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2001 Minutes   January - February - March- April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December    Minutes 2001


Meeting Minutes of January 11, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson
Bob Walsh, Rodney Dellafelice, Chris Guida, Pierce Rigrod, Full Members
Chris Costantino, Alternate Member

Judy Gross, Hub Seward

Others Attending:
Suzanne Fournier, Tom Gardner -potential new members
Phil Brooks - SP Brooks and Company

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:05 PM.

MINUTES: Chris Costantino made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2000 meeting as presented. Pierce seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Phil Brooks - SP Brooks and Company. Mr. Brooks runs a business, designing and constructing post and beam structures. He met with the members to discuss his participation in the design and construction of a pavilion at Hitchiner Town Forest. After his input it was decided that he would prepare for members review a design of a 28ft x 40ft long pavilion, and an estimate of the costs involved in design and materials preparation. Mr. Brooks will also talk to Steve Desmarais about obtaining some materials for the pavilion and will help guide the Commission in obtaining volunteers for assembly. He will draw up specifications for the earth preparation and for the foundation, which he suggests being a concrete slab "floating" on a 3 ft. deep bed of gravel. Gravel will also be placed around the outside of the foundation to provide drainage from the roof. He suggests using oak for the posts, in that oak is stronger and dries more slowly than pine. Asphalt shingles would be best for the roof and roofers would be hired to do that part of the job. He suggests using an oil base sealer on a regular basis for maintenance of the pavilion and would provide guidelines for regular maintenance. Mr. Brooks suggested a 28 x 40ft, dimension for the pavilion in that cost is driven by the number of pieces and with this dimension size is maximized for the number of pieces used. He also suggested a wall height of 81/2 ft. and a roof pitch of 9, which he felt was pitched enough for drainage, without wasting a lot of material. After a brief discussion, it was decided that a fireplace would not be located in the pavilion, in that the structure is made of wood and a fireplace could be both risky and messy.

    Pierce will be the contact between the Commission and Mr. Brooks, with Chris C's help, and he will look into obtaining a water supply for the area. Rita will find out from the town's Code Enforcement Officer and Planning Director what permits, etc. need to be obtained. When the time comes for assembly, Mr. Brooks will help the commission advertise for and coordinate volunteers.

    On Saturday, Jan. 27 at 9 AM, members will meet with Mr. Brooks at Hitchiner to view the site upon which the pavilion will be located, and in the meantime he will work on his design for a 28 x 40 ft. pavilion.

  2. Hitchiner Town Forest - Permission to Snowmobile - An ordinance is being proposed prohibiting snowmobiling on town fields, in that this activity damages the sod on the fields. The Commission was asked if they approved of wording on the ordinance that would state that snowmobiling is allowed in the town forests. Members agreed that while they would not like the warrant article to specifically suggest and direct residents to use the town forests, they would state that snowmobiling is not prohibited on any conservation land. When the warrant article is drafted, Diane or Rita will distribute copies to the members for their comments.

  1. LCHIP Program - www.lchip.org This program helps communities purchase land for purposes of conservation and protection. Members were asked to think about what land they would suggest as being worth protecting under this program. There is a need to identify and prioritize land for protection before developers invest engineering costs into it. Pierce pointed out that the farmland along the Souhegan River is of great value and worth pursuing the protection of, in that the Souhegan River is the largest water body in town and is located near the town wells. Karen White, a resident of Milford, has indicated to Diane that she will attend next month's meeting and has much experience in this area, in both her capacity as Bedford's Planning Director and in her past contacts with some of the land owners of these farmlands. She would like to get involved in applying for grants to protect land in Milford. Further discussion of the LCHIP program will be on next month's agenda. In addition, Rita will write a letter to UNH to ask that students continue their wetland inventories in the town. A complete inventory of the town will greatly help the commission to identify and prioritize land, in terms of conservation value.

  2. Policy & Procedure Manual - The manual is now complete, and members were asked if they wanted their copies to include all material referred to in the appendix and supplements. It was decided that because the appendix and supplement are very long, Rita will send each member a list of what the appendix and supplement contain and members can request copies of any or all documents contained therein. Rita will also look into costs of professional printing of the manual. Copies of the manual will be distributed to each MCC member, to the BOS, and to the vault in the Town Hall. A complete copy, including all appendix and supplement documents will be located in the MCC office.
  1. Warrant Article - Members were asked their opinions of two warrant articles proposed for the March 2001 ballot. They do support changes to '5.044.A Lot Sizes and Frontages' increasing the minimum lot size in the 'R' Zone to 2 acres. They also reviewed and approved of the inclusion of a paragraph to the design criteria of the Open Space Ordinance (6.044.D.2.c). This paragraph was drafted in order to avoid narrow strips of land being incorporated into the open space design of subdivisions.

  2. Zoning Changes for 2002 - Members were asked to think about what changes to the zoning ordinance for the year 2002 they would like work on. More specific ordinances concerning buffers were of interest. Chris G. suggested a 50 ft. building setback from wetland in addition to a 25 ft. buffer. He also suggested working on designing an ordinance that would require lots to be able to fit a certain size "circle" on each, in order to avoid very narrow lots upon which it would be very difficult to build. This type of regulation could improve lot geometry and allow more options when avoiding impacts to wetlands and buffers. Also of interest would be the identification and designation of some wetlands as prime wetlands.
Work sessions held the 4th Thursday of each month will be reinstated, the first being on Jan. 25 at 7PM. Members will decide what changes to the zoning regulations they would like to work on for next year.

  1. Robert and Jane Wisnewski - M10/3 & 59 - Savage Rd. The Wisnewski's own M/L 10/3and M/L 10/59. They would like to allow their son to build on M/L 10/59, but because of wetlands and location of property lines, it would be difficult to access the lot They purchased a piece, obtained an access easement and relocated the lot line. The driveway to be located on the access easement will impact the buffer. However a wetland crossing is avoided and the members agreed that this plan is perhaps the least impacting way to utilize this land.

  2. Charles St. Commons - M32/23-1 - Subdivision for a 30 unit elderly housing. Neighbors have commented that the area is very wet and that the delineation is incorrect. Members would like to make sure wetlands are delineated properly.

  3. Asselin Brothers/Nilsen - North River Rd - M8/4-1 - subdivision for 13 lots. This plan will be held until after the town vote in March, because it does not comply with the proposed 2 acre zoning ordinance. Members felt that the open space was well designed in this plan, in that it is accessible and located along the river.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, February 8, 2001 at 7 PM in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

The next work session of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, January 25 at 7PM in Lower Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson, Hub Seward, Vice Chairman
Rodney Dellafelice, Chris Guida, Full Members
Judy Gross, Alternate Member

Bob Walsh, Pierce Rigrod, Chris Costantino

Others Attending:
Suzanne Fournier
Karen White
Jeffrey M. Kevan and Steven Swana - TFMoran, Inc.

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:10 PM.

Because there was not a quorum of members present at this meeting who were present at the January 11, 2001 meeting, there was no action taken on the minutes of the January 11, 2001 meeting.

  1. GFI, Rt 13, M/L 48/15. Steve Swana and Jeff Moran of T.F. Moran presented a plan to consolidate M/L 48/15,16,17, subdivide into 2 lots and construct a two story, 122,000 sq. ft. office building. They have filed with the ZBA to ask for a special exception to be allowed to work within a 25 ft. buffer area and are asking for the commission's support. The plan proposes to confine the project to the area on one side of a brook located on the site and allow the other side of the brook to remain in its natural state. They would impact 7700 sq. ft. of buffer and would also impact 800 sq. ft. of wetland in order to widen two existing driveways. If the plan is approved by the ZBA, they will proceed and file a D&F application for the project. They mentioned that the client would be agreeable to granting a conservation easement on land around the brook and on the wetlands on the west end of the site, but the client would not be interested in placing any easements on the residential property across the brook (to the south). Stormwater would be discharged from some of the parking lots to the fire pond located on the site. Along the back of the building treatments swales would be located and near the southeast edge of the site an 8ft. retaining wall will be constructed.
    Members expressed concern regarding snow removal areas and stormwater discharge from the parking lots. They pointed out that this site is "maxed out" in order to avoid impacting the other side of the brook. However there is no guarantee that in the future activity on the industrial portion of the lot located across the brook will not cause impacts to the brook. They also noted that in order to construct the retaining wall that is planned for the front parking lot (southeast), there would be at least a 10 ft. temporary disturbance beyond the wall and an impact to the wetland located there. When the D&F application is filed it should include this impact to wetland and buffer. A memo will be drafted to the ZBA stating the above concerns with this project, along with the commission's interest in the possibility of a conservation easement.

  1. Policy and Procedure Manual - Judy presented and described a complete copy of the Policy and Procedure Manual. Conservation Commission members and town departments will be receiving copies when they are printed and the manual can be read on-line at the business section of the Commission's website. Supplemental and appendix documents will be on-line in the future.

  2. Dredge and Fill Status - Diane updated members on the status of several D&F applications that have been reviewed by the commission. She mentioned that Sunny Prairie Farm was approved and that she viewed the sites of the following three proposed projects with Frank Richardson from the Wetlands Bureau: Zahn's (see minutes of 10-12-2000 meeting) Christmas Tree Lane (see minutes of 11-09-2000 meeting) and Hendrix Wire & Cable (see minutes of 10-12-2000 meeting). It is the state's policy that for every recommendation by a conservation commission for non-approval of an application an on-site inspection be done the state inspector.

  3. LCHIP Program - Members have been discussing the importance of identifying and prioritizing land within the town for protection. They have agreed that the land along the Souhegan River is of great importance in terms of trails and protection of farmlands. Karen White, the Planning Director of Bedford, and a resident of Milford was present at this meeting and discussed with members the importance of proper estate planning and LCHIP's role in helping owners preserve their lands through easements and sales, etc. She suggested making the various boards in town aware of what land is considered valuable for protection, in that they may be able to speak with landowners or developers regarding easements when pieces of land come up for development. Once a developer has paid for land and invested in engineering for that piece of land the price escalates. It is not too early to send letters of inquiry on a few parcels of interest. She has in the past been in contact with some of the landowners along the river in the North River Road area. She agreed to contact some of these people to determine where their interests lie and if they have done any estate planning.

  1. NH Association of Research Scientists - Chris Guida described this group as being made up of soils scientists, wetlands scientists, foresters and more. They perform indications for members, along with presentations and workshops. When asked if the Commission would be interested in becoming members, Judy made a motion to have the Commission join this group. Rod seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. RR Trail - Diane stated that there are two remaining sections of the trail that are still being worked on. They comprise the stretch from the DPW garage north to South St., near downtown, where the trail will begin. Section "B" runs from DPW through the granite yard now owned by Northern Marble and Granite, who recently purchased the property from Fletcher Granite. Northern is willing to grant a trail easement along Great Brook and donate the RR Bed just north of their property to to Railroad Pond. They would need to have their land surveyed and ask that MCC pay for a portion of the cost of the survey. When a quote for the work is obtained, members will be asked to approve the expenditure. Before agreeing to pay for that portion of the survey, a written agreement will be obtained stating that Northern will donate the property for the trail to the town.
    Section "A" runs from the bridge across Railroad Pond to South St. It is a 1/2 acre lot owned by Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Marshall. (M/L 29/103). Mr. Marshall purchased this lot and uses a portion of it for parking for his business. Diane has been in touch with Mr. Marshall to discuss access to the RRTrail through this lot and will continue pursuing this issue.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, March 8, 2001, at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2001

Hub Seward, Vice Chairman
Bob Walsh, Rodney Dellafelice, Pierce Rigrod, Full Members
Chris Costantino, Alternate Member

Others Attending:
Bill Davidson - Meridian Land Services
Maurice Cote - owner of Cote Machine Co.
Matt Peterson - Keach-Nordstrom Associates
Suzanne Fournier

Chris Guida, Judy Gross, Diane Fitzpatrick

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Vice-Chairman, Hub Seward, at 7:05 PM.

Upon a motion made by Bob Walsh, seconded by Rodney the minutes of the January 11, 2001 meeting were accepted as presented.

Because there was not present a quorum of members who attended the February meeting, there was no action taken on the minutes of the February 8, 2001 meeting.

  1. Dredge & Fill - Cote Machine Shop - M/L 7/21 - Bill Davidson and Maurice Cote.
    Members were presented with a plan to construct an addition to the Cote Machine Shop on Perry Rd. Plans for this addition were presented to the Commission at the Nov. 9, 2000 meeting, but a D&F application had not yet been filed. The plans presented tonight show some changes. Specifically, the width of the drive around the building has been reduced from 18 to 14 ft. in width, and the total wetland impact is now 5980 sq.ft., down from 7610 sq. ft. The slopes will be graded 1:1 and stabilized with rip rap, rather that the standard 3:1 or 4:1. Because fill will be placed within the 100 year flood plain for building construction, compensatory storage will be provided by removing fill from other areas of the site, creating 8900 sq. ft. of wetland. Loam from the wetland fill areas will be placed in the created wetland which is contiguous with the existing wetland on the site. This project provides a net gain of 2320 sq. ft. of wetland. The area in back of the building will be regraded only. The owner stated that there would be no paving or parking there. When asked to explain the need for the project, Mr. Cote explained that both he and his tenant's business were expanding and they needed more space, and that he would like to be able to access the back of his building for maintenance purposes.

    The commission was in favor of the net gain of the wetlands and felt that the impact has been minimized. There was concern about the need of the project, in that the owner wants to expand a building that he is using only half of for his own business, and that he wants to have access to the back of a building where there are no doors. Because the wetland to be created will be planted with native vegetation to the site and is contiguous to the existing wetland on the site, members felt there exists a likelihood of it being successful. Bob made a motion to recommend to the Wetlands Bureau that this application be approved. Rod seconded the motion. The vote was 2 in favor of the motion, 1 not in favor of the motion, and one abstention.

  2. Matt Peterson - Keach-Nordstrom Associates - Monson Estates M/L 56/45.
    Members were presented with plans for a 25 lot subdivision on land on the south side of Foster Rd., east of Federal Hill Rd, adjacent to both Monson village and the Ames Lot. At end of Foster Rd. 2000 ft. of road will be constructed along with 1000 ft. of a new road. The lots now average 1.4 acres and if necessary, most can be adjusted to 2 acres by extending the rear boundaries into the wetlands. The D&F application when filed will be for 3 crossings. The first is on an existing right of way on Foster Rd with an impact of 2322 sq. ft. Two 24" culverts with headwalls on both the downstream and upstream sides to minimize impact will be constructed. The second impact is the crossing of a stream and a 3' x6' wide concrete box culvert will be constructed. This type of culvert provides access for wildlife and typically sediments over to provide the stream bottom. The same type of culvert will be constructed for the third crossing, and both crossings together will cause 7500 ft. of disturbance which includes substantial rip rap stabilization. The total buffer impact will be 11,000 sq. ft. from grading around the impacts; most of the buffer impact is found at the crossings. The open space requirement has been met with 25 acres set aside. 46 acres total including wetlands will remain open and comprises 55% of the site. The importance of continuing the trail connection that will run from Federal Hill to Monson Center was mentioned.

    Discussion was held regarding where the connecting trails would be located, perhaps at the end of the cul-de-sac or via a footbridge over a wet area. Matt stated that a soils scientist will be looking at the trails. He also mentioned that a stone foundation has been seen on the property and will be moved to the open space area. Lots 3 and 5 were of concern because of steepness and proximity of wet areas. Matt will look at the setbacks regarding these lots. It was suggested that common land be located around the stream that runs between lots 1 & 2. When the Planning Board sets a site walk date, Matt will notify Diane to invite MCC to attend. This project may be on April's agenda.

  1. Hitchiner Town Forest - Poison Ivy control. Suzanne presented some information and suggestions to use methods other than chemical application of Round-up to reduce the poison ivy present in the fields at Hitchiner. Members agreed, however, that because of the dense covering of the fields, especially where the pavilion will be located, use of Round-Up initially, followed by a more integrated approach to keep it from returning, would be appropriate. They pointed out that Round-Up biodegrades in 2 weeks and is safe to use. (see minutes of August 10, 2000.) Suzanne and Rita will learn more about controlling this plant and will contact Tru-Green and others. This will be on next month's agenda.

    Pavilion. - Pierce has not heard from Phil Brooks regarding his design of a 28ft. x 40ft.pavilion and will contact him this month.

  2. Policy & Procedure Manual - Copies of the completed P&P manual were distributed to members. Additional copies can be obtained in the conservation office or at the next monthly meeting.

  1. Old Farms Golf Links (formerly Hayward Acres Golf Course) (Map 7/Lots 4,6, and 10) Members were concerned with location of any wells that may be constructed, in that this is close to the Savage well clean-up site. Members were also against setting a precedent by relieving the new owner of some of the restrictions in an agricultural easement.

  2. Mile Slip Road - Residential Open Subdivision (Map 50/Lot 1) 27 Lots (Northwoods Family Enterprises) Members were concerned with the steepness of some of the lots. Commission would like to further review the open space location with regards to wildlife corridors. Bears are known to use this area.

  3. Hayward Farms (Map 7/Lots 10 and 10-1), Elm Street Minor Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment (associated with the Ice Cream Stand). Not a concern to the Conservation Commission.

  4. Liquid Propane Distributors, Inc. (Map 7/Lot 5-4) - Site Plan on Hollow Oak Lane (Steven Desmarais) Members were concerned with location of silt fence and potential security fence in the future. Both fences are in buffer right now and should be moved to the building setback, which is the edge of buffer, in order to allow 25 ft. of buffer to remain undisturbed.

  5. Wisniewski - Savage Road Minor Subdivision/Lot Line Adjustment (M/L 10/ 3, 3-1, and 59) Modifications to recently approved subdivision (Robert and Janet Wisniewski) Plan was discussed in Jan. 2001. Members feel the same, that locating the drive in the buffer is better than disturbing wetlands and is therefore the best way to minimize impact.

  6. North River Road - Residential Open Space Subdivision (Map 8/Lot 4-1) 12 Lots (Asselin Brothers Construction) Members felt that the open space looks reasonable, but would like to see public access to the open space. It would be preferable that the town own the open space to be used as part of the Souhegan River Trail System. If this plan is revised to accommodate 8 lots, it would be best if entire shoreland protection area be within the open space.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2001, at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson, Hub Seward, Vice Chairman
Rodney Dellafelice, Chris Guida, Pierce Rigrod, Full Members
Chris Costantino, Alternate Member

Judy Gross, Bob Walsh

Others Attending:
Laura Psister - Land Conservation Investment Program
Phil Brooks - SP Brooks Co.
Dave O'Hara - Wolfer Road subdivision, M45/3
Tom Carr, Randy Haight - Meridian Land Services
Dick Asselin - Asselin Bros. Construction
Ms. Patricia Bowman, Mr. Harvey Bower, abutters to Christmas Tree Farm proposed subdivision.

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:08 PM.


Upon a motion made by Pierce and seconded by Rod, the minutes of the February 8, 2001 meeting were accepted as presented.

Upon a motion made by Pierce and seconded by Hub, the minutes of the March 8, 2001 meeting were accepted as presented.


  1. 7:00 - Laura Psister - LCIP - Ms. Psister presented the commission with an overview of stewardship that should be done on the LCIP lands and any land that the town owns. She stressed the importance of having management plans for fee owned and privately owned properties on which the town holds easements, and of understanding the different types of management philosophies for each. Ms Psister gave a packet to the commission that contains record keeping forms and suggestions, a statement of land trust standards and practices, a conservation land steward guide, guidelines for applying for a grant, articles regarding volunteer recruitment, violation management and more. The LCIP staff periodically touches base with stewards and/or owners of LCIP properties and will probably visit the properties that Milford holds under the LCIP in the next 18 months.

  2. 7:30 - Phil Brooks - Hitchiner pavilion. Phil presented members with a conceptual sketch of a proposed 28ft. x 42ft. pavilion to be built at Hitchiner Town Forest. He had visited the site with Diane, Chris C. and Pierce and is aware of the desired size and location of the pavilion. Mr. Brooks recommends white oak for the posts and timbers up to the eave line and pine for the portions above that line. The design shows two posts in the middle of the pavilion and the rest left open. The roof would be shingled and the total height would be 8 ft. under the beams and 12 ft. to the peak. The members approved the design of the pavilion as shown in the sketches. Mr. Brooks will proceed with the next step, which is to determine quantities and costs of materials required and to estimate the amount of labor needed. He will also look into locating someone to do the concrete work and determine with the members what kind of foundation will be constructed. Once the project has been costed out, arrangements will be made for the town to do the site work and for recruitment of volunteers for construction.

  3. 8:00 - Dave O'Hara - Wolfer Road subdivision, Boynton Estates M/L 45/3 Mr. O'Hara presented the members with a proposed plan for a 25 or 26 lot subdivision. A standard D&F will be filed for the impacts that are associated with upgrading Wolfer Rd. from a Class 6 road to a town road. The three wetland impacts associated with the road upgrade are the only wetland impacts caused by this project, and are 6000, 1500, and 600 sq. ft. The road will be 24 ft. wide with a 4 ft. shoulder, underground drainage, and curbing, because it is between stone walls. Mr. O'Hara was informed that the MCC will take a site walk and that a letter will be drafted to the Wetlands Bureau when the D&F application is received. This proposal is scheduled to be presented to the Planning Board on April 17. Input to the Planning Board will include the fact that MCC would like to see more information on cut and fill, buffer impact, location and type of culverts, and post development run-off (amount and sheet vs. stream flow).

  4. 8:30 - Tom Carr - Meridian Land Services - Christmas Tree Lane, Richardson Rd. Review of revised D&F. The proposed plan to connect Christmas Tree Lane to Richardson Road had been presented to the ZBA on April 5. The request has been tabled until May 30 to allow further review of the latest plan modification by the Conservation Commission. The members were told that: The project plan has been modified to show a reduced impact at the third crossing (connection to Richardson Road) accomplished by lowering the road height, and therefore reducing the footprint of fill needed. The idea that there is a future access planned for this project, long-range, is no longer true. The owner of the property through which this access would be made is not the same person as the owner of the Christmas Tree farm purchased for the development. There are at this time no plans to purchase land that could provide an additional access to Christmas Tree Lane. The fire department and the road agent would like to see Richardson Rd. and Christmas Tree Lane connected, in order to make them non-dead end roads. The wetland that will be impacted is forested, driven by ledge, and commonly impacted for this type of project. The more functional area should not be impacted according to this plan. The engineers feel that wetlands in the housing area of the development will revegetate due to the discontinuation of farming of the Christmas Tree Farm. All precautions to avoid flooding of abutting properties have been taken. The plan is to install two culverts, one 18",one 24" and rip-rap to prevent streaming. Mr. Asselin stated that they would be willing to install a third culvert to the same endpoint to avoid any more impact, if MCC and ZBA prefer. They state that they have no other way to construct this development. They are driven by safety issues. Members felt that if Richardson Rd. is only 16 ft. wide the connection to it that goes through the wetland could be reduced from the 24 ft. width now proposed. Discussion followed regarding the location of the new road, the 90° turns in Richardson Rd., and the narrow width of Richardson Rd. Mr.Bower, an abutter, stated that snowplows have gotten stuck on Richardson Rd. and that school buses and fire trucks may do the same. Mr. Bower also expressed concerns for flooding onto his property and damage to the adjacent wetland that could be caused by sheet drainage of the new road and by the use of salt on the new road and on Richardson Rd. Dick Asselin had brought a letter from the DPW stating that no salt would be used on the road in the winter. Mr. Bower stated that this section of Richardson Road is currently a no salt road, yet salt has been used on it in the past. Rodney expressed a concern that this discrepancy needs to be satisfactorily resolved. A new road, if built, will need to be kept salt free so as to protect the current downhill wetlands. Mr. Asselin stated that he will propose a 20ft. wide road and see if he can get a waiver from the PB for this narrower road. When members were asked if they would support the amended plan, responses were varied. Rod stated they he would support if the drainage and road width issues were addressed. Chris C. said that she would not support, in that she felt that the need for the project does not exist; the property can be accessed and a house can be constructed. Pierce would support if he felt the impacts were truly minimized. Hub likewise needs to be convinced that the impacts are truly minimized to support. A memo will be drafted to the ZBA and the Planning Board expressing these concerns.


  1. Hitchiner Town Forest - Poison Ivy Control - Members were informed that Mr. John Danforth of Tru-Green ChemLawn will be at Hitchiner on Sat, May 5, 8AM to be shown areas to be treated. Chris C. agreed to meet him there at that time.

  1. Membership Renewals - The memberships of Diane, Hub, Chris Guida and Judy will expire in 2001. When asked if they wanted to renew their memberships, Diane and Hub said yes, and Chris Guida stated that he would like to continue his membership but asked to be changed to an alternate member. Diane stated that she has spoken with Judy who wishes to continue her membership in the commission. Rita will draft a letter to the Selectmen requesting that they reappoint these members.

  2. Election of Officers - A motion was made by Chris C. to reappoint Diane Fitzpatrick as Chairperson of the Milford Conservation Commission and to reappoint Hub Seward as the Vice-Chairperson of the Milford Conservation Commission. The motion was seconded by Pierce and the vote was unanimous in favor. Rita will include this information in her letter to the Selectmen

  3. American Groundwater Trust - Groundwater Institute. Members were asked if they would like to sponsor a teacher from the Milford school system at the Groundwater Institute for Teachers, July 9 & 10, 2001. The cost is $350.00. The Conservation Commission needs to contact and recommend a teacher to be sent. A motion was made by Hub to authorize funding for this sponsorship, providing a teacher is found. The motion was seconded by Pierce and the vote was unanimous in favor. Rita will contact Ken Cloutier, the teacher sponsored last year, and ask for his input on teacher recommendation.

  4. Rails-to-Trails - slide presentation and introduction of Milford's Granite Town Rail-Trail. On Friday night, April 20, the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy will present a slide show and on Saturday April 21, guided tours of the new Granite town Rail Trail will be conducted. Volunteers are needed for manning displays on Fri. night, and for conducting the tours on Saturday. Chris C. volunteered to be there both times and Judy and Rod volunteered to attend Fri. night.


  1. Purgatory Brook Day Hike - Members were informed of this hike taking place on Saturday, April 28 starting at the McClellan Trail parking lot. The group sponsoring this hike functions to protect Purgatory Brook and plans to attend the slide show mentioned above Fri. night.


  1. There are three cases scheduled to appear before the ZBA on Apr. 19. The ZBA would like input from MCC. They are Hayward, Savage Farms (agricultural easement held by state) and Savage Well site. The commission will draft a memo to the ZBA informing them that they are opposed to releasing the agricultural easement on the Savage Farm. They also feel that the Savage well site must be protected in that it may be ready to come on line in three years and the town should purchase the well site if it becomes available. There should be no activity within 400 ft. of this site.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 2001 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2001


Diane Fitzpatrick - Chairperson, Hub Seward - Vice Chairman
Rodney Dellafelice, Pierce Rigrod - Full Members
Chris Costantino, Judy Gross - Alternate Members

Bob Walsh

Others Attending:
Nancy Amato - Board of Selectmen
Suzanne Fournier, Tom Gardner - Melendy Area Beaver Project
Steve Swana - TF Moran, Hank Souminen - representative of GFI

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:15 PM.

Upon a motion made by Hub, seconded by Judy, the minutes from the April 12, 2001 meeting were accepted with the following addition: To line 108 add, "Dick Asselin had brought a letter from the DPW stating that no salt would be used on the road in the winter. Mr. Bower stated that this section of Richardson Road is currently a no salt road, yet salt has been used on it in the past. Rodney expressed a concern that this discrepancy needs to be satisfactorily resolved. A new road, if built, will need to be kept salt free so as to protect the current downhill wetlands." The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion to accept with the addition.

  1. Melendy Rd. Area Beaver & Trail Repair Project - Suzanne Fournier and Tom Gardner presented the members with a plan to repair damage to the trail and to prevent further damage caused by beavers and muskrats in the Melendy Road area of the Granite Town Rail-Trail. They plan to install mechanisms to keep water flowing around the wetland, keeping it suitable as a beaver habitat while preventing flooding, and to repair holes on the trail adjacent to the wetland. Photographs of 24 areas of damage that will be repaired were shown to the members. Suzanne explained that the installation of specific water flow pipes will manage water flow and will "trick" the beavers into damming them up instead of the culverts. The plan for filling holes with rocks and fill was also described. A timetable was included in the plan along with lists of materials, supplies, and equipment. Also included was a letter from Steve Bernstein who will be doing the installation of the "Beaver Deceiver" pipes. A copy of this proposal is filed in the Conservation Commission office in the RR Trail file.

    Members were asked for permission to go ahead with the work and for help with obtaining materials. Chris Costantino made a motion to support the project and to have the team continue its work. Hub seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. The Commission will vote to appropriate money when more details regarding costs and availability of materials from the town are obtained. Members agreed that no D&F application would be required because all work will be done on the existing rail bed and no wetlands will be impacted.

    The work will progress as follows: Steve Bernstein will design the pipe installation and will come up with a materials specifications list. Diane will call Suzanne and set up a time that they can get together with DPW to talk about obtaining supplies. A dump truck will be needed to access the trail to bring in an estimated amount of 100 to 120 yds. of fill. Diane will talk to the abutters to ask for permission to access the trail through their land. Rita has in the office and will send to Suzanne a list of volunteers to help with the trail. Bob Walsh will be asked what tools and supplies MCC has available to lend the volunteers. The team also would like to obtain some materials, (rocks, etc.) from the BROX property and will need permission to do so.

  2. Minimum Impact D&F Application for GFI Milford, LLC - M/L 48/15, 16, & 17. Steve Swana of TF Moran and Hank Souminen, of GFI, appeared before the Commission with an minimum impact D&F application that involves the widening of two existing driveways to access a 2 story building to be constructed on 528 Rt. 13 South. The work includes extension of an existing 30" culvert and construction of two headwalls, and will impact 550 sq. ft. of wetland. The applicants stated that they need to provide safe access for fire vehicles and employees to the site, and that by widening the drives, as opposed to relocating them, the impact has been minimized. Mr. Swana also mentioned going through the D&F checklist and that they are still trying to get the sewer services off-site for the building that is being built, but that all other questions have been addressed and the application is complete.

    Chris Costantino made a motion that the Conservation Commission sign the application. Rod seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Diane signed the application.

    This application is for the wetland impact only. The buffer impacts associated with this project had been presented and discussed at the February 8, 2001 Conservation Commission meeting. Mr. Swana stated that the buffer impact has increased to 13,000 sq. ft. from 10,000 from what was presented at that meeting, because of design changes in the areas of two outlet points. This project has been approved by the ZBA with conditions from the Conservation Commission stated in a letter dated 2/27/01 and filed in the MCC office.
  1. Status of Dredge & Fill Applications. Diane informed the members of recent decisions made by the state on Dredge & Fill applications. She told them of the approvals of the applications of Hollow Oaks Dr, (M/L 7/5) , Hendrix (M/L 14/8,9), and Christmas Tree Lane/Richardson Rd (M/L 4/30). She also informed members that the Christmas Tree Lane/Richardson Rd. project has been approved by the ZBA.

    Diane updated members on the proposed golf course, stating that the ZBA granted a special exception for a commercial recreation facility in the ICI district. Both the Savage Well site and Savage Farm sections have been tabled by the ZBA per request of the applicants, who want to await the state's decision on the removal of the agricultural easement.
  1. Joint meeting - Planning Board/ConComm. Members were informed that there will be a joint meeting between the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission on Tuesday June 5 at 6PM in the Fire Dept. Meeting Room on School St. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues of mutual importance to the two groups. Members were asked for suggestions as to what they feel should be discussed at this meeting. They were informed that the PB wants to discuss the Open Space Ordinance, and the future development plan for the southwest corner of town. Diane mentioned that commission members should be prepared to input what their vision is for this section of town. Chris suggested mentioning appreciation of plans that are now being sent to MCC that do not have wetland impacts, but may be of importance to the commission because of open space issues. Hub mentioned ambiguities present in some of the ordinances that should be removed or clarified. Rod suggested clarifying the OS ordinance with regards to the percentage of land required for set aside. Is the percentage calculated before or after subtracting the wetland areas and steep areas? Diane told members that three of PB's 2001 priorities are water resources protection plan, open space, and stormwater treatment. Members should bring their thoughts regarding these issues to the meeting and they should be prepared to discuss the open space ordinance.

    Diane also mentioned that, because of work done by Pierce, the town has received a grant to have someone look at the town and make suggestions with regards to stormwater issues. CEI Engineering which did the Pennichuck water plan will be doing the work and Eileen Pennetier, CEO of CEI and a member of the Merrimack Village District Board of Directors, will be the point person on the project. The engineers doing the grant work will pull together information that has been assembled in the last 20 years, take some newer information and do a number of things listed on the contract. In undeveloped areas of town they will determine where the ground water is being recharged and focus on ordinances to protect those areas. In developed areas they will help the town to reach Phase II EPA rules which will be coming in 3-5 years calling for every discharge point to be treated before being discharged into surface water. Discussion ensued regarding the interconnection of stormwater and groundwater regeneration and aquifer protection. Also mentioned was the necessity to discuss with the Planning Board and other departments stormwater regulations and aquifer protection, both of which are on PB's priority list.

  2. Conservation Land usage. With the coming of good weather and the opening of the new Granite Town Rail-Trail some question have arisen regarding usage of trails and forests in the town.
    • Dogs: Members read the town ordinance regarding dogs in public areas and although they must be "under the control of the owner", leashing was not specifically mentioned. Some members felt that owners should be responsible for cleaning up after and leashing the dogs, especially in the parts of the trail close to homes. No overall decision was made.
    • Motorized Vehicles: Members agreed that ATV's are not appropriate for the Rail-Trail in that they cause damage to the trail and their noise disturbs abutters of the trail, especially in the areas north of Melendy Rd. In the easement section of the trail the deed states that: "There shall be no motorized equipment of vehicles used within the trail right-of-way corridor except in conjunction with recognized farming, pasturing or forestry operations, landowner access for permitted used, for emergency purposes, or as may be reserved herein." Signs will be posted along the trail north of Melendy Rd. saying "No Motorized Vehicles". The fact that ramps are being built by bikers or ATV riders was mentioned and the ramps will be discouraged in that their construction damages the trail. ATV's are allowed in the town forests.
    • Property Owners' rights: In the areas under easement to the town, signs will be posted asking the public to respect the rights of the landowners and to stay on the trail. All users of the trails should not be trespassing onto landowners' properties.

    Pierce made a motion that 50 signs saying "No motorized vehicles" and 50 signs saying "Respect land owner stay on the trail" be purchased at a cost equal to or less than $300.00. Chris seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

    Rita will order 50 signs saying "No motorized vehicles" and 50 saying "Respect land owner stay on the trail" as pointed out in Voss catalog #461RLO made from .012 guage Al.

    Rod will look at the Ordinance Governing Conservation Lands and see if it needs updating and rewording.

  3. Commission summer picnic - The summer picnic of the Conservation Commission will be held at Diane's house on Sunday, Aug. 12 at a time TBD.

  4. Vote to accept member resignation - Bob has requested to resign from the Conservation Commission.. Pierce made a motion to table the vote to accept resignation. Rod seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  5. Budget review - Members were asked if there were some things that they would like to see incorporated into next year's budget, which is due to the Selectmen on June 22. Some suggestions were a digital camera for site walks, a drawing program for creating maps, and a GPS unit. Diane will look into pricing etc. of these items and will present a budget to be finalized at the June meeting.

    Diane also mentioned that when walking the boundaries of the Burns property at Tucker Brook, an LCIP property, it was discovered that 4 pins need to be replaced. She will look into the cost of having them reset and will report to the members at which time they can decide if they want the work to be done.

  6. Town GIS system - Pierce asked the Commission what the status is of the Town possibly acquiring the GIS system. Discussion followed regarding the preparation that would be needed for the system. Information from all departments using the system would have to be compiled into appropriate databases in order to be entered into the program. Members were told that Meridian Land Services is digitizing the town's tax maps, and it may be advantageous to obtain that data. Pierce made a motion that he would look into a student organization that would provide MCC with digital geographic data, that he would look at prices and issues associated with such a project, and that he would report back to the Commission next month. Rod expressed a concern with other departments being made aware of what was being done. Pierce then amended his motion to add that he would inform Bill Parker and all appropriate staff members that he would seek help in finding a student group to be involved in developing some general geographic data. Chris seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor of the amended motion.

  7. City Green software - Pierce has sampled a software program called City Green that is used with Arc View. He explained to members that City Green was created by the American Forests Organization and is a watershed-based analysis of landscape. It looks at soils, land cover and other aspects of the landscape and uses accepted standards, methods and models. It generates information on issues such as how much pollution is taken up by trees, how much stormwater is generated, or how much erosion will happen within a particular piece of land. Pierce found the program to be very interesting, but pointed out that it requires very detailed information to be entered into it, and therefore is very time consuming. For that reason it may not be appropriate for the Commission or the Town to use, unless for a specific project for a particular part of town.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, June 14, at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson
Rodney Dellafelice, Pierce Rigrod, Full Members
Chris Costantino, Chris Guida, Voting Alternate Members
Judy Gross, Alternate Member
Rita Carroll, Conservation Assistant

Hub Seward

Others Attending:
Nancy Amato - Board of Selectmen
Suzanne Fournier - Melendy Area Beaver Project
Gary Flaherty - Gary Flaherty and Associates
Dale White - White Enterprises
Matt Alberini - Amherst Motorsports
Tom Curtis - Curtis Farm

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:06 PM.

Pierce made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 10, 2001 meeting with the following change suggested by Rodney:
Under New Business #2 the paragraph regarding dogs now reads:
· Dogs: Members read the town ordinance regarding dogs in public areas and although they must be "under the control of the owner", leashing was not specifically mentioned. Some members felt that owners should be responsible for cleaning up after and leashing the dogs, especially in the parts of the trail close to homes. No overall decision was made. The motion was seconded by Chris and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. M/L 5/35 - Curtis Farm. Tom Curtis, owner of Curtis Farm on Joslin Rd. presented the members with a Standard Dredge & Fill application to construct a channel between two farm ponds on his property. A large farm pond had been approved by the Wetlands Bureau in 1989 and an extension to that D&F approval allowed Mr. Curtis to construct a smaller sediment pond upstream of the farm pond before 1996. Diane, Chris C., Hub and Judy walked the site on June 11, 2001. The current proposed plan is to excavate a 130ft. long by 20ft. wide channel to a sand and gravel base. It would be located west of the existing channel to avoid disturbing the existing channel. The wetland impact is to be 2600 sq. ft. The channel would be dug during the dry season and started from the middle to avoid erosion problems. Mr. Curtis reported that the larger farm pond stagnates in the summer and becomes very offensive, but that the smaller sediment pond does not have an algae problem. He hopes that the construction of a channel from the sediment pond to the farm pond will allow water to flow into the pond through the channel as opposed to flowing through the wetlands where it picks up nutrients. Mr. Curtis would like to avoid using chemicals or an aeration pump that would require wiring and maintenance.

    Members expressed some concerns as to whether or not the project would work. Chris Guida asked if Mr. Curtis had water samples analyzed to help determine the source of the nutrient load and pointed out that wetlands can filter out and use nutrients. Mr. Curtis had not. Chris also mentioned that if the oxygen level is lower in the large pond than in the upstream smaller pond, then the channel could work to solve the problem, but he feels that there could be other contributing factors. Pierce suggested that NRCS be contacted to review and comment on the project.

    Pierce made a motion that the commission recommend approval to the state on this project on two conditions. One condition is that the channel be located to the west of the woody vegetation, so that the shrubbery is left in place. The other condition is that NRCS be contacted and allowed to comment on the project. Chris Costantino seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

    A letter will be drafted to NRCS asking them to review the project and a letter will be drafted to the Wetlands Bureau recommending approval of the project with the above stated conditions.

  2. Amherst Motorsports - M/L 43/14. Gary Flaherty, of Gary Flaherty and Associates, appeared before the Commission to present a preliminary plan for a small wetland crossing and a wetland restoration. The Dredge and Fill application has not yet been completed. Also present were Dale White of White Enterprises and Matt Alberini of Amherst Motorsports. They propose to add a parking lot for storage of vehicles, with a 10 ft. wide access road to the back area of the property and to restore some wetlands that had been disturbed prior to a permit. Mr. Flaherty stated that 390 sq. ft. of wetland restoration needs to be done and that there will be 74 sq. ft. of impact to construct the access to the parking lot. They will file an expedited Dredge & Fill application for the work. Reprocessed asphalt will be used to surface the back parking lot. Mr Flaherty and Mr. White explained that it is recycled from paved surfaces and that it drains like gravel but compacts somewhat more tightly than gravel.

    Members expressed interest in viewing the property before reviewing the completed D&F application at a future meeting. In lieu of setting a site walk date, members decided to visit the site on their own. The file contains copies of the plan and is located in the MCC office in the "Dredge & Fill Applications" bin.
  1. Beaver Team Project - Suzanne Fournier presented the members with a proposed budget for the Melendy Area Rail-Trail Beaver & Trail Repair Project. It was mentioned that Suzanne has given a lot of time to this project and has been successful in obtaining valuable donations of items. The budget includes costs of repairing the trail bed including construction of two wooden bridges approximately 4 ft high. The budget also includes enclosures of two culverts, upstream and downstream, and pipes for water flow to prevent future flooding. A copy of the budget is located in the MCC office in a file labeled "RR-Trail Melendy Area Rail-Trail Beaver & Trail Repair Project". Suzanne mentioned that at the end of the project she will give a final account matching dollar amounts to the donated items and labor. This account will help determine the value of the project. Suzanne mentioned that telephone poles may be used saving the project up to $400. The type of wood with which to construct the bridge was discussed. It was decided that Suzanne's original intention of using Arsenic free pressure treated wood would be the best in that this type of wood holds up well under the abrasion of motorized vehicles (ATV's). Suzanne will also look into grading on both ends of the bridge, to determine what slope would be best under vehicles coming onto the bridge. Suzanne explained the designs of the fencing and pipes needed for the culverts and showed the estimates of the materials needed (posts, mesh).

    Chris Costantino moved to approve Suzanne's estimate and to spend an amount up to $2500.00 on the project. Pierce seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. The work will continue on weekends, now and into July.

  2. ConComm Budget Review - Diane handed out copies of the Conservation Commission Operating Budget and the Conservation Commission Funds for the year 2001. She noted that there had been no increase in the budget proposed for next year. She also asked that approximately $100.00 be spent on obtaining a license for using Acrobat Writer. This program would allow citizens to both view and print out trail maps posted on the Commission's Web site.

    Chris C. moved to spend $100.00 to purchase a license for Acrobat Writer. Rod and Pierce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  3. Tucker Brook Town Forest, Burns Parcel -Boundary Pin replacement. Diane explained that she, Chris C., Judy and Rita had walked the boundaries of the Burns Parcel, as part of a monitoring report for LCIP. At that time it was discovered that 4 pins had either been damaged or removed in the area of the PSNH easement probably by equipment working in the area. She had obtained from Meridian Land Services an estimated cost of $300-$500 to replace the 4 pins. Pierce made a motion to use money in the Forest Fund up to $500.00 to reset the pins at Tucker Brook Town Forest. Chris C. seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Diane will also contact PSNH to see if they will assume part of the cost of the pin replacement, and to ask how the pins should be set to avoid reoccurrence of the damage in the future.

  4. GIS parcel database - Pierce explained that this issue was discussed at the joint meeting between ConComm and the Planning Board resulting in the idea of having a low budget project to develop a database that would illustrate the use of the tools and technology provided by the GIS system vs. getting survey grade information at this time. Pierce contacted UMass and found a graduate student program that works with municipalities to puts together databases and implementation plans and was quoted approximately $4000 to digitize the parcels in town and $4000 for implementation plans. It was suggested that because Meridian has already digitized the town's map parcels to use in drawing the latest set of tax maps, that MCC look into obtaining data from them. Rita will write a memo to Lee asking him what the project involved, the terms of the contract, and whether or not MCC has use of the digitization data.
  1. Bicentennial Park - DPW has requested that MCC purchase a picnic table for Bicentennial Park. Pierce made a motion to table the request until members have had a chance to compare prices and to take a look at the park. Chris C. seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  2. Membership - Diane told members that an ad to recruit more members for the Conservation Commission will be placed in the Milford Cabinet.

  3. Conservation Options - A Landowner's Guide. Chris C. made a motion to approve $75.00 to purchase 10 booklets entitled "Conservation Options - A Landowner's Guide" Pierce seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  4. Planning Board meeting - Tuesday, June 19. Members were asked if they could attend. Rita will ask Hub if he can attend and inform Pierce who will attend if Hub cannot. She will e-mail the agenda to both Hub and Pierce.

  5. Cornfield Maze - Chris C. brought up the idea of having a farmer plant a cornfield and creating a maze in the large field at Hitchiner Town Forest, to be used around the time of the Pumpkin Festival. The idea was for members to think about and discuss at a later date.
  1. Easement - Chris C. briefed members on hers and Judy's meetings with the Holcombes, who have expressed an interest in protecting their 70 acres of land on North River Road. The Holcombes' concerns were that the marketability of the property be maintained for their children and that an easement placed on the property not be broken. In response Chris had explained that the land can still be marketable and told them that offers have been made on the Johnson property. Judy had contacted SPNHF regarding releasing of easements and had been told that no easements have been broken in this state with the exception of one in Litchfield where the land was inaccessible, not being used for farming, and therefore the terms of that easement were not being met. The Holcombe's farm is currently being hayed by Mr. Trombley. Chris and Judy gave the Holcombes sample easements, purposes and booklets to read regarding easements and Chris had looked into and informed them of tax advantages. They recommended to the Holcombes that they contact a lawyer for legal and tax advice and that they subdivide the house from the rest of the property to be protected. The Holcombes will next come back to Chris and Judy with a draft of an agreement.

  2. Easements signs - Diane showed the members signs that have been put up along the RRTrail and explained their locations. Rodney likewise explained locations of signs he placed on the Johnson section of the trail. He also made the suggestion of purchasing and placing along the trail signs regarding pets, in that one person mentioned to Rod that his child had been frightened by an unleashed dog. The signs would be worded something like: "There is a Milford town ordinance to keep your pets under control" - "and be mindful of little children." Rod would come up with the exact wording. Members expressed concern that there would be too much signage on the trail, and instead suggested that information concerning dogs and reference to the town's dog ordinance could be included in an information board that would be located at the trailhead at some future date.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Milford Conservation Commission: Meeting Minute Archive: <!-- 2000-00-00 --> 2001-07-12


Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson
Rodney Dellafelice, Pierce Rigrod, Full Members
Chris Costantino, Judy Gross, Bob Walsh, Alternate Members

Hub Seward, Chris Guida

Others Attending:
Abutters or neighbors to Ashwood Companies Foster Rd. subdivision M56/45:
Richard Grant, Joan Grant, Paul Eason, Nancy Eason, Heather Ciardelli, Michael Ciardelli, Rebecca Boissonnault,
Don Boissonnault, Jack Hopfenspirger, Ernest Ciardelli.

Susan James - potential new member of Conservation Commission

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:20PM.

Upon a motion made by Chris Costantino and seconded by Pierce Rigrod, the minutes of the June 14, 2001 meeting were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  1. Ashwood Companies - Foster Rd. subdivision, M/L 56/45. Residents from Foster and Ponemah Hill Rds. were present to express concerns regarding both this 25-lot subdivision, and the Federal Hill/Foster Rd. subdivision (M53/34,35 - approved Fall 2000). Concerns are as follows:
    1. Regarding the Federal Hill/Foster Rd. 53/34,35 development - north of Foster Rd.: Abutters feel that drainage issues caused by logging and the development of the area are not being addressed properly. Logging which has taken place north of Foster Hill Road has caused increased run-off of water to the area of Foster Rd. and Ponemah Hill Rd. A 6-inch culvert under the driveway of Lot 57/15,1 near the corner of Ponemah Hill and Foster Rds. had, prior to logging in the 1980's, been adequate to handle run-off. Two additional culverts were constructed by the Ashwood developers to handle increased run-off caused by the logging and the development of M53/34,35. Abutters claim that these culverts are not adequate and that there are periodic wash-outs of Foster Rd. Mr. Richard Grant owner of 57/15,1 lives near this intersection and uses a right-of-way that is now inadequately drained by these culverts. He mentioned that there is now a large ditch on the westerly side of his right-of-way, along with the frequent flooding. Heather Ciardelli was present and showed photos of Foster Rd. before and after the timbering and development of the area. From the photos it appeared that the containment walls and the brook alongside of Foster Rd. were not controlling the increased run-off and damage to the road. The drainage along Ponemah Hill Rd. was described by the abutters as "haphazard" in that the water flows out onto the road and into lot 3. According to the abutters, with the clearing and construction of houses in the Federal Hill/Foster Rd. subdivision, the run-off is increasing and the problem is worsening.

      The Conservation Commission will request from DPW information on the frequency and extent of these washouts. They will inform the Planning Board that the commission feels that the developer is not addressing drainage and water issues sufficiently in this area. Pierce pointed out that, in addition, it might be helpful to pursue timbering issues with the state in that timbering is regulated by the state.

    2. Regarding the proposed development of M56/45 south of Foster Rd: Concern exists as to whether or not this site will support a development of this size. Heather Ciardelli asked if the Commission had walked the site of this newly proposed development. She pointed out that the area is very wet with many springs throughout. Mike Ciardelli asked who is responsible for determining the impact that the project will have on the area and if the area can handle the proposed project. Mr. Grant asked if there were plans for containment ponds and was answered that there were none shown on the plans at this time.

      Diane responded that if the Planning Board has a concern about the accuracy of the information given to them by the engineer employed on the project, the town can hire an alternative engineer to go over the calculations and tour the site at the developer's expense. The Conservation Commission will look at the site-specific permit and request from the Planning Board that an independent consultant view the plans. It was pointed out that containment ponds should be suggested for the area, given the history as explained by the abutters.

    3. The quality of work being done on the Federal Hill/Foster Rd. project was of concern. Examples of tree removal, blasting , and covering of stone walls without permits were cited, along with pouring foundations in freshly dug holes with water in them. Modification of scenic roads and changes to residents wells were of concern. Residents fear that the same types of actions may occur in the development south of Foster Rd.

    4. The fact that nothing has been put in place to correct problems associated with the project north of Foster Rd. was brought up. While the project south of Foster Rd. has not yet been approved, the current problems described at this meeting are coming from project north of Foster Rd. which has already been started. Nothing has been put in place to correct the water flow problems, except that the town is paying for the repairs on Foster Rd.

    5. It was mentioned that Pennichuck Water Works in the past had been involved with this area of town, in that this area is water source for them. The abutters know of no contact with Pennichuck regarding this project.

    6. The fact that there historically was a hotel in the area that was known for its spring water was mentioned. Stone walls remain in the area.
    In response to the many concerns expressed by the abutters, the Commission decided to conduct a site walk on Wed. July 18 at 5:30 PM. Members of the Planning Board, the Code Enforcement Officer and the engineer on the project will be notified. The main concern is water and the hope is that changes will be made to the development south of Foster Rd. that will address all the water drainage from the high ground to the north and west of the project area and the drainage down Ponemah Hill Rd.

    Conservation Comm. members decided to postpone the vote and discussion of the D&F application until after the site walk. This application will be on the August 9, 2001 agenda.

  2. Amherst Motorsports - M/L 43/14 - No discussion or action was taken on this project, because the D&F application had not yet been received by the Conservation Commission.

  1. Bicentennial Park - Members discussed a request from DPW that the Conservation Commission purchase a picnic table for the park. The table suggested is a one-piece table, heavy to prevent damage or removal, and costs $1400. The members decided to not approve the expenditure and to instead suggest a less costly table that could be anchored to the ground with a chain and cement. A question was asked as to whether or not the purchase of the table is in the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission.

  2. ZBA Hearing - Members were informed that both the Savage Farm and the Savage Well site are on the agenda of the ZBA hearing July 19 at 7:30 PM.

  3. Zoning, wetland regulations - Members were informed that Hub will chair a group to look at the zoning and other regulations to see if and what recommendations the Commission wants to make. Pierce Rigrod and Chris Guida have also agreed to serve on the committee. Any ideas that the Commission members have regarding these issues can be e-mailed to Hub.

  4. Commission picnic - Final planning for the Conservation Commission summer picnic will be on next month's agenda. Before that time, Diane will e-mail members with the time, etc.

  1. RR Trail - Stop signs have been ordered that will be placed along the trail at spots preceding crossing a road or driveway, specifically on both sides of Armory Rd. and on both sides of the crossing of the trail by the Johnson driveway.
    Diane also informed members that she will walk the property of Northern Marble and Granite, with the owners of the property on Tuesday, July 17 at 10:00AM. Bob Walsh suggested that the owners be asked for suggestions of how they would like the trail to pass between their building and Great Brook in that the area between the two is very narrow.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, August 9, 2001 in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of August 9, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson
Rodney Dellafelice, Pierce Rigrod, Full Members
Chris Costantino, Judy Gross, Alternate Members

Hub Seward

Others Attending:
Nancy Amato - Board of Selectmen Rep.
Gail Ross - potential new member
Steve Keach - Keach-Nordstrom Associates
Gary Flaherty - Gary Flaherty and Associates

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:10 PM.

Rod made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2001 meeting as presented. Chris C. seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Ashwood Companies - Foster Rd. subdivision, M/L 56/45. Steve Keach of Keach-Nordstrom Associates was present to discuss the D&F application for this subdivision, which is south of Foster Rd. This plan had been presented to the Commission members on March 8, 2001 and further discussed on July 12. Vote on whether or not to recommend approval of this application was postponed until after the site walk of July 18, 2001. A report of this site walk is included at the end of these minutes. Diane stated that the abutters were more comfortable with the projects after attending the site walk, in that they gained a clearer understanding of what was going on and when. Steve Keach, in response to questions regarding run-off problems, stated that Ashwood Companies purchased approved permits from Arlington for road lots on Ponemah Hill Rd. This construction, along with the timbering, has caused run-off problems. Promises made by Arlington that were not included in the purchased plans were not known to Ashwood Companies. He also stated that now that all permits are in place for the subdivision north of Foster Rd., Ashwood will begin to address these run-off concerns. Pierce stressed the fact that all proposed work should be well-documented in a plan. Situations such as this can happen, where under some circumstances such as change of ownership, work promised but not included in a plan, may unknown and therefore not accomplished.

    Members reviewed the D&F application for the south of Foster Rd. subdivision (M/L 56/45) and had no problems with the wetland impacts as presented. Chris C. made a motion to recommend to the Wetlands Bureau that this D&F application be approved. Rod seconded the motion, Pierce abstained and Diane, Chris C. and Rod voted in favor of the motion.

  2. Amherst Motorsports; - MAL 43/14 -Gary Flaherty presented the members with a Minimum Impact Expedited D&F application to construct a 10 ft. wide drive with culvert to access a storage area for vehicles. Historically 390 sq. ft of wetland had been impacted without a permit. The project proposes to leave 74 sq. ft. of the wetland disturbed and to restore 1000 sq ft. Diane, Hub, and Chris C. viewed the site and stated that they had no concerns with the project as presented. Chris C. made a motion to approve and sign the application. Pierce seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. In response to Pierce's question as to the exact location of the mitigation, Gary stated that the state would direct him as to where to restore the wetlands. Diane mentioned that she had informed the Planning Board that this project was before the Commission, in that the original plan for this site stipulated no additional outside storage of vehicles. It was pointed out that a GIS system would be useful in this type of situation. All interested parties could easily check on past history of a parcel and also restrictions imposed at an earlier date.
  1. Tucker Brook Town Forest, Burns Parcel -Boundary Pin replacement. - Diane reported that she has been in touch with PSNH regarding the 4 bounds that were discovered to be either missing or damaged in the area of the PSNH easement on the Burns Parcel of Tucker Brook Forest. (See minutes of 2001-06-14) PSNH has offered to assume one half of the cost of replacement of the pins, which was estimated by Meridian to be between $300 and $500. PSNH recommends that the pins be set flush to the ground to avoid future damage. If they become covered with leaves, dirt, etc., a metal detector can be used to locate them, in that they are made of iron.

  2. Bicentennial Park - picnic table - Diane reported that she will talk with Mark Plourd of DPW regarding the Commission's suggestion that a standard picnic table be purchased for the park and be anchored to the ground with a chain.

  3. GIS Parcel Database - Whether or not the digital data for the town tax maps would be available from Meridian is still unknown. After some discussion, Nancy Amato stated that she would e-mail Greg Heyn, the tax assessor, and ask if he was able to contact Meridian to find out availability. If no response is received by September's meeting the commission will pursue obtaining the data from UMass. The goal is to create a relatively simple low-cost database that can be used by the Planning Department and the Conservation Commission. In the future Planning and Conservation can demonstrate the use and value of GIS to other departments before the town invests in the large GIS software.

  4. ConComm Picnic - The picnic will be held on Sunday August 12 at 2:00 PM until dark. Members are asked to bring salad, dessert, snacks, or drinks, etc. to share.

  5. Recommendations to the Planning Board - Zoning, wetland, or other regulations - Hub, Pierce, and Chris Guida will meet to discuss this issue. Pierce gave some suggestions:
    • He suggested that on residential plans locations for driveways and an appropriately sized 'building box', an area where improvements will be made, be clearly drawn, as they are on commercial plans. This would be a subdivision regulation which would not require a warrant article.
    • He suggested making available to landowners information regarding locations of wetlands, buffers, etc. on their properties, and restrictions associated with these areas, in order to prevent an owner from damaging wetlands or buffers, perhaps unknowingly. Where this information would be located will need to be discussed, perhaps on the plan or the building permit.
    • Pierce, Chris Guida and Hub will address the wetland ordinance. The town has received a grant that provides for the hiring of a consultant to work on stormwater management, groundwater protection and aquifer protection. The consultant will come up with ideas for zoning subdivisions and site plans. He/she will address EPA's Phase 11 Stormwater Rules, which will require that all discharges going into public water be treated through swales or some stormwater technique. Milford's town ordinance will be reviewed with this in mind. The Code Enforcement Officer is currently instructing people to handle run-off properly, but these proper techniques should be stated in the regulations.
    • Pierce suggested that the maximum impervious surface area allowed should be discussed. Some plans that are currently being approved are already at 40-50% impervious surface area.
    • He also suggested amending the town's rules to say that peak flows should be the same pre and post development. Currently the rules state that the overall run-off pre and post development need to be the same, which addresses volume, but there is no mention made of the velocity of that run-off, during storms, for example.
    • The wording of the Open Space Ordinance was brought up again. People feel the method of calculating the 30% required open space needs to be clarified as to whether the percentage is taken of the entire lot, or of the area after subtracting out the wetlands and steep slopes.
    • Suggestion was also made of having plans include supplemental information regarding significant locations near or abutting the project area, such as wetlands, etc.
    • Diane reported that the Planning Board has requested that the commission look into and suggest some forestry regulations. A meeting will be held where the wording that exists at the state level and in some towns will be looked at.

    Chris Guida, who was unable to attend the meeting sent suggestions for things he would like to see addressed, which are as follows:
    • 50 ft building setback from front property lines
    • 50 ft building setback from wetlands
    • 25 ft non disturbance buffer from wetland
    • Make septic setback regulations for subdivisions the same as state setbacks for septic design - remove the 100 ft to poorly drained soils/moderately well drained soils etc. or make the setbacks uniform.

  1. Workshop, Fall 2001 - Planning for Wildlife and Other Natural Resources - Members were asked if they were interested in attending this workshop on October 20, at the UNH Cooperative extension at the Chappell Center in Milford. Chris C. and Gail expressed interest and Rita will register them. Any other members interested can call or e-mail the ConComm office. Diane mentioned that the Planning Board is looking at the end of Mile Slip Rd. as an area to protect for wildlife.

  2. Stone House - Members were asked if the Conservation Commission wants to take a position on the issues associated with the Stone House on Nashua St. They felt that other than the proximity of the proposed project to the river at the rear of the property, the Commission has no jurisdiction over the project, and any opinion not related to the river would be personal.

  1. Easement - Judy has sent information related to easements to the Holcombs on North River Rd. and has not yet heard back. Discussion followed regarding the desirability of keeping the North River road area in farming. It was decided that Diane, Judy, and Chris C. would invite Sean Trombley, who is using the farms in the area, and Bill Fergusen to meet to discuss the issue.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

REPORT - Drainage at Ponemah Hill & Foster Roads ConComm Meeting, July 12, 2001, 7:00 PM
Diane Fitzpatrick, Rodney Dellafelice, Pierce Rigrod, Chris Costantino, Judy Gross, Bob Walsh
Abutters: Richard Grant, Joan Grant, Paul Eason, Nancy Eason, Heather Ciardelli, Michael Ciardelli, Rebecca Boissonnault, Don Boissonnault Jack Hopfenspirger, Ernest Ciardelli

Site Walk, July 18, 2001, 5:03 PM
Intersection of Ponemah Hill and Foster Roads
Conservation Commission: Diane Fitzpatrick, Chris Costantino, Pierce Rigrod, Rod DellaFelice,
Planning Board: Noreen O'Connell, Tom Sloan
Abutters: Heather & Mike Ciardelli, Don Boissonault, Joan Grant
Applicant: Carl Kazierski of Ashwood Companies, Matt Peterson, of Keach-Nordstrom Associates

Several questions and concerns were brought to the Conservation Commission Meeting of July 12th by citizens interested in the development in the vicinity of Foster Road. The following report is a direct result of the Commission queries and of the site walk on Wednesday evening, July 18.
  • Name change - the road from just east of Federal Hill Road, west to Brookline will remain 'Foster Road'. Since the eastern end of the present Foster Road will not connect to the remainder of the road the applicant was asked to change the name. The name of a resident in the area at the time of Monson Village was chosen for the road in this development.

  • Road repair records - The Commission was informed that records are not kept of emergency repairs to roads.

  • Engineering review - The Commission was informed that it is standard procedure for an outside consultant to review major projects. This project is being reviewed by a third party for the Planning Board.

  • There was a question about the open space and landowner liability if the public wandered off the public land onto private property. It is the landowners' responsibility to post their land against trespassers. But additionally, the State of NH encourages large landowners to allow public access to their lands by limiting the liability of the property owner. So long as a landowner does not charge for access to their land and does not purposely create a hazard, RSA 508:14 protects the landowner [RSA 508.-14 Landowner Liability Limited I.. An owner, occupant, or lessee of land, including the State or any political subdivision, who without charge permits any person to use land for recreational purposes or as a spectator of recreational activity, shall not be liable for personal injury or property damage in the absence of intentionally caused injury or damage. II. An owner of land who permits another person to gather the produce of the land under pick-your-own or cut-your-own arrangements, provided said person is not an employee of the landowner and notwithstanding that the person picking or cutting the produce may make remuneration for the produce to the landowner, shall not be liable for personal injury or property damage to any person in the absence of willful, wanton, or reckless conduct by such owner.]

  • The abutters asked about the trees being cut along Foster Roads, a scenic road. The Commission checked the file and could not find reference to a scenic road hearing being held for the eastern end of Foster Road. The Planning Department informed us that a scenic road hearing will be held at the next Planning Board meeting. The activity on Foster Road was stopped by the Code Enforcement Administrator when he was advised of the activity taking place.

  • The Planning Department was asked to allow Pennichuck Water to review the plans since this subdivision impacted the watershed to Pennichuck's source water.

  • By far the major concern of those present at our meeting was drainage. The on-site cleared a few misunderstandings and was a good venue for pointing out the drainage plans. Drainage is not being addressed as expected on Ponemah Hill Road because approval for the frontage lots on Ponemah Hill did not include up-sizing the culverts crossing under Ponemah Hill Rd. The present developer was not able to address those culverts before the Dredge & Fill Permit was received. The plan is for the northernmost culvert to be enlarged and for more than 50% of the present flow to be directed off-site at this location. Presently excess water collects in the middle of the intersection of Foster Rd and Ponemah Hill Rd and runs into a catch basin in the middle of the roads. The improvements will keep the water off the road and the water will be directed into a new culvert to be installed under Foster Road at the intersection. Matt Peterson, the engineer on the project, assured everyone present at the site walk that after the drainage improvements are made he would personally be present during the first good rainfall to observe the effectiveness of the drainage design. If any modifications need to be made, they would be taken care of before the completion of the subdivision. The owner of M57-1 is not convinced that the drainage plan addresses flooding on his property. The engineer believes that the plan will lessen the problems for the landowner but states that this lot contains extensive wetlands in addition to abutting the very large wetland in the development.

  • The problem with stormwater in this area started with the clear cutting of the hill side north of Foster Road. The Planning Board has asked the Commission to research the possibility of an ordinance regulating timbering in town. We were also asked to bring suggestions to the board concerning protection of stone walls and significant trees in lieu of the scenic road ordinance. The Commission has accepted this request.


Meeting Minutes of September 13, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson
Hub Seward, Vice Chairman
Pierce Rigrod, Full Member
Judy Gross, Richard Medlyn, Voting Alternate Members

Rodney DellaFelice

Others Attending:
Nancy Amato - Selectmen's Rep.
Suzanne Fournier, Tom Gardner - Rail-Trail Repair and Beaver Project
Chris Hardy - Eagle Scout Project
Sandra Hardy, Audrey Fraizer, Becky Lorette - interested citizens
Arthur and Donna Tuthill - owners of M47/42

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:07PM.

Upon a motion made by Pierce the minutes of the August 9, 2001 meeting were accepted as presented. Judy seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  1. Suzanne Fournier and Tom Gardner - Final report of the Melendy Area Rail-Trail Repair & Beaver Project. A copy of this report was handed out to those present at the meeting. Suzanne summarized the report and pointed out that the work was done well under budget, mainly because culverts were used in place of two wooden bridges that were proposed. Suzanne showed "before and after" photos that clearly showed the extent of work done, (trail repair and beaver bafflers). The report also included summaries of expenditures, records of volunteers and hours, a map of the area worked on, and notations to stewards, in that some maintenance will be needed. Copies of this report are located in the ConComm office.
    Members were impressed and grateful for the work done on this large project. Diane mentioned that there are four people who were extremely helpful in this project, namely Suzanne, Tom and two abutters to the property who allowed access through and storage on their land for this project, the Dickerson's and the Corron's of Ruonala Rd. Pierce made a motion to purchase four $50 gift certificates to the Mile Away Restaurant to give in appreciation for their donations. The motion was seconded by Judy and the vote was unanimous in favor. Dick Medlyn moved to amend this motion to purchase four gift certificates in the amounts of $60 each. Judy seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

  2. Chris Hardy - Eagle Scout Project. Chris presented members with copies of his proposal, "Milford NH Rail-Trail Project" which he will present to the Boys Scouts of America Organization. He had contacted the Trails Committee and was given the following suggestion for a project. He proposes to construct a bridge across a swale that lies between the parking area and the start of the RR Trail at DPW. The bridge would be useful both in providing a dry crossing of the swale and also in guiding people to the location of the beginning of the trail. The bridge will be usable by walkers, bicycles, and wheelchairs. The materials will be paid for by fund-raising on Chris' part and the work will be done by the members of his scout troop. His written proposal includes a description of the project, timeline, budget, and diagram of the bridge, and is located in the ConComm office. Chris asked for the Commission's approval and that a form be signed stating permission for him to proceed. Members were in favor of the project, and preferred that a synthetic composite as opposed to pressure treated wood or cedar be used for the decking. Pierce made a motion to allow Chris to proceed with the project as presented, with the recommendation that a synthetic composite be used for the decking. Hub seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Diane signed the form Chris had presented to her. A letter stating the Commission's approval of the project, along with a copy of the minutes will be sent to Chris.

  3. Arthur and Donna Tuthill - Rt. 13/Colburn Rd. - Map 47/42. The Tuthills presented a preliminary plan for members' review and input prior to completing a Dredge and Fill application. They would like to subdivide their 4 1/2 acre lot, 47/42, and construct 3 storage buildings on the new lot. They currently access lot 47/42 from Colburn Rd., but cannot access the new lot from the same road, because of the curvature of the road. They propose to access the new lot by widening an existing 10-ft. wide woods road that runs from Rt. 13 through wetlands to the proposed site of the buildings. Although the lot can be accessed by creating a shorter road through a narrower part of the wetlands, Mr. Tuthill stated that the impact is smaller by widening an already existing road, rather than creating a new road. Also, the location of a drive through the narrower part of the wetlands was stated to be too close to the intersection of Rt. 13 and Melendy Rd. The new road would be approximately 200 ft. long and 24 ft. wide with slopes. They plan to keep the road a gravel surface. The existing woods road is approximately 1 - 1 ½ ft. higher than the wetland. The question arose as to how to deal with the obvious previous impact caused by the woods road. It is not known when the road was put in and whether or not it was an impact at the time. Rita will call the Wetlands Bureau to find out if the woods road would be included in the impact when the wetlands are delineated. She will e-mail members with the answer as to how to treat this area when viewing it at the site walk, which is scheduled for Sunday September 23 at 9:00 AM. Members can park and meet at an area at the junction of Rt. 13 and Colburn Rd.

  1. Recommendations to Planning Board - Members' suggestions for possible zoning, subdivision or site plan changes. Diane reported that she had sent to the Planning Board a list of general suggestions that the Commission members have come up with. She mentioned that the Planning Board's response was favorable to the suggestions and that they would also like to see more criteria and guidelines in the open space requirements dealing with site plans for businesses. Pierce suggested looking at the RSA for scenic roads and working on or creating a scenic road ordinance for the town. When the Commission meets with the Planning Board the list of suggestions will be prioritized as to what can be worked on in the next year. Diane informed members that the Planning Board would like to meet with the Commission on the evening of Oct. 2 and that the time has not yet been determined. When the time is set, the office will e-mail the members both the meeting time and the list of suggestions that had been sent to the Planning Board. In the meantime Hub and Chris Guida will plan to meet on a Tuesday to work together on wording and will let members know the time and date of their meeting.

  1. Survey costs - M/L 43/12 and 43/13. The town has received 800ft. of RRBed, which is now part of the Granite Town Rail-Trail from Steve Desmarais, in exchange for a portion of lot 43/12, which is part of the Old Smith Well Site. In order to complete the swap, there needs to be a lot line adjustment made on 43/12 and 43/13 and survey work needs to be done. Members were asked if they would be in favor of the Commission paying for all or part of the survey work, which is quoted to be $4691.18. After some discussion, it was suggested that the Commission split the cost in half with Mr. Desmarais. Hub made a motion that the Conservation Commission hold a public hearing to consider paying $2345.59 from the Land Fund for survey costs related to the lot line adjustment to lots 43/12 and 43/13. Judy seconded the motion. The members voted in 3 in favor of the motion and 1 opposed.

  2. Rotary Club Community Service Project. The Rotary Club has offered to perform a service project and has accepted the Commission's suggestion of making two improvements on the Granite Town Rail-Trail. They will spread stone dust on the floor of the tunnel under Rt. 101 and they will widen the trail just north of Union St. where there is a lot of brush. Leighton-White has offered to donate the stone dust and the Commission will provide the volunteers with masks to use when spreading the stone dust.

  3. Introduction of Potential New Members/Interested Citizens. Becky Lorette is interested in learning about what is going on in the area after being very involved in the work done on the Rail-Trail. Audrey Fraizer is an employee of an environmental consulting company and is interested in environmental issues, especially in communications between various scientists, companies and organizations, etc. She attended this meeting because she in interested in what the Commission does, and she may become a member or assist the Commission in some way, as a part of a practicum for her masters degree in Organizational Management at Antioch College

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, 2001, at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.
Minutes submitted by Rita Carroll.

Meeting Minutes of October 11, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson
Hub Seward, Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Full Member
Chris Costantino, Voting Alternate Member

Judy Gross, Pierce Rigrod, Chris Guida

Others Attending:
Sharon Hannon, Susan James, Audrey Fraizer - potential new members

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:10PM.

Because there were not a quorum of members present at this meeting who were present at last month's meeting, there was no action taken on the minutes of the September 13, 2001 meeting.

  1. Public Hearing: Vote to spend $2345.59 from the Land Fund for a portion of the survey costs related to lot line adjustments to Tax Map 43 Lot 12 and Map 43 Lot 13.
    Members and public present are stated at the beginning of these minutes.

    The public hearing of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:11 PM.

    Diane stated that the purpose of the hearing was to consider using Conservation Land Fund money to pay a portion of the survey costs of a lot line adjustment to 43/12 and 43/13. In 1999 the town and a local developer, Steve Desmarais, agreed to exchange a portion of railroad bed owned by Mr. Desmarais for a small parcel of town property that abutted his property. (See minutes of March 9, 1999.) In order to complete the exchange, a lot line adjustment is needed on Maps 43/12 and 43/13. At last month's Conservation Commission meeting, members agreed to hold a public hearing to consider expending $2345.59, which is one half of the cost of the survey work.

    There were no comments or questions from the public present at both meetings.

    Diane made a motion to expend $2345.59 from the Conservation Land Fund to pay a portion of the survey costs related to the lot line adjustments to Tax map 43/12 and 43/13.
    Rod seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion by the members present.

    The hearing was adjourned at 7:17 PM.

  2. Arthur Tuthill, - Rt. 13/Colburn Rd. - Map 47/Lot 42 -discussion of proposed driveway crossing wetlands, 200' x 24', in the location of an old woods road. Mr. Tuthill had presented a preliminary plan for subdividing his 4-acre lot into 2, 2-acre lots and to access the new lot by widening an existing old road that runs through a forested wetland. (See the minutes of 2001-09-13). He appeared at this meeting to hear the opinions and suggestions of the members after they had viewed the area on the site walk of Sept. 23, 2001.

    The following are the minutes of this site walk.;

    Site Walk
    9/23/01 9am
    Arthur and Donna Tuthill, Rt. 13/Colburn Road, Map 47/42

    Present: Conservation Commission Members: Pierce Rigrod, Judy Gross
    Planning Board Members: Faye Ritchie, Noreen O'Connell, Paul Amato
    Arthur Tuthill, owner/applicant

    Mr. Tuthill showed the group the proposed site. His plans: widen existing 10 foot wide woods road (which runs through wetlands) to access upland space for 3 metal storage units. Upland space is wooded. (Mr. Tuthill is interested in keeping the storage units as hidden as possible from the road and plans to have motion-detector lights as opposed to 24 hour lighting on the site.) Land for storage units would be cleared only enough to allow 5 or 6 foot buffer around edge of graveled lot upon which the units will sit. Some grading will be necessary. Piece questioned whether the access road needs to be 24 feet wide, and discussed possibility of having the road be 18 feet wide, as it had limited use. Mr. Tuthill seemed to be agreeable about narrowing planned road to decrease wetland impact. When asked, he also said that he would be willing to donate an easement on the balance of the wetlands to the town. Mr. Tuthill had questions for both groups (Planning Board and Conservation Commission) about how to proceed and will be in touch w/Bill Parker about Planning Board application steps. Judy said she would call him w/any relevant Conservation Commission information.

    The site walk ended at approximately 9:45am.

    Diane read the following memo sent by Pierce who had attended the site walk:

    From: Rigrod, Pierce
    Sent: Thursday, October 11, 200112:04 PM
    • The front of the property almost from Colburn Rd. past the proposed access road is a forested wetland that grades to upland gradually.
    • My first opinion is that if it is possible to access through the owners property off of Colburn that would be the best in terms of wetlands protection.
    • We should seek a formal response from Bill Parker regarding the PB/Bill's opinion of access from Colburn.
    • Barring access from Colburn, the drainage flowing north to south should be channeled into multiple culverts to retain as much as possible the current flow of water across the wetland soils.
    • The gravel access road should be reduced as much as possible (18 ft perhaps), with side slopes stabilized with grass or other appropriate means.
    • I would like to see limited removal of vegetation within the wetlands, retaining most or all of the trees and bushes within them. (Mr. Tuthill seemed agreeable).
    • We spoke of a conservation easement on the front wetlands areas. It is rather moot, however it does add another layer of protection to Rte 13, which will develop like 101 someday.
    • I would recommend the plan be submitted for discussion with access off of Rte 13 with the conditions described above, the easement being optional in my mind.

    After some discussion, members present agreed that they had no problem with Mr. Tuthill continuing his project, and would like to see him incorporate the suggestions made by Pierce into the project. Some concern was expressed about the storage of vehicles at the property, and the possibility that, although signs will be posted prohibiting repair and maintenance of vehicles on site, there exists the possibility of oil or other hazardous materials being spilled there. A memo will be sent to the ZBA stating that the Commission does not oppose the project as presented, with the suggestions stated above included.

    1. Possible changes to Zoning Ordinance - Update on meeting with Planning Board on Oct. 2. Diane informed members of the topics discussed at the meeting and the results. She stated that she, Pierce, Chris Guida, and Judy, were present at the meeting along with four members of the Planning Board. The Commission has been asked to address the following concerns:
      1. Wetland Conservation District - This ordinance had originally been amended in 2000 for the purpose of clarity only. No changes in content or meaning were made at that time. Now some changes in the content may be made:
        • Buffer area setbacks are now at 25 ft. from wetlands. Chris Guida would like to see building setbacks be at 50 ft., while still allowing some activities in the 25-50 feet area, such as parking, or lawns, etc. The Planning Board approved of the idea and suggested that ConComm come up with the wording.
        • Diane suggested a change in the requirement for a special exception from the ZBA. Currently, a special exception from the ZBA is required if a project will impact more than 3000 sq. ft. of wetland. If less than 3000 sq. ft. will be impacted, a special exception is not required, even if it is an important wetland, such as a brook or a bog. The state however, differentiates the seriousness of an impact, not only by the size of the area impacted, but also by guidelines describing the importance of the wetland, and requires either a standard or a minimum impact dredge and fill application based on this differentiation. Diane suggested using the state's guidelines by requiring appearance before the ZBA by anyone who is required by the state to fill out a standard D&F application and presented the wording:
          A. Wetland: Any project not listed in 6.025 that requires a State of NH Wetland Bureau Dredge & File Permit and is not in the right-of-way of a public road, shall require a Special Exception from the Milford Zoning Board of Adjustment."

        • Currently the ordinance provides the same protection (buffer) to both poorly drained and very poorly drained soils. The Commission would like to select a few wetlands around which to require a larger buffer. Students from UNH have been evaluating the wetlands in areas of the town and data from their work can be used to define some more significant wetlands, such as bogs, fens, or other rare or unusual wetlands.

      2. Stormwater regulations: The report generated from the Stormwater/Water Resource Grant should be received sometime in November and is expected to contain recommendations for these regulations.

      3. Hub is looking into forestry/timbering regulations.

      4. Open Space was not addressed at this meeting.

      Chris Costantino also suggested a 5-10 acre minimum lot size in some of the very rural areas of the town. Chris Guida, Hub and Diane will work on the wording of these changes and will meet on a Tuesday evening (TBD). Members are welcome to attend or to send their suggestions.

    2. Rail-Trail - Two projects have been completed on the Rail-Trail:
      1. On Sept. 15 five volunteers from the Rotary Club widened the section of the trail just north of Union Street. That section of the trail had been quite overgrown and is now much more passable. The footpath of the trail will need some widening and the undergrowth will need to be cut back a few times each year to prevent it from growing back. Diane mentioned that except for this section of the trail, from DPW to Union St. the entire Rail-Trail has been adopted.

      2. Stone dust, which had been donated by Leighton White, has been spread on the floor of the tunnel running under RT. 101, making the metal, corrugated surface smoother and less slippery. The work was done by Chris, Julie and Lori Costantino, Sandra and Elizabeth Hardy, and Diane and Bill Fitzpatrick.

    3. Eagle Scout Project - Bridge at entrance of Rail-Trail - Diane reported that she has received an e-mail from Chris Hardy, the Boy Scout who presented a proposal to the Commission at last month's meeting. He proposed to construct a bridge over the swale at the trailhead at DPW and it was recommended to him that he use a synthetic composite for the decking. Chris informed Diane that he has raised enough money to construct the bridge with pressure treated wood and asked if the Commission would require him to raise more money and use the more expensive synthetic material. After a short discussion, members felt that they would prefer the alternative product for maintenance reasons but will accept the arsenic free wood if time constraints preclude raising the money needed. Diane will let Chris know the members' opinions.

    1. Rail-Trail - Armory Rd. Steps Project. The Trails Committee plans to put steps in a very steep portion of the trail that leads down to Armory Rd. Ten railroad ties have been moved to the location and volunteers are needed to help install them. The following memo has been sent to the Trails Committee members and to the volunteers who helped on the rail trail:

      Thursday, October 11, 2001, 4:30pm
      To: All Milford Trails Committee Members:
      To: Other possible volunteers:
      From: Tom Gardner/Suzanne Fournier (A Trails Team)
      Hello everyone!

      On September 30th Tom G., Suzanne F., Don B., Wayne & Chris H. transported 10 used railroad ties (each 8 ft long) to the Armory Road intersection with the Rail-Trail. These were generously donated by the Hardy Family.

      Next, the hardware in the wooden ties needs to be removed using sturdy crowbars. Do you have access to one or two crowbars that the crew can use?

      Other tools needed are: pick-axes, pointed shovels, metal rake, hammer.

      Tom/Suzanne estimate that the installation of the steps (perhaps 7 on the north side and 3 on the south side) is expected to take about four hours, given four people working. Our availability is for Sat. Oct. 20, Sun.Oct. 21 // Sat. Oct. 27, Sun. Oct. 28 // Sat. Nov. 3, Sun. Nov. 4.

      We suggest that now, or at least once we know the scheduled day of work, that the Trails Committee or Conservation Commission notify the local stewards of our activity.

      If you are able to offer a crowbar, other tools, or are willing to help for the four hours to be scheduled, kindly contact Tom or Suzanne Many thanks.
      Sincerely yours,

    2. Rail-Trail Signs - Diane informed the members that DPW has been given "hiker" and "slow" signs to put on Armory Rd where the trail crosses.

    3. Introduction of potential new members, discussion of membership. Susan James and Audrey Fraizer are both interested in joining the Commission and attended this, their second, meeting. Sharon Hannon appeared at this meeting for the first time and is also interested in joining. She has a great deal related experience, in that she worked part-time as a ranger for 2 years. She also has her Forestry, Wildlife, and Conservation Certificate and has done a lot of trail work. She was a Boy Scout leader for 9 years, and is now a member of the National Guard.

    1. Rail-Trail - Diane reported that the goal is to extend the trail from DPW 1/2 mile north into town. The owners of the property are new property owners and would like to look at the property lines after the leaves are down. At that time Diane, Chris, Judy and Rita will visit and survey the area.

    2. Natural Resource Inventory - UNH Student Project - Chris Costantino reported that a group of UNH students, in wildlife, forestry, and conservation majors will be performing their senior project on the southwest corner of the town which includes Spaulding Brook. They will be performing a natural resource inventory of the 70-acre area surrounding the wetland. In the past students have done wetland studies in most all the areas of the town, but because of the apparent value and amount of natural resources in this particular area, they will include document evidence of wildlife as well. The hope is that a corridor for wildlife, including moose and bear can be kept open. Chris and the students worked in the area on Sat. Oct 6 and were able to find a "bear tree", moose scat, and tree bark chewed by a moose. Chris mentioned that this area is a very good candidate to be considered a prime wetland.

    1. Fill Plan for an in-ground swimming pool - A preliminary plan was given to Kevin Lynch, who asked if the Commission had any concerns with the project. The project will impact to within 50 ft. of Great Brook which is within the buffer zone. The impact is less than 3000 sq. ft. and therefore will not require a state permit or a special exception from the ZBA. Members raised no concerns at this time.

    2. The Heritage Development - M26/13, Amherst St. across from Souhegan St. - formal site plan for 12, "over 55" residential units. The Open Space ordinance does not apply, because this is a site plan and there are no wetlands on the property. Members expressed no concerns related to conservation issues.

    3. Milford Lumber Company - M21/23-1, 23-2, 23-3 - Mont Vernon Road - Milford lumber moving to former Milford Ford site. Lot 2 on the plan for this project is within 250 ft. of the Souhegan River. Rita will review the Shoreland Protection Act with regards to any restrictions that may apply.

    4. Stone House Retirement Manor - M26/109 - Nashua St. Members expressed concern with the transition between the building and the steep slope on the back (northeast) side of the proposed building. Is there a retaining wall or any plan to prevent erosion? The Shoreland Protection Act will also be reviewed with this project in mind in that the building is within 100 ft. of the Souhegan River. A suggestion was made to investigate the possibility of having the barn moved and reconstructed ( post and beam, roof only ) on the Hitchiner Town Forest property, to be used as a pavilion.

    There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

    The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, November 8, 2001 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.


Meeting Minutes of November 8, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson, Hub Seward, Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Pierce Rigrod, Full Members
Chris Costantino, Judy Gross, Alternate Members

Others Attending:
Nancy Amato - Selectmen's Rep.
Gail Ross, Susan James, Audrey Fraizer, Sharon Hannon - Potential new members

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:10PM.

Upon a motion made by Pierce and seconded by Hub, the minutes of the September 13, 2001 meeting were accepted as presented.
Upon a motion made by Chris C. and seconded by Rod, the minutes of the October 11, 2001 meeting were accepted as presented. Vote was unanimous in favor of both motions.

At 7:12 the meeting was closed to non-members and a non-public session was held to discuss land acquisition. Judy presented members with a Proposal of Options for Funding Purchase of an easement. The members approved of the project for presentation to the Board of Selectmen. Suggestions were also given as to what information would be included in this presentation to the Board of Selectmen. The non-public session ended at 7:50.

  1. NHACC meeting: Rod reported that he and Judy had attended the NAHCC annual meeting and highlighted some of the things he had learned:
    • LCHIP requires public access
    • Conservation restriction assessment was mentioned - the Dept of Revenue Administration can do a tax rate lowering if you have less than 10 acres.
    • LCHIP requires that the state have an executory interest as a back up and if you are going to apply for LCHIP, you must have a stewardship program to enforce restrictions.
    • Trailwrights organization is a good resource for help in setting up trails. They had been used for the building of Tucker Brook trails.
    • For monitoring programs for easements good references include: Conservation Easement Handbook by Janet Diehl and Tom Barrett Land Trust Alliance Guidelines for LCHIP.
    • A suggestion was made to buy right of first refusal from a landowner who is giving or selling an easement for the same cost as the appraisal. This purchase helps defray the owner's cost of the appraisal, but still allows the landowner to be the one who is getting his own appraisal.

  2. Digital Camera - A memo from Rita was presented to members summarizing what she had learned researching digital cameras. Members were in favor of purchasing a higher resolution camera and were leaning toward the purchase of the Olympus camera for $499.99 because of the increased resolution. They also recommended purchasing extra memory cards, a battery charger and an outdoor filter. Rita will check with Leen to make sure that our computer is compatible with whatever camera is purchased. Members also suggested two other sources that can be looked into, namely Ritz and photoexpress.com. Rod made a motion to expend an amount not to exceed $600 to purchase a digital camera and related accessories. Pierce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  3. Savage Farm - Public Hearing to Consider Release from Agricultural Restrictions - Diane informed members that on November 27 at 6:00 PM there will be a Public Hearing in the Banquet Room of the Town Hall to consider the release from the Agricultural Preservation Restrictions on the Savage Farm. Rita will remind members via e-mail of this time and date and will also send details and copies of the easement to the members.

  4. Trails Committee - Purpose and relationship to Commission - Diane pointed out that when the Trails Committee was established they did two things: They envisioned what they felt Milford needed; their basic idea was to start trails from the Oval that radiate to different parts of town. They also set up an Adopt-A-Trail Program and are currently working on various projects on the Rail-Trail. The Committee needs a small amount of direction from the Commission because the Commission is the responsible party for all conservation lands and it has the history of agreements made, etc. on these properties. Large projects must be passed by the Commission before being worked on. A member of the Commission is needed to be a liaison to the Trails Committee; Sharon Hannon is a potential good candidate, because of her related experience, and she stated that she would be interested in doing this.

    Members made suggestions as to what the Committee could work on:
    • The Trails Committee would define their purpose of existence. This task is on their agenda for their next meeting.
    • Their meeting minutes should be circulated among Commission members and/or posted on the Web.
    • The Policy & Procedure manual will be reviewed for any guidelines regarding the relationship between the two groups (Commission and committees).
    • The Trails Committee will be provided with a copy of the Policy & Procedure manual.
    • Every open space development should be looked at to evaluate the need for trails.
    • Access is needed from Leisure Acres Trailer Park to the Rail-Trail.
    • On the properties north and south of Foster Rd. a trail needs to be built, marked and mapped, connecting Federal Hill to Monson Village. Diane will bring the plans for this development to the next Trails Committee meeting.
    • The development by Dick Asselin which has open space along the Souhegan River was mentioned as needing a continuation of the river trail.
    • Some Trails Committee members are looking into having some sort of tool box or shed available to them in which to store tools for working on the trails. DPW is a possible location.

  5. New Members - Susan James, Audrey Fraizer - Chris C. made a motion to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that both Susan James and Audrey Fraizer be appointed as members of the Conservation Commission. The motion was seconded by Hub and the vote was unanimous in favor. Rita will send a letter of recommendation to the Selectmen and she will call Ruth to schedule an appointment for Susan and Audrey to meet with the Selectmen.
  1. Milford Lumber: - M21/23-1, 23-2, 23-3 - Mont Vernon Road - Milford lumber moving to former Milford Ford site. Diane informed members that the local advisory committee for the Souhegan River will look at the proposed project which was reviewed by the Conservation Commission at last month's meeting. The Commission had sent a recommendation to the Planning Board and a change was made to the plan. In the earlier set of plans, water was drained through a pipe to the river. The current plan is that water will go to a detention pond where silt can settle out and the water can infiltrate.
There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by:
Rita Carroll, Conservation Coordinator


Meeting Minutes of December 13, 2001

Diane Fitzpatrick, Chairperson, Hub Seward, Vice Chairman
Rodney DellaFelice, Audrey Fraizer, Susan James, Full Members
Judy Gross, Alternate Member

Others Attending:
Sharon Hannan - potential new member
John Redemske, Susan DeCloedt - interested citizens
Chris Hardy and Sandra Hardy - Eagle Scout project
Paul Johnson - UNH NR775 Instructor
Michael Puzzo, Erin Sornberger, Jennie Sinclair, Bryan Castanino, Wendy Burkhart-Spiegal - UNH NR775 students

The public meeting of the Milford Conservation Commission was called to order by the Chair, Diane Fitzpatrick at 7:08 PM.

Upon a motion made by Hub and seconded by Rod the minutes of the November 8, 2001 meeting were accepted with the following changes:
Under Non-Public Session: Line 25 was changed to "an easement".
Under Trails Committee - Purpose and relationship to Commission: line 86 "Federal Hill Road was changed to Federal Hill"; line 89 "needing trails" was changed to "needing a continuation of the River Trail".
Vote was unanimous in favor of accepting the amended minutes.

  1. Chris Hardy - Eagle Scout Project - Rail-Trail Bridge. Chris presented the members with a report of the completion of this project, which was the construction of a bridge at the Rail-Trail parking lot at DPW. The bridge crosses a swale that runs between the parking lot and the trailhead. Chris stated that a total of 120.5 hours of labor were used on the project. The materials needed were paid for by funds raised by Chris and his Boy Scout troop. Chris described some minor changes made to the original design and showed photos of the construction and completed bridge. He mentioned that the bridge is constructed of Arsenic-free pressure treated wood and has a synthetic composite material for the decking. His report is located in the Concomm office in the Rail-Trail activities file.

    Members were pleased with the project and a letter will be sent thanking Chris for his work. Chris asked permission to order and post either 1 or 2 signs on the bridge acknowledging volunteers and contributors to the project. The signs would be metal, 4-6" x 1 ft. long. Rod made a motion to allow Chris to obtain the signs as described at this meeting. Audrey seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

  2. Natural Resource Inventory of The Spaulding Brook Area - UNH Students. Students from UNH Dept of Natural Resources, as part of their Senior Project, conducted an inventory of an 89-acre area in the southwestern section of Milford. They evaluated the area with regards to wetlands, soils and wildlife habitat. They presented their completed report to those present at this meeting and a copy of the report is located in the ConComm office. This project is one of many that have been conducted by UNH students. It serves to provide Milford with information regarding natural resources throughout the town, which can be useful as the town becomes more developed. Students pointed out that this piece of land is part of a much larger, unfragmented piece of land, which is valuable ecologically. They recommend that further study be done of this and adjacent areas, in the spring when vernal activity will be high, specifically water sampling and wildlife sampling to evaluate the need for protection of these areas.


  1. LCHIP - Diane informed members that the grant application for LCHIP funds has been completed and submitted. The easement proposal, discussed at last month's non-public session, has been expanded to include historical preservation of the house and barn. This project will be discussed further at next month's meeting.

  1. Interdepartmental Review Checklist - The Commission will draft a checklist of considerations to refer to when reviewing plans. Rita has listed concerns expressed by members in previous reviews and will create the checklist based on these concerns and members' suggestions. She will further modify this list as plans are reviewed each month.

  2. M53/ Lot 34-5 - Heiko Moritz, Ponemah Hill Road. Diane explained to the members that on Dec. 13, Mr. Moritz called her regarding a problem he was having with the drainage work and improvements to Foster Rd. being done by Ashwood Company. Mr. Moritz's lot, (53/34-5) contains both a conservation easement and a drainage easement. He had spoken with Diane prior to purchasing this property to understand what was involved with the conservation easement. A copy of the easement was faxed at that time. Work being started by Ashwood, according to Mr. Moritz, is more extensive and in a different location on his property than he had originally agreed to in a document, dated Feb. 1, 2001, that he signed at the closing on his property. Members were shown letters sent by Kevin Lynch to Mr. Moritz and Ashwood Company, along with the conservation easement deed and subdivision plans. After a lengthy discussion members felt that there exists some confusion as to exactly what was stipulated regarding the location of the drainage easement in the document signed by Mr. Moritz at the closing. It was also noted that a letter sent by Kevin to Mr. Moritz, dated Dec. 12, was inaccurate in stating that Mr. Moritz's lot 53/34-5 is part of the subdivision that requires the drainage swale associated with the Foster Rd. work. Members agreed that Diane should speak to Kevin about these two issues.

  3. Request for new membership - Sharon Hannan - Rod made a motion that the Commission request the Board of Selectmen to appoint Sharon Hannan as a full member of the Conservation Commission. Judy seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.
  1. Trails Committee - Sharon Hannan - Sharon updated members on the activities of the trails committee:

    • The signs on Melendy Rd. and Union St. need to be rotated in order to face the hikers on the trail.
    • The section of the rail-trail running from Union St. to Public works has had some flooding due to beaver activity. Beaver bafflers have been installed to remedy the situation. Some fencing may need to be installed around the baffles at the upstream side.
    • Trail work needs to be done along the Souhegan from the swinging bridge down a steep slope to a lower part. A survey of that area will be done by Meridian.
    • The Trails Committee discussed selling tee shirts with a Conservation Commission Trail Committee section on the front and a Milford trail map on the back to raise funds for additional trail improvements. When they have finalized their plan, we can expect them to present the idea to the Commission and request funds to purchase the shirts.
    • The trails committee plans to do a site walk with the engineer working on the Foster Rd. development to plan the layout of trails between Federal Hill and Monson Village.
    • Sharon and Diane met with Rick Holder, the owner of Hampshire Hills. Hampshire Hills is interested in working with the Commission to increase public awareness of hiking opportunities in the area, scheduling hikes, snowshoeing, etc. They will offer snow shoes at no charge for winter hikes and will help with marketing. On Tuesday, Dec. 18, Sharon will meet at Hampshire Hills, hike and discuss these issues. Hub suggested discussing with Hampshire Hill the possibility of connecting trails with those at the bottom of Federal Hill.
    • Sharon has been in contact with an environmental science teacher at Milford High School who would like to have her students become involved with the trails in town, in order to make them more knowledgeable and appreciative of what is here. Making one of the trails a nature trail was one project suggested. They will start by helping the trails committee with trail work.
    • Sharon has also made a request to Battery A of the Milford Armory and the 210th Engineer Det. out of Peterborough for design assistance and manpower in constructing the bridge over a ditch in the Emerson Park trail. The materials for this project will be funded from a grant for trail work to be done from Emerson Park to the American Stage Festival.

  2. Wetlands Ordinance - Diane, Hub, Chris Guida - Diane informed the group that the suggestions for changes to the Wetlands Conservation District have been submitted to the Planning Board. There will be public hearings in January. Rita will e-mail members when the date has been set. Rod has some suggestions for wording changes, which he will e-mail to the Committee

  1. Paramount Properties - M/L 32/4 - 24-unit elderly housing - Members expressed no major concerns other than the potential of snow removal affecting the wetland.

  2. Carrigan Place - M/L 18/13 - elderly housing - Members reviewed the plans for this proposed project and agreed that there were no wetlands and no conservation issues other than stormwater management. A large amount of impervious surface was observed.

There being no further business to come before this meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 PM.

The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 7 PM, in the Board of Selectmen's Meeting Room in the Town Hall.

Minutes prepared by:
Rita Carroll, Conservation Coordinator

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