Distance: 1.4 mile (round trip)
Vertical Rise: 20'
Map: USGS 7 1/5' Milford


Points of interest

Forest 1. Information Center
Field 2. Pace Bridge
River Trail (white blazes) 3. Purgatory Bridge
Contour, 10' interval 4. Purgatory Overlook

No trash, no fires, no alcoholic beverages permitted. Hunting permitted in season, use caution. This trail guide prepared by the Milford Conservation Commission. Revised 2/96.

How to get there:
From the Milford Oval take Rt. 13 north, then North River Road for approximately 2.7 miles. Turn left onto a small gravel road 0.3 miles past the Milford Fish Hatchery. Park on the right side at the end of the road.

Trail Information:
The Souhegan River Trail meanders thru property owned by the State of New Hampshire. This property is managed by the Fish & Game Department as a fish hatchery. Some of the property, the fields in particular, is leased to local farmers or dairymen and should be treated as private land.

The trail follows the river closely and may be flooded during seasonally high water. There are two bridges spanning small water courses before they enter the Souhegan River.

Follow the white blazes. There are many trails in this area made over the years by children, fishermen and local people walking by the river. Some trails lead to private land, please stay on the designated trail.

You may notice red paint spots and orange ribbons. These have been placed by snow mobilers and are not part of the trail system.

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