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2007 Minutes:
January - February - March- April -May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December


Meeting Minutes of January 11, 2007

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Rodney Dellafelice, Audrey Fraizer, Andy Seale, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino- Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others attending:
Paul, Nancy, Holly and Sarah Amato
Daymond Steer - Milford Cabinet

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:07 PM.

Approval of Minutes:
Upon a motion made by Wayne and seconded by Andy, the minutes of the December 14, 2006 meeting were accepted as presented.

Unfinished Business:
  1. Holland Easement - The Amato family attended the meeting to discuss and gain an understanding of some of the terms of the conservation easement that is on the Holland Farm.

New Business:
  1. Mitigation for Wetland Impacts - Merrimack CC meeting - Lori Sommers from the Wetlands Bureau was invited to the Merrimack Conservation Commission meeting of Monday Feb 12 at 7pm in the Merrimack Town Hall. She will be discussing the opportunities of mitigation for wetland impacts. Other Conservation Commissions are invited to attend.

Interdepartmental Review:
  1. Tsionis, 111-115 Elm St. - M/L 20/57 and 20/58 - Minor site plan to bring the lots into compliance with the site plan and the Zoning Ordinance.
    ConComm Comments:
    "We appreciate the effort to bring this property into compliance with the open space requirements."

  2. Mitchell Brook/Boynton Hill - M/L 45/2, 3, 17, 20 and 50/1, 1-5 - Major Subdivision Beginning of the final application for open space subdivision approval.
    "A memo is being drafted that will be submitted to the Board before 1-15-07."

  3. Wolcott - M/L 56-44-4 - 362 Federal Hill Rd. Discussion of a potential one lot subdivision.
    ConComm Comments:
    "This plan has no conservation issues."

  1. Mitchell Brook/Boynton Hill Subdivision - Diane reported that Conservation is currently working on providing some input to the Wetlands Bureau, the ZBA and the Planning Board. A dredge and fill application is required for the crossings for the road and one lot. A special exception is required for the wetland and buffer impacts associated with the project. The applicants will appear before the ZBA and the Planning Board this month.

  2. Old Farms Golf Course - Diane reported that the letter was sent to the Wetlands Bureau recommending approval of the application to stabilize the bank. They will not need to appear before the ZBA. They are finished with approval from the Planning Board but still need to redo their D&F application for the bridges that allow the cart path to cross Tucker Brook in a number of places.

  3. Mayflower Hill Town Forest - Wayne will speak with an abutting landowner about continuing to allow a trail to cross a back corner of his lot. The trail is an existing trail that is used by residents in the neighborhood.

  4. SRT Parking Relocation - Grading is completed. Gates and signs are being put up.

  5. Bridge in Emerson Park - Rod reported that currently the bridge is useable. There are railings and steps for the approaches. In the spring they plan to work on putting the cables on the lower part of the railings. Grading the approaches and putting some sort of rail or curb on the approaches will also be done to make the bridge handicapped accessible. This work would be part of a larger project of improving the trails in the area and cutting the wall in Emerson Park to make the entire area handicapped accessible.

  6. McLane Dam Land - Nothing to report.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:04pm.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, February 8, 2007 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes submitted by Rita Carroll.

Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2007

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney Dellafelice, Audrey Fraizer, Andy Seale, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Jay Heavisides, Meridian Land Services
John Tenhave, Mitchell Brook LLC
Alfred Karnis, Mitchell Brook abutter

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:07pm.

Upon a motion made by Chris and seconded by Wayne, the minutes of the January 11, 2007 meeting were accepted as presented. Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  1. Jay Heavisides, Meridian Land Services - Mitchell Brook/Boynton Hill Subdivision
    Jay was present to discuss the recommendation letters that were sent by Conservation to the Planning Board, the ZBA and the NHDES Wetlands Bureau. He wanted to work out a number of issues that the Commission objected to. He presented some changes to his plan and is open to making more changes in hopes that he and the board are in agreement before recommendation letters are written again.

    Crossings D and E as shown on the Dredge and Fill application:
    Jay presented the group with a revised plan for these crossings. As suggested by the Commission, the crossing no longer interrupts the stream. Jay proposed a headwall with an opening that allows water to flow in the current location, the existing streambed. Only the water-flow above a 2-yr storm will be diverted to a detention basin. This plan provides both stormwater control and allows the existing streambed to remain intact. The wetland impact is reduced by 530 SF. Total wetland impact for the project is now less than 8000 SF.

    Impact H:
    This impact is for a driveway to a single lot. Jay stated that this lot is the only lot in the subdivision with a driveway crossing. The crossing is placed in a narrow spot to reach a viable spot for construction. The lot was relocated into the open space near the Gutterson homestead, to avoid Vernal Pool #4. The open space still meets the requirements of the open space ordinance. Diane said that Conservation tries to accommodate crossings for projects, but feels that this impact is not justified for only one lot. Jay said the entire project impacts only 1.5% of the wetlands on the site. John Tenhave said that construction of the 2 miles of road will be expensive and that this project has been very challenging. For four years they have made efforts to accommodate many boards. He said that they need to maintain all the lots to do the project. Rod commented that someone from DES had in the past told the Commissions that finances are not a good reason for the Conservation Commission to justify wetland impacts. Chris said that the Commission is here to protect the habitat.

    The Commission's suggestion to cluster the development to the northeast section of the property:
    Jay discussed this suggestion, which was made to the DES Wetlands Bureau. He showed a previous plan that was referred to in the Commission's letter to DES. He said that development in the northeast corner of the property would not work because of the zoning regulations. The lots shown on that plan do not meet the requirement for lot sizes, the wetland impact would be greater that 8,000 SF and the road would be too steep. Jay feels that development in this section of the property alone would not work.

    Drainage Calculations concerns:
    Jay clarified his explanation of his calculations from the December meeting. He stated that he did not change data to fit the model, nor did he change the model. What he did was gather additional data to allow the model to represent what is happening out on the property, to have a more accurate picture for the model. Audrey expressed the concern that the property could be a good aquifer, an important resource to protect. We need to protect our aquifers as much as we can. She asked how impervious surface goes into the model. Jay explained that degrees of imperviousness are categorized, areas are calculated, both are compared with what exists now and a run-off coefficient is obtained. The concern of the Commission is that drainage calculations do not always work in the real world. Projects have come before the board that have promised adequate stormwater management but problems have and still do exist. The Commission still has concerns regarding the ability of a development of this size to effectively manage the stormwater.

    The Commission, in letters to NHDES and the ZBA, had expressed concern for potential effects of blasting on groundwater paths. Jay stated that there will only be blasting for roads and house lots in the southern area of the property and a small amount at the top of the hill. He discussed the Home Depot problem that was referenced in the letter to the ZBA. He had looked into that issue, found that blasting had not caused the problem and asked that this reference be removed from the ZBA recommendation.

    Stormwater Recharge Trenches:
    Concern was expressed in the letter to the Planning Board regarding maintenance of these trenches and possible use of them by homeowners to dump brush. Jay stated that the trenches are designed to be maintenance free. Signs will be posted informing homeowners that they are there for a reason. They will be located in the back yards at the bottom of the slope. Dumping brush in them would actually improve the slow release of storm water to the ground.

    • Rod made a motion that the Commission change its recommendation to the ZBA with regards to crossings D and E, in order to reflect the new design. The Commission approves of the revised crossing that will now leave the existing streambed intact and divert only the water greater than a 2-year storm. Andy seconded the motion. Motion passed with a vote of 4 in favor and 2 opposed.

    • When the modification to the Dredge and Fill application is submitted the Commission will recommend approval of the revised crossing at D and E, and also include a clarification for the stormwater recommendation.

    • The reference to the Home Depot on 101A will be removed from the ZBA recommendation.

    • The paragraph referring to the previously submitted plan for a cluster off Wolfer Rd. was discussed. The Commission agreed to remove this paragraph from the NHDES and ZBA letters. They will state that this was discussed at their meeting and it was determined that the plan that was referred to in the letter was very preliminary and not proven to be doable. This may not be a feasible option.

    • Regarding the driveway crossing:
      The members were polled to see if they preferred that lot 45-3-38 (Impact H) remain where it is or that it be relocated back to where it potentially impacts the buffer around Vernal pool #4. (Vernal pool #4 was rated in the wildlife study as having the lowest significance of the 4 vernal pools on the site.) The sense of the group was that they would prefer the lot to be located near the vernal pool.

    Audrey asked that the wildlife study be supplemented with the items asked for in the recommendation letters to the ZBA and the Wetlands Bureau. Jay said no, the study did address what was asked for. It did not state the presence of threatened or endangered species, which implies that none were found. He agreed that the study could have stated no threatened or endangered species were found. The review letter from the NH Natural Heritage Bureau did state that there are no records of Threatened or Endangered species for this area in their database.

  1. Warrant Articles for 2007 - Diane told the group that the two warrant articles that were submitted from ConComm will not be on the 2007 ballot. The Board of Selectmen had some questions, which will be addressed. The articles can be submitted again next year. A management plan will be drawn up for the Patch Hill open space, before the town is asked to incorporate it into Mayflower Hill Town Forest. And the reclassification of the lower part of Mile Slip Rd. to a Class 6 Trail will be presented early enough for the Selectmen to have more time to think about it.

  1. Workshops: A Workshop entitled: New Techniques in Erosion and Sedimentation Control will be held on Feb 28, 7-9pm. Someone should attend and bring back info. There will also be a Pervious Concrete Seminar held at the Hugh Gregg Coastal Conservation Center at Sandy Point on February 22, 2007 at 9 am or March 22, 2007 3 pm.

  2. Conservation projects for 2007 - This item will be discussed at the March 8 meeting.

  1. Edna Nye Trust, Osgood Rd. - M/L 51/1 - design review of a potential subdivision off Osgood Rd. The property abuts Hitchiner and will provide a second access to the Badger Hill Development. The Planning Board would like to know if the Conservation Commission or the Town would have an interest in managing the open space if it ends up being an open space subdivision.
    Commission Comments:
    Conservation would like to see this project laid out as an open space subdivision. We feel the design of the open space was well done, in that it is contiguous with Hitchiner Town Forest and the wetlands were kept out of house lots. Hikers currently use an existing trail located in the northwest section of the open space. The Commission would be interested in managing the open space and would in the future seek its incorporation into Hitchiner Town Forest.

    We request that the existing conditions plan show the classification of the wetlands on the property along with the locations of each of the items (if present) that are intended for preservation in the open space ordinance.
    ……… environmental resources, including but not limited to: streams, floodplains, wetlands, steep slopes, scenic views, open fields, farmland, wildlife habitat, habitat of rare and endangered species, and historic sites and features.

    We also request that the rear lot line of lots 51-1-10 and 51-1-11 be aligned with the existing stone wall for the purpose of making boundaries clearer and therefore easier to monitor.

  2. Burns Hill Christian Church - application to locate a church in a portion of the Pine Valley Mill Building.
    Commission Comments: No Conservation issues.

  3. Milford Granite Co. - 47/16-3 - proposal to build an office and workshop for a granite cutting business.
    Commission Comments: No Conservation issues.

  4. Paradis, Wallingford Rd. - 54/15 - app. to subdivide 54/15 into two lots. There are a lot of wetlands on the lots and the planning staff will have their consulting engineer complete a drainage review of the properties.
    Commission Comments: Have all the flooding issues been resolved in this area?

  1. iTRAC - Hub reported that : "The basic plan is to designate a "Milford corridor" zone along Nashua Street and maybe part of Elm Street to preserve the character of the town along major approach routes. Possibly South Street could be added. The goal is to encourage new uses of existing structures rather than tear down and rebuild and also to have architectural review of new buildings. They are also looking at "form based" zoning which regulates the appearance of buildings rather than the activities inside. Toxic chemicals, noise, and traffic also would be part of regulations."

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15pm

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, March 8, 2007 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2007

Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney Dellafelice, Audrey Fraizer, Andy Seale, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Tom Carr, Meridian Land Services - representing Tim Chi Holdings, Michachunk Passage
Paul Hammerstrom, Rob Wright, Sue Wright - abutters to Michachunk Passage
Randy Haight, Bill Davidson - Meridian Land Services - representing Edna H. Nye Trust
Jay Harrison - representing Norma Bisson, North St.

Diane Fitzpatrick

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Hub Seward at 7:07pm.

Upon a motion made by Audrey and seconded by Wayne the minutes of the February 8, 2007 meeting were accepted as presented. Vote was unanimous in favor.

Upon a motion made by Audrey and seconded by Andy the minutes of the January 4, 2007 work session were accepted as presented. Vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. 7:15 Tom Carr, Meridian Land Services - Mr. Carr presented a standard Dredge and Fill Application for an open space subdivision in Amherst called Michachunk Passage. The project consists of 45 residential lots on 126 acres, with a proposed through road from Amherst Street in Amherst to Summer Street in Milford. The project lies totally within Amherst, with the exception of the connection of the road to Summer St. in Milford. This connection will be emergency access only and will be gated to through traffic. There is wetland impact in Milford, so the application is a two-town application.

    Mr. Carr began with a brief overview of the project in Amherst. 40.5 acres, 32% of the area will be open space. Each of the 4 vernal pools on the site are ranked and will have at least a 100 ft. buffer. There are also a number of quarries on the site that are protected in the open space. The main road crosses two perennial and one intermittent stream. Milford has been notified for regional impact for this project.

    A large impact would be created by connecting the main road to Summer St. via a 50 ft. right of way that runs between Milford lots 17-19 and 17-20. This right of way was created when the lots were created. An existing culvert under the right of way will be replaced and will connect to the drainage system on Summer St. in Milford. The other existing 12" culvert will remain to handle any remaining flow adjacent to lot 17-20. The wetland impact in Milford is 2,932 SF; the total wetland impact in this area for the crossing 9,700SF, which includes two detention basins in Amherst. The detention basins will reduce the post development flow to less than the pre-development flow. This 9,700 SF of impact is approximately one half the impact for the entire project. The engineers are working on trying to revise the plans to eliminate the wetland impacts in this area, by not connecting to Summer St. at all. However the plan as presented now does connect to Summer St. and the comments to the Wetlands Bureau should address this connection and associated impacts.

    Mr. Hammerstrom, owner of 20-19, asked if the work in the area would take away the water that currently flows onto his property. Mr. Carr answered that yes, they look at and address the whole watershed which includes the abutters' properties, not just the project. Water flow will be less after development than before development. The detention basin will be structured to restrict the rate of water being released from it, "less flow that lasts longer."

    Mr. Carr stated that the reason the road is located where it is, is that they thought that Pennichuck Water would put water lines through the area to Summer St. and they located the road to also connect to Summer St. Now, however, they are considering creating a cul-de-sac using North St. as a gated emergency access. They would need an easement from the North St. abutters. This design would eliminate the 9,700 SF impact for the connection to Summer St., cut the total impact of the project in half and eliminate the applicant's need for wetland mitigation. Mr. Hammerstrom asked if they did not connect to Summer St. would they still do the pipe work for the flow and was told that probably not. The detention basins would be located farther up the hill and the last two lots would be reconfigured to be at the cul-de-sac.

    Rod asked if the detention basins would require maintenance. He was concerned that if the outlets became clogged the detention basins could overflow and potentially impact Milford. Mr. Carr did not know how they would be maintained. He explained that in each detention basin a wetland would be created, that would be planted with various plants, grasses, salt tolerant species, wetland species, etc.

    Audrey asked about trail connections and was answered that the intent is to maintain a trail system through the area. The property abuts protected land in Amherst.

    When polled the members said they were ok with the plan as presented. They did ask if there would be a maintenance schedule for the detention basins to prevent them from overflowing and affecting Milford. Rita will write a letter to the Wetlands Bureau indicating that the Commission supports the project as presented and would like to see a maintenance plan in place for the catch basins in "Impact area D"

    Audrey commented that she appreciated that the plan as initially presented shows 100 ft. buffers around all the vernal pools and box culverts for the crossings in Amherst.

  2. 7:45 - Randy Haight, Meridian Land Services - Edna Nye subdivision, M/L 51-1 - Mr. Haight and Mr. Davidson were present for a preliminary discussion of this 32-lot open space subdivision. There are ~47 acres of open space shown on the 95 acre site. The project consists of construction of a road from Osgood Rd. connecting to Woodhawk Dr. in the Badger Hill subdivision. The road would have two crossings, 7360 SF of impact in one area, 4140 SF in another for a total of 11,500 SF of wetland impact. A 4 ft. box culvert set 1 foot below grade with a gravel bottom to allow for passage of aquatics is proposed for each of the two crossings. Treatment swales associated with these crossings are planned within the wetland buffers. The open space for this project connects to Hitchiner Town Forest and also to the open space in the Badger Hill subdivision. All wetlands are shown in the open space with the exception of the two crossings. Mr. Haight mentioned a request previously made by the Commission to align the back lot lines of lots 51-1-10 and 51-1-11 to the existing stone walls there. He said that he would be willing to do that. He also mentioned that the 6 lots located in the eastern portion of the property may be reconfigured to be 5 lots. The 6th lot may be located in the southwest portion of the lot in the open space abutting Hitchiner. Mr. Haight stated that his client had in mind keeping the two lots in this area as shown in the conventional subdivision plan. The open space corridor around the lots connecting them to Hitchiner Town Forest would remain. The intention is to deed the open space to the town. Wetlands were mapped throughout the site, including the property to the north. The location of the road in the northern part of this subdivision allows access to that property without further impacts to wetlands.

    Commission members were happy with the project as presented. They were glad that box culverts are being used to maintain the streambeds. They had no further comments regarding this project.

  3. Norma Bisson, M/L 22/55, 58, 22-121 - The ZBA granted a variance for this project on North St. to allow construction of a driveway to access three lots. One lot has frontage on North St. The drive goes through that lot and accesses a lot behind it with no frontage, and continues on to access the lot behind that lot also with no frontage. 3 houses will be constructed, one on each lot. The area is wet, but the potential owner has enough dry land to construct the houses and the driveway with no wetland impact and only a very small amount of buffer impact.

    The variance was granted with the condition: "The Conservation Commission as a board, reviews the effect of the easement on Map 22, Lots 121 and 55-1- tract 2 and abutting properties and submits their recommendations to the building inspector." At the ZBA meeting K. Bauer suggested that ConComm walk the property. Abutters at that meeting were concerned that the driveway construction would cause more water to flow onto their properties. At the beginning of the Conservation Commission meeting, members decided to table discussion of this project. It had come too close to the meeting to allow time for abutter notification. Rita will notify abutters for the April 12 ConComm meeting and this project will be discussed at that time.

New Business:
  1. Conservation projects for 2007 - This item was not discussed at this time. It will be put on the April 12 agenda.

  2. Potential projects for scouts - Rita informed the group that a Boy Scout has called the office indicating he is interested in doing an Eagle Scout project. She also has heard from Mike Naleway, whose scouts had constructed the kiosk at the Rail-Trail last year. His scouts are Webelos now and are interested in creating a picnic area and table near the trailhead of the Mitchell Brook Trail in Mile Slip Town Forest. Mike had also asked if it would be alright if the Troop came in to ask about possibly getting a portion of the land at Mile Slip to be designated as camping for the towns non-profit/scout groups.

    Members discussed projects that need to be done and came up with additions to the scouts' projects list that is currently in the office. These additions are to: create an entrance and parking in the Falconer Dr. entrance to the Mayflower Town Forest; clean up the trail markings and blazing at Mayflower; cut and blaze trails in the LeAnn open space from the Look-out to the Patch Hill open space; clean up the bonfire site at Mayflower and work on the area below the Look-out, where the trails start. Right now the trails in that area go over loose rocks and need to be stabilized. Whether or not parking would be available for the LeAnn section of the trails was asked. Wayne said that no parking would be available there.

    Members also discussed a designated camping area. Wayne said that the area should be 100 yards from water. A suggestion was made of locating an area down the road to Mason in some of the already clear areas. Fire permits would need to be obtained as usual. Having a designated area could make it easier for the fire department. The area would be designated for any non-profit groups, not just scouts. Liability was discussed. The current camping permits asks if the group has liability insurance. Members discussed whether or not ConComm would like to construct an approved site with signs, such as "leave no trace", etc. This issue will be discussed with Mr. Naleway and his scouts at the April meeting.

  3. Diva Day - Because there would be no coverage for the afternoon time slot for this, it was decided that ConComm would not be able to participate this year.

  4. Conservation Commission members and officers - renewal of terms.
    Diane, Audrey and Hub all have appointments on March 12 with the BOS to be reappointed. Chris Guida will not elect to be reappointed, but will continue to help out as a consultant. Reelection of officers will be on the April agenda.

Interdepartmental Review:
  1. Curtis Commons, Union St. - M42/37 - 29 lot subdivision off of Union St.
    Commission Comments: Four lots in the western section of the property have wetlands located in them, some of them large wetlands. We request that the lot lines be adjusted to locate the wetlands out of the lots and that the wet areas be a small parcel of open space. We would like to see the back of the building lots monumented where the buffer begins.

  1. Pervious Concrete Seminar - Chris reported that she had attended this seminar and found it to be very informative. She hopes that more plans will consider pervious concrete as part of their stormwater management plan. UNH will have some pervious concrete on their campus adjacent to the stormwater test site.

  2. Mitchell Brook /Boynton Hill Subdivision - Hub attended the Feb 20 planning board meeting and reported that the application was accepted and tabled for two months to allow the Town's engineers time to review their data (drainage, traffic, etc.). They did not have a phasing plan but would have one next time. Accelerated building permit exception to growth was mentioned as an option. The Commission is still waiting for the modified plan for the D&F application that was discussed at the February 8 meeting. The state has addressed the issues in the original app., and has told the engineer to address the Commission's concerns.

  3. Paradis, Wallingford Rd. - M/L 54/15 - This project went before the PB asking to subdivide 54/15 into two lots. Conservation had previously asked in an interdepartment review if the flooding issues had been resolved in this area . Hub attended the Feb 20 planning board meeting and reported that "the subdivision on Wallingford Rd. will have to consider storm water & drainage issues. Also potential contamination from "several" old cars parked on property. All but two will be removed."

Meeting was adjourned at 9:40.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll


Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2007

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney Dellafelice, Audrey Fraizer,, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Andy Seale

Others Attending:
Jay Harrison, Harco Homes - Bisson project on North St.
Robert Halstead, Ruonala Rd.
Russ and Gerry Dickerman, Luanne Rutherford - abutters to Ruonala Rd. project
Eric Kilbane - abutter to Bisson project.

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:05pm.

Audrey made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2007 meeting as presented. Rod seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Jay Harrison, - proposed access easement from M/L 22-121, to 22-55-1 and 22-58. Mr. Harrison was present to discuss his plan to purchase three lots from Norma Bisson. The ZBA granted a variance to construct a house on each of these three lots, two of which have no frontage. A shared drive would run through 22-121 on North Street to access the other two lots. The variance was granted with the condition that the Conservation Commission review the effect of driveway easement on lots 22/121 and 55- tract 2, and abutting properties and submit their recommendations to the Building Inspector. Diane, Chris Costantino and Chris Guida visited the site on April 5.

    Members discussed the project. They would like to see the drainage from the driveway stay on the lot on which the drive is located. They also discussed the fact that there is a small building envelope for the house on 22-55-1, due to the wetland and buffer on the property. They requested that the purchaser of lot 22-55-1 be made aware of the fact that there is buffer and wetland located on his property and that there are restrictions associated with that. Wetlands and buffer need to be on each plan, along with restrictions. A reference should be made in the deed to the fact that there is a buffer located on the property that is regulated by town ordinance.

    Later in the evening an abutter, Eric Kilbane, stopped in to ask about the project. ConComm members explained that the variance was granted and ConComm's input to the Building Inspector had been requested as a condition of the variance.

  2. Robert Halstead, Ruonala Rd. - Mr. Halstead was present to discuss his request for a ZBA variance to subdivide his lot 52-91 into two lots. A 16.8-acre lot would be created with no road frontage, leaving a 2-acre lot with 150 ft. of frontage and an existing house. A driveway would run through the lot to access the new lot (52-91-2) on which he would build one house. Mr. Halstead is considering granting an easement through the property which would connect the rail-trail to Rotch Town Forest. He is also proposing granting an easement (or fee interest) on a landlocked 6-acre parcel that is on the other side of the Rail-Trail. He is asking for the support of the Commission for the ZBA and the Planning Board for this project. He will meet with the ZBA on April 19. Rita read a letter from abutters Charles and Cynthia Lundberg to the group that was written to the ZBA. Among the concerns expressed was the fact that a stream crosses where the driveway would be located, causing the need for a wetland impact if the house is ever constructed. Gerry Dickerman also expressed concern for the habitat; there is currently a lot of wildlife in the area, including moose, otters and more. Audrey asked if parking would be available for the easement area that would be granted. She was told that no, there is not enough room. Parking for the access would be at the Rotch Town Forest. Hub pointed out that in order for more than one house to be constructed on the back lot, the existing house on 52-91 would need to be torn down and replaced with a road. If that were done, there would be enough room to construct 2 or 3 houses. Therefore, one house is less of an impact than what is possible.

    The group all agreed that the plans did not contain enough information to make a decision as to what input the Commission would give to the ZBA. Diane had been to the area and agrees that the 'ridge' on which he will build is dry, but she is not sure how big it is and what would be required to get there. Abutter input indicated that there would definitely be a stream crossing for the driveway, but the wetland delineations on the plan are incomplete. The drainage onto 52-91 from the pond on 52-90 is not shown on the plan. A curved 'building setback line' is shown on the plan, possibly obtained from soil data. Hub pointed out that soil mapping is irrelevant in this case, in that the data is only accurate to + - 4 acres. There is also nothing shown on the plan that certifies that that boundaries are accurate. Rita will inform the ZBA that Conservation is unable to make a recommendation regarding this project because the plans do not contain enough information. The Commission requests an existing conditions plan with certified wetland boundaries.

    Diane had recommended to Mr. Halstead in the past that he get a wetlands scientist to do a survey of the property. She told him tonight that if the stream does exist where the drive will go, then he will need to get a NHDES Dredge and Fill permit.

  3. Mike Naleway - Scoutmaster Troop 407 - was not present due to the inclement weather. He will meet with Diane and Rita in the office on April 26, 6:30pm.

  1. ConComm Officers - Wayne moved that Diane be reelected Chair of the Conservation Commission for next year and that Hub be reelected as Vice-Chair. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  2. ConComm meeting appointments - Members discussed the time frame for scheduling appointments. They decided that appointments could be scheduled up to 24 hours before a meeting. The applicant should be made aware that the board may choose to table the discussion for the next ConComm meeting, in order to do a site walk and/or notify abutters.

  3. Step-it-Up Day of Environmental Education in Milford - Sat April 14, 12-3 pm. The Commission has agreed to co-sponsor this event, which is part of the national "Step-It-up" day . It will be located on the Oval if the weather permits; otherwise it will be held in the Auditorium and Banquet Hall. There will be a number of tables of organizations offering educational information, activities and tips for things they can do to help the environment. Audrey will bring some pamphlets and give them to Beaver Brook or someone to add to their table.

  4. Mile Slip Town Forest - Diane, Hub and Rita will meet with Chief Douglas on April 24 at 10 am to discuss restrictions and signage/gates for the property that would be appropriate and enforceable. Whether or not the Commission wanted to restrict hours, such as 'closed dusk to dawn' was discussed. Diane and Rita will ask Chief Douglas how to word hunting restrictions, such as 'only open to guns during hunting season'. (There was a problem with people shooting computer monitors that had been disposed out there.)

    Rod made a motion that the Commission put up signage that would "Close the ATV trails (during ATV season) from Dusk to Dawn." Audrey seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  5. Wildlife Action Plan - Chris had seen a presentation about this and discussed it with the group. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department received a federal grant and created the state's first Wildlife Action Plan. The plan, which was mandated and funded by the federal government through the State Wildlife Grants program, allows for the people to identify wildlife habitat and decide what to do to increase protection. If the town has the habitat, the endangered species can be looked for. ROST plans to give a presentation that could be helpful to residents wanting to learn more about the program.

  6. Milford Zoning Ordinances - Members scheduled a work session in the Community Development meeting room for April 19, at 7:00pm. They will discuss what issues they are concerned with and how they can be addressed in the zoning ordinance.

  7. Conservation Projects for 2007 - This item was discussed very briefly. One goal that was suggested is to take walks and think about areas in town that Conservation would like to see protected.

INTERDEPARTMENT REVIEW: (These were done in the office and submitted on April 10.)
  1. Badger Hill - Master Plan. This plan shows development so far, future road connections, possible locations of future lots sized large enough to accommodate individual septic systems. It will be used as a guiding document for future phases.
    Commission Comments: The Commission prefers that Hitchiner Town Forest, rather than Mile Slip Town Forest, be used as a location for an access road. Mile Slip is not an appropriate location. The unfragmented area is much too large and the ecosystem there which includes a stream and large wetland is too fragile.

  2. Badger Hill - Lot line adjustment for 14 lots to accommodate individual septic systems, as opposed to a community leach field.
    Commission Comments: No concerns. We understand that conservation easements would be granted on individual lots in this area. We feel that this arrangement would meet the intent of the open space ordinance, in this particular case only. We appreciate that the driveways to access lots 70 and 74 are located out of wetlands and buffer.

  3. Burns Hill Christian Church, Burns Rd., 41/29 - Site plan to convert the existing barn into a church. ZBA granted a special exception to allow a church in a residential zone. ConComm had no comment on this project on year ago.
    Commission Comments: No concerns.

  4. Estate of M. Vigneault, Melendy Rd., 47/5 - Proposed subdivision of the one lot into two.
    Commission Comments: Show driveway plan to show wetland and slope compliance. (Cannot determine from reduced plan).

  5. Milford Granite Co., Quarry Rd., off Armory Rd., 47/16/3 - proposal to construct a small office building and granite cutting workshop. This lot was subdivided into two last year.
    Commission Comments: No concerns.

  6. Hampshire Dome Seasonal Tent - Hampshire Hills would like to locate a 40 x 200 ft. tent on the gravel parking area for the summer.
    Commission Comments: Conversion of gravel parking to impervious cover. Allow for stormwater runoff.

  1. Rail-Trail - A project is being planned to repair the trail in places. There are areas where roots are exposed and sticking up. There are also some holes in the trail and a broken culvert. These and the roots are hazardous for runners and cyclers. Before any repair work can be done, trees that have fallen must be removed. Diane will plan to meet with DPW to show them where the trees are. Areas that would need to be repaired from roots and holes are ~550 ft of trail in the Rt.101 to Armory Rd. section and some areas south of Melendy Rd. (distance has not been measured yet.) The section north of Union St. that had been under water also needs to be worked on.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 2007, 7pm, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes were prepared by Rita Carroll


Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2007

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson Hub Seward - Vice Chairman Rodney Dellafelice, Audrey Fraizer, Andy Seale - Full Members Chris Costantino - Alternate Member Rita Carroll

Wayne Hardy

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:10 pm.

Upon a motion made by Andy and seconded by Chris the minutes of the April 12, 2007 meeting were accepted as presented.

Diane read the minutes of the work session of April 19, 2007 to the group. Upon a motion made by Rod and seconded by Andy these minutes were accepted as presented.

At 7:15, Andy made a motion to go into non-public session to discuss land issues. Chris seconded the motion.
At approximately 8:45, Andy made a motion to come out of non-public session. Chris seconded that motion.
No decisions were made and no votes were taken during the non-public session.

  1. Milford Zoning Ordinances - Members scheduled a work session to continue working on suggestions for town regulations. They will meet in the Planning Department's meeting room on Thursday, May 31 at 7PM. They are encouraged to look around for ideas of how other communities are addressing their regulations. One suggestion was to look at zoning ordinance with regards to Res A, Res B, Res R and the open space ordinance and discuss general concepts.

  1. Wildlife Action Plan - On June 1 at 6:30 pm., a training session is being offered for the Wildlife Action Plan. Information about this is on the Souhegan Valley Land Trust Web site.

  2. Mile Slip Town Forest:
    • Permission for camping. Diane told the members that Mike Naleway, Scoutmaster Troop 407, met with her and Rita in the office to request a designated camping area at Mile Slip for nonprofit organizations, such as scouts. The location decided upon was in the northeast section of the property, that Diane pointed out on a map. Approximately one acre would be partially cleared for tents, heavy duty picnic tables, benches (half logs) and a fire pit. No mention was made of tent platforms or any other structures. No large trees would be taken down. Only brush would be removed. The scouts would manage the area and use it possibly 6-12 times per year. Other non-profits would also be allowed to camp there. CC members decided that a plan does not need to be submitted for the area; only brush clearing, tables, benches and a fire pit would be done. The fire pit would be looked at by the Fire Department.

      There is a logging road to the area, running from Mile Slip Rd. that would be gated and locked, with Ambulance and Fire having keys for emergency access. The scouts would not use that road; they would hike to the area to camp. Whether or not a gate would draw attention to the area was discussed. Setting it in a distance from Mile Slip road was suggested.

      Permission is needed from the Conservation Commission to create the area. Permission to camp will be obtained each time, using the Commission's Camping permit. Audrey made a motion that the Conservation Commission give permission to Mike Naleway and his Troop to construct a camping area, not to exceed one acre in size to be located in the northeast section of Mile Slip Town Forest as identified at this meeting. Andy seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

      Rita will draft a letter giving them permission to construct the site. Chris suggested that she also ask them to anchor the tables they build. Large, heavy tables at Hitchiner were turned over. The scouts are working on a kiosk for the parking area. Diane and Rita marked a spot just off the parking lot facing north.

    • Mile Slip Town Forest - signage - Diane, Hub and Rita met with Chief Douglas regarding signage and enforcement of rules. Signs have been ordered prohibiting motorized vehicles from certain areas, stating which parking area is for what uses, and stating whether or not the area is open to vehicles. A wooden sign identifying the property will be made and put at the main parking lot. Members discussed what exactly Mile Slip should be called and agreed on "Mile Slip Town Forest."

    • OHRV use - The Brookline Conservation Commission is on Conservation's June 14 agenda. They will be meeting with the Commission regarding potential impacts to Brookline if and when Mile Slip reopens to ATV's. They had problems with trespassing and trail damage when Mile Slip was open last year. They may also request a meeting with the Board of Selectmen. Rita will notify NHATV Trailmaster Mark Wojtkun, patrol volunteers, and Mile Slip abutters.

      Diane also briefed the members on NHATV's progress in repairing the trails for reopening. They have had setbacks with the heavy rain. ATV riders have damaged some of Mark Wojtkun's partially completed repair work. Mark has also not gotten a lot of volunteer help from Milford residents for the patrol program. ConComm will plan to meet with the patrols before reopening the area and if they do not feel the patrol program is set up to their satisfaction, the area will not open.

  3. Patch Hill Open Space - Diane suggested asking the Board of Selectmen to grant Conservation management of this property. The eventual goal would be to ask the voters to designate the property as a town forest and to incorporate it into Mayflower Hill Town Forest. As a first step, Rita will contact Jon Nute, County Forester and ask him to take a look at the property to determine if this is an area that would make sense to timber at any time. Members agreed that this would be a good idea.

  4. Emerson Park Bridge - was damaged by the flood and then further damaged by vandals. Rod discussed a potential timetable and tasks he will do, working with Stu Fraizer, who has volunteered to help with setting the bridge back in place. Also discussed was what to do about the vandalism to the bridge in general, with no real solution decided upon.

INTERDEPARTMENT REVIEW: was done in the office and submitted on May 4.

  1. For First Light neighborhood and Farm - Wilton
    Conservation Commission comments: Milford has experienced water issues in this area in the past. We want the Planning Board to pay close attention to stormwater management.

  2. Perry Fields, LLC - M/L 7/20 - Old Wilton Rd. - proposal to convert warehouses that are currently being constructed into individual condominiums.
    ConComm comments: no concerns.

  3. R. Mack/Smoke Shop, Elm St - M/L 8/6 - Cigar and tobacco shop on Elm St.
    ConComm comments: no concerns.

  4. TDK Realty/Soucy, Emerson Rd. - M/L 48/37 - Conversion of warehouse to repair shop. Building remains the same - additional parking and landscaping is proposed.
    ConComm comments: no concerns.

  5. Church of Our Savior, Rt. 13 South - M/L 52/18-6 - This property abuts Rotch Town Forest.
    ConComm comments: no concerns.

  6. Woodside Development, Federal Hill Rd. - M/L 59/4 - Request to subdivide one 5-acre lot from a 45-acre parcel.
    Commission Comments: This property is directly across Federal Hill Rd. from the entrance to Monson. We will be looking for parking for Monson and a connections toward Brookline. This lot should count toward open space requirement of future subdivisions.

  1. Tucker Brook Town Forest - Diane reported that a parcel of land is included in Tucker Brook that had not been documented as such. The forest has 17 more acres than originally thought. There are informal trails there, no formal ones in that CC was unaware that the town owns it. The parcel is M/L 40/16.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45pm.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll


Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2007

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chair
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney Dellafelice, Audrey Fraizer, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Nick Girard - BSA Troop 4
Chris Guida - Meridian Land Services
Randy Haight - Meridian Land Services
Francis "Buddy" Dougherty - Brookline Conservation Commission
NH ATV members Dana Farmer, Larry Boisvert

Chris Costantino, Andy Seale

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:00pm.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of meeting of May 10, 2007 were not presented for approval, due to time constraints. They will be voted on at the July meeting.

  1. Nick Girard, Eagle Scout project presentation - Nick presented his eagle project proposal to the group. He will build a kiosk at the Shady Lane entrance to Mayflower and improve the area to make it look more like there is a trail entrance there. Diane told him that the road to the water tower is being relocated away from an abutter's property. The new road has been flagged and will probably be done in about one month. A small parking area will also be created on the south side of the road. A good location for the kiosk would be on the north side of the road, facing north. Nick plans to use the plans that were used for the Tucker Brook kiosks that were constructed by Gary Olin. He can ask DPW to open up the area a little bit, when the work for the road is being done. Rita will send him contact information. Trimming at the Falconer Rd. entrance is needed also. Nick will write his proposal to include construction of a kiosk at the Shady Lane entrance and trimming work at the Falconer Rd. entrance. Wayne can sign the proposal for Nick. Rod made a motion to accept the proposal as described. Audrey seconded the motion. Rod made a motion to authorize Wayne to sign Nick's proposal when it is completed. Audrey seconded that motion also. Vote was unanimous in favor of both motions.

  2. Randy Haight, Meridian Land Service - Edna Nye property, 51-1 - Standard Dredge and Fill app.
    Mr. Haight presented the application for the main road in this subdivision. The road crosses wetlands in 2 places, with 6935 SF of impact in one crossing and 3865 SF in the other. Two 4 ft. box culverts buried 1 ft. deep are proposed, one at each crossing. Other than the main road crossings there are no wetland impacts. House lots were kept out of wetlands and the open space was located to be contiguous with Hitchiner Town Forest. The configuration of the main road allows dry access to the back portion of the lot directly north, 46-32, allowing that area to be developed in the future without wetland impacts. This project was also discussed at the March 8, 2007 meeting. Since that meeting one lot was removed in the east and put in the western section of the property, per the clients' request. The 60 ft. trail corridor from the open space that is contiguous with Hitchiner and the open space in the more central part of the development has been maintained. The subdivision abuts Hitchiner Town Forest and the Badger Hill subdivision. An abutter who lives at 46-34-1 expressed concern that the project could negatively affect the vernal pool on her property and the wetland that it flows to. Mr. Haight explained that a box culvert has been used to allow migration of species through both crossings. The west crossing that she was concerned with is located at a high point and a culvert is not actually required at all at this point. The east crossing requires only an 18" culvert. Use of 4' culverts for both crossings provides more than adequate protection for the wetlands. When asked, Mr. Haight replied that blasting will not be required for the area.

    The sense of the group was that the plan was well done. Rita will draft a letter indicating that to the Wetlands Bureau and the ZBA.

  3. Chris Guida, Meridian Land Services - presented the expedited wetland permit application for the driveway to access lot 52-91-1, the Robert Halstead property. This parcel was recently granted a variance from the ZBA to create a lot with no frontage. It was discussed at the ConComm meeting of April 12. The plan presented shows an 18" concrete culvert with rip-rap and an impact of 265 SF. According to flow calculations, a 12" culvert would be acceptable. The oversizing of the culvert is to allow passage of wildlife. Concrete is a better material for amphibians to travel on. There are probably no fish in the area, the stream usually does not flow. Chris believes that the stream is fed from groundwater. Diane suggested using an oversized culvert set below grade, which would be less expensive than a box culvert. Chris stated that if you use a culvert larger than 24", you would increase the wetland impact, because you would need to raise the roadway and grade for that, but that 24" would be doable. Rod asked for clarification about the wetland delineation notes in the plan. Chris explained that the "edge of located delineated wetlands" were those located near the house site and were field delineated. As the engineer saw the wetlands' edge going away from the house site, he "located the wetlands per visual inspection" only. The building site is located in the southern section of the lot. The northern half of the lot at this time does not have a wetland delineation. Mr. Halstead stated he does not intend to develop this section of the lot, the variance allows access to one lot only.

    After discussion members agreed that they would like to see a 24" culvert used for the crossing, set below grade with material placed on the bottom to allow passage of wildlife. Plastic would be ok to use. Rod made a motion that the Commission accept a plan with a 24" plastic culvert. Audrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. If the plan with the larger culvert (24") is brought to the office it will be signed without Mr. Halstead needing to attend another Conservation Commission meeting.

New Business:
  1. ConComm Summer picnic - July 29 was decided as the date of the picnic.

  2. Conservation Land Management Committee - Diane presented a "Resolution to Establish a Conservation Lands Management Committee". The committee would focus on town trails in particular and conservation lands in general. They may reactivate the adopt-a-trail concept with reporting procedures. The committee will be writing standards for trail construction and maintenance, suggest uses, signage and map layout, and general management of the lands with public access. The guidelines generated will come to the commission for approval. Any project that requires funds will come back to the commission for approval. All property specific plans will come to the commission for approval. Audrey made a motion to adopt the resolution to establish this committee. Rod seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  3. Mile Slip Town Forest - ATV management: Diane began by explaining that NH ATV had originally volunteered to layout and get trails started at Mile Slip that would be designated for OHRV use. The Conservation Land Ordinance states that in order for that to happen there needs to be a written agreement between the Conservation Commission and "a locally-organized ATV or motorized bike club recognized by the state." The agreement must detail "the club's ongoing responsibilities, including but not limited to, monitoring the use and condition of the trail, erecting signage, educating operators, performing maintenance, and monitoring compliance with laws and regulations." The trails were opened for a short time in the Spring of 2006, but were closed by NHDES due to wetland infractions. NH ATV Trailmaster Mark Wojtkun has been working very hard to repair mud holes and has constructed bridges across any areas where the trail would cross a wetland. On Saturday, June 9, a "Patrol Training Session" was held in the Town Hall. No one from Milford came. One person came from Mason and one came from Wilton. Diane has suggested that NH ATV hold off continuing trail work and preparations for opening the area until a local 'core' group is formed that is committed to monitor the property. A Memorandum of Understanding must also be drafted and signed. What needs to happen before the trails can be opened to OHRV's is: A local group needs to be formed, an MOU needs to be signed, trails need to be repaired and inspected, and patrols need to be scheduled to cover the property during an agreed upon number of hours. This matter was discussed for some time with input given by NHATV members who are eager to see the trailwork continue and the property eventually be opened to OHRV's. Also giving input was Buddy Dougherty of the Brookline Conservation Commission. He described problems that Brookline is experiencing with Jeeps, etc. damaging their trails and is concerned about an increase in these problems if and when Mile Slip opens OHRV designated trails.

Non-Public: Land Issues
At 10:00 Rod made a motion to go into non-public session. Wayne seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
No decisions were made; no votes were taken.
At 10:45 Audrey made a motion to come out of non-public. Rod seconded; motion passed unanimously.

Interdepartmental Review: was done in the office and submitted prior to the meeting:
  1. Robert Halstead - to subdivide 52/91 into two lots -
    Commission Comments:
    Please explain the comment on the plan near LvA soil type, "Location of delineated wetlands per visual inspection."
    The easement described in Note 3 should be deed recorded.….."This easement is granted solely to Map 52-91-1 for the use of that lot and no others."

  2. Clark - Federal Hill Road. Map/lot 56/583 and 56/58-4 applicant is proposing to relocate the lot lines between 56/58-3 and 56/58-4 and then to subdivide 56/58-4 into 3 lots.
    Commission Comments: No Comment.

Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 7PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by Rita Carroll


Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2007

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney Dellafelice, Audrey Fraizer, Andy Seale, Wayne Hardy - Full Members Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Earl Sandford - Sandford Surveying and Engineering
Joe Swiezynski - Hollow Oak Lane

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:10 PM.

Upon a motion made by Rod and seconded by Andy the minutes of May 10, 2007 meeting were accepted as presented.

Upon a motion made by Chris and seconded by Andy the minutes of the May 10, 2007 non-public session were accepted as presented.

Upon a motion made by Andy and seconded by Chris the minutes of the non-public session were sealed.

Upon a motion made by Rod and seconded by Wayne the minutes of June 14, 2007 were accepted as presented.

All motions passed by unanimous vote.

  1. Earl Sandford, Joe Swiezynski - The Meadows of Milford - Discussion of development of Map/Lot 7/5, Hollow Oak Lane. Mr. Sandford presented plans for a retail building with associated parking. He proposes a 32,500 SF building made up of 13 commercial condos. The building and parking lot would require the filling of a wetland finger that bisects the eastern section of the lot. There would be a total of 7,514 SF of wetland impact and 32,092 SF of buffer impact. (If you subtract buffer area that would be made obsolete if he is given permission to fill the wetland finger, the buffer impact would be 15,465 SF.) There is buffer impact, but no wetland impact to the north area of the site. All the wetland impact is to the finger that bisects the site. Three detention ponds would be constructed that would collect water from parking and the building so as to prevent excess stormwater flowing off site. There would be some flood storage also. When asked how far the site is from the Souhegan River, Mr. Sandford estimated about 1,000 ft. He was told that the river is under the Rivers Management Program. It is required that any plans affecting an area within ¼ mile of the river must be viewed by the river's Local Advisory Committee. Diane asked about a mitigation plan to which Mr. Sandford said. "My ears are open." Diane also expressed concern with the quality of the run-off and asked what kind of maintenance would be planned. Mr. Sandford said that for short term storms, the run-off would be 100% contained in detention basins and for large storms some water would overflow to the wetlands and streams, but pollutants would be dilute. The first ¼ inch of a rainstorm will take most of the pollutants to the detention basin. When asked where the run-off from the roof would be directed, he said that it would go to the treatment swale in the back. A different site plan for this property from a different applicant came before the Commission on Dec 14, 2000. The D&F permit was issued, but has expired. The approved site plan for the property has also expired. There was talk at that time of a conservation easement being placed on the remainder of the property, the western section, which would remain undeveloped due to wetlands there. Mr. Sandford will need to go before the ZBA for the wetland and buffer impacts and is asking for the support of the Commission. When asked at this meeting if a non-disturbance easement would be considered for the remainder of the lot, Mr. Sandford nodded.

    There is a lot of paved parking on the lot. When asked if he would consider pervious parking, Mr. Sandford stated that there are large drainage swales that comply with BMP's. Diane pointed out that UNH recommends gravel wetlands for the drainage swales and detention ponds, in that they have plantings and are very permeable.

    Members expressed concerns with this project. They all felt that the lot is being overdeveloped and that it would be a more appropriate use of the land to have a project that better fits the property, namely one that does not fill such a high percentage of the wetlands on the site. The parking area is very large. Pervious pavement of some sort was suggested and discussed. Members also feared that a retail development located away from a main road may not be successful. The lot would be paved and potentially empty. Hub asked about creating more wetlands in the western section of the lot as mitigation. Mr. Sandford stated that the drainage ponds would facilitate wetland growth. Additionally some species may need the upland habitat that is present in the western section of the lot.

    A site walk was scheduled for the project. Mr. Sandford will meet ConComm members at the end of Hollow Oak Lane on Thursday, July 19th at 6:00 PM.

  2. Pierce Rigrod, Principal Planner, NH DES Source Protection Program Drinking Water & Groundwater Bureau - In preparation for generating ConComm's input to the Planning Board for the development regulations, Rod had contacted Pierce to ask him to share some information regarding the impacts of impervious surfaces on groundwater. Pierce came to this meeting and gave a presentation entitled: "Planning Control and Design Options to Address Impervious Surfaces." He talked about the relationship of the amount of impervious surface to quality of surface water and ground water. He also discussed Low Impact Development techniques that can reduce run-off and non-source point pollution. His Power Point presentation is on the office computer for anyone interested.


  1. ConComm summer picnic - reminder that the picnic is Sunday July 29, 1pm to dark.

  2. Input to Planning Board regarding town regulations - Review and comment on the Draft Development Regulations must be given to Bill Parker before August 24. Members scheduled another work session for Thursday, July 26th 7 pm.

  3. Mile Slip Town Forest - ATV management - Diane reported that she had attended the NH ATV director's meeting on June 19. Bill Gegas from the Bureau of Trails also attended. Diane said that more than half of the NH ATV board does not envision sufficient local volunteers from Milford committing to managing the trails at Mile Slip. Rick Lacourse, the president, is not ready to give up. The club will be doing a mailing shortly to try to encourage locals to step forward. ConComm members agreed that even if volunteers from other towns step up, local support is vital to the success of this use of the land. The police are currently patrolling and making arrests in various areas of town for illegal ATV use.

  1. Mile Slip Town Forest - Forest Management Plan - Commission members discussed obtaining a forest management plan for Mile Slip. They discussed choices: Jon Nute, County Extension Forester, is willing to draft a 2-page plan for free. Swift Corwin the previous forester for the property could do a 'comprehensive' plan for $5-$15/acre depending on what is requested. The property has been so heavily forested in the past that it would not be forested again for at least 15-20 years. A wildlife study would probably be part of the comprehensive plan. Whether or not this was needed at this time was discussed. It would be an important part of the management plan. Areas could be identified where there would be no trails. Rod suggested that Jon Nute be contacted to give a brief plan. Rita is also planning on contacting him to do the same for the Patch Hill property. After information is received from Jon, members can decide if and when they would want a more comprehensive study and exactly what they would want included in it.

    For input regarding town regulations, the suggestion was made that for large developments, such as >200 acres, or developments that abut large tracts of open space a wildlife study done by an outside party should be automatically requested. Audrey will generate a list of what information could be requested as part of that study. This information can help with the open space design of the project. A wildlife study requirement will be discussed at the July 26 work session.

  2. Oval Area Grant - Public hearings will be held in the early fall regarding the use of the grant money. The Commission will be interested in coming up with a proposal for the McLane Dam area.

  3. Request from SWA for donations for water quality monitoring - The Commission is unable to make a donation this year; the budget will not allow at this time.

  4. Capital Improvements Plan - Chris and Andy volunteered to do some research and come up with a proposal with supporting evidence for a portion of the land use change tax (LUCT) to go into the conservation fund. Diane reported that the CIP Committee had said at their informational meeting that they would support a percentage (maybe with a cap) to be destined for land protection. They want to know what ConComm's priorities are, what parcels or areas of town we would be wanting to purchase land or easements on, and what other towns are doing. The proposal would be needed to be submitted by April 2008.

  5. Youth Day of Service - The Milford United Methodist Church is sponsoring a Youth Day of Service on Wed. August 15. Members were asked if they would like anything done. After discussion it was decided that a group could simply go to an area and if they felt it needed cleaning up do that. The Souhegan River Trail is probably a mess after the spring flood.

  6. Dam Removal - Rita informed the group that the Stormwater Committee has asked the Commission to look into having Goldman and possibly McLane Dams removed. She asked the Commission if they are interested in having this process move forward. Members agreed that the Commission supports having the possibility of removal of one or both dams looked into. Diane suggested that rather than having the town take on ownership of Goldman Dam with the intent of removing it, the town can help the current owner go through the process of either repairing it or removing it.

INTERDEPARTMENT REVIEW: done in office and submitted on 7/12.
  1. Anne Zahn, M/L 2/28 - Minor subdivision
    Conservation Commission Comments: The driveway crossing to 2-28-2 has a one home restriction. Does the new Mont Vernon lot use that drive? It is not clear on the plan. Plan 32991, note 11 states, "the driveway wetland crossing permit is for only one residence, and does not allow for the access to be upgraded to a subdivision roadway." Such notation should be reflected as a note and made clear on the new plans.

  2. Wisniewski, M/L 10/3 & 20, Savage Rd. - Lot line adjustment
    Conservation Commission Comments: No concerns.

  3. Irving Oil, M/L 11/12, Elm St. - amended site plan to add a fuel tank.
    Conservation Commission Comments: Placement of tank is extremely close to 125 protective well radius. How do they field verify compliance to setback? Board should review technological safeguards to prevent underground spillage and leakage, automatic shutoffs, double liners, etc.
    In regards to recent flooding, is the tank above underground high water table when 100 year floods occur and should this be or not be a concern? A number of storm drains exist on the site. Any new runoff issues with this new tank, e.g. increased traffic volume?

  4. Yellow Dog Car Wash, M/L 13/12-3, Jones. Rd. - amended site plan to provide for a 2-bay car wash station at the existing facility.
    Conservation Commission Comments: What is the stormwater volume? Is treatment sufficient for the present? What accommodation will be made for increased use?

  5. Karen White, M/L 25/35, South St. - minor site plan for office and apartment.
    Conservation Commission Comments: There is a 50 ft. buffer on Railroad Pond. What is the impact size? What protection will be in place for the pond from auto drippings, spills, leaks, etc.?

  6. Lock's Landing, M/L 32/6, Rt. 101-A - minor site plan.
    Conservation Commission Comments: No comment.

  7. Falcon Ridge, M/L 3/5-19 and Peregrine Way - lot line adjustment to improve sight distance.
    Conservation Commission Comments: Very minor, no issue.

  8. William King, M/L 29/95, 233 South St. Properties - change of use
    Conservation Commission comments: Have the wetlands on the site been delineated? What are the plans for handling of chemicals?
    Plan should refer to the new use and not refer to the garage. Areas of outside storage should be delineated, along with what materials will be stored, especially in the 100 yr. flood plain. Move dumpster out of 100 yr. flood plain.

  9. Badger Hill, M/L 51 - Phase IV-A - Lot line relocation.
    Conservation Commission comments: No comment.

  10. Burbee Sand and Gravel Phase VIII, M/L 58/1, 2, 3 and A/6 (Brookline) - gravel removal.
    Conservation Commission comments: No comment.

  1. Conservation Lands Management Committee - Diane reported that the committee met at Mayflower Town Forest to come up with uniform standards for trail blazing and kiosk design. They decided that the design of the kiosks at Tucker Brook Town Forest would be the design requested by the Commission. They also decided on colors for trail blazing: white for main trails, blue for loops that return to the main trail and yellow for loops that bring the hiker to another entrance to the property.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, August 9, 2006 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of August 9, 2007

Hub Seward - Vice Chairman Rodney Dellafelice, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Earl Sandford, Sandford Surveying and Engineering - Hollow Oak Lane
Bill Davidson, Meridian Land Services - High School Track project.

Diane Fitzpatrick, Andy Seale

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Hub Seward at 7:15 PM.

MINUTES: The minutes of the July 12, 2007 meeting were not presented for acceptance, because there was not a quorum of members present.

  1. Earl Sandford, Sandford Surveying and Engineering - Hollow Oak Lane, M/L 8/5 - discussion of site plan for a retail building. Mr. Sandford was present at the July meeting and again at this meeting to discuss this project. He and the owner are looking for support with the ZBA in terms of the wetland impacts they are proposing for the site.

    At the July meeting, members expressed concerns with the project in that such a large area is being rendered impervious. They asked that the use of pervious pavement be considered and that a conservation easement be placed on the western section of the lot. They also scheduled a site walk for July 19th.
    Notes from that site walk:
    "The building is very big for the site, most of the wetland impacted is poorly drained which is barely noticeable as wetland (looks like field), the 'stormwater ponds' should be vegetated with natural occurring scrub/shrub and not mowed grass, all of the lot west of the ponds should be under a no disturbance easement. It was explained that there has been a significant change in the topography since the original delineation was done, the wetland may now be smaller, the new survey will tell us that.
    1. the 'ponds' need to be planted with natives to replicate the function we are losing with the filling of the very, poorly drained area, not mowed grass as the Malted Waffle swales are.
    2. a non-disturbance easement should be placed on the remainder of the property to the west."
      Submitted by Diane Fitzpatrick.

    Mr. Sandford explained that the wetlands have been redelineated. They are "spotty". You could test and draw dry and wet areas 20 ft. apart and come up with a lesser number for the impact, but the wetland scientist recommended just calling the whole area wetland. The wetland is not a natural occurring wetland. It was created by the gravel operation digging too deep in that area.

    Mr. Sandford also explained that he looked into use of porous pavement and found that it would be too expensive for the owner to agree to use. At $6-$9 per square foot, it would cost $400,000-$600,000 to install.

    The owner is willing to put 3 acres in the western section under Conservation Easement. DES requires a 10:1 ratio for the mitigation of the wetland impacts. They will do better than that. On the site, 3.2 acres are developed and 2.8 acres will be placed under easement. The swales will be vegetated according to recommendations made by the Commission, resembling naturally occurring rain gardens with species appropriate to this area. They are willing to take suggestions for plantings.

    Hub asked if the Planning Board would waive the parking requirement and allow one row to be gravel. Rod agreed that the area of the parking should be reduced. He suggested that Mr. Sandford talk with planning to try to reduce the parking. Reduced parking may be acceptable for specialty shops. Mr. Sandford will discuss the idea of part paved and part gravel with his client. Rod suggested phasing in the parking, which Mr. Sandford thought would not be acceptable to his client. The plan would be drawn to full build-out. The turn around loop for a truck accessing lot 7/5-6 could be left gravel.

    No decision was made on whether or not to write a letter recommending this project to the ZBA, because there was no quorum and no vote. Mr. Sandford agreed to come to the September meeting.

  2. Bill Davidson , Meridian Land Services - MFD High School Track and Field Improvements. Mr. Davidson presented the plan to construct a track, fields and other improvements for the Milford High School. He explained that he is applying for expedited review of his site specific permit. For that expedited review he needs a letter from the Commission and the Planning Board by August 28 stating that "we have no further comments for their review". If there are comments, they should be included. There are no wetland impacts associated with the project, but there are 2760 SF of buffer impact. There are two existing wetlands on the site and an existing detention pond which will be left alone. A new detention basin will also be created. Silt fencing will be placed around these. Some buffer will be impacted by grading and chain-link fencing being put between the fields and the wetlands. They will do the stormwater permitting that is required in the stormwater ordinance. Rod suggested that the fence around the new detention pond be shown on the plan. Rita will draft a letter to be sent to Bill Davidson.

  1. Input to Planning Board regarding regulations - Rod, Hub and Wayne worked on this at the meeting. Rita will summarize what was done so far, so the work can be continued. She will be on vacation starting August 17 and will need input by August 14, in order to compile and send the comments to Bill Parker.
  2. Pedestrian Bridge at Emerson Park - not discussed

  1. Souhegan River - Rita is filling out a Standard Dredge and Fill application to be filed by the town to remove trees and debris that are currently blocking a channel adjacent to the river. The blockage threatens to cause another flood in a heavy rain event. Rita showed members the map and narrative that she is working on. The sense of the three members present was that they do support this application.

  2. Oval Area Grant - Not addressed at the meeting.

  3. Charles Antle lot - M/L 6-45 - This 28 acre parcel, taken for taxes, is currently owned by the Town. It is a landlocked parcel that abuts two lots that are protected from development. To the south is the 79 acre Conrey Land, Map-Lot 10-2, on which the Commission holds a conservation easement. To the north and west is the Kaminsten Lot, Map Lot 10-1, which has a deed restriction prohibiting development. On the "Future Trails Connection" map, a proposed trail is shown going from Tucker Brook through Conrey easement property and on to connect to the Souhegan River Trail. The Commission would manage this parcel, 6-45, as conservation land. There is a buyer interested in purchasing the land. Guy wants to know the level of interest of the Commission, whether the parcel should be designated as conservation land or be protected with a conservation easement. Diane and Rita walked the property on Monday.
    Report from Diane:
    1. The property is bordered on three sides by protected land.
    2. Much of the property is a high ridge with a large wetland, excellent wildlife habitat.
    3. The wetland appears to be acting as a Vernal Pool, there are species of concern that can live nowhere else. Vernal Pool species benefit from an 800-1000 foot buffer.
    4. There is a significant beech stand on the ridge. These trees are very beneficial to wildlife as the mature trees produce a large quantity of quality mast favored by many animals including bear.
    5. The property contains a large, very steep section of rocky terrain favored by bobcat which are believed to be in the area (tracks have been identified in the area).
    6. Due to the extremely steep nature of the terrain that would need to be crossed to access the relatively level upper area of the property, any attempt to access this area would be very detrimental to the land, with deep cuts which would interfere with the natural hydrology and stormwater runoff.
    7. There was evidence of a great deal of water flowing across the property. Development on this lot would be detrimental to landowners down grade.
    8. The property is situated at the end of a trail easement on an adjoining parcel. Extending the trail through Lot 6-45 brings us closer to joining the Souhegan River Trail.
    9. The property is in the viewshed of Rt. 101, any development would detract from the rural quality of town experienced from the highway.
    10. In March 2005, 75% of Milford voters supported spending $2.3 million to prevent a 120 house subdivision on 452 acres on Mile Slip Road. This vote alone shows that the voters are in support of conservation or in reducing the total buildout in town. It would make sense to retain any parcels taken for taxes that have conservation value and could support houses. Selling this lot would assist a developer to increase the density on an abutting parcel even if houses are not built on this lot. The small amount of money received by the town for selling this landlocked parcel is far outweighed by the value of the land for conservation and passive recreation. Diane suggests that: The Conservation Commission recommend that Lot 6/45 remain in the possession of the town and the management of the property be given to the Conservation Commission for the reasons stated above.

    The sense of the group present was that yes, the town should maintain ownership of the land as conservation land.
  1. Milford Family Practice Clinic - 13/10-2 -(Southern NH Medical Center) site plan for two new additions.
    Commission Comments: "Question percent of "open space".
  2. Auto Body Shop - 14/3 - applicant is proposing to locate an auto body dealership w/U-Haul Rentals.
    Commission Comments: No Comment
  3. Stetson Family Subdivision, Federal Hill Rd. and Ponemah Hill Rd. - 53/21 and others - consolidation of 5 lots into one, then subdivision of that one lot into two.
    Commission Comments: No Comment
  4. Wright/Atwood lot line adjustment - 4/1, 4/3-2 - Lyndeborough Center Road - Lot line adjustment.
    Commission Comments: No Comment
  5. PSNH, Ponemah Hill Rd. - annual tree maintenance along power lines. Ponemah Hill Rd. is a scenic road.
    Commission Comments: No Comment.

  1. Conservation Land Management Committee - Parking for 4 vehicles at the Shady Lane entrance to Mayflower Hill Town Forest is being built off the access road to the water tower by DPW when they build the new tower access road. At the Falconer entrance gravel will be added to allow parking for 1 or 2 vehicles (10x40' straight into the property, 1 car or 2 if they come together); some sort of delineation of the property line on the left (south side) will be installed: a fence, plantings or stone wall; the routed sign will be moved to the other side of the entrance and repainted; a trail head parking sign will be hung. The goal is to make this entrance more obvious and more inviting. This section of trail will be identified on the map and in the kiosk as an 'easy' trail to Lookout Point. The trail from Shady is the main trail and will be blazed white, Falconer will be blazed yellow, internal loop trails will be blue. It is anticipated that all the blazing including removing old and 'illegal' blazes will be removed during the month of September.

  2. National Parks Service - Rivers, Trails and Conservation Land Assistance - Rita filled out an application for assistance from this group. They provide technical assistance, no funding to community groups and government agencies to …… develop trails and greenways. The Conservation Commission is applying for technical design assistance for the Holcombe and Nilsen sections of the Souhegan River Trail.

  3. Mack Easement - Rita reported that Atty. Drescher will be recording the easement, the deed and the mylar of the lot line adjustment.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of September 13, 2007

Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Audrey Fraizer, Andy Seale, Wayne Hardy - Full Members
Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
Rita Carroll

Others Attending:
Earl Sandford, Sandford Surveying and Engineering

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:07 PM.

Upon a motion made by Andy and seconded by Chris the minutes of the July 12, 2007 meeting were accepted as presented.

Upon a motion made by Wayne and seconded by Hub, the minutes of the August 9, 2007 meeting were accepted as presented.

  1. Earl Sandford, Sandford Surveying and Engineering - Hollow Oak Lane, M/L 8/5 - site plan for a retail building. Earl had presented this plan for a retail development at the end of Hollow Oak Lane at the meetings of July 12, 2007 and August 9, 2007. He would like a favorable recommendation from the Commission when he appears before the ZBA for the wetland and buffer impacts. Initially the Commission had asked for a conservation easement on the western edge of the property and that the swales be vegetated with natural occurring scrub/shrub as opposed to mowed grass. They have also requested a reduction in the impervious area by either reducing the amount of parking or by using pervious pavement.

    The owner has agreed to place a 2.8 acre conservation easement on the entire western section of the 6 acre site. He has also agreed that the swales would be vegetated with plantings to resemble a rain garden. They will be planted with a variety of species that will be appropriate for a wetter environment, in that the water table is ~2ft. below the surface. They will not be mowed. Use of pervious pavement was investigated and found to be too expensive, $400,000-$600,000 for this site. A reduction in the amount of parking (15 spaces at the western edge of the site) was discussed. If the Commission supports their request to the Planning Board for the parking requirement to be reduced by 15 spaces, the client would be in favor of reducing the parking area by that much, in that he feels it may not be needed. He would agree to not construct that parking "until needed."

    Hub made a motion that the Commission recommend approval of this project with the condition that a conservation easement be placed on the western section of the property and that the detention basins be planted with a variety of species appropriate for the area. Motion was amended to add that the Commission recommend to Planning that the parking requirement be reduced to an amount to be determined.
    Andy seconded the motion which passed by a vote of 4 in favor and 1 opposed.

  1. Bridge in Emerson Park - Graffiti on this bridge needs to be removed. Members discussed options for treating the bridge to remove the graffiti and to prevent its return. Rod had sent a link to the Commission for a "Graffiti Shield System" that unfortunately would be very expensive to use. Diane suggested painting the bridge, not including the tread, with an outside high gloss paint. After discussion members decided that Rita would talk with DPW about what they use on the other benches in Emerson Park.

  2. Charles Antle lot - M/L 6-45 - Diane appeared before the Board of Selectmen on Sept. 10, asking that the town maintain ownership of this lot as conservation land. After discussion the BOS tabled the decision in order to obtain more information. Whether or not deeds of abutting lots reference any right-of-ways into the lot needs to be determined. The process that should be followed when a town decides to sell or maintain ownership of a property will also be investigated.

  1. Conservation Commission tasks for 2007 - Not addressed at this meeting.

  2. Development Regulations - input to Planning Board. Rita reported that she compiled and submitted the input that the Commission had given. She had told Sarah that CC would give input as to what should be included in a wildlife study in a separate document. Audrey recommended using the publication "Identifying and Protecting New Hampshire's Significant Wildlife Habitat: A Guide for Towns and Conservation Groups." She agreed to create a bulleted list from that publication.

  3. Warrant Articles for 2008 - Two warrant articles to be considered for placement on next years ballot were presented to the group. Both warrant articles were presented last year but more time was needed by the BOS for questions and consideration.

    1. Incorporation of the Patch Hill open space into Mayflower Town Forest. Jon Nute, County Forester has done a "Forest Description" for this property. In that report, Jon writes, "The property will be a valuable addition to the Mayflower Hill town forest, which it borders to the south. The terrain is too steep for further residential development, which pretty much surrounds the property and is better suited for passive recreation by the many neighbors Walking trails can easily be established around the perimeter of the property, as well as to interior points of interest." After discussion, ConComm members agreed that the Commission would not recommend that this property be timbered, and that they would recommend it be incorporated into Mayflower Town Forest.

      Diane suggested that before submitting this warrant article to the Selectmen a management plan be drafted for the Mayflower Town Forest. Incorporation of the Patch Hill open space would be included in that plan.

    2. Reclassification of the southern section of Mile Slip Road from a Class VI road to a to a Class A trail. Diane informed the group that Brookline is planning to reclassify their section of Mile Slip Road to a Class A trail as well. She also learned that while an abutter is able to continue to use the road, he looses his ability to develop their property if the road becomes a Class A trail. After discussion it was decided that Diane would invite Jim Dannis to a Commission meeting to brainstorm with the group what to do about ATV and other traffic on this section of the road.

  4. Clean-up day - As part of Milford's Stormwater Prevention Program that the Stormwater Committee is working on, there needs to be a clean-up day in town by April 30, 2008. Members discussed the area around McLane Dam as potentially needing storm debris and other material removed. This time of year when the weather is good and the water is low would be a good time to do the work. One of the members of the Land Management Committee is active in the Girl Scouts. Rita will contact him to see if a group would be interested in doing a clean up of some sort of that area.

  5. Pumpkin Trail at Mayflower - Diane was contacted with a request to allow the Milford Enrichment Program to construct their Pumpkin Trail at Mayflower. They plan to put it in by October 3, in time for the Pumpkin Festival. In the past the trail had been done at Beaver Brook; this year they would like to do it closer to town. The Commission agreed that yes, they would like to see the trail located in Mayflower. It would be nice to have a kiosk in the Shady Lane parking area up by then.

  • Falcon Ridge, M/L 3/5 - request for plan approval extension.
    Commission Comment: No comment.
  • NH Charitable Gaming, Granite-Town Plaza, M/L 19/25-3 - Site plan amendment to convert vacant retail space to commercial recreation.
    Commission Comment: No comment.
  • Souhegan Valley Auto Repair, South St., M/L 35-2 - Addition to existing facility.
    Commission Comment: No comment.
  • Edna Nye Trust, M/L 51/1 - Final Review phase.
    Commission Comment: No comment.

    1. Conservation Land Management Committee - Diane reported that the work at Mayflower is going very well. Jon flagged the white trail, indicating with double tape places in need of signs. He also started opening up the spur from Falconer. On Saturday, Brian & Tim painted white blazes from the main entrance on Shady Lane to the Look Out, in both directions, on the north section of the loop. They also cut brush where needed. On Sunday, Brian, Jon and Diane hung the "Trail Head Parking" sign at the new lot off Shady Lane. They walked the section blazed the day before nailing up white, blue and yellow arrow signs. They were rained out after an hour and a half but we were all happy with the results so far.

      The water department is doing the construction for the access road to the water tower. Diane spoke with Larry Anderson, Water Department Director, about the work the Committee would like done at the Falconer entrance. He said they would be happy to move rocks to delineate the property line on the left and improve the surface for parking.

      The Committee is also discussing relocation of the trail that runs in from Perkins St., which is currently very steep.

    2. Capital Improvements Plan - Chris and Andy will be working on this. Rita will find out when requests need to be submitted to the CIP Committee for 2009.

    3. Souhegan River - Dredge and Fill application to remove trees and debris. Frank Richardson has given verbal approval; work can be started immediately; permit for posting will be coming soon.

    November 3, 2007 - NHACC Annual Meeting and Conference
    November 17, 2007 - Watershed Conference

    There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05PM.

    The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


    Meeting Minutes of October 11, 2007

    Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
    Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
    Wayne Hardy - Full Member
    Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
    Rita Carroll

    Others Attending:
    Jim Dannis - Milford Board of Selectman
    Sandy Dannis

    Audrey Fraizer, Rod Dellafelice, Andy Seale

    The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:03 PM.

    Upon a motion made by Wayne and seconded by Chris the minutes of the September 13, 2007 meeting were accepted as presented.

    1. Patch Hill open space - vote regarding timbering - A motion was made at the September 2007 meeting to not timber the property. The motion was never seconded or voted on. Jon Nute, County Forester had done a "Forest Description" for this property. In that report, Jon wrote, 'The property will be a valuable addition to the Mayflower Hill town forest, which it borders to the south. The terrain is too steep for further residential development, which pretty much surrounds the property and is better suited for passive recreation by the many neighbors. Walking trails can easily be established around the perimeter of the property, as well as to interior points of interest.' At this meeting Chris made a motion that the Commission not recommend that the property be timbered, and that it be incorporated into Mayflower Town Forest. Hub seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. When Jim arrived he was told that the Commission is interested in incorporating the Patch Hill open space into Mayflower Town Forest. John Nute, UNH Coop. Extension County Forester had looked at the property and the Commission had voted not to timber. The Commission would like to submit a warrant article for the March 2008 ballot and will include a management plan. Jim asked what the rationale is to not recognize the potential income that a timber harvest would bring to the town. He also reminded members of the value that good timber management has to the forest and the wildlife habitat. He feels that there needs to be a detailed quantitative analysis for the timber management of the property. Diane pointed out that the Conservation Commission's operating budget cannot afford such a study; if the property were incorporated into the Mayflower Hill Town Forest, the Forest Fund can pay for it. Currently the property is owned by the town and protected by the Open Space ordinance. It cannot be developed because it is protected by the OS Ordinance, but it is also not managed by the Conservation Commission. Jim agreed with Commission members that a warrant article should be presented again to the BOS incorporating this property into Mayflower Hill Town Forest and that a management plan be drafted for the property.

    2. Warrant Articles for the March ballot - Diane explained that traffic through the Mile Slip Town Forest on Mile Slip Rd. has been an issue for some time, in terms of vehicles going off the road onto property and/or people dumping furniture in the area. Last year the Conservation Commission presented a warrant article to the Selectmen for their consideration that the Class VI road (not maintained by the town) be designated as a Class A trail. Having the road redesignated would allow the town to gate the road. Concerns had been expressed by the Selectmen regarding the rights of the landowner who abuts the Class VI road. If the road's classification were changed, the landowner would still be allowed to use the road to access his property, but he would loose the ability to subdivide and develop the property. The landowner is currently running a large gravel operation on the property. Diane suggested that the Commission think about asking that the redesignation be such that it would be readdressed in 10 years; in 10 years if it were not placed on the ballot again, it would revert back to a Class VI road. When Jim arrived, Diane explained that Brookline is also in the process of putting their section of Mile Slip Rd. on their ballot for redesignation to a Class A trail. She suggested that, if nothing else, the town put up a sign saying that the road is not maintained by the town. It is very bad shape in some places. The only abutter is Francis Lorden. His grandson, Frank Burpee, uses the road for his gravel operation. There is no legal place to go on that road by residents other than the road. Jim stated that he felt that the idea of gating the road was a bad idea, mainly for liability purposes. Also a redesignation such as this takes away rights of the landowners. Although a landowner can maintain the road for his/her existing uses, he/she cannot expand those uses, even for a larger forest operation or a small, one or two house subdivision. Diane asked about wording the warrant article for a particular length of time, such as 10 years. Jim felt that once you take that designation away, the likelihood of a town voting that right back to a single family is very low.

      It was decided that the Commission would address the problem in other ways. Diane will see if Chief Douglas has any recommendations. Increasing fines for dumping and for off road use of vehicles was suggested. Also suggested was not charging residents to dump at the town transfer station. This loss of revenue may be cheaper than enforcement of 'no dumping' rules.

    3. Beech Ridge Property (Charles Antle lot) - M/L 6-45 - The Commission is interested in protecting the natural resource features on this property that is currently owned by the town. The Commission would like to protect the vernal pool(s), a trail connection, and areas of significant wildlife habitat. The 28 acre property is also part of a large unfragmented area, bordered on 3 sides by protected land. Diane suggested that as an alternative to the town maintaining ownership of the property, they obtain a conservation easement on the lot. ConComm would not object to a house lot as long as the wetlands and other significant natural resources were protected. When the issue was first brought up before the BOS Jim had concerns, not with Conservation's judgment on the importance of protecting the property, but with the process by which the BOS decides to keep saleable land. After discussion it was decided that there are two ways that CC should approach this issue. If no deeded access can be found to the property, Jim would be in favor of a warrant article being put before the voters to have the town keep the land as conservation land. Or the argument can be made before the BOS that what has happened historically is that, when the town has acquired a piece of property, they have notified the Conservation Commission. If the CC feels it is of value, they document the natural resources and ask that the BOS choose to keep ownership of the land.

    4. Bridge in Emerson Park - Diane painted the bridge to cover up the graffiti. Hub completed the approach on the eastern end of the bridge. Stones and stone dust are needed to complete the approach on the western end. Diane reported that she knows someone who could transport some rocks and stone dust to the site from her property. A block that would be needed for one side of the approach could be included in that load. If Hub comes to her house he and Bill Fitzpatrick can pick out the block that could be used.

    New Business:
    1. Conservation Commission tasks for 2007 - Wooden signs are needed for Hitchiner (the original was damaged), Rotch and Mile Slip Town Forests. A list of what should be included in a wildlife study will be generated. Members discussed creation of an open space plan for the town, which would include natural services, highest ranked wildlife habitat, and unfragmented areas. The map would provide guidance and justification when asking that certain areas remain as open space. Milford also needs someone who could identify rare and endangered species and their habitats and report their findings to the state. On the Wildlife Action Plan map, Milford does not look very significant, because habitat has not been reported.

    2. November 3, 2007 - NHACC Annual Meeting and Conference - Members were reminded of the conference. Rita will register them.

    3. November 17, 2007 Watershed Conference - Members were reminded of this conference also. Rita will register them.

    Interdepartmental Review: See Planning Board agenda
    1. 42/46 - Chappell, Osgood Road - subdivision of one 5.5 Acre lot from 42/46. Conservation Commission comment:
      Although the applicant proposes to use the access easement shown on the plan for the driveway, there should be a restriction in the deed to prevent use of northern section of the new lot (the section that provides the road frontage) for a driveway in the future. Use of that area would create a very large wetland impact.

    2. 47/22 - Vaillancourt, Armory Rd. - subdivide 47/22 into two lots.
      Conservation Commission comment: no comment

    3. 7/10-1 Karl's Auto - Elm St.
      Conservation Commission comment: no comment

    4. Small Wind Energy Systems - copy of proposed ordinance. (input is due Oct 15)

    1. Oval Area Grant- Rita submitted a proposal for the use of some of the funding from the Oval Area Improvement Grant. ConComm is asking to use some of the funds for design review and construction costs for an ADA compliant access trail to the McLane Dam Land. Bill Parker has the document and will submit it to the Oval Area Improvement Team. The money for the design phase of this project is available and the Team will create a plan for the March 2008 ballot.

    There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.

    The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, November 8, 2007 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


     Meeting Minutes of November 8, 2007

    Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson
    Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
    Audrey Fraizer, Andy Seale, Wayne Hardy - Full Members Chris Costantino - Alternate Member
    Rita Carroll

    Others Attending:
    Stephen J. Riesland, P.E., Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, LLC.

    Rod Dellafelice

    The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:15pm.

    Upon a motion made by Wayne and seconded by Hub, the minutes of the October 11, 2007 meeting were accepted as presented.

    1. Stephen Riesland, representing Scott Brown - Union St, subdivision , M/L 42/37. Mr. Riesland presented a plan for a 29-lot subdivision off Union St. that will be presented to the Planning Board on November 20. He was previously granted approval to do a conventional subdivision instead of an open space subdivision, because the project is in the Residence A zone where lot sizes are small making an open space layout difficult. Mr. Riesland will be back before the Commission with a dredge and fill application for 2 wetland impact areas. One is a finger of wetland near union St. that will be crossed for the road, ~1,000SF of impact. The other is also for the road at the curve on the west side of the project, ~1200 SF of impact. The road was located to minimize impacts. Buffer calculations have not been done, but Mr. Riesland said that he would get that information to the Commission. Road grades were discussed. The road has a 2:1 slope with a guardrail at the outside of the curve. It rises from Union St. 12 ft. to a high point and then drops 50 ft to the western point at the end of the curve. There will be some drainage directed toward Union St., which will then be piped back to the western end of the site. There will be a detention basin in lot 12. A closed system will outlet to lot 12. After appearing before the Planning Board the applicant will prepare a dredge and fill application and a site specific. They will probably come back to the Commission in December or January.

      Diane stated that one of the Commission's concerns is stormwater flowing into lot 12, which is a house lot. She asked where the improvements would go and was shown a very small buildable area. She mentioned that in other parts of town there have been problems with stormwater retention being located on house lots close to the houses. Landowners have sometimes filled them in. Other times they have wanted them left untouched as conservation easements and have been upset by them being maintained by the town. The Commission is not in favor of locating wetlands in house lots, especially where there is so small a buildable area. Reconfiguring the lots in this area was discussed. Lot 12 should not be a building lot. It should be for stormwater retention only. The wet areas on lots 10 and 15 could be incorporated into lot 12. The eastern section of the line between lot 10 and 12 could be moved to add some more dry land to lot 10. Mr. Riesland agreed that these suggestions are doable. He will bring them to his client and he will get back to the Commission with the amount of buffer impact for the project.

    1. Bridge in Emerson Park - Material for the entrances (one large granite piece and a number of medium sized rocks) is being delivered to the area tomorrow. Wayne volunteered to help and Audrey will mention the project to Stu and her son, Mason. Rita will ask the police to swing by the area a few times after school hours in the next few weeks, in hopes that the graffiti stops. ConComm will think about a sign in the future.

    2. Wildlife Study Requirements - Discussion was held regarding large unfragmented areas in Milford. Diane had checked the NH F&G's Coarse Filter Significant Wildlife Habitat Map, which shows unfragmented areas and their acreage. She created a list of properties that lie in unfragmented areas greater than 135 acres. That list and other information will be brought to the next meeting for members' approval. Andy has been spending a lot of time hunting in the open areas near the Souhegan River and is willing to document species that he sees out there. Species of importance to the state need to be reported in order to be included in the data used to identify areas of critical habitat on the Wildlife Action Plan maps.

    1. Town Forest Study - inventory, history, plans for the future. Rita presented a document she had prepared that lists each of the 6 Town Forests, their sizes, a brief description of the last timber plan and what the future timber plans are for each forest. Hitchiner, Tucker Brook, Mayflower and Rotch should all have timber plans drafted in the near future. Dadoly can wait 20 years for the stands to mature. Mile Slip, because it has been so heavily timbered will wait 50 years before a timber inventory and timber management plan will be drawn up. ConComm members present supported the 'future plans' as drafted.

    1. Ocrah land Development, North St - M/L 22/58 - lot line adjustments, no new lots.
      Commission Comments: No Comment
    2. Vigneault, Alfred, Melendy Rd. - M/L 47/5,6 - lot line adjustment between the two lots.
      Commission Comments: No Comment
    3. Scott Brown, Union St. - M/L 42/37 - final app, 29 lot subdivision, Union St. (Appointment - memo will be drafted)

    1. Conservation Land Management Committee report - Diane reported that the Committee has almost completed their work at Mayflower. Bob Hall of New England Mountain Bike Association will be asking Wayne about ways to connect from the trails in Mayflower through Patch Hill to land in Amherst. It was suggested that Bob come to the Commission and look at maps with the group. The Conservation Land Management Committee is looking at the trails in Tucker Brook. A dedication for the "Burns Bridge", built by Dave Wheeler will be held in the spring. Diane has added photos to the link on the homepage of much of the work that the management committee has done. The Committee also plans to blaze the Badger Hill Trail, which runs to the top of Badger Hill in Mile Slip and was recently constructed by Mike Pasquale, Eagle Scout Candidate.

    2. Warrant Articles for 2008 - Incorporation of Patch Hill into Mayflower has been submitted. Beech Ridge Lot (Charles Antle) may or may not be a warrant article. This property will be discussed at the BOS meeting of Tuesday, 11/15. A warrant article asking that Mile Slip Rd. south of the houses be designated a Class A Trail will not be submitted.

    3. Souhegan River Trail - The kiosk at the new entrance has been put up and has trail maps and other information in it.

    There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.

    The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


    Meeting Minutes of December 13, 2007

    This meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather.
    Items on the agenda will be discussed at the meeting of January 10, 2008.