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2011 Minutes:

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  Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2011

Kim Rimalover. Andy Hughes, Andy Seale, Hub Seward - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Becky Lorette - Alternate Member
Fred Elkind - Conservation Coordinator

Diane Fitzpatrick, Audrey Fraizer, Rodney Dellafelice, Wayne Hardy

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Kim Rimalover at 7:00 PM

Approval of Minutes: Kim called for the approval of the minutes as a quorum was present and 3 members who were present on December 9 were in attendance. Chris moved that the minutes of the December 9, 2010 meeting be accepted as presented. Andy S. seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously accepted as presented.

Unfinished Business:
  1. SoNH Trails and Outdoor Expo
  2. - Fred reported that progress is being made but much remains to be done. We need to tie-down more commercial vendors. Audrey has worked with Normandeau and they have agreed to be a sponsor of the event. Fred is in contact with Wal-Mart which has indicated some interest, as well as EMS and others. It is difficult to get responses.
    Fred suggested that any Commissioner who has any possible vendor contact should make a first contact and Fred can follow-up. Chris agreed to contact Bob Hall and Becky will talk to the folks at theToadstool Bookshop. Kim will talk to the people at the County Stores.

  3. Monitoring
  4. - The LCIP monitoring report is still outstanding for the Rotch property (it was due prior to 12/31/10. Becky said the work is done and she will contact Wayne about the report. If needed, she will complete the report.

  5. H2O Waste Disposal
  6. - Map 8, Lot 38 - Fred updated the Commission regarding the H2O project that had been discussed at the last meeting. The plan was not complete at that time. A meeting was held on January 13 with the owners and engineers which answered some of the questions raised at the last Commission meeting. The operation is one that has 12 truck trips per day. Recyclable materials picked-up from clients are brought to the facility where they are sorted and then reshipped. The work is currently on-going on an adjacent lot. The plan is to build a structure that will house the operation. Drainage will be treated and, to the extent feasible, infiltrated on site. The soils are very well drained. The revised plan is being resubmitted to the Planning Board.

  7. January Hike
  8. - Kim noted that the January Hike needs a leader. Chris agreed to lead the hike which will start from the Heron Pond School property. The hike should be fairly easy if the trails are groomed by snowmobiles. Otherwise, snowshoes will be required and the hike will be more difficult.

New Business:
  1. CLMC Initial Budget
  2. - Fred discussed the need for a budget for the CLMC. The CLMC chair and members need to be able to prioritize their work. Brian Hawkins, CLMC's chair, has indicated that a budget of $1000 could cover the costs of miscellaneous supplies, tree cutting, and a new bridge on the Souhegan River Trail within the Fish and Game property. Chris moved approval of the budget, Andy S. seconded the motion. Discussion was concerned with checks and balances on the expenditure of the $1000. Chris explained that all expenditures need to go through Fred and finance. Fred further explained that Diane and Chris sit on the CLMC and help define the program.
    Kim called for the vote which was unanimous to approve a $1000 budget for the CLMC with additional needs coming back to the Commission.

  1. Conservation Commission Fundraising
  2. - Discussion of fundraising efforts centered on the possible availability of TE funds. Andy S. advised that there may be another round of funds available and we should be in line. Funds will not be available in the same manner as in the past. The tendency is for programs to be much more "grant" oriented than "set-aside" oriented. Additionally, DOT funds are very tight and the state will need to raise funds for on-going projects. Andy indicated that his new role with the NRPC will allow him to stay on top of these changes.

  3. Open Space and Buffer Ordinances
  4. - Both proposed revisions have had public hearings. There was not much testimony. The Planning Board has decided to hold an additional hearing before it decides on the amendments. The Planning Board can either place the proposed amendments on the Warrant, decide not to send them forward, or can revise the proposed language and send them (either or both) along.

  5. Land Fund Warrant Article
  6. - The Commission presented a Warrant Article to add $15,000 to the Land fund. The selectmen voted not to support the article. Audrey sent a letter to the Board asking them to reconsider their vote or agree to send the article to the Town Meeting with their position noted. Audrey, Chris, and Fred met with the Board of Selectmen on January 10. Following some discussion, the Board voted to support a Warrant Article in the amount of $10,000.

Announcements: - none

Communications: - Memo from Bill Parker - Plans are proceeding for possible development at the Brox site. There will be a discussion at the Planning Board Work Session of January 18. Andy H. and Kim will attend. Fred was asked to attend if possible. The Commission recently received the authority to temporarily manage trails in Brox. The Commission believes that trails should be part of any plan and that sensitive areas need protection.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes submitted by Fred Elkind - Conservation Coordinator


  Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2011

Audrey Fraizer - Vice Chairman
Kim Rimalover, Andy Hughes, Andy Seale, Hub Seward, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Becky Lorette - Alternate Members
Fred Elkind - Conservation Coordinator

Diane Fitzpatrick, Rodney Dellafelice

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Audrey Fraizer at 7:05PM

Approval of Minutes:
Audrey called for the approval of the minutes. Chris moved that the minutes of the January 13, 2010 meeting be accepted as presented. Andy S. seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously accepted as presented.

Unfinished Business:
  1. SoNH Trails and Outdoor Expo
  2. - Fred provided an update of the status of the Expo. Approximately 1/3 of the available booths have been committed. Normandeau Associates, Goodale's Bike Shop, Hampshire Hills, and the Cabinet Press are presently the sponsors/partners of the Expo. Fred summarized the list of exhibitors that have committed thus far and mentioned some that should be committing soon. He identified the need for more exhibitors, food vendors, and points of interest. There was lengthy discussion amongst the Commissioners. Audrey highlighted the need for additional effort on the part of the Commissioners in working towards rounding out the list of exhibitors and that all should plan on being available on April 9 to help at the Expo.

  3. H2O Waste Disposal
  4. - Map 8, Lot 38 - A revised plan was presented. Fred explained that, for the most part, stormwater was now going to be infiltrated on site. This will protect the adjacent wetlands and pond from runoff-related contamination. The plan appears to be effective and the cost was acceptable to the owner. The Planning Board will be considering the plan at its next meeting. There were no issues that required action on the part of the Conservation Commission but any concerns could be brought to the Planning Board. No other concerns were identified by the Commission.
    Discussion turned to training for the Commission regarding stormwater modeling and decisions. Fred will prepare a training program. If found to be of general value, the program may be presented again for the public.

  5. February Hike
  6. - Audrey stated that the February Hike needs a leader. Chris and Kim agreed to lead the hike. Chris and Diane will work on notifications for the hike.

New Business:
  1. Conservation Commission Membership
  2. - Several members' appointments will run out on March 31, 2011. Following discussions, the Commission voted to recommend the following to the Board of Selectmen:
       Wayne Hardy - To be appointed as an alternate
       Andy Seale - To be reappointed for another term
       Kim Rimalover - To be reappointed for another term
       Becky Lorette - To be appointed as a full member.

  3. West Elm Corridor Overlay District
  4. - A joint meeting of the Planning Board and several other boards and commissions will be held on February 22 to discuss the district. Chris provided a history of the proposed district. Its purpose is to provide recommended standards for commercial development in the district. Including in these standards would be architectural recommendations. The standards will assist the district to develop or redevelop in an architecturally preferred fashion. The district had been presented to the public and commercial interests in 2010. The February meeting provides the opportunity to the boards and commissions to become involved.

  5. Accept $477.31 from the Holland Farms Community Supported Organization
  6. - Chris updated the Commission on the status of the organization. The need for the organization no longer exists; so the organization has filed for dissolution. The HBCSFO voted to donate the remainder of its funds to the Conservation Commission.
    Hub moved and Kim seconded the request for the Board of Selectmen to accept, on behalf of the Conservation Commission, the $477.31 from the Holland Farms Community Supported Cooperative and to place the funds in the Rail Trail account. The motion was unanimously approved.

  1. Conservation Commission Fundraising
  2. - Chris discussed the application package she has been preparing for the New England Grassroots Environmental Fund (NEGEF). The Commission discussed the potential need and use for these very important funds in continuing the work that the trails volunteers have begun. Audrey requested a vote by the Commission. Andy H. moved that the Conservation Commission submit the application for funds to NEGEF. The motion was seconded by Hub. The vote was unanimous.

  3. Land Fund Warrant Article
  4. - Audrey indicated that she and Hub had attended the Deliberative Session. Hub informed the Commission that he had explained the purpose of the Land Fund. The article was not amended and would move on to town vote.

  5. Stormwater Program
    - Fred discussed the status of the program. The state is waiting for EPA to adopt revised regulations. Since NH is not a delegated state (not immediately responsible for the implementation) EPA adopts the regulations which will control Milford's future program. This is anticipated for sometime this spring. The revised program will require wet weather sampling of outfalls. The Commission discussed the definition of "outfalls" and what the regulations will require for sampling and correction of problems, if any.
    Fred also brought the Commission up to date on current activities. Work is continuing on the preparation/revision of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and associated training for Milford facilities. Fred informed the Commission that three training videos had been purchased. One of the video was germane to the construction-related stormwater issues that the Commission is very concerned about. The commissioners present requested that the video be presented at an up-coming meeting.

There being no other business to come before the Conservation Commission, Audrey adjourned the meeting at 8:50 pm.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes submitted by Fred Elkind - Conservation Coordinator

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