. Charles Carter was still awaiting information from the State regarding conservation easements. He had been given figures to use to estimate a fair value for the property: $1,000/1,500 per acre for field, and $500/1,000 per acre for woodlot. Mr. Conrey is amenable to our suggested changes concerning harvesting the woodlot, public access, and property taxes.

  3. SNHCC MEETING: The meeting topic is vernal pools and starts at 7.30p.m. Anyone wishing to bring a munchie should feel free to do so. We will be meeting in the Banquet Hall of the Town Hall.

  4. CONSERVATION LANDS COMMITTEE: Charles Carter walked the perimeter of the Hitchiner Town Forest and located the three locations where the trail crosses onto private property. He plans to contact Public Works about moving remaining boulders at the Middle School up to the Hitchiner Town Forest to prevent further vehicular use on the trail. Charles Carter will talk to Bob Bellew, who owns property adjacent to the Hitchiner Town Forest about cutting the field. Charles is awaiting a bid from Leighton White of Tractor Works to cut the field up at Hitchiner. It appears to those at the meeting that it may be time to change the field maintainer. Charles drew up a map indicating where trash was accumulating, and the map was delivered to Georgia Moore. She will line up some Girl Scouts to do this clean-up on Saturday, September 19 1992.

  5. SOUHEGAN RIVER TRAIL COMMITTEE: A letter was read from Steve Turner announcing his resignation as Chairman of the Souhegan River Trail Committee. Bob McEttrick will contact him regarding the meeting he had with Mr. Fitch to determine whether parking lot arrangements had been finalized. There is a work day scheduled for September 26 at 9a.m., meeting at the parking lot located on the eastern gravel road. This will prepare the trail for public walking anticipated during the Pumpkin Festival on October 3 1992.

  6. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES COMMITTEE: Accessibility to the Conservation Commission files when Lorraine is not working for the Commission was discussed. Charles Carter appreciated having the deeds handy when he walked the Hitchiner property lines, thanks to Lorraine's copy work. But that involved advance planning. The Committee would still like to have the files present in the Conservation Commission office to facilitate spontaneous site work.

  7. HARRIS CENTER CONFERENCE: Bob McEttrick and Blaise Corcoran traveled to the Harris Center to attend a meeting about the proposed new international airport to be located somewhere in central, northern Massachusetts. Bob McEttrick reported that the meeting was informative, and that the proposed airport is extremely preliminary. The Conservation Commission has been put on a mailing list for further updates.

  8. NEXT MEETING: is scheduled for Thursday, October 8, 1992 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at


Meeting Minutes of October 8, 1992

Bob McEttrick, Acting Chairman Ken Utting, John Kenison, Chris Costantino, Charles Carter,Full Members
Bob Walsh, Blaise Corcoran, Alternates
Lorraine Carson, Secretary

  1. MINUTES: Relative to the Minutes of the September 17, 1992 meeting (Lorraine was on vacation and those Minutes were prepared by Chris Costantino.), Lorraine gave the following report before the members acted upon those Minutes: The copy of the Minutes she had received went as far as Item #6 only and there was no ending to the minutes. Item #1 of those Minutes which accepted the minutes of the previous meeting gave no indication of the date of that meeting. Item #3 detailing the SNHCC meeting also gave no reference to date. Item #6 - Administrative Procedures Committee, contained wording "when Lorraine is not working for the Commission", which Lorraine requested - changed to "when Lorraine is not available for the Commission". Because of the condition of the copy of the Minutes she received, Lorraine discussed the issue with Bill Parker, and it was agreed she would retype the Minutes with the appropriate ending. Having done this, Lorraine then received, through Bill Parker, a complete copy of the Minutes. After discussion, Charles Carter put a motion on the floor and it was seconded by Bob McEttrick and voted in the affirmative to accept the Minutes of the September 17 1992 meeting amended as follows:
    1. Item 1 - Minutes: Add: Minutes of the August 27 1992 meeting.
    2. Item 3 - SNHCC Meeting: Add: meeting of September 23 1992.
    3. Item 6 - Administrative Procedures Committee: Strike the wording "when Lorraine is not working for the Commission" and replace with the wording: "when Lorraine is not available for the Commission".

  2. BILL PARKER: The Commission received a letter from Bill Parker (who was not able to attend this meeting due to business) advising the Commission that due to the increased workload of his job and other commitments, he would like to resign as a full member and chairman, and serve instead as an alternate. The letter was accepted, but no action was taken.

  3. FRED CONREY LAND: Upon motion made by John Kenison and seconded by Bob McEttrick, the Commission entered into executive session to discuss land acquisition, as proven by the acting chairman poling the members. Ken Utting was against the executive session. The executive session ended at 8.45p.m. and returning to open session, it was announced that the Commission would offer Mr. Conrey $36,000 for the conservation easement on the full extent of his property. Bob Walsh was against this figure. The Commission then met in open session with Mr. Conrey, Gary Jensen and Atty. Marty Baroff. During discussions, Bob McEttrick advised that a survey of the property would have to be done, and a public hearing would have to be held before expenditure from the Land Fund could be made. Notice of this hearing would have to be published in a local newspaper two weeks prior to the hearing. $36,000 was offered, with the Commission picking up the cost of the survey and legal and recording expenses. Atty. Baroff stated that the amount offered was approximately $4,000 less than Mr. Conrey was interested in. The three gentlemen were requested to leave the meeting, and the Commission again entered into executive session upon motion made by John Kenison and seconded by Bob McEttrick and voted in the affirmative as proven by the acting chairman poling the members. Returning to open session, the members again met with Mr. Conrey, Mr. Jensen and Atty. Baroff, and made an offer of $38,500.00. This was accepted by Mr. Conrey. Discussions centered around a draft of a conservation agreement, copies of which were distributed to Atty. Baroff. It was agreed that Bob McEttrick would work on this draft to bring it into line with the situation for which it is intended, and would provide Lee Mayhew with a final copy on Monday for review by Town Counsel. Lorraine will take care of having a survey done and will also be in touch with the Souhegan Valley Land Trust which had indicated a willingness to pay for the survey in the recent past. The members made it clear that they had nothing to do with the taxes and interest due on the property, and that they were aware of a lien on the property which would have to be cleared before the Conservation Easement Agreement could be executed. As soon as Town Counsel has reviewed the draft and the survey has been done, arrangements will be made for the Public Hearing and for final execution of the document.
It being 10.15p.m., this meeting was adjourned without the balance of the agenda receiving attention. Those issues will receive attention at the next meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7.30p.m. on Thursday October 22, 1992 in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of October 22,1992

Bob McEttrick, Acting Chairman
John Kenison, Chris Costantino, Ken Utting, Charles Carter and Hub Seward, Full members
Lorraine Carson, Secretary

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by John Kenison it was voted unanimously to accept the Minutes of the October 8, 1992 meeting as presented.

  2. MEMBERSHIP: Lorraine advised the members that although they had taken no action regarding the resignation from full membership and chairmanship of Bill Parker, the Board of Selectmen had. That Board has appointed Bill Parker as an alternate and Bob Walsh as a full member, both terms to expire March l994. In discussion of a new chairman for the Commission, Bob McEttrick (vice chairman) expressed the concern that his time was very limited and he feared he would not have the time available that he felt the position of chairman demanded. After discussion, he agreed to remain as Acting Chairman for the time being. Chris Costantino put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Kenison to appoint Bob McEttrick as acting chairman until such time he could make a final decision in this regard. The vote was unanimously in favor of the motion. Lorraine will advise both Bob Walsh and Bill Parker that they will be required to sign another Oath of Office, and she will also advise them when the necessary documents are ready in the Selectmen's Office.

  3. CONREY LAND: It was announced that a Public Hearing has been set for 7p.m. on Thursday October 29 1992 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Notice to this effect has been published in the Manchester Union Leader and has been posted in the Town Hall Lobby. Lorraine presented Bob McEttrick with the format and announcement he will have to make at this Hearing. To ensure that a quorum is present, it was agreed that Bob McEttrick, Charles Carter, Ken Utting and Chris Costantino would be present on the 29th, and will be in the Town Hall by 6.50p.m. so that the Hearing can commence at 7p.m. Bob McEttrick presented a copy of the final version of the Conservation Easement Agreement, which is now in the hands of Atty. Marty Baroff. The deed description of the property as per that recorded in Volume 1091 Page 91 in the H.C.R.D. is part of the Agreement. It was not known at this time what progress was being made in the survey, but Lorraine will be in touch with Dennis McKenney early next week for this information. For those who did not understand the financial exchange involved in this issue, it was explained that Devine, Millimet & Branch ' P.A. would act as the Escrow Account in order that the lien currently on the property could be cleared prior to the Commission actually paying for the Easement. Both these transactions would take place simultaneously. Lorraine advised the members that the Conservation Land Fund certificate of deposit comes due on November 3 1992. She will be in touch with Atty. Baroff to find out just how and when the transaction will take place (assuming Mr. Conrey signs the document), and to whom the attorney wishes the check to be made. It was agreed that both Bob McEttrick and Bill Parker would sign the withdrawal form for the funds. See Page MCC 5.

  4. GRANITE STATE CONCRETE: Lorraine advised the members that she had been given a copy of a Conservation Access Easement Deed drawn up by Town Counsel. This would provide access to the conservation land being given to the Town by Granite State Concrete. In reviewing the deed, Lorraine noted that it is worded: "for the purpose of permitting pedestrian access by the Conservation Commission of Milford...." This would indicate exclusion of all others from access. Also there was an error in the deed as to the lot number of the property to which this access leads. It was quoted in the deed as Lot 38-7-71, whereas it should be Map 38 Lot 7-1. In addition, the boundaries and exact location of the access is not provided in the deed, but instead reference is made to the "Subdivision Plan Land of Granite State Concrete Co., Inc. and William R and Edward F. Hutchinson", and a date of May 30 1992 is quoted. Lorraine attempted to obtain a copy of this plan unsuccessfully. She contacted Peter Leishman for further information, but was unable to make personal contact with him. She will again try to reach Peter to clarify the confusing issues as above, and to obtain a copy of the referenced plan.

  5. NEFF MEMBERSHIP: New England Forestry Foundation is the organization which has overseen the timber harvest on Town Forest land, Lorraine explained, and a year's subscription to their magazine "The Timberline" was being offered at $30.00 per year. After discussion, it was decided not to take out this subscription.

  6. HITCHINER TOWN FOREST: Several issues relative to this property were discussed as follows:
    1. Vehicular barricade to the smaller field: Lorraine reported Harold Webster had completed this barricade of large boulders and angle iron forming the access gate for maintenance. Harold had taken it upon himself to purchase a lock and keys for this gate, which he had given to Lorraine. He had also presented his bill for $225.00 which she had paid out of the Town Forest Fund. Prior to Harold completing this job, and while Lorraine was on vacation, Charles had obtained permission from Bill Parker to make an expenditure for a cable, clamps, lock and keys to prevent vehicular access to this field. He presented the invoice totaling $27.15 which Lorraine will pay out of the Town Forest Fund to Charles. Lorraine explained that a few years ago when Jim Lawler erected the barricade at the larger field, two keyed alike locks were purchased, one for each field, together with several keys which were distributed to Public Works, the Police Department, etc. One such lock was put on the gate to the larger field, and the other one, still in Lorraine's possession, is the one that should be on the gate to the smaller field. To end this confusion, it was decided that Charles and Lorraine would work together to end up with two keyed alike locks on the two gates at this Town Forest.

    2. Cutting of the Fields: Lorraine reported that Harold Webster had finally gotten round, during September, to cutting the fields. However, when Harold got there, he found part of the larger field had been cut, and he advised Lorraine accordingly. Chris Costantino explained that Bob Bellew, a neighbor of the Town Forest, had offered to cut the fields for $800.00 if his equipment could handle the job. What had been cut was a narrow area at the stone wall in his attempt to test his equipment. Chris also stated that Leighton White gave a quotation of $1,000 to $1,200 to cut the fields. Lorraine pointed out that Harold Webster had made charges of around $350 to $400 for the same work. Relative to developing a good field maintenance practice, Lorraine had attempted several times to contact Margaret Hagen, County Agricultural Agent, for information on this, unsuccessfully. She had also obtained some information from NH Fish and Game which indicated that a field should not be cut every year. Agreeing that a maintenance practice should be developed, this issue of cutting the fields will remain undone until Lorraine can find further guidelines on the subject.

    3. Trails off Town land: Regarding the section of trail running on the property of Mrs. Nye and her desire to have this blocked off, Chris stated that she will arrange with Bob Courage to place boulders to indicate the trail is closed, and a new section on town land will be cut. This project will be left until after hunting season, and Lorraine will advise Mrs. Nye accordingly.

  7. PUBLIC EVENTS: Ken Utting announced that plans are in progress for a continuation of this program. He also advised the members regarding a promised donation from Congressman Dick Swett in support of this program as follows: the anticipated donation appeared long overdue and Ken called Swett's office; he was advised that $50.00 had been sent. Lorraine made inquiries in the Town Hall and found that apparently that check had not been received. Ken then called Swett's office again, and was told that a mix-up had taken place, and the matter would be corrected. In response, Ken received a check in the amount of $100.00. This check was given to Lorraine for deposit into the Accumulative Fund, and she will type up a letter of thanks which Ken had prepared.

  8. AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT: Lorraine provided the members present with copies of a proposed draft of this ordinance which she had received from Mark Fougere; it was dated October 6 1992. This draft is an attempt to make the Ordinance more viable. Lorraine pointed out that the entire draft had been prepared by the Planning Board with no input from the Commission. She asked the members to review the draft and to return to the next meeting with any additions, deletions or changes so that a response from the Commission could be given to the Planning Board.

  9. NHACC OFFICIAL BALLOT: This ballot, made a part of these Minutes by reference thereto, concerns the NHACC Legislative Policy, and the opinion of each member Commission was requested. Lorraine gave each member a copy of the ballot and asked that each return to the next meeting with a response so that Lorraine can put them all together and send the form back to NHACC. This ballot will be explained in further detail at the NHACC annual meeting on November 7 1992.

    Continuation of Item #3 - Conrey Land.
    Ken Utting provided the members with copies of a letter he proposed sending to the Editor, Milford Cabinet, showing the support of the Commission for purchasing the conservation easement on the Conrey property. Considerable discussion took place with various changes being made to Ken's letter. He will ensure the final form reaches the Cabinet in time for publication in the October 28 1992 issue.

  10. NHACC ANNUAL MEETING: This event is scheduled for Saturday November 7 1992 in the Rundlett Jr. High School in Concord, beginning at 8.15a.m. and ending at 3.30p.m. Asked who usually went to this educational event, Lorraine stated she attended each year on behalf of the Commission. This year, only Ken Utting was interested in attending with the stipulation that he would not be attending the field session. Lorraine will arrange for payment of the $20.00 fee for Ken.

  11. MILFORD WELLHEAD PROTECTION PROGRAM: Held in the Town Hall on October 15 1992, this event was well attended by Commission members and Planning Board members. Organized by the NRPC, this program's purpose is to protect the wellhead areas of public water supplies. Chris Costantino reported the meeting was very preliminary.

  12. 1993 TREE PROJECT: Lorraine reported having received a request from Bob Courage that this project be dedicated to Keyes Field, with replacement of trees that had to be removed during the erosion control work completed this past summer. She and Bob had reviewed the area, and had decided that if the Commission supported the idea, that the services and advice of John Ferguson would be sought as to what type of trees, how many etc. Bob offered his Department to do the planting. Lorraine put forward the suggestion that it would be better to plant fewer trees but large ones, than to plant many small ones which would take years to show benefit. The members agreed with this idea. Ken Utting put forward the idea that the members dig up trees from various places, or at least locate suitable trees and have them dug up by Public Works for planting at Keyes Field. There was support for making Keyes Field the 1993 Tree Project, but Ken and Chris will find out details regarding digging up trees from town property and transplanting them, and Lorraine will be in touch with John Ferguson regarding purchasing them from a nursery.

  13. WINCHENDON/FORT DEVONS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: Lorraine advised the members that another meeting on this issue is scheduled for Thursday November 12 1992 at 7p.m. at the Harris Center, Hancock. It was decided she would be in touch with Blaise Corcoran to see if he would attend on behalf of the Commission.

  14. BEAVER BROOK ASSOCIATION/BURNS PROPERTY: Bob McEttrick announced he had been advised by Bill Parker that a meeting is scheduled at Beaver Brook on Tuesday, October 27 1992 regarding the apparent desire of Bill Burns to transfer in some fashion, property he owns in Milford to Beaver Brook. It was not known at this time if a member of the Commission should be in attendance or not, and so Lorraine will contact Joe Broyles, Director, for further details.
Due to the lateness of the hour, this meeting was adjourned at 10.45p.m.

The next meeting is the Public Hearing on the Conrey land issue, and it was decided that once the Public Hearing is over, the balance of the agenda for the October 22 1992 meeting will be completed.

(The next Public Hearing and Public Meeting was held on October 29,1992.)


Minutes Of Public Hearing On The Fred Conrey Conservation Easement, And Public Meeting Of October 29, 1992

Bob McEttrick,Acting chairman,
John Kenison, Chris Costantino, Ken Utting, Charles Carter,Hub Seward, full members,
Bill Parker, Blaise Corcoran, alternates,
Shirley Carl, Acting Secretary.

(The minutes of the October 22, 1992 meeting were approved at the Nov. 12, 1992 meeting.)

  1. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION/BILL PARKER: On behalf of the Board of Selectmen, Selectman Ruonala presented Bill Parker with a Certificate of Appreciation for his services to the Town while serving as a full member of the Milford Conservation Commission.

  2. PUBLIC HEARING - FRED CONREY CONSERVATION EASEMENT: It being 7p.m., Acting Chairman McEttrick opened the Public Hearing as follows: "In accordance with NHRSA 36-A and 675:7, the Milford Conservation Commission has scheduled this Public Hearing to provide interested parties of the proposed acquisition of a conservation easement on approximately 100 acres, being the entire property currently owned by Fred A. Conrey, Jr. and located at 295 Savage Road, Milford. The Public Hearing will also serve to advise interested parties of the desire to withdraw an amount of $38,500 from the Conservation Land Fund for said purpose, said amount to be paid to Fred A. Conrey, Jr. The objective of this proposal is to maintain the Conrey property as undeveloped land and to establish a public hiking trail on the wooded perimeter of the property".
    Present at the Public Hearing were six citizens and Selectman Ruonala. Chair opened the meeting to public comment. Mr. Carter was requested to give the audience an overview of the property under discussion. He informed those present that the Conservation Commission is proposing a hiking trail around the boundary of the property and this will connect with other trails on the east side. There would be no clear cutting of the lot. The soil is listed as "very important" for agricultural use.
    Mrs. Elizabeth Gasner of 86 Chappell Drive questioned if Mr. Conrey would have the right to live on the property for the remainder of his life. Bob McEttrick explained that the easement is being drafted to allow Mr. Conrey to retain ownership of the entire parcel. The easement would restrict subdivision of the property and selling it for development. Mr. Conrey would be able to sell the land, but the easement runs with the property in perpetuity. Anyone purchasing the property would have to live by the rules of the easement, i.e. there would be no development. The purpose of the easement is to protect the land as open space. The most that could be on the land would be one home. The only thing that could happen is that it continue as a farm.
    Mr. Ralph Gasner commented that the easement encompasses the entire parcel of land, but the Commission proposes to develop only the perimeter for a trail. Bob McEttrick explained that it is the wish of Mr. Conrey that the property remain as an agricultural opportunity for whoever wishes to farm it later. The Commission does not wish to disrupt the property and interfere with the farming activities. The area is very pretty and has nice views. By keeping the trail around the perimeter, the Commission feels it has the best of both worlds. The points of interest become accessible, but without interfering with the agricultural use of the land. A survey will be done to determine the exact size of the lot to fall under the care of the Commission. Mr. Gasner questioned the future tax situation, and whether or not payment for the easement to Mr. Conrey would alleviate him from the burden of taxes. Mr. McEttrick explained that the Commission does not have any jurisdiction in the matter of property taxes. Mr. Gasner voiced a concern that the tax situation has been allowed to go on and reach the stage where it becomes a problem. He did not feel the conservation easement proposal to be a good idea. He questioned where this proposal leaves the Town in the matter of taxes. John Kenison stated that the Commission cannot purchased an easement without the taxes being paid. The taxes will be paid as well as any penalties/interest, and the property would have to be free of any lien before the Commission could officially purchase the proposed easement on the property, it reduces the property value somewhat. He stated it was his understanding that Mr. Conrey will be putting the property into current land use, which will serve to reduce the property taxes in the future. Year to year taxes will be assessed on the property and will be due. Once the easement document is finalized, the easement will be there in perpetuity. The Town of Milford will always have that interest and taxes will have to be paid on the entire parcel.
    Ken Utting expressed the opinion that the opportunity to protect the land arose because of the tax situation. The mission was favorably disposed to pursuing it because it is a nice parcel with excellent views and it would preserve an agricultural piece of land. Adding to its value is the fact it lies close to the Town Forest, and would enhance that Town Forest by having extended trails. Marion Maxfield of Mason Road, questioned if the hiking trails were for public use and if there would be parking or would users have to hike up the road (Savage Road) which is narrow. Bob McEttrick explained where the Town Forest lies across the street and added that there has never been any parking problem. People have been able to get off the road and park in the area of the power lines. He did not see any expanded traffic. If it did become hazardous for pedestrians/hikers, the Commission would look into putting up traffic signs "Trail Crossing".
    Mr. McEttrick explained that the next step in the process of acquiring the conservation easement is that the document be finalized with the Board of Selectmen, Lee Mayhew and Town Counsel. Mr. Conrey has reviewed the proposed document; it has to be adapted to the Town of Milford and will probably be completed within the next seven days.

    There being no further comments or questions from the public, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 7.22p.m.

    At this time, Charles Carter informed the members that he had visited Mr. Conrey today, and Mr. Conrey stated he did not wish Gary Jensen's name in Paragraph 2 © of the agreement. Bob McEttrick will make this change in the document so that it can be shown to Mr. Conrey. It was noted that Gary Jensen had not yet contacted Lee Mayhew.

    Charles Carter also stated he had talked with Maurice Cote regarding obtaining a written easement from him to use a portion of his land as a means of bringing the Conrey trail back to Savage Road rather than it going through the raspberry patch. Mr. Cote showed an interest in working with the Town on this matter.

  3. NHACC OFFICIAL BALLOT: Copies of this ballot were handed to those members who had not previously received copies. Members were reminded that their responses to this ballot must be provided at the November 12 1992 meeting.

  4. MAYFLOWER HILL TOWN FOREST/HAMMAR PROPERTY: Unable to attend this meeting, Lorraine requested that time be set aside to relocate that section of public trail that runs on the private property of the Hammars. Considerable discussion took place on this issue with various solutions offered such as claiming this section of trail as public land because of the considerable amount of time it has been on this private property; putting up a sign as the trail enters private property so stating and building a new section on town land; the question was raised: is this the Commission's responsibility?; would the Hammars be willing to assist?; would they sell to the Town the section of land involving the trail?; Hub wanted to know if this issue was the Hammar's had been in touch with Lorraine, and wished the issue tabled until further information was available. He put a motion on the floor to this effect; it was seconded by Bill Parker and voted in the affirmative.

  5. AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT: Lorraine had requested input from the members be received on the proposed changes to this ordinance as made by the Planning Board so that these could be forwarded to that Board. The Planning Board has scheduled a public hearing on the proposed changes for November 10 1992, Bob McEttrick asked the members if anybody had given this issue any consideration, and only Blaise Corcoran responded. He voiced several concerns such as: a definition of hazardous waste be included; that "hazardous" and "toxic" not be used in the same sentence; life expectancy of underground storage tanks should be included; what about an emergency plan should a spill or some other violation occur in this District; he felt something should be included regarding the removal of asbestos; he was of the opinion that the section on insecticides etc. needed to be strengthened. Discussion included the fact there should be an emergency plan in effect with nobody sure if there was one, and if so where the plan is. It was decided that Blaise would discuss his concerns with Steve Turner who spearheaded the proposed changes in the ordinance.

  6. HAZEL BURNS PROPERTY ON OSGOOD ROAD: In advance of this meeting, Lorraine provided Bob McEttrick with information on this property as follows: that the Town was in the process of accepting ownership of the land and buildings as per Hazel Burns' will and would be permitting her son, Dennis Adams, to remain in residence until his son completes school next year. In the mean-time, Dennis would be paying rent to the Town. This property, known as Map 42 Lot 10 consists of 5.5 acres, and it was Hazel's intention that the land be used for conservation and/or recreation purposes. This land is separated from the town owned "Hazel Adams Burns Park" land by a small lot which Hazel left to her son, Paul Adams. Lorraine had requested the members to provide the Board of Selectmen with a letter indicating the Commission's interest in this 5.5 acre lot as conservation land, and added that perhaps a conservation easement could be obtained from Paul Adams across his land which would provide access from the Park to Lot 10.
    After discussion, it was decided to authorize Lorraine to send a letter to the Board of Selectmen, expressing the interest in this land for conservation.

  7. ANNE KELLY/MEMORIAL TREE: Lorraine provided Bob McEttrick with the following information on this issue: that she had recently spoken to Mrs. Kelly and it was her desire that a weeping cherry tree be planted at Emerson Park; that the Commission or Emerson Park Committee do all the work such as purchasing the tree and planting it; that the location of the tree be left to either of the above two organizations; that the tree be purchased locally; that there be no memorial or dedication service; that she would pick up the costs involved. Lorraine also reported through Bob that Mrs. Kelly would like a plaque indicating that the tree was planted in memory of her son, a Londonderry police officer. Seeing it is now late in the season and Mrs. Kelly appeared in no hurry for this, she and Lorraine had agreed that contact would be made in the spring. After the members discussed this issue, it was decided to hand the matter over the the Emerson Park Committee.

  8. TRAIL CLEAN UP: EMERSON PARK TO AMERICAN STAGE FESTIVAL: Through Bob McEttrick, Lorraine conveyed to the members that a while ago she was contacted by Lynn Ferguson, a member of the Church of Our Savior, regarding the desire of a church committee to clean up the trail from Emerson Park to the ASF. This was done, and after vacation Lorraine reviewed the area and found a good job had been done. She sent a letter of thanks and appreciation to the Church and offered the Mayflower Hill Town Forest as a project for the committee should it be interested. To date, Lorraine had not heard anything further.

  9. HEALD TRAIL: It was reported that the Mason Conservation Commission had to date done little work on the section of this proposed trail running through their town. John Kenison reported he had not yet had the time to review the logging road from the Mason border to Mason Road in Milford, which is being proposed as part of this trail.

  10. LCIP SIGNS: Considerable discussion took place on the location of these three signs. It was finally decided that one sign would be erected on Savage road to identify that LCIP funds were involved in the purchase of the Burns lot (Map 10 Lot 58), and that another sign would be placed at the bridge across Tucker Brook. John Kenison, who still has the signs and posts in his possession, agreed that he would talk to Bob Courage and request his assistance in erecting the signs. He also suggested that a letter be sent to Bob Courage describing the locations.
    Relative to the third sign, discussion took place as to whether or not this could be erected on the Rotch lots, which were donated to the Town as part of the purchase of the above Burns lot. It was felt that LCIP should be contacted first to ensure this would be appropriate.

  11. SNHCC MEETING: It was reported that the meeting in September, hosted by the MCC, and including the topic on vernal pools, was well attended with about 15 to 20 people present. It was a good presentation, and there was good interaction between the various individuals present. Bill Parker will send a letter to the speaker, Brian Windmiller, thanking him for his talk. It was noted that Mr. Windmiller did not wish to accept any monies for his time or mileage.
    Bob McEttrick advised the members that, as far as he knew, the next meeting would be around December 21, with the exact date to be confirmed later. It will be in the Town of Windham. Notice of this meeting will be received.

  12. BUDGET REPORT: With Lorraine not making it to this meeting before it adjourned, as she had hoped to do, Bob McEttrick conveyed her request that this issue be tabled until the November 12 meeting.

  13. PARK BENCHES/MILFORD OVAL: For the same reason as above, this issue was tabled until the November 12 meeting.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9p.m. Bob McEttrick thanked Shirley Carl for standing in Lorraine's absence.

The next meeting will be at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, November 12, 1992 in the Town Hall.

These Minutes were prepared by Lorraine Carson, Conservation Assistant, working from tapes of the meeting.


Meeting Minutes of November 12, 1992

Bob McEttrick, Acting Chairman
Ken Utting, Bob Walsh, John Kenison, Full members
Lorraine Carson, Secretary

    1. On motion made by John Kenison and seconded by Ken Utting, it was voted unanimously in favor of the motion to accept the Minutes of the October 22, 1992 Meeting as presented.
    2. Regarding the Minutes of the meeting of October 29, 1992, John Kenison put a motion on the floor, seconded by Ken Utting and voted in the affirmative to discuss these minutes which Lorraine had prepared from a tape recording, not being able to attend this meeting herself. In discussion, it was noted that Bob Walsh was present at this meeting though his name was omitted from the list.
    Ken Utting put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Kenison, to accept the Minutes of October 29, 1992 meeting as amended above. It was voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

  2. RONALD PHILBRICK/LAND FOR SALE: Mr. Philbrick met with the Commission to present a possible sale of land he owns on Melendy Road. Known as Map 47 Lot 1, it consists of approximately 20 acres, with two abutting "house lots" in such a fashion that there is currently no frontage to Lot 1. Ox Brook runs through this 20 acre parcel with wetlands dividing the property. Mr. Philbrick stated he wished to retain the two house lots, but would provide access to the lot in question across Lot66-1 a strip for access of about 10 feet wide. This land abuts the property of Carl Holland on which land Mr. Holland donated to the Town the Agricultural land Development Rights. Mr. Philbrick stated that Lot 11 has been sold and he has offered the 20 acre parcel to that owner, but to date, he has had no definite response. It is his desire in providing access to the 20 acre lot across Lot 66-1 to do it in such a fashion that he retains sufficient frontage to use this as a house lot. There is currently about $10,000 worth of standing timber on the lot being offered. Mr. Philbrick offered a price of $50,000 for the 20 acres with access of10 feet for pedestrian use only; he offered a price of $75,000 for the20 acre lot plus Lot 66-1.After discussion, the members decided to take no action but to find out further details about the property and do an on site inspection. The issue will be put on the December 10 1992 meeting for further discussion.

  3. MCGETTIGAN ROAD M10 L78/WETLANDS: Lorraine presented plans received from Earl Sandford, engineer, for a driveway crossing a small intermittent drainage way on Map 10 Lot 78 on McGettigan Road. Mr. Sandford was not able to attend this meeting. Lorraine stated she had discussed this with Kevin Lynch, Building Inspector, and that Kevin had no problems with the proposed culvert for a driveway. After a brief discussion, it was decided that Bob Walsh would do an on site inspection over the coming weekend, and that if he had no problems with the site and proposed work, he would so advise Lorraine, and she would send the necessary letter to the Wetlands Board and the Board of Adjustment.

  4. FRED CONREY CONSERVATION AGREEMENT: Lorraine presented the members with two originals of this Agreement, both already signed by Fred Conrey and the Board of Selectmen.
    Upon motion made by Ken Utting and seconded by John Kenison, and voted unanimously in the affirmative, the Commission voted to adopt the Resolution as it appears on Page 8 of the Agreement, as follows:

    "State of New Hampshire, County of Hillsborough, Town of Milford
    Conservation Commission & Board of Selectmen


    WHEREAS, the above-mentioned boards of the Town of Milford are, pursuant to the New Hampshire law, empowered to accept, on behalf of the Town of Milford, easements and other property interests which serve the purposes of the statutes relating to the preservation of agricultural resources and open space lands; and

    WHEREAS, the above-named boards of the Town of Milford have concluded that the acceptance of a proposed easement, as identified in the attached documents, serves said purposes and is in the best interests of the Town;

    NOW THEREFORE, in furtherance thereof, the members of said boards, after motion duly made and seconded in open meeting properly noticed, have resolved to accept the interest set forth and indicate their acceptance by their signatures hereon this 12th day of November 1992." Bob McEttrick requested that "Acting Chairman" be added after his name on the list for Commission members' signatures. Lorraine advised the members that Lee had set up the date of Monday, November 30th 1992 at lp.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room to exchange payment for this agreement. Arrangements for this are as follows: The Commission will prepare a check from the Conservation Land Fund in the amount of $38,500 made payable to William R. Drescher, Trust. Town Counsel Drescher will then prepare a check to the Town of Milford for the total taxes plus penalty due, and another check for the balance from the $38,500 in the name of Fred Conrey, Jr. The members volunteered the services of Charles Carter (not present for this meeting but who stopped by to sign the document) to notify Mr. Conrey of the meeting date and transport him to and from the Town Hall. Lorraine will advise Charles of this arrangement, and she will also obtain a check from the Land Fund in advance of this meeting.

  5. MEETING PROTOCOL: Bob McEttrick had wished to discuss this issue, but with only 4 members present at the meeting, he felt it would be a waste of time because it would only have to be repeated. Time will be set aside at the next meeting for this discussion.

  6. BUDGET: Lorraine presented the budget of expenses for the period ending June 30 and September 30 1992. There was no discussion regarding these expenditures. In review of the proposed Budget for 1993, Lorraine advised that this would have to go before the Board of Selectmen on Monday December 14 1992. Various issues regarding expenditures for 1993 were discussed. It was agreed to request $4,000 for Operating Budget for 1993, representing no increase over 1992. Regarding line items matters, it was agreed to increase the telephone from $300 to $325; increase Summer Camp from $500 to $525, the reason for this being that the Commission wished to support two students as in past years, one for the Land Seminar at $250.00 and one for the conservation camp the cost of which increased from $250 to 8275.00; Education was increased from $175 to $200; a new line item for Public Events was added at an amount of $150.00. Another new line item "Town Land Maintenance" was added for the amount of $150.00, and Legal Fees was reduced from $500 to $100.00. Regarding warrant articles, which must be submitted by November 20 1992, it was decided to submit an article requesting $17,000 for the Conservation Land Fund; to prepare a petition to classify a section of North River Road as Scenic, from the Old Iron Bridge to the Milford/Wilton Town Line. Discussion took place regarding submitting a warrant article for a percentage of the current land use penalty, but no precise percentage was set. Instead Lorraine will find out what the income from this penalty has been over the past five years, and then a decision will be made as to whether to submit such a warrant article as well as or instead of the Land Fund article.

  7. PARK BENCHES FOR THE OVAL: Lorraine reported Bob Courage had asked her if the Commission would be willing to purchase park benches for the Oval of the same type as it has purchased for Emerson Park. Bob has found this type of bench to be very durable to date. In review of the catalog for these benches Lorraine came across a slightly more expensive handicapped bench and put forward the suggestion that at least one of these be purchased for the Oval as there are currently no such benches available at this location. The members agreed with this suggestion. She also advised that for about $1,000.00 five regular benches and one handicapped bench could be purchased and suggested that either interest from the Nees Bequest could be used or part of the unexpended 1992 balance could be used. After review of the catalog, the members felt that for the Oval, the bench using slats rather than boards would look better, and Lorraine was asked to find out from Bob Courage if he would like this, and also how many benches he had in mind.

  8. NHACC OFFICIAL BALLOT: Only three members reviewed this ballot and presented their wishes at this meeting. To question A there were 3 yes votes; to question Bl there were 2 yes votes and 1 no vote; to question B1 there were 2 yes votes and 1 no vote. To question C there were no objections noted. Lorraine will therefore submit the ballot vote as 3 affirmatives.

    It was decided to purchase small metal signs to be attached to these benches indicating they were purchased by the Conservation Commission, and to also purchase similar signs to be attached to other benches around town similarly purchased.

  9. AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING: Members who attended this public hearing on November 10 1992 felt it was a good meeting. The general consensus appeared to be in favor of the proposed changes to this ordinance. Blaise Corcoran, who had some ideas, is supposed to be in touch with Steve Turner, chairman, Planning Board to discuss same.

  10. MAYFLOWER HILL/TRAIL ON HAMMER PROPERTY: After considerable discussion on this subject, Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by Ken Utting and voted in the affirmative, that the Commission would place signs where the existing trail leads into and out of the Hammer property signs to read so as to indicate a new trail, and to establish a new trail for this section totally on town land; the date to do this is 8a.m. on Saturday, December 5 1992. Bob McEttrick will be in touch with Charles Carter regarding making the signs. All members are urged to be in attendance for this work session on December 5.

  11. 1993 TREE PROJECT: Lorraine reported that John Ferguson had reviewed the area at Keyes Field now devoid of trees as a result of the erosion control work done, and felt that a maximum of 2 trees should be planted. The area is being grassed over, and John felt it provided a good location from which to view the river. To plant two good sized trees he estimated a total cost of $600.00. Such sized trees are available in Manchester, and John Ferguson would be able to order them for the Commission. Public Works would do the planting under his supervision. Regarding the Commission seeking out suitable trees on town land for this purpose, John felt there would be some problems - accessibility of the trees, finding somebody knowledgeable in digging them up so that they would survivetransplanting. After discussion Bob Walsh put a motion on the floor, seconded by John Kenison to go ahead with the purchase of two trees for this described location on Keyes Field. The motion passed three to one, with Ken Utting against the motion.

  12. BEAVER BROOK ASSOC./HARLAN BURNS PROPERTY: Lorraine reported that on November 5 1992, Bill Parker attended a meeting at Beaver Brook to discuss the possible acquisition by that Association of the Burns property in Milford. Bill had reported that the meeting was attended by a large variety of individuals representing various educational entities. The proposal is that Beaver Brook would become the owner of the property and turn it into an educational project, using local organizations and a committee made up of local people to run the project. Bill had reported that so far things looked favorable.

  13. SUMMER CAMP/LAND SEMINAR: Lorraine reminded the members that a student was already available for the Land Seminar, namely Alicia Flammia. She was the student chosen to attend last year but the seminar was cancelled at the last minute. At that time, the Commission agreed to send her this next seminar. The members agreed to find another student to attend the Camp, or if available, another for the more advanced Land Seminar. Lorraine will contact Tim O'Connell, biology teacher at the High School, for his assistance in finding students suitable.

  14. LCIP SIGNS: Lorraine reported she had managed to contact this organization regarding erecting signs on the Rotch land which was donated as part of the LCIP/Burns land acquisition, and learned that it is perfectly in order to erect one of the signs on this property.

  15. SOUHEGAN RIVER CORRIDOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Bob Walsh attended a meeting as a representative of the Commission and provided the following report: On November 6 1992, this Committee met for the first time to discuss the purpose of the study and the roles and responsibilities of the committee members. The study is conducted by the NRPC with July Cummings as chairperson. In attendance were representatives from Pennichuck Water Works, Milford Department of Public Works, Amherst Conservation Commission, Hydropower, Amherst Board of Selectmen, Amherst Country Club, NH DES, Wilton Planning Board, Trout Unlimited, New Ipswich Conservation Commission, Southwest RPC, NH Rivers Campaign, Merrimack Valley Paddlers, MR Watershed Council, Milford Wastewater Treatment Plant, and Bob Walsh representing the Milford Conservation Commission.

    The purpose of the study is to gain information and knowledge that will assist in the planning to improve, protect and sustain the Souhegan as a multiple use river into the future. The result will be a document detailing the natural resources, water resources, land use, recreation and historic resources of the Souhegan. Committee members will be asked to periodically review the draft copies and to correct, add comments, and to add details to the document. The finalized document is due out in June 1993.

  16. HANDBOOK FOR CONSERVATION COMMISSIONS: It was drawn to the attention of the members present that there are revised pages for 1992 for this manual. Previously the members' manuals had been updated to incorporate the 1991 changes. The 1992 changes are available at a cost of $1.00 each. John Kenison put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted in the affirmative to authorize Lorraine to purchase sufficient copies of the 1992 changes so as to be able to update all manuals currently in the possession of the Commission.

  17. CONSERVATION EASEMENT STEWARDSHIP GUIDE: This guide, written by Brenda Lind of LCIP, is available at a cost of $7.50 per copy plus $1.50 per copy for 2 or more copies. Ken Utting put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted in the affirmative to authorize Lorraine to purchase two copies of this guide, same to be maintained in the Commission's office for the benefit of the members.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting adjourned at llp.m. The next meetings are as follows:

8a.m., Saturday December 5 1992, meeting at the drainage way access point to Mayflower Hill Forest to relocate part of the trail

Public Meeting, Thursday, December 10, 1992 at 7.30p.m. in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of December 10, 1992

Robert McEttrick, Acting Chairman
Charles Carter, Chris Costantino, Ken Utting, Bob Walsh, Hub Seward, Full Members
Carl Olsen as acting full member
Lorraine Carson, Conservation assistant

  1. MINUTES: On motion made by Bob Walsh and seconded by Ken Utting, it was voted unanimously in favor of the motion to accept the Minutes of the November 12, 1992 meeting, amended as follows:
    Item 7: the following wording was added to/changed to the last paragraph so that it reads: It was decided to inquire into the cost of purchasing small metal signs to be attached to these benches indicating they were purchased by the Conservation Commission, and also to inquire as to the cost for similar signs to be attached to other benches around town similarly purchased.

  2. NIHACC HANDBOOKS: Lorraine reported she had received the updates for 1992 for these handbooks and requested all members to submit their copies for her to insert the updates. Bob McEttrick and Chris submitted their copies, and all other members are requested to either bring their copies of the handbooks to the next meeting or to deliver them to Lorraine.

  3. BUDGET AND WARRANT ARTICLES FOR 1993: Several issues were discussed:
    1. Budget Meeting: Bob McEttrick and Lorraine will attend this meeting with the Board of Selectmen at 7.15p.m. on Monday, December 14 1992.
    2. Withdrawals from Certain Accounts: Lorraine advised the members that as of November 24 1992, the signature of the Town Treasurer, Alan White, is now the one and only signature required for withdrawals from the following accounts: Conservation Land Fund (certificate of deposit), Accumulative Fund (Savings Account), Town Forest Fund (Savings account), Nees Bequest (Certificate of deposit). All these accounts are at the Milford Cooperative Bank where the Town Treasurer works. These accounts are not part of the Town's General Fund. Lorraine explained that the Operating Expense Account for the Commission is part of that General Fund. By operating the listed accounts as they are, it brings the funds into compliance with State law which requires that all town funds be under the Treasurer's signature, and it also allows the Commission to continue to earn interest on the accounts.
    3. Current Land Use Penalty Warrant Article: Lorraine provided the members with the figures for the penalties collected over the last five years as follows: 1988 $41,270; 1989 $93,250; 1990 $25,220; 1992 $3,000 collected to date with $18,000 due by December 31. After discussion, Hub Seward put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh and voted in the affirmative to request 25% of this penalty, with no specified time limit on the warrant article. By State law, this article runs until withdrawn.
    4. Scenic Road Petition: Lorraine presented the members with prepared petition forms for signatures to classify North River Road from the Old Iron Bridge to the Wilton Town Line as scenic. Those members will obtain signatures and return the forms at the January 14 1993 meeting for submission to the Town Clerk.
    5. NHACC Dues 1993: Upon motion made by Ken Utting and seconded by Bob Walsh, it was voted in the affirmative to authorize Lorraine to pay these dues in the amount of $340.00 in January 1993 when due. She explained that this represents no increase over 1992, and that the amount is based upon the population of the town.

  4. FIELD MAINTENANCE: Lorraine provided the members with a "Field Maintenance Protocol" as developed from information received from Margaret Hagen, Hills. Cty. Agricultural Agent, the NH Fish and Game Department, and a field specialist from UNH. In short, the recommendation was that fields be cut in late summer or early fall every other year. Regarding maintenance of field edges, this should be done on an annual basis in order to control undesirable growth along stone walls and to prevent abutting woods from encroaching on the fields. This work should be done each spring. During discussion of the protocol Charles suggested that chain saws may be needed the first time, but after that it was felt that hand loppers would be sufficient. It was also decided that when this work was being done, the every-increasing stand of Sumac in the field should be cut back to prevent it taking over too much of the open area. It was suggested that if at some time a desirable tree is beginning to grow in one of the fields, that it should be maintained as a few trees in each field would be attractive. It was suggested that for the field edge work each spring, assistance could be sought from various scout groups. Lorraine will prepare an agenda of field edge work and also field cutting and will remind the members in advance so that arrangements can be made. It was briefly discussed that the fields could be rented out to farmers for haying or grazing, but various individuals reported negative responses received from farmers questioned in this regard - fields too far from the farm; hay of too poor a quality. After discussions, Hub Seward put a motion on the floor, seconded by Ken Utting and voted unanimously in the affirmative, to adopt the Field Maintenance Protocol as presented.

  5. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH/BUFFER ZONE/RAILROAD POND: Frank Brookshire, Architect, met with the Commission to discuss the proposed addition to the Parish House on Union Street, which addition encroaches into the 50 foot Buffer Zone around Railroad Pond. On Tuesday, November 24 1992, an on site inspection was done with Frank, Ken Utting, Chris Costantino and Lorraine present. Mr. Brookshire provided the following: that construction can begin any day once the necessary permits are in order; that the case goes before the Planning Board on December 15, and before the Board of Adjustment on December 17; that the site work needs to be done before the ground freezes; that Sprint Construction Inc. of 4 Spruce Street, Milford, will be doing the work. He estimated that a total of about 650ft x 4ft deep has to be excavated. It will be necessary for heavy equipment such as a backhoe, to be within the 35 feet distance from the edge of the pond to the corner of the proposed addition. There is a short length of stone wall which will have to be removed, but the plan is to replace it once construction is complete. All excavated earth will be removed from the site. Regarding erosion control, Charles stated that hay bales would not be suitable because of the time of the year and the space available for the backhoe/bulldozer. It was suggested that perhaps Mark Fougere could provide a better idea for this, though it was agreed that the fact that the pond is frozen over now, would be the best siltation control. Runoff from the new roof was discussed. It is proposed to be a gable roof and runoff is to be funneled to the area of the "steps" on the plan. Frank suggested a type of guttering to direct the runoff towards the front of the building, and the members agreed with this. An area of currently existing erosion from runoff from the parking lot towards the pond was discussed as needing attention, and Frank assured the members this would be taken care of. A suggestion was put forward that the addition be located more towards the front of the existing building so as to avoid the buffer zone in total. This would mean the loss of 2 parking spaces, and Frank advised that the Planning Board require at least the number of existing parking lots. Fewer would not be acceptable. Ken put forward the idea that there is a large area of lawn between the buildings and the road that could be used for parking, though it may not look as nice as a lawn. It was also suggested that the addition be put on the other side of the Parish House where there is ample open space, but Frank stated the Church committee wanted the addition as proposed, because it is more convenient. Frank assured the members that the grassy area in the buffer zone that will be disturbed by the construction work will be reseeded and put back to what it is now. This work is already in the contract price. Frank stated that the project would not take more than three months, and should be done by spring, though reseeding will have to wait until after that time. Charles again expressed concerns regarding the backhoe in the buffer zone which lead to the decision that firstly, Sprint Construction should be in receipt of details of the Commission's conditions, and that the day the heavy equipment is to be on site, Lorraine and Charles should be there to ensure the conditions are met in total. After considerable discussion, the Commission decided to accept this encroachment into the 50 foot buffer zone, but with the following conditions:
    1. Storm water runoff from the roof of the addition must be channeled to the front of the building, and this must be done as soon as possible due to the delicate nature of the site involved.
    2. The Commission must be notified of the day and time when ground excavation begins so that it may be represented on site for better control over damage to the buffer zone.
    3. The Commission will make a final inspection of the excavation work to ensure it meets with the Commission's approval before the heavy equipment leaves the site.
    4. For erosion control along the edge of the disturbed area, the best possible method as suggested by Mark Fougere should be employed. Such erosion control measures shall remain in effect until no longer needed.

    Lorraine will ensure that all parties involved in this issue are notified of the Commission's conditions and concerns. The above conditions were upon motion made by Hub Seward, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted in the affirmative.

  6. CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN: Acting Chairman, Bob McEttrick called for nominations for the position of Chairman of the Commission. Ken Utting put a motion on the floor, seconded by Chris Costantino and voted unanimously in the affirmative, to appoint Bob McEttrick as chairman of the Commission. Bob accepted the position. Bob McEttrick then nominated Robert Walsh as the Vice-Chairman, putting a motion on the floor to this effect, seconded by Chris Costantino, and voted unanimously in the affirmative.

  7. MEETING PROTOCOL: As chairman of the Conservation Commission, Bob McEttrick stated there were some changes he wished to make in the running of the Commission in order to streamline the meetings and in the hopes that more could be accomplished in less time. Using the October 29 1992 meeting as an example, Bob pointed out the confusion that often ensues at meetings because members branch off into "sub-meetings" while the main business is being conducted. He added that as chairman, he planned to run a tighter meeting, and requested the cooperation of the members that only one person speak at a time, and that there be no members forming groups and discussing matters at the same time as the main meeting is being conducted. Regarding meeting attendance, Bob explained that in order to conduct a meeting, a quorum (four individuals) must be present. He reminded members that they had been requested to advise Lorraine in advance if they are not able to attend a meeting, but this request has remained mainly unobserved. Lorraine is therefore not in a position to call in alternates to fill in for a full member, and the Commission runs the risk of not having a quorum present for a meeting, and therefore unable to conduct any business at all. In order to ensure interested members attend meetings on a regular basis or that they at least advise Lorraine in advance when not able to attend, Bob proposed the following rule go into effect:

    "Meeting Attendance: If three consecutive meetings are missed by full members without prior notification, membership in the Commission will be terminated."

    In an effort to shorten meetings and waste less time, Bob proposed the following rule regarding catch-up for missed meetings:

    "If a member misses a meeting, no time will be spent at the next meeting in briefing that member on past discussions. Enough details are in the minutes to inform members of events of a meeting, and if there are any questions, members are to call Lorraine in advance of the next meeting."

    Bob made note of the fact that certain issues remain an agenda item month after month, because a member to whom that item had been assigned, had failed repeatedly to complete the task. In order to shorten the agenda and to make progress on issues, Bob proposed the following rule:

    "If a member is given a project to complete, a report on its progress must be supplied within 60 days. If the project is such that it can be completed within a 60 day time span, and that member has failed to do so, that member will be relieved of the responsibility and the project will be reassigned to another member."

    Bob pointed out that during budget discussions, the line item for education of members was increased in amount because it was felt that members wanted more education. However it seemed, he noted, that when educational meetings are available, everybody has something else to do and often these opportunities are thus missed. in future, when notice is received of upcoming seminars, Lorraine will advise all members immediately by the round-robin method, a method Bob pointed out, so often fails because one person does not make the effort to call the next name on the list. One particularly valuable educational annual meeting, is that of the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions, and with this and the above in mind, Bob proposed the following rule:

    "All members are required to attend the annual meeting of the NHACC, which meeting is always held in Concord on the first Saturday of November each year. Members are required to mark their calendars accordingly."

    From time to time, one member is either requested to attend an informational meeting or offers to attend, on behalf of the Commission. The item then becomes part of the agenda because a report is needed. Again in an attempt to shorten the agenda and get more accomplished, Bob proposed the following rule for the above condition:

    "If a member attends a meeting on behalf of the Commission and is not able to attend the next Commission meeting with a report, then that member is required to either submit a report in writing, or call Lorraine in advance of the meeting and provide her with the details for her to relay to the members."

    With regard to the various sub-committees the Commission formed some time ago, Bob pointed out that State law requires that meetings of such subcommittees be conducted in the same manner as regular meetings of the Commission. This would entail a lot of work for the subcommittees, and he therefore, as of this date, made these subcommittees null and void.

    As no members present voiced any objections to any of the above proposals, Lorraine will prepare the above in a format to be handed out to all members and any other interested parties.

  8. MAYFLOWER HILL TOWN FOREST/TRAIL ON HAMMAR PROPERTY: Bob McEttrick reported that he, Bob Walsh, Ken and Chris met at 8a.m. on Saturday, December 5 1992 to relocate a section of trail which was on private property. It was noted that John Kenison who was scheduled to assist, did not arrive for the work session. Bob stated that with relatively little effort, they were able to make a new section of trail totally on the town land. Signs will be made to indicate to the public exactly where the trail now is. He added that they also did some clean-up work along the rest of the trails and cut down brush at Look Out Point in order to maintain the view from that location. Bob stated that the new section of trail will require some raking which will be done in the spring.

  9. TRAIL MARKING: Considerable discussion took place regarding how best to mark trails on town lands, how boundaries should be marked and in what color, and how to develop a color system that will be consistent on all town conservation lands. Carl Olsen put forward the suggestion that the Appalachian Club uses white for the main trail in and out of an area and other colors for various loops. It was decided that he would develop a color system to be presented at the next meeting, for the Commission's review.

  10. PARK BENCHES FOR MILFORD OVAL: Lorraine reported having talked to Bob Courage regarding the Commission's desire to provide benches for the Oval with slats for seating, rather than the wide board as is on other benches in parks in town. Bob Courage was not in favor of slatted type benches because they were very prone to vandalism; so much so that all the benches that were on the Oval of this type, had to be removed this winter for repairs. He stated that the board type had proven much more serviceable with no repairs necessary to date. Lorraine pointed out that the board benches were about $60.00 each cheaper than the slatted ones, and that for approximately $1,100 four of these benches at about $130.00 each plus one special handicapped bench at about $385.00, plus freight, could be purchased. She offered the suggestion that half this cost be made from the Operating Expense account for 1992 and the balance be paid out of the interest on the Nees Bequest. After considerable discussion of this payment issue, Hub Seward put a motion on the floor, seconded by Bob Walsh that five benches be purchased, four of the board type and one handicapped bench, and that a maximum of $900.00 be paid out of the 1992 Operating Expense account, with the balance being paid from the interest on the Nees Bequest. The vote on this motion was six to one in favor of the motion, with Ken Utting against the motion. A brief discussion took place regarding putting small metal signs on all benches purchased by the Commission. Though no decision was made to purchase these signs, Bob Walsh did offer the following wording to be used on those signs, namely "Provided by the Milford Conservation Commission".

  11. LCIP SIGNS: With John Kenison not present at this meeting, there was no information available as to whether or not he had talked to Bob Courage regarding the erection of the signs. It was also not known at this point just where the signs are. Lorraine offered to take over this project and call John and/or Bob Courage for further details. With the ground now pretty much frozen, it was not known if Mr. Courage would be able to erect them now, or if the project would have to be put off until spring.

  12. FRED CONREY LAND:Lorraine reported that on November 30, 1992, as scheduled Fred Conrey, Charles Carter, Lee Mayhew and Town Counsel had met to pay Mr. Conrey for the Conservation Easement and to clear the lien on the property. A check from Town Counsel in the amount of $34,467.53 was paid to the Tax Collector, thus paying the property taxes in full. Another check from Town Counsel to Mr. Conrey was in the amount of $4,032.47, being the difference between the taxes due and the agreed upon amount of $38,500.00 for the easement, was given to Mr. Conrey. Town Counsel will ensure the agreement is recorded in the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds. Charles was thanked for his efforts in working with Mr. Conrey on this issue, and for transporting him to and from the Town Hall for the closing. Regarding the survey of the property, Lorraine reported she had finally made contact with Dennis McKenney, the surveyor, and was promised it would be in hand by the end of this week. This survey will be of the entire property and will indicate where the wooded area is and where the open fields are. Regarding putting Mr. Conrey's property into Current Land Use, both Charles and the assessor are working on this to assist Mr. Conrey. Because part of the property is farm land, a Soils Potential Index is required. This is done by the Soils Conservation Service for a cost of $35.00. The figure arrived at can serve to lower the value of the farmed portion of the property and thus the yearly taxes. Lorraine had conducted a telephonic poling of the members as to whether or not the Commission wished to pay the $35.00 fee for the SPI. The results of the poling was five members in favor of paying the fee, and two against, namely Bob Walsh and Ken Utting. As Charles is working with Mr. Conrey on this, Lorraine advised him of the desire of the Commission to pay the fee, and it was decided that as soon as she receives the survey, she will contact Charles who will take over from there.As soon as the survey is in hand, it will be given to Town Counsel to be recorded at the Registry, same to be cross referenced to the recorded agreement.

  13. SOUTHERN NH CONS. COMM. ASSOCIATION: Bob McEttrick advised the members that the next meeting of this organization will be at 7.30p.m. on Wednesday January 13 1993 at the Windham Town Hall. The subject will be an introduction to topographical map and aerial photograph analysis. Bob suggested that interested members carpool for this interesting event.

  14. HARLAN BURNS PROPERTY/BEAVER BROOK ASSOC.: A typed report was received from Bill Parker who attended the second of two initial meetings to discuss the proposed donation of about 200 acres of land to Beaver Brook Assoc. by Bill Burns. It is the Association's plan, should it become the owner of this property, to have some kind of local "management group" which could handle any scheduling of events or work to be done etc. etc. This group would be under the direction of the Association. The Association wishes to meet in January with the Milford Selectmen and also the Conservation Commission, preferably meeting with the Commission first. Bill had suggested they come to the Commission's January 14 meeting, and then meet with the Selectmen on January 18 1993. He asked that Lorraine make the necessary arrangements and be in touch with him.

It being llp.m., this meeting was adjourned with the following agenda items receiving no attention:
  1. Souhegan River Trail and Bicentennial Committee involvement
  2. Ronald Philbrick land and scheduling an on site inspection
  3. Winchendon/Fort Devons Airport meeting - report from Blaise Corcoran, not present at this meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for 7.30p.m. on Thursday, January 14, 1993 in the Town Hall.

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Home | Agenda | Minutes | Conservation Plan | P&P Manual | Wetland Protection | Milford Regulations | Trails & Land | Town of Milford